|Teacher: Veronica Rhea |

|Unit Title; Lesson Title: Lacrosse |

|Duration of class:10 classes/ 40 minutes each Number of students: 24 Grade level: 9-10th grade |

SECTION A. (Overview)

|Unit Framework: |

|This is a lacrosse unit designed for 9-10th graders. Students will work in sport education teams that will be assigned to them the first day of class. Students |

|will remain in these sport education teams while learning skills and competing in competition. Students will learn how to pass, cradle, throw, shoot, defend and |

|offensive skill strategies. |

|Rationale (importance of lesson): |

|Lacrosse is a fairly new sport being introduced into physical education classes. Lacrosse is an aerobic activity that allows all students to be involved and |

|actively participating. Lacrosse is very similar to many of the other team sports that are introduced in physical education. |

|Previous experience in this activity: |

|At this age in schooling students have played similar team sports to lacrosse. Soccer and field hockey have similar rules and tactics as lacrosse. Although |

|lacrosse is a new sport being introduced into physical education classes, some students may have learned lacrosse skills from intramural and travel programs. |

| |

|Anticipated difficulties and how they will be addressed: |

| |

|Difficulty: Students will have trouble holding the stick properly to cradle. |

|Solution: Use tape to mark the sticks where students should hold it. |

| |

|Difficulty: A lacrosse ball may be too hard |

|Solution: play with a softer ball such as a tennis ball |

| |

|Difficulty: Students who already know how to play lacrosse and are stronger competitors |

|Solution: When playing games have a pass rule to make sure all students are all involved. |

| |

|Difficulty: Students having trouble learning the rules of lacrosse |

|Solution: Have students learn rules before playing and have them complete a cognitive assessment to check for understanding. |

|Resources, Equipment and Materials: |

| |

|Lacrosse sticks – 24 |

|Tennis balls – 24 |

|Mini pop up goals – 4 |

|Pinnies – 10 |

|Tape – 1 Roll |

|Poly spots – 24 |

|Cones – 24 |

| |

|References: |

|Text – |

|Schmottlach, N, & McManama, J. (2010). Physical education activity handbook. San Francisco, CA: |

|Pearson Education Inc. |

|Website – |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Student Characteristics |

|General abilities/ skill and proficiency level: |

|Students may be a little confused when lacrosse is introduced into physical education classes. Although lacrosse is going to be a new skill, students should have a|

|basic understanding of invasion sports. Students should have a basic understanding of what offensive and defensive responsibilities are. Many invasions sports such|

|as soccer, field hockey and basketball have the same idea as lacrosse. Lacrosse is a fast paced invasion sport that students should catch onto after the rules and |

|skills of the game are explained and practice time is provided. |

|Student background: |

|Students may not have the athletic or cognitive background to fully participate in lacrosse. Students should know the basic concept of passing, throwing and |

|shooting. Students not having any background in lacrosse may cause a problem in moving quickly through the lessons. |

SECTION B. (Objectives, CPIs & Assessment)

|Unit Goals: |

|Essential questions: |

|What are some effective ways to cradle and pass throughout the lacrosse field? |

|What is the best way to move the ball when be guarded? |

|What is the proper way to defend offensive players? |

|NJCCS CPIs Addressed: |Content Statement: |

|Standard 2.5.12.A – Movement skill | |

|performance is primarily impacted by the |Standard 2.5 |

|quality of instruction, practice, assessment, | |

|Feedback and effort. |Movement Skills – |

| |Demonstrate mechanically correct form and control when using and combining movement|

|Standard 2.5.12.B – Individual and team |skills in applied settings. |

|execution in games, sports, and other | |

|activity situations is based on the interaction |Strategy- |

|of tactical use of strategies, positive mental |Compare and contrast offensive, defensive, and cooperative strategies and use them |

|Attitudes, competent skill levels, and teamwork. |effectively in applied settings. |

| | |

|Standard 2.5.12.C – Self-initiated behaviors that promote personal and group | |

|success include safety practices, adherence to rules, etiquette, cooperation, | |

|teamwork, ethical behavior, and positive social interaction. | |

|Unit Objectives: What students will know and be able to do by the end of the unit| |

|Psychomotor: | |

| | |

|Students will complete passing skills at various distances. | |

| | |

|Students will learn effective ways to cradle the ball in space and around | |

|defenders. | |

| | |

|Students will learn proper technique of shooting the ball in lacrosse. | |

| | |

|Students will learn how to control the lacrosse ball when being closely guarded. | |

| | |

|Students will learn demonstrate offensive and defensive movements in the | |

|progression of play. | |

| | |

|Cognitive: | |

| | |

|Students will identify and learn the rules and tactics of lacrosse and apply them| |

|throughout the unit of lacrosse. | |

| | |

|Students will be able to decipher what types of passes they should use in | |

|different situations. | |

| | |

|Students will be able to explain the proper way to cradle a lacrosse ball. | |

| | |

|Students will be able to describe what types of shots are most effective while | |

|playing in a game. | |

| | |

|Students will be able to identify what formations they should use in different | |

|situations. | |

| | |

|Students will be able to describe adjustments they have to make offensively and | |

|defensively in a game. | |

| | |

|Affective: | |

| | |

|Students will shake hands with their sport education teams and competitors after | |

|all competitive activates. | |

| | |

|Students will cheer on their teammates throughout competition and skill | |

|development activates. | |

| | |

|Students will give other students positive instruction after skill development | |

|activities and competition. | |

| | |

|Students will demonstrate good sportsman ship to other students and teach | |

|throughout the unit of lacrosse. | |

| | |

|Students will develop relationships with their sport education teams and create | |

|team unity and positive teamwork. | |

|Assessment Evidence: |

|Performance Task(s): |

|Each student will rotate to take on different roles in their sport education teams. Students will take on the rolls of player, announcer, scorekeeper and referee. |

|All of these different roles will prepare students to fully participate in the end of the unit culminating activity. |

|Other Evidence: See Appendices – |

|Skill Assessment |

|Cognitive Assessment |

|Affective Assessment |

SECTION C. (Learning Activities & Instructional Strategies*)

|Time |Lesson Content, Procedures (management, transitions), & Instructional Strategies – Include introductory activities, learning focus activities, |

|Line: |culminating activity & closure |

| |Day 1: Developing Sport Education Teams / Introduce Cradling |

| | |

| |Opening Activity: ( 15 minutes) introduction to sport education teams |

| |Divide students up into four groups of six members. Direct each group into a corner of the gym, where it will be their home throughout the unit of |

| |lacrosse. Students will then follow instructions on making a team name, poster, cheer and slogan. Asks students what they already know about lacrosse. |

| |Explain the rules and regulations of lacrosse. Outline the unit so students have understanding what they will be doing throughout the unit of lacrosse.|

| | |

| | |

| |Fitness Activity: See Appendix 1 ( 5 minutes) |

| | |

| |Learning focus activity: ( 10 minutes) Cradling without the ball |

| |Students will work in their homes with their sport education teams. They will read step by step directions from task cards that will be located at each|

| |sport educations homes. Students will read card and learn the proper grip, and the motion of cradling. Students will cradle in place without a ball and|

| |then begin to cradle on the move in their respected area. After students master the basic cradle, they will begin to start cradling at different |

| |levels. ( example: high then low) |

| | |

| |Culminating activity: ( 5 minutes) cradling with the ball |

| |Instruct one student from each sport education team to go get a tennis ball for each member of their group (5 tennis balls). Students will put the ball|

| |in their net of their lacrosse stick and begin to cradle with the ball in a stationary position. Student after two minutes will then begin to cradle on|

| |the move with the ball in their stick in their respected area for three minutes. |

| | |

| |Closure: ( 5 minutes) |

| |Instruct students to meet in the center of the court. Review what the students have learned today. Check for understanding and ask students to |

| |volunteer to demonstrate how to cradle a lacrosse ball. Tell the students what they will be doing the next time they meet. |

| | |

| |Day 2: Passing |

| | |

| |Opening Activity: ( 10 minutes) Stationary Passing |

| |Have students go to their homes with their sport education teams. Have them organize themselves in groups of two. Have the students read off the task |

| |card how to pass a lacrosse ball. Have the students stand ten feet away from each other and begin to pass the ball back and forth. Balls will be |

| |already in the homes. |

| |Fitness Activity: See Appendix 1 ( 5 minutes) |

| | |

| |Learning focus activity: (10 minutes) Shuttle passing |

| |Have students work in their sport education teams. Students will line up 15 feet away from each other with each line having three people in it. |

| |Students will begin to pass the ball to the person across from them and follow their pass. This is called a shuttle pass. Students will continue to do |

| |this to work on accuracy of passing at a medium distance. The teacher will be walking around checking of students grip, form and follow through to make|

| |sure they are mastering the concept of passing. Students will be using their right hand for five minutes and then switch to their left hand for the |

| |next five minutes. |

| | |

| |Culminating activity: (10 minutes)shuttle passing timed |

| |Have students work in their sport education teams. Students will remain in their shuttle lines. Student will use their right hand only for two minutes |

| |and count how many passes they can make to the person across from them. Students will then rest for a minute and do the same thing with their left hand|

| |for two minutes. Students will be competing against the other groups to see who can get the most. |

| | |

| |Closure: (5 minutes) |

| |Ask students to meet in the middle of the gym. Go over the proper grip, form and follow through to pass a lacrosse ball. Check for understand from |

| |students. Introduce what students will be doing the next class. |

| | |

| |Day 3: Catching |

| | |

| |Opening Activity: ( 10 minutes) Passing on the move |

| |Students will meet in their sport education teams. Students will pair up with a different partner then last class. They will begin to pass with their |

| |partner on the move staying in their respected area. This will introduce catching on the move and reinforce the skills they have learned about passing.|

| | |

| |Fitness Activity: See Appendix 1 ( 5 minutes) |

| | |

| |Learning focus activity: (10 minutes) Stationary Catching |

| |Students will work in their sport education team. Students will work with a partner about fifteen feet away from each other. Students will be passing |

| |the tennis ball back and forth to each other. The main focus is to catch the ball successfully. Students will have to keep their eye on the ball. When |

| |starting out the teacher should instruct the students to imagine that they are catching an egg, they have to be gentle and allow some give when |

| |catching the tennis ball. Second the teacher will instruct the students to go right into a cradle to protect the ball. After cradling three times the |

| |player will pass it back to their partner. |

| | |

| | |

| |Culminating activity: ( 12 minutes) Weave Drill |

| |The sport education teams will combine with one other sport education team creating two teams. One team will start on the one end line of the gym and |

| |the other team on the opposite side. There will be three lines, students will even out lines and the person in the middle will start with the ball. The|

| |person in the middle will pass to their left and follow their pass, the person on the left will then pass to the person on the right and follow their |

| |pass. This will create a weaving pattern. Each group will stay on their side of the gym and weave back after they have reached half court. |

| |Closure: ( 3 minutes) |

| |Instruct students to meet in the middle of the court. Check for understand on the proper way to catch the tennis ball. Introduce what students will be |

| |learning next class. |

| | |

| |Day 4: Shooting |

| | |

| |Opening Activity: ( 10 minutes) Passing and Cradling on the Move |

| |Students will work in their sport education teams. Students will get into shuttle lines and have to cradle the ball five times on the move before |

| |passing to their partner. Students will be using their right and their left hand throughout this activity. Students will only need one ball per sport |

| |education team. The students will be twenty feet away from each other. |

| | |

| |Fitness Activity: See Appendix 1 ( 5 minutes) |

| | |

| |Learning focus activity: ( 10 minutes) Rapid fire shooting |

| |Before the lesson begins the teacher will demonstrate and bounce shot and a regular air shot. Students will combine sport education teams creating two |

| |groups. One group will be at the one side of the gym and the other group will be on the opposite side of the gym. Each student will have a tennis ball |

| |in their stick. Student will create a semi circle facing the net. The net will be on the end line of the basketball court. Starting on the right side,|

| |the first student will take two cradles and then a shot at an open net. After the first student goes the next will go and so on. Students will be using|

| |two different types of shots. They will work on bounce shots and regular in the air shots. The teacher will be walking around to make sure that the |

| |students are snapping their wrist and following through properly to get a good shot off. |

| |Culminating activity: (10 minutes)3v3 shooting |

| |Students will remain in the two combined sport education teams at opposite sides of the gym. Nets will be set up at the end line of the basketball |

| |court. Students will create three lines at the half court mark. Students will pass and move the lacrosse ball down the court a minimum of four times |

| |before they are to take a shot on the goal. Students can use ether the bounce shot or the in the air regular shot. After five minutes, the teacher can |

| |add defenders that cannot steal the ball and play “dummy” defense. |

| | |

| |Closure: ( 5 minutes) |

| |Gather students in the middle of the court. Ask students to demonstrate how to do a bounce shot and how to do a regular in the air shot. Introduce to |

| |students what they will be doing next class. |

| | |

| |Day5: Ground Balls |

| | |

| |Opening Activity: ( 5 minutes) Shuttle lines |

| |Students will work in sport education teams. Students will work in shuttle lines passing and catching with their left and right hand. |

| | |

| |Fitness Activity: See Appendix 1 ( 5 minutes) |

| | |

| |Learning focus activity: ( 10 minutes) Bridge ground balls |

| |Students will work with their sport education teams. Teacher will show students how to scoop ground balls properly. Students will partner up and have |

| |one partner making a bridge with their body. (Hold stick in their right hand on the end of the shaft, have the head of the stick on the ground with |

| |their arm fully extended and their body the other side of the bridge.) Place the tennis ball on the ground in the middle of the bridge students will |

| |have to get low and scoop the ball up from the ground. They will do this for five minutes each. |

| | |

| |Culminating activity: (10 minutes) Shuttle line ground balls timed |

| |Students will work in their sport education teams and organize into shuttle lines. Students will roll the ball across the court to the next person in |

| |the shuttle line. Students will have two minutes to warm up. Students will then have four minutes to see how many ground balls they can scoop up with |

| |their right hand in the shuttle lines. Then students will have four minutes to see how many balls they can scoop up with their left hand. Students will|

| |be competing against the other sport education teams. |

| | |

| |Closure: (5 minutes) |

| |Gather students in the middle of the court and acknowledge the winner. Answer any questions that students may have about ground balls. Tell students |

| |what they will be doing next class. |

| | |

| |Day 6: Offence |

| | |

| |Opening Activity: ( 10 minutes) 3v.3 |

| |Students will work in the combined sport education teams creating two teams. Each team will be on opposite sides of the gym with the nets on the end |

| |line. Three students will be defenders and then three will be offensive players. The defensive players will play “dummy” defense. Offensive players |

| |will have to complete a minimum of five passes before shooting the ball. Students will use a combination of bounce shots and in the air regular shots. |

| |Students will rotate from offence to defense. |

| | |

| |Fitness Activity: See Appendix 1 ( 5 minutes) |

| | |

| |Learning focus activity: ( 10 minutes) Offensive Tactics |

| |Students will remain working in their combined sport education teams creating two groups on opposite sides of the gym. Students will set up six |

| |offensive players in a semi circle about twenty feet from the net, defensive players will be man marking each offensive player but playing “dummy |

| |defense”. The offensive team will first start out just moving the ball around the semi circle to complete the play called motion. Students will be |

| |constantly moving during this, switching with the person next to them or following their pass. After students master motion, I will instruct the |

| |students to move onto a more difficult play. Students will begin to set pics for other players to become free to cut to the net to receive passes. They|

| |key to this lesson is constant movement from the offensive players and constant communication. |

| | |

| |Culminating activity: ( 10 minutes) 6v.6 |

| |Students will remain in their combined sport education teams on opposite sides of the court with the net on the end line of the basketball court. |

| |Students will set up in a six vs. six offence and defense. Defensive players will be able to try and steal the ball on a pass only. The offensive team |

| |will try and move the ball quickly around. They will be setting pic’s, rotating positions and cutting hard off the ball. Offensive students will have |

| |to have a minimum of six good passes before they are able to take a shot on the net. |

| | |

| |Closure: (5 minutes) |

| |Gather students in the middle of the court. Ask students questions about the offensive tactics they learned to check for understanding. Explain to |

| |students what to expect for the next class. |

| | |

| |Day 7: Defense |

| | |

| |Opening Activity: ( 10 minutes) Weave passing with a shot |

| |Students will work in their combined sport education teams creating two teams total and have them on opposite sides of the gym. Students will get into |

| |three times at the center line of the basketball court facing their own net which will be on the end line of the basketball court. Students will begin |

| |to do the weave pattern all the way to the net and then take a shot. Have students take turns volunteering to be the goalie. Students will rotate |

| |lines. The person in the middle always will start with the ball. Three tennis balls are needed for this activity. |

| | |

| |Fitness Activity: See Appendix 1 ( 5 minutes) |

| | |

| |Learning focus activity: ( 10 minutes) Defensive Formation |

| |Students will remain in their combined sport education teams on opposite sides of the gym with the nets on the end line of the basketball court. |

| |Students will organize themselves so there are six players on offence and six players on defense on each side of the gym. The defensive team will be |

| |marking the offensive team man to man. They will be in an athletic position facing their player, being able to see the ball and they net all at the |

| |same time (being goal side). The defensive players will also be working on keeping their stick up in the air to be ready to intercept a pass at |

| |anytime. The offensive team is not trying to go to the net and score a goal, rather just passing and moving to see if the defense can intercept the |

| |ball. For safety reasons teachers are not going to allow checking of the sticks. Students will play five minutes at offense and five minutes of |

| |defense. |

| | |

| | |

| |Culminating activity: (10 minutes) full court 6v.6 |

| |Have students work in their sport education teams. Have two teams on the court at a time while the other two teams observe play. Have the students play|

| |a full court game. Students are playing real defense and real offence. Students should be playing man to man coverage, having sticks in the air ready, |

| |cutting hard to the net, passing and cradling the ball. Each team will get to play a five minute game. |

| | |

| |Closure: (5 minutes) |

| |Have students meet in the center of the gym. Ask questions to students on how you properly defend and offensive player. Check for understanding by |

| |having students demonstrate. Introduce what students are going to be learning next class. |

| | |

| |Day 8: Assessment Day |

| | |

| |Opening Activity: (5 minutes) |

| |Students will work with their sport education teams at their homes. Students will get into shuttle lines and work on their passing and catching. |

| |Students will be working at a fast pace to ensure they can play in a game setting. |

| | |

| |Fitness Activity: See Appendix 1 ( 5 minutes) |

| | |

| |Learning focus activity: (10 minutes) |

| |Students will complete the cognitive assessment. (See Appendix 2) |

| | |

| |Culminating activity: (15 minutes) |

| |Students will complete the psychomotor assessment. (See Appendix 2) |

| | |

| |Closure: (5 minutes) |

| |Gather students into the center of the court and go over both the cognitive and psychomotor assessments. Explain to students what they will be doing |

| |next class. |

| | |

| |Day 9: Tournament Started |

| | |

| |Opening Activity: (5) |

| |Students will work in their sport education teams. They will check for understand on how to cradle, pass, catch, offensive and defensive formations and|

| |ground balls. Students will help other students to have full understanding. |

| | |

| |Fitness Activity: See Appendix 1 ( 5 minutes) |

| | |

| |Learning focus activity: (10 minutes) Creating offensive plays |

| |Students will work in their sport education teams. Students will create and practice offensive plays. Each sport education team will create two plays |

| |that they can use in competition. |

| |Culminating activity: Start of the Tournament (15 minutes) |

| |Students will work in their sport education teams. Students will play games cross court meaning two games will be played at a time. Team 1 will play |

| |team 4 on court 1; team 2 will play team 3 on court 2. Students will use the plays that they developed offensively and will use the defensive skills |

| |they learned to prevent goals. The games will be six vs. six. One volunteer goalie, five field players. Students will not be able to use body checks or|

| |stick checking for safety. |

| | |

| |Closure: (5 minutes) |

| |Ask students to meet in the center of the gym and have them report who won each games. Go over the skills needed to be successful in a lacrosse game. |

| |Tell students what they will be doing next class. |

| | |

| |Day 10: Culminating activity/ Tournament finals |

| | |

| |Opening Activity: ( 5 minutes) |

| |Students will walk around the gym with their sport education teams around all the other teams’ homes to judge who has the best poster, slogan and team |

| |name. |

| | |

| |Fitness Activity: See Appendix 1 ( 5 minutes) |

| | |

| |Learning focus activity: ( 5 minutes) Skill Review |

| |Have students work in their sport education teams running through the plays they developed. Have the stronger students in the sport education teams |

| |help the other students master the skills needed to be successful in a lacrosse game. |

| | |

| |Culminating activity: ( 20 minutes) Tournament Championship game |

| |Students will work in their sport educations teams. On court one will be the winner between team one and team four and the winner between teams two and|

| |three from the previous day for the championship game. On court two will be the losers from court one and court two from the previous day. |

| |Closure: (5 minutes) |

| |Have students meet in the center of the gym. Announce the winner of the poster contest and the winner of the lacrosse tournament. Ask students if they |

| |have any final questions on the unit of lacrosse. Have all students high five and tell students that their assessments will be handed back at the |

| |beginning of next class. |

* Content: Provide a step-by-step description of entire lesson, including key concepts, practice, progression and application.

* Procedure: Including timeline, classroom management, groupings, and transitions.

* Instructional strategies: Include differentiation, modifications and/or refinements based on grade level, environment, learning styles and abilities.

SECTION D. (Reflection)

|Student Outcomes: Describe degree to which students met each objective: |

|Did students learn how to properly cradle, pass, catch and shoot a lacrosse ball? |

|Did students understand how to create plays offensively and how to defend players? |

|Did students work well with their sport education teams? |

|Did students complete their cognitive and psychomotor assessments? |

|Did students put effort into the lacrosse lesson? |

|Did students listen intently to directions? |

|Teacher Effectiveness: What went well? What needs work? How would you modify the lesson? |

|Were activities set up and ready for students when they entered the gym? |

|Did the teacher stay on task when teaching the lesson? |

|Did the teacher supply enough materials for students to complete lessons |

|Did students feel safe when playing lacrosse? |

|Did any of the lessons in lacrosse need more time? |

|Was the tournament set up correctly? |

|Were the sport education team picked fairly? |

|Did students have fun while learning the skill of lacrosse? |

| |

| |

|Appendices: |

| |

|Appendix 1: Common/ Daily Unit Activates: |

| |

|Fitness Activities: |

| |

|Strength by Veronica Rhea: |

| |

|Upper body- |

|Pushups with stick in-between body |

|Have Students in push up position, students will go down, have students push the stick forward with one hand. Students go back down and have them pull the stick |

|backwards in between their arm with their other hand. (10) |

| |

|Cradling in standing position |

|Have students cradling with their sticks for thirty seconds with their right arm and then thirty seconds with their left arm. |

|Core- |

|Dead bugs |

|Students will do dead bugs while holding their stick in the air. Have students on the ground flat on their back, legs and arms straight up in the air. Students |

|will hold for thirty seconds. |

|Russian twists with stick |

|Have students do Russian twists with their stick touching down on each twist. Have students sit on their bottom, legs crunched up twisting their body side to |

|side. Students will complete 10 of these. |

|Lower body- |

|Stick jumps |

|Have students jump over their stick side to side 10 times. |

|Stick squats- |

|Have students complete a standing stationary squat while holding their stick out in front of them. Have students complete 10 of these. |

| |

|****organize students into their teams to do these exercises while I walk around to make sure that students are completing them correctly |

| |

|Flexibility BY Deisy Maguire |

| |

|Upper Body |

|• Shoulder Stretch- Have students standing up with their arms above their head, put left elbow behind head while right hand grabs on to left elbow. They need to |

|maintain standing straight, and should feel the stretch in their left shoulder and triceps. Repeat this twice and have them switch their left and right side. |

|• Shoulder and Chest- Give students a choice of performing this exercise while kneeling or standing. Clasp hands behind back and straighten arms. Have them raise |

|their hands as high as possible and bend forward from the waist and hold for about 5-7 seconds. Repeat this 3 times. |

|• Forearm Stretch- With arms in front of them, with right arm supinated, left hand has to pull the fingers on the right hand back, towards the elbow. |

| |

|Lower Body |

|• Dog Stretch- Demonstrate before having students down on the floor like a standing dog. Raise your head, lower your arms, then arch your back and hold the |

|position for a couple of seconds. After demonstrating, have them do this stretch for 5 seconds on and 5 off, 10 times. |

|• Knee to Chest- With students on their backs, have them pull one of their thighs towards them. Interlock fingers behind thigh and pull towards the chest. Hold for|

|15 seconds and switch sides. |

|• The Butt Stretch (Hollywood’s) - In a sitting position with both legs out in front, instructs students to place their right foot flat on the outside of their |

|left knee. With the right knee bent, bring left arms across the body and rest against the quad. |

|• Standing Quad Stretch- Standing on one leg, with the class, grabs on to the bottom of the opposite leg and pull heel into the glute while pushing hips out. |

|• Groin Stretch- Sitting down make sure students have enough space around, they need to bring the soles of their feet together. Also known as the butterfly |

|stretch. |

| |

|Back |

|• Toe Touch- Students should be standing up straight, with their arms out in front of them. Without over stretching their back and not bending their knees, they |

|should try to touch their toes. Most of them will not reach but with time, they eventually will increase their flexibility to become able to. This exercise can be |

|done with their stick. |

| |

| |

|Core |

|• Core stretch- While lying on their backs, with arms spread out, finger tips pointing to the left and right of the body; while their lower back stays flat on the |

|floor. Knees together, they need to slowly bring both legs to their right as they can feel the stretch in their core. Switch sides |

| |

|Cardiovascular by Nicholas Corvine: |

| |

|1. Tell students to each a have stick, a partner, and one ball between the two of them.  Have them run a few laps while cradling the ball in their stick.  After |

|five cradles they pass it to their partner who is running next to them, about five to seven feet apart.  |

|2. Tell students to each a have stick, a partner, and one ball between the two of them.  They will run a few laps.  While running they will roll the ball take |

|three to five steps and then scoop the ball up.  Once they do this they pass the ball to their partner who will do the same thing.   |

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|Appendix 2: Assessment activities |

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|Psychomotor Assessment: |

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|Lacrosse catching and throwing |

|Students name: |

|Scorers name: |

|Subject score out of __/0-3 |

| |

|Students will demonstrate the right way to throw the lacrosse ball to their partner. Students will stand ten feet away from each other. Students will be graded |

|from the rubric below. |

|Did not attempt to do the skill |

|Attempts the skill with proper grip |

|Passes the ball to their partner with proper, grip, follow through and weight |

|Passes the ball to their partner with proper grip, follow through, weight and actually makes it to their partner. |

|Students will demonstrate the right way to catch a lacrosse ball with their stick from a feeder. Students will stand ten feet away from each other. Students will |

|be graded from the rubric below. |

|Did not attempt to do the skill |

|Attempts the skill with proper grip of the stick |

|Has the stick facing the feeder in an athletic stance ready to receive the ball |

|Has the stick facing the feeder in an athletic stance ready to receive the ball. Student moves the stick toward the moving ball and goes right into a cradle to |

|keep the ball in the stick. |


|Ground Balls |

|Student Name: |

| |

|Scorers Name: |

| |

|Score:___/3 |

| |

|Students will demonstrate how well they can scoop a ground ball, and how they are able to handle the ball after they have scooped it up. Students will stand five |

|feet away from ball start a jog scoop up the ball and then successfully cradle it for five to six cradles. |

| |

| |

|Did not attempt to do the skill |

| |

|Successful scoop, but no successful cradles |

| |

|Successfully scoops the ball and a few successful cradles |

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|Successfully scoops the ball, with proper grip, and cradles the ball correctly |

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|Cradling |

| |

|Student Name: |

| |

|Person assessing: |

| |

|Score -- _____/3 |

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| |

|Cones will be set up, straight, zig-zag or both. Student will have to properly cradle the lacrosse stick with dominant hand, and keep the ball in the pocket. |

| |

|Did not attempt to do the skill |

|Attempted the skill and followed directions but ball fell out at least 5 times |

|Cradled around each cone while properly cradling and ball fell out at least 2 times |

|Cradled around each cone while properly cradling and completed the station with 0 ball drops |

| |

| |

|Students will start over with the same set up of cones, cradling non-dominant side and switching over to dominant and non-dominant at every cone. |

| |

|Did not attempt to do the skill |

|Attempted the skill but did not completely follow directions |

|Cradled non-dominant but did not switch over to dominant at cones |

|Cradled non-dominant, switched over to non-dominant at 1st cone and back to dominant. Continued this process until last cone. |

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|Cognitive Assessment: |

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|Lacrosse |

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|When catching the ball you should have both hands at the bottom of the stick? T/F |

| |

|When students are passing the ball they should point the stick on my follow through towards what? |

| |

|A. To the right of the receiver |

|B. To the left of the receiver |

|C. Directly at the receiver |

|D. None of the above |

| |

|In lacrosse play is started with a draw. T/F |

| |

|Goalies are not allowed to use their hands in lacrosse. T/F |

| |

|When an offensive player is running down the field what should they do with the ball? |

| |

|A. Cradle it |

|B. Let the ball sit in the pocket of the stick |

|C. Bounce the ball on the ground |

|D. Push the ball along with the stick |

|6. What is the length of a regulation lacrosse field? |

|A. 100 yards |

|B. 110 yards |

|C. 120 yards |

|D. 150 yards |

| |

|Body checking is allowed in both Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse? T/F |

| |

|An attacking player cannot enter the crease around the goal, but may reach in with his stick to scoop a loose ball. T/F |

| |

|The three midfielders are |

| |

|A. Limited to the middle of the field |

|B. Able to go in both the middle and defensive side |

|C. Able to go in both the middle and offensive side |

|D. Able to roam the entire field |

| |

|How many players are there on the field for one team? |

| |

|11. When cradling a lacrosse stick, what hand is responsible for maintaining the ball in the pocket? |

|Both hands |

|Top hand on the stick |

|Bottom hand on the butt of the stick |

|The ball |

| |

| |

|12. Cradling always has to be done on dominant side? True/False |

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| |

|13. When is the best time to cradle? |

| |

|When a defender is on you |

|When running with the ball in your stick |

|Keeping the ball from falling out of the pocket |

|All of the above |

| |

|14. Lacrosse cradling is a technique for maintaining the lacrosse ball in the pocket of the lacrosse stick. True/False |

| |

|15. A half cradle is more useful when |

| |

|A. Carrying the ball full speed down the field. |

|B. When a person is tired |

|C. To create more opportunities on the field, such as dodging, passing and shooting |

|D. A & C |

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|Affective Assessment: |

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|Hand out to students after the unit is complete. |

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|Please answer each question fully. This will remain anonymous. |

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|Did you enjoy the lessons you complete in the lacrosse unit? |

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|What was your favorite lesson? |

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|What did you like least in the lacrosse unit? |

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|What would you change in the lacrosse unit? |

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|After learning the rules and skills of lacrosse are you interested in continuing playing? |

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