Pytorch Tutorial 1 ML 2022 Spring - 國立臺灣大學

Machine Learning

Pytorch Tutorial

TA : Yuan Tseng 2022.02.18


Background: Prerequisites & What is Pytorch?

Training & Testing Neural Networks in Pytorch

Dataset & Dataloader



Models, Loss Functions

torch.optim: Optimization

Save/load models


We assume you are already familiar with... 1. Python3 if-else, loop, function, file IO, class, ... refs: link1, link2, link3 2. Deep Learning Basics Prof. Lee's 1st & 2nd lecture videos from last year ref: link1, link2

Some knowledge of NumPy will also be useful!

What is PyTorch?

An machine learning framework in Python. Two main features:

N-dimensional Tensor computation (like NumPy) on GPUs Automatic differentiation for training deep neural networks

Training Neural Networks

Define Neural Network

Loss Function

Optimization Algorithm


More info about the training process in last year's lecture video.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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