Argumentative Essay - Los Angeles Mission College

English 101Argumentative EssayEssay Type: ArgumentEssay Length: 3-4 pages, double spaced.Please email all drafts to my college email address before the start of class.This is what is known as an argumentative essay. Argument essays are perhaps the most common and the type you will most likely be asked to write in university. An effective argumentative essay persuades its audience to the writer’s point of view regarding a potentially controversial subject. The central point to such an essay is to persuade your audience to change their beliefs about something they would not normally consider changing.As a class, we have been slowly building towards this type of an essay; a good argumentative essay is a combination of all our previous essays. The main exception to this type of essay is that you will be required to do much more research into your topic.To help you with this, please refer to chapter 21, “Agument”, pp 539-641 in “Models for Writers”.Your assignment is as follows:As this essay tackles a far broader spectrum of potential subjects and their topics, I’ve found a list of 200 on the New York Times website: the entire list. Choose more than one which interests you and do a little research into them. After your preliminary research, decide which one your essay will be on. Decide what you want to say about the topic-you must choose one side or another. Please note that the topics listed on the NYT website are listed in interrogative form; they are being asked of you. It is your assignment to decide what the answer to those questions is-that will be your argument, what you are trying to persuade your audience to believeFor this essay, you will be held to the strictest guidelines yet: Your essay must be emailed to me; it must be done in MLA format. I will provide a link to MLA formatting guidelines-if your essay is not submitted in MLA format, it will be rejected. You must follow the guidelines I gave for email and file names-if you do not follow those guidelines, your essay will be rejected. The length mentioned above does not include your works cited page. ................

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