College of Business – Oregon State University

Overview – The College of Business enjoyed a very successful year in 2006-2007. The college continued its plans for transformation which includes excellence in research, moving to a professional school and being recognized as a top undergraduate business program with top-ranked programs in entrepreneurship and family business and a valued partner critical to the success of Oregon State University. The college implemented the first steps of transitioning to a professional school and received approval for the BS in Accountancy. Three business alumni received recognition for their lifelong achievement and service: Mike Rich – Honorary PhD; Ken Poorman – Dan Poling Alumni Service Award; Ken Thrasher – Alumni Fellow. The college enjoyed success in several development events and made significant progress on its capital campaign goals by exceeding its annual goal.

1. 2006-2007 Highlights

a. Programmatic achievements

▪ Initiatives in support of student engagement and success

1) The faculty and staff continued implementing plans to transform the COB and achieve aspirations of: 1) top-ten Land-Grant undergraduate business program, 2) top-ranked programs in family business and entrepreneurship, and 3) valued partner and critical to the mission and vision of Oregon State University.

2) Transformation includes a pre-business program and integrated core, discipline-specific and profession-ready majors, business and entrepreneurship minor, research excellence, focus on entrepreneurship cycle, innovative pedagogy, and student success. The college spent over $38,000 to begin implementing the transformation. The professional school model was approved by faculty in fall 2006 and the process to implement continues. Students started the application process spring 2007 and the students in the first cohort of the professional school will start their program of study in fall 2007. Faculty-approved new business core curriculum was approved by Curriculum Council for implementation in fall 2007.

3) The BS in Accountancy was approved.

▪ Major research/scholarship initiatives

1) A faculty committee on research evaluated the changes and resources needed to achieve the vision of research excellence. The committee developed recommendations to support research excellence within the College. The desired outcome is to move the College forward towards achieving its aspirations of becoming a top-ten Land-Grant undergraduate program, top-ranked programs in entrepreneurship and family business, and recognition as a valued partner and critical mission and vision of OSU.

2) The college continued to implement two initiatives that contribute toward the goal of profession-ready graduates. The initiatives were “Profession-Ready Finance Graduates” which received over $18,000 in support and “Virtual Project Management” which received $30,000.

3) Overall research productivity and quality for 2006-2007 continued to be excellent as several faculty published in elite peer reviewed journals for their discipline.

4) The Journal of Operations Management, one of the top operations management journals, selected Zhaohui Wu's paper, "Supplier-Supplier Relationships in the Buyer-Supplier Triad: Building Theories from Eight Case Studies," as the best paper published in 2005. OSU last won this honor for best paper in 2002. OSU is one of two schools to have been bestowed this honor twice in the 20 years of this competition.

5) Faculty advised and provided support to Honors College thesis projects.

6) The college provided $36,000 in support of its Summer Research and Innovative Teaching Program to fund research and innovative teaching ideas supporting the college’s strategic goals. In addition, the college provided $41,900 in summer salary support to new tenure-track faculty to work on their research.

▪ Major outreach/engagement initiatives

1) COB alumni received prestigious OSU awards:

▪ Ken Poorman, COB ’61, received the 2006 Dan Poling University Service Award

▪ Mike Rich, COB alumni, received an Honorary PhD at commencement.

▪ Ken Thrasher, COB ’71, was recognized as an Alumni Fellow in November 2006

2) Weatherford – State Farm Visiting Fellows program - 25 entrepreneurs and business professionals participated in the Austin Entrepreneurship Program (AEP) informal curriculum program this year. Weatherford Visiting Fellows included Linda Hirneise, Partner of JD Power and Associates, Steve Nigro, VP & General Manager of HP, and Michael Powell, owner of Powell’s Books.

3) AEP hosted its second annual signature event “Toward 2020 Addressing Tomorrow’s Problems Today.” Over 120 people attended the day-long event in Portland. Speakers included several high profile speakers from industry (Wes Edens, CEO of Fortress Investments, Jeff Wike, DreamWorks) and state government (Randall Edwards, State Treasurer). OSU and OUS faculty presented information on research activities that will impact the future. Panel members on education, government and private industry shared their perspective of the future. At the conclusion of the event, COB students presented business plans to commercialize OSU intellectual property.

4) The Close to the Customer (C2C) Project showed continued growth and success in providing experiential learning opportunities for students. C2C supported research consulting projects for the following organizations or companies:

▪ SunGro Horticulture Inc.

▪ Benton County Historical Society

▪ NuCo

▪ Reser’s Fine Foods

▪ Harley-Davidson Motor Company

▪ OSU Extension Service

▪ OSU Marketing

▪ Laird-Norton Tyee, Austin Family Business Program

▪ OSU Federal Credit Union

▪ Community Services Consortium

▪ Nissan

5) Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series:

▪ Richard Parsons, President & CEO of Time-Warner – “The Future of Media.” Over 1,000 people attended this event at the LaSells Stewart Center in February.

6) The Austin Family Business Program (AFBP) hosted approximately 20 workshops and interacted with 1,000 clients. AFBP generated $179,000 in revenue for the year.

7) The college hosted its sixth annual Alumni and Business Partners awards dinner attended by 270 alumni and friends in May 2007. The college recognized several distinguished alumni and business partners during the ceremony including:

▪ Ken Poorman and Art Tokin received recognition as College of Business Alumni Hall of Fame winners.

▪ Joe Karas, Portland Managing Partner, Moss Adams Resource Group and James M. Baumgartner, Managing Partner, Black Helterline LLP received Distinguished Business Partners Awards

8) AEP and MBA students formed commercialization teams that developed business plans and feasibility studies for OSU intellectual property.

9) The college began delivering executive education programs focused on “Innovation through Collaboration.” On-site programs were delivered to mid-level and senior-level managers at Oregon Public Broadcasting, NW Natural and PGE.

10) The Business Solutions Group (BSG) continued to support the Oregon Department of Transportation’s “Transportation and Operations Control” project and the Teacher Portal for the Oregon Department of Education's new state-wide Virtual School District project. BSG picked up two new projects with the Oregon Department of Energy.

11) The college co-hosted “High Tech After Hours” with the Corvallis Chamber of Commerce and the Software Association of Oregon.

▪ National/International impact of programs and initiatives

1) International Business Student Exchange program – 87 students participated in exchange programs in nine countries.

2) The college continues as a key contributor to the NSF supported K-12 TeachEngineering program which provides standards-based engineering content for use in the K-12 classroom.

b. Faculty recognition and awards

▪ Nancy King and Clay Dibrell were named as Fulbright scholars

▪ Jim McAlexander received the Richard M. Bressler Senior Faculty Teaching Award

▪ Zhaohui Wu received the L.L. Stewart Faculty Development Award

▪ Four faculty members were named as Newcomb Fellows for meritorious and superior performance

▪ Roger Graham was invited to University of Auckland as a Visiting Professor. The University of Auckland is New Zealand's number one university, and ranks in the world's top 50 universities.

c. Student recognition and awards

▪ The Epsilon chapter of Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) was recognized as a superior chapter for 6th year in a row. Superior chapter status is the highest honor earned by a student chapter and is awarded only after significant professional service. BAP is a key component in instilling a sense of professionalism in the education of accounting students at OSU. The OSU chapter of BAP held close to 30 events which were directed at professional and charitable activities in 2006-2007.

▪ Members of the Epsilon chapter received a third place award for their professional program to enhance financial literacy at the Western Regional Meeting of the BAP chapters.

▪ For the second consecutive year, OSU accounting students surpassed the national average in passing the CPA Exam. Forty-four percent of OSU students passed the exam, compared with only 29% on average across the nation.

▪ For the third year in a row an OSU accounting student was selected for an extremely competitive internship at Chevron. Students are recruited from all the major Universities on the West Coast for only two internships.

▪ The Theta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi received the Award of Achievement for Significant Point Improvement, a Certificate of Improvement for Significant Improvement for the Annual Chapter Report. The chapter president was a finalist for the Alpha Award for Outstanding Leadership and Contributions.

2. Strategic Plan Implementation

a. Focus for 2006-2007: Enhancing student success, increasing research and outreach, and enhancing diversity and community.

1) Student success

a) The Austin Entrepreneurship Program@Weatherford Hall maintained full capacity of 290 students in residence at Weatherford.

• AEP launched the BUS 160X Introduction to Entrepreneurship course series (BUS 160X, BUS 161X, and BUS 162X) which lead to the Certificate in Entrepreneurship. 

• The Weatherford resource fee was successfully implemented.  The purpose of the fee is to help finance the many programs which are specific to Weatherford and help support the personnel needed to oversee and implement these programs.

b) Continued support for student engagement and experiential learning opportunities.

• BSG provided student internships for over 40 students.

• Project Management students received hands-on experience in planning, scheduling, organizing, and managing time-lines in producing a concert that also generated over $9,000 for charity.

• The college offered a prototype Technology Commercialization course that provided students the opportunity to develop business plans for OSU research.

• C2C provided research experiences for ten undergraduate students, four graduate students and one MBA student. C2C has 41 students signed up on their “on-call” list to help with projects as needed.

• The college posted 164 opportunities for jobs or internships from 108 new companies or organizations during the academic year.

• The college’s internship coordinator attended a recruitment fair in Florida and met with representatives from over 60 companies seeking to provide internship opportunities or offer jobs.

• The college provided over $383,000 in salary support to student workers. 

• The college continued to bring in business professionals to visit classrooms and interact with students.

• Faculty and students participated in a number of class fieldtrips to business sites and manufacturing plants.

• Awarded over $300,000 in scholarships for 2006-2007 to 233 students. Accounting students received over $50,000 in scholarships.

c) Successes, challenges and barriers for Student Success:

• Backlog for enrollment in core courses has created access issues for students.

• Average class size of 50 students/section limits faculty ability to provide more hands-on learning.

• The resource fee generated greatly needed operating funds and provided an additional incentive for Weatherford residents to fully leverage the programs available to them.

• The Introduction to Entrepreneurship (BA-160X) course series offered to Weatherford residents was successfully implemented with many lessons learned for the future. However, many of the first term freshmen enrolled in the course seemed unprepared for the course material.

• BSG continued to attract new clients and enjoyed success in helping students prepare for jobs. BSG will continue to seek ways to attract qualified students into the program. Space constraints will continue to be an issue impeding BSG growth.

2) Increasing research and outreach

a) AFBP continues to help people face the challenges of running a family business through workshops, conferences, advising, and recognition programs. Its 2006 Excellence in Family Business awards were announced at an event in Portland that attracted nearly 300 attendees. AFBP collaborated with the College of Forestry to produce a workbook, workshop, and DVD package titled Ties to the Land: Your Family Forest Heritage – Planning for an Orderly Transition.

b) AFBP initiated a strategic planning effort in the fall of 2006. Among the critical questions to be answered are the program’s optimal location within the University and appropriate model, strategic alignment with the University’s mission and goals, clients, leadership, funding, and next levels of programming and services that would bring greatest value to family business success and economic impacts by 2012.

c) A new AEP Director and Associate Director were hired. AEP started an initiative to expand its campus wide presence and support for OSU Research and Technology Transfer. AEP participated in the Commercialization Task Force sponsored by OSU Technology Transfer to clarify and strengthen the commercialization process.  A draft of a MOU between the AEP, the College, and OSU Technology Transfer regarding technology commercialization is under development.

d) Continued to expand and build upon success of AEP@Weatherford and the Visiting Fellows program. AEP students met with 25 Visiting Fellows this year.

e) Department chairs and senior faculty nurtured and mentored new faculty in research and sought ways to coordinate research. The college developed new policies to promote opportunities for research excellence. Faculty received funding for travel support to present papers and course release time to focus on research.

f) COB faculty members teamed with a local nonprofit organization (Financial Stewardship Resources) to present an annual board training conference. Over 550 participants representing more than 262 organizations operating in 77 Oregon communities attended this year’s event.

g) The college launched a comprehensive two-day Executive Education Program titled Collaboration for Innovation and Change for managers and executives. Oregon Public Broadcasting sent 25 of its executives to a special customized workshop and over 70 managers from Northwest Natural participated in training as part of a corporate retreat. Managers from PGE recently participated in the training.

h) Successes, challenges and barriers for Increasing Research and Outreach:

• The college continues to have an exceptionally young faculty with a high number of tenure-track assistant professors. The college faces the challenge of trying to ensure assistant professors are given sufficient time to publish research for P&T while at the same time enlisting their participation in the service work needed to achieve success in the Capital Campaign.

• The service demands of transforming the college place a large burden on the professors and associate professors.

• The college lost one assistant professor who returned to his country of origin.

• The college was unable to fill the vacant faculty position in finance and will not be able to fill a vacant position in marketing next year after the faculty member relinquished her appointment before arriving at OSU.

• A top ranked program in family business and a sustainable AFBP are critical to the COB strategic plan. The AFBP strategic planning efforts should provide focus and increased opportunities for funding resources for the program.

• Executive education has excellent potential for success. The college and its partners are working hard to find new clients. The college will need to expand its portfolio of offerings to sustain the desired growth.

• Average class size of 50 students/section impacts faculty time for research.

3) Enhancing diversity and community

a) The college sought to provide a culture that encourages a diversity of perspective by bringing in a wide variety of business professionals to talk to students.

b) COB continued its partnership with 4-H.  Each summer about 350 rural youth attend a 4-H Summer Conference at OSU.  Many of these 4-H youth also attended business and technology workshops held in the COB.

c) The college participated in the “4-H Bienvenidos” Latino recruiting event, giving two special group information sessions to interested high school students in these groups.  One of the college ambassadors is Latino.

d) The college hosted visiting scholars from Hong Kong, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Germany.

e) One of the college’s advisors supports the Saudi student task force which exists to help the influx of Saudi students transition to OSU via the ELI program.

f) The Women’s Empowerment Exchange created to serve local professional and women business students. This group involved 50 people in the first six months.

g) Successes, challenges and barriers for Enhancing Diversity and Community:

• The faculty committee reviewing the admission standards for a professional school model investigated policies and strategies that would ensure diversity in the student population. More study is needed to determine the best approach.

• The college hired three women for tenure-track positions in 2006-2007. One of the women subsequently declined to come to OSU.

• The college was successful in hiring a highly qualified African-American male as a fixed-term instructor for a new course in personal development for business professionals.

b. Summary of major unit activities during 2006-2007 that helped promote one or more of the thematic areas.

1) AEP hosted its second annual signature event with the theme of “Toward 2020 Addressing Tomorrow’s Problems Today.” Over 125 people attended this conference in Portland to hear from exceptional speakers representing state agencies, private industry and education.

2) AEP students in the new Technology Commercialization course worked on business plans to commercialize OSU intellectual property. MBA student teams developed ideas to commercialize OSU research as the focus of their Integrated Business Projects. Both the AEP and MBA teams presented their ideas to commercialize OSU research at the AEP signature event.

3) Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series speakers:

a) Richard Parsons, CEO & President of Time Warner presented “The Future of Media” in February to over 1,000 attendees at the LaSells Stewart Center.

4) AFBP hosted their annual Excellence in Family Business Awards ceremony in November.

5) Approval of new business core which emphasizes entrepreneurship and innovation and new minor in Business and Entrepreneurship will ensure every Oregon State University graduate with a College of Business transcript distinction will understand the entrepreneurial process of taking an idea/insight from discovery to implementation.

c. Summary of major accomplishments for 2006-2007 in support of the OSU Capital Campaign.

1)      The Dean and Director of Development traveled extensively to meet with alumni and friends of the college. The Dean traveled to Hawaii, Palm Springs, Boise, Colorado, San Francisco, Seattle and Bend. The Dean made 149 donor visits in support of the OSU Capital Campaign.

2)      The Dean and Director of Development orchestrated campaign cultivation events for donors in Portland, Hawaii, Boise and the Bay Area, hosted by a potential donor and attended by several other potential donors. Additional outreach events are planned by calendar year end.

3)      The Dean launched the new College of Business Dean’s Circle of Excellence. The Dean’s Circle was formed with the intent of inviting distinguished alumni and business partners, willing to serve as advocates for the college and committed to seeking and providing financial support.  Each member is required to make a $15,000 gift over 3 years as part of membership to the Deans unrestricted fund.

4)      Several distinguished COB alumni received major OSU awards.

5)      The college hosted its sixth annual Business Partners and Alumni Awards event. The college recognized nine winners this year and attracted a record 270 people to the dinner in downtown Portland.

6)   Working in coordination with the Director of Development and the VP for constituent development, the Dean opened seven different gift conversations for leadership gifts for the campaign at the $1M level or higher.

7)   The college exceeded its annual fundraising goal of $3.5M by raising gifts and commitments in excess of $4.3M, an all time record for the college.

3. Other initiatives and their outcomes

▪ University Advancement provided college leaders and key faculty with training on effective communications with the news media.

▪ Bexell Hall became the first building to undergo an OSU Facilities Services sustainability audit. The results of the survey provided sufficient justification to use deferred maintenance funds to replace dated and inefficient light fixtures throughout the building.

▪ The COB Accounting program worked with Moss Adams LLC in collecting $300,000 for the renovation of Bexell classroom space into a tiered, seminar style classroom. The renovated classroom is planned to be ready for winter term 2008.

▪ The college implemented an online faculty reporting system that collects accreditation related information and produces AACSB required reports. The system also generates faculty vita and supports the PROF process.

4. Scorecard

a. Performance on college-level metrics

▪ Goal 1 - Provide Outstanding Academic Programs

o 1.1 – Expenditures from grants and contracts - $$55,523. The college continues to expend funding received for its involvement in the NSF-sponsored K-12 TeachEngineering project.

o 1.2 - The college had no invention disclosures.

o 1.3 - The 2006-2007 percentage of U.S. minority students of total college enrollment was 14.2%.

▪ Goal 2 – Improve the Teaching and Learning Environment

o 2.1 – College of Business 2006-2007 first-year retention rate – 66.2%

o 2.2 – College of Business 2005-2006 six-year graduation – 43.5%.

o 2.3 - The college graduated 503 undergraduate students in 2006-2007 up from 473 in 2005-2006.

o 2.4 - The MBA program graduated 42 students in 2006-2007.

o 2.5 – The college had xx of the seniors participate in student engagement activities in 2006-2007 based on xx respondents (data to be provided by Dec 07).

o 2.6 – The college’s Student Primary Major to Faculty FTE ratio for 2006-2007 was 50.9. The college’s Student Course to Faculty FTE ratio for 2006-2007 was 25.2.

▪ Goal 3 – Increase Revenues

o 3.1 – The college received three awards for $96,000 in 2006-2007.

▪ Associate Professor Rene Reitsma received $79,000 in 2006-2007 grant support from the NSF to continue his efforts with the K-12 TeachEngineering project.

▪ Assistant Professor Jimmy Yang received $17,000 as a principal investigator with a colleague in engineering for an NSF grant: Microreactor-Assisted Nanoparticle Deposition: An Efficient Green Route to Functionally Gradient Films

o 3.2 – The OSU Institute Research office lists the total of 2005-2006 private giving revenue at $1,105,297. Private giving revenue for 2006-2007 increased significantly as the college ramped up its efforts for the capital campaign. The IR office will not have final 2006-2007 giving until August 2007 but the college estimates $4.3M was raised in 2006-2007.

▪ The accounting program successfully funded a $300,000 renovation for an accounting classroom in Bexell.

▪ Funds received or pledged for accounting instruction neared $1.3 million for fiscal year 2007.

o 3.3 - The Business Solutions Group had 23 contracts valued at $1,257,636 in 2006-2007. The Business Solution Group expects $1,230,000 in revenue for 2007-2008 from the following sources:

▪ Architecture development for ODOT - $240,000

▪ Testing for IT manufacturers - $550,000

▪ Application development for Oregon Department of Energy - $216,000

▪ Development and hosting for Oregon Department of Education Virtual School District - $75,000

▪ BSG services - $150,000

o 3.4 – The Close to the Customer Project had contracts for 11 projects valued at $181,288.

▪ Leveraging resources

1) Initiatives to leverage state resources

a) The Dean continued to invest development funds ($36,000) to leverage faculty salaries for summer research support.

b) The Dean intends to offer a set of three-year, renewable professorships to be used to support faculty in their academic pursuit of excellence, and assist the college in achieving its mission and vision.

c) The college provided students with work experience and paid $386,000 in salary support to students.

2) Initiatives to improve administrative efficiencies

a) The college funded an office specialist position to assist with the day-to-day operations of AEP.

b) The college established a position for an Event Planning/Public Relations Coordinator to manage the increased number of college activities and capital campaign related events.

c) BSG added a fourth software developer to provide depth and expertise in software development and mentorship to student interns. The increased staff ensures adequate support for the Oregon Department of Transportation contract and other BSG projects. BSG promoted the operations manager to Director of BSG to streamline processes, develop and implement an improved business model, identify new clients and improve oversight of staff.

d) The college hired an additional advisor to focus on the MBA program and offload some of those responsibilities from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Student Services.

e) The academic departments reviewed the hiring and retention of fixed-term instructors to ensure compliance with AACSB standards and to gain efficiencies.

5. Assessment of 2006-2007 priorities

a. Enhancing student success

1) Priority - implementation of framework to transform the college into a professional school

Assessment: The framework to transform the college directly contributes to student success. As part of the framework, faculty approved an integrated core curriculum designed to help students achieve the program-level learning outcomes at the time of graduation. Key themes of the college’s mission have been incorporated into the design of the core including entrepreneurship, family business as well as skills development (e.g. experiential learning, information technology and communications skills). Ethics and global issues are also themes incorporated across the core. The college worked with other units on campus to develop the minor in Business and Entrepreneurship, which will replace the business minor and entrepreneurship minor. Approximately 500 OSU students will pursue the Business and Entrepreneurship minor. The college remains committed to providing high value business education and has worked closely with external stakeholders to ensure that their expectations will be satisfied.

2) Priority – increase student engagement leading to profession ready graduates

Assessment: Faculty members spent considerable time discussing ways to instill a healthy student climate where students assume responsibility for developing the skills and experience required to become profession ready. The college formed task forces to investigate ways to elevate and sustain student performance in the classroom. To help prepare students in becoming profession ready graduates, COB advisors met with faculty in each discipline to improve understanding of career tracks. Advisors also visited major employers in Oregon (Nike, Target) to better understand the skills they seek from COB graduates. The college worked diligently to expand the number of company sponsored internships available to students. The college continued developing new relationships with companies seeking business interns. Experiential learning opportunities through the Business Solutions Group, Close to the Customer Project and the international business student exchange program remained strong.

b. Increasing research and outreach

1) Priority – research excellence.

Assessment: A hallmark of top-rated business schools is a strong research program that contributes knowledge and understanding valued by both the academic and business communities. The college reviewed its research-related policies to ensure rewards and incentives aligned with desired outcomes. A faculty task force on Research Excellence developed recommendations for the Dean on ways to achieve research excellence. Funding to support research remains a priority in the capital campaign to recruit and retain faculty who engage in rigorous research projects with real-world applications. The Dean continued to invest in faculty scholarship through her Summer Research and Teaching Innovation Fellowship program. Five faculty members each received $7,500 in research support. Two faculty members received Fulbright scholarships.

2) Priority – raising the bar for outreach.

Assessment: The college enjoyed a successful year in fund raising and exceeded its goals for 2006-2007.

1.  Raise in excess of $3.5M towards campaign goal of $36.5M. Result - $4.3M raised.

2.  Secure two $1M gifts for the college. Result – seven gifts valued @ $1M or more.

3.  Plan and carry out four campaign events designed to cultivate donors in major markets. Completed

4. Development training for leadership team and selected faculty who will participate in major donor events. Completed

▪ The Dean’s Circle of Excellence (DCE) replaced the Business Advisory Council and met in October 2006 and May 2007. The DCE served as a distinguished advocacy group composed of approximately 25 alumni and friends committed to the COB. DCE members agreed to provide a minimum $5,000 annual gift as a condition of membership which provides for the Dean’s Fund for Excellence in the College of Business.

▪ The college continued development of an executive education program aimed at business leaders and decision makers interested in learning about “Innovation through Collaboration.” The college offered tailored executive education training for managers at Oregon Public Broadcasting, NW Natural and PGE.

▪ The Accounting Circle increased 100% this year – from 15 to 30 members. Funds received or pledged for accounting instruction neared $1.3M for 2006-2007.

▪ The college contracted with its partner, SynNovation Works, to develop executive education training targeted for training business executives and managers. The training is titled Collaboration for Innovation and Change.

▪ A new director and associate director for AEP were hired.

▪ AFBP conducted a strategic planning review to ensure the program maintains its position as a top family business program.

▪ The college recruited additional business professionals and entrepreneurs to review the MBA business plan competition.

c. Increasing community and diversity

1) Priority – strengthening student and faculty diversity.

Assessment: The college continued implementing the objectives established in its diversity action plan. The college hired three tenure-track female faculty members and one African-American male instructor. The Dean established a mentoring group for women business professionals, faculty and business students (Women Empowerment Exchange) that meets monthly. The college invited diverse speakers to bring new perspectives to students and faculty. The Weatherford Fellows program introduced students to 25 visiting business executives. Over 1,000 people attended the Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series in February featuring Time Warner CEO and President Richard Parsons.

6. Proposed Priorities for 2007-2008

a. Enhancing student success

Priority – transitioning to a professional school. The first students admitted into the professional school begin their professional training in fall 2007. The priority for the coming year is to skillfully implement the transition to a professional school model with minimum disruption to students. The transition process is expected to take approximately three years before all students under the old system finish their studies. The college will offer a new freshmen course – BA101 Introduction to Business course. BA101 will be a six hour credit course that will rely on a sophisticated business simulation to provide students with context for the courses they will be taking. BA101 will also provide the needed training in business and office applications. Most importantly, BA101 will be designed to introduce students to the different disciplines within business and will be the first and most important opportunity to instill them with the culture and values expected of business professionals. BA101 begins the journey of learning about business and will provide a rock solid foundation for students as they pursue entrepreneurial competency during their time at Bexell Hall. The professional school will include a new course in Business Process Management which combines the talents of MIS and Operations Management faculty into a unified course on solving business problems. In response to strong stakeholder demand for graduates to demonstrate improved communications and persuasive skills, the college will also offer an experimental course in professional development that will support the strategic intent of profession-ready graduates.

The new Business and Entrepreneurship minor goes into full swing this fall and is expected to become the most popular minor on campus. COB faculty members carefully coordinated the courses in the minor to meet the needs of other campus units and support the OSU thematic area of innovation. The Business and Entrepreneurship minor will offer quality and valued business education to all qualified OSU students.

Priority – assurance of learning. The college intends to keep pace with the timelines and expectations for assurance of learning as established by OSU and AACSB. As part of the effort in developing a new integrated core curriculum for the professional school, the college approved new learning outcomes for the undergraduate program in June 2006. The next step in the assurance of learning process requires the faculty to develop processes to assess the learning outcomes. The college will continue working on an assurance of learning tool that will enable faculty to report how well students are achieving learning outcomes in the core courses, and how those core courses support the program learning outcomes. The tool will also be helpful in validating course prerequisites. New learning outcomes for the MBA program were developed two years ago and rely heavily on the Integrated Business Project (IBP) competition and oral exams as the assessment tools. The MBA program will continue to be aggressive in making changes to the curriculum based on feedback from the IBP judges and oral exam reviewers.

b. Increasing research and outreach

Priority – research excellence. COB faculty members continue to produce quality and relevant research. Promoting COB research and seeking to brand the college’s intellectual capital will be a priority going forward. The college will develop strategies and pursue activities to disseminate faculty research and transform it into actionable knowledge. The college will provide training and support for those faculty interested in pursuing grants. A few COB faculty members have experience with grants and will provide lessons learned for others.

Priority – raising the bar for outreach and engagement. The college remains poised for the public phase of the capital campaign and plans an increased emphasis on engagement through executive education. The college has enjoyed success in the initial phase of developing executive education through its business partners and is ready to move to the next phase of building a sustainable program over the next two years. During this phase the college will seek to expand its portfolio of offerings, find new partners and assess market demand. Engagement through executive education will also provide the added benefit of contributing to the ongoing capital campaign efforts. The Dean and the two Development Officers plan to build on a successful year in 2005-2006 by leveraging donors who may want to be acknowledged publicly for their donations when the capital campaign is officially announced in October. In the coming year the Dean, Development Officers, Associate Dean, department chairs and key faculty will be working to increase the number of development opportunities with the intent of meeting the following goals:

1. Raise in excess of $4.0 million towards campaign goal of $36.5M.

1. Secure four $1 million gifts for the college

2. Plan and carry out four campaign events designed to cultivate donors in major markets.

3. Deploy leadership team and selected faculty to participate in major donor events.

4. Continue to cultivate potential members of the Dean’s Circle of Excellence and leverage existing members.

5. Improve on the annual COB Alumni and Business Partners Awards dinner to ensure it is a high quality event that recognizes the achievements of COB alumni and friends.

6. Pursue business development for executive education and build a sustainable program for the college including:

a) Develop more formal professional development programs for family business and family business providers.

b) Develop programs for AEP.

c. Increasing community and diversity

Priority – emphasizing diversity in perspectives. The college will continue to promote diversity in perspectives by seeking engaging and dynamic guest speakers with diverse backgrounds. The college has extended an invitation to the female President of Xerox to participate in the Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Series. The Weatherford Fellows program offers students close contact with successful business professionals from all business fields and all walks of life.

The college will have two open tenure-track lines in the fall and will continue to seek diversity in the faculty through the hiring process. The college will continue with plans to boost the number of students from underrepresented groups.

The Dean will continue supporting the mentoring group, Women’s Empowerment Exchange, which she formed to provide female students with access to women business professionals and faculty.

Long-term goals for College of Business

|Enhancing student success |Increasing research and outreach |Increasing community and diversity |

|Long-term goal(s): |Long-term goal(s): |Long-term goal(s): |

|Recognized as a top undergraduate business program |Top-ranked programs in entrepreneurship and family |Promote a culture that encourages diversity of |

|Provide nationally recognized research-based education that |business and a valued partner critical to the success of |perspective |

|prepares profession-ready graduates who can excel in an |Oregon State University |Commitment to create, maintain, and nurture a culture of |

|innovative knowledge-based economy |Nationally-recognized, discipline-based research and |innovation, cooperation, diversity and mutual respect |

|Rigorous, integrated undergraduate and graduate programs that |contributions to practice | |

|translate theory to practice and center on innovation and the |Excellence in research of enduring and practical | |

|entrepreneurial process |consequence | |

|Distinctive experiential learning opportunities for students |Encourage student involvement in scholarly activities | |

|Every Oregon State University graduate with a College of | | |

|Business transcript distinction will understand the | | |

|entrepreneurial process of taking an idea/insight from | | |

|discovery to implementation | | |

|Success in supporting student placement in careers and | | |

|internships | | |

|Quality instruction with value added interactive and | | |

|experiential learning | | |


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