Student Driver’s Name: LastFirstMiddle

OFFICIAL SCHOOL USE ONLYRegistration Copy Insurance Copy Drivers License Copy VC Printout Obligations GPA Complete Packet Signatures Paid $ on Permit Number: Approved by: Student Driver’s Name: LastFirstMiddleStudent School ID #: Grade in 2018-19: Home Phone #Emergency Contact # Vehicle Make/Model: Vehicle Year: Vehicle Color: License Plate Number: State: Student’s Driver’s License Number: WHAT TO BRING:*Registration Packet (6 pages)*Graduation Information print-out from Virtual Counselor*$60.00 CASH (No Checks Accepted) – In July 2018 or receipt of e-store payment.*Attach a copy of driver’s license*Attach a copy of insurance card*Attach a copy of the vehicles registrationAn Unweighted 2.0 GPA is Mandatory. Applications for those under 2.0 will not be considered.FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES ARE NOT ELLIGIBLE FOR DECALS.It is your responsibility to photocopy all necessary items before you register.DECALS FOR JUNIORS WILL BE BASED UPON AVAILABILITY OF PARKING SPACES.* APPLYING FOR AN APPLICATION DOES NOT GUARENTEE A DECAL* (THIS INCLUDES DUAL ENROLLED/CERTIFCATION STUDENTS)CNOTICE:BY SIGNING BELOW, I UNDERSTAND THAT WESTERN HIGH SCHOOL AND THE SCHOOL BOARD OF BROWARD COUNTY ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO VEHICLES. VEHICLES WITH IMPROPER PARKING PERMITS, WILL RECEIVE DISCIPLINE ACTION. BY SIGNING BELOW YOU ALSO AGREE TO ADHERE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE 2016/2017 STUDENT PARKING & DRIVINGPOLICIES. PLEASE NOTE: Parking on campus is a privilege, not a right .Parent SignatureDateStudent SignatureDateStudent parking on the campus of WHS is limited to students having a valid permit on their vehicle. Parking permits will be allotted to students on a space available basis (including dual enrolled students). No checks will be accepted. CASH ONLY/ ONLINE PAYMENT WITH APPROVED APPLICATION.Students applying for a parking permit must provide a photocopy of the following:Proof of insuranceDrivers licenseVehicle registrationGraduation Information from Virtual CounselorAll applications will require Three-School Day for processing. Additional requirements are as follows:All obligations paid in fullOverall unweighted GPA of 2.0 or HigherAll vehicles must be in safe operating condition as set by the State of Florida.Cars parked on campus must be registered with the school and display a current parking permit affixed to the inside rear view mirror. The vehicle’s license plate must be visible at all times.Parking permits are not transferable to another individual. No fraudulent use of parking permits will be allowed. If violated, parking permit will be revoked.All automobiles parked on school property are subject to search for just cause with the driver present.Students are not permitted to be in the parking lot between classes. Do not use your car to store books or other materials.Vehicles are to be operated in a safe and orderly manner. Speed limit on campus is 10 miles per hour. Any reckless driving will cost you the privilege of parking on campus.Loud stereos, radios, and faulty auto alarms will not be permitted and will result in parking permit to be revoked.Parking regulations will be strictly enforced. Suspension or revocation of parking privileges, suspension from school may occur for violations of these parking regulations.Due to the limited amount of parking spaces available, only one decal per household will be issued.Students involved in duplicating decals (including the decal owner) will be subject to school consequences including decal revocation.The Broward County School System is not responsible for damages or loss to vehicles parked or operated on school property.*THE GATE WILL BE LOCKED DURING SCHOOL HOURS BETWEEN 7:40AM – 2:30PM DAILY*Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date W HS Parking Permit Application 2018-2019PERM IT #__________(Office Use Only)Name ______________________________Student # ____________________ Address_____________________________ City________________________Home Phone_______________________ Cell________________________Drivers License # _________________________________________________ Year and Make of Vehicle________________________ Model____________ Color of Vehicle _______________________ Tag # _____________________ Insurance Name ________________________Policy # ___________________I, hereby grant permission for my son/ daughter to drive a motor vehicle to Western High School. I understand that his/ her parking privilege may be withdrawn and fined if he/ she fails to abide by the parking regulations printed within this application.___________________________________________________Parent SignatureDate___________________________________________________Student SignatureDateParking Disciplinar y MatrixINFRACTIONSDI SCI PLINARY CONSEQUENCESImproper ParkingRestricted AreaIncorrect Parking SpaceNo Decal1st Offense – Verbal Warning2nd Offense - Driving Privilege revoked (1 week) 3rd Offense - Driving Privilege revoked (Remainder of the Year )Driving ViolationLeaving campus in vehicle without proper authorityTransporting unauthorized students off campusSpeeding, reckless driving (driving on grass, jumping curbs, etc.)1st Offense - Driving Privilege suspended (1 week) 2nd Offense - Driving Privilege suspended (Remainder of the Year )Use of Vehicle during school hoursLoitering in/near vehicleGoing to vehicle during school day without written permission from an administrator1st Offense - Warning2nd Offense - Driving Privilege suspended (1 week) 3rd Offense - Driving Privilege revoked (Remainder of the Year )Attendance I ssues-I n addition to other disciplinar y actionUnexcused tardies to school, tardies to class, and/or check-insUnexcused absences from school or classes3rd Offense - Driving Privilege suspended (1 week) 5th Offense - Driving Privilege suspended (2 weeks) 10th Offense - Driving Privilege revoked (Remainder of the School Year )Decal(s) will be confiscated and revoked (but not limited) to the following: duplication of decal, purchasing decals from another student, unauthorized use of staff decal. This may include future parking privileges.* NO REFUND will be available if parking privileges are r evoked as a r esult of disciplinar y consequences.Student SignatureDateParent SignatureDateTHIS FORM MUST BE SI GNEDW ESTERN HIGH SCHO O LDEPARTMENT OF SECURITYST UDENT PA RK I NG A ND DRI V I NG POL I CI ES 2015/20161.Your parking PERMIT will be issued by a Staff member only.2.All students driving and parking on school property must hold a valid operator’ s license.3.The speed limit on school grounds is 10 mph. All drivers will obey the speed limit and follow the proper directions, signs, and indicated arrows on the roadway or loose parking privileges.4.School Board Policy #5307: “The Board shall not be responsible for damages to automobiles or other vehicles parked or operated on school property” . REPORT ANY DAM AGE IM M EDIATEL Y TO SECURI TY.5.At no time may a student park in the faculty parking lot. (Disciplinary action will be taken)6.Students are not permitted to sit in vehicles in the parking lot during the school day. (THIS INCL UDES L UNCH PERIODS) No loitering in the parking lot is permitted. Your car is not a locker. If an item is left in your vehicle, permission must be granted from your A dmi ni st r at or .7.Parking on the grass or double parking is not permitted. It is considered illegal parking.8.Valuables should not be left in vehicles. AL L VEHICL ES SHOUL D BE L OCK ED!9.Student Vehicles may be subject to search if there are reasonable grounds to believe that drugs, alcohol, stolen property, weapons, or other contraband might be present in that vehicle. Decal holders are responsible for all items found in their vehicle. Decal will be revoked if contraband is found.10. Parking permits are NOT TRANSFERABLE to another vehicle or another student. I f a decal i s f ound on anot her vehi cl e, bot h par t i es l ose t hei r decal s and may f ace di sci pl i nar y act i on.11. Students must use due care and respect for others in the operation of their vehicles.12. Since the parking and operation of student vehicles on campus is a privilege, violations of any of the student parking policies will result in the following in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct Book:Security CitationViolation Sticker (parent notified & decal suspendedRemoval of violating vehicle by tow truck (decal r evoked)13. Students who do not maintain an unweighted 2.0 GPA, cut class, and/or have discipline problems are subject to revocation of parking permit. Decals will be revoked if un-weighted GPA goes below 2.0 during the year.14. All vehicles must park with their front facing the wheel stop (or may be ticketed for illegal parking). * NO BACK ING IN!15. Replacement/temporary permits should be taken care of before driving the vehicle to school.16. When signing in late, you must park in the visitor lot, sign in at the office, and then move your vehicle to the student lot. Students may not park their vehicles outside of the Student Lot.17. Internal or External Suspension from school may result in driving privileges being suspended & r evoked.18. If a new decal is needed, you must bring the old decal to the Director of Student Parking with $10.00 (Cash). If the decal was destroyed in an accident, a Police report must be presented to receive a new decal.19. The decal must be hanging from the rearview mirror.20. Students who operate vehicles in an unsafe or reckless manner on school property, on the streets adjacent to the school, around school buses, or while driving to and from school, may face disciplinary action.21. Do not park any unauthorized area in the community at any time. Parking rules and all road regulations are strictly enforced. It is considered a privilege to park on campus. The administrative staff shall have the right to remove the parking permit of any student in violation of the above rules and regulations or for any serious school rule infraction. I understand these rules apply before, during and after school. Any violations are subject to disciplinary action.Parent SignatureDateStudent SignatureDateWESTERN HIGH SCHOOL—V EHI CL E PA RK I NG CONTRA CTStudents: Please read each of the following statements and sign your initials on the line. By i ni ti al i ng on the line beside each statement you recognize that you understand and will obey all parking regulations. Upon receiving my parking permit, I, the undersigned, fully understand that: Western High School does not assume responsibility for motor vehicles or their contents while operated or parked on school grounds. I have read and will accept the consequences for driving/parking infractions & policies. I will be parked in the student lot no later than 7:40 AM. I am not to speed or drive recklessly on school grounds. I am not to sit in my car or loiter around my car before, after, or during school hours. During the school day, I am not to go to my vehicle or allow others to go to my vehicle (without written administrative approval). I am not to leave school grounds during school hours without prior administrative approval. I will not transport any unauthorized students off campus or I will lose my permit permanently. I am not to bring alcoholic beverages, drugs, or weapons on school grounds in my vehicle. I will not possess and/or use any tobacco products in or near my vehicle while on campus. I will lock my vehicle while parked on school grounds. I will display my parking decal at all times while on school property. I must place my parking decal only on vehicles listed on my application or as authorized by the school. I will not give or loan my parking decal to another person, understanding that I will lose my permit permanently. I will only park in the Student Lot (south side of campus). Internal or External Suspension from school may result in driving privileges being suspended or revoked. I will not play music at a volume that may be found disruptive to the environment outside of my vehicle. If my car is towed for being illegally parked, I will be responsible for the towing charges. I know that, due to the limited amount of parking available, only one decal per household will be issued. If I am involved with duplicating parking decals (including my own) I will be subject to school consequences including revocation. Do not park any unauthorized area in the community at any time. (I.E. Malibu Bay & Chapel Trail warehouses.) I REALIZE THAT DRIVING TO SCHOOL IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT. This privilegemay be suspended or revoked if the above rules are not obeyed, or if my behavior at school indicates that I am not responsible enough to deserve this privilege. I agree to all terms and conditions outlined in this contract.WAIVER OF SEARCHI understand that in order to maintain a reasonable and safe school environment, West Broward High School’ s Administration reserves the right to search and seize any property within the vehicle, which violates state law, school regulations, or may be harmful to any person.Student SignatureDateParent/Legal Guardian SignatureDateSTUD EN T PA RKING FA Q’S 2018/2019IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ!!!FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSANSWERSWHO ISELIGIBLE TO PURCHA SE A PARKING DECAL?SENI ORS ANDJUNIORS.IF IAM A SEN IOR, DUAL ENROLLED OR INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION STUDEN T, DOESIT GUARENTEE ME ADECAL?NO, UNFORTUNATELY, DUE TO LIMITED SPACE, BEING A SENI OR/DUAL ENROLLED OR CERTIFICATION STUDENT DOES NOT GUARENTEE A PARKING DECAL. IT IS BASED ONAVAILABILITY.WHEN WILL THE APPLICATIONSBE AVAILABLE?MAY 18, 2018WHERE CAN I GET AN APPLICATION?YOU CAN DOWNLOAD AN APPLICATIONONLINE AT w w w .westernMAY I APPLY FOR A DECAL IFNO. PARKING IS ONLY RESERVED FORMY CHILD ISPARTICIPATINGSENI ORS AND JUNIORS.IN AFTER SCH OOL ACTIVITIESSUCH ASBAND, ATHLETICSOR CLUBS?HOW MUCH DOESA DECAL COST?$60.00- CASH OR ONLINE PAYMENT ATw w w .westernWHO DO WE SUBM IT OURSUBM IT YOUR APPLICATIONAPPLICATION FOR REVIEW?TO MR. OLAFSON WHO IS LOCATEDIN Room 1301.WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO MAKE A COPYOF YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATIONFOR YOUR RECORDSHOW DO I KNOW IF I HAVE BEEN APPROVED?Mr. Olafson WILL CONTACT YOU FROM CLASS OR A CALL HOME.WHO APPROVESPARKING APPLICATION S?ADMINI STRATI ON(NOT GUIDANCE OR TEACHERS)UPON BEING APPROVED, HOW DO I PAYFOR THE DECAL?CASH PAYMENT OR ONLINE RECEIPTWHEN ISTHE LA ST DAY TO PURCHA SE A DECAL?UNTIL THEY SELL OUT, AND THEY SELL OUT QUICKLY.HOW MANY DECALSCAN I PURCHA SE?1 PER HOUSEHOLD.MAY I PARK ON CAMPUS WITHOUT A DECAL EVENTHOUGH I PURCHA SED ONE?NO. ONLY STUDENTS WHO HAVE A VI SI BLE AND CURRENT DECAL MAYPARK IN THE STUDENT PARKING LOT.WHAT IF I AM USIN GANOTHER VEHICLE FROM MY HOUSEH OLD, MAY I USE MY DECAL TO ENTER THE STUDEN T PARKING LOT?YES. HOWEVER, EVERY HOUSEHOLD CAR MUST BE REGI STERED.WHAT IF I DO NOT HAVE MY CAR AVAILABLE, MAY MY FRIEND DRIVE ME TOSCH OOL AND USE MY DECAL?NO, BECAUSE THE SCHOOL DOES NOT HAVE DOCUMENTATION OF YOUR FRIEND’S CAR.MAY I LEND MY FRIEND THENO. PARKING DECALS ARE NOTUSE OF MY DECAL IF I AMTRANSFERRABLE AND THIS MAY RESULTGOING TO BE ABSEN T FROMIN LOSI NG YOUR DECAL.SCH OOL?MAY I PURCHA SE A DECAL IFYES, BUT ONLY SENIORS AND JUNIORS ARE ELIGIBLEMY DUAL ENROLLEDELIGIBLE.CLA SSES ARE AT NIGHT ORON THE WEEKEND?WHAT HAPPENSIF MYIF YOUR APPLICATION IS INCOMPLETE,CHILD’SINCOMPLETEYOU WILL LOSE YOUR PLACEMENT OFAPPLICATION IS RETURNED?TIME WE RECEIVED YOURAPPLICATION.WHAT HAPPENSIF THEA WAITING LI ST FOR SENI ORS JJJUNIORSSTUDEN T PARKING LOTAND JUNIORS WILL BE GENERATED.IS FILLED?STUDENTS ARE ONLY ALLOWED TOPARK IN THE STUDENT PARKING LOT.WHEN I DRIVE BY, I NOTICEEVEN THOUGH THERE ARE EMPTYTHAT THERE ARE EMPTYSPACES, THEY HAVE BEEN ACCOUNTEDSPA CES EVEN THOUGHFOR. SOM E STUDENTS MAYBE ABSENTTHERE ARE NO MORE DECALSOR AT THEIR DUAL ENROLLED CLASS.AVAILABLE. WHY?DOESTHE SCH OOL PROVIDENO, DUE TO PARKING CONSTRAI NTS,TEMPORARY PARKINGWE USUALLY SELL ALL PARKINGPERMITS?DECALS AND A WAITING LI ST ISGENERATED.IF I CANNOT PARK IN THENO. WE HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY THESTUDEN T PARKING LOT, MAYNEARBY COMMUNIITES THAT STUDENTSI PARK IN THE NEARBYARE NOT ALLOWED TO PARK IN THEIRCOMMUNITIESORAREAS. WAREHOUSES?VIOLATORS ARE SUBJECTED HAVINGTHEIR CAR TOWED AT THE OWNER’SEXPENSE.IF I’M ANUNDERCLASSM AN, MAY ISUBM IT AN APPLICATION?I N A D D I TI O N , YO U W I L L N O T BEPL A CED O N TH E W A I TI N G L I ST. I T I S RESERVED FO R SEN I O RS AND JUNIORS.WHAT IF I PAY FOR A DECALYOU WILL RECEIVE A REFUND.WITHOUT SUBM ITTING ANAPPLICATION?A PAYMENT DOES NOT SECURE A PLACEMENT TO RECEIVE A DECAL ORGUARENTEE ONE.PL EA SE D O N O T PA Y FO R A D ECA LW I TH O U T RECEI VI N G A PPRO VA L .WHAT TIME DO I NEED TO BE IN THE PARKING LOT?YOU NEED TO BE IN THE PARKING LOTNO LATER THAN 7:40am. THE GATES WILL CLOSE PROMPTLY AT 7:45am.WHAT IF I’M LATE?ONCE STUDENTS HAVE BEEN SECUREDIN CLASS, SECURI TY WILL RE-OPEN THE GATE.IF YOU ARRIVE LATE, YOUR DECAL WILL BE TAKEN FOR ADMINI STRATI ONREVIEW.WHAT TIME DOESTHE STUDEN T PARKING LOT OPEN S?IT OPENS @7am.WHAT DO I DO IF MY DECALYOU WILL NEED TO SEE MR. OLAFSON INISCONFISCA TED BY DURING YOURSECURITY?LUNCHTIME TO FIND OUT THE STATUSOF THE DECAL.THE STATUS OF YOUR DECAL WILL BEREVIEWED BY ADMINI STRATI ON.WHY DOESIT TAKE SO LONGTHERE MAYBE A TIME WHERE SECURI TYFOR SECURITY TO OPEN THEIS CALLED TO PERFORM NECESSARYGATE WHEN I AM LEAVINGDUTIES THAT MAY DELAY OPENING THEOR ARRIVING?GATE.THE GATES WILL BE OPENED ATSCHEDULED TIMES BEFORE AND AFTERTHE CLASS BELLS.STUDENTS NEED TO LEAVE OR ARRIVEAT THEIR SCHEDULED TIME.WHAT HAPPENSIF:YOUR DECAL WILL BE REVOKED ANDA DUPLICATE ISMADE OF MY DECAL?THE STUDENT USI NG THE FAKE DECALWILL LOSE ANY FUTURE PRIVILEGE OF PARKING IN THE STUDENT PARKINGI LEND MY DECAL TO MYLOT.FRIEND TO GET TO SCH OOL?YOU ARE RESPONSI BLE FOR THE DECAL.ANY OTHER SUGGESTION S?MONITOR YOUR ATTENDANCE ANDG.P.A. VERY CA REFU L L Y.DO NOT LEND OUT YOUR DECAL.REA D TH E A PPL I CA TI O N A N D M A TRI X VERY CA REFU L L Y.DO NOT TAKE ANY UNAUTHORIZED STUDENTS OFF CAMPUS.DO NOT PARK IN THE TEACHER’S PARKING LOT OR ON THE GRASS AREAS.YOUR PARENT MUST SIGN YOU OUT IF YOU WISH TO LEAVE EARLY. BE MINDFUL OF WHO YOU ALLOW IN YOUR VEHICLE. ULTIMATELY YOU ARE RESPONSI BLE.WHERE CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION REGARDINGSTUDEN T PARKING?YOU CAN REFER TO THE STUDENT PARKING APPLICATION AND SCHOOL BOARD POLICY5307.WESTERN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PARKINGPLEA SE REVIEW THE TIMELINE:M AY 18APPLICATION WILL BE AVAILABLE ONLINE.May 21 SENIORS ONLY:APPLICATION SUBM ISSION FOR REVIEW. NO PAYMENT ACCEPTED AT THISTIME.May 24APPROVED STUDENTS WILL BE INDIVIDUALLY CALLED TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY TO PURCHA SE A DECAL.MAY 29JUNIORS MAY SUBMIT APPLICATIONS FOR REVIEW.NO PAYMENT ACCEPTED PRIOR TO REVIEW. JUNE 4JUNIOR APPLICANTS NOTIFIED INDIVIDUALLY. APPLICATION PROCESS CLOSES FOR SUMMER BREAK.July 1,ACCEPTING APPROVED APPLICATION &PAYMENT OPENS.PURCHASING A SPECIFIC SPOTPurchasing your individual space is a separate transaction.The senior class conducts the sale of specific spots and their selection.When they will allow students to pick their spots has yet to be determined.It is not required to purchase a specific spot.Those who do not purchase their own spot will be assigned a spot at no charge.Check the website western for information about personal spots.You must have receipt of payment before you pick your spot. ................

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