Road Rally Times

Cushing Drives Through Indiana to Ohio


Dublin, Ohio


63 degrees


409 Miles

Total Mileage 3528


Cushing Drives Through Indiana to Ohio

We left Springfield, Illinois, to Indianapolis, the state capital of Indiana. We took the Interstate 72 and Interstate 74 to get to Indianapolis. When we got there we went to the Space Quest Planetarium. We learned a lot like our solar system, Galileo, our first telescope ever made, the constellation of stars, and much more. After the Space Quest Planetarium we left for Lawrence, Indiana.


We went to Lawrence, Indiana, and took the Interstate 70 and Interstate 465. It took us 15 minutes to get to Lawrence. When we got there we went to McDonald’s for lunch. We ate French fries, hamburgers, or chicken nuggets. We all drank soda. When we filled up our stomachs we left for Dayton, Ohio.

We took the Interstate 70 to get to Dayton, Ohio. As we got there we deiced to go to the Dayton Art Institute. When we went to the Dayton Art Institute we saw a lot of art. We saw paintings, sculptors, and very creative art. We went to a special exhibition called the Glory of the Silk Road from Ancient China. It was about materials that were buried under sand, hidden in caves, and on mountains. In the special exhibition one of the things we saw was the Merchant on Camel. After we saw the Merchant on the Camel we left for Dublin, Ohio

We went to Dublin, Ohio, and took the Interstate 70 and Interstate 270. When we got to Dublin, Ohio, we went to look for a hotel and went to the Columbus Marriot Northwest. We unpacked our things and went to a restaurant to eat dinner. We ate at Bravo! Italian Kitchen. We ate pizza, pasta, and Italian bread and drank soda. After we ate we went back for a good night sleep for tomorrow next trip.

Gledhill Hits the Road Again

Today we continue our journey to Washington D.C. We start from Chicago, Illinois and travel East on Highways94 and 90 then Southeast on 80, 76 and 70 toward DC. Then finally to Cumberland, Maryland West on the 68. We chose this route because it will take us to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historic Park. We had so much fun there.

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park.

The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Park follows the Maryland shore of the Potomac River from Georgetown in Washington D.C to Cumberland, Maryland. Begun in 1828, the 184 mile canal operated from 1850-1924 .

In Cumberland, the population is 11,353,1401. Our mileage today is 411 miles. Our total mileage is 3,202 miles and the states we went through today are Ohio and Maryland. The temperature there was

55 degrees F. Tomorrow we will visit some important historical sites. Can’t wait !!





Population: 230,553

392.50 Mileage

3,279 Mileages

We got up at 6 o’clock and went on the 27 highway and came to Tallahassee,

Florida.. We wanted to go to the State Capital because Josue was informing us about what we are going to see. When we got there we saw the Florida information center just inside the west plaza entrance. Then our feet started hurting so we went in the car. WE took 84 highway to Jacksonville, Florida.

We went to the Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens. Huda wanted to learn more about art. We saw the Art Education Center. There were features and interactive teaching gallery. Next we rode down the 95 HIGHWAY. WE GOT SO tired. We came to a beach called PAYTONA BEACH. We stayed there for a half an hour to rest for a while. Then we rode up to the 95-highway hotel called East Bay Inn. Our backs were very tired We ented a had a great day .ys and stopped in Savannah, Georgia. There we r.

Your School: Gledhill Elementary

Location: Columbus, Ohio; Charleston, West Virginia

Elevation: Columbus - 777 ft.; Charleston - 601ft

Population: 632,900; 57,300

Temperature: Columbus - 64 degrees; Charleston - 69 degrees cloudy and windy.

Mileage for today: 390.3 miles

Total Mileage: 3,175.2


Nicholson - Columbus, Ohio, Here We Come!

Back on the I-70 again today, after a hearty breakfast at the Dutch Oven Eating Place and Bakery, we were looking forward to visiting Columbus, Ohio. As we got an early start we were there by 10a.m. All of us realized that as we drove further east, the size of the states kept shrinking as did our traveling time. Ms. Nicholson explained the historical importance of these states on the bus, however, and we were filled with awe as we looked at the countryside driving into Ohio. The weather was a bit cloudy and the temperature was a cool 66 degrees. Ohio in the Iroquois language means ‘great’, and that is exactly what we thought the state was. Columbus, the capitol of Ohio, and was founded on 1,200 acres of land along the Scioto River in 1812. It is a manufacturing, scientific and technological center, and the state is proud of the 8 U.S. Presidents and 2 astronauts it produced.

As an extended social studies lesson, we toured the Santa Maria, a full-scale replica of the 15th-century cargo vessel that served as the flagship of Christopher Columbus, during his historic journey to America. The highlight of the tour was the costumed docents who enacted the hardships and challenges Columbus and his crew faced. We then strolled through the Ohio Village, which is a reconstruction of the 19th-century rural Ohio community. We saw a town hall, a hotel, a schoolhouse, a church, physician’s residence, print shop, and craft shops. After all this walking, we enjoyed lunch at the Japanese Steak House. Carla found the shrimp tempura delicious, but Katie was more cautious and stuck to the veggie tempura dishes. Brian, of course, had to have a huge steak with all the side dishes.

We took the I-70 and drove south along the I-77 to Charleston, West Virginia. Virginia is famous for its rushing rivers, magnificient waterfalls, blue ridge mountains, civil war battlefields, and Monticello, President Thomas Jefferson’s spectacular house. A visit through Virginia is like a walk through time. One minute you’re in the present, the next minute you’re sailing through the past. Charleston (pop. 57,300, elev. 601 ft.) is the capitol of West Virginia and was founded in 1794. It is the home of Daniel Boone, the Tri-State Racetrack and white-water rafting. We visited the State Capitol facing the Kanawha River, and were amazed at the rotunda’s golden dome. It stands 180 ft above the main floor, and has a 2-ton rock crystal chandelier, 8 ft in diameter, hanging from its center. Awesome!


The Cultural Center offered different exhibits on Civil War history and John Brown. We walked through a re-creation of a settler’s cabin and country store at the center. After all this history, we were ready to unwind and hit the nature trails. We headed for the Kanawha Recreaton Area, 12 miles south of Charleston on Kanawha Forest Dr. Some of us went horse-back riding while others went hiking and swimming. Miguel fell off the horse as soon as we started, but was okay enough to make a second attempt and we were off on a trail that followed the river. We saw squirrels and deer along the trail. As always, Karla was ready with her camera. The forest was scenic, the air smelled fresh and we didn’t want to leave. After dinner, we met outside the lobby of the Charleston Travellodge Hotel, sang songs and finally bid each other goodnight.

Turner Goes To Work…


In math in Mrs. Brahame’s class we have been working on a lot of things. In the beginning of the year we worked on place value and adding and subtracting decimals. Mrs. Brtahame also showed us some card tricks and let us try it on our own. One was an ordering card trick and the other was a magic number guessing trick.

Now we are working with different kinds of graphs, and we made a picture of an animal with coordinate graphs. We have also been practicing multiplication facts. We have taken multiplication tests so every body can get better. Now we are working with word problems.

By: Shay’Quan Pinkett 2nd Grade

Class Jobs

Each week students in our class have different jobs. The jobs are Federal Express, pillow organizer, table washers, board eraser, mail manager, and door holders .

The Federal Express team goes around to every classroom from K - 5th grade and collects the attendance, and lunch choices . After they get all the attendance and lunch choices they go to the office and give them everything they have collected. Out of everybody in our class, Federal Express is the job preferred the most.

Pillow organizer organizes the pillows at the end of day and gets to take Scooby Doo home that weekend.

Mail manager puts graded papers in student’s boxes so that at the end of the week students can take home their papers.

By: Curtis Ferguson, 3rd Graders


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