HE 250 - Health and Food Assignment Instructions

Nutrition Assignment

HE 295 Health and Fitness

Phase One – Data Collection, Input, and Analysis

1. Collect Your Data

a. Write down what and how much you eat for 3 days using the attached data sheets. Choose three days that are representative of your usual eating habits. One record sheet for each of the three days is provided.

b. Record what and how much you ingest.

c. Do not include vitamin and mineral supplements you may be taking.

d. Once you have collected your data for three days, you will use the myfitnesspal program to analyze your data.

2. Input, Analyze, and Report Your Data and Results

a. The next page has instructions on how you to input your data into the myfitnesspal program.

a. You can use either the myfitnesspal App and/or go to from a computer. Your login and password will ensure that the App and web versions synchronize automatically.

b. Note that myfitnesspal has a ‘Help’ button if you need more instructions

c. Note that some Apps support searching by scanning an item’s barcode and might expedite the process

b. Using the data you collected and the results from the program analysis, you will interpret and report your findings on the pages provided.

Phase Two – Summary Questions Written Report

Use data to answer each of the questions in the Assignment Summary Questions areas

Submitting the Assignment

Turn in your completed assignment by the due date posted on the course syllabus. Place the assignment worksheets in the following order (Note: Instructions sheets are not turned in with the assignment):

1. Targets & Results Sheet

2. Day 1, Day 2, & Day 3 Data Sheets

3. HE 295 Nutrition Assignment Summary Questions

Input Your Data and Results

You can use either the myfitnesspal App and/or go to from a computer

Create an account.

1. A Daily Summary is generated depending on your age, activity level, and personal goals.

2. Click Add a Food.

3. Record your food: (Instructions taken from the ‘Help’ setting)

a. Using the web:

i. Click on the "Food" tab, then click "Add Food" under the meal you'd like to log.

b. ​In the iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone apps

i. Tap the “Add to Diary” button on your “Home” screen or on the “Diary” page tap the "+" (or "Add") button

ii. Tap the meal to which you would like to add your food.

c. In the iPad App

i. Tap the “Add Food” button on your “Home” screen or on the “Food” page tap the “Add” button.

ii. Tap the meal to which you would like to add your food.

4. Adjust the date to reflect the date you wish to record.

5. Continue recording for each item eaten on Day 1 until all your Day 1 items are entered.

6. Change the date to represent Day 2. Repeat Step 3, until Day 2 & Day 3 are entered.

Analyze, and Report Your Data and Results

1. For students using an App:

a. Go to the ‘Nutrition’ tab.

b. Adjust the date to read the appropriate date for Day 1.

c. Go to the ‘Nutrient Details’ tab (small icon on the right).

d. Transfer the data from the Total column and the Goal column from the “nutrient details’ to the ‘Targets & Results’ page (next section of this assignment).

e. Continue doing so until you have the Total for all three days.

f. You will need to calculate the average of three days (add each of the values and divide by 3).

g. Congratulations – you’re done with this portion of the assignment!

2. For students using the web page:

a. Go to the ‘Reports’ tab.

b. The myfitnesspal reports will help you fill in the required nutrient information on the ‘Targets & Results’ page (the next section in this assignment). Review this page first to identify which nutrients you will need reports for. You will select each nutrient one at a time from the dropdown menu and transfer that information onto the ‘Target & Results’ page.

i. For each nutrient, record your Goal (the red line)

ii. For each nutrient, record the daily amounts for EACH of the three days (you can hover your mouse over the blue bar to get the exact amount).

c. You will need to calculate the average of three days (add each of the values and divide by 3).


Targets and Results

Age      Sex      Weight (optional)      Height      Physical Activity Level      

|Nutrient Details |  |  |  |  |  |

|  | |Goal |Total Day 1 |Total Day 2 |Total Day 3 |

|  |Saturated (g) |       |       |       |       |       |

|  |Monounsaturated (g) | ------ |       |       |       |       |

|Cholesterol (mg) |       |       |       |       |       |

|Sodium (mg) |       |       |       |       |       |

|Potassium (mg) |       |       |       |       |       |

|Total Carbs (g) |       |       |       |       |       |

|  |Dietary Fiber (g) |       |       |       |       |       |

|Protein (g) |       |       |       |       |       |

|Vitamin A | 100% |       |       |       |       |

|Vitamin C | 100% |       |       |       |       |

|Calcium | 100% |       |       |       |       |

|Iron | 100% |       |       |       |       |

|Calories |       |       |       |       |       |

Day 1 Record: Date____________

Student Name      

|Data |

|Food/Beverage Item |Amount Consumed |Food Group |

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* Data entered in these columns may be by meal or snack designation not by individual food or beverage item.

Day 2 Record: Date____________

Student Name      

|Data |

|Food/Beverage Item |Amount Consumed |Food Group |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

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* Data entered in these columns may be by meal or snack designation not by individual food or beverage item.

Day 3 Record: Date____________

Student Name      

|Data |

|Food/Beverage Item |Amount Consumed |Food Group |

|      |      |      |

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* Data entered in these columns may be by meal or snack designation not by individual food or beverage item.

HE 295 Nutrition Summary Questions

Answer each question directly below the question. Responses must thoroughly and thoughtfully respond to all points of the question. Anticipate paper length is 2-3 pages including the questions. **NOTE: The App and Web version of myfitnesspal synchronize automatically. Information on ‘primary food sources’ is found in the Food Diary areas of both versions. The Web version allows you to see all foods and nutrient content per day, while the App shows one food item at a time. It may save time/energy to use the Web version to identify which foods contain the highest amounts of certain nutrients.

Use data from your Targets and Results Worksheet to answer:

1. List your Daily Goal for sodium. Was your 3-Day Average higher or lower than 100%? If higher, what were two primary food sources?      

2. List your Daily Goal for cholesterol. Was your 3-Day Average higher or lower than 100%? If higher, what were two primary food sources?      

3. List your Daily Goal for fiber. Was your 3-Day Average higher or lower than 100%? If lower, what are two primary food sources that could increase your intake?      

4. List your Vitamin A and Vitamin C intake average. Which of the two was the lowest? Recommend a specific food for the vitamin intake that was the lowest.      

5. List your Calcium and Iron average. Was your 3-day Average higher or lower than your Goal? If lower, recommend a specific food for each mineral to increase your intake amount.      

6. Of Total Fat, Total Carbs, or Protein, which one group had an average closest to your Goal? Cite the goal value and your average.      

7. Of Total Fat, Total Carbs, or Protein, which one group had an average furthest away from your Goal? Cite the goal value and your average.      

8. Discuss if your caloric intake adequate to maintain weight, lose weight, or gain weight based on your average caloric intake with your activity level?      

Summary Questions:

This assignment section should be a minimum of ½ page in length. Review the data collected in all categories – calories, vitamins/minerals, fiber, sodium and cholesterol. Using this data, discuss the items listed below. Your response can be enhanced by identifying and integrating information from the textbook.


1. Areas of concerns

2. Types of foods you should eat more of or less of to address those areas of concern

3. Identify specific possible current and future health concerns if your current diet remains the same.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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