Top Ten Ways to Work with Your Consult Teacher

Top Ten Ways to Work with Your Consult Teacher

Your consult teacher is the LST or ESL teacher who periodically visits your classroom. We come to your class to work with you and your students as often as possible while balancing the needs of other students in other classes as well. Our ultimate goal is for all students to achieve. These are some ways we can help. You may have additional ideas. By all means, include us in your plans to help students meet outcomes.

1. Relay any handouts or information to us that will help us keep up to date with your class. This helps with our sense of continuity and also any students who come to ESL or LST for flex time help. You can designate one student to collect a copy of handouts for us, keep one aside, or …whatever works for you.

2. Let us know at anytime if there is any student in particular who is struggling & might benefit from a little extra attention.

3. Have us mark essays specifically for grammar errors (supplemental marking for ESL students).

4. Have us pull-out students who will benefit from a separate setting. Perhaps a small group is struggling with a project or concept and would benefit from a small group format we might be able to afford through the LST room.

5. Role-reversal: have us stay with the class and teach or work on a concept you are less concerned about while you take the smaller group to LST for a focussed lesson on a problem area.

6. Identify common problems that might be solvable by a targeted handy hint sheet that the students can keep with them as a reference.

7. Allow us to move around the room during student work to check on individual understanding/progress and help as needed. (By all means, we will try to minimize noise, distraction, etc. that is created by this movement.)

8. Tell the students who we are so they know we are available to them.

9. Tell us your needs. We might be more useful at a time other than when we are scheduled to be with you and your class. If you usually have us in your class on Tuesday but you know Friday is going to be troublesome, perhaps the teacher whose class we are usually in on Friday could use the help on Tuesday and we can make the switch.(

10. Communication. Need more information on a student? Need to get in touch with a multi-cultural worker? Feel like we should take a look at additional teaching strategies to better reach a student? more…?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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