Biology 330 Lecture - California State University, Sacramento

Biology 183 - Topics in Cell Biology: Cancer Biology

Sample Exam

Hao Nguyen

Name: ____________________

1. a. Please, name the nine groups (or families) of genes that can be considered oncogenes if mutated.

b. For each family, describe how proteins expressed by the oncogene can possibly lead to carcinogenesis.

You’re welcome to give specific examples.

2. A person is diagnosed with retinoblastoma.

a. Which gene in the transformed cells is likely to be mutated and in which chromosome can this gene be found?

b. What is the minimum number of mutation that must occur on this gene in order to cause retinoblastoma? Hint: There are two copies of every gene in each cell in your body.

c. Can you, with high certain, tell whether this person may have inherited the mutation or may have acquired the mutation after birth? Please, very briefly explain your answer. DO NOT write more than three sentences or lines to explain.

3. A person has mutations on genes that express the following proteins: p53, EGF, jun, and MAP kinase.

However, this person is completely cancer-free (that is, she/he does not have cancer).

a. Please, give an explanation on why this person may be cancer-free. Be thorough and be as specific as you may want or need to.

b. On the other hand, some cancers like retinoblastoma appear to have been produced by mutation on just a single gene (Rb gene). Please, give a possible explanation on how only one oncogene can affect carcinogenesis.

4. a. Please, distinguish between a mutagen and a carcinogen. Be sure to describe both similarities and


b. Name five different types of carcinogens (or sources that contribute to carcinogenesis).

5. Please, describe in detail how exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation may possibly lead to the formation of malignant tumors. You need to describe the mechanism in sequential order and, when applicable, explain why each specific step is necessary.

6. It has been shown that some cancers exhibit very high annual incidences (occurrences), but low annual rate of mortality (or death rate). Please, describe two plausible explanations for this disparity. That is, explain why sometimes there is a high incidence, but not a high death rate; and vice versa.

7. Please, name the four major types of treatment for cancer. Also, indicate or describe the ultimate specific goal for each type of treatment. (That is, what will happen to the malignant cells and/or tumor.)


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