Toddler’s Sample Lesson Plan - A Child's World Learning Center

Activity Planning Form For Preschool Aged Children (2 to 5 years)

Week of April 11th- 15th Teacher Ms. Kristi and Ms. Amber

Ages of Children Toddlers







Group Time Academic Focus

Outdoor Time Structured Gross

Topic: Warm Weather Children will learn about the wind

Letters: A & I Bubbles

Help ride in cars

Topic: Warm Weather

Children will be introduced to a

rainbow Color: Grey

Balls Roll balls together

Topic: Warm Weather Children will learn

about rain

Shape: Oval Butterfly hunt Create insects

Topic: Warm Weather

Children will learn what to use when

it rains Numbers: 14/15

Sidewalk chalk Search for bugs

Topic: Warm Weather

Children will be introduced to the

sun The Very Hungry...

Riding in cars Play with sand box

Motor Art/ Free Expression


Blow Painting Y-links

Create a rainbow Star links

Create raindrops Create an umbrella

Create a sun


Peg board

Teddy bear chains

Fine Motor Skills

Dramatic Play/ Family Living Blocks/ Block


Books/Language Development

Add Springtime clothes

Build with soft blocks

Listen to the Wind

Clouds and Wind

Add kites

Add garden tools

Community people Peek-a-boo blocks

What Makes a Rainbow

The rainbow

Sun and Rain Pitter, Patter

Add umbrellas Soft baby blocks

Add pictures of rainbows, clouds, and

sun Large building blocks

Rain School

Fun in the Sun

My Umbrella

Oh Mr. Sun

Music/ Rhythm* Science/Nature

Explore a prism Add kites

Read: "Small, Small Pond"

Add garden tools

Look at a weather calendar

Add food coloring

Hang wind chimes outside

Wet sand

Sort colors of the rainbow

Blow sand and water


* Enrichment Activities required monthly for programs operating with 1 point in Program Standards; enrichment activities required weekly fro program with 2 or more points

1. Group Time may include routine such as "greeting song", introduction to daily activities/theme, show & tell, etc. 2. Activity information should include a variety of activities for children; including, free choice, self-directed, or teacher-directed activities.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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