The following Grade 10, 11 and 12 Lesson Plans were developed by Subject Advisors from 09 March – 13 March 2009. Teachers are requested to look at them, modify them where necessary to suit their contexts and resources. It must be remembered that Lesson Plans are working documents, and any comments to improve the lesson plans in this document will be appreciated. Teachers are urged to use this document with the following departmental policy documents: Subject Statement; LPG 2008; SAG 2008; Examination Guidelines 2009 and Provincial CASS Policy/ Guidelines.

Lesson planning is the duty of each and every individual teacher but it helps when teachers sometimes plan together as a group. This interaction not only helps teachers to understand how to apply the Learning Outcomes (LOs) and Assessment Standards (ASs) but also builds up the confidence of the teachers in handling the content using new teaching strategies.

It must please be noted that in order to help teachers who teach across grades and subjects, an attempt has been made to standardise lesson plan templates and thus the new template might not resemble the templates used in each subject during the NCS training. However, all the essential elements of a lesson plan .

Please note that these lesson plans are to be used only as a guide to complete the requirements of the Curriculum Statements and the work schedules and teachers are encouraged to develop their own learner activities to supplement and/or substitute some of the activities given here (depending on the school environment, number and type of learners in your class, the resources available to your learners, etc).

Do not forget to build in the tasks for the Programme of Assessment into your Lesson Plans.

Strengthen your efforts by supporting each other in clusters and share ideas. Good Luck with your endeavours to improve Teaching, Learning and Assessment.

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|Date: |Topic: Presenting a tour plan |

|Teacher: |Learning Outcome 3: |

| |Tourism Geography, Attractions and Travel Trends |

| | |

| |Assessment Standard 2: |

| |Source information and develop a Tour plan to match different tourist profiles. |

| | |

| |Integration with other LOs in Tourism: |

| |Grade 10 , LO 3.2 |

| | |

| |Integration with other subjects: History, Geography, English |

| | |

|Pre-knowledge: Tourists profiles | |

| | |

|Knowledge: How to develop a Tour plan | |

| | |

|Skills: Identification, source information, Interpretation, match and map reading | |

| | |

|Values: Respect, Communication, Responsibility, Reliability | |

| | |

|Indigenous knowledge systems: Tour Itinerary | |

|Content |Teacher activities |Learner activities |Resources/LTSM |Assessment strategies |Time |

| |(Highlight teaching methods) |(Indicate homework) | |What: (SKVs) | |

| | | | |Who: | |

| | | | |Form: | |

| | | | |Tool: | |

|1.Background knowledge from grade 10 |1. Teacher facilitates class discussion| Respond and interact with the |Pictures, brochures, |What: Tourist profiles |8 Hrs |

|&11- Tourist profiles, reasons why |on grade 10 & 11 work, using pictures |pictures | |Who: | |

|people travel, Tourism sectors & |of different tourists and attractions. | | |Form: | |

|Subsectors | | | |Tool: | |

| |2.Teacher gives learners examples of | | | | |

|2. Guidelines in developing a Tour |Tour Plan to the learners. | | | | |

|Plan | |Learners will read the different|Examples of Tour plans |What: How to develop a Tour Plan | |

| | |tour plans and source relevant | | | |

| | |information that should be | |Who: Teacher | |

| | |available in a tour plan | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |3.Consolidate the information from the |Learners are taking notes | |Form: Discussion, Project | |

| |learners and present the guidelines of | | | | |

| |developing a Tour Plan. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |4.Teacher gives learners maps and | | | | |

| |distance tables |Learners read, interpret maps | |Tool: worksheet | |

| | |and plot routes that the | | | |

| | |tourists will travel and | | | |

| | |calculate distances between stop| | | |

| | |overs. | | | |

| | | |Maps, distance tables, GSA | | |

| | | |magazines | | |

| |5.Teacher will give learners a scenario|Learners develop a Tour plan and| |A suggested criteria to be | |

| |within which to work through the |match different tourists | |followed when developing a | |

| |tourists profile that they will be |profiles, using the given | |marking tool: | |

| |working from: |guidelines | |Presentation of a tour plan | |

| |Type of tourists | | |Matching the tour plan to a | |

| |Special interest of tourists | | |specific tourist profile | |

| |Budget available | |Scenario given |Matching places of interest and | |

| |Time available | | |activities | |

| |Costing of the tour | | |Finding appropriate modes of | |

| |Places of interest and activities | | |transport | |

| |Day-by-day itinerary | | |Finding appropriate accommodation| |

| |Other Relevant information | | |Factoring in stops for meals, | |

| | | | |shopping, leisure time | |

| |NB: Each learner should work with a | | | | |

| |different profile to avoid copying. | | | | |

| |Tour plan should be over 3 Days. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Expanded opportunities: PAT, Tourism awareness |

|Reflection: |

| |

Date completed: …………………… Teacher’s Signature: ……………………….

HOD’s Signature: ………………….. Date: ……………..


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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