Course OutlineSport, Exercise and Health Science

[pic]Sports, Exercise and Health Science

Course Outline

Course Description:

SEHS incorporates the traditional disciplines of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, psychology and nutrition, which are studied in the context of sport, exercise and health. Students will cover a range of core and option topics and carryout practical (experimental) investigations in both laboratory and field settings. This will provide an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and understanding necessary to apply scientific principles and critically analyze human performance. (SEHS IB Guide)

➢ This Standard Level (SL) course lies within Group 4 Experimental Sciences. Group 4 students explore the concepts, theories, models and techniques that underpin each subject area and through these develop their understanding of the scientific method.

➢ SEHS students will participate in a compulsory group 4 project. This collaborative and interdisciplinary exercise provides an opportunity for students to explore scientific solutions to global questions.

➢ The SEHS course follows the group 4 SL curriculum model; a core syllabus and a choice of four options. Students are required to spend 40 hours on practical / investigative work.

Core Topics Covered in Class: (Not taught in this order)

Topic 1: Anatomy

1. - The Skeletal System 

2. - The Muscular System 

Topic 2: Exercise Physiology

2.1- Structure and Function of the 

ventilatory system

2.2- Structure and function of the

cardiovascular system 

Topic 3: Energy Systems

3.1- Nutrition 

3.3- Nutrition and Energy Systems 

3.2- Carbohydrates and fat metabolism 

Topic 4: Movement Analysis

4.1- Neuromuscular function

4.2- Joint and movement type

4.3- Fundamentals of biomechanics

 Topic 5: Skill in Sport 

5.1- Characteristics and classification of sport  

5.2- Information processing

5.3- Principles of skill learning

 Topic 6: Measurement and Evaluation

6.1- Statistical Analysis

6.2- Study Design

6.3- Components of Fitness

6.4- Principles of Training Program


Option Topics:

Two Option topics will be chosen by the students. Up to 10 total Topics (chapters) will be covered throughout the year. (See SEHS Guide for topics)

Internal Assessments:

Your Trimester Grade will be derived from total points accumulated from daily participation, assignments, quizzes, labs and tests. At the start of your 2nd and 3rd Trimester, your grade will start over. Keep in mind that this is a rigorous course and homework should be expected. This course will prepare you for college!

External Assessments:

Paper 1- 20%  Note: Papers (I.B. Exams) 1, 2 & 3 will be written near the end of the

Paper 2- 32%  year. Internal and practical work will occur

Paper 3- 24%  throughout the course.

Internal/Practical 24% (Refer to Pg. 7 of IB course outline)


IB Diploma Programme: Sport, Exercise and Health Science Course Companion

John Sproule

Oxford University Press, 2012


Mr. Graham Email:


SEHS Google Classroom code: h8fz58

**Notes, assignments, homework and readings will be posted on the Google Classroom Page whenever possible**

Classroom Expectations:

1) Come to class on time, prepared and ready to work

Bring writing utensils and textbooks to every class. If you are late and without a pass, you will be marked tardy. NO EXCUSES! BE RESPONSIBLE!

2) Participation

Students are expected to contribute during class activities and discussions. Students are also expected to read all assignments prior to class and be prepared to contribute by asking questions, presenting new information, and / or sharing their critical thoughts on various topics or issues.

3) Assignments should be handed in on time

Students will be given a reasonable amount of time to complete homework. Any late assignments will result in an automatic 50% deduction.

4) If absent from class

Please see me before or after school to obtain any missed work. It is the students’ responsibility to find out about and complete any missed work/assignments.

5) Group work

Students will be graded by the teacher as well as their peers during any group work.

6) If you are absent on the day of an exam

It must be made up before or after school once you have returned.

6) NO Electronic devices (cell phones, i-pods ect.)

Are NOT permitted in class. See Student Cell Phone Contract

7) Students are permitted to bring healthy snacks

Students must ensure they throw out or recycle all material.

8) Please raise your hand to speak / RESPECT

Only one person in the class should be speaking and all others should listen attentively.

Treat everyone in class the way that you yourself would like to be treated.

9) Bathroom

I will allow students to leave in the case of an emergency only.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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