
This website includes places to find and apply for teaching positions, information on receiving further educational training, and a few ideas to add to your curriculum. The online resources provide lesson plans and places to obtain sheet music and join professional organizations. Several other websites can be found for all grade levels in another section of this website. Students have their own section of the website, which help them become more motivated to practice, join a band, and have opportunities to contact professional musicians. This website is great for all musicians and is very easy to search through. An excellent website to use for those first year music educators and any student with a passion to excel at their talent.

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This website is mainly geared towards students. It includes music supplies that students would need and music theory help. There is also information on instruments, explaining how to rent or buy them, and answers questions such as how hard a certain instrument is to play and how to repair it. There are also some introductory videos included with certain instruments. A list of organizations and their websites is provided so that students can do more research if needed. This is an excellent resource for students who might be unsure about starting an instrument or do not know where to look for sheet music or other supplies. There are several links on every page to allow for students to click around and find what they need. Music educators can also use this site to gain access to all of the various music organizations available to them.

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This website is a great resource for all music educators. It includes links to books and other websites for all the different musical subjects (band, chorus, general music, etc.) Community music forums allow educators to read up on different “musical months” to celebrate and conferences to attend. Members have access to even more information, and most school districts will pay for membership. An excellent place to go to keep updated on “what’s new” in music education. The array of links allows teachers to click away and learn everything about music education in today’s world.

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Elementary Education Resources: Music

At first glance this website does not appear to be anything spectacular. Links fill the website, but with each link comes great information. There are lesson plans available for general music, including games to play and songs to sing. Also included is an introduction to the instruments in an ensemble and music history lessons, which are written in such a way that students can use this site. There are activities and games to play. Some of these activities are labeled by grade level. Not all of the links are for students, but are great references for lesson plans for teachers to use. There are no flashy items on the main page, but the websites from the links are a bit flashier. This site does not include a brief description of the links, so first time users might have to take some time to search around the site.

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This website is solely for the teachers use. The main page has links to lesson plans, which include the grade level to teach these plans to. Along the left hand side there are additional links to other sources, based on different topics of music. Also included are links to other websites and related articles. This is a great resource for teachers only, especially those first year teachers who might get stuck for lesson plans. The grade level being included in the description of the lesson plan saves time for the teacher as well. Lesson plans start at the kindergarten level and go up to 8th grade, perfect for a general music education of all levels until high school.

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This website is full of various resources for the educator, including on-line magazines and books, worksheets, and dictionaries. There are sections for the students, links about different instruments, and ideas for lesson plans. Some of the student websites are flashy and interactive while others are about different music programs they can become involved with. Every link comes with a description of what it entails. There are no pictures on the main site, mainly because of all of the links on it. The links lead to websites that have music playing and are full of pictures and much more detailed information. A great resource for parents, teachers, and students and everything they may be looking for.

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This website meets the needs for teachers of the arts, covering music, art, and theatre. Through this site teachers can find lesson plans for both the arts and other school subjects, and this could help students learn math or science through the arts. There is an option to pick the arts subject, school subject, and grade level, helping the teacher narrow down the search for a lesson plan and save time. Not only are there lesson plans but an interactive section for the students, including a virtual tour of the Kennedy Arts Center. This website is a great way for teachers of the arts to incorporate other subjects into their classroom, helping students gain a better understanding of their subjects. How the standards are incorporated into the lesson plans is also included, so much that the teacher can pick a lesson plan based on a certain standard. Great for teachers who are looking to combine the arts with other school subjects. This website is well organized and easy to search through.

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A unique quality about this website is that there are instructions on the home page about how to use the site. There are pages available for teachers and separate ones for students. There is also a section dedicated to classical songs, available to listen to and practice with. Different search options allow users to find exactly what they are looking for, in a few different ways. The “Just for Kids” section is full of color and links for them to explore. The “Learning” section answers questions for parents and gives advice on various topics. The discussion forum allows the authors of the site to be contacted and for anybody else to discuss various topics. This website is an excellent resource for parents, teachers, and students, because there is something for everybody.

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This website is full of children’s songs. Links to the songs include a midi recording of the song and the lyrics. The songs are categorized by topics, such as patriotic music, holidays, and musicals. There is also a section for “Guess This Tune” where teachers can quiz students on the songs they have just learned. Additional links bring the user to websites about the advantages to children’s songs. This website is great for elementary general music teachers, especially those who teach Kindergarten through 2nd grade. The only problem is that the accompaniment to each song is in midi form, and does not have the best quality of sound. Having a list of excellent children’s songs is a great resource, however. The site is not very colorful, but is mainly used as a place to get songs, so there are no activities for students to play, but teachers can find their way around this site with a lot of ease.

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This website is perfect for elementary students. There are interactive games, which allow students to experiment with the notes on the staff and composing music. The games are not designed to look like music, for instance in the composition game, students hit on leaves to play a note and when you click on the squirrel he applauds you. The website is full of colors and games and could provide a lot of fun for all music students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade. Due to the colors and games, this website is excellent for the elementary level. Instant gratification and no wrong answers help to enhance musical creativity for students.

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