Anexa 4 - Acad


| |al |


| |Bd. Mihai Viteazul nr. 24, RO-300223, Timişoara |

| |tel: 0256-491818; fax: 0256-491824 |

| | |




1. Date de identificare institut/centru



1.2. Statut juridic: institutie publica cu personalitate juridica

1.3. Act de înfiinţare: HG. 1366/2001

1.4. Număr de înregistrare în Registrul Potenţialilor Contractori: I-AR 3216

1.5. Director general/Director: Dr. Otilia Costisor

1.6. Adresă: 300223-Timisoara, Bul. Mihai Viteazul, 24

1.7. Telefon, fax, pagină web, e-mail: 0256 491818; 0256 491824


2. Domeniu de specialitate

2.1. Conform clasificării UNESCO: 2303 - 07

2.2. Conform clasificării CAEN: 7219

3. Stare institut/centru

3.1. Misiunea institutului/centrului, direcţiile de cercetare, dezvoltare, inovare. Rezultate de excelenţă în îndeplinirea misiunii (maximum 2000 de caractere):

ICT - institu(ie public( cu personalitate juridica, institut al Academiei Romane, asigură competen(a cercet(rii rom(ne(ti (n domeniul chimiei organice, anorganice si computationale prin efectuarea de cercet(ri fundamentale (i aplicative.

Misiunea ICT este de a efectua:

A. Activit((i de cercetare – dezvoltare:

a. (n cadrul Programului de cercetare al Academiei Rom(ne;

b.(n afara Programului de cercetare al Academiei Rom(ne, prin cercetare competitiv(:

- prin sistemul de Programe fundamentale (i Programe prioritare ale A.R.;

- prin sisteme de granturi ale A.R. si MEC inclusiv PNCD;

- (n cadrul programelor de cercetare – dezvoltare europene;

- colaborari internationale prin schimb interacademic sau colaborări bilaterale agreate.

B. Activit((i conexe (n domeniul s(u de activitate:

- acord( asisten(( tehnic( (i consultan(( unit((ilor productive din zona de vest a ((rii;

- efectueaz( expertize tehnice si analize chimice;

- acorda consultan(( la construirea (i implementarea sistemelor de asigurare a calit((ii pentru zona de vest.

C. Activit((i de formare (i specializare profesional(:

- Unitate de cercetare abilitată (ICA) să organizeze doctorate în cadrul SCOSAR

3.2. Modul de valorificare a rezultatelor de cercetare, dezvoltare, inovare şi gradul de recunoaştere a acestora (maximum 1000 de caractere):

Valorificarea rezultatelor cercet(rilor prin diseminarea acestora astfel:

- publicarea lor (n reviste cu un standard c(t mai (nalt evidentiata de cresterea calitatii revistelor in care apar lucrarile însoţită însă de scaderea numarului de publicatii.

- publicarea de carti (i monografii;

- participarea la manifestari nationale (i interna(ionale;

- ob(inerea de brevete si

- implementarea lor (n unit((i productive.

Recunoasterea rezultatelor evidenţiată prin:

- cresterea numarului de publicatii cotate ISI şi a prestigiului acestora;

- cresterea numarului de citari si a prestigiului revistelor care citează;

- atragerea de fonduri: numar de granturi si proiecte acordate in urma competitiei directe;

- participarea la proiecte europene: fiecare laborator al ICT este implicat intr-un proiect european(FP 7 – 3 proiecte ).

- colaborarea cu unitatile de invatamant si cercetare din tara si incadrarea intr-un sistem interdisciplinar/multidisciplinar(conform capitolului NOTE);

- colaborarile internationale bilaterale cu unitati prestigioase (conform capitolului NOTE);

- recunoasteraea cercetatorilor prin implicarea in actiuni de evaluare a proiectelor europene si nationale. (conform capitolului NOTE);

- vizita unor personalitati la ICT.

3.3. Situaţia financiară - datorii la bugetul de stat: Nu sunt.

3.4. Numărul personalului de cercetare (CS - CS I):

34 personal de cercetare atestat (3 concediu de maternitate)

37 doctori

3.5. Numărul total al personalului:

94.5 posturi din care 14 asistenti de cercetare



4. Criterii de performanţă in cercetarea stiintifica (toate criteriile analizează numai perioada de evaluare) (40%)

|Nr. |Criteriu |n |Punctaj |Punctaj |

|crt. | | |unitar |acordat |

|1. |Participarea la un program fundamental sau prioritar al Academiei Române şi realizarea | |25 |- |

| |obiectivelor sale. | | | |

|2. |Un tratat apărut într-o editură consacrată din străinătate2 | |25×(Nic/Na) |- |

|3. |O carte apărută într-o editură consacrată din străinătate2 | |20×(Nic/Na) |- |

|4. |O monografie apărută într-o editură consacrată din străinătate2 | |15×(Nic/Na) |- |

|5. |O carte editată într-o editură consacrată din străinătate2 | |10×(Nic/Na) |- |

|6. |Un tratat editat într-o editură consacrată din străinătate2 | |13×(Nic/Na) |- |

|7. |O monografie editată într-o editură consacrată din străinătate2 | |8×(Nic/Na) |- |

|8. |Un tratat apărut în Editura Academiei Române | |13×(Nic/Na) |- |

|9. |O carte apărută în Editura Academiei Române | |10×(Nic/Na) |- |

|10. |O monografie apărută în Editura Academiei Române | |8×(Nic/Na) |- |

|11. |Un tratat editat în Editura Academiei Române | |7×(Nic/Na) |- |

|12. |O carte editată în Editura Academiei Române | |5×(Nic/Na) |- |

|13. |O monografie editată în Editura Academiei Române | |3×(Nic/Na) |- |

|Nr. |Criteriu |n |Punctaj |Punctaj |

|crt. | | |unitar |acordat |

|14. |Un articol publicat într-o revistă cotată de Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) |42 |(1 + FI)×(Nic/Na)4 |54.146 |

|15. |O lucrare prezentată la o manifestare ştiinţifică internaţională, publicată integral |- |(1 + FI)×(Nic/Na)4 |- |

| |într-o revistă cotată de Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) | | | |

|16. |O lucrare prezentată la o manifestare ştiinţifică internaţională, publicată integral |11 |2×(Nic/Na) |13.226 |

| |într-un volum editat într-o editură consacrată din străinătate, inclusiv electronic | | | |

| |(Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science, Web of Science, Thomson Reuters)2 | | | |

|17. |Un capitol într-un tratat, carte sau monografie editate într-o editură consacrată din |4 |13×(Nic/Na)×(Np/Ntp) |1.530 |

| |străinătate2 | | | |

|18. |Un capitol într-un tratat, carte sau monografie editate în Editura Academiei Române |- |7×(Nic/Na)×(Np/Ntp) |- |

|19. |Număr de citări conform Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) |362 |0,5 |181 |

|20. |Factor de impact cumulat conform Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)3 |-42 |FI×(Nic/Na) |37.474 |

|21. |O carte apărută într-o editură consacrată din ţară7 |1 |7×(Nic/Na) |- |

|22. |O carte editată într-o editură consacrată din ţară7 |- |3×(Nic/Na) |- |

|23. |Un articol apărut într-o revistă recunoscută de CNCS (B+) sau indexată într-o bază |1 |1×(Nic/Na) |0.750 |

| |internaţională de date (BDI) | | | |

|24. |O conferinţă invitată/plenară/keynote prezentată la o manifestare ştiinţifică |2 |10 |20 |

| |internaţională | | | |

|25. |O conferinţă invitată/plenară/keynote prezentată la o manifestare ştiinţifică naţională |1 |5 |5 |

|26. |O comunicare orală prezentată la o manifestare ştiinţifică internaţională |19 |5×(Nic/Na) |47.905 |

|27. |O comunicare orală prezentată la o manifestare ştiinţifică naţională |- |2×(Nic/Na) |- |

|Punctaj total criterii de performanţă in cercetarea stiintifica |361.031 |

Punctaj conform ponderii de 40% * 361.031 = 144.412

2 Se vor lua în considerare următoarele edituri străine: Academic Press, Appleton & Lange, Birkhauser, Blackwell, Cambridge University Press, CRC Press, Elsevier, Garland Publishing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, McGraw-Hill,

Mosby, Nova Science Publishers, Oxford University Press, QMP, Springer Verlag, Thieme, Willey-Liss, Williams and Wilkins, World Scientific Publishing, alte edituri straine de aceeasi anvergura.

3 Pentru fiecare articol se va lua în calcul factorul de impact (FI) al revistei împărţit la numărul total de autori (Na) şi înmulţit cu numărul de autori din institutul/centrul evaluat (Nic). Factorul de impact este publicat anual de Web of Knowledge, Journal Citation Report (Thomson Reuters), iar pentru calcul se va utiliza valoarea corespunzătoare anului apariţiei articolului.

4 Pentru revistele din domeniile: Botanică, Zoologie, Ecologie, Agronomie etc., al căror FI este ≤ 2,0 punctajul total se înmulţeşte cu 1,5.

5 Punctajul total va fi suma punctajelor unitare rezultate prin calcul.

6 Pentru domeniul Ştiinţe Agricole produsele sunt soiuri noi de plante, hibrizi etc., iar punctajul unitar va fi 30.

n = număr programe, tratate, cărţi, monografii, lucrări, citări etc.; FI = factor de impact; Nic = număr autori din institut/centru; Na = număr total de autori; Np = număr pagini capitol; Ntp = număr total de pagini volum.

7 Se vor lua în considerare cărţile ştiinţifice de autor ce apar în evidenţa Bibliotecii Naţionale.

n = număr programe, tratate, cărţi, monografii, lucrări, citări etc.; FI = factor de impact; Nic = număr autori din institut/centru; Na = număr total de autori; Np = număr pagini capitol; Ntp = număr total de pagini volum.

5. Capacitatea de a atrage fonduri de cercetare (20%)

|Nr. |Criteriu |n |Punctaj |Punctaj |

|crt. | | |unitar |acordat |

|1. |Un grant câştigat de către institut/centru de la |5000 - 10000 EUR | |2 |4 |

| |organizaţii internaţionale | | | | |

| | |10001 - 50000 EUR |2 |4 | |

| | |50001 - 200000 EUR | |6 | |

| | |200001 - 1000000 EUR | |8 | |

| | |peste 1000000 EUR | |10 | |

|2. |Un grant câştigat de către institut/centru de la |sub 10000 RON |1 |1 |15 |

| |organisme naţionale | | | | |

| | |10001 - 100000 RON |4 |2 | |

| | |100001 - 500000 RON |2 |3 | |

| | |peste 500000 RON | |4 | |

|3. |Un contract extrabugetar obţinut de către |sub 5000 RON |3 |0,5 |- |

| |institut/centru de la organizaţii internaţionale | | | | |

| |sau naţionale | | | | |

| | |5001 - 10000 RON |2 |1 | |

| | |10001 - 100000 RON |2 |2 | |

| | |peste 100000 RON |1 |3 | |

|4. |O manifestare ştiinţifică (congres, conferinţă, simpozion) sau şcoală de vară |2 |10 |10 |

| |internaţională organizată de institut | | | |

|5. |O manifestare ştiinţifică (congres, conferinţă, simpozion) sau şcoală de vară naţională | |5 |- |

| |organizată de institut | | | |

|Punctaj total atragere fonduri de cercetare |29.00 |

Punctaj conform ponderii de 20% * 29.00 = 5.800

6. Capacitatea de a dezvolta servicii, tehnologii, produse (10%)

|Nr. |Criteriu |n |Punctaj |Punctaj |

|crt. | | |unitar |acordat |

|1. |Un brevet acordat |la |- |10 |

| | |nivel | | |

| | |intern| | |

| | |aţiona| | |

| | |l | | |

|4. |Produse şi tehnologii rezultate din activităţi de cercetare bazate pe omologări sau |- |20 |- |

| |inovaţii proprii (produs vândut, sume încasate)6 | | | |

|5 |Un laborator de cercetare-dezvoltare acreditat |- |20 |- |

|6 |Studii de impact si servicii comandate de un beneficiar |4 |5 |20 |

| |Punctaj total dezvoltare servicii s.a. | | |20 |

Punctaj conform ponderii de 10% * 20 = 2

7. Capacitatea de a pregati superior tineri cercetatori (doctorat, post-doctorat) (10%)

|Nr. |Criteriu |n |Punctaj |Punctaj |

|crt. | | |unitar |acordat |

|1. |Institutul/centrul are dreptul de a conduce doctorate |1 |20 |20 |

|2. |Un conducător de doctorat care activează în institut/centru |5 |20 |100 |

|3. |Un doctorand |14 |10 |140 |

|4. |Un post-doctorand |3 |10 |30 |

|5. |Un cercetator angajat in institut/centru care a obtinut titlul de doctor in perioada de |1 |10 |10 |

| |evaluare | | | |

|Punctaj total pregatire tineri cercetatori |300 |

Punctaj conform ponderii de 10% * 300 = 30

8. Prestigiu ştiinţific (toată perioada de activitate) (20%)

|Nr. |Criteriu |n |Punctaj |Punctaj |

|crt. | | |unitar |acordat |

|1. |Un membru în colectivul de redacţie al unei reviste naţionale/internaţionale (cotată de |14 |20 |280 |

| |Web of Science, Thomson Reuters sau indexată într-o BDI) sau în colectivul editorial al | | | |

| |unor edituri internaţionale consacrate2 | | | |

|2. |Un membru în conducerea unei organizaţii internaţionale de specialitate |4 |20 |80 |

|3. |Un membru al Academiei Române |1 |50 |50 |

|4. |Un cercetător cu un indice Hirsch peste 8 |12 |20 |240 |

|5. |Un membru de onoare (fellow, senior) al unei societăţi ştiinţifice |1 |20 |20 |

| |naţionale/internaţionale | | | |

|6. |Un premiu al Academiei Române |- |20 |- |

|7. |Un premiu (distincţie) al unei societăţi ştiinţifice naţionale obţinut printr-un proces de|1 |10 |- |

| |selecţie | | | |

| |Un premiu (distincţie) al unei societăţi ştiinţifice internaţionale obţinut printr-un |2 |40 |80 |

| |proces de selecţie | | | |

|Punctaj total prestigiu ştiinţific |750 |

Punctaj conform ponderii de 20% * 750 = 150

Punctaj = 332.212


Dr. Otilia Costisor

Anexa 4.14

Un articol publicat într-o revistă cotată de Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)

|Nr. Crt. |Articol |((1 + FI)×(Nic/Na)) |Factor de |

| | | |impact cumulat |

| | | |conform Web of |

| | | |Science |

| | | |(Thomson |

| | | |Reuters) |

|1 |S.A. Chicu, M Munteanu, I. Cîtu, C. Şoica, C. Dehelean, C. Trandafirescu, S. |(1+2.428)x(1/9) |0.381 |

| |Funar-Timofei, D. Ionescu, G.M.Simu | | |

| |The Hydractinia echinata Test-System. III: Structure-Toxicity Relationship Study of| | |

| |Some Azo-, Azo-Anilide, and Diazonium Salt Derivatives | | |

| |Molecules, 19(7), 9798-9817, 2014 | | |

|2 |S. Avram, S. Funar-Timofei, A. Borota, S. R. Chennamaneni, A. K. Manchala, S. |(1 + 4.54)×(3/6) |2.770 |

| |Muresan | | |

| |Quantitative estimation of pesticide-likeness for agrochemical discovery | | |

| |J. Cheminformatics, 6(42), 1-11, 2014 (highly accessed) | | |

|3 |P.Y. Maximov, D.J. Fernandes, R.E. McDaniel, C.B. Myers, R.F. Curpăn, V.C. Jordan |(1 + 5.614)×(1/6) |1.102 |

| |Influence of the length and positioning of the antiestrogenic side chain of | | |

| |endoxifen and 4-hydroxytamoxifen on gene activation and growth of estrogen receptor| | |

| |positive cancer cells. | | |

| |J. Med. Chem., 57(11), 4569–4583, 2014 | | |

|4 |I. Obiorah, S. Sengupta, R. Curpăn, V.C. Jordan |(1 + 4.411)×(1/4) |1.353 |

| |Defining the conformation of the estrogen receptor complex that controls | | |

| |estrogen-induced apoptosis in breast cancer. | | |

| |Mol. Pharmacol., 85(5), 789-799, 2014 | | |

|5 |P.Y. Maximov, R.E. McDaniel, D.J. Fernandes, P. Bhatta, V.R. Korostyshevskiy, R.F. |(1 + 15.161)×(1/7) |2.309 |

| |Curpăn, V.C. Jordan | | |

| |Pharmacological Relevance of Endoxifen in a Laboratory Simulation of Breast Cancer | | |

| |in Postmenopausal Patients | | |

| |J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 106(10), dju283, 2014, DOI: 10.1093/jnci/dju283 | | |

|6 |L. Ostopovici-Halip |(1+0.393)x(1/1) |1.393 |

| |Approaches to G-Protein Coupled Receptors Deorphanization: The GPR32 Case | | |

| |Study-Rev.Roum.Chim., 59(3-4), 201-205, 2014 | | |

|7 |L. Ostopovici-Halip |(1 + 0.393)×(1/1) |1.393 |

| |Template Structure Selection for Homology Modeling of Class A Orphan G-protein | | |

| |Coupled Receptors | | |

| |Rev.Roum.Chim., 59(3-4), 193-199, 2014 | | |

| |A. Chigaev A, Y. Smagley, M.K. Haynes, O. Ursu, C.G. Bologa, L. Halip, T. Oprea, A.|(1 + 4.458)×(1/13) |0.419 |

| |Waller, M.B. Carter, Y. Zhang, W. Wang, T. Buranda, L.A. Sklar | | |

| |FRET detection of lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 conformational extension| | |

| |Mol. Biol. Cell., mbc.E14-06-1050 2014 | | |

|8 |Kufareva, V. Katritch, R.C.Stevens, R. Abagyan, Y. Yoshikawa, T. Furuya, H. Lee, A.|(1 + 6.794)×(1/107) |0.073 |

| |Roy, J. Grime, J. Rebehmed, Y. Zhang, L. Roumen, I.J.P. de Esch, R. Leurs, C. de | | |

| |Graaf, Y. Li, T.Hou, M.M. Mysinger, D.R. Weiss, J.J. Irwin, B.K. Shoichet, F.M. | | |

| |McRobb, B. Capuano, I.T. Crosby, D.K. Chalmers, E. Yuriev, Q. Wang, R.H. Mach, D.E.| | |

| |Reichert, G.Y. Chuang, D. Rognan, J. Simms, P. Sexton, D. Wootten, D. Latek, U. | | |

| |Ghoshdastider, S. Filipek, L. Server, A. Kirkpatrick, B. Trzaskowski, A. Griffith.,| | |

| |S.K. Kim, A.R. Ravinder, W.A. Goddard III, N. Vaidehi, A. Lam, S. Bhattacharya, H. | | |

| |Li, G. Balaraman, M. Niesen, S. Pal, Y. Vorobjev, N. Bakulina, V. Solovyev, T. | | |

| |Beuming, S. Costanzi, L. Shi, C. Higgs, N. Salam, D. Lupyan, W. Sherman, F. Ding, | | |

| |P. Kota, S. Ramachandran, N.V. Dokholyan, J. Carlsson, R.G. Coleman, H. Fan, A. | | |

| |Schlessinger, A.Sali, I. Tikhonova, I. Pogozheva, A. Lomize, N.E Hall., M. | | |

| |Muddassar, A.N. Pae, J. Lee, L. Lopez, C. Obiol-Pardo, J. Selent, S. Mahboob, T. | | |

| |Werner, W.B. Church, M. Brylinski, T. Ando, A. Guerler, H. Zhou, J. Skolnick, H. | | |

| |Xhaard, W. Jurkowski, A. Elofsson, A.K. Murad, M. Drwal, T.B. Dupree, R. Griffith, | | |

| |L. Ostopovici-Halip, C. Bologa, K.M. Chen, J. Sun, P. Barth, V. Yarov-Yarovoy, D. | | |

| |Baker, B. Vroling, M.P.A. Sanders, S.B. Nabuurs, G.V. Nikiforovich, D. Rodríguez. | | |

| |Structure Article Advances in GPCR Modeling Evaluated by the GPCR Dock 2013 | | |

| |Assessment: Meeting New Challenges | | |

| |Structure, 22 (8), 1120-1139, 2014. | | |

|9 |Avram S. I., Pacureanu L. M., Bora A., Crisan L., Avram S., Kurunczi L. |(1 + 4.068)×(4/6) |3.378 |

| |ColBioS-FlavRC: A Collection of Bioselective Flavonoids and Related Compounds | | |

| |Filtered from High-Throughput Screening Outcomes. | | |

| |J. Chem. Inf. Model. 54: 2360-2370, 2014 | | |

|10 |Fagadar-Cosma E., Vlascici D., Birdeanu M., Fagadar-Cosma G., |(1+2.684)×(1/4) |0.921 |

| |Novel fluorescent pH sensor based on | | |

| |5-(4-carboxy-phenyl)-10,15,20-tris(phenyl)-porphyrin, | | |

| |Arabian J.Chem. (2014), doi: | | |

| |Popa I., Fagadar-Cosma G., Taranu B.O., Birdeanu A.V., Taranu I., Vlascici D., |(1+1.123)×(1/8) |0.265 |

| |Birdeanu M., Fagadar-Cosma E. | | |

| |Electrochemical behavior of tetra(4-methoxyphenyl) porphyrin thin films obtained by| | |

| |laser deposition on graphite electrode, | | |

| |Dig. J. Nanomat. Bios. 9(3): 1277-1287, 2014 | | |

| |Fagadar-Cosma E., Dudás Z., Birdeanu M., Almásy L. |(1+2.123)×(2/4) |0.781 |

| |Hybrid organic – silica nanomaterials based on novel A3B mixed substituted | | |

| |porphyrin | | |

| |Materials Chemistry and Physics, Available online 1 August 2014, | | |

| |Mat. Chem. Phys. 148(1-2): 143-152, 2014 | | |

| | | | |

| |Fagadar-Cosma G., Taranu B.O., Birdeanu M., Popescu M.,Fagadar-Cosma E. |(1+1.123)×(1/5) |0.424 |

| |Influence of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-pyridyl)-21h,23h-porphyrin on the corrosion of | | |

| |steel in aqueous sulfuric acid | | |

| |Dig. J. Nanomat. Bios. 9(2): 551 – 557, 2014 | | |

| |Taranu B.O., Fagadar-Cosma E., Popa I., Plesu N., Taranu I. |(1+1.123)×(2/5) |0.850 |

| |Adsorbed functionalized porphyrins on polyaniline modified platinum electrodes. | | |

| |Comparative electrochemical properties | | |

| |Dig. J. Nanomat. Bios. 9(2): 667 – 679, 2014 | | |

| |Kerti V., Coricovac D., Duicu O., Dănilă M., Dehelean C., Făgădar-Cosma E., Muntean|(1+0.677)×(1/8) |0.210 |

| |D., Noveanu L., | | |

| |5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(N-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin-Zn(II)-tetrachloride Modulates | | |

| |Respiration in Isolated Rat Liver Mitochondria | | |

| |Rev. Chim. Bucharest 65(4): 447-449, 2014. | | |

| |Baschir L., Fagadar-Cosma E., Creanga I., Palade A., Lascu A., Birdeanu M., |(1+1.123)×(4/13) |0.653 |

| |Savastru D., Savu V., Antohe S., Velea A., Fagadar-Cosma G., Popescu M., Simandan | | |

| |I.D. | | |

| |UV sensing effect in Langmuir-Blodgett complex films containing a novel synthesized| | |

| |Fe(III) porphyrin | | |

| |Dig. J. Nanomat. Bios., 9(2): 847 – 857, 2014 | | |

| |Fulias A., Popoiu C., Vlase G., Vlase T., Onetiu D., Savoiu G., Simu G., Patrutescu|(1+1.092)×(1/10) |0.209 |

| |C., Ilia G, | | |

| |Ledeti I. | | |

| |Thermoanalytical and spectroscopic study on methotrexate – active substance and | | |

| |tablet | | |

| |Dig. J. Nanomat. Bios. 9(1): 93 – 98, 2014 | | |

| |Keglevich G., Bálint E., Tajti Á., Mátravölgyi B., Balogh G.T., Bálint M., Ilia G.|(1+3.112)×(1/7) |0.587 |

| |Microwave-assisted alcoholysis of dialkyl phosphites by ethylene glycol and | | |

| |ethanolamine | | |

| |Pure Appl. Chem. 86(11): 1723-1728, 2014 | | |

| |Crisan M.E., Bourosh P., Maffei M.E., Forni A., Pieraccini S., Sironi M., Chumakov |(1+3.534)×(1/7) |0.648 |

| |Y.M. | | |

| |Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Biological Activity of 2-Hydroxyethylammonium Salt| | |

| |of p-Aminobenzoic Acid | | |

| |PLOS ONE 9(7): 2014, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0101892 | | |

| |Muntean S.G., Radulescu-Grad M.E., Sfarloaga P., |(1+3.708)×(2/3) |3.139 |

| |Dye adsorbed on copolymer, possible specific sorbent for metal ions removal, | | |

| |RSC Adv. 4(52): 27354 - 27362, 2014 | | |

| |Jianu C., Mişcă C., Muntean S.G., Gruia A.T., |(1+0.463)×(1/4) |0.365 |

| |Composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of | | |

| |Achillea collina Becker growing wild in western Romania, | | |

| |Hemijska Industrija HI 3846, 2014, DOI:10.2298/HEMIND140329052J | | |

| |Simu G.M., Ledeti I.V., Muntean S.G., Fulias A., Citu I.M., Soica C., Onisei D., |(1+0.677)×(1/10) |0.168 |

| |Savoiu-Balint G., Pinzaru I., Ionescu D., | | |

| |Study of the interaction of some pharmaceutical compounds with different cellulosic| | |

| |supports, | | |

| |Rev. Chim.-Bucharest 65(6): 664-670, 2014 | | |

| |Muntean S., Todea A., Grad M., Popa A., |(1+3.112)×(4/4) |4.112 |

| |Decontamination of colored wastewater using synthetic sorbents, | | |

| |Pure Appl. Chem. 87(11): 1771-1780, 2014, DOI 10.1515, ISSN: 1365-3075 | | |

| |Tara-Lunga-Mihali M., Plesu N., Macarie L., Iliescu S., Ilia G. |(1+3.112)×(5/5) |4.112 |

| |Polyaniline composite designed for solid polymer electrolyte | | |

| |Pure Appl. Chem., 86(11):1853-1860, 2014, ISSN: 1365-3075 | | |

| |Iliescu S., Plesu N., Macarie L., Popa A., Visa A., Maranescu B., Ilia G. |(1+0.827)×(7/7) |1.827 |

| |Polymeric membranes containing phosphorus in the chain for solid polymer | | |

| |electrolytes, Phosphorus Sulfur 189(7-8): 992-1003,2014 | | |

| |Iliescu S., Ilia G., Popa A., Plesu N., Macarie L., Davidescu C. M. |(1+3.112)×(5/6) |3.427 |

| |Interfacial polycondensation method used in the synthesis of polymers containing | | |

| |phosphorus in the main chain | | |

| |Pure Appl. Chem. 86(11): 1675–1683, 2014 | | |

| |Davidescu C.-M., Ardelean R., Popa A., Ilia G., Iliescu S., Negrea A., Motoc M. |(1+0.677)×(3/7) |0.719 |

| |Removal of phenolic compounds from aqueous solutions using | | |

| |poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) functionalized with aminophosphonic acid | | |

| |Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 65 (4), 444-446, 2014 | | |

| |Popa A., Ciopec M., Negrea A., Lupa L., Negrea P., Davidescu C. M., Ilia G., |(1+3.112)×(2/8) |1.028 |

| |Duteanu N. | | |

| |Use of styrene–divinylbenzene grafted with aminoethylaminomethyl groups and various| | |

| |ionic liquids in the removal process of thallium and strontium | | |

| |Pure Appl. Chem. 86(11):1741–1753, 2014 | | |

| |Negrea A., Popa A., Ciopec M., Lupa L., Negrea P., Davidescu C. M., Motoc M., |(1+3.112)×(1/8) |0.514 |

| |Minzatu V. | | |

| |Phosphonium grafted styrene–divinylbenzene resins impregnated with iron(III) and | | |

| |crown ethers for arsenic removal | | |

| |Pure Appl. Chem. 86(11): 1729–1740, 2014 | | |

| |Parvulescu V., Popa A., Paun G., Ene R., Davidescu C.-M., Ilia G. |(1+3.112)×(2/6) |1.371 |

| |Effect of polymer support functionalization on enzyme immobilization and catalytic | | |

| |activity, | | |

| |Pure Appl. Chem. 86(11): 1793–1803, 2014 | | |

| |Díaz-Somoano M., Popa A., Rumayor M., López-Antón M. A., Rosa Martínez-Tarazona M.,|(1+3.112)×(2/7) |1.175 |

| |Ilia G. | | |

| |Gaseous mercury behaviour in the presence of functionalized styrene–divinylbenzene | | |

| |copolymers, | | |

| |Pure Appl. Chem. 86(11): 1793–1803, 2014 | | |

| |Visa A., Maranescu B., Mracec M. |(1+0.393)×(2/3) |0.929 |

| |Electronic Properties of Cu2+ vinylphosphonate Estimated by PM3 Semiempirical | | |

| |Method Rev. Roum. Chim 59(3-4), 185-191, 2014 | | |

| |Maranescu B., Visa A., Ilia G., Simon Z., Demadis K, Colodrero R.M.P., Cabeza A., |(1+2.224)×(3/10) |0.967 |

| |Vallcorba O., Rius J., Choquesillo-Lazarte D. | | |

| |Synthesis and characterization of styryl phosphonic acid and its use as new ligand | | |

| |for phosphonate metal organic framework | | |

| |J. Coord. Chem. 67(9): 1562-1572, 2014 | | |

| |Popa A., Sasca V., Verdes O., Barvinschi P., Holclajtner-Antunović Ivanka, |(1+1.968)×(3/5) |1.781 |

| |Acidic and neutral cesium salts of 12-molybdophosphoric acid supported on SBA-15 | | |

| |mesoporous silica. The influence of Cs concentration and surface coverage on | | |

| |textural and structural properties, | | |

| |Mater. Res. Bull., 50, 312-322, 2014 | | |

| |Negrea A., Lupa L., Ciopec M., Negrea P., Voda R., Ianasi C. | | |

| |Study of different impregnated mehtods of inorganic supports with ionic liquid |(1+0.117)×(1/6) |0.186 |

| |J. Environ. Prot. Ecol., 14(4) 1785-1793, 2013 | | |

| |Tarko L., Putz M.V., Ionaşcu C., Putz A.M. |(1+1.008)×(1/4) |0.502 |

| |QSTR Studies Regarding the ECOSAR Toxicity of Benzene-Carboxylic Acid' Esters to | | |

| |Fathead Minnow Fish (Pimephales promelas). | | |

| |Curr. Comput.-Aid. Drug Design, 10(2) 99-106, 2014 | | |

| |Moro A. J.; Pana A.-M.; Cseh L., Costisor O., Jorge Parola, L Cunha-Silva, |(1+2.775)×(3/9) |1.258 |

| |Puttreddy R., Rissanen K., Pina F. | | |

| |Chemistry and Photochemistry of 2,6-Bis(2-hydroxybenzilidene)cyclohexanone. An | | |

| |Example of a Compound Following the Anthocyanins Network of Chemical Reactions | | |

| |J. Phys. Chem. A,  118(32) 6208-6215, 2014 | | |

| |Bucovicean C.M., Dong H., Zeng X., Pana A.M, Pausescu I., Costisor O., Cseh L. |(1+2.083)×(5/7) |2.202 |

| |Study of molecular order, mesogenic and fluorescent properties of | | |

| |2,4-bis(4-dodecyloxybenzylidene)cyclohexanone | | |

| |J. Mol. Liquids, 195 69-72 2014 | | |

| |Pana A.M., Badea V., Bănică R., Bora A., Dudas Z., Cseh L., Costisor O. |(1+2.291)×(5/7) |2.351 |

| |Network reaction of 2,6-bis(2-hydroxybenzilidene)cyclohexanone by external stimuli | | |

| |J. Photochem. Photobiology A-Chemistry  283 22-28 2014 | | |

| |Buta I., Ianasi C., Savii C., Cseh L., Bakardieva S., Linert W., Costisor O. |(1+0.677)×(5/7) |1.198 |

| |Synthesis and Characterization of New Heterometallic Cobalt-zinc Oxalates Linked by| | |

| |Organic Amines | | |

| |Rev. Chim. (Bucharest),   65(4)   416-420 2014 | | |

| |Cseh L., Mehl G. |(1+0.393)×(1/2) |0.696 |

| |Structure-Properties Relationships In Liquid Crystal Thiols | | |

| |Rev. Roum. Chim.  58(11-12) 879-885 2013 | | |

| |TOTAL |54.146 |

Anexa 4.16

O lucrare prezentată la o manifestare ştiinţifică internaţională, publicată integral într-un volum editat într-o editură consacrată din străinătate, inclusiv electronic (Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science, Web of Science, Thomson Reuters)2

| |Birdeanu M., Bîrdeanu A. V., Popa I., Taranu B., Peter F., Fagadar-Cosma E. |2×(1/6) |0.333 |

| |Thin Films Based on Porphyrins and/or Pseudo-Binary Oxides Containing Zn, Ta and Nb. Corrosion | | |

| |Protection Efficiency on Carbon Steel Illustrated by AFM Data | | |

| |Proceedings of the 20th International Symposyium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, 22 | | |

| |September 2014, Szeged (Hungary) Edited by Zoltán Galbács, Page 251, File Z251-254; ISBN | | |

| |978-963-12-1161-0 | | |

| |Palade A., Creanga I., Szabadai Z., Lascu A., Vlascici D., Fagadar-Cosma G., Fagadar-Cosma E. |2×(4/7) |1.143 |

| |Synthesis, Chromatographic Separation and Spectroscopic Characterization of A3B Free Porphyrin Used in| | |

| |Gas Sensing | | |

| |Proceedings of the 20th International Symposyium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, 22 | | |

| |September 2014, Szeged (Hungary) Edited by Zoltán Galbács,Page 209, File Z209-212; ISBN | | |

| |978-963-12-1161-0 | | |

| |Creanga I., Palade A., Lascu A., Birdeanu M., Popa I., Taranu B., Ianasi C., Fagadar-Cosma E. |2×(5/8) |1.25 |

| |Fluorescent Sensor For Pb2+ Detection Based on Distorted Phosphorus (V) Porphyrin Ionic Complex | | |

| |Proceedings of the 20th International Symposyium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, 22 | | |

| |September 2014, Szeged (Hungary) Edited by Zoltán Galbács, Page 205, File Z205-208; ISBN | | |

| |978-963-12-1161-0 | | |

| |Taranu B. O., Fagadar-Cosma E., Popa I., Birdeanu M., Fagadar-Cosma G., Sfarloaga P., Creanga I., |2×(3/9) |0.667 |

| |Palade A., Taranu I. | | |

| |Physico-Chemical and Electrochemical Analyses of Glassy Carbon Electrodes Modified With Allyloxy | | |

| |Functionalized A4 Porphyrin | | |

| |Proceedings of the 20th International Symposyium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, 22 | | |

| |September 2014, Szeged (Hungary) Edited by Zoltán Galbács, Page 166, File Z166-169; ISBN | | |

| |978-963-12-1161-0 | | |

| |Popa I., Fagadar-Cosma E., Taranu B., Creanga I., Palade A., Birdeanu M., Taranu I., Fagadar-Cosma G.,|2×(3/9) |0.667 |

| |Sfarloaga P. | | |

| |Tetratolylporphyrin. Adsorption on Carbon Steel and Corrosion Inhibition in Acid Media | | |

| |Proceedings of the 20th International Symposyium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, 22 | | |

| |September 2014, Szeged (Hungary) Edited by Zoltán Galbács, Page 201, File Z201-204; ISBN | | |

| |978-963-12-1161-0 | | |

| |Radulescu-Grad M.E., Muntean S.G., Todea A. |2×(3/3) |2.000 |

| |Colour evaluation of a new stilbene dye | | |

| |Proceedings of The Seventh Edition of the Symposium with International participation New Trends and | | |

| |strategies in the chemistry of advanced materials with relevance in biological systems, technique and | | |

| |enviromental protection, Timişoara, 5-6 June 2014, Romania, 107-110, ISSN 2065-0760 | | |

| |Muntean S.G., Radulescu-Grad M.E. |2×(2/2) |2.000 |

| |Experimental and theoretical studies on antraquinonic dyes aggregation | | |

| |Proceedings of The Seventh Edition of the Symposium with International participation New Trends and | | |

| |strategies in the chemistry of advanced materials with relevance in biological systems, technique and | | |

| |enviromental protection, Timişoara, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, 115-119, ISSN 2065-0760 | | |

| |Iliescu S., Popa A., Plesu N., Macarie L., Ilia G. |2×(5/5) |2.000 |

| |Co(polyphosphoesters) obtained by green synthesis | | |

| |Proceedings of The Seventh Edition of the Symposium with International participation New Trends and | | |

| |strategies in the chemistry of advanced materials with relevance in biological systems, technique and | | |

| |enviromental protection, Timişoara,, Romania, 5-6 iunie, 2014, p. 125-129 | | |

| |Ardelean R., Popa A., Davidescu C.M., Dragan E.S. |2×(1/4) |0.500 |

| |The adsorption behavior of phenol on styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer functionalized with | | |

| |aminophosphonate groups | | |

| |Proceedings of The Seventh Edition of the Symposium with International participation New Trends and | | |

| |strategies in the chemistry of advanced materials with relevance in biological systems, technique and | | |

| |enviromental protection, Timişoara, Romania, 5-6 iunie, 2014, p. 79-82 | | |

| |Visa A., Maranescu B., Bucur A. |2×(2/3) |1.333 |

| |Alternative synthesis routes for phosphonates metal organic frameworks | | |

| |Proceedings of The Seventh Edition of the Symposium with International Participation New Trends and | | |

| |Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and | | |

| |Enviromental Protection, Timisoara, Romania, 5-6 iunie, 2014, p. 93-97 | | |

| |Maranescu B., Bucur A., Visa A. |2×(2/3) |1.333 |

| |Hydrothermal synthesis of metal organic framework based on phosphonate ligand with phenyl vinyl | | |

| |functional group | | |

| |Proceedings of the Seventh Edition of the Symposium with International Participation New Trends and | | |

| |Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and | | |

| |Enviromental Protection, Timisoara, Romania, 5-6 iunie, 2014, p. 120-124 | | |

| |TOTAL |13.226 |

Anexa 4.17

Un capitol într-un tratat, carte sau monografie editate într-o editură consacrată din străinătate2

Punctaj: 13×(Nic/Na)×(Np/Ntp)

1. Birdeanu Mihaela, Fagadar-Cosma Eugenia

Chapter 5: The Self-Assembly of Porphyrin Derivatives into 2D and 3D Architectures


Quantum Nanosystems: Structure, Properties and Interactions, Apple Academics Press, Toronto-New Jersey, ISBN: 978-1-926895-90-1, 2014, pp.173-206,


CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group


2. Lupa L., Popa A., Ilia G.

Use of phosphorus-containing polymers for the removal of metal ions from wastewaters, In: RSC Polymer Chemistry Series No. 11, Phosphorus-Based Polymers: From Synthesis to Applications, Eds. Sophie Monge and Ghislain David, 334 pg., Chapter 11, Published by The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, 2014, pp. 225-251.


3. L. Macarie and G. Ilia

Synthesis and Polymerization of Vinylphosphonic Acid. In: RSC Polymer Chemistry Series No. 11, Phosphorus-Based Polymers: From Synthesis to Applications, Eds. Sophie Monge and Ghislain David, 334 pg., Chapter 4, Published by The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, 2014, pp. 51-65.


4. Chirita M., Kiss M. L., Savii C.,

Magnetite, Properties and Modern Biomedical Applications (Cpt. 4) 

Magnetite Synthesis, Uses, and Biological Occurrence, Series: Chemistry Research and Applications, J. Ward Ed., Ed. NOVA Science Publisher, NY, USA, 2014, 119-182, (ISBN:978-1-63321-602-0)


TOTAL: 1.53

Anexa 4.19

Citări conform Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)

T 1. Suzuki T., Timofei S., Kurunczi L., Dietze U., Schuurmann G.

Correlation of aerobic biodegradability of sulfonated azo dyes with the chemical structure

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C 1. Yang L.J., Zhang Y.Y., Liu X.Y., Jiang X.Q., Zhang Z.Z., Zhang T.T., Zhang L.

The investigation of synergistic and competitive interaction between dye Congo red and methyl blue on magnetic MnFe2O4

Chem. Eng. J. 246: 88-96, 2014

C 2. Zhao Z. –Q., Tian B.-H., Zhang X., Ghulam A., Zheng T.-C., Shen D.-S.

Aerobic degradation study of three fluoroanilines and microbial community analysis: the effects of increased fluorine substitution

Biodegradation, Published online: 20 Sept 2014, DOI 10.1007/s10532-014-9704-3

C 3. Khataee A., Vahid B., Akbarpour A., Aber S.

Effect of dye chemical structure on the efficiency of photoassisted electrochemical degradation using a cathode containing carbon nanotubes and a Ti/RuO2 anode

Res. Chem. Intermediat., June 2014, DOI 10.1007/s11164-014-1723-5

T 2. Timofei S., Schmidt W., Kurunczi L., Simon, Z

A review of QSAR for dye affinity for cellulose fibres

Dyes Pigments 47(1-2): 5-16, 2000

C 4. Wang X.J., Sun Y.Y., Wu L., Gu S.J., Liu R.N., Liu L., Liu X., Xu J.

Quantitative structure-affinity relationship study of azo dyes for cellulose fibers by multiple linear regression and artificial neural network

Chemometr. Intell. Lab. 134: 1-9, 2014

C 5. Delgadillo-Armendariz N.L., Rangel-Vazquez N.A., Garcia-Castanon A.I.

Spectroscopy analysis of chitosan-glibenclamide hydrogels

Spectrochim. Acta A 120: 524-528, 2014

C 6. Zanjanchi. F., Hadipour N.L., Sabzyan H., Beheshtian J.

Theoretical investigation of azo dyes adsorbed on cellulose fibers: 2. Spectroscopic study

J. Iran. Chem. Soc. 11(1): 111-121, 2014

C 7. Nilghaz A., Ballerini D.R., Fang X.Y., Shen W.

Semiquantitative analysis on microfluidic thread-based analytical devices by rule

Sensor Actuat B-Chem 191: 586-594, 2014

T 3. Timofei S., Kurunczi L., Schmidt W., Simon Z.

Lipophilicity in dye-cellulose fibre binding

Dyes Pigments 32(1): 25-42, 1996

C 8. Bak A., Wyszomirski M., Magdziarz T., Smolinski A., Polanski J.

Structure-Based Modeling of Dye-Fiber Affinity with SOM-4D-QSAR Paradigm: Application to Set of Anthraquinone Derivatives

Comb. Chem. High. T. Scr. 17(6): 485-502, 2014

T 4. Timofei S., Kurunczi L., Schmidt W., Simon Z.

Structure-affinity binding relationships of some 4-aminoazobenzene derivatives for cellulose fiber

Dyes Pigments 29(3): 251-258, 1995

C 9. Bak A., Wyszomirski M., Magdziarz T., Smolinski A., Polanski J.

Structure-Based Modeling of Dye-Fiber Affinity with SOM-4D-QSAR Paradigm: Application to Set of Anthraquinone Derivatives

Comb. Chem. High. T. Scr. 17(6): 485-502, 2014

T 5. Oprea T.I.,Kurunczi L., Timofei S.

QSAR studies of disperse azo dyes. Towards the negation of the pharmacophore theory of dye-fiber interaction?

Dyes Pigments 33(1): 41-64, 1997

C 10. Aguayo-Villarreal I.A., Hernandez-Montoya V. Rangel-Vazquez N.A., Montes-

Moran M.A.

Determination of QSAR properties of textile dyes and their adsorption on novel carbonaceous adsorbents

J. Mol. Liq. 196: 326-333, 2014

C 11. Bak A., Wyszomirski M., Magdziarz T., Smolinski A., Polanski J.

Structure-Based Modeling of Dye-Fiber Affinity with SOM-4D-QSAR Paradigm: Application to Set of Anthraquinone Derivatives

Comb. Chem. High. T. Scr. 17(6): 485-502, 2014

C 12. Durán-Jiménez G., Hernández-Montoya V., Montes-Morán M.A., Bonilla-Petriciolet

A., Rangel-Vázquez N.A.

Adsorption of dyes with different molecular properties on activated carbons prepared from lignocellulosic wastes by Taguchi method

Micropor. Mesopor. Mat. 199: 99–107, 2014

T 6. Timofei S., Fabian W.M.F.

Comparative molecular field analysis of heterocyclic monoazo dye-fiber affinities

J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 38(6): 1218-1222, 1998

C 13. Bak A., Wyszomirski M., Magdziarz T., Smolinski A., Polanski J.

Structure-Based Modeling of Dye-Fiber Affinity with SOM-4D-QSAR Paradigm: Application to Set of Anthraquinone Derivatives

Comb. Chem. High. T. Scr. 17(6): 485-502, 2014

C 14. Li R., Chen X., Luan F.

2D-QSPR modeling to predict the maximum absorption of 1,4-naphthoquinone


Journal of Computational Science & Engineering 10: 391-405, 2014, ISSN 1710-4068

T 7. Funar-Timofei S., Schuurrnann G.

Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) of anionic azo dye-fiber affinities I: Gas-phase molecular orbital descriptors

J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 42(4): 788-795, 2002

C 15. Wang X.J., Sun Y.Y., Wu L., Gu S.J., Liu R.N., Liu L., Liu X., Xu J.

Quantitative structure-affinity relationship study of azo dyes for cellulose fibers by multiple linear regression and artificial neural network

Chemometr. Intell. Lab. 134: 1-9, 2014

C 16. Bak A., Wyszomirski M., Magdziarz T., Smolinski A., Polanski J.

Structure-Based Modeling of Dye-Fiber Affinity with SOM-4D-QSAR Paradigm: Application to Set of Anthraquinone Derivatives

Comb. Chem. High. T. Scr. 17(6): 485-502, 2014

T 8. Timofei S., Kurunczi L., Schmidt W., Fabian W.M.F., Simon Z.

Structure-affinity binding relationships by principal component regression analysis of anthraquinone dyes

Quant. Struct.-Act. Rel. 14(5): 444-449, 1995

C 17. Bak A., Wyszomirski M., Magdziarz T., Smolinski A., Polanski J.

Structure-Based Modeling of Dye-Fiber Affinity with SOM-4D-QSAR Paradigm: Application to Set of Anthraquinone Derivatives

Comb. Chem. High. T. Scr. 17(6): 485-502, 2014

T 9. Timofei S., Kurunczi L., Suzuki T., Fabian W.M.F., Muresan S.

Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and Neural Network (NN) calculations of some disazo dye adsorption on cellulose

Dyes Pigments 34(3):181-193, 1997

C 18. Ngai E.W.T., Peng S., Alexander P., Moon, K.K.L.

Decision support and intelligent systems in the textile and apparel supply chain: An academic review of research articles

Expert. Syst. Appl. 41(1): 81-91 2014

C 19. Li R., Chen X., Luan F.

2D-QSPR modeling to predict the maximum absorption of 1,4-naphthoquinone


Journal of Computational Science & Engineering 10: 391-405, 2014, ISSN 1710-4068

T 10. Simu G.M., Funar-Timofei S.L., Hora S.G., Schmidt W.E., Kurunczi L., Sisu E.N.V.,

Morin N.

Direct dyes derivatives of 4,4 '-diaminobenzanilide. I - The synthesis and study of adsorption isotherms on cotton of a direct disazoic dye with asymmetrical structure

Rev. Chim.-Bucharest 53(12): 826-829, 2002

C 20. Simu G.M., Ledeti I.V., Muntean S.G., Fulias A., Citu I.M., Soica C., Onisei D.,

Savoiu-Balint G., Pinzaru I., Ionescu D.

Study of the Interaction of Some Pharmaceutical Compounds with Different Cellulosic Supports

Rev. Chim.-Bucharest 65(6): 664-670, 2014

T 11. Schuurmann G., Funar-Timofei S.

Multilinear regression and comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) of azo dye-fiber affinities. 2. Inclusion of solution-phase molecular orbital descriptors

J. Chem. Inf. Comp. Sci. 43(5): 1502-1512, 2003

C 21. Wang X.J., Sun Y.Y., Wu L., Gu S.J., Liu R.N., Liu L., Liu X., Xu J.

Quantitative structure-affinity relationship study of azo dyes for cellulose fibers by multiple linear regression and artificial neural network

Chemometr. Intell. LAB. 134: 1-9, 2014

C 22. Bak A., Wyszomirski M., Magdziarz T., Smolinski A., Polanski J.

Structure-Based Modeling of Dye-Fiber Affinity with SOM-4D-QSAR Paradigm: Application to Set of Anthraquinone Derivatives

Comb. Chem. High. T. Scr. 17(6): 485-502, 2014

T 12. Timofei S., Kurunczi L., Schmidt W., Simon Z.

Steric and electrostatic effects in dye-cellulose interactions by the MTD and CoMFA approaches

SAR QSAR Environ. Res. 13(2): 219-226, 2002

C 23. Kurouski D., Zaleski S., Casadio F., Van Duyne R.P., Shah N.C.

Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) for in Situ Identification of Indigo and Iron Gall Ink on Paper

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136(24): 8677-8684, 2014

T 13. Seclaman E., Sallo A., Elenes F., Crasmareanu C., Wikete C., Timofei S., Simon Z.

Hydrophobicity, protolytic equilibrium and chromatographic behaviour of some monoazoic dyes

Dyes Pigments 55(2-3): 69-77, 2002

C 24. Fears K.P.

Measuring the pK/pl of Biomolecules Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Anal. Chem. 86(17): 8526-8529, 2014

T 14. Funar-Timofei S., Ionescu D., Suzuki T.

A tentative quantitative structure-toxicity relationship study of benzodiazepine


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TOTAL: 362x0.5=181

Anexa 4.20

Factor de impact cumulat conform Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)3


|Nr. Crt. |Articol |FI×(Nic/Na) |Factor de |

| | | |impact cumulat |

| | | |conform Web of |

| | | |Science |

| | | |(Thomson |

| | | |Reuters) |

|1 |S.A. Chicu, M Munteanu, I. Cîtu, C. Şoica, C. Dehelean, C. Trandafirescu, S. |2.428x(1/9) |0.270 |

| |Funar-Timofei, D. Ionescu, G.M.Simu | | |

| |The Hydractinia echinata Test-System. III: Structure-Toxicity Relationship Study of| | |

| |Some Azo-, Azo-Anilide, and Diazonium Salt Derivatives | | |

| |Molecules, 19(7), 9798-9817, 2014 | | |

|2 |S. Avram, S. Funar-Timofei, A. Borota, S. R. Chennamaneni, A. K. Manchala, S. |4.540×(3/6) |2.270 |

| |Muresan | | |

| |Quantitative estimation of pesticide-likeness for agrochemical discovery | | |

| |J. Cheminformatics, 6(42), 1-11, 2014 (highly accessed) | | |

|3 |P.Y. Maximov, D.J. Fernandes, R.E. McDaniel, C.B. Myers, R.F. Curpăn, V.C. Jordan |5.614×(1/6) |0.935 |

| |Influence of the length and positioning of the antiestrogenic side chain of | | |

| |endoxifen and 4-hydroxytamoxifen on gene activation and growth of estrogen receptor| | |

| |positive cancer cells. | | |

| |J. Med. Chem., 57(11), 4569–4583, 2014 | | |

|4 |I. Obiorah, S. Sengupta, R. Curpăn, V.C. Jordan |4.411×(1/4) |1.103 |

| |Defining the conformation of the estrogen receptor complex that controls | | |

| |estrogen-induced apoptosis in breast cancer. | | |

| |Mol. Pharmacol., 85(5), 789-799, 2014 | | |

|5 |P.Y. Maximov, R.E. McDaniel, D.J. Fernandes, P. Bhatta, V.R. Korostyshevskiy, R.F. |15.161×(1/7) |2.166 |

| |Curpăn, V.C. Jordan | | |

| |Pharmacological Relevance of Endoxifen in a Laboratory Simulation of Breast Cancer | | |

| |in Postmenopausal Patients | | |

| |J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 106(10), dju283, 2014, DOI: 10.1093/jnci/dju283 | | |

|6 |L. Ostopovici-Halip |0.393x(1/1) |0.393 |

| |Approaches to G-Protein Coupled Receptors Deorphanization: The GPR32 Case | | |

| |Study-Rev.Roum.Chim., 59(3-4), 201-205, 2014 | | |

|7 |L. Ostopovici-Halip |0.393×(1/1) |0.393 |

| |Template Structure Selection for Homology Modeling of Class A Orphan G-protein | | |

| |Coupled Receptors | | |

| |Rev.Roum.Chim., 59(3-4), 193-199, 2014 | | |

| |A. Chigaev A, Y. Smagley, M.K. Haynes, O. Ursu, C.G. Bologa, L. Halip, T. Oprea, A.|4.458×(1/13) |0.343 |

| |Waller, M.B. Carter, Y. Zhang, W. Wang, T. Buranda, L.A. Sklar | | |

| |FRET detection of lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 conformational extension| | |

| |Mol. Biol. Cell., mbc.E14-06-1050 2014 | | |

|8 |Kufareva, V. Katritch, R.C.Stevens, R. Abagyan, Y. Yoshikawa, T. Furuya, H. Lee, A.|6.794×(1/107) |0.063 |

| |Roy, J. Grime, J. Rebehmed, Y. Zhang, L. Roumen, I.J.P. de Esch, R. Leurs, C. de | | |

| |Graaf, Y. Li, T.Hou, M.M. Mysinger, D.R. Weiss, J.J. Irwin, B.K. Shoichet, F.M. | | |

| |McRobb, B. Capuano, I.T. Crosby, D.K. Chalmers, E. Yuriev, Q. Wang, R.H. Mach, D.E.| | |

| |Reichert, G.Y. Chuang, D. Rognan, J. Simms, P. Sexton, D. Wootten, D. Latek, U. | | |

| |Ghoshdastider, S. Filipek, L. Server, A. Kirkpatrick, B. Trzaskowski, A. Griffith.,| | |

| |S.K. Kim, A.R. Ravinder, W.A. Goddard III, N. Vaidehi, A. Lam, S. Bhattacharya, H. | | |

| |Li, G. Balaraman, M. Niesen, S. Pal, Y. Vorobjev, N. Bakulina, V. Solovyev, T. | | |

| |Beuming, S. Costanzi, L. Shi, C. Higgs, N. Salam, D. Lupyan, W. Sherman, F. Ding, | | |

| |P. Kota, S. Ramachandran, N.V. Dokholyan, J. Carlsson, R.G. Coleman, H. Fan, A. | | |

| |Schlessinger, A.Sali, I. Tikhonova, I. Pogozheva, A. Lomize, N.E Hall., M. | | |

| |Muddassar, A.N. Pae, J. Lee, L. Lopez, C. Obiol-Pardo, J. Selent, S. Mahboob, T. | | |

| |Werner, W.B. Church, M. Brylinski, T. Ando, A. Guerler, H. Zhou, J. Skolnick, H. | | |

| |Xhaard, W. Jurkowski, A. Elofsson, A.K. Murad, M. Drwal, T.B. Dupree, R. Griffith, | | |

| |L. Ostopovici-Halip, C. Bologa, K.M. Chen, J. Sun, P. Barth, V. Yarov-Yarovoy, D. | | |

| |Baker, B. Vroling, M.P.A. Sanders, S.B. Nabuurs, G.V. Nikiforovich, D. Rodríguez. | | |

| |Structure Article Advances in GPCR Modeling Evaluated by the GPCR Dock 2013 | | |

| |Assessment: Meeting New Challenges | | |

| |Structure, 22 (8), 1120-1139, 2014. | | |

|9 |Avram S. I., Pacureanu L. M., Bora A., Crisan L., Avram S., Kurunczi L. |4.068×(4/6) |2.712 |

| |ColBioS-FlavRC: A Collection of Bioselective Flavonoids and Related Compounds | | |

| |Filtered from High-Throughput Screening Outcomes. | | |

| |J. Chem. Inf. Model. 54: 2360-2370, 2014 | | |

|10 |Fagadar-Cosma E., Vlascici D., Birdeanu M., Fagadar-Cosma G., |2.684×(1/4) |0.671 |

| |Novel fluorescent pH sensor based on | | |

| |5-(4-carboxy-phenyl)-10,15,20-tris(phenyl)-porphyrin, | | |

| |Arabian J. Chem. (2014), doi: | | |

| |Popa I., Fagadar-Cosma G., Taranu B.O., Birdeanu A.V., Taranu I., Vlascici D., |1.123×(1/8) |0.140 |

| |Birdeanu M., Fagadar-Cosma E. | | |

| |Electrochemical behavior of tetra(4-methoxyphenyl) porphyrin thin films obtained by| | |

| |laser deposition on graphite electrode, | | |

| |Dig. J. Nanomat. Bios. 9(3): 1277-1287, 2014 | | |

| |Fagadar-Cosma E., Dudás Z., Birdeanu M., Almásy L. |2.123×(2/4) |1.062 |

| |Hybrid organic – silica nanomaterials based on novel A3B mixed substituted | | |

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| |Mat. Chem. Phys. 148(1-2): 143-152, 2014 | | |

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| |Fagadar-Cosma G., Taranu B.O., Birdeanu M., Popescu M.,Fagadar-Cosma E. |1.123×(1/5) |0.225 |

| |Influence of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-pyridyl)-21h,23h-porphyrin on the corrosion of | | |

| |steel in aqueous sulfuric acid | | |

| |Dig. J. Nanomat. Bios. 9(2): 551 – 557, 2014 | | |

| |Taranu B.O., Fagadar-Cosma E., Popa I., Plesu N., Taranu I. |1.123×(2/5) |0.449 |

| |Adsorbed functionalized porphyrins on polyaniline modified platinum electrodes. | | |

| |Comparative electrochemical properties | | |

| |Dig. J. Nanomat. Bios. 9(2): 667 – 679, 2014 | | |

| |Kerti V., Coricovac D., Duicu O., Dănilă M., Dehelean C., Făgădar-Cosma E., Muntean|0.677×(1/8) |0.085 |

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| |5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(N-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin-Zn(II)-tetrachloride Modulates | | |

| |Respiration in Isolated Rat Liver Mitochondria | | |

| |Rev. Chim. Bucharest 65(4): 447-449, 2014. | | |

| |Baschir L., Fagadar-Cosma E., Creanga I., Palade A., Lascu A., Birdeanu M., |1.123×(4/13) |0.345 |

| |Savastru D., Savu V., Antohe S., Velea A., Fagadar-Cosma G., Popescu M., Simandan | | |

| |I.D. | | |

| |UV sensing effect in Langmuir-Blodgett complex films containing a novel synthesized| | |

| |Fe(III) porphyrin | | |

| |Dig. J. Nanomat. Bios., 9(2): 847 – 857, 2014 | | |

| |Fulias A., Popoiu C., Vlase G., Vlase T., Onetiu D., Savoiu G., Simu G., Patrutescu|1.092×(1/10) |0.109 |

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| |Thermoanalytical and spectroscopic study on methotrexate – active substance and | | |

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| |Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Biological Activity of 2-Hydroxyethylammonium Salt| | |

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| |Composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of | | |

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| |Polyaniline composite designed for solid polymer electrolyte | | |

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| |Polymeric membranes containing phosphorus in the chain for solid polymer | | |

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| |Iliescu S., Ilia G., Popa A., Plesu N., Macarie L., Davidescu C. M. |3.112×(5/6) |2.593 |

| |Interfacial polycondensation method used in the synthesis of polymers containing | | |

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| |Pure Appl. Chem. 86(11): 1675–1683, 2014 | | |

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| |Removal of phenolic compounds from aqueous solutions using | | |

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| |Use of styrene–divinylbenzene grafted with aminoethylaminomethyl groups and various| | |

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| |Phosphonium grafted styrene–divinylbenzene resins impregnated with iron(III) and | | |

| |crown ethers for arsenic removal | | |

| |Pure Appl. Chem. 86(11): 1729–1740, 2014 | | |

| |Parvulescu V., Popa A., Paun G., Ene R., Davidescu C.-M., Ilia G. |3.112×(2/6) |1.037 |

| |Effect of polymer support functionalization on enzyme immobilization and catalytic | | |

| |activity, | | |

| |Pure Appl. Chem. 86(11): 1793–1803, 2014 | | |

| |Díaz-Somoano M., Popa A., Rumayor M., López-Antón M. A., Rosa Martínez-Tarazona M.,|3.112×(2/7) |0.889 |

| |Ilia G. | | |

| |Gaseous mercury behaviour in the presence of functionalized styrene–divinylbenzene | | |

| |copolymers, | | |

| |Pure Appl. Chem. 86(11): 1793–1803, 2014 | | |

| |Visa A., Maranescu B., Mracec M. |0.393×(2/3) |0.262 |

| |Electronic Properties of Cu2+ vinylphosphonate Estimated by PM3 Semiempirical | | |

| |Method Rev. Roum. Chim 59(3-4), 185-191, 2014 | | |

| |Maranescu B., Visa A., Ilia G., Simon Z., Demadis K, Colodrero R.M.P., Cabeza A., |2.224×(3/10) |0.667 |

| |Vallcorba O., Rius J., Choquesillo-Lazarte D. | | |

| |Synthesis and characterization of styryl phosphonic acid and its use as new ligand | | |

| |for phosphonate metal organic framework | | |

| |J. Coord. Chem. 67(9): 1562-1572, 2014 | | |

| |Popa A., Sasca V., Verdes O., Barvinschi P., Holclajtner-Antunović Ivanka, |1.968×(3/5) |1.181 |

| |Acidic and neutral cesium salts of 12-molybdophosphoric acid supported on SBA-15 | | |

| |mesoporous silica. The influence of Cs concentration and surface coverage on | | |

| |textural and structural properties, | | |

| |Mater. Res. Bull., 50, 312-322, 2014 | | |

| |Negrea A., Lupa L., Ciopec M., Negrea P., Voda R., Ianasi C. | |0.019 |

| |Study of different impregnated mehtods of inorganic supports with ionic liquid |0.117×(1/6) | |

| |J. Environ. Prot. Ecol., 14(4) 1785-1793, 2013 | | |

| |Tarko L., Putz M.V., Ionaşcu C., Putz A.M. |1.008×(1/4) |0.252 |

| |QSTR Studies Regarding the ECOSAR Toxicity of Benzene-Carboxylic Acid' Esters to | | |

| |Fathead Minnow Fish (Pimephales promelas). | | |

| |Curr. Comput.-Aid. Drug Design, 10(2) 99-106, 2014 | | |

| |Moro A. J.; Pana A.-M.; Cseh L., Costisor O., Jorge Parola, L Cunha-Silva, |2.775×(3/9) |0.925 |

| |Puttreddy R., Rissanen K., Pina F. | | |

| |Chemistry and Photochemistry of 2,6-Bis(2-hydroxybenzilidene)cyclohexanone. An | | |

| |Example of a Compound Following the Anthocyanins Network of Chemical Reactions | | |

| |J. Phys. Chem. A,  118(32) 6208-6215, 2014 | | |

| |Bucovicean C.M., Dong H., Zeng X., Pana A.M, Pausescu I., Costisor O., Cseh L. |2.083×(5/7) |1.488 |

| |Study of molecular order, mesogenic and fluorescent properties of | | |

| |2,4-bis(4-dodecyloxybenzylidene)cyclohexanone | | |

| |J. Mol. Liquids, 195 69-72 2014 | | |

| |Pana A.M., Badea V., Bănică R., Bora A., Dudas Z., Cseh L., Costisor O. |2.291×(5/7) |1.636 |

| |Network reaction of 2,6-bis(2-hydroxybenzilidene)cyclohexanone by external stimuli | | |

| |J. Photochem. Photobiology A-Chemistry  283 22-28 2014 | | |

| |Buta I., Ianasi C., Savii C., Cseh L., Bakardieva S., Linert W., Costisor O. |0.677×(5/7) |0.483 |

| |Synthesis and Characterization of New Heterometallic Cobalt-zinc Oxalates Linked by| | |

| |Organic Amines | | |

| |Rev. Chim. (Bucharest),   65(4)   416-420 2014 | | |

| |Cseh L., Mehl G. |0.393×(1/2) |0.196 |

| |Structure-Properties Relationships In Liquid Crystal Thiols | | |

| |Rev. Roum. Chim.  58(11-12) 879-885 2013 | | |

| |TOTAL |37.474 |

Anexa 4.23

Un articol apărut într-o revistă recunoscută de CNCS (B+) sau indexată într-o bază internaţională de date (BDI)

1. Suzuki T., Avram S., Borota A., Funar-Timofei S.

QSAR modeling of N3-substituted imidacloprid insecticides used against the housefly Musca Domestica

J.Toyo Univ., Natural Sci., 58, 83-95, 2014 (ISSN: 0372-0330)

Punctaj unitar: 1×(Nic/Na)= 1x(3/4)= 0.75

Anexa 4.24

O conferinţă invitată/plenară/keynote prezentată la o manifestare ştiinţifică internaţională

1. Fagadar-Cosma E., Vlascici D., Cristescu R. Fagadar-Cosma G.,

Porphyrins in sensing Applications

The 38th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry ISEAC 38

Lausanne, Switzerland, June 17-20, 2014

Book of Abstracts, E02, pg 36,


2. Tarabukina E., Fagadar-Cosma E., Creanga I.

Water soluble form of porphyrin derivative: properties in dilute solution

The 8-th International Symposium “Molecular Order and Mobility in Polymer Systems” St.Petersburg, Russia, 2 - 6 of June, 2014


Total: 20

Anexa 4.25

O conferinţă invitată/plenară/keynote prezentată la o manifestare ştiinţifică naţională

1. Cernica I., Fagadar-Cosma E., Dascalu A.

Conferinta: “Microsensors matrix for air quality control in human space missions habitable areas-SAFEAIR”-

Romanian Space Week 12-16 May 2014, National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli" – INCAS,

Programme for Research-Development-Innovation for Space Technology and Advanced Research – STAR

Anexa 4.26

O comunicare orală prezentată la o manifestare ştiinţifică internaţională

|Nr. Crt. |Articol |5×(Nic/Na) |Punctaj |

| |Avram S. I., Pacureanu L.M., Bora A., Crisan L., Avram S., Kurunczi L. |5x(6/6) |5.000 |

| |Bioselective flavonoids (and related compounds) in high-throughput screenings | | |

| |Proceedings of the 7th Edition of the Symposium New Trends and Strategies in the | | |

| |Chemistry of Advanced materials with relevance in Biological Systems, technique and| | |

| |Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, pag.17 (lecture) | | |

| |Iordache S.-M., Iordache A.-M., Stamatin I., Ciucu A. A., Fagadar-Cosma E., |5x(1/6) |0.833 |

| |Cristescu R. | | |

| |Screen printed electrodes based on metallo-porphyrine for evaluation of biogenic | | |

| |amines | | |

| |E-Mrs 2014 Spring Meeting Congress Center - Lille, France May 26-30, 2014 | | |

| |Symposium: Carbon materials: surface chemistry and biomedical applications, OP-11 | | |

| |Iordache A.-M., Cristescu R., Fagadar-Cosma E., Popescu A., Popescu C., Grumezescu |5x(1/12) |0.416 |

| |V. Ciucu, A.A., Iordache S., Balan A., Stamatin I., Mihailescu I.N., Chrisey D.B.,| | |

| | | | |

| |Fabrication of novel meso-phenyl unsymmetrical substituted porphyrin thin films by | | |

| |maple for gas sensing applications | | |

| |E-Mrs 2014 Spring Meeting Congress Center - Lille, France May 26-30, 2014 | | |

| |Symposium: Laser interaction with advanced materials: fundamentals and | | |

| |applications, OP 7 | | |

| |Popa I., Taranu B.O., Fagadar-Cosma E., Birdeanu M., Fagadar-Cosma G., Taranu I., |5x(1/6) |0.833 |

| |Corrosion protection efficiency of bilayer porphyrin-polyaniline film deposited on | | |

| |carbon steel | | |

| |15th International Conference Polymers and Organic Chemistry IUPAC, 10-13 mai, | | |

| |2014, Timisoara, Romania, pg.110, ISBN: 978-606-554-841-1 | | |

| |Lascu A., Palade A., Creanga I., Fagadar-Cosma E. |5x(4/4) |5.000 |

| |The Influence of Silver Colloids in Increasing the Colorimetric Response of Fe(III)| | |

| |Metalloporphyrin to CO2 Detection | | |

| |Proceedings of the 20th International Symposyium on Analytical and Environmental | | |

| |Problems, 22 September 2014, Szeged (Hungary) Edited by Zoltán Galbács, OP1 | | |

| |Birdeanu M., Bîrdeanu A. V., Popa I., Taranu B., Peter F., Creanga I., Palade A., |5x(2/8) |1.250 |

| |Fagadar-Cosma E. | | |

| |Comparative Research Regarding Corrosion Protective Effect of Different Sandwich | | |

| |Type Nanostructures Obtained from Porphyrins and Pseudo-Binary Oxides by Changing | | |

| |the Deposition Order | | |

| |Conferinta NanoCON, 6th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & | | |

| |Application 5-7 november 2014, Brno (Cehia), P30. | | |

| |Iliescu S., Ilia G., Popa A., Plesu N., Macarie L., Davidescu C. M. |5x(5/6) |4.166 |

| |Interfacial polycondensation method used in the synthesis of polymers containing | | |

| |phosphorus in the main chain | | |

| |15th International Conference Polymers and Organic Chemistry, June 10-13, 2014, | | |

| |Timisoara, Romania, PL 13, p23 | | |

| |Muntean S.G., Todea A., Radulescu-Grad M.E., Popa A. |5x(4/4) |5.000 |

| |Decontamination of colored wastewater using synthetic sorbents | | |

| |15th International Conference Polymers and Organic Chemistry (POC-2014), IUPAC, | | |

| |10-13 mai, Timisoara, Romania, OP27, 2014, ISBN:978-606-554-841-1 | | |

| |Plesu N., Kellenberger A., Tara-Lunga Mihali M., Vaszilcsin N. |5x(2/4) |2.500 |

| |Effect of substrate on the morphology of polyaniline films. | | |

| |New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in | | |

| |Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June, 2014, | | |

| |Timisoara, Romania, L20, ISSN 2065-0760 | | |

| |Popa A., Ciopec M., Negrea A., Lupa L., Negrea P., Davidescu C. M., Ilia G., |5x(2/8) |1.250 |

| |Duteanu N. | | |

| |Use of styrene–divinylbenzene grafted with aminoethylaminomethyl groups and various| | |

| |ionic liquids in the removal process of thallium and strontium | | |

| |15th International Conference Polymers and Organic Chemistry, June 10-13, 2014, | | |

| |Timisoara, Romania, OP26, p. 50 | | |

| |Parvulescu V., Popa A., Paun G., Ene R., Davidescu C.-M., Ilia G. |5x(2/6) |1.667 |

| |Effect of support functionalization on enzyme immobilization and catalytic | | |

| |activity, | | |

| |15th International Conference Polymers and Organic Chemistry, June 10-13, 2014, | | |

| |Timisoara, Romania, OP7, p. 31 | | |

| |Putz A.M., Ianăşi C., Plestil J., Adél L., Szekely K.N., Almasy L., Plocek |5x(3/8) |1.875 |

| |J.,Savii C. | | |

| |Silica xerogels and sonogels synthesized with butyl-4-methylpyridinium | | |

| |tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid microstructure evolution, | | |

| |Şcola Europenă de neutroni- Centrul de Neutroni Budapesta-BNC, 19-23 mai 2014, | | |

| |Budapesta, Ungaria. | | |

| |Putz A.M., Almásy L., Ianăşi C., Dudás Z., Szekely K.N., Plocek J., Sfârloagă P., |5x(4/9) |2.222 |

| |Săcărescu L., Savii C. | | |

| |The pores ordering degree in mesoporous matrices induced by ionic liquids and | | |

| |directing agents, The 20th International Symposium On Analytical And | | |

| |Environmental Problems, 22 septembrie 2014, Szeged, Ungaria. | | |

| |Putz A.M., Adel L., Almasy L., Plocek J., Ianăşi C.,Plestil J., Savii C. |5x(3/7) |2.143 |

| |SANS analysis for acid catalyzed silica xerogels and sonogels synthesized with | | |

| |butyl-4-methylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid, | | |

| |Budapest Neutron Center User Meeting, 21 Noiembrie, 2014, Budapesta, Ungaria. | | |

| |L. Cseh, F.G. Erko, J. Berthet, G.H. Mehl, S. Delbaere |5x(1/5) |1.000 |

| |Synthesis and characterization of a bis(dithienylethene naphtopyran) hybrid | | |

| |The 20th International Symposium On Analytical And Environmental Problems, 22 | | |

| |septembrie 2014, Szeged, Ungaria. | | |

| |Putz A.M., Ianăşi C., Plocek J., Szekely K.N., Savii C. |5x(3/5) |3.000 |

| |The pores ordering degree in mesoporous matrices induced by ionic liquids and | | |

| |directing agents-comparative study | | |

| |New Trends And Strategies In The Chemistry Of Advanced Materials With Relevance In | | |

| |Biological Systems, Technique And Environmental Protection, 05-06 Iunie, Timisoara,| | |

| |2014 | | |

| |Proceedings of the Seventh Edition of the Symposium, pag. 42 (ISSN: 2065-0760). | | |

| |Pană A.M., Cseh L., Badea V., Costişor O. |5x(3/4) |3.750 |

| |Synthesis and characterization of 2,6-bis(2-hydroxybenzilidene)cyclohexanone: a | | |

| |pH-dependent photochromic system | | |

| |New Trends And Strategies In The Chemistry Of Advanced Materials With Relevance In | | |

| |Biological Systems, Technique And Environmental Protection, 05-06 Iunie, Timisoara,| | |

| |2014 | | |

| |Proceedings of the Seventh Edition of the Symposium, pag. 18 (ISSN: 2065-0760). | | |

| |Borcănescu S., Sasca V., Verdes O., Popa Al. |5x(4/4) |5.000 |

| |Gas-chromatographyc analysis of reaction products from catalytic conversion of CO2 | | |

| |with methanol | | |

| |New Trends And Strategies In The Chemistry Of Advanced Materials With Relevance In | | |

| |Biological Systems, Technique And Environmental Protection, 05-06 Iunie, Timisoara,| | |

| |2014 | | |

| |Proceedings of the Seventh Edition of the Symposium, pag. 72 (ISSN: 2065-0760). | | |

| |Cseh L., Erko F.G., Berthet J., Delbaere S., Mehl G.H. |5x(1/5) |1.000 |

| |Design and investigation of multistate triphotochromic system based on | | |

| |dithienylethene – naphtopyran units | | |

| |New Trends And Strategies In The Chemistry Of Advanced Materials With Relevance In | | |

| |Biological Systems, Technique And Environmental Protection, 05-06 Iunie, Timisoara,| | |

| |2014 | | |

| |Proceedings of the Seventh Edition of the Symposium, pag. 15 (ISSN: 2065-0760). | | |

| |TOTAL |47.905 |

Anexa 5.1.

Un grant câştigat de către institut/centru de la organizaţii internaţionale

1. Proiect STAR - CDI nr. 76/29.11.2013-Programul de cercetare dezvoltare inovare pentru tehnologie spatiala si cercetare avansata STAR

Denumire Proiect: Microsensors matrix for air quality control in human space missions habitable areas SAFEAIR

Coordonator: Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Microtehnologie – IMT- Bucuresti

Calitatea ICT: Partener 1

Director Proiect : Ileana Cernica

Responsabil Proiect ICT: Eugenia FAGADAR-COSMA

Membrii Proiectului: Anca Lascu, Dana Vlascici, Anca Palade, Ionela Creanga, Mihaela Birdeanu, Mihai Popescu, Floare Stan, Lucica Nica, Podea Ionel, Carmen Codita, Simona Stoicheci, Monica Ghidanac

Valoarea totala a contractului: 922 500 lei

Buget ICT: 270 000 lei; 145000 lei/2014

Durata contractului: 27 luni (nov 2013-feb 2016)


2. Grant câştigat de către institut/centru de la organizaţii internaţionale

1. FP7 EU-OPENSCREEN -European Infrastructure of Open Screening Platforms for Chemical Biology Grant nr.261861, Preparatory PhaseFonduri acordate: 4.400 Eur/2014. Institutul de Chimie Timisoara este nodul de comunicare pentru Romania si reprezentant national.Dr. Pacurean Liliana


Anexa 5.2

Un grant câştigat de către institut/centru de la organisme naţionale

In calitate de coordonator

1. Grant PN-II-RU-PD-2010: Reactivitatea chimică – cauza majoră de rezultate false în testarea biologică de capacitate ridicată?

Director de proiect: Dr. Curpăn Ramona

Contract de finanţare PD_502, nr. 174/2010 încheiat între UEFISCDI şi Institutul de Chimie Timişoara al Academiei Române

Număr de participanţi: 1

Valoare totală grant: 252.700 RON; din care 39000 LEI/2014

Durata: 24 luni (2010-2014)


2. Grant PN-II-RU-PD-2010: Noi strategii de identificare a compuşilor farmacologic activi pe receptori cuplaţi cu proteine G (GPCR) orfani

Director de proiect: Dr. Liliana Halip

Contract de finanţare PD_500, nr. 119/05.08.2010 încheiat între UEFISCDI şi Institutul de Chimie Timişoara al Academiei Române

Număr de participanţi: 1

Valoare totală grant: 340.000 RON din care 63256 RON/2014

Durata: 24 luni (2010-2014)


3. Grant PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-92: Retele metal organice fosfonice: complexitatea si diversitatea structurilor si a aplicatiilor

Director de proiect: Dr. Visa Aurelia

Contract de finanţare nr. 81/05.11.2011 încheiat între UEFISCDI şi Institutul de Chimie Timişoara al Academiei Române

Număr de participanţi: 4 (Visa Aurelia, Bianca Maranescu, Bucur Alexandra, Simulescu Vasile)

Valoare totală grant: 712500 RON ; din care 177111 RON/2014

Durata: 3 ani (2011-2014)


4. Contract PN II Nr. 110/03.09.2014 incheiat in cadrul Programului – Parteneriate in domeniile prioritare – Domeniul 3 intre Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii si Inovarii (UEFISCDI) si Institutul de Chimie Timişoara al Academiei Române

Titlul proiectului: Recuperarea avansata a produselor utile din deseurile de catalizatori uzati (REMACAT)

Director proiect: Dr. Otilia Costisor (Institutul de Chimie Timisoara al Academiei Romane)

Director (responsabil) de proiect ICT - Coordonator: Dr. Otilia Costisor (Institutul de Chimie Timisoara al Academiei Romane).

Numar de participanti: 12 (Costisor Otilia, Cseh Liliana, Pana Ana Maria, Tudose Ramona, Cretu Daniela Carmen, Cretu Constantin Daniel, Pausescu Iulia, Aparaschivei Diana, Marinescu Sorin, Saitj Ludovic, Andelescu Adelina, Stan Floare)

Parteneri: 3

Valoare totala a proiectului: 1437500 RON, (ICT=462034 RON din care 115000 lei/2014)

Durata: 2 ani (2014-2016)


4. Proiect PNII Capacitati-Modul III-SOMABAT Nr. 128EU/28 iunie 2011

Cofinantare la PROIECTUL de Colaborare EU-FP7

Denumire proiect: Dezvoltarea de noi materiale solide pentru baterii Li-polimerice (SOMABAT) cu putere mare. Reciclarea componentelor

Director de proiect: Eugenia Fagadar-Cosma

Valoare proiect: 20721 lei/2014

Durata contractului: 2011-2013


6. Subcontract de finanţare pentru execuţie proiecte nr. 50.2. ⁄ 2014

Program din PN II: Parteneriate în domenii prioritare

Titlul proiectului: Instalatie pilot mobila pentru tratarea apelor reziduale cu ajutorul energiei solare

Contractor principal/Coordonator: Institutul National de C-D pentru Electrochimie si Materie Condensata - INCEMC Timisoara

Subcontractor / Partener 2: Institutul de Chimie Timişoara al Academiei Române

Responsabil de proiect P2: Dr.Ing. Viorel Sasca

Valoarea totală a contractului: 1.409.600,00 lei

Valoarea totală a subcontractului cu Partener 2:  60.000 lei

Durata contractului: 24 luni


Colaborări bilaterale

Colaborare bilaterala România Ungaria 2013-2014

Contract nr. 669/2013

Coordonator: Dr. Ing. Ilia Gheorghe

Universitatea Tehnica si Economica Budapesta

Coordonator: prof Keglevich Gyorgy

Membrii echipei: Iliescu S., Popa A., Macarie L., Petric M.

Valoare: 1138 RON/2014


Colaborare bilaterala Academia Romana– Franta CNRS

Universitatea „Claude Bernard” Lyon –prof. Dominique Luneu

Coordonator ICT : Ramona Tudose 1


5.3 Un contract extrabugetar obtinut de catre institut/centru de la organizatii internationale sau nationale



a. În calitate de coordonator

b. În calitate de partener

Contracte extrabugetare

1. Contract nr. 4/11.02.2014,

Tema: Analize fizico – chimice (spectrometrice) si morfologice (suprafata specifica) pe mostre de oxid de zinc


Valoare: 2000 RON/2014

Responsabil contract: Dr. Otilia Costişor


2. Titlul proiectului: Instalatie pilot mobila pentru tratarea apelor reziduale cu ajutorul energiei solare

Program din PN II: Parteneriate în domenii prioritare

Contractor principal/Coordonator: Institutul National de C-D pentru Electrochimie si Materie Condensata - INCEMC Timisoara

Subcontractor / Partener 2: Institutul de Chimie Timişoara al Academiei Române

Responsabil de proiect P2: Dr.Ing. Viorel Sasca

Subcontract de finanţare pentru execuţie proiecte nr. 50.2. ⁄ 2014

Valoarea totală a contractului: 1.409.600,00 lei

Valoarea totală a subcontractului cu Partener 2:  60.000 lei

Durata contractului: 24 luni


TOTAL: 2.5

Anexa 5.4

O manifestare ştiinţifică (congres, conferinţă, simpozion) sau şcoală de vară internaţională organizată de institut

A. Simpozion

The 7th Edition of the Symposium New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced materials with relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania


Anexa 6.6

Studii de impact si servicii comandate de un beneficiar

1. Fagadar-Cosma E.,

Exploratory study to document the management of research projects in the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes (FP).

La Invitatia Domnului Seán O'Reagain Acting Head of Unit



Directorate A - Policy Development and Coordination

DG Research and Innovation in consortium with Technopolis Group


2. Visa A., Maranescu B., Bucur A., Simulescu V.

Studiu privind sinteza, caracterizarea, proprietatile electrice si aplicatiile retelelor metal organice fosfonice

Contract de finanţare nr. 81/05.11.2011 încheiat între UEFISCDI şi Institutul de Chimie Timişoara al Academiei Române


3. Fagadar-Cosma E., Lascu A., Palade A., Creanga I., Popescu M.

Experimente ale unor procese individuale pentru microsenzori si substante sensitive (derivati ai porfirinelor) pentru detectia gazelor tinta.

ROSA-STAR-CDI nr. 76/29.11.2013-Programul de cercetare dezvoltare inovare pentru tehnologie spatiala si cercetare avansata STAR


4. Costisor Otilia, Cseh Liliana, Pana Ana Maria, Tudose Ramona, Cretu Daniela Carmen, Cretu Constantin Daniel, Pausescu Iulia, Aparaschivei Diana, Marinescu Sorin, Saitj Ludovic, Andelescu Adelina, Stan Floare

Separarea fazelor organica si anorganica; separarea şi purificarea toluenului, recuperarea cuprului metalic ca pulbere, valorificarea aluminiului(III) ca agent de coagulare în epurarea apelor; valorificarea unor deşeuri de fier existente la partenerul industrial, astfel încât să se obţină un agent de coagulare mixt Al(III)-Fe(III).



Anexa 7.1

Institutul/centrul are dreptul de a conduce doctorate


Total: 20

Anexa 7.2

Conducători de doctorat care activează în institut

1. Prof. Dr. Zeno Simon, M.C. al Academiei Romane

2. Prof. Dr. Ludovic Kurunczi

3. Prof. Dr. Mircea Mracec

4. Dr. Otilia Costişor

5. Dr. Eugenia Lenuţa Făgădar-Cosma

Total 5*20=100

Anexa 7.3


Doctoranzi angajati ai institutului

1. Creanga C. Maria-Ionela

2. Palade I. Anca-Maria

3. Ianăşi M. Cătălin

4. Creţu V. Daniela Carmen

Doctoranzi externi

1. Uderscu-Milosan V. Lucretia Paula

2. Ţăranu I. Bogdan Ovidiu

3. Haidu I. Daniela

4. Oprescu I. Raul

5. Popa D. Iuliana

6. Gruia G. Alexandra Teodora

7. Mocanu P. Liviu Lucian

8. Marius Mioc

9. Bogdan Dragos

10. Proks Maria Cristiana

Total doctoranzi : 4+10=14

Punctaj : 14*10=140

Anexa 7.4


1. Dr. Dudás Zoltán

Titlu: Luminophores and superparamagnetic composites, advanced optic and magnetic micro- and nano-materials with tunable structure, morphology and composition.

Institutia: Hungary, Budapest, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Department of Neutron Spectroscopy

Durata: 3 ani, 01.10.2013-01.10.2016

Coordonator: Dr. János Füzi


2. Dr. Simulescu Vasile

Proiect: Excellent young researchers at BUT

Titlul temei: Research on delivery systems focusing on the physical chemistry of biopolymers and biocolloids

Institutia: Materials Research Centre, Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic

Coordonator: Prof. Miloslav Pekar


3. Bursă postdoctorală finanţata prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane în cadrul proiectului strategic POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137750: ”Programe doctorale şi postdoctorale – suport pentru creşterea competitivităţii cercetării în domeniul Ştiinţelor exacte”: PROIECTAREA DE MODULATORI SELECTIVI AI GLICOGEN SINTAZ KINAZEI-3 (GSK-3) PRIN METODE DE CHEMOINFORMATICA

Postdoctorand: Dr. Alina Bora

Durata: 16luni (iunie 2014- octombrie 2015)


Total: 30

Anexa 7.5

Cercetator angajat in institut/centru care a obtinut titlul de doctor in perioada de evaluare

1. OLARIU C. Tudor


Anexa 8.1

Membru în colectivul de redacţie al unei reviste naţionale/internaţionale (cotată de Web of Science, Thomson Reuters sau indexată într-o BDI) sau în colectivul editorial al unor edituri internaţionale consacrate

1. Făgădar-Cosma E. este membru al comitetului editorial: Der Chemica Sinica (ISSN No 0976 – 8505) din anul 2010 

2. Făgădar-Cosma E. este membru al comitetului editorial: Advances in Applied Science Research (ISSN No 0976 – 8610) din anul 2010  

3. Făgădar-Cosma E. este membru al comitetului editorial: The Open Chemical and Biomedical Methods Journal (ISSN: 1875-0389) Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

4. Făgădar-Cosma E. este membru al comitetului editorial: Journal of Advanced Scientific Research (ISSN: 0976-9595)

5. Făgădar-Cosma E. este membru în comitetul editorial: European Journal of Experimental Biology,

6. Făgădar-Cosma E. este membru in comitetul editorial: American Journal of Organic Chemistry , Scientific & Academic Publishing (), USA (ISSN: 2163-1271)

7. Făgădar-Cosma E. este membru în comitetul editorial: Chemical Sensors Journal, Simplex Academic Publishers simplex-academic-

8. Făgădar-Cosma E. este membru în comitetul editorial: The Science

2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 250 Arlington, VA 22201 703.778.3080

9. Făgădar-Cosma E. este membru în comitetul editorial: American Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,

10. Dr ing. Ilia Gheorghe este editor asociat la Current Green Chemistry,

11. Dr ing. Ilia Gheorghe este editor in chef la American Journal of Polymer Science,

12. Dr ing. Ilia Gheorghe este membru editorial board la Current Catalysis,

13. Simon Zeno - Revue Roumaine de Chimie

14. Costişor Otilia - Material Science Research Publ. Oriental Scientific , Publishing Company ISSN 0973-3469

TOTAL: 20*14 = 280

Anexa 8.2

Membru în conducerea unei organizatii internationale de specialitate

1. Fagadar-Cosma E. este membru (expert) în Comisia: Risk Assessment & Advisory Structure of Scientific Committees and Experts, EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Health systems and products; e-Health and Health Technology Assessment

Scrisoare de numire: Ref. Ares (2013)1262115 - 23/05/2013

2. Eugenia FAGADAR-COSMA este membra din 28.06.2014 a grupului The Future and Emerging Technologies Community of European Commission within the Excellence in Science pillar of Horizon 2020

Expert evaluator:

3. Făgădar-Cosma E. este Expert independent în: European Commission pentru Research Executive Agency, Appointment Letter No. CT-EX-2013D134387-101, MSC Programmes

4. Făgădar-Cosma E. Este evaluator extern independent pentru GERMANIA prin Comisia Europeană pentru Evaluation of EC communication and dialogue on research and innovation in nanotechnologies and design of future needs for the EU (industry and society)


Anexa 8.3

Un membru al Academiei Române

1. Prof. Simon Zeno - membru corespondent al Academiei Române


Anexa 8.4

Cercetător cu un indice Hirsch peste 8

1. Simona Funar-Timofei 12

2. Ramona Curpăn 10

3. Liliana Halip 9

4. Alina Bora 8

5. Făgădar-Cosma Eugenia 9

6. Ilia Gheorghe 11

7. Iliescu Smaranda 8

8. Popa Adriana 9

9. Visa Aurelia 8

10. Cacilia Savii 8

11. Viorel Sasca 8

12. Alexandru Popa 8


Anexa 8.5

Un membru de onoare (fellow, senior) al unei societăţi ştiinţifice naţionale/internaţionale

Făgădar-Cosma E. este numită Senior Editor: Chemical Sensors (September 2012 to August 2013- extension for 2013/2014) Section: New Materials Developments AcademicPublishers Website: simplex-academic-


Anexa 8.8

Un premiu (distincţie) al unei societăţi ştiinţifice internaţionale obţinut printr-un proces de selecţie

1. Diplomă şi Medalia de aur si Medalia salonului INFOINVENT

Patent no. RO 123.447/30.05.2012


Authors: Eugenia Făgădar-Cosma, Dana Vlascici, Elena Maria Pică, Otilia Costişor, Viorica Cosma, Liliana Olenic, Otilia Bizerea

la Expoziţia Internaţională Specializată „INFOINVENT", ediţia a XIII-a, 19-22 noiembrie 2013, la Centrul Internaţional de Expoziţii „MOLDEXPO" Chisinau în cooperare cu Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, Chisinau, Republica Moldova


2. Nominalizarea proiectului SOMABAT de catre Presedintele Comisiei Europene José Manuel BARROSO, pe primul loc, in cadrul Actiunii

Horizon 2020: boosting industrial competitiveness, pentru cercetare si management la sectiunea

SUCCESS STORY: NEW MATERIALS FOR NEW BATTERIES, Brussels, European Council 20-21 March, 2014

Proiect FP7 –SOMABAT (Partener 5= grupul de cercetare in chimie organica al ICT)

Coordonator si Manager de calitate al Proiectului= Eugenia Fagadar-Cosma

Membri in echipa ICT: Gheorghe Ilia, Smaranda Iliescu, Adriana Popa, Lavinia Macarie, Nicoleta Plesu si intra muros consultants Gheorghe Fagadar-Cosma si Nicolae Hurduc

40x2= 80



1. SIMPOZION - “Noi tendinţe şi strategii în chimia materialelor avansate cu relevanţă în sisteme biologice, tehnică şi protecţia mediului, Editia a 7-a, 2014" 05-06 iunie 2014


Consiliu Judetean Timis: ...................................................7000 lei

ANCS.................................................................................2000 lei

Finantare din surse proprii: ................................................6500 lei

TOTAL:............................................................................15500 lei

1. Număr participanţi: 116

- din ţară: 98

- din străinătate: 18

2. Număr de instituţii reprezentative

- româneşti

- institute: 7

- universităţi: 10

- ONG:

- operatori economici: 3

- străine

- institute/ONG: 3

- universităţi: 7

- operatori economici

3. Număr comunicări prezentate: 92

- lecţii invitate: 10

- prezentări orale: 13

- postere: 69

- exponate


privind doctoratul la



1. Doctoranzi:

- 4 interni

- 10 externi

2. Conducatori doctorat:

- Dr. Chim. Costişor Otilia

- Dr. Ing. Făgădar-Cosma Eugenia

- Prof. Dr. Simon Zeno, MCA

- Prof. Dr. Kurunczi Ludovic - Universitatea de Farmacie Timisoara

- Prof. Dr. Mracec Mircea - pensionat

3. S-au sustinut:

- referate – 2

- rapoarte de cercetare - 2

- examene - 5

- teze -1

Director Secretar Stiintific

Dr. Otilia Costisor Dr. Ramona Tudose


a. Schimburi interacademice

1. Institutul de Morfologie, Patologie si Antropologie Experimentala si Muzeu al Academiei Bulgare de Stiinte din Sofia

Tematica de cercetare: ,Evaluation of antitumor and antiviral activities of newly coordination compound of bile acids, Schiff and Mannich type bases with 3d metal ions.

2. Academia de Stiinte a Republicii Cehe, Institutul de Chimie Anorganica, Departamentul de Chimia Starii Solide si Compusi de Intercalare, Praga, Republica Ceha

Tematica de cercetare: „Sinteza si caracterizarea unor nanomateriale chimic active”.

3. Universitatea din Belgrad, Facultatea de de Chimie Fizică şi la Departamentul de Cataliză şi Inginerie chimică din cadrul Institutului de Chimie Tehnologie şi Metalurgie, Localitatea Belgrad, Serbia

Tematica de cercetare: Heteropoliacizi cu structura Keggin folositi în cataliza eterogenă

4. Université Claude Bernard Lyon1, Laboratoire des Multimatériaux et Interfaces, Franta (UMR 5615) in cadrul proiectului „Association antimicrobienne par la chimie de coordination (Coordination chemistry for antimicrobial activities association)”; seminar sustinut

”Complex compounds based on antipyrine derivatives ligands as building-blocks for supramolecular systems with also potential biological activity”

b. Colaborari internationale bilaterale

5. Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences,Institute of Macromolecular Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA

Elena Tarabukina, PhD, Coordinator, Senior researcher, Laboratory of molecular physics of polymers

Tematica de cercetare: Synthesis, characterisation and investigation of structure and properties in solutions of porphyrin based compounds using methods of molecular hydrodynamics and optics (sedimentation and diffusion analysis, viscometry, dynamic and static light scattering).

Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy, Group Dr. Eugenia Fagadar-Cosma (Organic Chemistry Laboratory)

6. Kiev National University of Technologies & Design, Kiev, Ucraina

Group of Professor Viacheslav Barsukov (Department of Electrochemical Power Engineering & Chemistry)

Tematica de cercetare: Synthesis, diagnostic and electrochemical characterization of advanced nanomaterials for intersectorial applications, based on metalloporphyrins and their applications as electrocatalytic active materials for oxygen reduction. Self-assembling and self-organization.

In the frame of scientific collaboration programs encoureged by EU-PROJECT MINOS EURONET” Cooperation in research in an enlarged Europe”

7. Colaborare bilaterala Romania Ungaria 2013-2014

Contract nr. 669/2013

Institutul de Chimie Timisoara - Universitatea Tehnica si Economica Budapesta

Coordonator: Dr. Ing. Gheorghe Ilia

Coordonator: prof Gyorgy Keglevich

c. Colaborari cu universitati si institute internationale:

8. Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry, Universitatea Tehnica Viena, Austria, prof. Wolfgang Linert.

9. Institute fuer Anorganische Chemie, Universitatea Koeln, Germania, Prof. G. Meyer.

10. Universitatea Hull, Departamentul de Chimie. Anglia, prof. Georg Mehl.

11. Kiev National University of Technologies & Design, Kiev, Ucraina

Group of Professor Viacheslav Barsukov (Department of Electrochemical Power Engineering & Chemistry)

12. Nicolaus Copernicus University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Collegium Medicum, Bydgoszcz, Poland, DSc Grzegorz Bazylak (Department of Pharmaco-Bromatology & Molecular Nutrition).

13. University of Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, USA (Prof. Dr. Tudor I. Oprea, Dr. Cristian G. Bologa)

14. Universitatea‚ Karl-Franzens’ Graz, Institutul de Chimie Organică, Graz, Austria (Prof. dr. Walter M.F. Fabian)

15. Natural Science Laboratory, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japonia (Prof. dr. Takahiro Suzuki)

16. Acord de cooperare cu Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Science, Department of Chemistry, Cape Town, Africa de Sud, (Prof. T.N. van der Walt)

17. Universitatea Leipzig, Institut fur Analitische Chimie. (Prof. dr. Stefan Bergher)

18. Nankai University, Institute of Polymer Chemistry, R.P. China. (Prof. Dr.Zhang Zhengpu)

19. University of Crete, Department of Chemistry, Grecia (Prof. Dr. Konstantinos D. Demadis)

20. Inst. Chim. Anorg. Rez, Ac.Stiinţe Republica Cehă;UAChR.Cz

21. Fac Tehnol.Univ. Novi-Sad, Serbia

22. Kiev National University of Technologies & Design, Group of Professor Viacheslav Barsukov, Volodymyr Khomenco (Department of Electrochemical Power Engineering & Chemistry)

23. Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Macromolecular Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Senior researcher Dr. Elena Tarabukina, Senior researcher Dr. Sergei Bronnikov, Senior researcher Dr. Alexei Filipov, Dr. Natalia Suhanova

24. ATOS Research Centre, Barcelona, Senior researcher Dr. Lidia Alvarez Hernandez and Dr. Antonio Paradell Bondia

25. Instituto Tehnologico de la Energia, Valencia, Paterna-Spania, Senior researcher Dr. Mayte Gil-Agusti, Dr. Leire Zubizareta

26. University of Liege, Dr. Alexandre Leonard, Prof. Natalie Job, Prof. Robert Renzonni.

d. Colaborari cu universitati si institute nationale:

27. Univ. de Vest Timişoara- Prof. Nicolae Doca, Conf. Titus Vlase, Conf. Dr. Bizerea O., Conf. Dr. Vlascici D., Prof. Adrian Chiriac, Conf. Vlad Chiriac

28. Institutul National de Electrochimie şi Materiale Condensate Timişoara (INMCD) (Dr.Ing. Ioan Tăranu, Dr. Ing. Paula Sfarloagă)

29. Universitatea "Politehnica" Timisoara, Facultatea de Chimie Industriala si Ingineria Mediului (Dr.Ing. Simona Popa, Dr.Ing. Andrea Kellenberger, Dr.Ing. Geza Bandur, Dr.Ing. Nicolae Vaszilcsin, Dr.chim Narcis Duteanu, dr. ing. Bercean Vasile, Prof. dr. Davidescu C.M., Prof. dr. Pacurariu C., Prof. dr. Negrea P., Sef Luc. Negrea A.)

30. Azur Timisoara, Subsidiary of ICC Industries Inc. New York, U. S. A. (Ing. Adriana Miulescu)

31. U.S.A.M.V. "Banat" Timisoara, Facultatea de Medicina Veterinara, laboratorul Discilinei de Microbiologie : Prof. dr. Radu Trif, Conf. dr. Ileana Nichita; Facultatea de Tehnologia Produselor Alimentare: Conf. dr. Butnariu Monica.

32. Institutul de Chimie Fizica "Ilie Murgulescu" Bucuresti- Dr. Viorivca Parvulescu

33. Institutul National pentru Cerecetare-Dezvoltare a thnologiilor Izotopice si Moleculare Cluj Napoca (NIRDIMT)- Dr. Nicolae Aldea, Dr. Cosma V., Prof. Dr. Pica E., Prof. Silaghi Dumitrescu Luminta, Prof. Anca Silvestru

34.Institutul de Chimie Macromoleculară „Petru Poni” Iasi (Dr.Ing. Sergiu Coşeri, Dr.Ing. Violeta Neagu, Dr.Ing. George Nistor)

35. Universitatea "Aurel Vlaicu" Arad, Facultatea de Inginerie Alimentară, Turism şi Protecţia mediului (Dr.Ing. Michaela Dina Stănescu, Dr. Alina Zamfir)

36. Institutul Naţional de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Chimie şi Petrochimie –ICECHIM, Bucureşti (Dr.Ing. Valentin Rădiţoiu, Dr.Ing. Luminiţa Wagner)

37.Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, Facultatea de Chimie Aplicată şi Stiinţa Materialelor (Dr.Ing. Stefan Tomas)

38.Institutul National de Metale rare si neferoase Bucuresti (INMR) (Dr.Ing. Roxana Mioara Piticescu)

39.Institutul de Fizica Cluj-Napoca

40. Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie Victor Babeş Timişoara, Facultatea de Farmacie (Conf. dr. Şeclăman Edward, Dr. Daniela Ionescu)

41. Universitatea “Gheorghe Asachi” Iaşi, Prof. Nicolae Hurduc, Conf. Constanţa Ibănescu

42. Institutul de Chimie Fizica „Ilie Murgulescu” al Academiei Romane (Dr. Patron L., Dr. Culita D., Dr. Beteringhe A.)

43. Universitatea din Bucuresti-LABORQ (Prof. Dr. Bala C., Conf. Dr. Rotariu)

44.Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Ştiinte Biologice Bucureşti, CSI Dr. Daniela Bratosin

45.Centrul de Chimie Organică „C. D. Neniţescu” Bucureşti, CSI Dr. Miron Teodor Căproiu

Lucrări publicate ca rezumat la conferinţe, congrese şi simpozioane internaţionale

1. Fagadar-Cosma E., Cernica I., Palade A., Lascu A., Creanga I., Vlascici D., Birdeanu M.

Colorimetric and Optical CO2 Sensor Based on Fe (III) Metalloporphyrin

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 55, ISSN 2065-0760

2. Fagadar-Cosma E., Tarabukina E., Fagadar-Cosma G., Creanga I., Palade A.

Optical Characterization Of Porphyrin–Poly(N-Vinylpyrrolidone) Water Soluble Complex

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 33, ISSN 2065-0760

3. Fagadar-Cosma E., Cernica I., Palade A., Lascu A., Creanga I., Vlascici D., Birdeanu M.,

Fagadar-Cosma G.

Preliminary Experiments for CO2 Sensors Based on Porphyrins

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 47, ISSN 2065-0760

4. Ana Borota, Alina Bora, Liliana Halip, Ramona Curpan, Cristian Neanu

structure and ligand based methods applied on histamine h3 receptor and it`s ligands

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 23, ISSN 2065-0760

5.Eleonora Cornelia Crasmareanu, Carmen Andrada Mak, Vasile Simulescu, Gheorghe Ilia

The synthesis of phosphonate organic-inorganic hybrid materials

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 26, ISSN 2065-0760

6. Adelina Andelescu, Roxana Crişan, Cecilia Savii

The influence of Fe2+ ionic state alteration in FeFl2x4F2F precursor upon magnetite

synthesis. analytical study

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 28, ISSN 2065-0760

7. Luminita Crisan, Liliana Pacureanu, Sorin Avram, Alina Bora, Ludovic Kurunczi

GSK-3 inhibitors: pharmacophore generation and validation using atom-based 3D-QSAR

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 30, ISSN 2065-0760

8. Ramona Curpăn, Ana Borota, Liliana Halip

Virtual screening experiment for adrenergic receptors

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 31, ISSN 2065-0760

9. Simona Funar-Timofei, Smaranda Iliescu

Conformational analysis of a diphenyl phosphate dimer containing trifluoromethyl groups

by molecular mechanics calculations

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 32, ISSN 2065-0760

10. Liliana Halip, Cristian G. Bologa

Structurally conserved motifs in different classes of G-protein coupled receptors

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 35, ISSN 2065-0760

11. Ianasi Catalin, Cecilia Savii

Crystalline structure evolution of iron oxide spinel phase, obtained by thermal

decomposition of hybrid nanocomposite xerogels starting from iron (III) acetyl acetonate in

hybrid silica-pva matrices

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 39, ISSN 2065-0760

12. Liliana Halip, Cristian G. Bologa

Alternative approaches for G-protein coupled receptors deorphanization

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 40, ISSN 2065-0760

13. Ana-Maria Putz, Cãtãlin IanãSi, Jiri Plocek, Kinga Noemi Szekely, Cecilia Savii

The pores ordering degree in mesoporous matrices induced by ionic liquids and directing

agents-comparative study

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 42, ISSN 2065-0760

14. Ramona Curpăn, Liliana Halip, Ana Borota, Philipp Maximov, Craig Jordan

Molecular docking - a useful tool for examining the binding mode of active ligands against


New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 43, ISSN 2065-0760

15. Luminita Crisan, Smaranda Iliescu, Simona Funar-Timofei

The investigation of structure-flammability relationships for 28 polyphosphonates using

molecular descriptors by pls analysis

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 51, ISSN 2065-0760

16. Manuela Crisan, Paulina Bourosh, Yurii Chumakov

Supramolecular assembly via hydrogen bonds: crystal structures and ab initio studies of 2-

hydroxyethylammonium salt of para-substituted benzoic acids

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 52, ISSN 2065-0760

17. Mirela Picioruş, Adelina Andelescu, Cătălin Ianăşi, Cecilia Savii, Paula Sfârloagă

Obtaining silica stable suspension by alkaline catalysed sol-gel method

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 53, ISSN 2065-0760

18. Ramona Curpãn, Sorin Avram, Robert Vianello, Cristian Bologa

Biological promiscuity of hts hits evaluated via chemical reactivity descriptors

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 56, ISSN 2065-0760

19.Liliana Pacureanu, Luminita Crisan, Alina Bora, Sorin Avram, Ludovic Kurunczi

Structure selectivity analysis focused on GSK 3 inhibitors

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 58, ISSN 2065-0760

20. Liliana Halip, Cristian G. Bologa

Homology modeling of orphan G-protein coupled receptors

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 59, ISSN 2065-0760

21. Anamaria Todea, Simona Gabriela Muntean, I.C. Jianu

Determination of antioxidant activity of essential oils using UV-Vis spectroscopy

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 61, ISSN 2065-0760

22. Liliana Halip, Cristian G. Bologa

Blind docking : predicting the structure and the ligand binding to the human 5HT1B and

5HT2B receptors

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 62, ISSN 2065-0760

23.Alina Bora, Ramona Curpan, Ana Borota, Sorin Avram, Simona Funar-Timofei

Electronic feature analysis of imidaclorpid and acetamiprid neonicotinoid insecticides

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 64, ISSN 2065-0760

24. Roxana Crisan, Cãtãlin Ianãsi, Cecilia Savii, Aurel Ercuta

The influence of synthesis variables on the magnetite formation by co-precipitation


New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 66, ISSN 2065-0760

25.Carmen Cretu, Liliana Cseh, Ramona Tudose, Thanos Salifoglou, Otilia Costisor

Synthesis, structure and spectral properties of a new Co(III) schiff-base complex containing

piperazine moiety

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 67, ISSN 2065-0760

26. Cristian Neanu, Luminita Crisan, Ana Borota, Ramona Curpan, Alina Bora, Liliana Pacureanu

Comparative structural analysis of glycogen synthase kinase-3β cocrystallized with atp-

competitive ligands

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 68, ISSN 2065-0760

27. Liliana Cseh, C. Locovei, O. Marinica, A. Kellenberger, T. Nyari, D. Ursu, R. Banica

Synthesis and characterization of indium nanoparticles as precursor for solar cells

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 69, ISSN 2065-0760

28. Ana-Maria Putz, Cătălin Ianăşi, Josef Plestil, Adél Len, Kinga Noemi Szekely, Laszlo

Almasy, Jiri Plocek, Cecilia Savii

Silica xerogels and sonogels synthesized with butyl-4-methylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate

ionic liquid. microstructure evolution with temperature

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 70, ISSN 2065-0760

29. Orsina Verdes, Viorel Sasca, Alexandru Popa, Silvana Borcanescu

Optimal reaction temperature in ethanol conversion of Pd doped and undoped 12-

tungstophosphoric acid and its cesium salts

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 71, ISSN 2065-0760

30.Silvana Borcănescu, Viorel Sasca, Orsina Verdes, Alexandru Popa

Gas-chromatographyc analysis of reaction products from catalytic conversion of CO2 with methanol

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 72, ISSN 2065-0760

31.Alina Bora, Ramona Curpan, Sorin Avram, Luminita Crisan, Cristian Neanu, Liliana Pacureanu

Theoretical investigations of quercetin, narigerin and vitexin as anticancer agents

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 73, ISSN 2065-0760

32.Carmen Cretu, Liliana Cseh, Valentin Badea, Georg H. Mehl, Otilia Costisor

Mononuclear Cu(II) complexes of novel salicylidene schiff base ligands: synthesis and

mesogenic properties

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 74, ISSN 2065-0760

33. Iulia Pausescu, Ana-Maria Panã, Liliana Cseh, Valentin Badea, Otilia Costisor

Synthesis and characterization of 2,6-bis(2-hydroxybenzilidene)cyclohexanon-oxime

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 75, ISSN 2065-0760

34. Diana Aparaschivei, Ramona Tudose, Otilia Costisor

new mononuclear nickel(II) complexes with 2-mercaptobenzimidazole as ligand

New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, 5-6 June 2014, Timisoara, Romania, Book of abstracts, p. 78, ISSN 2065-0760

Personalitati din strainatate care au vizitat si sustinut conferinte la ICT


|Nr. |Nume Prenume |Adresa |

|crt. | | |

| |Alexandrova R. |Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and Anthropology with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, |

| | |Bulgaria |

| |Almasy L. |Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. |

| |Andonova-Lilova B. |Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and Anthropology with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, |

| | |Bulgaria |

| |Balogh R. |MTA-SZTE Bioinorganic Chemistry Research Group at Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University|

| | |of Szeged, Hungary |

| |Bologa C.G. |Department of Internal Medicine, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, NM |

| |Borsos K. |MTA-SZTE Bioinorganic Chemistry Research Group at Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University|

| | |of Szeged, Hungary |

| |Cotarca L. |Head of Research & Industrial Development, ZaCh spa - Zambon Chemicals, Italy |

| |Czene A. |MTA-SZTE Bioinorganic Chemistry Research Group, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University |

| | |of Szeged, Hungary |

| |Dyakova L. |Institute of Neurobilogy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria |

| |Endreffy E. |Department of Pediatrics, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical Center, University of Szeged, Hungary |

| |Faigl F. |Research Group for Organic Chemical Technology, University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Budapest, |

| | |Hungary |

| |Fogassy E. |Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology, University of Technology and Economics, Budapest |

| |Georgieva M. |Institute of Molecular Biology, Sofia, Bulgaria |

| |Gyurcsik B. |MTA-SZTE Bioinorganic Chemistry Research Group, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University |

| | |of Szeged, Hungary |

| |Hey-Hawkins E. |Institute of Inorganic Chemistry |

| | |Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, |

| | |Universität Leipzig, Germany |

| |Jancsó A. |MTA-SZTE Bioinorganic Chemistry Research Group at Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University|

| | |of Szeged, Hungary |

| |Kalfin R. |Institute of Neurobilogy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria |

| |Labadi I. |University of Szeged, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Hungary |

| |Laczkó L. |University of Szeged, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Hungary |

| |Laguna A. |Departamento de Química Inorgánica. Instituto de Síntesis Química y Catálisis Homogénea. Universidad de |

| | |Zaragoza, Spain |

| |Mehl G.H. |Department of Chemistry, University of Hull, Hull, UK |

| |Miloshev G. |Institute of Molecular Biology, Sofia, Bulgaria |

| |Németh E. |MTA-SZTE Bioinorganic Chemistry Research Group, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University |

| | |of Szeged, Hungary |

| |Niznansky D. |Department of Inorganic Chemistry; Charles University in Prague; Faculty of Science; Praha; Czech Republic |

| |Oszko A. |Institute of Physical Chemistry and Material Science-University of Szeged |

| |Palovics E. |Research Group for Organic Chemical Technology, University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary |

| |Plocek J. |Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, v.v.i., Academy of Sciences of the CR, Czech Republic |

| |Salifoglou A. |Department of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece |

| |Szekely N. |Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences , Budapest |

| |Szeleczky Z. |Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology, University of Technology and Economics, Budapest |

| |Zeng X. |The University of Sheffield, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Sheffield, UK |

| |Zhivkova T. |Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and Anthropology with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, |

| | |Bulgaria |

| |Zóka I. G. |MTA-SZTE Bioinorganic Chemistry Research Group, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University |

| | |of Szeged, Hungary |

Membri in comitetul de organizare al SIMPOZIONULUI - “Noi tendinţe şi strategii în chimia materialelor avansate cu relevanţă în sisteme biologice, tehnică şi protecţia mediului, Editia a 7-a, 2014" 05-06 iunie 2014

Dr. Otilia Costişor

Prof. Dr. Zeno Simon

Dr. Ludovic Saitj

Dr. Ramona Tudose

Dr. Simona Muntean

Membri in comitetul stiintific al SIMPOZIONULUI - “Noi tendinţe şi strategii în chimia materialelor avansate cu relevanţă în sisteme biologice, tehnică şi protecţia mediului, Editia a 7-a, 2014" 05-06 iunie 2014

Prof. Dr. Ludovic Kurunczi

Dr. Cecilia Savii

Dr. Eugenia Făgădar–Cosma

Dr. Smaranda Iliescu

Dr. Liliana Păcureanu

Dr. Viorel Sasca

Membri in comitetul de organizare al 15th Polymers and Organic Chemistry, 10-13 iunie 2014, Timisoara, Romania

Dr. Adriana Popa, Vice-Chairman (Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy)

Dr. Smaranda Iliescu (Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy)

Dr. Lavinia Macarie (Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy)

Dr. Nicoleta Plesu (Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy)

Dr. Simona Muntean (Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy)

Dr. Aurelia Visa (Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy)

Dr. Bianca Maranescu (Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy)

Membru in comitetul stiintific al 15th Polymers and Organic Chemistry, 10-13 iunie 2014, Timisoara, Romania

Dr. Gheorghe Ilia, Vice-Chairman (Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy)

Prestigiul ICT

Note suplimentare

Vizibilitatea ICT :

1. Relatii internationale:

- Schimburi interacademice: Republicile Rusă, Ceha, Sârba, Ungaria, Bulgaria si Franta

- Colaborari bilaterale: Austria, Anglia, Italia, Franta, Germania, Ungaria.

2. Colaborari cu institutii de invatamant superior din tara si institute ale Academiei Române – 19 si cu institute, centre, universitati externe -26

3. Cercetatori ai ICT sunt experti evaluatori pentru:

- Programe europene:

- Costisor Otilia : FP 7 : Membru in comitetul managerial al proiectului COST CM0802 "Phoscinet"

- Fagadar-Cosma Eugenia - Expert evaluator independent în: European Commission pentru Research Executive Agency, Appointment Letter No. CT-EX-2013D134387-101, MSC Programmes:

- Făgădar-Cosma E. Este evaluator extern independent pentru GERMANIA prin Comisia Europeană pentru Evaluation of EC communication and dialogue on research and innovation in nanotechnologies and design of future needs for the EU (industry and society)

- Cecilia: EC : Horizon 2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 si Horizon 2020 – (The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation) (NMP-01-2014)

- Programele nationale de cercetare dezvoltare ale altor ţări:

- Savii Cecilia - expert evaluator si referent la : Czech Science Foundation (GA CR), (2010 – 2013); Grantové Agentura České Republiky

- Comisii de doctorat ale universitatilor din strainatate: Costisor Otilia – Universitatea Cairo – Facultatea de stiinte.

4. Cercetatori ICT fac parte din comisii de doctorat: 6

5. 12 Cercetatori au fost referenti: 78 prezenţe

6. Personalităţi din ţara si strainatate au vizitat institutul si au ţinut conferinte si prezentari orale: 33

7. Cercetatori ai ICT fac parte din comisii ale MEC: CNATDCU - 1


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