Unit 18 Task 3 Simulation (shin splints, fracture, sprain)Emergency immediate treatment priorities, resuscitation, shock, bleeding, unconscious casualty, fractures, prevention of infection, summon qualified assistance, accident report formsProtect, rest, ice, compression, elevation, diagnosis by professional (PRICED), stop, ask, look, touch, active, passive strength (SALTAPS), taping, bandaging, tubigrip, splints, hot/cold treatments, pain sprays limb supports, electrotherapy; medical referrals for specialist help as appropriateShin splints is referred to as exercise induced pain that lasts weeks or months until treated. A person will feel a large amount of pain after taking part in a strenuous activity, that often involves many sudden sharp stops and starts, such as netball and long jump. Due to shin splints often being a sign of damage to the bone, it is important that a person doesn’t choose to carry on playing the sport or ‘runs through the pain’. Continuing playing the sport and doing exercise is likely to lead to further and worse pain and also more damage to the tissue surrounding the bone. Having shin splints doesn’t mean you need to stop doing exercise altogether but it is best to rest for around two weeks (depending on the severity), during this time you can still do light exercises that don’t involve quick movements and sharp starts and stops. As soon as you feel shin splints occurring, which will feel like a dull ache in the shin bone, you need to immediately stop the sport or activity and rest for two weeks. During this resting time, the pain will slowly begin to decrease until you can gradually begin to resume activity. For pain relief methods, holding an icepack on the affected area ten minutes, every 2/3 hours for the first two days can help to reduce the pain. The use of common pain killers such as paracetamol will also help, as well as stretching the calf muscle. To prevent shin splints, you should wear the right shoes for your weight, foot type, and size. Having the correct support and fit can have a huge impact on experiencing shin splints. If the pain continues after two weeks, it is advised to seek medical help.A fracture is a broken bone, that may be fully broken or partially broken. Fractures are a very common injury in sport. There are a few different types of fractures; stable fracture, compound fracture, transverse fractures, oblique fracture, and a comminuted fracture. Fractures are mainly caused by a fall or collision, often in sport, but can rarely be caused by osteoporosis also. If in sport, a player looks injured, the first step would be to stop the game and to stop the player from continuing, to prevent a further injury. The next step is to ask the person which area hurts. With a fracture they will most likely say it is an arm or one of their legs. To try to get an understanding of the injury, you will need to look and examine the injured area. Most fractures will be hard to diagnose without an x-ray, but an open compound fracture will be more obvious due to the likelihood of the skin being pierced is high. You also need to look out for the limb being disfigured, giving signs of a fracture. The next step is to touch the affected area if it is sensible to do so. If the area itself is too sensitive or painful, you might consider touching around the area to see if anywhere else is painful to touch. If the area isn’t too painful, the next step is to see how much the person is able to move the limb, to be able to make a judgement on the severity of the injury. If this doesn’t cause too much pain, the last step is to see how much passive strength the casualty has. After completing this process, the person will need to go to hospital to receive immediate treatment. Depending on the fracture, they may get a cast, a sling or a brace. Fractures can take several weeks to a few months to recover, once the cast or brace is removed, it will take a bit of time to get back to playing sport normally. A sprain can be a mild injury to a serious injury. It is when one or more ligaments has been over stretched or torn. This usually occurs when too much force has been applied to a joint. A sprain can be painful because the strong bands of tissue around the joints that connect the bones to one another have been twisted torn or stretched. Most often, a sprain occurs on the knees, wrists, thumbs, and ankles. When someone is suffering from a sprain, they may feel pain around the affected area, they might struggle to use the joint for movement, and there may be visible swelling, bruising and tenderness. Soon after the injury, swelling will occur, but bruising might not occur until the next day or possibly not at all. For a sprain, PRICE (protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation) is the best method of recovery. At first, it is important to protect the area from further injury. Resting the sprain is necessary for the same reason as protecting it. Applying ice to the sprain helps to reduce the swelling, but ice shouldn’t be applied for too long as it will restrict blood flow, reducing how fast the joint recovers. Bandaging or taping the area around the joint could help to support the injury until it recovers.Concussion occurs when someone suffers from a sudden loss of mental function, that lasts a short period of time, after an injury to the head. Luckily, this is the most common head injury but is the least serious. To be able to recognise if someone is suffering from concussion, look out for these symptoms; loss of consciousness, hallucinating, memory loss, confusion and a blank expression. Usually the casualty is taken to hospital to complete a brain scan, concussion will be diagnosed if there is no signs of bleeding or swelling of the brain. The person suffering from concussion needs to be carefully monitored after the injury for the first 48 hours. Symptoms of concussion could be mistaken for more serious head injuries such as subdural haematoma ................

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