
The font that has been used for the film title is very simple, making it easy for the audience to read. Also, it does not distract you from the main image on the poster. The film title is also written in upper case letters so that it stands out and makes more of a statement.

The dominant colour on this poster is black. This colour connotes evil and danger, suggesting that these are two of the main themes in the film. Also, the colour black signifies darkness and mystery which suggests that there is an element of suspense and tension in the film. The title has been written in white so that it stands out over the images. Also, it connotes innocence as white is a very pure colour. The contrast between the black and white suggest that as well as evil, there is also an aspect of purity and innocence in the film. The colour red used underneath the film title and also for the cast names signifies blood. This suggests that death plays a major role in the film.

On the poster, the characters have been places in particular positions to emphasise their role in the film. The image of the man on the left is a larger and closer image than the one of the woman. This has been done to show the difference between superiority or even control and power. It shows that the man on the left (Hugh Jackman) is a more dominant and important character.

There are two main images on the poster. The first is of a man who looks quite mysterious and suspicious. He is making direct eye contact with the audience, as if he is challenging them. The second is of a woman whose facial expression portrays her as a vulnerable character. The shadow behind the characters connotes darkness and suggests that evil is approaching them. All the images on the poster are of the main characters that are starring in the film. The reason for this is to persuade people to go to see the film as they are more likely to watch it if they know the actors who will be starring in it. This can therefore be seen as a unique selling point.

This poster includes many of the main conventions of a typical film poster. Firstly, it has the actors/actresses names on the poster. These are clearly visible at the top so that they stand out. It also has details at the bottom of the poster including those involved in the making of the movie.

There is bright lighting on the image of the woman, showing her innocence and purity. However, the lighting on the image of the man on the left is very dim and creates a shadow over his face. The lighting therefore shows the contrast in the two characters personalities as one seems to be portrayed as more evil than the other. Also, the tear going down the middle of the page separates both characters and shows a divide suggesting a “tear” in their relationship.

The facial expression of the woman matches the film title ‘Deception’. As well as looking innocent, she also looks mischievous and guilty as if she is doing something wrong. Therefore, this matches the film title as her facial expression gives the impression that she is deceiving someone.

The facial expression of the woman shows that she is quite wary or even scared. This goes well with the thriller genre as fear is one of the main conventions of thriller.

The lack of colour in the poster emphasises the darkness and mysteriousness of the film. This goes well with the thriller genre as it creates suspense and leaves the audience wondering what the film is about.

A close up of the woman’s face has been used to emphasise her facial expression. It also makes it clearer to the audience to see the fear in her eyes. This reflects the thriller genre because the aim of a thriller film poster is to advertise a suspense and tension-filled film.

The target audience for this film poster is mainly young adults between the ages of 18-30. Since the image is only of a woman, it can be suggested that the main target audience for this poster is males. This is because they are most likely to be attracted by the female on the front cover. However, the target audience is still both males and females.

This poster includes many of the main conventions of a typical film poster. Firstly, it has the release date of the film so that the audience know when it will be out. It also has the name of the main actress starring in the film. It also has details at the bottom of the poster including those involved in the making of the movie.

The only image on this film poster is the close up of the woman’s face. This shows that she is the protagonist of the film. It is almost as if she is the ‘untraceable’ one as she is the only person on the poster and she has a cursor over her mouth.

The image of the cursor shows that the film has some sort of relation to the internet. This links to the title of the film ‘Untraceable’, suggesting that they are trying to find someone via the internet.

The colour black connotes darkness and evil. It also suggests that there is an element of mystery in the film. This compliments the film title ‘Untraceable’ as it suggests that there is something/something that cannot be found. The colour blue used for the film title starts off as bright blue and then eventually gets darker and darker towards the end. This implies that there is an element of darkness and mystery in the film. The actresses name has been written in red font which connotes blood. This suggests that her character is significantly related to death or murder.

The only bright lighting on this picture is the lighting on the woman’s face. this connotes innocence and purity. However, around her, she is filled with darkness and shadows. This gives the impression that she is being shadowed and “traced”.

There is also a slogan that has been added to the poster. This is an important convention for all film posters as it gives the audience an insight as to what the film might be about.

There is only one dominant image on this film poster. That image is of a woman who looks distressed and exhausted. Everything around her has been blurred out, making her the main attraction of the poster. This has been done to place emphasis on her character to show that she is the main protagonist and the synopsis is based on her life. Her facial expression matches the slogan which gives the impression that someone has taken away “everything she lives for” and this is the reason for her distressed face.

The lighting on her face is quite bright in comparison to everything around her. The bright lighting on her face connotes purity and innocence. Therefore the darkness around her suggests that everything or everyone around her is against her.

The main actresses name (Jodie Foster) has been printed at the top of the film poster as this is important information that the audience are likely to want to know. However, the details of the production company and the makers of the film are in small print at the bottom of the poster as this information is not necessarily vitally important to the audience.

The target audience for this film poster is both males and females from the age of 15 and above. This is because the poster portrays the film as an action-thriller so it is likely to be packed with suspense, tension and action. Therefore, it would most likely appeal to anyone above the age of 15.

The film title is in upper case letters which makes it stand out. The letters also look as if they are being washed away, suggesting that everything she had is also being washed away.

The main colour used for this poster is blue. This colour is usually associated with action, suggesting that this film is a hybrid genre (action-thriller). The colour blue connotes fast pace and a lot of action which gradually builds up suspense. The poster slowly turns to black toward the bottom. Black has many negative connotations such as darkness, evil and unfamiliar things. This suggests that there is an element of all of these connotations within the film. However, the bright light in the distant background gives a sign of hope as if there is still a chance for her to succeed in what she is going to do.

The setting of the film is not shown on the film poster; however, the title of the film suggests that the film is mainly based on an aeroplane.

The white font connotes purity and innocence of a character. The slogan and the cast names have both been done in white font. This stands our over the background and therefore makes it much easier to read to it stands out and is emphasised fully.


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