
Social Media PostingsLearning Targets: Understand the basic features of social media marketing.Determine the benefits of using social media marketing for businesses.Integrate social media tools into a website.As a team, select 4 social media postings which best suit your company and its products or services. ?Individually, each partner must complete 2 postings (creating the graphics and posting it). ?All of your creations should be posted in your blog. ?The following disclaimer must be included on all postings: ?This document is created for educational purposes only; it is not intended for a real business. ?Post 1What’s your favorite? ?In your Blog (Announcement page on web site), ask your customers to comment on their favorite product or service your company offers. ?In your post, mention that the winner will be selected randomly on a specific date. ?The winner will receive a prize. ?Include a Canva graphic which incorporates some of your company products/services. ?For example, you own a Scrapbooking company and recently published a new line of items. You can ask your customers to comment on your post mentioning their favorite new product. ?Then, based upon those that post a comment, a winner will be randomly selected by Friday at 2:00pm. ?The winner will receive 25% off their order. ?Post 2You want to recognize the “Fan of the Week.” ?Create a Facebook posting which asks your customers to reply by including a picture of them with one of your products. ?The customer with the best photo will be selected as the “Fan of the Week!” ?Create a Facebook Post in Canva to include in your post. ?An example is shown below.Post 3Talk about a “trending topic!” ?Develop a Twitter posting where you mention a “trending topic” and relate it back to your company. ??Include a Twitter Post created in Canva. ?For example, you own a coffee shop and there is frigid cold weather in Minnesota today. ?In your posting, you could ask your customers what they are doing to stay warm in the cold weather. ?Although your posting doesn’t directly ask them anything about your products or services, warm beverages from a coffee shop may help keep your customers warm! ?Additionally, your indirect posting may intrigue your customers to stop by your shop to get a warm beverage! ?Other “trending topics” you may want to consider include an upcoming holiday, the time of the year, or a special event (i.e. Super Bowl). ?Post 4It’s back in stock! ?One of your top selling products sold out last week. ?Make a posting announcing that your product is back in stock. ?They may purchase it until 11:00pm today with free shipping! ?Provide a link to your products/services page on your web site. ?An example is shown below. ?Post 5Pin It and Win It! ?Create a Pinterest Graphic in Canva announcing a “Pin It and Win It” contest. ?Use the example below as a guideline on items to include in your graphic. ?Post the graphic on your New Business/Product Ideas Pinterest board using the instructions found in Creating and Using Pinterest handout. ?Post 6Start a fight! ?Create a Social Media graphic in Canva outlining a new product which comes in various versions (i.e. colors, flavors, styles). ?In your graphic, include examples of the product versions. ?Then, create a posting asking your customers which product they would prefer. ?Include your Social Media graphic in your posting. ? ................

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