Results of Annual Town Meeting

Results of Annual Town Meeting

March 16, 2007

Results of Vote for Officers

Art. 1 Ronald Green Sr. was elected.

Art. 2 1st Selectman

Wade Richardson 71

Neal Strong 1

Keith Whitaker 1

Wade Richardson Elected

2nd Selectman

Christie MacKenzie 73

3rd Selectman

Leon Hopkins 73

Fire Chief

George Dean 37

Ralph Shaw 35

James Worster 1

George Dean Elected.

Road Commissioner

Leon Hopkins 71

SAD #48 Representative

Emily Green 72

Recount Called in Fire Chief Race.

Recount Results:

George Dean 37

Ralph Shaw 35

George Dean elected Fire Chief and sworn in.

Motion made and seconded to postpone remainder of meeting to Saturday, March 24, 2007 at 10 am at the Grange Hall.

Motion Carries, meeting postponed.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Meeting called to order at 10:00 a.m.

Results of articles one and two read aloud by moderator Ronald Green, SR.

Article 3: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to set compensation for First Selectman at 5,583 to be taken from general government.

Article 4: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to set compensation for the Second Selectman at $2692 to be taken from general government.

Article 5: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to set compensation for the Third Selectman at $2692 to be taken from general government.

Article 6: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to set compensation for the Road commissioner at State Wages.

Article 7: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to set compensation for the Fire Chief at $2692, Raise.

Article 8: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to authorize the selectmen to appoint all necessary officers and set compensation for such.

Article 9: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to apply income to budget accounts as it is received.

Article 10: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to retroactively approve the appropriation of $10,000 excise for General Government for 2006.

Article 11: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $57,600 Raise, $53,400 Surplus, and $9000 tax interest to General Government. Total appropriation of $120,000.

Article 12: motion made and seconded to accept article as read, but to appropriate $21,500 Raise, $12,200 Surplus, and $2500 from Soil Preparations donation to Fire Protection, total appropriation of $36,200.

Article 13: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $5000 from Surplus to the Fire Truck Repair and Replacement Fund.

Article 14: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $21,455, Raise, for the Fire Truck Payment.

Article 15: motion made and seconded to accept article as read, but to appropriate $1300 Raise, $500 from Soil Preparations donation, and $700 from Surplus to Animal Control.

Article 16: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $2500 Surplus to Public Safety-Dam and Streetlights.

Article 17: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $29,904 Block Grant and $69,000 Excise, total of $98,904 to Public Works-Town Ways.

Article 18: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $64,500 Raise and $29,500 Surplus, total of $94,000 for Public Works-Snow Removal.

Article 19: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $81,000 Raise to Sanitation.

Article 20: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $894 carryover, $8000 Surplus and $346 bank interest to Cemeteries and Memorials.

Article 21: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to transfer the interest on the Cemetery Trust Fund to the Cemetery Maintenance Account.

Article 22: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $500 Surplus to the cemetery addition.

Article 23: motion made and seconded to accept article as read, except to appropriate $2500 from the Soil Preparations donation for recreation.

Motion made to reconsider article 23.

Motion to take $2500 from the Soil Preparations donation and take $1250 from Surplus.

Article 23: Voted to take $2500 from Soil Preparations and $1250 from Surplus, total

of $3750 for Recreation.

Article 24: motion made and seconded to accept article as read, except to take $2500 from the Soil Preparations donation and $2500 from Surplus. Total of $5000 appropriated for General Assistance.

Article 25: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $5000 Raise to the Salt Shed Reserve Account.

Article 26: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to authorize the Selectmen to make temporary loans for the town in anticipation of taxes in accordance with RF Chapter 91, Section 109.

Article 27: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to subscribe affirmatively to the provisions of the Workmen’s Compensation Act.

Article 28: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to authorize the selectmen to sell tax acquired property.

Article 29: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to accept funds from the State of Maine for the reduction of taxes.

Article 30: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to authorize the selectmen to accept grants from State or Federal government or any other organization.

Article 31: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to authorize the Town Office to accept prepayment of taxes.

Article 32: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate the money from the State of Maine for Snowmobile Registration refunds to the Plymouth Snowmobile Club.

Article 33: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $750 from Surplus to the Eastern Agency on Aging.

Article 34: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $4152 from Surplus to Penquis CAP.

Article 35: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $50 from Surplus to Spruce Run.

Article 36: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $634 from Surplus to American Red Cross.

Article 37: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $90 to the Sebasticook Valley Chamber of Commerce.

Article 38: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $700 from Surplus to the Newport Food Bank.

Article 39: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $100 from Surplus to the Maine Public Broadcasting Network.

Article 40: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $814 from Surplus to the Penobscot Valley Council of Governments.

Article 41: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $500 from Surplus to United Cerebral Palsy.

Article 42: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $100 from Surplus to Kennebec Valley Mental Health.

Article 43: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $100 from Surplus to the Margaret Chase Smith Center.

Article 44: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $344 from Surplus for the Community Health Council.

Article 45: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to authorize the Selectmen to enter into cooperative or regional service agreements with area towns.

Article 46: motion made and seconded to accept article as read.

Moderator states article is too vague as written—illegal article.

Motion made and seconded to amend article to read “To see if the Town will vote to develop a program for the upgrading of unpaved Town Roads.” Voted to amend article.

Voted to develop a program for the upgrading of unpaved Town Roads.

Article 47: Movement made to reject article.

Movement made and seconded to accept article as read.

Discussion: Mt. View Drive resident-Road is not in bad shape, the residents just want it plowed by the town.

Planning board chair: it would be in violation of the subdivision ordinance, as the road is not paved and not to state specifications.

Voted not to accept Mt. View Drive as a town way.

Article 48: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $0 for Mt View Drive.

Article 49: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted NOT to accept the North Shore Road as a Town Way.

Article 50: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted to appropriate $0 for the North Shore Road.

Article 51: motion made and seconded to accept article as read. Voted not to increase the tax levy limit.

Meeting adjourned, 11:40 a.m.

A true and attested copy:

Rebecca Gray, Town Clerk


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