Adenosine Receptor Antagonist

TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Adenosine Receptor Antagonist PAGEREF _Toc54359085 \h 18Adenosine Receptor Antagonis PAGEREF _Toc54359086 \h 18ADHD/ANTI-NARCOLEPSY/ANTI-OBESITY/ANOREXIANTS PAGEREF _Toc54359087 \h 18ADHD Agent - Selective Alpha Adrenergic Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359088 \h 18ADHD Agent - Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor PAGEREF _Toc54359089 \h 18Amphetamine Mixtures PAGEREF _Toc54359090 \h 18Amphetamines PAGEREF _Toc54359091 \h 18Analeptics PAGEREF _Toc54359092 \h 18Anorexiants Non-Amphetamine PAGEREF _Toc54359093 \h 18Stimulants - Misc. PAGEREF _Toc54359094 \h 18ALS Agents - Miscellaneous PAGEREF _Toc54359095 \h 18ALS Agents - Miscellaneous PAGEREF _Toc54359096 \h 18AMINOGLYCOSIDES PAGEREF _Toc54359097 \h 18Aminoglycosides PAGEREF _Toc54359098 \h 18ANALGESICS - ANTI-INFLAMMATORY PAGEREF _Toc54359099 \h 18Antirheumatic - Janus Kinase (JAK) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359100 \h 18Antirheumatic Antimetabolites PAGEREF _Toc54359101 \h 19Anti-TNF-alpha - Monoclonal Antibodies PAGEREF _Toc54359102 \h 19Anti-TNF-alpha - Monoclonoal Antibodies PAGEREF _Toc54359103 \h 19Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359104 \h 19Gold Compounds PAGEREF _Toc54359105 \h 19Interleukin-1 Blockers PAGEREF _Toc54359106 \h 19Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1Ra) PAGEREF _Toc54359107 \h 19Interleukin-1beta Blockers PAGEREF _Toc54359108 \h 19Interleukin-6 Receptor Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359109 \h 19Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Agent Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359110 \h 19Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Agents (NSAIDs) PAGEREF _Toc54359111 \h 19Pyrimidine Synthesis Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359112 \h 19Selective Costimulation Modulators PAGEREF _Toc54359113 \h 19Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359114 \h 19ANALGESICS - NonNarcotic PAGEREF _Toc54359115 \h 19Analgesics Other PAGEREF _Toc54359116 \h 19Analgesics-Sedatives PAGEREF _Toc54359117 \h 19Salicylate Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359118 \h 19Salicylates PAGEREF _Toc54359119 \h 19Selective N-Type Neuronal Calcium Channel Blockers PAGEREF _Toc54359120 \h 20ANALGESICS - OPIOID PAGEREF _Toc54359121 \h 20Codeine Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359122 \h 20Dihydrocodeine Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359123 \h 20Hydrocodone Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359124 \h 20Opioid Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359125 \h 20Opioid Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359126 \h 20Opioid Partial Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359127 \h 20Tramadol Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359128 \h 20ANDROGENS-ANABOLIC PAGEREF _Toc54359129 \h 20Androgens PAGEREF _Toc54359130 \h 20ANORECTAL AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359131 \h 20Intrarectal Steroids PAGEREF _Toc54359132 \h 20Nitrate Vasodilating Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359133 \h 20Rectal Anesthetic/Steroids PAGEREF _Toc54359134 \h 21ANTHELMINTICS PAGEREF _Toc54359135 \h 21Anthelmintics PAGEREF _Toc54359136 \h 21ANTIANGINAL AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359137 \h 21Antianginals-Other PAGEREF _Toc54359138 \h 21Nitrates PAGEREF _Toc54359139 \h 21ANTIANXIETY AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359140 \h 21Antianxiety Agents - Misc. PAGEREF _Toc54359141 \h 21Benzodiazepines PAGEREF _Toc54359142 \h 21ANTIARRHYTHMICS PAGEREF _Toc54359143 \h 21Antiarrhythmics - Misc. PAGEREF _Toc54359144 \h 21Antiarrhythmics Type I-A PAGEREF _Toc54359145 \h 21Antiarrhythmics Type I-B PAGEREF _Toc54359146 \h 21Antiarrhythmics Type I-C PAGEREF _Toc54359147 \h 21Antiarrhythmics Type III PAGEREF _Toc54359148 \h 21ANTIASTHMATIC AND BRONCHODILATOR AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359149 \h 22Adrenergic Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359150 \h 22Anti-IgE Monoclonal Antibodies PAGEREF _Toc54359151 \h 22Anti-Inflammatory Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359152 \h 22Beta Adrenergics PAGEREF _Toc54359153 \h 22Bronchodilators - Anticholinergics PAGEREF _Toc54359154 \h 22Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359155 \h 22Selective Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359156 \h 22Steroid Inhalants PAGEREF _Toc54359157 \h 22Xanthines PAGEREF _Toc54359158 \h 22ANTICOAGULANTS PAGEREF _Toc54359159 \h 22Coumarin Anticoagulants PAGEREF _Toc54359160 \h 22Direct Factor Xa Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359161 \h 22Heparins And Heparinoid-Like Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359162 \h 22Low Molecular Weight Heparins PAGEREF _Toc54359163 \h 23Synthetic Heparinoid-Like Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359164 \h 23Thrombin Inhibitors - Hirudin Type PAGEREF _Toc54359165 \h 23Thrombin Inhibitors - Selective Direct & Reversible PAGEREF _Toc54359166 \h 23ANTICONVULSANTS PAGEREF _Toc54359167 \h 23AMPA Glutamate Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359168 \h 23Anticonvulsants - Benzodiazepines PAGEREF _Toc54359169 \h 23Anticonvulsants - Misc. PAGEREF _Toc54359170 \h 23Carbamates PAGEREF _Toc54359171 \h 23GABA Modulators PAGEREF _Toc54359172 \h 23Hydantoins PAGEREF _Toc54359173 \h 23Succinimides PAGEREF _Toc54359174 \h 23Valproic Acid PAGEREF _Toc54359175 \h 23ANTIDEPRESSANTS PAGEREF _Toc54359176 \h 24Alpha-2 Receptor Antagonists (Tetracyclics) PAGEREF _Toc54359177 \h 24Antidepressants - Misc. PAGEREF _Toc54359178 \h 24Modified Cyclics PAGEREF _Toc54359179 \h 24Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) PAGEREF _Toc54359180 \h 24Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) PAGEREF _Toc54359181 \h 24Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) PAGEREF _Toc54359182 \h 24Tricyclic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359183 \h 24ANTIDIABETICS PAGEREF _Toc54359184 \h 24Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359185 \h 24Antidiabetic - Amylin Analogs PAGEREF _Toc54359186 \h 24Biguanides PAGEREF _Toc54359187 \h 24Diabetic Other PAGEREF _Toc54359188 \h 24Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 (DPP-4) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359189 \h 24Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor-Biguanide Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359190 \h 24Human Insulin PAGEREF _Toc54359191 \h 24Incretin Mimetic Agents (GLP-1 Receptor Agonists) PAGEREF _Toc54359192 \h 25Insulin-Incretin Mimetic Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359193 \h 25Meglitinide Analogues PAGEREF _Toc54359194 \h 25Meglitinide-Biguanide Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359195 \h 25SGLT2 Inhibitor - DPP-4 Inhibitor - Biguanide Comb PAGEREF _Toc54359196 \h 25SGLT2 Inhibitor - DPP-4 Inhibitor Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359197 \h 25Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359198 \h 25Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 Inhibitor-Biguanide Comb PAGEREF _Toc54359199 \h 25Sulfonylurea-Biguanide Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359200 \h 25Sulfonylureas PAGEREF _Toc54359201 \h 25Sulfonylurea-Thiazolidinedione Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359202 \h 25Thiazolidinedione-Biguanide Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359203 \h 25Thiazolidinediones PAGEREF _Toc54359204 \h 25ANTIDIARRHEALS PAGEREF _Toc54359205 \h 25Antiperistaltic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359206 \h 25ANTIDOTES PAGEREF _Toc54359207 \h 26Antidotes PAGEREF _Toc54359208 \h 26Antidotes - Chelating Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359209 \h 26Benzodiazepine Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359210 \h 26Opioid Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359211 \h 26ANTIDOTES AND SPECIFIC ANTAGONISTS PAGEREF _Toc54359212 \h 26Antidotes and Specific Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359213 \h 26ANTIEMETICS PAGEREF _Toc54359214 \h 265-HT3 Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359215 \h 26Antiemetic Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359216 \h 26Antiemetics - Anticholinergic PAGEREF _Toc54359217 \h 26Antiemetics - Miscellaneous PAGEREF _Toc54359218 \h 26Substance P/Neurokinin 1 (NK1) Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359219 \h 26ANTIFUNGALS PAGEREF _Toc54359220 \h 26Antifungal - Glucan Synthesis Inhibitors (Echinocandins) PAGEREF _Toc54359221 \h 26Antifungals PAGEREF _Toc54359222 \h 26Imidazoles PAGEREF _Toc54359223 \h 27Triazoles PAGEREF _Toc54359224 \h 27Antihemophilic Products - Monoclonal Antibodies PAGEREF _Toc54359225 \h 27Antihemophilic Products - Monoclonal Antibodies PAGEREF _Toc54359226 \h 27ANTIHISTAMINES PAGEREF _Toc54359227 \h 27Antihistamines - Alkylamines PAGEREF _Toc54359228 \h 27Antihistamines - Ethanolamines PAGEREF _Toc54359229 \h 27Antihistamines - Non-Sedating PAGEREF _Toc54359230 \h 27Antihistamines - Phenothiazines PAGEREF _Toc54359231 \h 27Antihistamines - Piperidines PAGEREF _Toc54359232 \h 27ANTIHYPERLIPIDEMICS PAGEREF _Toc54359233 \h 27Antihyperlipidemics - Misc. PAGEREF _Toc54359234 \h 27Bile Acid Sequestrants PAGEREF _Toc54359235 \h 27Fibric Acid Derivatives PAGEREF _Toc54359236 \h 27HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359237 \h 27Intest Cholest Absorp Inhib-HMG CoA Reductase Inhib Comb PAGEREF _Toc54359238 \h 27Intestinal Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359239 \h 27Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359240 \h 28Nicotinic Acid Derivatives PAGEREF _Toc54359241 \h 28ANTIHYPERTENSIVES PAGEREF _Toc54359242 \h 28ACE Inhibitor & Calcium Channel Blocker Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359243 \h 28ACE Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359244 \h 28ACE Inhibitors & Thiazide/Thiazide-Like PAGEREF _Toc54359245 \h 28Adrenolytics-Central & Thiazide/Thiazide-Like Comb PAGEREF _Toc54359246 \h 28Agents for Pheochromocytoma PAGEREF _Toc54359247 \h 28Angiotensin II Receptor Antag & Ca Channel Blocker Comb PAGEREF _Toc54359248 \h 28Angiotensin II Receptor Antag & Thiazide/Thiazide-Like PAGEREF _Toc54359249 \h 28Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359250 \h 28Angiotensin II Receptor Ant-Ca Channel Blocker-Thiazides PAGEREF _Toc54359251 \h 28Antiadrenergics - Centrally Acting PAGEREF _Toc54359252 \h 28Antiadrenergics - Peripherally Acting PAGEREF _Toc54359253 \h 28Beta Blocker & Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist Comb PAGEREF _Toc54359254 \h 28Beta Blocker & Diuretic Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359255 \h 29Direct Renin Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359256 \h 29Direct Renin Inhibitors & Thiazide/Thiazide-Like Comb PAGEREF _Toc54359257 \h 29Reserpine PAGEREF _Toc54359258 \h 29Selective Aldosterone Receptor Antagonists (SARAs) PAGEREF _Toc54359259 \h 29Vasodilators PAGEREF _Toc54359260 \h 29ANTI-INFECTIVE AGENTS - MISC. PAGEREF _Toc54359261 \h 29Anti-infective Agents - Misc. PAGEREF _Toc54359262 \h 29Anti-infective Misc. - Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359263 \h 29Antiprotozoal Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359264 \h 29Carbapenem Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359265 \h 29Carbapenems PAGEREF _Toc54359266 \h 29Cyclic Lipopeptides PAGEREF _Toc54359267 \h 29Glycylcyclines PAGEREF _Toc54359268 \h 29Leprostatics PAGEREF _Toc54359269 \h 29Lincosamides PAGEREF _Toc54359270 \h 29Oxazolidinones PAGEREF _Toc54359271 \h 29Polymyxins PAGEREF _Toc54359272 \h 30Streptogramin Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359273 \h 30ANTIMALARIALS PAGEREF _Toc54359274 \h 30Antimalarial Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359275 \h 30Antimalarials PAGEREF _Toc54359276 \h 30ANTIMYASTHENIC AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359277 \h 30Antimyasthenic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359278 \h 30Antimyasthenic/Cholinergic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359279 \h 30ANTIMYCOBACTERIAL AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359280 \h 30Antimycobacterial Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359281 \h 30Antineoplastic - BCL-2 Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359282 \h 30Antineoplastic - BCL-2 Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359283 \h 30Antineoplastic - FGFR Kinase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359284 \h 30Antineoplastic - FGFR Kinase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359285 \h 30Antineoplastic - Tropomyosin Receptor Kinase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359286 \h 30Antineoplastic - Tropomyosin Receptor Kinase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359287 \h 30Antineoplastic - XPO1 Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359288 \h 30Antineoplastic - XPO1 Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359289 \h 30ANTINEOPLASTICS AND ADJUNCTIVE THERAPIES PAGEREF _Toc54359290 \h 30Alkylating Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359291 \h 30Androgen Biosynthesis Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359292 \h 30Antiadrenals PAGEREF _Toc54359293 \h 31Antiandrogens PAGEREF _Toc54359294 \h 31Antiestrogens PAGEREF _Toc54359295 \h 31Antimetabolites PAGEREF _Toc54359296 \h 31Antineoplastic - Autologous Cellular Immunotherapy PAGEREF _Toc54359297 \h 31Antineoplastic - Bispecific T-cell Engagers PAGEREF _Toc54359298 \h 31Antineoplastic - BRAF Kinase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359299 \h 31Antineoplastic - Hedgehog Pathway Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359300 \h 31Antineoplastic - Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359301 \h 31Antineoplastic - Immunomodulators PAGEREF _Toc54359302 \h 31Antineoplastic - MEK Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359303 \h 31Antineoplastic - Monoclonal Antibodies PAGEREF _Toc54359304 \h 31Antineoplastic - mTOR Kinase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359305 \h 31Antineoplastic - Multikinase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359306 \h 32Antineoplastic - Proteasome Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359307 \h 32Antineoplastic - Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359308 \h 32Antineoplastic Antibiotics PAGEREF _Toc54359309 \h 32Antineoplastic -Antibody for Radiopharmaceutical Therapy PAGEREF _Toc54359310 \h 32Antineoplastic Antibody-Drug Complexes PAGEREF _Toc54359311 \h 32Antineoplastic Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359312 \h 32Antineoplastic Enzymes PAGEREF _Toc54359313 \h 32Antineoplastic Radiopharmaceuticals PAGEREF _Toc54359314 \h 32Antineoplastics - Interleukins PAGEREF _Toc54359315 \h 32Antineoplastics - Photoactivated Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359316 \h 32Antineoplastics Misc. PAGEREF _Toc54359317 \h 32Aromatase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359318 \h 33Carboxypeptidase Enzyme Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359319 \h 33Cardiac Protective Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359320 \h 33Chemotherapy Adjuncts - Hyperuricemia Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359321 \h 33Chemotherapy Adjuncts - Keratinocyte Growth Factors PAGEREF _Toc54359322 \h 33Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDK) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359323 \h 33Estrogen Receptor Antagonist PAGEREF _Toc54359324 \h 33Estrogens-Antineoplastic PAGEREF _Toc54359325 \h 33Folic Acid Antagonists Rescue Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359326 \h 33Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359327 \h 33Imidazotetrazines PAGEREF _Toc54359328 \h 33Isocitrate Dehydrogenase-2 (IDH2) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359329 \h 33Janus Associated Kinase (JAK) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359330 \h 33LHRH Analogs PAGEREF _Toc54359331 \h 33Mitotic Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359332 \h 33Nitrogen Mustards PAGEREF _Toc54359333 \h 33Nitrosoureas PAGEREF _Toc54359334 \h 33Progestins-Antineoplastic PAGEREF _Toc54359335 \h 33Retinoids PAGEREF _Toc54359336 \h 34Selective Retinoid X Receptor Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359337 \h 34Topoisomerase I Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359338 \h 34Urinary Tract Protective Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359339 \h 34Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359340 \h 34ANTIPARKINSON AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359341 \h 34Antiparkinson Anticholinergics PAGEREF _Toc54359342 \h 34Antiparkinson Dopaminergics PAGEREF _Toc54359343 \h 34Antiparkinson Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359344 \h 34Levodopa Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359345 \h 34Nonergoline Dopamine Receptor Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359346 \h 34Peripheral COMT Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359347 \h 34ANTIPSYCHOTICS/ANTIMANIC AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359348 \h 34Antimanic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359349 \h 34Antipsychotics - Misc. PAGEREF _Toc54359350 \h 34Benzisoxazoles PAGEREF _Toc54359351 \h 34Butyrophenones PAGEREF _Toc54359352 \h 34Dibenzodiazepines PAGEREF _Toc54359353 \h 35Dibenzothiazepines PAGEREF _Toc54359354 \h 35Dibenzoxazepines PAGEREF _Toc54359355 \h 35Phenothiazines PAGEREF _Toc54359356 \h 35Quinolinone Derivatives PAGEREF _Toc54359357 \h 35Thienbenzodiazepines PAGEREF _Toc54359358 \h 35Thioxanthenes PAGEREF _Toc54359359 \h 35Antiretrovirals - CD4-Directed Post-Attachment Inhibitor PAGEREF _Toc54359360 \h 35Antiretrovirals - CD4-Directed Post-Attachment Inhibitor PAGEREF _Toc54359361 \h 35ANTISEPTICS & DISINFECTANTS PAGEREF _Toc54359362 \h 35Chlorine Antiseptics PAGEREF _Toc54359363 \h 35ANTIVIRALS PAGEREF _Toc54359364 \h 35Antiretroviral Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359365 \h 35Antiretrovirals - CCR5 Antagonists (Entry Inhibitor) PAGEREF _Toc54359366 \h 35Antiretrovirals - Fusion Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359367 \h 35Antiretrovirals - gp120-Directed Attachment Inhibitor PAGEREF _Toc54359368 \h 35Antiretrovirals - Integrase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359369 \h 35Antiretrovirals - Protease Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359370 \h 35Antiretrovirals - RTI-Non-Nucleoside Analogues PAGEREF _Toc54359371 \h 36Antiretrovirals - RTI-Nucleoside Analogues-Purines PAGEREF _Toc54359372 \h 36Antiretrovirals - RTI-Nucleoside Analogues-Pyrimidines PAGEREF _Toc54359373 \h 36Antiretrovirals - RTI-Nucleoside Analogues-Thymidines PAGEREF _Toc54359374 \h 36Antiretrovirals - RTI-Nucleotide Analogues PAGEREF _Toc54359375 \h 36CMV Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359376 \h 36Hepatitis B Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359377 \h 36Hepatitis C Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359378 \h 36Herpes Agents - Purine Analogues PAGEREF _Toc54359379 \h 36Herpes Agents - Thymidine Analogues PAGEREF _Toc54359380 \h 36Influenza Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359381 \h 36Neuraminidase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359382 \h 36RSV Agents - Nucleoside Analogues PAGEREF _Toc54359383 \h 36ASSORTED CLASSES PAGEREF _Toc54359384 \h 36Antileprotics PAGEREF _Toc54359385 \h 36B-Lymphocyte Stimulator (BLyS)-Specific Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359386 \h 36Chelating Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359387 \h 36Cyclosporine Analogs PAGEREF _Toc54359388 \h 37Enzymes PAGEREF _Toc54359389 \h 37Immune Globulin Immunosuppressants PAGEREF _Toc54359390 \h 37Immunomodulators for Myelodysplastic Syndromes PAGEREF _Toc54359391 \h 37Inosine Monophosphate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359392 \h 37Macrolide Immunosuppressants PAGEREF _Toc54359393 \h 37Monoclonal Antibodies PAGEREF _Toc54359394 \h 37Potassium Removing Resins PAGEREF _Toc54359395 \h 37Prostaglandins PAGEREF _Toc54359396 \h 37Purine Analogs PAGEREF _Toc54359397 \h 37Sclerosing Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359398 \h 37Selective T-Cell Costimulation Blockers PAGEREF _Toc54359399 \h 37Atopic Dermatitis - Monoclonal Antibodies PAGEREF _Toc54359400 \h 37Atopic Dermatitis - Monoclonal Antibodies PAGEREF _Toc54359401 \h 37BETA BLOCKERS PAGEREF _Toc54359402 \h 37Alpha-Beta Blockers PAGEREF _Toc54359403 \h 37Beta Blockers Cardio-Selective PAGEREF _Toc54359404 \h 37Beta Blockers Non-Selective PAGEREF _Toc54359405 \h 38Bile Acid Synthesis Disorder Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359406 \h 38Bile Acid Synthesis Disorder Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359407 \h 38BIOLOGICALS MISC PAGEREF _Toc54359408 \h 38Allergenic Extracts PAGEREF _Toc54359409 \h 38Biologicals Misc PAGEREF _Toc54359410 \h 38Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) Receptor Antag PAGEREF _Toc54359411 \h 38Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) Receptor Antag PAGEREF _Toc54359412 \h 38CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS PAGEREF _Toc54359413 \h 38Calcium Channel Blockers PAGEREF _Toc54359414 \h 38CARDIOTONICS PAGEREF _Toc54359415 \h 38Cardiac Glycosides PAGEREF _Toc54359416 \h 38Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359417 \h 38CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS - MISC PAGEREF _Toc54359418 \h 38Pulmonary Hypertension - Endothelin Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359419 \h 38CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS - MISC. PAGEREF _Toc54359420 \h 38Calcium Channel Blocker & HMG CoA Reductase Inhibit Comb PAGEREF _Toc54359421 \h 38Peripheral Vasodilators PAGEREF _Toc54359422 \h 38Prostaglandin - Impotence Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359423 \h 38Prostaglandin Vasodilators PAGEREF _Toc54359424 \h 38Pulm Hyperten-Soluble Guanylate Cyclase Stimulator (sGC) PAGEREF _Toc54359425 \h 39Pulmonary Hypertension - Endothelin Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359426 \h 39Pulmonary Hypertension - Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359427 \h 39Selective cGMP Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359428 \h 39Vasoactive Natriuretic Peptides PAGEREF _Toc54359429 \h 39Cardiovascular, Hypertension & Lipids PAGEREF _Toc54359430 \h 39MISC. CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359431 \h 39MISC. COAGULATION AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359432 \h 39Cephalosporin Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359433 \h 39Cephalosporin Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359434 \h 39CEPHALOSPORINS PAGEREF _Toc54359435 \h 39Cephalosporins - 1st Generation PAGEREF _Toc54359436 \h 39Cephalosporins - 2nd Generation PAGEREF _Toc54359437 \h 39Cephalosporins - 3rd Generation PAGEREF _Toc54359438 \h 39Cephalosporins - 4th Generation PAGEREF _Toc54359439 \h 39Cephalosporins - 5th Generation PAGEREF _Toc54359440 \h 39CONTRACEPTIVES PAGEREF _Toc54359441 \h 39Biphasic Contraceptives - Oral PAGEREF _Toc54359442 \h 39Combination Contraceptives - Oral PAGEREF _Toc54359443 \h 39Combination Contraceptives - Vaginal PAGEREF _Toc54359444 \h 40Continuous Contraceptives - Oral PAGEREF _Toc54359445 \h 40Emergency Contraceptives PAGEREF _Toc54359446 \h 40Extended-Cycle Contraceptives - Oral PAGEREF _Toc54359447 \h 40Four Phase Contraceptives - Oral PAGEREF _Toc54359448 \h 40Progestin Contraceptives - Implants PAGEREF _Toc54359449 \h 40Progestin Contraceptives - Injectable PAGEREF _Toc54359450 \h 40Progestin Contraceptives - IUD PAGEREF _Toc54359451 \h 40Progestin Contraceptives - Oral PAGEREF _Toc54359452 \h 40Triphasic Contraceptives - Oral PAGEREF _Toc54359453 \h 40CORTICOSTEROIDS PAGEREF _Toc54359454 \h 41Glucocorticosteroids PAGEREF _Toc54359455 \h 41Mineralocorticoids PAGEREF _Toc54359456 \h 41COUGH/COLD/ALLERGY PAGEREF _Toc54359457 \h 41Antitussive - Nonnarcotic PAGEREF _Toc54359458 \h 41Antitussive - Opioid PAGEREF _Toc54359459 \h 41Decongestant PAGEREF _Toc54359460 \h 41Decongestant-Antihistamine PAGEREF _Toc54359461 \h 41Decongestant-Antihistamine w/ Expectorant PAGEREF _Toc54359462 \h 41Mucolytics PAGEREF _Toc54359463 \h 41Non-Narc Antitussive-Antihistamine PAGEREF _Toc54359464 \h 41Non-Narc Antitussive-Decongestant-Antihistamine PAGEREF _Toc54359465 \h 41Opioid Antitussive-Antihistamine PAGEREF _Toc54359466 \h 41Opioid Antitussive-Decongestant-Antihistamine PAGEREF _Toc54359467 \h 41Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDK) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359468 \h 41Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDK) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359469 \h 41Cystic Fibrosis Agent - Combination PAGEREF _Toc54359470 \h 41Cystic Fibrosis Agent - Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359471 \h 41Cystic Fibrosis Agent - Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359472 \h 41Cystic Fibrosis Agent - Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359473 \h 41DERMATOLOGICALS PAGEREF _Toc54359474 \h 41Acne Antibiotics PAGEREF _Toc54359475 \h 41Acne Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359476 \h 42Acne Products PAGEREF _Toc54359477 \h 42Antibiotics - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359478 \h 42Antifungals - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359479 \h 42Antifungals - Topical Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359480 \h 42Anti-inflammatory Agents - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359481 \h 42Antineoplastic Alkylating Agents - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359482 \h 42Antineoplastic Antimetabolites - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359483 \h 42Antineoplastic or Premalignant Lesions - Topical Misc. PAGEREF _Toc54359484 \h 42Antipsoriatics PAGEREF _Toc54359485 \h 42Antipsoriatics - Systemic PAGEREF _Toc54359486 \h 42Antiseborrheic Products PAGEREF _Toc54359487 \h 42Antivirals - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359488 \h 42Burn Products PAGEREF _Toc54359489 \h 43Corticosteroids - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359490 \h 43Depigmenting Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359491 \h 43Emollient/Keratolytic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359492 \h 43Emollients PAGEREF _Toc54359493 \h 43Enzymes - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359494 \h 43Imidazole-Related Antifungals - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359495 \h 43Immunomodulators Imidazoquinolinamines - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359496 \h 43Keratolytic/Antimitotic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359497 \h 43Local Anesthetics - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359498 \h 43Macrolide Immunosuppressants - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359499 \h 43Misc. Dermatological Products PAGEREF _Toc54359500 \h 43Pigmenting Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359501 \h 43Rosacea Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359502 \h 44Scabicides & Pediculicides PAGEREF _Toc54359503 \h 44Topical Anesthetic Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359504 \h 44Topical Selective Retinoid X Receptor Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359505 \h 44Topical Steroid Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359506 \h 44Wound Dressings PAGEREF _Toc54359507 \h 44DIAGNOSTIC PRODUCTS PAGEREF _Toc54359508 \h 44Diagnostic Biologicals PAGEREF _Toc54359509 \h 44Diagnostic Drugs PAGEREF _Toc54359510 \h 44Diagnostic Radiopharmaceuticals - Cardiac PAGEREF _Toc54359511 \h 44Miscellaneous Contrast Media PAGEREF _Toc54359512 \h 44Radiographic Contrast Media - Iodinated PAGEREF _Toc54359513 \h 44DIAGNOSTICS & MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359514 \h 44IRRIGATING SOLUTIONS PAGEREF _Toc54359515 \h 44MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359516 \h 44NEUTRACEUTICALS PAGEREF _Toc54359517 \h 44DIETARY PRODUCTS/DIETARY MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS PAGEREF _Toc54359518 \h 44Dietary Management Product Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359519 \h 44DIGESTIVE AIDS PAGEREF _Toc54359520 \h 45Digestive Enzymes PAGEREF _Toc54359521 \h 45DIURETICS PAGEREF _Toc54359522 \h 45Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359523 \h 45Diuretic Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359524 \h 45Loop Diuretics PAGEREF _Toc54359525 \h 45Osmotic Diuretics PAGEREF _Toc54359526 \h 45Potassium Sparing Diuretics PAGEREF _Toc54359527 \h 45Thiazides and Thiazide-Like Diuretics PAGEREF _Toc54359528 \h 45Dopamine and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (DNRIs) PAGEREF _Toc54359529 \h 45Dopamine and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (DNRIs) PAGEREF _Toc54359530 \h 45ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC AGENTS - MISC. PAGEREF _Toc54359531 \h 45Bisphosphonates PAGEREF _Toc54359532 \h 45Calcimimetic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359533 \h 45Calcitonins PAGEREF _Toc54359534 \h 45Carnitine Replenisher - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359535 \h 45Dopamine Receptor Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359536 \h 45Fabry Disease - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359537 \h 45GAA Deficiency Treatment - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359538 \h 45GnRH/LHRH Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359539 \h 46Growth Hormone Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359540 \h 46Growth Hormone Releasing Hormones (GHRH) PAGEREF _Toc54359541 \h 46Growth Hormones PAGEREF _Toc54359542 \h 46Hereditary Orotic Aciduria Treatment - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359543 \h 46Hereditary Tyrosinemia Type 1 (HT-1) Treatment - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359544 \h 46Homocystinuria Treatment - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359545 \h 46Hyperammonemia Treatment - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359546 \h 46Hyperparathyroid Treatment - Vitamin D Analogs PAGEREF _Toc54359547 \h 46Hypophosphatasia (HPP) Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359548 \h 46Insulin-Like Growth Factors (Somatomedins) PAGEREF _Toc54359549 \h 46LHRH/GnRH Agonist Analog Pituitary Suppressants PAGEREF _Toc54359550 \h 46Lysosomal Acid Lipase (LAL) Deficiency - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359551 \h 46Mucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I) - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359552 \h 46Mucopolysaccharidosis II (MPS II) - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359553 \h 46Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS VI) - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359554 \h 46Ovulation Stimulants-Gonadotropins PAGEREF _Toc54359555 \h 46Ovulation Stimulants-Synthetic PAGEREF _Toc54359556 \h 46Parathyroid Hormone And Derivatives PAGEREF _Toc54359557 \h 46Phenylketonuria Treatment - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359558 \h 46RANK Ligand (RANKL) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359559 \h 46Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) PAGEREF _Toc54359560 \h 47Selective Vasopressin V2-Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359561 \h 47Somatostatic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359562 \h 47Urea Cycle Disorder - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359563 \h 47Vasopressin PAGEREF _Toc54359564 \h 47Estrogen-Progestin-GnRH Antagonist PAGEREF _Toc54359565 \h 47Estrogen-Progestin-GnRH Antagonist PAGEREF _Toc54359566 \h 47ESTROGENS PAGEREF _Toc54359567 \h 47Estrogen & Androgen PAGEREF _Toc54359568 \h 47Estrogen & Progestin PAGEREF _Toc54359569 \h 47Estrogens PAGEREF _Toc54359570 \h 47Estrogen-Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator Comb PAGEREF _Toc54359571 \h 47Estrogen-Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator Comb PAGEREF _Toc54359572 \h 47FLUOROQUINOLONES PAGEREF _Toc54359573 \h 47Fluoroquinolones PAGEREF _Toc54359574 \h 47GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS - MISC. PAGEREF _Toc54359575 \h 47Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR) Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359576 \h 47Gallstone Solubilizing Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359577 \h 47Gastrointestinal Chloride Channel Activators PAGEREF _Toc54359578 \h 48Gastrointestinal Stimulants PAGEREF _Toc54359579 \h 48IBS Agent - Guanylate Cyclase-C (GC-C) Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359580 \h 48IBS Agent - Mu-Opioid Receptor Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359581 \h 48IBS Agent - Selective 5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359582 \h 48Inflammatory Bowel Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359583 \h 48Peripheral Opioid Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359584 \h 48Phosphate Binder Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359585 \h 48Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Blockers PAGEREF _Toc54359586 \h 48GENERAL ANESTHETICS PAGEREF _Toc54359587 \h 48Anesthetics - Misc. PAGEREF _Toc54359588 \h 48Barbiturate Anesthetics PAGEREF _Toc54359589 \h 48GENITOURINARY AGENTS - MISCELLANEOUS PAGEREF _Toc54359590 \h 485-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359591 \h 48Alpha 1-Adrenoceptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359592 \h 48Citrates PAGEREF _Toc54359593 \h 48Cystinosis Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359594 \h 48Genitourinary Irrigants PAGEREF _Toc54359595 \h 48Interstitial Cystitis Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359596 \h 49Urinary Analgesics PAGEREF _Toc54359597 \h 49Glycopeptides PAGEREF _Toc54359598 \h 49Glycopeptides PAGEREF _Toc54359599 \h 49GOUT AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359600 \h 49Gout Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359601 \h 49Uricosurics PAGEREF _Toc54359602 \h 49HEMATOLOGICAL AGENTS - MISC. PAGEREF _Toc54359603 \h 49Antihemophilic Products PAGEREF _Toc54359604 \h 49Bradykinin B2 Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359605 \h 49C1 Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359606 \h 49Complement Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359607 \h 49Cyclopentyltriazolopyrimidine (CPTP) Derivatives PAGEREF _Toc54359608 \h 49Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Receptor Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359609 \h 49Hematorheologic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359610 \h 49Hemin PAGEREF _Toc54359611 \h 49Human Protein C PAGEREF _Toc54359612 \h 50Phosphodiesterase III Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359613 \h 50Plasma Expanders PAGEREF _Toc54359614 \h 50Plasma Kallikrein Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359615 \h 50Plasma Proteins PAGEREF _Toc54359616 \h 50Platelet Aggregation Inhibitor Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359617 \h 50Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359618 \h 50Protamine PAGEREF _Toc54359619 \h 50Quinazoline Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359620 \h 50Thienopyridine Derivatives PAGEREF _Toc54359621 \h 50Tissue Plasminogen Activators PAGEREF _Toc54359622 \h 50HEMATOPOIETIC AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359623 \h 50Agents for Gaucher Disease PAGEREF _Toc54359624 \h 50Cobalamins PAGEREF _Toc54359625 \h 50CXCR4 Receptor Antagonist PAGEREF _Toc54359626 \h 50Cytotoxic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359627 \h 50Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents (ESAs) PAGEREF _Toc54359628 \h 50Erythropoietins PAGEREF _Toc54359629 \h 50Folic Acid/Folate Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359630 \h 50Folic Acid/Folates PAGEREF _Toc54359631 \h 50Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factors (G-CSF) PAGEREF _Toc54359632 \h 50Granulocyte/Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor(GM-CSF) PAGEREF _Toc54359633 \h 50Iron PAGEREF _Toc54359634 \h 51Iron Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359635 \h 51Iron w/ Folic Acid PAGEREF _Toc54359636 \h 51Iron-B12-Folate PAGEREF _Toc54359637 \h 51Thrombopoietin (TPO) Receptor Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359638 \h 51HEMOSTATICS PAGEREF _Toc54359639 \h 51Hemostatics - Systemic PAGEREF _Toc54359640 \h 51Hepatitis C Agent - Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359641 \h 51Hepatitis C Agent - Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359642 \h 51Histamine H3-Receptor Antagonist/Inverse Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359643 \h 51Histamine H3-Receptor Antagonist/Inverse Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359644 \h 51HYPNOTICS PAGEREF _Toc54359645 \h 51Barbiturate Hypnotics PAGEREF _Toc54359646 \h 51Benzodiazepine Hypnotics PAGEREF _Toc54359647 \h 51Non-Benzodiazepine - GABA-Receptor Modulators PAGEREF _Toc54359648 \h 51Selective Melatonin Receptor Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359649 \h 51IBS Agent - 5-HT4 Receptor Partial Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359650 \h 52IBS Agent - 5-HT4 Receptor Partial Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359651 \h 52Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Receptor Inhibitors(IGF-1R) PAGEREF _Toc54359652 \h 52Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Receptor Inhibitors(IGF-1R) PAGEREF _Toc54359653 \h 52Integrin Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359654 \h 52Integrin Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359655 \h 52Interleukin-4 Alpha Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359656 \h 52Interleukin-4 Alpha Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359657 \h 52Interleukin-6 (IL-6) Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359658 \h 52Interleukin-6 (IL-6) Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359659 \h 52LAXATIVES PAGEREF _Toc54359660 \h 52Bowel Evacuant Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359661 \h 52Laxatives - Miscellaneous PAGEREF _Toc54359662 \h 52Leptin Analogues PAGEREF _Toc54359663 \h 52Leptin Analogues PAGEREF _Toc54359664 \h 52LOCAL ANESTHETICS-Parenteral PAGEREF _Toc54359665 \h 52Local Anesthetic & Sympathomimetic PAGEREF _Toc54359666 \h 52Local Anesthetics - Amides PAGEREF _Toc54359667 \h 52Local Anesthetics - Esters PAGEREF _Toc54359668 \h 52MACROLIDES PAGEREF _Toc54359669 \h 52Azithromycin PAGEREF _Toc54359670 \h 52Clarithromycin PAGEREF _Toc54359671 \h 52Erythromycins PAGEREF _Toc54359672 \h 52MEDICAL DEVICES PAGEREF _Toc54359673 \h 53Cervical Caps PAGEREF _Toc54359674 \h 53Glucose Monitoring Test Supplies PAGEREF _Toc54359675 \h 53Needles & Syringes PAGEREF _Toc54359676 \h 53MIGRAINE PRODUCTS PAGEREF _Toc54359677 \h 53Ergot Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359678 \h 53Migraine Products PAGEREF _Toc54359679 \h 53Selective Serotonin Agonist-NSAID Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359680 \h 53Selective Serotonin Agonists 5-HT(1) PAGEREF _Toc54359681 \h 53MINERALS & ELECTROLYTES PAGEREF _Toc54359682 \h 53Bicarbonates PAGEREF _Toc54359683 \h 53Calcium PAGEREF _Toc54359684 \h 53Electrolytes & Dextrose PAGEREF _Toc54359685 \h 53Electrolytes Parenteral PAGEREF _Toc54359686 \h 53Iodine Products PAGEREF _Toc54359687 \h 54Magnesium PAGEREF _Toc54359688 \h 54Manganese PAGEREF _Toc54359689 \h 54Phosphate PAGEREF _Toc54359690 \h 54Phosphates PAGEREF _Toc54359691 \h 54Potassium PAGEREF _Toc54359692 \h 54Trace Mineral Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359693 \h 54Trace Minerals PAGEREF _Toc54359694 \h 54Mixed Allergenic Extracts PAGEREF _Toc54359695 \h 54Mixed Allergenic Extracts PAGEREF _Toc54359696 \h 54Monobactams PAGEREF _Toc54359697 \h 54Monobactams PAGEREF _Toc54359698 \h 54MOUTH/THROAT/DENTAL AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359699 \h 54Anti-infective Combinations - Throat PAGEREF _Toc54359700 \h 54Fluoride Dental Products PAGEREF _Toc54359701 \h 54Saliva Stimulants PAGEREF _Toc54359702 \h 54Mucopolysaccharidosis IV (MPS IV) - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359703 \h 55Mucopolysaccharidosis IV (MPS IV) - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359704 \h 55Mucopolysaccharidosis VII (MPS VII) - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359705 \h 55Mucopolysaccharidosis VII (MPS VII) - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359706 \h 55Multiple Sclerosis Agents - Antimetabolites PAGEREF _Toc54359707 \h 55Multiple Sclerosis Agents - Antimetabolites PAGEREF _Toc54359708 \h 55MULTIVITAMINS PAGEREF _Toc54359709 \h 55B-Complex Vitamins PAGEREF _Toc54359710 \h 55B-Complex w/ C & Folic Acid PAGEREF _Toc54359711 \h 55Multiple Vitamins w/ Calcium PAGEREF _Toc54359712 \h 55Multiple Vitamins w/ Minerals PAGEREF _Toc54359713 \h 55Multiple Vitamins w/ Minerals & Calcium-Folic Acid PAGEREF _Toc54359714 \h 55Multiple Vitamins w/ Minerals & Folic Acid PAGEREF _Toc54359715 \h 55Multivitamins PAGEREF _Toc54359716 \h 55Ped Multi Vitamins w/Fl & FE PAGEREF _Toc54359717 \h 55Ped MV w/ Fluoride PAGEREF _Toc54359718 \h 55Pediatric Multiple Vitamins PAGEREF _Toc54359719 \h 55Prenatal MV & Min w/FE-FA PAGEREF _Toc54359720 \h 55Prenatal MV & Min w/FE-FA-CA-Omega 3 Fish Oil PAGEREF _Toc54359721 \h 56Prenatal MV & Min w/FE-FA-DHA PAGEREF _Toc54359722 \h 56Prenatal Vitamins PAGEREF _Toc54359723 \h 56MUSCULOSKELETAL THERAPY AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359724 \h 56Central Muscle Relaxants PAGEREF _Toc54359725 \h 56Direct Muscle Relaxants PAGEREF _Toc54359726 \h 56Viscosupplements PAGEREF _Toc54359727 \h 56NASAL AGENTS - SYSTEMIC AND TOPICAL PAGEREF _Toc54359728 \h 56Antihistamine-Steroid PAGEREF _Toc54359729 \h 56Nasal Anticholinergics PAGEREF _Toc54359730 \h 56Nasal Antihistamines PAGEREF _Toc54359731 \h 56Nasal Steroids PAGEREF _Toc54359732 \h 56Neprilysin Inhib (ARNI)-Angiotensin II Recept Antag Comb PAGEREF _Toc54359733 \h 57Neprilysin Inhib (ARNI)-Angiotensin II Recept Antag Comb PAGEREF _Toc54359734 \h 57NEUROMUSCULAR AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359735 \h 57Benzathiazoles PAGEREF _Toc54359736 \h 57Depolarizing Muscle Relaxants PAGEREF _Toc54359737 \h 57Neuromuscular Blocking Agent - Neurotoxins PAGEREF _Toc54359738 \h 57NUTRIENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359739 \h 57Amino Acid Mixtures PAGEREF _Toc54359740 \h 57Carbohydrates PAGEREF _Toc54359741 \h 57Lipids PAGEREF _Toc54359742 \h 57OPHTHALMIC AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359743 \h 57Beta-blockers - Ophthalmic PAGEREF _Toc54359744 \h 57Beta-blockers - Ophthalmic Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359745 \h 57Cycloplegic Mydriatics PAGEREF _Toc54359746 \h 57Lymphocyte Function-Associated Antigen-1 (LFA-1) Antag PAGEREF _Toc54359747 \h 57Miotics - Cholinesterase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359748 \h 57Miotics - Direct Acting PAGEREF _Toc54359749 \h 57Ophthalmic Antiallergic PAGEREF _Toc54359750 \h 57Ophthalmic Antibiotics PAGEREF _Toc54359751 \h 58Ophthalmic Antifungal PAGEREF _Toc54359752 \h 58Ophthalmic Anti-infective Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359753 \h 58Ophthalmic Antivirals PAGEREF _Toc54359754 \h 58Ophthalmic Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359755 \h 58Ophthalmic Enzymes PAGEREF _Toc54359756 \h 58Ophthalmic Immunomodulators PAGEREF _Toc54359757 \h 58Ophthalmic Irrigation Solutions PAGEREF _Toc54359758 \h 58Ophthalmic Local Anesthetics PAGEREF _Toc54359759 \h 58Ophthalmic Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359760 \h 58Ophthalmic Photodynamic Therapy Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359761 \h 58Ophthalmic Rho Kinase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359762 \h 58Ophthalmic Selective Alpha Adrenergic Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359763 \h 58Ophthalmic Steroid Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359764 \h 58Ophthalmic Steroids PAGEREF _Toc54359765 \h 58Ophthalmic Sulfonamides PAGEREF _Toc54359766 \h 58Ophthalmics - Cystinosis Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359767 \h 59Prostaglandins - Ophthalmic PAGEREF _Toc54359768 \h 59Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359769 \h 59Ophthalmic Gene Therapy PAGEREF _Toc54359770 \h 59Ophthalmic Gene Therapy PAGEREF _Toc54359771 \h 59Ophthalmic Kinase Inhibitors - Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359772 \h 59Ophthalmic Kinase Inhibitors - Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359773 \h 59Orexin Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359774 \h 59Orexin Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359775 \h 59OTIC AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359776 \h 59Otic Agents - Miscellaneous PAGEREF _Toc54359777 \h 59Otic Analgesic Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359778 \h 59Otic Anti-infectives PAGEREF _Toc54359779 \h 59Otic Steroid-Anti-infective Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359780 \h 59Otic Steroids PAGEREF _Toc54359781 \h 59OXYTOCICS PAGEREF _Toc54359782 \h 59Abortifacients/Cervical Ripening - Prostaglandins PAGEREF _Toc54359783 \h 59Oxytocics PAGEREF _Toc54359784 \h 59PASSIVE IMMUNIZING AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359785 \h 59Antitoxins-Antivenins PAGEREF _Toc54359786 \h 59Antiviral Monoclonal Antibodies PAGEREF _Toc54359787 \h 59Immune Serums PAGEREF _Toc54359788 \h 59PCSK9 Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359789 \h 60PCSK9 Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359790 \h 60PENICILLINS PAGEREF _Toc54359791 \h 60Aminopenicillins PAGEREF _Toc54359792 \h 60Natural Penicillins PAGEREF _Toc54359793 \h 60Penicillin Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359794 \h 60Penicillinase-Resistant Penicillins PAGEREF _Toc54359795 \h 60Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase (PI3K) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359796 \h 60Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase (PI3K) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359797 \h 60Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) Inhibitors - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359798 \h 60Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) Inhibitors - Topical PAGEREF _Toc54359799 \h 60Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase (PARP) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359800 \h 60Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase (PARP) Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359801 \h 60Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN)/Neuropathic Pain Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359802 \h 60Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN)/Neuropathic Pain Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359803 \h 60PROGESTINS PAGEREF _Toc54359804 \h 60Progestins PAGEREF _Toc54359805 \h 60Protease-Activated Receptor-1 (PAR-1) Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359806 \h 60Protease-Activated Receptor-1 (PAR-1) Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359807 \h 60PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC AND NEUROLOGICAL AGENTS - MISC. PAGEREF _Toc54359808 \h 60Agents for Narcotic Withdrawal PAGEREF _Toc54359809 \h 60Alcohol Deterrents PAGEREF _Toc54359810 \h 61Anti-Cataplectic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359811 \h 61Antidementia Agent Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359812 \h 61Benzodiazepines & Tricyclic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359813 \h 61Cholinomimetics - ACHE Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359814 \h 61Fibromyalgia Agent - SNRIs PAGEREF _Toc54359815 \h 61Movement Disorder Drug Therapy PAGEREF _Toc54359816 \h 61MS Agents - Pyrimidine Synthesis Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359817 \h 61Multiple Sclerosis Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359818 \h 61Multiple Sclerosis Agents - Interferons PAGEREF _Toc54359819 \h 61Multiple Sclerosis Agents - Monoclonal Antibodies PAGEREF _Toc54359820 \h 61Multiple Sclerosis Agents - Nrf2 Pathway Activators PAGEREF _Toc54359821 \h 61Multiple Sclerosis Agents - Potassium Channel Blockers PAGEREF _Toc54359822 \h 61N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359823 \h 61Phenothiazines & Tricyclic Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359824 \h 61Pseudobulbar Affect Agent Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359825 \h 61Smoking Deterrents PAGEREF _Toc54359826 \h 61Sphingosine 1-Phosphate (S1P) Receptor Modulators PAGEREF _Toc54359827 \h 61Thienbenzodiazepines & SSRIs PAGEREF _Toc54359828 \h 61Vasomotor Symptom Agents - SSRIs PAGEREF _Toc54359829 \h 62Pulmonary Hypertension - Prostacyclin Receptor Agonist PAGEREF _Toc54359830 \h 62Pulmonary Hypertension - Prostacyclin Receptor Agonist PAGEREF _Toc54359831 \h 62RESPIRATORY AGENTS - MISC. PAGEREF _Toc54359832 \h 62Alpha-Proteinase Inhibitor (Human) PAGEREF _Toc54359833 \h 62CFTR Potentiators PAGEREF _Toc54359834 \h 62Hydrolytic Enzymes PAGEREF _Toc54359835 \h 62Interleukin-5 Antagonists (IgG1 kappa) PAGEREF _Toc54359836 \h 62Pulmonary Fibrosis Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359837 \h 62Sclerostin Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359838 \h 62Sclerostin Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359839 \h 62Sinus Node Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359840 \h 62Sinus Node Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359841 \h 62Spinal Muscular Atrophy Agents (SMA) PAGEREF _Toc54359842 \h 62Spinal Muscular Atrophy Agents (SMA) PAGEREF _Toc54359843 \h 62TETRACYCLINES PAGEREF _Toc54359844 \h 62Tetracyclines PAGEREF _Toc54359845 \h 62Tetrahydroisoquinolines PAGEREF _Toc54359846 \h 62Tetrahydroisoquinolines PAGEREF _Toc54359847 \h 62THYROID AGENTS PAGEREF _Toc54359848 \h 62Antithyroid Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359849 \h 62Thyroid Hormones PAGEREF _Toc54359850 \h 62TOXOIDS PAGEREF _Toc54359851 \h 62Toxoid Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359852 \h 62Tripeptidyl Peptidase 1 Deficiency Treatment - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359853 \h 63Tripeptidyl Peptidase 1 Deficiency Treatment - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359854 \h 63Tryptophan Hydroxylase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359855 \h 63Tryptophan Hydroxylase Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359856 \h 63ULCER DRUGS PAGEREF _Toc54359857 \h 63Antispasmodics PAGEREF _Toc54359858 \h 63Belladonna Alkaloids PAGEREF _Toc54359859 \h 63H-2 Antagonists PAGEREF _Toc54359860 \h 63Misc. Anti-Ulcer PAGEREF _Toc54359861 \h 63Proton Pump Inhibitor-Antacid Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359862 \h 63Proton Pump Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359863 \h 63Quaternary Anticholinergics PAGEREF _Toc54359864 \h 63Ulcer Anti-Infective w/ Proton Pump Inhibitors PAGEREF _Toc54359865 \h 63Ulcer Drugs - Prostaglandins PAGEREF _Toc54359866 \h 63URINARY ANTI-INFECTIVES PAGEREF _Toc54359867 \h 63Urinary Anti-infectives PAGEREF _Toc54359868 \h 63Urinary Antiseptic-Antispasmodic &/or Analgesics PAGEREF _Toc54359869 \h 63URINARY ANTISPASMODICS PAGEREF _Toc54359870 \h 63Beta-3 Adrenergic Agonists PAGEREF _Toc54359871 \h 63Urinary Antispasmodic - Antimuscarinic (Anticholinergic) PAGEREF _Toc54359872 \h 63Urinary Antispasmodics - Cholinergic Agonists (new) PAGEREF _Toc54359873 \h 64Urinary Antispasmodics - Direct Muscle Relaxants PAGEREF _Toc54359874 \h 64VACCINES PAGEREF _Toc54359875 \h 64Bacterial Vaccines PAGEREF _Toc54359876 \h 64Viral Vaccine Combinations PAGEREF _Toc54359877 \h 64Viral Vaccines PAGEREF _Toc54359878 \h 64VAGINAL PRODUCTS PAGEREF _Toc54359879 \h 64Imidazole-Related Antifungals PAGEREF _Toc54359880 \h 64Vaginal Anti-infectives PAGEREF _Toc54359881 \h 64Vaginal Estrogens PAGEREF _Toc54359882 \h 64Vaginal Progestins PAGEREF _Toc54359883 \h 64VASOPRESSORS PAGEREF _Toc54359884 \h 64Anaphylaxis Therapy Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359885 \h 64Vasopressors PAGEREF _Toc54359886 \h 65VITAMINS PAGEREF _Toc54359887 \h 65Vitamin A PAGEREF _Toc54359888 \h 65Vitamin B-1 PAGEREF _Toc54359889 \h 65Vitamin B-6 PAGEREF _Toc54359890 \h 65Vitamin C PAGEREF _Toc54359891 \h 65Vitamin K PAGEREF _Toc54359892 \h 65VITAMINS, HEMATINICS & ELECTROLYTES PAGEREF _Toc54359893 \h 65VITAMINS & HEMATINICS PAGEREF _Toc54359894 \h 65X-Linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH) Treatment - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359895 \h 65X-Linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH) Treatment - Agents PAGEREF _Toc54359896 \h 65Adenosine Receptor AntagonistAdenosine Receptor AntagonisNON PREFERRED NOURIANZADHD/ANTI-NARCOLEPSY/ANTI-OBESITY/ANOREXIANTSADHD Agent - Selective Alpha Adrenergic AgonistsGENERIC clonidine hcl er guanfacine erADHD Agent - Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake InhibitorGENERIC atomoxetine hclNON PREFERRED STRATTERAAmphetamine MixturesGENERIC amphetamine salt combo erPREFERRED MYDAYISNON PREFERRED ADDERALL ADDERALL XRAmphetaminesGENERIC dextroamphetamine sulfate dextroamphetamine sulfate er methamphetamine hclPREFERRED VYVANSENON PREFERRED EVEKEOAnalepticsGENERIC caffeine citrated caffeine/sodium benzoateAnorexiants Non-AmphetamineGENERIC benzphetamine hcl diethylpropion hcl phendimetrazine tartrate phendimetrazine tartrate er phentermine hclStimulants - Misc.GENERIC armodafinil dexmethylphenidate er dexmethylphenidate hcl dexmethylphenidate hcl er methylphenidate cd methylphenidate er methylphenidate hcl methylphenidate hcl er (cd) methylphenidate la modafinilNON PREFERRED ADHANSIA XR CONCERTA DAYTRANA FOCALIN FOCALIN XR JORNAY PM METADATE CD QUILLICHEW ER QUILLIVANT XR RITALIN RITALIN LAALS Agents - MiscellaneousALS Agents - MiscellaneousNON PREFERRED RADICAVAAMINOGLYCOSIDESAminoglycosidesGENERIC gentamicin sulfate gentamicin sulfate in ns neomycin sulfate paromomycin sulfate tobramycin sulfate tobramycin sulfate in nsPREFERRED AMIKACIN KITABIS PAKNON PREFERRED BETHKIS GENTAMICIN SULFATE 60MG/ML VIAL GENTAMICIN SULFATE IN NS 100MG/50ML GENTAMICIN SULFATE IN NS 120MG/0.1L STREPTOMYCIN SULFATE TOBI PODHALERANALGESICS - ANTI-INFLAMMATORYAntirheumatic - Janus Kinase (JAK) InhibitorsPREFERRED XELJANZ XELJANZ XRNON PREFERRED RINVOQAntirheumatic AntimetabolitesNON PREFERRED OTREXUP RASUVOAnti-TNF-alpha - Monoclonal AntibodiesPREFERRED HUMIRANON PREFERRED SIMPONI ARIAAnti-TNF-alpha - Monoclonoal AntibodiesNON PREFERRED SIMPONICyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) InhibitorsGENERIC celecoxibNON PREFERRED CELEBREXGold CompoundsNON PREFERRED RIDAURAInterleukin-1 BlockersNON PREFERRED ARCALYSTInterleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (IL-1Ra)NON PREFERRED KINERETInterleukin-1beta BlockersNON PREFERRED ILARISInterleukin-6 Receptor InhibitorsNON PREFERRED ACTEMRA ACTEMRA ACTPEN KEVZARANonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Agent CombinationsGENERIC diclofenac sodium/misoprostol del relNonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Agents (NSAIDs)GENERIC diclofenac potassium diclofenac sodium etodolac etodolac er fenoprofen calcium flurbiprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen lysine indomethacin indomethacin er ketoprofen er ketorolac tromethamine meclofenamate sodium mefenamic acid meloxicam nabumetone naproxen naproxen sodium oxaprozin piroxicam sulindac tolmetin sodiumNON PREFERRED CALDOLOR FENOPROFEN CALCIUM NEOPROFEN QMIIZ ODT TIVORBEX ZORVOLEXPyrimidine Synthesis InhibitorsGENERIC leflunomideSelective Costimulation ModulatorsNON PREFERRED ORENCIA ORENCIA CLICKJECTSoluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor AgentsPREFERRED ENBRELANALGESICS - NonNarcoticAnalgesics OtherGENERIC acetaminophen-diphenhydramine clonidineNON PREFERRED OFIRMEVAnalgesics-SedativesGENERIC butalbital compound butalbital/apap/caffeine butalbital/aspirin/caffeineSalicylate CombinationsGENERIC choline mag trisalicylateSalicylatesGENERIC diflunisal salicylamide salsalateNON PREFERRED DISALCIDSelective N-Type Neuronal Calcium Channel BlockersNON PREFERRED PRIALTANALGESICS - OPIOIDCodeine CombinationsGENERIC acetaminophen/codeine butalbital compound/codeine butalbital/caff/apap/codeineDihydrocodeine CombinationsGENERIC dihydrocodeine/aspirin/caffeineHydrocodone CombinationsGENERIC hydrocodone/acetaminophen hydrocodone/ibuprofenOpioid AgonistsGENERIC alfentanil hcl codeine sulfate fentanyl citrate hydrocodone bitartrate er hydromorphone hcl levorphanol tartrate meperidine hcl methadone hcl morphine sulfate morphine sulfate cr morphine sulfate er oxycodone hcl oxycodone hcl/ibuprofen oxymorphone hcl oxymorphone hcl er remifentanil hcl sufentil 50mcg/ml ampul tramadol hcl tramadol hcl erPREFERRED OXYCONTIN ROXYBOND XTAMPZA ERNON PREFERRED ABSTRAL CODEINE SULFATE SOLUTION DSUVIA FENTANYL CITRATE 100MCG/2ML FENTORA HYDROMORPHONE HCL 0.5MG/0.5ML SYRINGE HYSINGLA ER INFUMORPH MORPHINE SULFATE NUCYNTA NUCYNTA ER SUBSYS SUFENTIL 50MCG/ML VIAL TRAMADOL HCL ER ULTIVA ZOHYDRO EROpioid CombinationsGENERIC oxycodone w/aspirin oxycodone/acetaminophenOpioid Partial AgonistsGENERIC buprenorphine buprenorphine/naloxone butorphanol nalbuphine hclPREFERRED BELBUCA SUBOXONE ZUBSOLVNON PREFERRED BUTRANS SUBLOCADE SUBOXONE (FILM)Tramadol CombinationsGENERIC tramadol/acetaminophenANDROGENS-ANABOLICAndrogensGENERIC danazol oxandrolone testosterone cypionate testosterone enanthate testosterone gelNON PREFERRED ANDRODERM AXIRON METHITEST TESTOSTERONE GELANORECTAL AGENTSIntrarectal SteroidsPREFERRED CORTIFOAMNON PREFERRED UCERIS FOAMNitrate Vasodilating AgentsNON PREFERRED RECTIVRectal Anesthetic/SteroidsGENERIC hydrocortisone hydrocortisone/pramoxine lidocaine-hc pramcortNON PREFERRED LIDOCAINE-HC PROCTOFOAM-HCANTHELMINTICSAnthelminticsGENERIC praziquantelPREFERRED ALBENZANON PREFERRED BENZNIDAZOLE BILTRICIDE EMVERM STROMECTOLANTIANGINAL AGENTSAntianginals-OtherGENERIC ranolazine erNON PREFERRED RANEXANitratesGENERIC isosorbide dinitrate isosorbide mononitrate isosorbide mononitrate er minitran nitroglycerin nitroglycerin er nitroglycerin spray nitroglycerin tabletsPREFERRED DILATRATE-SRNON PREFERRED NITRO-DUR NITROGLYCERIN IN D5W NITROSTATANTIANXIETY AGENTSAntianxiety Agents - Misc.GENERIC buspirone hcl droperidol hydroxyzine hcl hydroxyzine pamoateNON PREFERRED VISTARILBenzodiazepinesGENERIC alprazolam alprazolam er alprazolam odt chlordiazepoxide hcl clorazepate dipotassium diazepam lorazepam oxazepamNON PREFERRED XANAX XANAX XRANTIARRHYTHMICSAntiarrhythmics - Misc.GENERIC adenosineAntiarrhythmics Type I-AGENERIC procainamide hcl quinidine gluconate quinidine gluconate er quinidine sulfatePREFERRED QUINIDINE SULFATEAntiarrhythmics Type I-BGENERIC lidocaine hcl in 7.5% dextrose mexiletine hclAntiarrhythmics Type I-CGENERIC flecainide acetate propafenone hcl propafenone hcl erAntiarrhythmics Type IIIGENERIC amiodarone hcl dofetilide ibutilide fumarateNON PREFERRED NEXTERONEANTIASTHMATIC AND BRONCHODILATOR AGENTSAdrenergic CombinationsGENERIC fluticasone-salmeterol ipratropium-albuterol wixela inhubPREFERRED ADVAIR HFA ANORO ELLIPTA BREO ELLIPTA COMBIVENT RESPIMAT STIOLTO RESPIMAT SYMBICORT TRELEGY ELLIPTANON PREFERRED ADVAIR DISKUS BEVESPI AEROSPHERE BREZTRI AEROSPHERE DULERA UTIBRON NEOHALERAnti-IgE Monoclonal AntibodiesNON PREFERRED XOLAIRAnti-Inflammatory AgentsGENERIC cromolyn sodiumBeta AdrenergicsGENERIC albuterol sulfate albuterol sulfate hfa levalbuterol hcl metaproterenol sulfate terbutaline sulfatePREFERRED ALBUTEROL ARCAPTA NEOHALER PERFOROMIST PROAIR RESPICLICK SEREVENT DISKUSNON PREFERRED PROAIR HFA STRIVERDI RESPIMAT VENTOLIN HFA VOSPIRE ERBronchodilators - AnticholinergicsGENERIC ipratropium bromide ipratropium/albuterol nebulizationPREFERRED INCRUSE ELLIPTA SPIRIVA HANDIHALER SPIRIVA RESPIMATNON PREFERRED SEEBRI NEOHALER TUDORZA PRESSAIR YUPELRILeukotriene Receptor AntagonistsGENERIC montelukast sodium zafirlukastNON PREFERRED ACCOLATESelective Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) InhibitorsPREFERRED DALIRESPSteroid InhalantsGENERIC budesonidePREFERRED ARNUITY ELLIPTA ASMANEX, HFA FLOVENT DISKUS FLOVENT HFA PULMICORT FLEXHALER QVAR QVAR REDIHALERNON PREFERRED ALVESCO ARMONAIR RESPICLICKXanthinesGENERIC aminophylline theophylline anhydrous drops er 12 hr theophylline anhydrous erNON PREFERRED AMINOPHYLLINE 500MG/20ML AMPULANTICOAGULANTSCoumarin AnticoagulantsGENERIC warfarin sodiumNON PREFERRED COUMADINDirect Factor Xa InhibitorsPREFERRED ELIQUIS XARELTOHeparins And Heparinoid-Like AgentsGENERIC heparin lock flush heparin sodium in 0.45% nacl heparin sodium in 5% dextrose heparin sodium syringeNON PREFERRED HEPARIN SODIUM IN 0.45% NACL 12500/500Low Molecular Weight HeparinsGENERIC enoxaparin sodiumNON PREFERRED FRAGMINSynthetic Heparinoid-Like AgentsGENERIC fondaparinux sodiumThrombin Inhibitors - Hirudin TypeGENERIC bivalirudinNON PREFERRED ANGIOMAXThrombin Inhibitors - Selective Direct & ReversibleNON PREFERRED ARGATROBANANTICONVULSANTSAMPA Glutamate Receptor AntagonistsNON PREFERRED FYCOMPAAnticonvulsants - BenzodiazepinesGENERIC clobazam clonazepam clonazepam odt diazepam rectal gelNON PREFERRED NAYZILAM ONFI SYMPAZAN VALTOCOAnticonvulsants - Misc.GENERIC carbamazepine carbamazepine er gabapentin lamotrigine lamotrigine er levetiracetam levetiracetam er oxcarbazepine pregabalin primidone roweepra topiramate zonisamidePREFERRED ROWEEPRA XRNON PREFERRED BANZEL DIACOMIT FINTEPLA LAMICTAL XR LYRICA OXTELLAR XR POTIGA QUDEXY XR VIMPAT ZONISAMIDECarbamatesGENERIC felbamateNON PREFERRED XCOPRIGABA ModulatorsGENERIC tiagabine hcl vigabatrinNON PREFERRED GABITRIL SABRILHydantoinsGENERIC fosphenytoin sodium phenytoin phenytoin sodiumNON PREFERRED DILANTIN DILANTIN 30MG PEGANONESuccinimidesGENERIC ethosuximideNON PREFERRED CELONTINValproic AcidGENERIC divalproex sodium divalproex sodium er valproate sodium valproic acidPREFERRED VALPROIC ACIDANTIDEPRESSANTSAlpha-2 Receptor Antagonists (Tetracyclics)GENERIC mirtazapine mirtazapine disintegratingNON PREFERRED REMERON REMERON ODTAntidepressants - Misc.GENERIC bupropion hcl bupropion hcl er bupropion hcl xl er bupropion srModified CyclicsGENERIC trazodone hclNON PREFERRED VIIBRYDMonoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)GENERIC phenelzine sulfate tranylcypromine sulfateSelective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)GENERIC citalopram hbr escitalopram oxalate fluoxetine fluvoxamine maleate er paroxetine hcl paroxetine hcl erNON PREFERRED CELEXA PROZACSerotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)GENERIC desvenlafaxine succinate er duloxetine venlafaxine hcl venlafaxine hcl erPREFERRED FETZIMANON PREFERRED EFFEXOR XR PRISTIQTricyclic AgentsGENERIC amitriptyline hcl amoxapine 150mg amoxapine 25mg clomipramine hcl desipramine hcl doxepin hcl imipramine hcl imipramine pamoate nortriptyline hcl trimipramine maleateANTIDIABETICSAlpha-Glucosidase InhibitorsGENERIC acarboseAntidiabetic - Amylin AnalogsNON PREFERRED SYMLINPEN 120 SYMLINPEN 60BiguanidesGENERIC metformin hcl metformin hcl erNON PREFERRED RIOMETDiabetic OtherPREFERRED BAQSIMI GLUCAGONNON PREFERRED GLUCAGEN PROGLYCEMDipeptidyl Peptidase-4 (DPP-4) InhibitorsPREFERRED JANUVIA ONGLYZA TRADJENTADipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor-Biguanide CombinationsPREFERRED JANUMET JANUMET XR JENTADUETO JENTADUETO XRNON PREFERRED KOMBIGLYZE XRHuman InsulinGENERIC insulin lisproPREFERRED FIASP FIASP FLEXTOUCH HUMULIN R 500 UNITS HUMULIN R U-500 KWIKPEN LANTUS LANTUS SOLOSTAR LEVEMIR LEVEMIR, FLEXTOUCH NOVOLIN 70-30 NOVOLIN N NOVOLIN R NOVOLOG NOVOLOG FLEXPEN NOVOLOG MIX 70-30 TOUJEO MAX SOLOSTAR TOUJEO SOLOSTAR TRESIBA TRESIBA FLEXTOUCHNON PREFERRED BASAGLAR KWIKPEN U-100 HUMALOG HUMALOG JUNIOR KWIKPEN HUMALOG KWIKPEN HUMULIN 70/30 KWIKPEN HUMULIN 70-30 HUMULIN N HUMULIN N KWIKPEN LYUMJEV LYUMJEV KWIKPENIncretin Mimetic Agents (GLP-1 Receptor Agonists)PREFERRED BYETTA OZEMPIC TRULICITY VICTOZANON PREFERRED BYDUREON BYDUREON BCISE BYDUREON PENInsulin-Incretin Mimetic CombinationsPREFERRED SOLIQUA 100-33 XULTOPHY 100-3.6Meglitinide AnaloguesGENERIC nateglinide repaglinideMeglitinide-Biguanide CombinationsGENERIC repaglinide/metforminSGLT2 Inhibitor - DPP-4 Inhibitor - Biguanide CombNON PREFERRED TRIJARDY XRSGLT2 Inhibitor - DPP-4 Inhibitor CombinationsNON PREFERRED GLYXAMBI STEGLUJANSodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 (SGLT2) InhibitorsPREFERRED FARXIGA INVOKANANON PREFERRED JARDIANCE STEGLATROSodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 Inhibitor-Biguanide CombPREFERRED INVOKAMET INVOKAMET XR XIGDUO XRNON PREFERRED SEGLUROMET SYNJARDY SYNJARDY XRSulfonylurea-Biguanide CombinationsGENERIC glyburide/metforminSulfonylureasGENERIC glimepiride glipizide glipizide er glyburide glyburide micronized tolazamide tolbutamideSulfonylurea-Thiazolidinedione CombinationsGENERIC pioglitazone/glimepirideThiazolidinedione-Biguanide CombinationsGENERIC pioglitazone/metforminNON PREFERRED ACTOPLUS MET ACTOPLUS MET XRThiazolidinedionesGENERIC pioglitazone hclNON PREFERRED ACTOSANTIDIARRHEALSAntiperistaltic AgentsGENERIC diphenoxylate/atropine opium paregoricNON PREFERRED LOMOTIL TABLETANTIDOTESAntidotesGENERIC deferoxamine fomepizole physostigmine salicylatePREFERRED PHYSOSTIGMINE SALICYLATE VISTOGARDNON PREFERRED SODIUM THIOSULFATEAntidotes - Chelating AgentsGENERIC deferasirox deferiproneNON PREFERRED CHEMET EXJADE FERRIPROX JADENU JADENU SPRINKLEBenzodiazepine AntagonistsGENERIC flumazenilOpioid AntagonistsGENERIC naloxone hcl naltrexone hydrochloridePREFERRED NARCANNON PREFERRED VIVITROLANTIDOTES AND SPECIFIC ANTAGONISTSAntidotes and Specific AntagonistsGENERIC methylene blueNON PREFERRED BAL IN OIL PROTOPAM CHLORIDEANTIEMETICS5-HT3 Receptor AntagonistsGENERIC granisetron hcl ondansetron hcl ondansetron odt palonosetron hclPREFERRED SANCUSONON PREFERRED ALOXIAntiemetic CombinationsNON PREFERRED AKYNZEOAntiemetics - AnticholinergicGENERIC dimenhydrinate meclizine hcl scopolamine patch trimethobenzamide hclNON PREFERRED SCOPOLAMINE HYDROBROMIDE TRANSDERM SCOPAntiemetics - MiscellaneousGENERIC dronabinolSubstance P/Neurokinin 1 (NK1) Receptor AntagonistsGENERIC aprepitant fosaprepitantPREFERRED VARUBINON PREFERRED EMENDANTIFUNGALSAntifungal - Glucan Synthesis Inhibitors (Echinocandins)GENERIC caspofungin acetate micafungin sodiumNON PREFERRED CANCIDAS MYCAMINEAntifungalsGENERIC amphotericin flucytosine griseofulvin griseofulvin ultramicrosize nystatin terbinafinePREFERRED NYSTATIN TERBINAFINENON PREFERRED AMBISOME LAMISIL LAMISIL 250MG TABLETImidazolesGENERIC ketoconazoleNON PREFERRED KETOCONAZOLE CRYSTALSTriazolesGENERIC fluconazole fluconazole in dextrose fluconazole in saline itraconazole posaconazole voriconazolePREFERRED CRESEMBANON PREFERRED FLUCONAZOLE 100MG/50ML PIGGYBACK NOXAFIL SPORANOXAntihemophilic Products - Monoclonal AntibodiesAntihemophilic Products - Monoclonal AntibodiesNON PREFERRED HEMLIBRAANTIHISTAMINESAntihistamines - AlkylaminesGENERIC dexchlorpheniramine maleate erAntihistamines - EthanolaminesGENERIC arbinoxa carbinoxamine clemastine fumarate diphenhydramine diphenhydramine hclAntihistamines - Non-SedatingGENERIC cetirizine syrup desloratadine desloratadine disintegrating tablets levocetirizine dihydrochlorideAntihistamines - PhenothiazinesGENERIC promethazine hcl prometheganAntihistamines - PiperidinesGENERIC cyproheptadine hclANTIHYPERLIPIDEMICSAntihyperlipidemics - Misc.GENERIC omega-3-acid ethyl estersPREFERRED VASCEPABile Acid SequestrantsGENERIC cholestyramine cholestyramine light colesevelam hcl colestipol hclNON PREFERRED WELCHOLFibric Acid DerivativesGENERIC fenofibric acid fenofibric acid dr gemfibrozilPREFERRED FENOFIBRATE LIPOFENHMG CoA Reductase InhibitorsGENERIC atorvastatin calcium fluvastatin sodium lovastatin pravastatin sodium rosuvastatin simvastatinPREFERRED LIVALONON PREFERRED EZALLOR SPRINKLEIntest Cholest Absorp Inhib-HMG CoA Reductase Inhib CombGENERIC ezetimibe/simvastatinNON PREFERRED VYTORINIntestinal Cholesterol Absorption InhibitorsGENERIC ezetimibeNON PREFERRED ZETIAMicrosomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein InhibitorsNON PREFERRED JUXTAPIDNicotinic Acid DerivativesGENERIC niacin erANTIHYPERTENSIVESACE Inhibitor & Calcium Channel Blocker CombinationsGENERIC trandolapril/verapamil erNON PREFERRED PRESTALIA TARKAACE InhibitorsGENERIC benazepril hcl captopril enalapril maleate enalaprilat fosinopril sodium lisinopril moexipril hcl perindopril erbumine quinapril ramipril trandolaprilNON PREFERRED MAVIK VASOTECACE Inhibitors & Thiazide/Thiazide-LikeGENERIC benazepril/hctz captopril/hydrochlorothiazide enalapril maleate/hctz fosinopril/hydrochlorothiazide lisinopril/hctz moexipril/hydrochlorothiazide quinapril/hydrochlorothiazideAdrenolytics-Central & Thiazide/Thiazide-Like CombGENERIC methyldopa/hydrochlorothiazideAgents for PheochromocytomaGENERIC metyrosine phentolamine mesylateNON PREFERRED DEMSER PHENTOLAMINE MESYLATE VIALAngiotensin II Receptor Antag & Ca Channel Blocker CombGENERIC amlodipine/olmesartan amlodipine/valsartanNON PREFERRED AZORAngiotensin II Receptor Antag & Thiazide/Thiazide-LikeGENERIC candesartan/hydrochlorothiazide irbesartan/hydrochlorothiazide losartan/hydrochlorothiazide olmesartan medoxomil/hctz valsartan/hydrochlorothiazideNON PREFERRED BENICAR HCT EDARBYCLORAngiotensin II Receptor AntagonistsGENERIC candesartan cilexetil irbesartan losartan potassium olmesartan medoxomil valsartanNON PREFERRED BENICAR EDARBIAngiotensin II Receptor Ant-Ca Channel Blocker-ThiazidesGENERIC amlodipine/valsartan/hctz olmesartan/amlodipine/hctzNON PREFERRED TRIBENZORAntiadrenergics - Centrally ActingGENERIC clonidine hcl guanfacine hcl methyldopa methyldopate hclAntiadrenergics - Peripherally ActingGENERIC doxazosin mesylate prazosin hcl terazosin hclBeta Blocker & Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist CombNON PREFERRED BYVALSONBeta Blocker & Diuretic CombinationsGENERIC atenolol/chlorthalidone bisoprolol fumarate/hctz metoprolol/hydrochlorothiazide nadolol-bendroflumethiazide propranolol/hctzDirect Renin InhibitorsGENERIC aliskiren fumarateNON PREFERRED TEKTURNADirect Renin Inhibitors & Thiazide/Thiazide-Like CombNON PREFERRED TEKTURNA HCTReserpineGENERIC reserpineSelective Aldosterone Receptor Antagonists (SARAs)GENERIC eplerenoneVasodilatorsGENERIC hydralazine hcl minoxidilANTI-INFECTIVE AGENTS - MISC.Anti-infective Agents - Misc.GENERIC bacitracin colistimethate metronidazole pentamidine isethionate tinidazole trimethoprimPREFERRED XIFAXANNON PREFERRED FLAGYL IMPAVIDO NEBUPENT TINDAMAX VANCOMYCIN-D5W VANCOMYCIN-NSAnti-infective Misc. - CombinationsGENERIC sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprimNON PREFERRED BACTRIM BACTRIM DSAntiprotozoal AgentsGENERIC atovaquoneNON PREFERRED ALINIA MEPRONCarbapenem CombinationsGENERIC imipenem-cilastatinCarbapenemsNON PREFERRED DORIBAX INVANZ MEROPENEM - 0.9% NACLCyclic LipopeptidesGENERIC daptomycinPREFERRED CUBICIN RFNON PREFERRED CUBICINGlycylcyclinesGENERIC tigecyclineNON PREFERRED TYGACILLeprostaticsGENERIC dapsoneLincosamidesGENERIC clindamycin hcl clindamycin palmitate hcl clindamycin phosphate clindamycin phosphate/dextrosePREFERRED CLINDAMYCIN PHOSPHATEOxazolidinonesGENERIC linezolidNON PREFERRED SIVEXTRO TABLET SIVEXTRO VIALPolymyxinsGENERIC polymyxin b sulfateStreptogramin CombinationsNON PREFERRED SYNERCIDANTIMALARIALSAntimalarial CombinationsGENERIC atovaquone/proguanil hclNON PREFERRED COARTEM MALARONEAntimalarialsGENERIC chloroquine phosphate hydroxychloroquine sulfate mefloquine hcl primaquine pyrimethamine quinine sulfateNON PREFERRED DARAPRIMANTIMYASTHENIC AGENTSAntimyasthenic AgentsGENERIC neostigmine methylsulfate pyridostigmine bromideNON PREFERRED NEOSTIGMINE METHYLSULFATEAntimyasthenic/Cholinergic AgentsGENERIC guanidine hclNON PREFERRED MESTINON MESTINON ERANTIMYCOBACTERIAL AGENTSAntimycobacterial AgentsGENERIC ethambutol hcl isoniazid pyrazinamide rifabutinNON PREFERRED CAPASTAT SULFATE PRETOMANID PRIFTIN RIFADIN SIRTUROAntineoplastic - BCL-2 InhibitorsAntineoplastic - BCL-2 InhibitorsNON PREFERRED VENCLEXTA VENCLEXTA STARTER PACKAntineoplastic - FGFR Kinase InhibitorsAntineoplastic - FGFR Kinase InhibitorsNON PREFERRED PEMAZYREAntineoplastic - Tropomyosin Receptor Kinase InhibitorsAntineoplastic - Tropomyosin Receptor Kinase InhibitorsNON PREFERRED ROZLYTREKAntineoplastic - XPO1 InhibitorsAntineoplastic - XPO1 InhibitorsNON PREFERRED XPOVIOANTINEOPLASTICS AND ADJUNCTIVE THERAPIESAlkylating AgentsGENERIC carboplatin cisplatinPREFERRED CISPLATIN POWDER HEXALEN MYLERANNON PREFERRED BENDAMUSTINE HCL BENDEKA BUSUFLEX OXALIPLATIN THIOTEPA TREANDAAndrogen Biosynthesis InhibitorsGENERIC abiraterone acetateNON PREFERRED YONSA ZYTIGAAntiadrenalsPREFERRED LYSODRENAntiandrogensGENERIC bicalutamide flutamide nilutamidePREFERRED XTANDINON PREFERRED ERLEADA NILANDRON NUBEQAAntiestrogensGENERIC tamoxifen citrate toremifene citrateNON PREFERRED FARESTONAntimetabolitesGENERIC azacitidine capecitabine cladribine cytarabine decitabine floxuridine fludarabine phosphate mercaptopurine methotrexatePREFERRED ARRANON TABLOIDNON PREFERRED ALIMTA CLOLAR DEPOCYT FOLOTYN GEMCITABINE HCL INFUGEM ONUREG PURIXAN TREXALLAntineoplastic - Autologous Cellular ImmunotherapyNON PREFERRED KYMRIAH PROVENGE TECARTUS YESCARTAAntineoplastic - Bispecific T-cell EngagersNON PREFERRED BLINCYTOAntineoplastic - BRAF Kinase InhibitorsNON PREFERRED BRAFTOVI TAFINLAR ZELBORAFAntineoplastic - Hedgehog Pathway InhibitorsNON PREFERRED ERIVEDGEAntineoplastic - Histone Deacetylase InhibitorsNON PREFERRED ISTODAX ZOLINZAAntineoplastic - ImmunomodulatorsNON PREFERRED POMALYSTAntineoplastic - MEK InhibitorsNON PREFERRED COTELLIC KOSELUGO MEKINIST MEKTOVIAntineoplastic - Monoclonal AntibodiesPREFERRED ONTAKNON PREFERRED ARZERRA BAVENCIO DARZALEX ERBITUX GAZYVA HERCEPTIN HERZUMA IMFINZI KEYTRUDA LARTRUVO MONJUVI OGIVRI ONTRUZANT OPDIVO PERJETA RITUXAN TECENTRIQ TRAZIMERA TRUXIMA UNITUXIN VECTIBIX YERVOYAntineoplastic - mTOR Kinase InhibitorsGENERIC everolimus temsirolimusNON PREFERRED AFINITOR AFINITOR DISPERZ TORISELAntineoplastic - Multikinase InhibitorsPREFERRED NEXAVAR SUTENTNON PREFERRED RYDAPT STIVARGAAntineoplastic - Proteasome InhibitorsNON PREFERRED KYPROLIS NINLARO VELCADEAntineoplastic - Tyrosine Kinase InhibitorsGENERIC erlotinib hcl imatinib mesylate lapatinib ditosylatePREFERRED SPRYCEL TASIGNA XALKORINON PREFERRED ALECENSA BOSULIF BRUKINSA CAPRELSA GAVRETO GILOTRIF ICLUSIG IMBRUVICA INLYTA IRESSA LENVIMA NERLYNX QINLOCK RETEVMO TABRECTA TAGRISSO TARCEVA TUKYSA TYKERB VOTRIENT ZYKADIAAntineoplastic AntibioticsGENERIC bleomycin dactinomycin daunorubicin doxorubicin hcl doxorubicin hcl liposomal epirubicin hcl mitomycinNON PREFERRED DAUNOXOME IDARUBICIN HCL JELMYTO MITOXANTRONE VALSTARAntineoplastic -Antibody for Radiopharmaceutical TherapyNON PREFERRED ZEVALINAntineoplastic Antibody-Drug ComplexesNON PREFERRED ADCETRIS BESPONSA KADCYLA MYLOTARGAntineoplastic CombinationsNON PREFERRED DARZALEX FASPRO INQOVI LONSURF PHESGO RITUXAN HYCELA VYXEOS LIPOSOMEAntineoplastic EnzymesNON PREFERRED ONCASPARAntineoplastic RadiopharmaceuticalsNON PREFERRED LUTATHERA QUADRAMET XOFIGOAntineoplastics - InterleukinsNON PREFERRED PROLEUKINAntineoplastics - Photoactivated AgentsNON PREFERRED PHOTOFRINAntineoplastics Misc.GENERIC arsenic trioxide dacarbazine hydroxyureaPREFERRED INTRON A MATULANENON PREFERRED ACTIMMUNE ALFERON N SYLATRON SYNRIBO THERACYS TICE BCG TRISENOXAromatase InhibitorsGENERIC anastrozole exemestane letrozoleNON PREFERRED ARIMIDEX AROMASIN FEMARACarboxypeptidase Enzyme AgentsPREFERRED VORAXAZECardiac Protective AgentsGENERIC dexrazoxaneChemotherapy Adjuncts - Hyperuricemia AgentsNON PREFERRED ELITEKChemotherapy Adjuncts - Keratinocyte Growth FactorsNON PREFERRED KEPIVANCECyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDK) InhibitorsPREFERRED IBRANCEEstrogen Receptor AntagonistGENERIC fulvestrantNON PREFERRED FASLODEXEstrogens-AntineoplasticPREFERRED EMCYTFolic Acid Antagonists Rescue AgentsGENERIC leucovorin calcium levoleucovorin calciumNON PREFERRED FUSILEVGonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) AntagonistsNON PREFERRED FIRMAGONImidazotetrazinesNON PREFERRED TEMODAR 100MG VIAL TEMODAR CAPSULES TEMOZOLOMIDEIsocitrate Dehydrogenase-2 (IDH2) InhibitorsNON PREFERRED IDHIFAJanus Associated Kinase (JAK) InhibitorsNON PREFERRED INREBIC JAKAFILHRH AnalogsPREFERRED ELIGARD LUPRON DEPOT 11.25MG LUPRON DEPOT 3.75MGNON PREFERRED LEUPROLIDE ACETATE LUPRON DEPOT (FOR PROSTATE CANCER) TRELSTAR MIXJECT (LA) TRELSTAR VIAL VANTAS ZOLADEXMitotic InhibitorsGENERIC docetaxel etoposideNON PREFERRED ABRAXANE DOCEFREZ ETOPOPHOS HALAVEN IXEMPRA JEVTANA MARQIBO PACLITAXEL TENIPOSIDE VINBLASTINE SULFATENitrogen MustardsGENERIC cyclophosphamide ifosfamide-mesna melphalan hclPREFERRED LEUKERANNON PREFERRED ALKERAN 2MG ALKERAN 50MG IFOSFAMIDE MUSTARGENNitrosoureasNON PREFERRED BICNU GLEOSTINE LOMUSTINE ZANOSARProgestins-AntineoplasticGENERIC hydroxyprogesterone caproate megestrol acetatePREFERRED DEPO-PROVERA 400 MG/MLRetinoidsNON PREFERRED TRETINOIN CAPSelective Retinoid X Receptor AgonistsNON PREFERRED TARGRETIN 75 CAPSULETopoisomerase I InhibitorsNON PREFERRED HYCAMTIN 4MG VIAL HYCAMTIN CAPSULES IRINOTECAN HCL ONIVYDE TOPOTECAN HCLUrinary Tract Protective AgentsGENERIC amifostinePREFERRED MESNEX 400MG TABLETNON PREFERRED MESNA MESNEX 100MG/ML VIALVascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) InhibitorsNON PREFERRED AVASTIN CYRAMZA ZALTRAP ZIRABEVANTIPARKINSON AGENTSAntiparkinson AnticholinergicsGENERIC benztropine benztropine mesylate trihexyphenidyl hclAntiparkinson DopaminergicsGENERIC amantadine hclAntiparkinson Monoamine Oxidase InhibitorsGENERIC rasagiline mesylate selegiline hclNON PREFERRED AZILECTLevodopa CombinationsGENERIC carbidopa/levodopa carbidopa/levodopa er carbidopa/levodopa odt carbidopa/levodopa/entacaponeNonergoline Dopamine Receptor AgonistsGENERIC pramipexole er ropinirole hcl ropinirole hcl erNON PREFERRED APOKYN KYNMOBIPeripheral COMT InhibitorsGENERIC entacaponeNON PREFERRED ONGENTYSANTIPSYCHOTICS/ANTIMANIC AGENTSAntimanic AgentsGENERIC lithium carbonate lithium carbonate erAntipsychotics - Misc.GENERIC ziprasidone hclNON PREFERRED CAPLYTA LATUDABenzisoxazolesGENERIC risperidonePREFERRED PERSERISNON PREFERRED RISPERDAL RISPERDAL CONSTA RISPERDAL M-TAB DISINTEGRATINGButyrophenonesGENERIC haloperidol haloperidol decanoate haloperidol lactateNON PREFERRED HALDOLDibenzodiazepinesGENERIC clozapine clozapine odtNON PREFERRED CLOZAPINE ODTDibenzothiazepinesGENERIC quetiapine fumarate quetiapine fumarate erDibenzoxazepinesGENERIC loxapine succinatePhenothiazinesGENERIC chlorpromazine fluphenazine decanoate fluphenazine hcl prochlorperazine edisylate prochlorperazine maleate thioridazine hcl trifluoperazine hclQuinolinone DerivativesGENERIC aripiprazole odt aripiprazole tabletsPREFERRED ABILIFY MAINTENA, ERNON PREFERRED ARISTADAThienbenzodiazepinesGENERIC olanzapine olanzapine odtThioxanthenesGENERIC thiothixeneAntiretrovirals - CD4-Directed Post-Attachment InhibitorAntiretrovirals - CD4-Directed Post-Attachment InhibitorNON PREFERRED TROGARZOANTISEPTICS & DISINFECTANTSChlorine AntisepticsGENERIC chlorhexidine gluconateNON PREFERRED CHLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE CHLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE 0.2 SOLUTIONANTIVIRALSAntiretroviral CombinationsGENERIC abacavir sulfate/lamivudine abacavir/lamivudine/zidovudine efavirenz/emtricitab/tenofovir efavirenz/lamivudine/tenofovir lamivudine/zidovudine lopinavir-ritonavir oral solnPREFERRED TRUVADANON PREFERRED ATRIPLA BIKTARVY COMPLERA DESCOVY DOVATO EPZICOM GENVOYA KALETRA ODEFSEY STRIBILD SYMFI SYMFI LO TRIUMEQAntiretrovirals - CCR5 Antagonists (Entry Inhibitor)NON PREFERRED SELZENTRYAntiretrovirals - Fusion InhibitorsNON PREFERRED FUZEONAntiretrovirals - gp120-Directed Attachment InhibitorNON PREFERRED RUKOBIAAntiretrovirals - Integrase InhibitorsNON PREFERRED ISENTRESS ISENTRESS HD TIVICAY TIVICAY PDAntiretrovirals - Protease InhibitorsGENERIC atazanavir sulfate capsule fosamprenavir calcium ritonavirNON PREFERRED APTIVUS CRIXIVAN INVIRASE LEXIVA NORVIR PREZISTA REYATAZ CAPSULE REYATAZ ORAL POWDER VIRACEPTAntiretrovirals - RTI-Non-Nucleoside AnaloguesGENERIC efavirenzPREFERRED SUSTIVANON PREFERRED EDURANT INTELENCE RESCRIPTOR RETROVIR VIAL VIRAMUNEAntiretrovirals - RTI-Nucleoside Analogues-PurinesGENERIC abacavir didanosineNON PREFERRED VIDEX VIDEX EC ZIAGENAntiretrovirals - RTI-Nucleoside Analogues-PyrimidinesGENERIC emtricitabineNON PREFERRED EMTRIVA LAMIVUDINEAntiretrovirals - RTI-Nucleoside Analogues-ThymidinesGENERIC stavudine zidovudineNON PREFERRED RETROVIRAntiretrovirals - RTI-Nucleotide AnaloguesGENERIC tenofovir disoproxil 300mg tabletNON PREFERRED VIREADCMV AgentsGENERIC cidofovir valganciclovir hclNON PREFERRED GANCICLOVIR PREVYMIS VALCYTEHepatitis B AgentsGENERIC adefovir dipivoxil entecavir lamivudine hbvNON PREFERRED TYZEKA VEMLIDYHepatitis C AgentsPREFERRED PEGASYS PEGASYS PROCLICKNON PREFERRED DAKLINZA RIBAVIRIN SOVALDIHerpes Agents - Purine AnaloguesGENERIC acyclovir valacyclovirHerpes Agents - Thymidine AnaloguesGENERIC famciclovirInfluenza AgentsGENERIC rimantadine hclNeuraminidase InhibitorsGENERIC oseltamivir phosphateNON PREFERRED RAPIVAB RELENZA TAMIFLURSV Agents - Nucleoside AnaloguesGENERIC ribavirin inhASSORTED CLASSESAntileproticsPREFERRED THALOMIDB-Lymphocyte Stimulator (BLyS)-Specific InhibitorsNON PREFERRED BENLYSTAChelating AgentsGENERIC penicillaminePREFERRED DEPENNON PREFERRED CUPRIMINECyclosporine AnalogsGENERIC cyclosporineNON PREFERRED SANDIMMUNE SOLUTION SANDIMMUNE SOLUTION 100MG/ML SOLUTIONEnzymesNON PREFERRED XIAFLEXImmune Globulin ImmunosuppressantsNON PREFERRED ATGAM THYMOGLOBULINImmunomodulators for Myelodysplastic SyndromesNON PREFERRED REVLIMIDInosine Monophosphate Dehydrogenase InhibitorsGENERIC mycophenolate acid del rel mycophenolic acid del relPREFERRED CELLCEPT 500MG VIALNON PREFERRED CELLCEPT ORAL SUSP MYCOPHENOLATE MOFETILMacrolide ImmunosuppressantsGENERIC everolimus sirolimus tacrolimusNON PREFERRED PROGRAF RAPAMUNE ZORTRESSMonoclonal AntibodiesNON PREFERRED SIMULECT UPLIZNAPotassium Removing ResinsGENERIC sodium polystyrene sulfonateNON PREFERRED LOKELMA VELTASSAProstaglandinsGENERIC alprostadilPurine AnalogsGENERIC azathioprine azathioprine sodiumNON PREFERRED AZASANSclerosing AgentsPREFERRED ETHAMOLINNON PREFERRED SOTRADECOLSelective T-Cell Costimulation BlockersNON PREFERRED NULOJIXAtopic Dermatitis - Monoclonal AntibodiesAtopic Dermatitis - Monoclonal AntibodiesNON PREFERRED DUPIXENTBETA BLOCKERSAlpha-Beta BlockersGENERIC carvedilol er labetalol hclNON PREFERRED COREG CRBeta Blockers Cardio-SelectiveGENERIC acebutolol hcl atenolol betaxolol hcl bisoprolol fumarate metoprolol succinate er metoprolol tartratePREFERRED BYSTOLICNON PREFERRED SECTRAL TENORMINBeta Blockers Non-SelectiveGENERIC nadolol pindolol propranolol hcl propranolol hcl er sotalol timolol maleateNON PREFERRED BETAPACE BETAPACE AF SOTALOL HCL SOTYLIZEBile Acid Synthesis Disorder AgentsBile Acid Synthesis Disorder AgentsNON PREFERRED CHOLBAMBIOLOGICALS MISCAllergenic ExtractsPREFERRED GRASTEKNON PREFERRED RAGWITEKBiologicals MiscNON PREFERRED ADAGENCalcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) Receptor AntagCalcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) Receptor AntagPREFERRED AIMOVIG EMGALITY NURTEC UBRELVYNON PREFERRED AJOVY VYEPTICALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERSCalcium Channel BlockersGENERIC amlodipine besylate diltiazem diltiazem 24hr cd diltiazem er diltiazem er 24 hour diltiazem hcl felodipine er isradipine nicardipine hcl nimodipine verapamil er verapamil er pm verapamil hclNON PREFERRED CLEVIPREX KATERZIACARDIOTONICSCardiac GlycosidesGENERIC digoxinNON PREFERRED LANOXIN LANOXIN PEDIATRICPhosphodiesterase InhibitorsGENERIC milrinone in 5% dextrose milrinone lactateCARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS - MISCPulmonary Hypertension - Endothelin Receptor AntagonistsNON PREFERRED LETAIRISCARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS - MISC.Calcium Channel Blocker & HMG CoA Reductase Inhibit CombGENERIC amlodipine-atorvastatinPeripheral VasodilatorsGENERIC isoxsuprine hcl papaverine hcl papaverine hcl erProstaglandin - Impotence AgentsNON PREFERRED CAVERJECT MUSEProstaglandin VasodilatorsGENERIC epoprostenol treprostinil sodiumNON PREFERRED FLOLAN REMODULIN TYVASO VENTAVISPulm Hyperten-Soluble Guanylate Cyclase Stimulator (sGC)PREFERRED ADEMPASPulmonary Hypertension - Endothelin Receptor AntagonistsGENERIC ambrisentan bosentanPREFERRED OPSUMITNON PREFERRED TRACLEERPulmonary Hypertension - Phosphodiesterase InhibitorsGENERIC sildenafil citrate (pah) tadalafilNON PREFERRED ADCIRCA REVATIOSelective cGMP Phosphodiesterase Type 5 InhibitorsGENERIC sildenafil citrate tabletNON PREFERRED CIALIS VIAGRAVasoactive Natriuretic PeptidesNON PREFERRED NATRECORCardiovascular, Hypertension & LipidsMISC. CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTSNON PREFERRED RETAVASEMISC. COAGULATION AGENTSNON PREFERRED ATRYNCephalosporin CombinationsCephalosporin CombinationsPREFERRED AVYCAZNON PREFERRED ZERBAXACEPHALOSPORINSCephalosporins - 1st GenerationGENERIC cefazolin cephalexinNON PREFERRED CEFAZOLIN/DEXTROSE KEFLEXCephalosporins - 2nd GenerationGENERIC cefaclor cefoxitin cefoxitin/dextrose cefprozil cefuroxime axetil cefuroxime sodiumCephalosporins - 3rd GenerationGENERIC cefdinir cefotetan cefpodoxime proxetil ceftazidime ceftibuten ceftriaxoneNON PREFERRED CEFTAZIDIME IV PIGGYBACK CEFTRIAXONE 100G BULK BAGCephalosporins - 4th GenerationGENERIC cefepime cefotaximeNON PREFERRED CEFEPIME/DEXTROSECephalosporins - 5th GenerationNON PREFERRED TEFLAROCONTRACEPTIVESBiphasic Contraceptives - OralGENERIC azurette kariva vioreleCombination Contraceptives - OralGENERIC altavera alyacen apri aubra aviane balziva briellyn caziant chateal cryselle cyclafem dasetta drospirenone/eth estra/levomef elinest emoquette enskyce estarylla falmina gianvi gildagia gildess gildess fe junel junel fe kelnor 1-35 kurvelo lessina levora loryna low-ogestrel lutera marlissa microgestin microgestin fe mono-linyah mononessa necon norethindrone/eth estradiol/iron norethindrone/ethinyl estradiol norethin-eth estra ferrous fum nortrel ocella ogestrel orsythia philith pirmella portia reclipsen sprintec sronyx syeda vestura wera wymzya fe zarah zenchent zenchent fe zeosa zoviaPREFERRED LO LOESTRIN FE MINASTRIN 24 FENON PREFERRED BEYAZ SAFYRAL TAYTULLACombination Contraceptives - VaginalGENERIC eluryng ring etonogestrel-ethinyl estradiol ringNON PREFERRED NUVARINGContinuous Contraceptives - OralGENERIC amethystEmergency ContraceptivesGENERIC levonorgestrelExtended-Cycle Contraceptives - OralGENERIC amethia amethia lo camrese camrese lo daysee introvale jolessa quasenseFour Phase Contraceptives - OralPREFERRED NATAZIAProgestin Contraceptives - ImplantsNON PREFERRED IMPLANON NEXPLANONProgestin Contraceptives - InjectableNON PREFERRED DEPO-PROVERAProgestin Contraceptives - IUDNON PREFERRED KYLEENA MIRENA SKYLAProgestin Contraceptives - OralGENERIC errin heather jencycla jolivette lyza nora-beTriphasic Contraceptives - OralGENERIC aranelle enpresse leena myzilra tilia fe tri-estarylla tri-legest fe tri-linyah trinessa trivora velivetCORTICOSTEROIDSGlucocorticosteroidsGENERIC a-hydrocort budesonide budesonide ec budesonide er cortisone acetate dexamethasone dexamethasone sodium phosphate methylprednisolone methylprednisolone acetate methylprednisolone sod succ prednisolone prednisolone sodium phosphate prednisone triamcinolone veripred 20PREFERRED BETAMETHASONE BETAMETHASONE ACETATE BETAMETHASONE SODIUM PHOSPHATENON PREFERRED ARISTOSPAN DEPO-MEDROL KENALOG MEDROL SOLU-CORTEF SOLU-MEDROL VIAL UCERIS ERMineralocorticoidsGENERIC fludrocortisone acetateCOUGH/COLD/ALLERGYAntitussive - NonnarcoticGENERIC benzonatateAntitussive - OpioidGENERIC hydrocodone/homatropineDecongestantGENERIC pseudoephedrine hcl erNON PREFERRED PSEUDOEPHEDRINE SULFATE ERDecongestant-AntihistamineGENERIC brompheniramine/pseudoephedrine phenylephrine/chlorpheniramine 10peh-4cpmDecongestant-Antihistamine w/ ExpectorantNON PREFERRED PSEUDOEPH/CHLOPHEDIANOL/GG 12.5CPD-100GFN-30PSEMucolyticsGENERIC acetylcysteineNon-Narc Antitussive-AntihistamineGENERIC promethazine/dextromethorphanNon-Narc Antitussive-Decongestant-AntihistamineGENERIC chlorphen/pse/dm tannate d-chlorphenira/pse/chlophedian 12.5cpd-1dcpm-30pse dm/phenyleph/chlorpheniramine 10peh-4cpm-20dmOpioid Antitussive-AntihistamineGENERIC promethazine w/codeineNON PREFERRED TUSSICAPS TUSSIONEX TUXARIN EROpioid Antitussive-Decongestant-AntihistamineGENERIC dihydrocodeine/bpm/pe promethazine vc/codeineCyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDK) InhibitorsCyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDK) InhibitorsNON PREFERRED VERZENIOCystic Fibrosis Agent - CombinationCystic Fibrosis Agent - CombinationsNON PREFERRED ORKAMBICystic Fibrosis Agent - CombinationsCystic Fibrosis Agent - CombinationsNON PREFERRED TRIKAFTADERMATOLOGICALSAcne AntibioticsGENERIC clindamycin phosphate topical dapsone gel erythromycin solution sulfacetamide sodiumNON PREFERRED ACZONE AMZEEQ FOAM CLINDAMYCIN PHOSPHATE GEL (ONCE DAILY) SULFACETAMIDE SODIUMAcne CombinationsGENERIC clindamycin phos-tretinoin erythromycin-benzoyl peroxide sodium sulfacetamide/sulfurPREFERRED EPIDUO EPIDUO FORTE ONEXTONNON PREFERRED SODIUM SULFACETAMIDE/SULFUR GEL ZIANAAcne ProductsGENERIC adapalene cream, gel adapalene-benzoyl peroxide gel benzoyl peroxide clindamycin/benzoyl peroxide isotretinoin tretinoin tretinoin microsphereNON PREFERRED ABSORICA ADAPALENE LOTION ARAZLO AZELEX DIFFERIN TRETIN-XAntibiotics - TopicalGENERIC gentamicin sulfate mupirocinAntifungals - TopicalGENERIC ciclopirox nystatinPREFERRED NYSTATINNON PREFERRED LOPROX GEL & SHAMPOO PENLACAntifungals - Topical CombinationsGENERIC clotrimazole/betamethasone nystatin w/triamcinoloneAnti-inflammatory Agents - TopicalGENERIC diclofenac epolamine diclofenac sodium gelPREFERRED FLECTORNON PREFERRED VOLTAREN GELAntineoplastic Alkylating Agents - TopicalNON PREFERRED VALCHLORAntineoplastic Antimetabolites - TopicalGENERIC fluorouracilNON PREFERRED CARAC FLUOROURACIL 0.5% CREAMAntineoplastic or Premalignant Lesions - Topical Misc.NON PREFERRED PICATOAntipsoriaticsGENERIC calcipotriene tazarotene creamPREFERRED TAZORAC GELNON PREFERRED CALCITRIOL TAZORAC CREAMAntipsoriatics - SystemicGENERIC acitretinPREFERRED COSENTYX SKYRIZI STELARANON PREFERRED TREMFYAAntiseborrheic ProductsGENERIC selenium sulfideAntivirals - TopicalGENERIC acyclovirNON PREFERRED DENAVIR ZOVIRAXBurn ProductsGENERIC mafenide acetate silver sulfadiazineNON PREFERRED SILVADENE SULFAMYLON CREAM SULFAMYLON PACKETCorticosteroids - TopicalGENERIC alclometasone dipropionate amcinonide betamethasone dipropionate augment betamethasone valerate betamethasone valerate foam clobetasol e clobetasol propionate desonide desoximetasone diflorasone diacetate cream diflorasone diacetate oint fluocinolone acetonide fluocinonide fluticasone propionate halobetasol propionate hydrocortisone hydrocortisone acetate hydrocortisone butyrate hydrocortisone butyrate/emoll hydrocortisone valerate mometasone furoateNON PREFERRED DESONATE DESOWEN DIPROLENE AF CREAM DIPROLENE LOTION DIPROLENE OINT FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE 50MCG SPRAY LUXIQ PSORCON CREAM VERDESODepigmenting AgentsGENERIC alphaquin hp hydroquinone cream hydroquinone er creamEmollient/Keratolytic AgentsGENERIC ureaEmollientsGENERIC ammonium lactate lactic acidEnzymes - TopicalNON PREFERRED SANTYLImidazole-Related Antifungals - TopicalGENERIC clotrimazole econazole nitrateImmunomodulators Imidazoquinolinamines - TopicalGENERIC imiquimodKeratolytic/Antimitotic AgentsGENERIC podofilox salicylic acidPREFERRED SALICYLIC ACIDNON PREFERRED CONDYLOX GELLocal Anesthetics - TopicalGENERIC cocaine hclPREFERRED COCAINE HCLMacrolide Immunosuppressants - TopicalGENERIC primecrolimusNON PREFERRED ELIDELMisc. Dermatological ProductsGENERIC eletone emulsion sb hpr hpr plus mb hydrogel pruclair prumyx tl-cermidePREFERRED ETHYL ALCOHOL LACTIC ACID 88 TO 92 % UREAM POWDER, BEADSNON PREFERRED ETHYL ALCOHOL 1 LIQUIDPigmenting AgentsPREFERRED OXSORALEN 1% LOTIONRosacea AgentsGENERIC azelaic ivermectinNON PREFERRED FINACEA metronidazole MIRVASO ORACEA SOOLANTRA ZILXI FOAMScabicides & PediculicidesGENERIC lindane malathion permethrinNON PREFERRED ELIMITE SPINOSADTopical Anesthetic CombinationsGENERIC lidocaine/prilocaineTopical Selective Retinoid X Receptor AgonistsPREFERRED TARGRETIN GELTopical Steroid CombinationsGENERIC calcipotriene-betameth dipropNON PREFERRED ENSTILAR TACLONEX OINTMENT TACLONEX SUSPENSIONWound DressingsGENERIC avo cream prutect sonafineDIAGNOSTIC PRODUCTSDiagnostic BiologicalsGENERIC candinPREFERRED TUBERSOLNON PREFERRED APLISOLDiagnostic DrugsGENERIC cosyntropinNON PREFERRED ACTHREL KINEVAC LEXISCAN THYROGENDiagnostic Radiopharmaceuticals - CardiacNON PREFERRED THALLOUS CHLORIDE TL-201Miscellaneous Contrast MediaNON PREFERRED EOVIST MAGNEVIST PROHANCERadiographic Contrast Media - IodinatedGENERIC md-gastroviewNON PREFERRED ISOVUE ISOVUE-M OMNIPAQUE VISIPAQUEDIAGNOSTICS & MISCELLANEOUS AGENTSIRRIGATING SOLUTIONSGENERIC neomycin-polymyxin bMISCELLANEOUS AGENTSNON PREFERRED PROSTAMENNEUTRACEUTICALSPREFERRED UVA URSI LEAF FLUID EXTRACTDIETARY PRODUCTS/DIETARY MANAGEMENT PRODUCTSDietary Management Product CombinationsGENERIC folbic foltanx metafolbic metafolbic plusNON PREFERRED FOLBIC RF FOLIC ACID-VIT B12 METHYLFOLATE MECOBALAMIN-NAC 6-600-2MGDIGESTIVE AIDSDigestive EnzymesGENERIC pancrelipasePREFERRED CREON SUCRAID VIOKACE ZENPEP DEL-RELNON PREFERRED PANCREAZEDIURETICSCarbonic Anhydrase InhibitorsGENERIC acetazolamide acetazolamide er methazolamideNON PREFERRED DIAMOX SEQUELSDiuretic CombinationsGENERIC amiloride hcl w/hctz spironolactone/hctzLoop DiureticsGENERIC bumetanide ethacrynate sodium furosemide torsemideNON PREFERRED EDECRIN TABLET EDECRIN VIAL FUROSEMIDE 40MG/4ML SOLUTION TORSEMIDEOsmotic DiureticsGENERIC mannitolPotassium Sparing DiureticsGENERIC amiloride hcl spironolactoneThiazides and Thiazide-Like DiureticsGENERIC chlorothiazide chlorothiazide sodium chlorthalidone hydrochlorothiazide indapamide methyclothiazide metolazoneDopamine and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (DNRIs)Dopamine and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (DNRIs)PREFERRED SUNOSIENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC AGENTS - MISC.BisphosphonatesGENERIC alendronate sodium etidronate disodium ibandronate risedronate dr risedronate sodium zoledronic acidNON PREFERRED ACTONEL BONIVA FOSAMAX PAMIDRONATE DISODIUM ZOMETACalcimimetic AgentsGENERIC cinacalcet hclNON PREFERRED SENSIPARCalcitoninsGENERIC calcitonin salmon nasalNON PREFERRED MIACALCIN VIALCarnitine Replenisher - AgentsGENERIC levocarnitineDopamine Receptor AgonistsGENERIC cabergolineFabry Disease - AgentsNON PREFERRED FABRAZYMEGAA Deficiency Treatment - AgentsNON PREFERRED LUMIZYMEGnRH/LHRH AntagonistsPREFERRED ORILISSAGrowth Hormone Receptor AntagonistsNON PREFERRED SOMAVERTGrowth Hormone Releasing Hormones (GHRH)NON PREFERRED EGRIFTAGrowth HormonesPREFERRED GENOTROPIN NORDITROPIN OMNITROPENON PREFERRED HUMATROPE SEROSTIMHereditary Orotic Aciduria Treatment - AgentsNON PREFERRED XURIDENHereditary Tyrosinemia Type 1 (HT-1) Treatment - AgentsGENERIC nitisinoneNON PREFERRED NITYR ORFADINHomocystinuria Treatment - AgentsNON PREFERRED CYSTADANEHyperammonemia Treatment - AgentsNON PREFERRED CARBAGLUHyperparathyroid Treatment - Vitamin D AnalogsGENERIC calcitriol doxercalciferol paricalcitolNON PREFERRED HECTOROL ZEMPLARHypophosphatasia (HPP) AgentsNON PREFERRED STRENSIQInsulin-Like Growth Factors (Somatomedins)NON PREFERRED INCRELEXLHRH/GnRH Agonist Analog Pituitary SuppressantsPREFERRED LUPRON DEPOT-PEDNON PREFERRED SYNARELLysosomal Acid Lipase (LAL) Deficiency - AgentsNON PREFERRED KANUMAMucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I) - AgentsNON PREFERRED ALDURAZYMEMucopolysaccharidosis II (MPS II) - AgentsNON PREFERRED ELAPRASEMucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS VI) - AgentsNON PREFERRED NAGLAZYMEOvulation Stimulants-GonadotropinsPREFERRED FOLLISTIM AQNON PREFERRED BRAVELLE CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN GONAL-F GONAL-F RFF GONAL-F RFF REDI-JECT MENOPUR NOVAREL PREGNYLOvulation Stimulants-SyntheticGENERIC clomiphene citrateParathyroid Hormone And DerivativesPREFERRED FORTEO TYMLOSNON PREFERRED NATPARAPhenylketonuria Treatment - AgentsGENERIC sapropterin dihydrochlorideNON PREFERRED KUVANRANK Ligand (RANKL) InhibitorsPREFERRED PROLIANON PREFERRED XGEVASelective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs)NON PREFERRED OSPHENASelective Vasopressin V2-Receptor AntagonistsGENERIC tolvaptanNON PREFERRED SAMSCASomatostatic AgentsGENERIC octreotide acetateNON PREFERRED BYNFEZIA PEN MYCAPSSA SANDOSTATIN SANDOSTATIN LAR DEPOT SIGNIFOR SOMATULINE DEPOTUrea Cycle Disorder - AgentsGENERIC sodium phenylbutyrateNON PREFERRED AMMONUL BUPHENYL RAVICTIVasopressinGENERIC desmopressin acetate vasopressin vasopressin-nsNON PREFERRED STIMATE SPRAYEstrogen-Progestin-GnRH AntagonistEstrogen-Progestin-GnRH AntagonistPREFERRED ORIAHNNESTROGENSEstrogen & AndrogenGENERIC estrogen/methyltestosteroneEstrogen & ProgestinGENERIC estradiol/norethindrone acetatePREFERRED PREMPHASE PREMPRONON PREFERRED COMBIPATCHEstrogensGENERIC estradiol patch estradiol tablet/cream estradiol valerate estropipatePREFERRED PREMARINNON PREFERRED DEPO-ESTRADIOL DIVIGEL ENJUVIA ESTRACE TABLET MINIVELLEEstrogen-Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator CombEstrogen-Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator CombPREFERRED DUAVEEFLUOROQUINOLONESFluoroquinolonesGENERIC ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin er ciprofloxacin suspension ciprofloxacin/dextrose levofloxacin/d5w moxifloxacin hcl ofloxacin ofloxacin tabletsNON PREFERRED AVELOX IV LEVOFLOXACIN HEMIHYDRATE SOLUTION MOXIFLOXACIN HCL IV PIGGYBACKGASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS - MISC.Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR) AgonistsNON PREFERRED OCALIVAGallstone Solubilizing AgentsGENERIC ursodiolNON PREFERRED ACTIGALL CHENODAL URSO URSO FORTEGastrointestinal Chloride Channel ActivatorsPREFERRED AMITIZANON PREFERRED AMITIZAGastrointestinal StimulantsGENERIC metoclopramide hclNON PREFERRED GIMOTIIBS Agent - Guanylate Cyclase-C (GC-C) AgonistsPREFERRED LINZESSIBS Agent - Mu-Opioid Receptor AgonistsNON PREFERRED VIBERZIIBS Agent - Selective 5-HT3 Receptor AntagonistsNON PREFERRED LOTRONEXInflammatory Bowel AgentsGENERIC balsalazide disodium mesalamine sulfasalazine sulfasalazine drNON PREFERRED ASACOL HD CANASA DELZICOL LIALDA PENTASAPeripheral Opioid Receptor AntagonistsPREFERRED MOVANTIKNON PREFERRED RELISTORPhosphate Binder AgentsGENERIC calcium acetate lanthanum carbonate sevelamer carbonatePREFERRED VELPHORONON PREFERRED CALCIUM ACETATE FOSRENOL CHEW TABLET PHOSLYRA RENVELATumor Necrosis Factor Alpha BlockersNON PREFERRED CIMZIA INFLECTRA REMICADE RENFLEXISGENERAL ANESTHETICSAnesthetics - Misc.GENERIC etomidate ketamine hcl propofolNON PREFERRED KETAMINE HCL 50MG/ML SYRINGEBarbiturate AnestheticsNON PREFERRED BREVITALGENITOURINARY AGENTS - MISCELLANEOUS5-Alpha Reductase InhibitorsGENERIC finasterideNON PREFERRED PROSCARAlpha 1-Adrenoceptor AntagonistsGENERIC alfuzosin hcl er silodosin tamsulosin hcl er 24 hrNON PREFERRED FLOMAX RAPAFLOCitratesGENERIC potassium citrate erCystinosis AgentsNON PREFERRED CYSTAGONGenitourinary IrrigantsGENERIC acetic acid irrigation glycinePREFERRED AMINOACETIC ACIDNON PREFERRED RENACIDIN RESECTISOLInterstitial Cystitis AgentsNON PREFERRED ELMIRONUrinary AnalgesicsGENERIC phenazopyridine hclGlycopeptidesGlycopeptidesGENERIC vancomycin hclPREFERRED VANCOMYCIN HCLNON PREFERRED DALVANCE ORBACTIV VIBATIVGOUT AGENTSGout AgentsGENERIC allopurinol allopurinol sodium febuxostatNON PREFERRED COLCHICINE COLCRYS KRYSTEXXA MITIGARE ULORICUricosuricsGENERIC probenecidHEMATOLOGICAL AGENTS - MISC.Antihemophilic ProductsNON PREFERRED ADVATE ADYNOVATE AFSTYLA ALPHANATE ALPHANINE SD ALPROLIX BEBULIN BENEFIX COAGADEX CORIFACT ELOCTATE ESPEROCT FEIBA NF HELIXATE FS HEMOFIL HUMATE-P IXINITY KOATE-DVI KOGENATE FS KOVALTRY MONOCLATE-P MONONINE NOVOEIGHT NOVOSEVEN RT NUWIQ OBIZUR PROFILNINE PROFILNINE SD RECOMBINATE RIASTAP TRETTEN VONVENDI WILATE XYNTHA XYNTHA SOLOFUSEBradykinin B2 Receptor AntagonistsGENERIC icatibant acetateNON PREFERRED FIRAZYRC1 InhibitorsNON PREFERRED BERINERT CINRYZEComplement InhibitorsNON PREFERRED SOLIRISCyclopentyltriazolopyrimidine (CPTP) DerivativesPREFERRED BRILINTAGlycoprotein IIb/IIIa Receptor InhibitorsGENERIC eptifibatideNON PREFERRED AGGRASTAT INTEGRILIN REOPROHematorheologic AgentsGENERIC pentoxifyllineHeminNON PREFERRED PANHEMATINHuman Protein CNON PREFERRED CEPROTINPhosphodiesterase III InhibitorsGENERIC cilostazolPlasma ExpandersGENERIC hetastarch w/sodium chlorideNON PREFERRED HEXTEND LACTATED ELECTROLYTEPlasma Kallikrein InhibitorsNON PREFERRED KALBITORPlasma ProteinsGENERIC albuminNON PREFERRED THROMBATE IIIPlatelet Aggregation Inhibitor CombinationsGENERIC aspirin / dipyridamole erPlatelet Aggregation InhibitorsGENERIC dipyridamoleProtamineGENERIC protamine sulfateQuinazoline AgentsGENERIC anagrelide hydrochlorideThienopyridine DerivativesGENERIC clopidogrel prasugrel hclNON PREFERRED EFFIENTTissue Plasminogen ActivatorsNON PREFERRED ACTIVASE CATHFLO ACTIVASEHEMATOPOIETIC AGENTSAgents for Gaucher DiseaseNON PREFERRED CERDELGA CEREZYME ELELYSO VPRIV ZAVESCACobalaminsGENERIC hydroxocobalaminNON PREFERRED NASCOBALCXCR4 Receptor AntagonistNON PREFERRED MOZOBILCytotoxic AgentsPREFERRED DROXIAErythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents (ESAs)PREFERRED EPOGEN PROCRITNON PREFERRED ARANESPErythropoietinsPREFERRED EPOGEN MIRCERAFolic Acid/Folate CombinationsGENERIC fabb folbee folplex 2.2 tl gard rxFolic Acid/FolatesGENERIC folic acidNON PREFERRED FOLIC ACID 20MG CAPGranulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factors (G-CSF)PREFERRED NEULASTA NEUPOGEN ZARXIONON PREFERRED GRANIX UDENYCAGranulocyte/Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor(GM-CSF)NON PREFERRED LEUKINEIronNON PREFERRED FERAHEME INFED VENOFERIron CombinationsGENERIC centratex ferocon ferrocite plus ferrogels forte hematinic plus hematogen hematogen fa hematogen forte iferex 150 forte multigen multigen folic multigen plus poly-iron 150 forte polysaccharide iron forte se-tan plus taron forte tl icon tl-hem 150 er 24 hr tricon trigels-f forteIron w/ Folic AcidGENERIC hematinic with folic acid therapeutic hematinicIron-B12-FolateGENERIC ferraplus 90 hemetabNON PREFERRED FE 90 PLUSThrombopoietin (TPO) Receptor AgonistsNON PREFERRED NPLATE PROMACTAHEMOSTATICSHemostatics - SystemicGENERIC tranexamic acidNON PREFERRED AMICAR CYKLOKAPRON LYSTEDAHepatitis C Agent - CombinationsHepatitis C Agent - CombinationsPREFERRED EPCLUSA HARVONI MAVYRET VOSEVINON PREFERRED TECHNIVIE VIEKIRA PAK VIEKIRA XR ZEPATIERHistamine H3-Receptor Antagonist/Inverse AgonistsHistamine H3-Receptor Antagonist/Inverse AgonistsNON PREFERRED WAKIXHYPNOTICSBarbiturate HypnoticsGENERIC phenobarbitalNON PREFERRED AMYTAL NEMBUTAL SODIUM PHENOBARBITAL SODIUM SECONAL SODIUMBenzodiazepine HypnoticsGENERIC flurazepam hcl midazolam hcl temazepam triazolamNON PREFERRED MIDAZOLAM HCL/SODIUM CHLORIDENon-Benzodiazepine - GABA-Receptor ModulatorsGENERIC zaleplon zolpidem tartrate zolpidem tartrate erNON PREFERRED AMBIEN AMBIEN CR SONATASelective Melatonin Receptor AgonistsGENERIC ramelteonNON PREFERRED ROZEREMIBS Agent - 5-HT4 Receptor Partial AgonistsIBS Agent - 5-HT4 Receptor Partial AgonistsNON PREFERRED ZELNORMInsulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Receptor Inhibitors(IGF-1R)Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Receptor Inhibitors(IGF-1R)NON PREFERRED TEPEZZAIntegrin Receptor AntagonistsIntegrin Receptor AntagonistsNON PREFERRED ENTYVIOInterleukin-4 Alpha AntagonistsInterleukin-4 Alpha AntagonistsNON PREFERRED DUPIXENTInterleukin-6 (IL-6) AntagonistsInterleukin-6 (IL-6) AntagonistsNON PREFERRED SYLVANTLAXATIVESBowel Evacuant CombinationsGENERIC peg 3350-electrolyte polyethylene glycolPREFERRED CLENPIQ POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL SUPREPNON PREFERRED POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL PREPOPIK SUCLEARLaxatives - MiscellaneousGENERIC lactuloseLeptin AnaloguesLeptin AnaloguesNON PREFERRED MYALEPTLOCAL ANESTHETICS-ParenteralLocal Anesthetic & SympathomimeticGENERIC bupivacaine/epinephrine lidocaine hcl w/epinephrineNON PREFERRED BUPIVACAINE/EPINEPHRINE CARTRIDGE LIDOCAINE HCL W/EPINEPHRINELocal Anesthetics - AmidesGENERIC bupivacaine hcl bupivacaine/dextrose lidocaine lidocaine hcl ropivacaine sensorcaine 2.5mg/ml vial sensorcaine 5mg/ml vialNON PREFERRED CARBOCAINE LIDOCAINE LIDOCAINE HCLLocal Anesthetics - EstersGENERIC chloroprocaineNON PREFERRED NESACAINEMACROLIDESAzithromycinGENERIC azithromycinNON PREFERRED ZITHROMAXClarithromycinGENERIC clarithromycin clarithromycin erErythromycinsGENERIC erythromycin erythromycin del rel erythromycin ethylsuccinate erythromycin stearate erythromycin/sulfisoxazoleNON PREFERRED E.E.S.200MG/5ML ORAL RECON SUSP ERYTHROCIN LACTOBIONATEMEDICAL DEVICESCervical CapsNON PREFERRED FEMCAPGlucose Monitoring Test SuppliesPREFERRED ACCU-CHEK SOFTCLIX LANCETS DEVICE FORA LANCING DEVICE FREESTYLE CONTROL SOLUTION FREESTYLE FREEDOM KIT FREESTYLE FREEDOM LITE FREESTYLE FREEDOM LITE METER FREESTYLE INSULINX FREESTYLE INSULINX GLUCOSE SYSTEM FREESTYLE INSULINX TEST STRIPS FREESTYLE LITE METER FREESTYLE LITE TEST STRIPS FREESTYLE TEST STRIPS ONE TOUCH ULTRA 2 ONE TOUCH ULTRA TEST STRIPS ONE TOUCH VERIO ONE TOUCH VERIO FLEX ONE TOUCH VERIO IQ ONE TOUCH VERIO SYNC PRECISION XTRA B-KETONE STRIPS PRECISION XTRA MONITOR PRECISION XTRA TEST STRIPSNON PREFERRED ACCU-CHEK FASTCLIX, MULTICLIX, SOFTCLIX LANCETS DEXCOM G4 METER DEXCOM G4 SENSOR DEXCOM G4 TRANSMITTER DEXCOM G5 METER DEXCOM G5 TRANSMITTER OPTIUM EZNeedles & SyringesPREFERRED MINIMED MINIMED RESERVOIR NOVOFINE NOVOFINE AUTOCOVER PRODIGY INSULIN SYRINGE PRODIGY PEN NEEDLE SOFT TOUCHMIGRAINE PRODUCTSErgot CombinationsGENERIC ergotamine-caffeineMigraine ProductsGENERIC dihydroergotamine mesylate ergoloid mesylatesNON PREFERRED MIGRANALSelective Serotonin Agonist-NSAID CombinationsNON PREFERRED TREXIMETSelective Serotonin Agonists 5-HT(1)GENERIC eletriptan hbr naratriptan hcl rizatriptan rizatriptan disintegrating tablets sumatriptan succinate zolmitriptan zolmitriptan odtPREFERRED REYVOW TOSYMRANON PREFERRED ONZETRA XSAIL RELPAX SUMAVEL DOSEPRO ZOLMITRIPTAN ZOMIG SPRAY ZOMIG TABLETMINERALS & ELECTROLYTESBicarbonatesGENERIC sodium acetate sodium lactateNON PREFERRED NEUTCalciumGENERIC calcium chloride calcium gluconatePREFERRED CALCIUM CHLORIDE CALCIUM GLUCONATE 61MGNON PREFERRED CALCIUM GLUCONATE 50MGElectrolytes & DextroseGENERIC dextrose in lactated ringers dextrose with sodium chloride potassium chloride/dextroseElectrolytes ParenteralGENERIC nutrilyte nutrilyte ii potassium chloride ringers ringers irrigationPREFERRED POTASSIUM CHLORIDENON PREFERRED ISOLYTE S NORMOSOL-M AND DEXTROSE NORMOSOL-R AND DEXTROSE NORMOSOL-R PH 7.4 PLASMA-LYTE 148Iodine ProductsNON PREFERRED IODOPENMagnesiumGENERIC magnesium sulfatePREFERRED MAGNESIUM SULFATE MAGNESIUM SULFATE IN DEXTROSENON PREFERRED MAGNESIUM SULFATE 100MG CAPSULEManganeseGENERIC manganese manganese sulfatePhosphateGENERIC sodium phosphate 3mmol/ml vialPREFERRED SODIUM PHOSPHATENON PREFERRED GLYCOPHOS K-PHOSPhosphatesNON PREFERRED K-PHOS NEUTRALPotassiumGENERIC klor-con pot chloride/dextrose/ns potassium acetate potassium bicarbonate potassium chl-normal salinePREFERRED POTASSIUM ACETATE POTASSIUM BICARBONATENON PREFERRED K-TAB potassium chloride erTrace Mineral CombinationsPREFERRED MULTITRACE-5NON PREFERRED ADDAMEL N MULTITRACE-4 PEDITRACE TRACE ELEMENTSTrace MineralsGENERIC copper chloride seleniumNON PREFERRED SELENIUMMixed Allergenic ExtractsMixed Allergenic ExtractsNON PREFERRED ODACTRAMonobactamsMonobactamsGENERIC aztreonamPREFERRED AZACTAM-ISO-OSMOTIC DEXTROSENON PREFERRED CAYSTONMOUTH/THROAT/DENTAL AGENTSAnti-infective Combinations - ThroatNON PREFERRED FIRST-MOUTHWASH BLMFluoride Dental ProductsGENERIC sodium fluoridePREFERRED SODIUM FLUORIDESaliva StimulantsGENERIC cevimeline hcl pilocarpine hclMucopolysaccharidosis IV (MPS IV) - AgentsMucopolysaccharidosis IV (MPS IV) - AgentsNON PREFERRED VIMIZIMMucopolysaccharidosis VII (MPS VII) - AgentsMucopolysaccharidosis VII (MPS VII) - AgentsNON PREFERRED MEPSEVIIMultiple Sclerosis Agents - AntimetabolitesMultiple Sclerosis Agents - AntimetabolitesNON PREFERRED MAVENCLADMULTIVITAMINSB-Complex VitaminsGENERIC b-complexNON PREFERRED B-COMPLEXB-Complex w/ C & Folic AcidGENERIC dailyvite folbee plus mynephrocaps renal caps rena-vite rx reno caps triphrocapsMultiple Vitamins w/ CalciumGENERIC advanced am/pmMultiple Vitamins w/ MineralsGENERIC folivane-plus strovite v-c forte vp-zelMultiple Vitamins w/ Minerals & Calcium-Folic AcidGENERIC tl g-fol osMultiple Vitamins w/ Minerals & Folic AcidGENERIC corvitaMultivitaminsGENERIC m.v.i. adultPREFERRED M.V.I.-12NON PREFERRED INFUVITEPed Multi Vitamins w/Fl & FEGENERIC multivitamin w/fluoride & ironPed MV w/ FluorideGENERIC multivitamin with fluoridePediatric Multiple VitaminsNON PREFERRED M.V.I. PEDIATRICPrenatal MV & Min w/FE-FAGENERIC bal-care dha elite ob elite-ob folcaps folivane-ob hemenatal ob inatal advance inatal ultra mynatal mynatal advance mynatal caps mynatal plus mynatal-z mynate 90 plus er obstetrix dha pnv-omega pnv-select pnv-total prenaplus prenatabs fa prenatabs rx prenatal low iron prenatal plus prenatal-u relnate dha se-natal 19 taron-bc tl-care dha tl-fol 500 er triadvance trinatal gt trinatal rx 1 trinate ultimatecare one ultimatecare one nf vena-bal dha vinacal vinate ic vinate ii vinate one vinate-m virt-pn virt-pn plus vol-care rx vol-nate vol-plus vol-tab rx vp-ch plus zatean-pn plusNON PREFERRED STUART ONE VITAFOL-OBPrenatal MV & Min w/FE-FA-CA-Omega 3 Fish OilGENERIC complete natal dha pr natal 400 pr natal 400 ec pr natal 430 pr natal 430 ec triveen-duo dhaPrenatal MV & Min w/FE-FA-DHAGENERIC folivane-prx dha nf hemenatal ob + dha macnatal cn dha pnv ob+dha pnv-dha prena1 prenaissance prenaissance 90 dha prenaissance dha prenaissance harmony dha prenaissance plus taron-c dha tl-select triveen-prx rnf vemavite-prx 2 venatal-fa vinate dha virt-pn dha virt-select vp-ch-pnv vp-heme one zatean-ch zatean-pn dhaPREFERRED LEVOMEFOLATE DHAPrenatal VitaminsGENERIC prena1 chew prenaissance nextMUSCULOSKELETAL THERAPY AGENTSCentral Muscle RelaxantsGENERIC baclofen chlorzoxazone cyclobenzaprine hcl cyclobenzaprine hcl er methocarbamol orphenadrine citrate orphenadrine compound tizanidine hclPREFERRED CYCLOBENZAPRINE HCLNON PREFERRED GABLOFEN LIORESAL OZOBAX ROBAXINDirect Muscle RelaxantsGENERIC dantrolene sodiumViscosupplementsPREFERRED HYALGAN SYNVISC-ONENON PREFERRED MONOVISC ORTHOVISC SYNVISCNASAL AGENTS - SYSTEMIC AND TOPICALAntihistamine-SteroidGENERIC azelastine-fluticasoneNON PREFERRED DYMISTANasal AnticholinergicsGENERIC ipratropium bromide sprayNON PREFERRED ATROVENT SPRAYNasal AntihistaminesGENERIC azelastine hclNasal SteroidsGENERIC flunisolide nasal spray fluticasone nasal spray mometasone furoate nasal triamcinolone acetonidePREFERRED QNASLNON PREFERRED BECONASE AQ NASONEXNeprilysin Inhib (ARNI)-Angiotensin II Recept Antag CombNeprilysin Inhib (ARNI)-Angiotensin II Recept Antag CombPREFERRED ENTRESTONEUROMUSCULAR AGENTSBenzathiazolesGENERIC riluzoleDepolarizing Muscle RelaxantsGENERIC anectineNeuromuscular Blocking Agent - NeurotoxinsNON PREFERRED BOTOX MYOBLOCNUTRIENTSAmino Acid MixturesNON PREFERRED AMINO ACID 700MG TABLETS AMINOSYN CLINIMIX CLINIMIX E FREAMINE HBC FREAMINE III HEPATAMINE NEPHRAMINE PREMASOL PROCALAMINE PROSOL TRAVASOL TROPHAMINECarbohydratesGENERIC dextrose in waterLipidsGENERIC intralipidNON PREFERRED INTRALIPIDOPHTHALMIC AGENTSBeta-blockers - OphthalmicGENERIC betaxolol ophth solution carteolol hcl levobunolol hcl drops metipranolol dropsPREFERRED BETOPTIC SNON PREFERRED BETAGANBeta-blockers - Ophthalmic CombinationsGENERIC dorzolamide/timololPREFERRED COMBIGANCycloplegic MydriaticsGENERIC atropine sulfate cyclopentolate ophth solution homatropine hydrobromide tropicamidePREFERRED HOMATROPINE HYDROBROMIDENON PREFERRED CYCLOGYL MYDRIACYLLymphocyte Function-Associated Antigen-1 (LFA-1) AntagPREFERRED XIIDRAMiotics - Cholinesterase InhibitorsNON PREFERRED PHOSPHOLINE IODIDE DROPSMiotics - Direct ActingGENERIC pilocarpine hclNON PREFERRED ISOPTO CARPINEOphthalmic AntiallergicGENERIC azelastine hcl ophth solution cromolyn sodium epinastine hcl olopatadine hcl (ophthalmic)PREFERRED PAZEONON PREFERRED BEPREVE ELESTAT PATADAY PATANOL ZERVIATEOphthalmic AntibioticsGENERIC bacitracin ciprofloxacin ophth solution erythromycin ointment gatifloxacin levofloxacin hemihydrate moxifloxacin hcl tobramycin sulfate dropsPREFERRED BESIVANCENON PREFERRED AZASITE MOXEZA OCUFLOX TOBREX VIGAMOXOphthalmic AntifungalNON PREFERRED NATACYNOphthalmic Anti-infective CombinationsGENERIC bacitracin/polymyxin ophth oint neomycin/polymyxin/gramicidinOphthalmic AntiviralsGENERIC trifluridineNON PREFERRED VIROPTICOphthalmic Carbonic Anhydrase InhibitorsGENERIC dorzolamide hclOphthalmic EnzymesNON PREFERRED JETREAOphthalmic ImmunomodulatorsPREFERRED RESTASIS RESTASIS MULTIDOSEOphthalmic Irrigation SolutionsGENERIC balanced salt ophth irrigationOphthalmic Local AnestheticsGENERIC proparacaine hcl tetcaine dropsOphthalmic Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory AgentsGENERIC bromfenac ophth flurbiprofen sodium ketorolac tromethamine dropsPREFERRED ILEVRONON PREFERRED NEVANAC PROLENSAOphthalmic Photodynamic Therapy AgentsNON PREFERRED VISUDYNEOphthalmic Rho Kinase InhibitorsPREFERRED RHOPRESSAOphthalmic Selective Alpha Adrenergic AgonistsGENERIC apraclonidine ophth solution brimonidine ophth solutionPREFERRED ALPHAGAN P 0.001%NON PREFERRED ALPHAGAN P 0.0015%Ophthalmic Steroid CombinationsGENERIC neomycin/bacitracin/poly/hc sulfacetamide w/prednisolone tobramycin/dexamethasonePREFERRED TOBRADEX OINTMENT TOBRADEX STNON PREFERRED BLEPHAMIDE S.O.P. TOBRADEX SUSPENSION ZYLETOphthalmic SteroidsGENERIC dexamethasone sod phos ophth fluorometholone loteprednol etabonate susp prednisolone acetate prednisolone sodium phosphate dropsPREFERRED DUREZOL FML S.O.P.NON PREFERRED ALREX LOTEMAX PRED MILDOphthalmic SulfonamidesGENERIC sulfacetamide sodiumNON PREFERRED BLEPH-10Ophthalmics - Cystinosis AgentsNON PREFERRED CYSTARANProstaglandins - OphthalmicGENERIC bimatoprost latanoprost drops travoprostPREFERRED LUMIGANNON PREFERRED TRAVATAN Z XALATANVascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) AntagonistsNON PREFERRED EYLEA LUCENTISOphthalmic Gene TherapyOphthalmic Gene TherapyNON PREFERRED LUXTURNAOphthalmic Kinase Inhibitors - CombinationsOphthalmic Kinase Inhibitors - CombinationsPREFERRED ROCKLATANOrexin Receptor AntagonistsOrexin Receptor AntagonistsPREFERRED BELSOMRAOTIC AGENTSOtic Agents - MiscellaneousGENERIC acetic acid otic solution acetic acid/aluminum otic solPREFERRED ACETIC ACIDOtic Analgesic CombinationsGENERIC antipyrine/benzocaine otic sol antipyrine/benzocaine/poly otic sol chloroxylenol/benzocaine/hc acetate otic suspOtic Anti-infectivesGENERIC ciprofloxacin hcl ofloxacin otic dropsPREFERRED CIPROFLOXACIN HCLOtic Steroid-Anti-infective CombinationsGENERIC ciprofloxacin/dexamethasone neomycin/polymyxin/hc otic susp & solnNON PREFERRED CIPRO HC CIPRODEX COLY-MYCIN S OTOVELOtic SteroidsGENERIC acetic acid/hydrocortisone otic solNON PREFERRED DERMOTICOXYTOCICSAbortifacients/Cervical Ripening - ProstaglandinsGENERIC carboprostNON PREFERRED HEMABATEOxytocicsGENERIC methylergonovine maleate oxytocinPASSIVE IMMUNIZING AGENTSAntitoxins-AntiveninsNON PREFERRED CROFABAntiviral Monoclonal AntibodiesNON PREFERRED SYNAGISImmune SerumsPREFERRED GAMUNEXNON PREFERRED CYTOGAM GAMASTAN S-D GAMMAGARD LIQUID GAMMAGARD S-D GAMUNEX-C HEPAGAM B HIZENTRA HYPERHEP B S-D HYPERRAB S-D HYPERRHO S-D HYPERTET S-D IMOGAM RABIES-HT PRIVIGEN VARIZIGPCSK9 InhibitorsPCSK9 InhibitorsPREFERRED PRALUENT PEN PRALUENT SYRINGE REPATHA PUSHTRONEX REPATHA SURECLICK REPATHA SYRINGEPENICILLINSAminopenicillinsGENERIC amoxicillin ampicillinNatural PenicillinsGENERIC penicillin g potassium penicillin g procaine penicillin g sodium penicillin v potassiumNON PREFERRED BICILLIN L-A PENICILLIN GK-ISO-OSM DEXTROSEPenicillin CombinationsGENERIC amoxicillin/clavulanate er ampicillin/sulbactam piperacillin-tazobactamNON PREFERRED AUGMENTIN BICILLIN C-R ZOSYN IV SOLUTION ZOSYN VIALPenicillinase-Resistant PenicillinsGENERIC dicloxacillin sodium nafcillin dextrose nafcillin sodium oxacillin sodiumPhosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase (PI3K) InhibitorsPhosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase (PI3K) InhibitorsNON PREFERRED ALIQOPA ZYDELIGPhosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) Inhibitors - TopicalPhosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) Inhibitors - TopicalPREFERRED EUCRISAPoly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase (PARP) InhibitorsPoly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase (PARP) InhibitorsNON PREFERRED LYNPARZA RUBRACA TALZENNA ZEJULAPostherpetic Neuralgia (PHN)/Neuropathic Pain AgentsPostherpetic Neuralgia (PHN)/Neuropathic Pain AgentsNON PREFERRED GRALISE LYRICA CRPROGESTINSProgestinsGENERIC medroxyprogesterone acetate norethindrone acetate progesterone in oil progesterone micronizedNON PREFERRED MAKENAProtease-Activated Receptor-1 (PAR-1) AntagonistsProtease-Activated Receptor-1 (PAR-1) AntagonistsNON PREFERRED ZONTIVITYPSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC AND NEUROLOGICAL AGENTS - MISC.Agents for Narcotic WithdrawalNON PREFERRED LUCEMYRAAlcohol DeterrentsGENERIC acamprosate calcium disulfiramAnti-Cataplectic AgentsPREFERRED XYREMAntidementia Agent CombinationsPREFERRED NAMZARIC THERAPY PACKNON PREFERRED NAMZARICBenzodiazepines & Tricyclic AgentsGENERIC amitriptyline/chlordiazepoxideCholinomimetics - ACHE InhibitorsGENERIC donepezil hcl galantamine rivastigmineFibromyalgia Agent - SNRIsPREFERRED SAVELLAMovement Disorder Drug TherapyGENERIC tetrabenazineNON PREFERRED XENAZINEMS Agents - Pyrimidine Synthesis InhibitorsPREFERRED AUBAGIOMultiple Sclerosis AgentsNON PREFERRED COPAXONE GLATOPAMultiple Sclerosis Agents - InterferonsPREFERRED AVONEX BETASERON PLEGRIDYNON PREFERRED EXTAVIA REBIF REBIF REBIDOSEMultiple Sclerosis Agents - Monoclonal AntibodiesNON PREFERRED KESIMPTA LEMTRADA OCREVUS TYSABRIMultiple Sclerosis Agents - Nrf2 Pathway ActivatorsGENERIC dimethyl fumaratePREFERRED VUMERITYNON PREFERRED BAFIERTAM TECFIDERAMultiple Sclerosis Agents - Potassium Channel BlockersGENERIC dalfampridine erNON PREFERRED AMPYRAN-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor AntagonistsGENERIC memantine memantine dose packNON PREFERRED NAMENDA XRPhenothiazines & Tricyclic AgentsGENERIC perphenazine/amitriptylinePseudobulbar Affect Agent CombinationsPREFERRED NUEDEXTASmoking DeterrentsGENERIC buproban bupropion er (12 hour)NON PREFERRED CHANTIX ZYBANSphingosine 1-Phosphate (S1P) Receptor ModulatorsPREFERRED GILENYA ZEPOSIAThienbenzodiazepines & SSRIsGENERIC olanzapine/fluoxetine hclVasomotor Symptom Agents - SSRIsNON PREFERRED BRISDELLEPulmonary Hypertension - Prostacyclin Receptor AgonistPulmonary Hypertension - Prostacyclin Receptor AgonistNON PREFERRED UPTRAVIRESPIRATORY AGENTS - MISC.Alpha-Proteinase Inhibitor (Human)NON PREFERRED ARALAST NP PROLASTIN C ZEMAIRACFTR PotentiatorsNON PREFERRED KALYDECOHydrolytic EnzymesNON PREFERRED PULMOZYMEInterleukin-5 Antagonists (IgG1 kappa)PREFERRED FASENRANON PREFERRED NUCALAPulmonary Fibrosis AgentsNON PREFERRED ESBRIETSclerostin InhibitorsSclerostin InhibitorsNON PREFERRED EVENITYSinus Node InhibitorsSinus Node InhibitorsPREFERRED CORLANORSpinal Muscular Atrophy Agents (SMA)Spinal Muscular Atrophy Agents (SMA)NON PREFERRED SPINRAZATETRACYCLINESTetracyclinesGENERIC coremino demeclocycline hcl doxycycline hyclate doxycycline monohydrate minocycline hcl minocycline hcl erPREFERRED TETRACYCLINE XIMINONON PREFERRED MINOCIN MINOCIN 100MG VIAL SEYSARA SOLODYN ERTetrahydroisoquinolinesTetrahydroisoquinolinesNON PREFERRED YONDELISTHYROID AGENTSAntithyroid AgentsGENERIC methimazole propylthiouracilNON PREFERRED TAPAZOLEThyroid HormonesGENERIC levothyroxine sodium liothyronine sodiumNON PREFERRED ARMOUR THYROID CYTOMEL SYNTHROID TIROSINTTOXOIDSToxoid CombinationsPREFERRED INFANRIX PEDIARIX TETANUS DIPHTHERIA TOXOIDS - PEDNON PREFERRED ADACEL BOOSTRIX PENTACEL QUADRACEL DTAP-IPV TETANUS DIPHTHERIA TOXOIDSTripeptidyl Peptidase 1 Deficiency Treatment - AgentsTripeptidyl Peptidase 1 Deficiency Treatment - AgentsNON PREFERRED BRINEURATryptophan Hydroxylase InhibitorsTryptophan Hydroxylase InhibitorsNON PREFERRED XERMELOULCER DRUGSAntispasmodicsGENERIC dicyclomine hclBelladonna AlkaloidsGENERIC hyoscyamine sulfate hyoscyamine sulfate disinegrating tablets hyoscyamine sulfate erNON PREFERRED ATROPEN LEVSIN 0.125MG TABLET LEVSIN 0.5MG/ML AMPULH-2 AntagonistsGENERIC cimetidine famotidine nizatidine ranitidine hclNON PREFERRED ZANTAC RXMisc. Anti-UlcerGENERIC sucralfateNON PREFERRED CARAFATEProton Pump Inhibitor-Antacid CombinationsGENERIC omeprazole sodium bicarbonateNON PREFERRED OMEPRAZOLE SODIUM BICARBONATEProton Pump InhibitorsGENERIC esomeprazole lansoprazole omeprazole pantoprazole sodiumNON PREFERRED NEXIUM NEXIUM (RX) VIALQuaternary AnticholinergicsGENERIC glycopyrrolateUlcer Anti-Infective w/ Proton Pump InhibitorsGENERIC lansoprazole/amoxicillin/clarithromycinUlcer Drugs - ProstaglandinsGENERIC misoprostolNON PREFERRED CYTOTECURINARY ANTI-INFECTIVESUrinary Anti-infectivesGENERIC methenamine hippurate methenamine mandelate nitrofurantoin nitrofurantoin macrocrystalNON PREFERRED MACROBID MACRODANTINUrinary Antiseptic-Antispasmodic &/or AnalgesicsGENERIC hyophen phosphasal uretron d-s urimar-t urin d.s. urogesic ustellURINARY ANTISPASMODICSBeta-3 Adrenergic AgonistsPREFERRED MYRBETRIQ ER 24 HRUrinary Antispasmodic - Antimuscarinic (Anticholinergic)GENERIC darifenacin er oxybutynin chloride oxybutynin chloride er solifenacin succinate tolterodine tartrate trospium chloride erNON PREFERRED DITROPAN XL ENABLEX GELNIQUE TOVIAZ VESICAREUrinary Antispasmodics - Cholinergic Agonists (new)GENERIC bethanechol chlorideUrinary Antispasmodics - Direct Muscle RelaxantsGENERIC flavoxate hclVACCINESBacterial VaccinesPREFERRED VIVOTIF BERNA DEL RELNON PREFERRED ACTHIB BEXSERO BIOTHRAX MENACTRA MENOMUNE-A-C-Y-W-135 PEDVAXHIB PNEUMOVAX 23 PREVNAR 13 TRUMENBA TYPHIM VI VAXCHORA VACCINEViral Vaccine CombinationsPREFERRED TWINRIXNON PREFERRED M-M-R II VACCINE W/DILUENT PROQUADViral VaccinesPREFERRED AFLURIA AFLURIA QUAD FLUAD FLUAD QUAD FLUBLOK FLUBLOK QUAD FLUCELVAX QUAD FLULAVAL QUAD FLUMIST FLUZONE HIGH-DOSE FLUZONE QUAD RABAVERT SHINGRIX VAQTA VIALNON PREFERRED ENGERIX-B GARDASIL 9 HAVRIX IMOVAX RABIES VACCINE IPOL IXIARO RECOMBIVAX HB ROTATEQ STAMARIL VAQTA SYRINGES VARIVAX VACCINE YF-VAXVAGINAL PRODUCTSImidazole-Related AntifungalsGENERIC miconazole 1 terconazolePREFERRED MICONAZOLE 1Vaginal Anti-infectivesGENERIC clindamycin phosphate vaginalVaginal EstrogensGENERIC yuvafemPREFERRED PREMARIN CREAMNON PREFERRED ESTRACE CREAM ESTRING FEMRINGVaginal ProgestinsPREFERRED CRINONENON PREFERRED ENDOMETRINVASOPRESSORSAnaphylaxis Therapy AgentsGENERIC epinephrine auto-injectorPREFERRED SYMJEPINON PREFERRED EPIPEN EPIPEN JR. SYMJEPIVasopressorsGENERIC dobutamine dobutamine/dextrose dopamine hcl dopamine hcl in 5% dextrose ephedrine sulfate epinephrine ampule/vial midodrine hcl norepinephrine bitartrate phenylephrine hcl phenylephrine hcl-nsPREFERRED PHENYLEPHRINE HCL-NSNON PREFERRED EPINEPHRINE 1MG/ML AMPUL LEVOPHED AMPULE/VIAL PHENYLEPHRINE HCL-NS 200MCG/5ML SYRINGE PHENYLEPHRINE HCL-NS 40MG/5ML SYRINGEVITAMINSVitamin AGENERIC vitamin aPREFERRED VITAMIN ANON PREFERRED AQUASOL A VITAMIN AVitamin B-1GENERIC thiamine hclNON PREFERRED THIAMINE HCLVitamin B-6GENERIC pyridoxine hclPREFERRED PYRIDOXINE HCLNON PREFERRED PYRIDOXINE HCL 500MG TABLETSVitamin CGENERIC ascorbic acidPREFERRED ASCORBIC ACIDVitamin KGENERIC phytonadionePREFERRED PHYTONADIONENON PREFERRED MEPHYTONVITAMINS, HEMATINICS & ELECTROLYTESVITAMINS & HEMATINICSGENERIC elite-ob 400 folivane-fNON PREFERRED VYNATAL-FAX-Linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH) Treatment - AgentsX-Linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH) Treatment - AgentsPREFERRED CRYSVITA ................

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