Social Studies 11- Living Standards

Social Studies 11- Living Standards

Comparing Standards of Living


GDP per capita- gross domestic product: total value of all goods and services produced in a country in one year divided by its total population = $______ USD/ per person

Literacy rate- the percent of the population over 18 that can read at a basic level

Infrastructure- the transportation and telecommunication network; bridges, airports…

Developed country- a country which is fully industrialized and has a high standard of living

Developing country- a country which has a low level of infrastructure and has a lower standard if living

Newly industrialized country- a country which is industrializing and becoming more developed

Life Expectancy- how long the average person is predicted to live

Read Introduction on p. 341

1. What is the United Nations Human Development Index? What three statistics does it measure?

Examine Figure 14-1 on p.341

1. From what you learned in Chapter 13 on Population, what are the characteristics of the birth, death, and infant mortality rates in the top countries and the bottom countries:

|Characteristics of Top Ten H.D.I. Countries |Characteristics of Bottom Ten H.D.I. Countries |

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Examine the following table with your partner

|Countries |Life Expectancy at Birth (years)|Adult Literacy rate (%) |GDP per capita (USD) |

|Saudi Arabia | 70 |78 |20 700 |

|Chile | 77 |95.7 |14 400 |

|Ghana | 59.54 | 57.9 | 1 400 |


2. Based on the above table, rank the countries from highest to lowest on the Human Development Index 1)______________________, 2)______________________, 3)_____________________

Discuss with a partner the limitations of measuring development with GDP per capita alone:

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Examine Figure 14-2 on p. 342

1. The world is often described as a developed North and a developing South? How does the map support this? How does it not?

Read the Divided Planet on. P.343

1. What are the typical characteristics of developed countries?

2. What is the difference between a developing country and a newly industrialized


Read Measuring Poverty on pp.344-5

1. How does the World Bank measure poverty?

Discuss with a partner the criticisms of measuring poverty this way:

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2. How is poverty measured in Canada?

Paragraph Response: To what extent are the terms developed and developing useful in describing the differences in living standards between countries?



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