Geog 270 – Geography of Development and Environmental …

Reading Assignment Calendar – Part II

Geog 270: Geography of Development and Environmental Change

Autumn 2007

Below is Part II of the list of readings and the dates you are expected to have read them by. You will be responsible for all assigned readings. I may assign additional readings as the quarter progresses.

Remember! It is very important that you remember which author writes what. Keep in mind you are not reading facts. Rather, you are reading arguments, so noting who argues what, and provides what kind of evidence in support of his/her argument, is a fundamental part of scholarship.

|Topic 2: Global Climate Change and the Third World |

|Date |Topics and Readings |

|10/19 (Fri) |Introduction to Global Warming and the Third World |

| |Kobert text, Fieldnotes from a Catastrophe chapters 1 & 2 |

| |Rosenthal, Elisabeth and Andrew Revkin. (2007) “Science Panel Calls Global Warming ‘Unequivocal’.” New York Times. |

| |February 3, 2007. |

|10/22 (Mon) |Science and Politics of Global Warming |

| |Treut, H., et. al. (2007) “Historical Overview of Climate Change Science” (IPCC report). Read only the “frequently |

| |asked questions” 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 on pp.96-97, 104-105, and 115-16. The balance of the report is optional. |

| |IPCC (2007). “Summary for Policy Makers [from working group II].” Read parts A and B; pp. 8-10, skim part C, pp. 11-18;|

| |read part D, pp. 19-20. |

|10/24 (Wed) |Effects of Global Warming in the Third World |

| |Revkin, Andrew. (2007). “Reports from Four fronts in the War on Warming.” New York Times. April 3, 2007. |

| |Steinberg, Philip and Kathleen Sherman-Morris. (2004). “Global Warming and Sea-Level Rise in Oceania.” People in |

| |Places: A Documentary Case-Study Workbook. Pearson: Upper Saddle River, NJ. |

| |Aslam, Abid. (2007) “Warming May Trigger Agricultural Collapse.” Inter Press Services News Agency. September 14, 2007. |

| |Revkin, Andrew. (2007). “Aid to Help Asia and Africa With Effects of Warming.” New York Times. August 9, 2007. |

| |Walsh, Bryan. (2007) “Third World Smoke Alarm.” Time Magazine. May 10, 2007 (accessed at |

| |) |

|10/26 (Fri) |Guest Lecture: Sarah Page on “Climate Change and Health” |

| |Patz, Jonathan and Sari Kovats. (2002)/ “Hotspots in Climate Change and Global Health.” BMJ. Vol. 325, November 200. |

| |pp. 1094-1098. |

| |Stone, Richard. (1995). “If the Mercury Soars, so may Health Problems.” Science. February 17, 1995. |

| |Patz, Jonathan, et. al. (2005). “Impact of regional Climate Change on Global Health.” Nature. vol. 438. November 2005. |

| |(Skim) |

| |Environmental Protection Agency. (2007) “Climate Change – Health and Environmental Effects.” (Optional) (access at |

| |climatechange/effects/health.html |

|10/29 (Mon) |Guest Lecture: Dr. Doug Mercer on “Common Property, Ozone Depletion, and Global Warming” |

| |Thomas Dietz, et al. (2003). “The Struggle to Govern the Commons.” Science 302, Dec. 12, 2003. (pp. 1907-1912). |

|10/31 (Wed) |Global Problem, Local Responses |

| |Kobert text, Fieldnotes from a Catastrophe chapters 7, 8, & 10. |

| |Deutch, Claudia (2007) “Trying to Connect the Dinner Plate to Climate Change.” New York Times. August 29, 2007. |

| |McWilliams, James. (2007) “Food that travels Well. New York Times. August 6, 2007 |

|11/2 (Fri) |Midterm Review – Bring your questions to class. |

|11/5 |Midterm Exam |


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