A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY

WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY College of Business and Economics MAY 2004

? Copyright by AMONRAT THOUMRUNGROJE, 2004 All Rights Reserved

? Copyright by AMONRAT THOUMRUNGROJE, 2004 All Rights Reserved

To the Faculty of Washington State University: The members of the Committee appointed to examine the dissertation of

AMONRAT THOUMRUNGROJE find it satisfactory and recommend that it be accepted. ______________________________ Chair ______________________________ ______________________________


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This dissertation is dedicated to my parents, for whom none of my accomplishments in life could have been achieved. Their unconditional love and unending support of my personal endeavors has been a major factor in giving me the strength of mind to complete my Ph.D. program. I am very grateful to Dr. Patriya Tansuhaj, who persistently encouraged me to strive for excellence. She taught me to think critically and to have self-discipline. As my advisor, she was readily available and gave prompt advice during the dissertation process. I truly appreciate her guidance, patience, and dedication throughout my doctoral study. I am also very grateful for the assistance provided by Dr. James McCullough and Dr. Sung K. Ahn, my dissertation committee members. Dr. McCullough always reminded me to address fundamental, yet very crucial issues that are often overlooked by scholars. He emphasized the significant contributions of my work to practitioners and helped me relate the theoretical framework to real world phenomenon. I am thankful for his input. Dr. Ahn gave insightful comments on the methodological techniques and other important issues in this dissertation. His feedback was immediate and he was available for me whenever I needed help on my study and dissertation. I feel very fortunate to have had him on my committee and really appreciate his help. Dr. Jerman Rose from the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies taught me to be creative and to think `out of the box.' He always gave me words of encouragement and had faith in my abilities. He instilled in me the confidence to become not only a leading scholar but also a great teacher in my field of specialization. I am sincerely grateful for his support.


My sincere gratitude goes to the ABAC School of Management at Assumption University, the International Business Institute, and the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at Washington State University, for their financial and other supports. I would like to thank Teresa Brewer for her administrative assistance throughout my Ph.D. program. I am indebted to my friends and colleagues Olimpia C. Racela and Rattanawadee Puttapong; two former students, Pattana Boonchoo and Amornrat Cheevavichawalkul; and the staffs at the ABAC School of Management for their assistance during my data collections.

Finally and importantly, I am also thankful for the special friends I met during my time at WSU, Ruby Lee, Kim-Heng Chen, and all the International Business Ph.D. students who gave me tremendous emotional support.

Without the valuable contributions from these aforementioned individuals and organizations, the completion of my doctorate degree would not have been possible. Thank you very much!



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