NH Tax Collectors

New Hampshire Tax Collectors’ Association

Executive Board Meeting

Plodzik & Sanderson

January 9, 2014

9:30 AM

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Present: President Kathleen Sylvia, 1st Vice President Raymah Simpson, Treasurer Joyce McGee, Conference Coordinator Theresa Briand, Legislative Chairman David Fredette, Workshop Coordinator Pessy Gaudette, Education Committee Chairman Diane Trippett and Director At Large Debra Clark.

Absent: Director of Public Relations Kathy Seaver, Secretary Holly Burbank and 2nd Vice President Kellie Skehan.

Guest: Jamie Dow, DRA

President Sylvia called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM.

DRA Update:

Jamie advised the board that Sandra Champagne will be joining DRA as a Supervisor and will start attending our meetings.

A response from Attorney Campbell to DRA on the Lisbon tax bill issue regarding “prominently displayed” taxpayer information was discussed. It was suggested by Attorney Campbell in his response to adopt a uniform “insert” that can be used statewide. Since this issue would effect the Association as a whole it was agreed that we invite Attorney Campbell to our next meeting in February to review his response. Everyone was in agreement. President Sylvia will request h is presence.

Since the February meeting will be held at DRA, Jamie will check on parking passes. ID’s will be required. Raymah will need to be notified so that she can let the County Coordinators know as they are invited to the next meeting. Jamie will notify the Board via e-mail.

Looking at a combined meeting with Assessing (NHAAO) in July, Jamie will talk with the Chairman to schedule the meeting.



The November 21, 2013 minutes were not approved as the revised minutes were not available.

Treasurer Report:

Joyce provided the Board with the most recent Treasurer’s Report ending 01/08/14 (see attached).


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A motion was made by David and seconded by Diane to accept the Treasurer’s Report. All in favor, motion carries.

2013/2014 Dues are still outstanding for the following Town’s:

Chatham, Dorchester, Hales Location, Harrisville, Harts Location, Hinsdale, Kingston, Landaff, Langdon, Lee, Lempster, Marlow, Middleton, Newington and Warren.

Raymah has asked the County Coordinators to help contact the Town’s within their County that still owe dues. Some of the dues have been paid with their help but since several requests have been made the Board directed Joyce to send out an invoice to the Finance Department of each Town.

The 2014/2015 Dues will be coming out in May along with the buyback plan. The dues invoice will also be available on the website for this year.

Workshop Coordinator:

Pessy reported that all dates and locations have been confirmed except Littleton. The Board advised Pessy to make contact with the person from Littleton in case a change needs to be made.

Saturday, March 29th in Marlborough

Wednesday, April 9th in Concord

Wednesday, April 16th in Hampton

Wednesday, April 23rd in Littleton (tentative)

Joyce will send the counts for each Workshop from last year to Pessy for a reference.


David passed out a Legislative update (see attached). It was noted to keep an eye on HB1196, HB1311, HB1441, HB1479 and SB300.

Convention Coordinator:

Terri has received the 2014 contract from North Conway Grand Hotel for September 17, 18 & 19 (W-F). Terri will e-mail via Google Group the dates and prices, same pricing as 2013. The contract states a deposit of $1,000.00.

A motion was made by David to allow Joyce to write a check for $1,000.00 as a deposit for the 2014 Conference at the North Conway Grand Hotel, seconded by Deb. All in favor, motion carries.


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Joyce handed the check to Terri to send along with the signed contract.

Education Committee:

Diane is working on the agenda for the upcoming Spring Workshops. She is waiting on Committee members to be presenters at some of the Workshops that she will not be able to attend. Topics: Morning – Legislative Update, Certification Update and MS-61 with DRA, Committee Members and Executive Board Members. Would like to tie MS-61 into DRA process. Afternoon – Nothing has been confirmed, have two topics to choose from that Primex could present: Creating Organization Alignment or Human Factors and Conflict Resolution. Diane will confirm one of the topics.

The New Collectors Workshop will be held March 27th and April 3rd at the DMV Auditorium (new location).

Diane advised the Board again that she is looking to step down as the Education Committee Chairman and that the Board or Nominating Committee should be looking for someone as no one from the Committee wants to be Chairman. The Board directed President Sylvia to contact the Nominating Committee and have them start looking for an interested person or persons (could be a co-chair position) to fill the upcoming vacancy.

County Coordinator Report:

Raymah has advised the County Coordinators of the February meeting at DRA and has also told them that at the Conference this year they will have a separate room and buffet so as not to delay their meeting.

Old Business:

Looking for an update on laptop from Holly at the next meeting.

New Business:

President Sylvia received a letter from the Municipal Records Board advising who the representatives from each organization are. Pat Tucker from Ashland is the Association rep.

Diane needs a list of Towns that don’t have e-mail addresses. Joyce will provide.

The Board worked on the Workshop Coordinator job description and Pessy will make the changes. The Board will review after the Workshops are done to see if something else needs to be added.

A review of the 2nd Vice President and Director At Large job descriptions will be done in March.


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Next meeting is February 13, 2014 at DRA – Agenda items: Badges & Length of Service/Danglers

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 12:15 pm, seconded. All in favor, motion carries.

Respectfully submitted by:

Acting Secretary

Joyce McGee


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