Baltimore Polytechnic Institute

College and Beyond Research Project

What: PowerPoint Presentation and Copies of Applications

Date Due: Monday October 26, 2009 (presentation) and Monday November 16, 2009 (applications)

Length: Whatever it takes to do a good job

Topic: 1) Two professional fields of interest

2) College and scholarship search and application

Objectives: 1) Students will research and apply to five colleges/universities and three scholarships

2) Students will understand and be capable of explaining to others details on two professional fields

Definition: Concise: marked by brevity of expression or statement; free from all elaboration and superfluous detail – (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Assignment Description

By the due date given, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that clearly and pleasantly articulates to your class many particulars about two particular professional fields (e.g., Architectural Engineering and Mechanical Engineering), as well as your top five college choices and why. Also on the second due date, you will turn in proof of your application to five colleges/universities and three scholarships.

Assignment 1: Two Professional Fields

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, report on two professional fields. You have the following options:

A. If you plan on studying engineering in college, pick the two fields of engineering that most interest you.

B. If you do not plan on studying engineering in college, you must pick one field of engineering that most interests you. Your second professional field will be whatever else you find that interests you.

Your research presentation should clearly and concisely answer the following questions. Present on one field, then present on the second. The total presentation for this portion of the assignment should take between 4 and 8 minutes.

1. What field did you pick?

2. What first interested you in this field?

3. Give at least two possible jobs in this field, including potential companies, job descriptions, at least three common tasks to each job given, and salaries. Note: you may need to call up a couple companies and speak to an actual engineer to complete this portion of the assignment.

4. List at least five major topics covered in this field and give a brief description of each. For example, mechanical engineers deal with fluid dynamics, strength of materials, heat transfer, harmonic motion, controls systems (brief description not included in example).

5. Name two important people in the history of the field and describe their contributions.

6. List the top five colleges in the United States for this particular field.

7. Now how do you feel about this topic that interested you?

EXTRA CREDIT BONUS ASSIGNMENT: For extra credit towards any assignment, quiz, or test (up to 15% of total score), interview someone who currently works in this field. This person can probably provide answers to many of the above questions. An additional couple questions to ask in the interview:

1. Are you satisfied in this career? Do you enjoy your job?

2. If you had to start all over again, would you choose this same career? Why or why not? If not, what career would you choose and why?

3. What are a couple of the best and worst parts about your job? Why are they best and worst?

4. Where did you go to college? What did you study? Would you do the same again if you had to start all over? Where do you suggest I go to college to study this profession?

Assignment 2: College and Scholarship Search and Application

The end result of this portion of the assignment is that you have applied to five colleges/universities and three scholarships. You must provide a photocopy or a printout of your actual applications. Turn these in on the due date listed above. What you will present on in your PowerPoint presentation is only the top ten colleges of your choice and why (make sure you answer in your presentation all questions beneath “A” below).

A. College/University Search and Application:

1. Visit and use the “College Matchmaker.”

2. Document the search criteria that are important to you and include these in your presentation. For instance, does location of school matter? Where would you like to study?

3. What are the top ten schools that fit you and that interest you? Say why in your presentation.

4. Apply to five of these schools.

5. What is the national ranking of each of the schools you picked to apply to?

6. Give five examples of the courses that you will need to take that all of those schools require.

B. Scholarship Search and Application – not a part of the PowerPoint presentation

1. What scholarships did you find and apply for?

2. What are the specific criteria/requirements that make you eligible?

PowerPoint Requirements


1. Overloading your presentation with images.

2. Using images and graphics that are not clearly relevant.

3. Using text and background colors that blend together – it’s difficult to read text this way.

4. Long sentences

5. Reading directly off the slideshow. You should be speaking the details out loud that aren’t listed on the presentation. Use the “Notes” section to jot any details down that you may be saying and not reading.

6. Putting text in motion. Occasional motion is okay.


1. Short bullets.

2. Text size at least 24 font; otherwise people may not be able to read it.

3. “Fade” or “Appear” to have text appear; these are less distracting than text in motion.

4. Citations!

Citing Sources

Use either endnotes or footnotes – in both cases, the last slide of your presentation should list all references:

1. End notes – include a superscripted number (such as 1) above the last word, then associate this number at the end of the presentation with a source.

2. Foot notes – at the bottom of the slide that your reference is used, include in smaller text the reference name or website.

Contacting Professionals

Use appropriate language; do not use text message abbreviations; begin with Dear Mr. … or Dear Ms. …, and thank Him/Her!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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