Sandy Bradbury

Sandy Bradbury

Beth Kenny

Goodrich Middle School

Created June 2000

Overview of Lesson Lab 1

Subject/Strand: Mathematics/Number and Number Relations

Grade: 6

Topic: Percentage problems can be found in a variety of real-life situations.


Students will use a web site to find a currency conversion table. They will then convert U.S. dollars to foreign currency using proportions. Students will decide on the percentage of foreign currency that should be spent on food, transportation, souvenirs, and admission into tourist attractions. Finally, each pair of students will create a PowerPoint presentation for the class to view and evaluate.

Materials: Internet, Computer Lab, Calculators, PowerPoint, Activity Instruction and Itinerary Handout, Student Evaluations, Teacher Checklist

Time: Four to Five 40 minute lessons


❖ Technology is a tool students can use when converting one currency into another.

❖ Percentage problems can be found in a variety of real-life situations.

Learning Objectives:

Taken from Sixth Grade Ohio Proficiency Outcomes

❖ #6. Compute with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.

❖ #10. Use ratios and proportions in a wide variety of applications.

❖ #15. Use variables to describe arithmetic processes, to generalize arithmetic statements, and to generalize a problem situation.

Project/Abstract of Tasks:

❖ Students will use a web site to find a currency conversion table. They will then convert U.S. dollars to foreign currency using proportions. Students will decide on the percentage of foreign currency that should be spent on food, transportation, souvenirs, and admission into tourist attractions. Finally, each pair of students will create a PowerPoint presentation for the class to view and evaluate. This lesson is approximately four to five 40 minute class sessions.

Learning Strategies:

Note: Before this lesson, review solving problems involving unit rate and proportions. Also review finding the percentage of a number using proportions.

I. Introduction:

❖ Discuss class trip to Western Europe. (Set scene)

❖ Brainstorm activities and sites they’d like to see there.

❖ Discuss itinerary for trip. (on handout)

II. Computer and Calculator:

1. Pair students and go to web site: ucc/full.shtml

2. Find currency conversion table and convert one U.S. dollar to each of the following foreign currencies: English, French, Swiss, Italian, and Spanish.

3. Using the unit rate of one U.S. dollar, they will set up proportions and (using calculators) compute each foreign currency equal to $200 U.S. which will be their spending money/allowance in each of the five countries.

4. Students decide and agree upon a reasonable percentage of allowance in the four categories (food, transportation, souvenirs, and admission into tourist attractions).

5. Then, students will determine the amount of foreign currency spent on each of the four categories for each country.

III. PowerPoint:

❖ In pairs, the students will develop PowerPoint presentations incorporating the following:

1. Introduction slide: Class trip to Europe

2. One slide for each of the five countries.

3. Unit rate conversion for one U.S. dollar and for $200 U.S. dollars.

4. Percentage of money spent in each of the four categories and the amount of foreign currency it equals.

5. Download picture from internet (using search engines) representing each country.

6. Conclusion slide: The pair of students will write a paragraph to describe the mathematical processes used to complete this activity. Incorporating answers to these questions is optional:

1. How easy or difficult was it to convert into foreign currencies?

2. Do you think it is necessary to have a budget when traveling?

3. Do you feel that your percentage for the four categories was reasonable? Explain.

4. Did you enjoy working with a partner or would you prefer to work alone?

IV. Sharing:

❖ Students will present PowerPoint to class. Students in class will evaluate each presentation.

Classroom Management:

❖ This lesson lab is designed to take place in the computer lab where pairs of students are seated at computer workstations. Each pair of students will work cooperatively with each other to complete the project. The students will be provided with written instructions for the activity. Teacher(s) will assist and supervise students. Internet access and PowerPoint program will be available to the students.

Tools and Resources:

❖ Internet and Internet Access

❖ Computer Lab

❖ Calculators

❖ PowerPoint

❖ Activity Instruction and Itinerary handout

❖ Student Evaluations

❖ Teacher Checklist

Do and How:

❖ The students will search for the currency conversion table using a web site the teacher has suggested.

❖ The internet will be used to gather a picture for each of the five European countries.

❖ Work stations in the computer lab will be available for the project.

❖ Calculators will assist students in solving proportions to convert currencies.

❖ PowerPoint is the presentation tool.

❖ Teachers will guide students through instructional handout to complete required elements of project.

❖ The students will use evaluations to critique classmates’ presentations.

❖ Teacher(s) will use checklist to evaluate cooperative learning.


❖ PowerPoint presentation of student results.

❖ Better understanding of working with a percent of a number.

❖ Students will have a better understanding of budgeting their spending money on a trip.


❖ The final product will be shared with class as a computer presentation.

❖ Invite administration, staff, and parents to showing of presentations.


❖ Rubric for PowerPoint presentation.

❖ Teacher checklist of how students worked cooperatively.

❖ Student evaluation

Class Excursion to Europe

Itinerary /Daily Schedule

Day 1 Depart from New York City, NY

Days 2 & 3 Arrive London, England

Days 4 & 5 Arrive Paris, France

Days 6 & 7 Arrive Bern, Switzerland

Days 8 & 9 Arrive Rome, Italy

Days 10 & 11 Arrive Madrid, Spain

Day 12 Return to New York City, NY

Budgeting your money when vacationing is crucial when so far away from home. Planning how you will spend your money and what you will spend it on should be done prior to taking flight. This lesson allows you to do just that!

Activity Instructions:

What you need to know:

❖ You will be in each European country for two days.

❖ You will have $200.00 U.S. to spend on food, transportation, souvenirs, and admissions into tourist attractions in each country of Europe.

❖ U.S. currency must be converted into the foreign currency of each country before money can be spent.

❖ The amount of foreign currency is to be rounded to the nearest hundredth after computing the exchange.

❖ You may use a calculator for calculations.

❖ Your "Internet Access" must be approved by teacher.

❖ You must recall how to do POWER POINT.

❖ Every minute you have to work on this activity is important!

Hola! Bonjour! Cheerio!

Ciao! Guten tag!

What you need to do:

❖ Go to web site: ucc/full.shtml

❖ Find currency conversion table and convert one U.S. dollar to each of the following currencies: English $1 = _________pound(s)

French $1= _________French franc(s)

Swiss $1 = _________Swiss franc(s)

Italian $1 = _________lira

Spanish $1 = _________pesetas

❖ Using the unit rate one U.S. dollar, set up a proportion and compute $200.00 U.S. into the equivalent foreign currency.

Example: 1.00 USD = 27.17 RUR (Russian ruble/rounded to nearest hundredth)

1.00 USD = 200.00 USD

27.17 RUR x x = 5,434 RUR

Use a calculator for solving the proportion!!!!!!

Show your proportions and answers here:


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❖ Decide and agree upon a reasonable percentage of your spending money for food, transportation, souvenirs, and admissions into tourist attractions. You will use these same percentages in each of the 5 countries. Reminder: Your sum of your four percentages should total 100%.

________ % for food ________ % for transportation

________ % for souvenirs ________ % for admissions

❖ Determine the amount of foreign currency spent on each of the four categories for each country.

Example: FOOD 20% of 5,434 RUR = 1,086.8 RUR


|FOOD: |





|FOOD: |





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|FOOD: |




IV. Develop PowerPoint presentation incorporating the following:

1. Introduction slide: Class trip to Europe

2. One slide for each of the five countries.

3. Unit rate conversion for one U.S. dollar and for $200 U.S. dollars.

4. Percentage of money spent in each of the four categories and the amount of foreign currency it equals.

5. Download picture from internet (using search engines) representing each country.

6. Conclusion slide(s): Write a paragraph describing the mathematical processes you and your partner used to complete this activity. You may also include answers to the suggested question below:

❖ How easy or difficult was it to convert into foreign currencies? Explain why it was easy or difficult.

❖ Do you think it is necessary to have a budget when traveling? Why?

❖ Do you feel that your percentage for the four categories was reasonable? Explain.

❖ Did you enjoy working with a partner or would you prefer to work alone?

This PowerPoint will be presented and evaluated by the class.

Student Evaluation for

Class Excursion to Europe

PowerPoint Presentation


In their PowerPoint presentation did the presenters include:

Yes No

The 5 European countries? ____ ____

A picture to represent each country? ____ ____

The unit rate conversion for one U.S. dollar

and 200 U.S. dollars to foreign currency? ____ ____

The percentage and the foreign

currency amount spent on food, transportation,

souvenirs, and admissions for each of the 5

countries? ____ ____

In a complete sentence, describe whether the presenters met the minimal requirements or went over and beyond the assignment. Explain and support your opinion.

Critiqued by: (list all in your group)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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