Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

Let me share with you about God’s blessings in two our ministries in Kursk (The high-risk group teens ministry and the Orphanage ministry called “You Are Not Alone”).

The Easter holiday is like the borderline between a cold boring winter and active life awoken by the warm spring sunshine. This is the time when even the people that are very far from Church are ready to hear about Christ! 

The time from March to April is the time for both summarizing the ministry of 2009-2010 and preparation for the summer evangelism season.

The Christian Teen “Gulf Stream” Club will work till the end of May. It’s rather more and more difficult to call it “the Teen Club” as some of the visitors are going to be 25. We preach on the level accessible to teens but the topics are so burning, the illustrations given there are so bright and the atmosphere is so living that it attracts the people that are much older. This year the Club is going to celebrate its 11th birthday and we are praying asking God to let us work for Him in this field some more.    

We keep monthly visiting some orphanages. Being financially limited we can afford visit two orphanages only, i.e. the Mokva orphanage and the Ivanovsky Orphanage. But we have some very special close relationship with the orphans there. We managed to organize phone talks with many of the orphans so we can support them spiritually and be God’s witnesses more often than once a month. Now we have friendly relationship with about 300 orphans and Orphanages graduates. Each trip there and each talk with them have evangelism as one of the main goals. 

We are rejoicing and jubilate about god’s victories! Two young Orphanage graduates Vasiliy Chebotaryov and Russlan Rytkov take an active part in the life of the Church and help in the Orphanage ministry there. It’s God’s mercy and the testimony of His love! Three years ago Vasiliy and Russlan were ones of the roughest children in their Orphanage. All those years we kept bringing the Truth of the Scriptures to them, to demonstrate God’s love and to help them see God’s presence in their life. Sometimes we were discouraged thinking that all we were dong was in vain. We were especially hopeless about Vasiliy. He had always been a very independent Gypsy that believed in the power of money and force only. But two years ago when being in the Christian camp he repented and since then a lot of miracles have been happening in his life! After finishing the Orphanage school both of the young men left for a small regional town and we did not hear anything about them for a while. But it turned out that God had saved them for Himself!

Our “School of Life Piloting” keeps working. Now we have 16 young boys and girls from two orphanages that are studying the Scripture lessons and Social adaptation Program. 5 of them have already made a decision to connect their lives with God. They are Vyacheslav Chaly (he has been staying at the orphanage for 11 years already), Olga Grechishkina (she has been staying at the orphanage for about 3 years already), Pavel Zintenis (he has been staying at the orphanage for 7 years already), Vova Bondarenko (he has been staying at the orphanage for 9 years already), and Yura Akinin (he has been staying at the orphanage for 7 years already). Please pray for them; for the Satan not to steal the seeds of Truth for their hearts, the seeds planted during our fellowship. Most of them will leave their orphanages this summer and this moment is critical and exciting. Please pray for the future of the “School of Life Piloting”. The orphanage authorities ask us to organize more groups (they ask about 4 ones) but we cannot guarantee that we will raise even the budget for 2010.

We are praying for the beginning of the “Training farm” project in August 2010. The goals of this project are as follows: gaining the practical work skills by the orphans, the development of their business mind and gaining some agricultural labor experience. More than half of orphanage graduates cannot adapt to life and finally get to prison, to an addiction clinic or just stay in the street homeless. The ability to make money being independent plus the spiritual support from the church is the guarantee of the life success. We believe in it and would appreciate your prayers for this ministry.      

We are preparing for the summer evangelizing campaign and do it very actively. God wills we will have a longer shift of the Christian camp, two kayak trips and the Christian camp in the orphanage. Now we are working on the Bible studies lessons, maintain the equipment and the kayaks. In these summer kinds of ministry we are going to work with more than 190 orphans.

I keep being amased about God’s wisdom. It is 21st century, the first world countries are under the heavy economic crisis now, the international terrorism is very active again, and many people are killed by it. So life can look like a very dark spot on the background of eternity. Yet in an amazing way God inspires His children to be cheerful and active, searching to glorify their Savior! I am happy to know that we are among them.

Thank you for your trust and support, for your prayers and your empathy, for your care about the problems that the churches of Russia are facing today. May God’s peace never leave your hearts and may God’s love not let you rest in the world filled with sufferings, with wanderings and struggling for justice.

Be blessed in Christ, our Lord and Savior!

In Him,

Ilya Fadeev and our grooving family

(recently we adopted one more little boy- on my laps)

Youth Ministries Leader

Kursk, Russia

Cell: 011 7 920 707 3355


37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  (Rom. 8:37-39).


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