California State University, Northridge

Library Research Assignment (Group Project) – SPRING 2020 - DUE DATE


Students are to complete a GROUP research assignment after a visit by the librarian. Go to the COMP 100 LibGuide () and contact any librarian for questions: 

Questions regarding due dates, point value for completion of the assignment, or appropriateness of topic selection should be directed to your COMP 100 instructor.

Research Topics

Please review all the topics below, and choose one with your group members.

1. How do computer viruses spread and in what ways do they affect computers?

2. How has the Music/TV industry been affected by the internet and digital downloading? How have sites such as Youtube , Netflix, Hulu, affected the TV/Music industry

3. Smart Phones and Mobile Apps– How have they changed us socially?

4. Microblogging - It has surfaced and inspired mainly by people's tendency to jot down babble and post it. They consist of sites like Twitter and Chinese equivalent Weibo (微博), also Facebook Status Updates, which are very popular. In what way has Microblogging revolutionized the way information is consumed?

5. Cloud Computing – What is it and related Security Issues.

6. Cyber Crime – Identity Theft -  What are the latest ways to steal identity and money? Social Security numbers are the most valuable pieces of consumer information for identity thieves! How can we prepare and protect ourselves?

7. Internet Censorship - How is internet censorship used in China/Middle East/Korea ? Should parents censor what their children are looking at? Should companies see what employees are doing in their time?

8. Computer waste and the environment: whose problem is it? You'd never guess it, but your PC puts about 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year! What can you do to help?

9. Privacy of Medical Records - What medical information should be confidential? Who, if anybody, should have access to medical records? Is your data safe?

10. Internet Dating - Internet dating is proving a much more successful way to find long-term romance and friendship for thousands of people than was previously thought, new research shows! Is it safe and for everyone?

11. Augmented Technology for the Handicapped - Using technology to improve the quality of life of the disabled. Some products are  natural-voice talkers for the speech impaired, single-switch Internet surfing for quadriplegics, robotic wheelchairs, sensory systems to teach cause-and-effect to severely delayed children, tablet PCs that translate the uncharacteristic handwriting of people with spastic cerebral palsy, and a means to extend special-education class work to home-bound and hospital-bound children, among many other ideas

12. Social Media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr) - Examine and investigate their impacts and effects on Communities, Communications, Relationships, Politics, Self-esteem etc.

13. Cyber Bullying - How has the Internet changed bullying? Is it a Crime? How can it be stopped? What are Universities doing about it? Who is at risk?

14. Self-Driving (Autonomous) Cars - Google, Tesla, Uber and several car manufacturers are all developing technologies that will revolutionize motoring. If the age of self-driving cars is upon us, what's keeping them off the roads? What are the Federal Regulations?

15. Internet and children Are children smarter (or more socialized) because of the Internet? Should children be given a smartphone? What age?

16. The Online Medicine Apps: Can they sometimes substitute the treatment of real Doctors?

17. 5G Wireless System – Is it the Future? What are the costs, problems and risks?

18. How tech companies deceive you into giving up your data and privacy? Have you ever actually read the terms and conditions for the apps you use? The personal information you've agreed to let companies collect and how they use your data to target and profile you.

Overview of Research Assignment

Students will develop a more in-depth understanding of various topics. This will be achieved through the use of research strategies and a systematic exploration of appropriate information sources introduced in the Library Resources lecture. Students will document their research by creating an annotated bibliography using the topic selected.

Assignment Requirements

1. The annotated bibliography will contain SIX (6) sources (for Groups of Two) and NINE (9) sources (for Groups of Three) using the MLA 8 Style for the reference citations.

2. Of the 6 (9) sources in the annotated bibliography, at least 2 (3) should be from a book, e-book, personal interview, or media resource (i.e. TV broadcast, or film); 2 (3) should be from a periodical (newspaper, magazine or journal) and 2 (3) should be from freely accessible websites.

3. Each source listed will also include a 3-5 sentence annotation which will describe the relevance between the information in the source and the topic of the research.

4. The annotated bibliography should be typed in MLA style, Double spaced with one inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right). Include your names and page number in the header (top – aligned right), include your names, Prof. Name, Class name, date on the left side.

5. A cover sheet is not necessary in MLA format!

6. The completed annotated bibliography is due to your instructor on the date announced in class.

Summary Activity

When you have completed your annotated bibliography, answer the following question in one separate page and attach to your annotated bibliography:

Question: If a friend asked you where you found the best information on your selected topic, based on your research activities, what would you tell them you discovered about the process and/or the information sources?

(NOTE: Every student is to write their own individual summary!)

A Grading Rubric (See below) must be printed & stapled to your work.

Annotated Bibliography – Grading Rubric Name _______________________________ Name _______________________________

Class day and time: __________________________ Name _______________________________

|Description: MLA Style Format entire paper |Points |Your Points |Amount Deducted |Notes |

|double spaced |Available | | | |

|Top Heading Section |6 | | | |

|Last Name(s) in Right-Hand corner (in heading |2 | | | |

|section) | | | | |

|Page Number one space after last name(s) (same|2 | | | |

|line as last name) | | | | |

|Font must match document |2 | | | |

| Left Margin Heading – left margin |10 | | | |

|First Name Last Name (s) |2 | | |List all first and last names |

|Professor L. Parker |2 | | |-2 if not listed as shown |

|Computers 100 |2 | | |Name of Course |

|Date (European style) |2 | | |-2 if European style not used |

|Double Spaced (remove extra spaces) |2 | | | |

|Title - centered |6 | | | |

|Title of Paper – All Important Words |2 | | | |

|Capitalized - centered | | | | |

|Works Cited |2 | | | |

|Double Spaced (remove extra spaces) |2 | | | |

|Margins |4 | | | |

|1” Left Margin |2 | | | |

|1” Right Margin |2 | | | |

|1” Bottom Margin | | | | |

|Works Cited Formatting |10 | | | |

|Double Spaced (remove extra space between |2 | | | |

|sources) | | | | |

|Alphabetical Order by Author (or first word if|4 | | |-4 for each author “out of order” |

|there is no author) Author’s last name first | | | |-4 if last name not first |

|Hanging Indent (Author’s name stands alone at |4 | | |-4 for each incorrect indent |

|the left margin) | | | | |

|Citations MLA style |30 | | | |

|Two Books (correct citation) Include Print (–4|10 | | |-4 for each web/print missing |

|if missing) | | | | |

|Two Periodicals (correct citation) Include Web|10 | | |-4 for each web/print missing |

|or Print | | | | |

|(-4 if missing) | | | | |

|Two Web Addresses (correct citation) Include |10 | | |-4 for each web/print missing |

|Web or Print | | | | |

|(-4 if missing) | | | | |

|Annotation |26 | | | |

|Starts immediately after the citation (MLA |2 | | |-2 for each incorrect |

|style) | | | | |

|Three-Five Sentences |24 | | | |

|Miscellaneous |8 | | | |

|Spelling |2 | | |(-2 each error) |

|Grammar) |2 | | |(-2 each error |

|Punctuation |2 | | |(-2 each error) |

|Capitalization |2 | | |(-2 each error) |

|Total Points |100 | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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