Philosophy: Basic Questions

Philosophy: The Art of Thinking Professor Boedeker

Second set of paper topics

If you choose to write on one of these topics, your paper will be due in class at the time of the final examination. The paper should be approximately 5 double-spaced pages (1500 words) in length. Please be as concise as possible, eliminating all information not necessary to make your points. The paper should be approximately 5 double-spaced pages (1500 words) in length. For tips on writing your paper, please consult the detailed information on pp. 3-4 of the syllabus. Although you should feel free to consult the handouts, the paper should reflect your own efforts to come to terms with the texts and the issues deal with in them. Thus a paper consisting primarily of a paraphrase – no matter how accurate it may be – of one or more of the handouts is not acceptable. Please write on one of the topics suggested below. You may also write on a topic of your choosing, but I strongly suggest that you discuss this with me before you do.

If you so choose, you may co-write your paper with one other student. I expect you and your co-author to do approximately the same amount of work, and you will both receive the same grade on the paper. Also, make sure that both of you read it over to check for consistency in verb tense and style, as well as for smoothness of argument and organization.

1. Augustine argues that human beings have free will even though God knows in advance exactly what they will do. First, explain just what Augustine means by “free will” and why he believes that human beings must have it. Then show why Augustine believes that God must know in advance everything that we will do. Conclude by explaining how Augustine argues that human free will is compatible with Divine foreknowledge of our actions. Do you agree with his proposed solution? Give reasons for your answers.

2. Explain how Aristotle and Augustine would interpret the case of Andrea Yates. What “faculties” of the mind (e.g., understanding, free will, bodily desire, etc.) are involved in each of their interpretations? What does each “faculty” do? How are these “faculties” related to each other (e.g., do they agree with each other, conflict, etc.)? Conclude by evaluating these different views, noting their respective advantages and disadvantages. Do you find one explanation more adequate than the others? Explain why (or why not). (One place to get reliable information about this case is on the archive at the website.)

3. What is metaphysical dualism? Explain how Descartes argues for this view in Meditation VI. How does Descartes (as discussed in class) conceive the physical, material, “extended” universe? How does he conceive the thinking mind? What problems does this view pose? Hint: think of sense-perception and human action. How does Descartes attempt to overcome these difficulties? Do you find his proposed ‘solution’ acceptable? Explain why or why not.

4. Explain the basics of laissez faire state policies. In a laissez-faire capitalist economic system, what interests does the state protect? What historical contribution do Marx and Engels think industrial capitalism has made? Explain one or two of Marx’s and Engels’ basic criticisms of laissez faire industrial capitalism. What do M&E think that industrial capitalism will inevitably lead to? What will the state look like in a communist society? Do you think that conditions for workers would be better in a communist society than they were in industrial capitalism? Do you find their version of communism, as outlined at the end of the Communist Manifesto, workable? Explain, giving reasons for your answers.

5. Compare and contrast Augustine and Nietzsche on the question of free will. What is Augustine’s argument for the existence of free will? What is Nietzsche’s account of the real reason for our belief in the existence of free will? Who (if either) do you think is right? Give reasons for your view.

6. Explain what Nietzsche means by “nausea”, “decadence”, and “nihilism” – and the relation he sees among these phenomena. What is the will to power, which Nietzsche regards as the essence of life? How is it related to these three phenomena? How does Nietzsche think that the will to power can overcome these negative aspects of the human situation? Do you agree with him? Give reasons for your response.

7. Explain Nietzsche’s view in The Antichrist of the historical figure of Christ, and the subsequent Christian religion. (Feel free to bring in John Dominic Crossan’s discussion in the optional video on the historical Jesus.) What does Nietzsche think were Christ’s values, and in what ways did the early Christians (especially the Apostle Paul) misunderstand them? What did they base their misunderstanding on? Evaluate Nietzsche’s view.


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