Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education

Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education 2017 – 2019 Grant ApplicationWorkforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)Title II – Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)Section 243Official Name of Applicant:Contact Information: Please enter the contact information of the individual that the Talent Investment Agency (TIA), Office of Adult Education may contact if there are questions regarding the content of this Plan. NameE-MailPhone (xxx-xxx-xxxx)ExtensionDo Not Complete – For TIA, Office of Adult Education Only Date Received:Assigned Staff:Reviewers:Award Status:Do Not Complete – For TIA, Office of Adult Education Only Integrated English Literacy and Civics EducationDetermination of Provider EligibilitySectionTopicsYesNo1Eligible Provider Qualifications Are you eligible to apply for funding?·?? Organization ProfileYesNo·?? Demonstrative EffectivenessYesNo·?? Local ContributionsYesNoFunding Considerations:Request for proposals is open to all eligible applicants, and only applicants that meet the eligibility qualifications will be reviewed and scored.Funds made available for adult education and literacy activities under this title shall supplement and not supplant other State or local public funds expended for adult education and literacy activities.Eligible Provider QualificationOrganization ProfileThe applicant can provide information regarding their organization structure and any funding history of Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education grant awards. 5Complete the form below. Official Name of Organization:Working Title for the Program:Mailing Address:City, State, Zip Code+ 4-digit:DUNS Number:Prosperity RegionCounty Service Areas: the category that best describes your organization: local educational agencycommunity-based organization or faith-based organizationvolunteer literacy organizationan institution of higher educationpublic or private nonprofit agencylibrarypublic housing authoritynonprofit institution that is not described in any of subparagraphs (A) through (G) and has the ability to provide adult education and literacy activities to eligible individualsconsortium or coalition of the agencies, organizations, institutions, libraries, or described in any of subparagraphs (A) through (H)partnership between an employer and an entity described in any of subparagraphs (A) through (I)Other – Indicate the total estimated number of eligible participants to be served. Please indicate the number of eligible participants served previously.2013-2014 2014-20152015-2016Demonstrated EffectivenessApplicants must demonstrate past effectiveness by providing performance data on its record of improving the skills of eligible individuals, particularly eligible individuals who have low levels of literacy, and provide information regarding its outcomes for participants related to employment, attainment of secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and transition to postsecondary education and training.YesNoBriefly describe your program’s goals/objectives and then provide a summary of your accomplishments to date. When applicable provide statistical data.Goals/ObjectivesProgress/Accomplishments1.2.3.Provide a detailed narrative about your English Literacy and Civics Education program that demonstrates your capacity to provide IELCE services to English language learners.Insert your organization’s 2015-2016 performance data and outcome measures as applicable that quantifies past effectiveness in improving literacy of eligible individuals to meet the state adjusted levels of performance.Educational Gains by Educational Functioning LevelsEntering Educational Functioning LevelTotal Number EnrolledAverage Attendance HoursNumber Completed LevelNumber Separated Before Completed% Completing LevelMI2015 TargetTargetMet?% DifferenceABE Level 1 (Grade 0-1.9)44%ABE Level 2 (Grade 2-3.9)42%ABE Level 3 (Grade 4-5.9)37%ABE Level 4 (Grade 6-8.9)31%ABE Level 5 (Grade 9-10.9)34%ABE Level 6 (Grade 11-12)ESL Beginning Literacy57%ESL Beginning Low65%ESL Beginning High60%ESL Intermediate Low47%ESL Intermediate High44%ESL Advanced20%TotalEducational Gains by Educational Functioning Levels (Annual Trends)Entering Educational Functioning Level2013% Completing Level2014% Completing Level2015% Completing LevelABE Level 1 (Grade 0 - 1.9)ABE Level 2 (Grade 2 - 3.9)ABE Level 3 (Grade 4 - 5.9)ABE Level 4 (Grade 6 - 8.9)ABE Level 5 (Grade 9 - 10.9)ABE Level 6 (Grade 11 - 12)ESL Beginning LiteracyESL Beginning LowESL Beginning HighESL Intermediate LowESL Intermediate HighESL AdvancedOutcome Measure201320142015NumberPercentageNumberPercentageNumberPercentageObtained EmploymentAttained High School Diploma or EquivalentTransition to PostsecondaryWrite one or two paragraphs describing both the positive and negative results of your performance outcomes.Identify two or three circumstances that impacted the increase/decrease of your performance outcomes. Local ContributionsAEFLA funds are supplemental funds and thus cannot be the sole funding source supporting a program. Applicants must identify the local and/or state funds that currently support the program.YesNoAmountLocal Share Supporting Adult Education ProgramLocal Funds are other funds that support AEFLA allowable activities for the adult education program. $State School Aid Act, Section 107 Funding$Do Not Complete – For TIA, Office of Adult Education Only YesNoDoes the applicant meet the definition of eligible provider?Do Not Complete – For TIA, Office of Adult Education Only Scoring RubricSectionTopicsTotal PointsBreakdownBy Topics1Program DesignDo you have the infrastructure to operate a program?70·?? Scope of Work 15·?? Program Design and Implementation Strategies15·?? Instructional Practices15·?? Transition Strategies15·?? Professional Development and Staffing Strategies102Workforce Development System Integration Are you having conversations with workforce partners?10·?? Michigan Works! Agency 5·?? Collaborative Partnerships53Grants Management Is your program WIOA-AEFLA compliant?20·?? Administrative Practices5·?? Performance Reporting and Past Effectiveness10·?? Budget Worksheet & Narrative5100Funding Considerations:Request for Proposals is open to all eligible applicants, and only applicants that meet the eligibility qualifications will be reviewed and scored.Applicants must score a minimum of 80 points to be considered for funding. The number of grants awarded will be dependent on the number of proposals received and the total amount of funds requested.Program DesignScope of WorkPointsAvailablePointsAwardedThe applicant must use the funding to establish an Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education program in accordance to the WIOA-AEFLA requirements.15The Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education program refers to the use of funds provided under section 243 of the Act for education services for English language learners who are adults, including professional with degrees and credentials in their native countries. Eligible providers receiving funds through the Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education program must provide services that –(a) Include instruction in literacy and English language acquisition and instruction on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and civic participation.(b) Are in combination with integrated education and training.(c) Are designed to: (1) Prepare adults who are ELLs for, and place in, unsubsidized employment in in-demand industries and occupations that lead to economic self-sufficiency; (2) Integrate with the local workforce development system and its functions to carry out the activities of the program. [Reg. 463.73]Describe how your agency has designed adult education and literacy services to meet the needs identified in the local plan (required under WIOA Section 108), and specifically for those individuals in the region who have low levels of literacy, English language learners, and individuals with disabilities including learning disabilities.Describe the demonstrated need in the local area for English language acquisition and civics education programs.Describe how your program will prepare adults who are English language learners for, and place such adults in, unsubsidized employment with in-demand industries and occupations that lead to economic self-sufficiency.Describe how your program will integrate with the local workforce development system and its functions to carry out the activities of the program.Describe how your Integrated English Language and Civics Education program will ensure participants receive instruction in the following:Literacy and English Language Acquisition InstructionCivics Education including the Rights and Responsibilities of CitizenshipSecondary School Credential for Transition to Postsecondary Education.Integrated Education and TrainingProgram Design and Implementation StrategiesPointsAvailablePointsAwardedThe applicant must have proactive strategies that address and eliminate barriers for English language learners including participant access to services and navigating the system in accordance to the WIOA-AEFLA requirements.15Describe in narrative form the essential workflow of your program that provides the following participant services: orientation and intake; assessment and placement; advising and goal setting; and participant retention. Outreach and Recruitment:Describe the methods for recruiting the target population and strategies that ensure equitable access.Orientation and Intake: Describe the orientation strategies or practices that may include the development of a participant profile to better inform goal-setting, previous work experience and educational training, and the ‘true abilities’ of the English language learner, including those with professional degrees and credentials.Assessment and Placement:Describe or list the standardized and/or formative assessment(s) that will assess the four language skills. Describe any formative assessments that better inform the language competence of the participant and that gauges participant readiness for academic coursework. Describe or list any interest or career inventories that may assist in placement or educational services that better ensure participant success.Intensity and Duration:Provide the program’s days and hours of operation and number of weeks in the semester or term, and explain how flexible schedules and coordination with regional support services (child care transportation, mental health services, and career planning) will enable individuals, including individuals with disabilities or other special needs, to attend the adult education program. Program Design for Career Pathways:Describe how the program provides bridge programming that is aligned to career pathways. Describe how the programming will ‘bridge’ the language and cultural gaps that support English language learners needs. Describe the strategies for preparing adults who are English language learners for unsubsidized employment including any volunteer, apprenticeship, community work, or other work-related experiences.Program Design for Contextualized Instruction:Describe how the program will design curriculum and lessons that introduce participants to: civic-related content, occupationally-relevant content, academic-relevant content, and employment-related content.Transition:Describe how the program has a plan or pathway to track or monitor participant progress and/or readiness that allows the participant to move seamlessly through the career pathway. Describe any career advising or participant support that better ensures participant success.Technology:Describe how the program will integrate technology to ensure participant access to services and enhance instruction.Evaluation: Describe how you plan to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of your program. Describe how the program evaluation will be used for continuous improvement. Instructional PracticesPointsAvailablePointsAwardedThe applicant must provide evidence of their ability to deliver high-quality instruction to eligible individuals. 15Describe your current/proposed strategies for using evidence-based instructional practices for teaching English language learners to help them achieve competence in reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension of the English language. Where applicable, strategies should cite research studies and/or the titles of specific models and practices. 1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe how your current/proposed instructional practices include the essential components of reading instruction. For example, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, reading fluency, and reading comprehension strategies.1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe your current/proposed strategies for aligning content standards to the College and Career Readiness Standards. Where applicable, strategies should cite specific educational programs, lesson plans, resources and/or specific practices.1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe your current/proposed strategies for providing civics education instruction. Where applicable, strategies should cite specific educational programs, course offerings, resources/toolkits and/or specific models and practices.1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe your current/proposed strategies for providing contextualized instruction using occupationally relevant instructional materials and workforce preparation activities/training.1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Transition StrategiesPointsAvailablePointsAwardedThe applicant must provide transitional services that assist the English language learner with the attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent; and transition to postsecondary education and training; or employment.15Describe your current/proposed strategies for providing transition services that focus on the attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent. 1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe your current/proposed strategies for providing transition services that focus on enrollment in postsecondary education and training. 1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe your current/proposed strategies for providing transition services that focus on job placement in unsubsidized employment.1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Professional Development and Staffing StrategiesPointsAvailablePointsAwardedThe applicant must develop a professional development plan that meets specialized training needs for high-quality instruction that is of sufficient intensity and quality, and based on the most rigorous research and methods.10Describe how your agency ensures that instruction is delivered by certified instructors, counselors, and administrators, and who have access to high quality professional development.1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe your current/proposed strategies for training instructors to use research-based methodology and effective instructional practices for teaching English language learners, so participants achieve competence in reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension of the English language. 1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe your current/proposed strategies for training instructors to deliver contextualized instruction especially in the context of civics education, citizenship instruction, and mathematics to English language learners.1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe your current/proposed strategies for training instructors to develop effective lesson plans and delivery of instruction on academic content to English language learners including the use of distance education or other technology, so that English language learners may attain a secondary credential.1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe your current/proposed strategies for training instructors to provide effective instruction in areas such as integrated career awareness, career planning skills, and workforce preparation for English language learners.1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Workforce Development System IntegrationMichigan Works! AgenciesPointsAvailablePointsAwardedThe applicant must have ongoing meetings with their local Workforce Development Boards and Michigan Works! Agency staff to ensure proactive strategies are being developed to implement the proposed activities in this plan. 5List the Michigan Works! Agencies in your service area and their respective Workforce Development Board. Michigan Works! AgencyWorkforce Development Board1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe your current/proposed strategies for ensuring collaboration with your local Workforce Development Board and Michigan Works! Agency. 1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe your current/proposed strategies for ensuring all participants have access to programs and services offered at your local Michigan Works! Agency. 1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Describe your current/proposed strategies for meeting the required one-stop partner responsibilities required under WIOA, including providing access to adult education services; jointly fund the one-stop infrastructure through partner cash, noncash, and third-party contributions; entering into an MOU; participating in the operation of the one-stop delivery system; and providing representation on the local board as needed. 1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Collaborative PartnersPointsAvailablePointsAwardedThe applicant must describe any current/proposed strategies for developing collaborative partnerships with organizations that have expertise or resource information relevant to the proposed EL Civics program.5Describe your internal and external partners and their roles/responsibilities for supporting the proposed activities in this plan. PartnersRoles/Responsibilities1. how your agency coordinates with other education and training providers, business and industry, social service agencies, and other community-based organizations for the development of career pathways.Grants ManagementAdministrative PracticesPointsAvailablePointsAwardedThe applicant must provide proactive strategies to meet the administrative practices.5What are the key staffing needs to carry out the proposed activities in this proposal? Name of Key Contact(s)Email1.2.Describe your plan for providing professional development opportunities for staff assigned to this proposal. Note: applicants will be required to designate a portion of their budget request to support professional development.Applicants will be required to submit a final narrative report by November 30, 2018. Performance Reporting and Past EffectivenessPointsAvailablePointsAwardedThe applicant must provide strategies to ensure the outcome measures established for this program are met, and detail past effectiveness in improving the literacy of eligible individuals, especially those individuals who have low levels of literacy, and the degree to which those improvements contribute to the state office meeting its performance benchmarks for the primary indicators of performance described in § 677.155. 10Participant data collection will be gathered and entered into the Michigan Adult Education Reporting System (MAERS). It is VERY IMPORTANT that participants enrolled in the adult education program are reported timely and accurately.All participant registration, assessment, class enrollment, and attendance data must be entered into MAERS by August 1st following the end of the program year. The deadline for all planned gaps, interim achievements, program exits, and outcome data to be entered into MAERS is September 30th following the end of the program year. What are your strategies for ensuring that participants are properly reported? 1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Below are the outcome measures established for the Integrated English Language and Civics Education program.the percentage of program participants in unsubsidized employment in the 2nd quarter after exit; the percentage of program participants in unsubsidized employment in the 4th quarter after exit; median earnings of program participants who are employed during the 2nd quarter after exit; the percentage of program participants who obtain a recognized postsecondary credential, or a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent (subject to clause (iii))* during participation in or within 1 year after exit; the percentage of program participants achieving measurable skill gains; and effectiveness in serving employers. *Clause (iii) states that program participants who obtain a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent shall be included in the percentage counted as meeting the criterion only if, in addition to obtaining diploma or equivalent, they have obtained or retained employment or are in an education or training program leading to a postsecondary credential within 1 year after exit from the program. (Sec. 116(b)(2)(iii)) Describe specific strategies your agency implemented and the past effectiveness in improving the literacy of eligible individuals, especially with respect to eligible individuals who have low levels of literacy.1.2.* If applicable, insert additional rows.Budget Worksheet and NarrativePointsAvailablePointsAwardedThe applicant must use the funding for allowable expenditures.5Below is a list of allowable expenditures.Instructional Staff Adult Basic EducationAdult Secondary EducationIntegrated Education and TrainingInstruction Related TechnologyAcademic Student AssessmentInstructional Materials and SuppliesInstructional Equipment Assessment MaterialsNon-Instructional StaffCounselorsTruancy/Absenteeism ServicesSocial WorkersParticipant Accounting/Data EntrySupport ServicesParticipant Child CareParticipant TransportationBuilding OperationsSecurity ServicesAdministrative Costs: these costs may not exceed five percent of the total budget.Supervision and Direction of Instructional StaffAdult Education DirectorAdult Education Director Administrative StaffCurriculum DevelopmentProfessional Development for Instructional StaffProfessional Development for Adult Education DirectorBusiness/Financial StaffCommunication Services/Program OutreachNon-Instructional Technology ServicesOne-stop partner responsibilities.To request funding, complete the budget narrative and budget worksheet on the next page. Integrated English Literacy & Civics EducationBudget Narrative/JustificationIn the box below, insert the name of your organization:Name of OrganizationBudget Request$ Allowable Expenditures Amount RequestedInstructional StaffCalculate the number of staff, hourly rate, and number of hours estimated for instructional work.Full-time instructor(s)Part-time instructor(s)$Instructional Materials and SuppliesList/describe materials, number of texts, software, price per item, and the total cost.$Instructional EquipmentList equipment, amount of equipment, price per item, and total costs.$Assessment MaterialsList approved assessments, amount of assessments, price per item, and total costs.$Non-Instructional StaffList name of each job function, calculate the number of staff, hourly rate, and number of hours estimated for each activity.Identify Full-time StaffIdentify Part-time Staff$Support ServicesList each Support Service and identify costs associated with each service. List name of each job function, calculate the number of staff, hourly rate, and number of hours estimated for staff.Identify Full-time StaffIdentify Part-time Staff$Administrative Staff (AE Director, Administrative Staff, Business/Financial Staff)List name of each job function, calculate the number of staff, hourly rate, and number of hours estimated for administrative work.Identify Full-time StaffIdentify Part-time Staff$Administrative Activities: Professional Development (PD) Staff Training and TravelList each PD training event, identify the number of Instructional and Administrative staff attending each event and the total cost per event.$Administrative Activities: Communication Services/Program Outreach and Non-Instructional Technology ServicesList each Administrative Activity and identify costs associated with each activity. List name of each job function, calculate the number of staff, hourly rate, and number of hours estimated for staff.$Administrative Activities: Workforce Partnership Activities$Infrastructure Costs$Total Federal Funds Requested:$ ................

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