Regional School District 12INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSALCONSTRUCTION SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERIALS TESTING SERVICESNEW AGRISCIENCE STEM ACADEMY ADDITIONS & ASSOCIATED RENOVATIONSShepaug Valley School – Phase 2Washington, Ct.State Project Nos. 212-0025 and 212-0026Regional School District 12 is seeking proposals for Construction Special Inspection and Materials Testing Services for the Agriscience STEM Academy and Associated Renovations. Proposals will be received at the Business Office 11a School Street Washington Depot, Ct. 06794 until 2:00 p.m. October 29, 2018. Immediately following, all bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Proposals must be contained in a sealed envelope with the Proposal Name clearly marked on the front. Bids may be mailed or hand-delivered addressed toBusiness Office 11a School Street Washington Depot, Ct. 06794.Bids received after the specified closing time will not be accepted and will be returned rmation for Proposal Packets is available on the Regional School District 12 website at Region- as well as at the Business Office. Any questions regarding specifications, policies and procedures are to be directed to the Facilities Director at olearyd@region-.Bidders are responsible for checking the Regional School District 12 website atRegion- for any addendums and updates to the bid.Regional School District 12 reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals, in whole or in part, and to waive any informality in any proposal when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of Regional School District 12.INTRODUCTION AND INFORMATION:In your proposal, include the credentials of staff that will be doing the testing and inspections, a listing of recent projects in which your firm has undertaken construction testing and inspection.Fill out the Proposal Form included in the package along with your proposed rates.Three copies of your proposal should be submitted.Vendors are requested to submit a copy of their W-9 with the proposals.Rights Reserved to Regional School District 12The School Building Committee reserves the right to award in part, to reject any and all, in whole or in part, for misrepresentation or if the respondent is in default of any prior contract, or if the Respondent limits or modifies any of the terms and conditions and/or specifications of the request. Regional School District 12 also reserves the right to waive technical defects, irregularities and omissions if, in its judgment, the best interest of the Regional School District will be RMATION AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TO BIDDERS1. Sealed Proposals (one ORIGINAL & TWO copies) on the attached Proposal Forms will be received at the Business Office 11a School Street Washington Depot, Ct. 06794. At the designated time of opening, they will be publicly opened, read, recorded and placed on file. Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope that is clearly marked 2. Whenever it is deemed to be in the best interest of Regional School District 12, the School Building Committee shall have the right to accept or reject any Proposal, or any part of any proposal, when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of Regional School District 12.3. The award will be on the basis of qualified, lowest, responsible Bidder to meet specifications unless otherwise specified.4. Proposals will be carefully evaluated as to conformance with stated specifications.5. Specifications must be submitted complete in every detail, and when requested, samples shall be provided. If a Proposal involves any exception from stated specifications, they must be clearly noted as exceptions, underlined, and attached to the Proposal.6. The Proposal Documents contain the provisions required for the requested rmation obtained from an officer, agent, or employee of Regional School District 12 or any other person shall not affect the risks or obligations assumed by the Bidder or relieve him/her from fulfilling any of the conditions of the Proposal.7. Each bidder is held responsible for the examination and/or to have acquainted themselves with any conditions at the job site which would affect their work before submitting a Proposal. Failure to meet these criteria shall not relieve the Bidder of the responsibility of completing the Proposal without extra cost to Regional School District 12.8. Any Proposal may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening ofProposals or authorized postponement thereof. Any Proposal received after the time anddate specified shall not be considered. No bidder may withdraw a Proposal within ninety(90) Days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Should there be reasons why aProposal cannot be awarded within the specified period; the time may be extended bymutual agreement between Regional School District 12 and the bidder.9. The bidder agrees and warrants that in the submission of this sealed Proposal, they willnot discriminate or permit discrimination against any person or group of persons on thegrounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or physical disability including, butnot limited to blindness, unless it is shown by such bidder that such disability preventsperformance of that which must be done to successfully fulfill the terms of this sealedProposal or in any manner which is prohibited by the laws of the United States or theState of Connecticut: and further agrees to provide the Human Relations Commissionwith such information requested by the Commission concerning the employmentpractices and procedures of the bidder. An Affirmative Action Statement will be requiredby the successful bidder.10. Bidder agrees to comply with all of the latest Federal and State Safety Standards andRegulations and certifies that all work required in this Proposal will conform to andcomply with said standards and regulations. Bidder further agrees to indemnify and holdharmless Regional School District 12 for all damages assessed against Regional School District 12 as a result of Bidder's failure to comply with said standards and/or regulations.11. Regional School District 12 is exempt from Excise, Transportation and Sales taxes imposed by the Federal Government and/or State of Connecticut. Such taxes must not be included in proposal prices. Exemption certificates will be provided upon request.12. By submitting a proposal, Vendors/Bidders certify that the proposal is madeindependently and without collusion, agreement, understanding, or planned course ofaction with any other Vendor/Bidder and that the contents of the proposal shall not bedisclosed to anyone other than their employees, agents, or sureties prior to the officialopening.13. Vendors shall observe and comply with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances and regulations. Vendors shall indemnify and save harmless Regional School District 12, all of its officers, agents and servants against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such law, ordinance, regulation or negligence whether by the bidder, his employees, his consultant and/or their employees.14. Bidders are responsible for checking the Regional School District 12 website atRegion- for any addendums and updates to the RFP.15. Fee Amounts: All prices and costs, shall be stated in units of quantity, less federal, state, and local taxes. 16. Non-collusion: The respondent certifies by signing the cover sheet that the proposal is made without prior understanding, agreement, or accord with any other person submitting a proposal for the same product or service. Certification is also made that this proposal is in all respects bona fide, fair, and not the result of any act of fraud or collusion with another person engaged in the same line of business or commerce. INSURANCEInsurance: Include a Certificate of Insurance, showing evidence of compliance with the following requirements:mercial General Liability Insurance – Bidder shall provide a commercial general liability insurance policy that includes products, operations and completed operations. Limits should be at least: Bodily injury and property damage with an occurrence limit of $1,000,000; Personal and advertising injury limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence; General aggregate limit of $2,000,000 (other than products and completed operations); Products and completed operations aggregate limit of $2,000,000. Such coverage will be primary and shall not contribute in any way to any insurance or self-insured retention carried by the Region. Such insurance shall contain coverage for independent contractors, subcontractors and sub consultants of the Bidder. Such insurance shall contain contractual liability coverage for liability assumed under an insured contract (including the tort liability of another assumed in a business contract). mercial Automobile Liability Insurance – The Bidder shall provide Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 per accident and $2,000,000 in the aggregate annually covering both bodily injury and property damage and shall include coverage for all owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles. If no vehicles are owned or leased, the comprehensive general liability shall be extended to provide insurance for non-owned and hired automobiles. c.Worker’s Compensation Insurance – The Bidder shall provide Worker’s Compensation Insurance in the required amount as applies to the State of Connecticut and Employers. Liability Insurance as follows: Bodily Injury by Accident - $1,000,000 each accident Bodily Injury by Disease - $1,000,000 policy limit Bodily Injury by Disease - $1,000,000 each employee. d.Umbrella Liability Insurance – The Bidder shall provide Commercial Umbrella Liability Insurance with a combined single limit of $10,000,000.e.Professional Liability Insurance – The Bidder shall provide Professional Liability Insurance with a combined single limit of $2,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate. f.Each Policy of Insurance – With the exception of the Professional Liability, shall include a waiver of subrogation in favor of Regional School District No. 12 and shall provide cancellation provisions as required by Connecticut Changes and Nonrenewal Provisions. The Commercial General Liability, Automobile and Umbrella Liability shall name Regional School District No. 12, the selected Architect and the selected Construction Manager as an additional insured. Certificates of Insurance using ISO forms CG2010 and CG2030 shall be delivered to the District prior to the commencement of the work and kept in force throughout the term thereof. The above insurance requirements shall also apply to all sub-consultants and/or subcontractors to the Bidder and the Bidder shall not allow any sub-consultants and/or subcontractors to commence work until the sub-consultants and/or subcontractors insurance has been so obtained and approved. g.Indemnification – The Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless Regional School District No. 12 and its agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney’s fees arising out of, or resulting from the performance of the work. Note: Insurance Certificates in accordance with the requirements contained must be submitted to the Region prior to the issuance of a Purchase Order.Timing and Quantity of TestingThe timing and quantity of testing to be done will be under the direction of O&G – Construction Manager for the project. All results will be submitted to both Region 12 and O&G.The construction period will be November 2018 to December 2019.NEW AGRISCIENCE STEM ACADEMY ADDITIONS & ASSOCIATED RENOVATIONSShepaug Valley School – Phase 2Proposal Form – Page 1 of 2Note: Travel time & mileage charges must be included in the proposed rates.FIELD TECHNICIANRATES(Per Function)1/2 DayInterval1 DayIntervalSOILS - Fill inspection field density (compaction) by Nuclear, Rubber, Balloon, or Sand cone$$Lab tests: Gradation (sieve) analysis per sample Proctor (maximum) density test sample Wet (sieve) - Additional per sample$$$$$$Is RUSH service on Lab tests available? [ ] Yes [ ] NoCONCRETE - Field placement inspection includes slump, air, temperature, truck timing (unlimited # of cylinder fabrication with pickup)$$Rebar Inspection$$Lab Tests: Curing and compression test on cylinders: Fabricated by Field Technician Concrete mix design review$$$$$$COMBINATION SOILS/CONCRETE/REBAR INSPECTION $$MASONRYOn-site inspection of masonry procedures, including fabrication of mortar or grout cubes$$Note: Travel time & mileage charges must be included in the proposed rates.FIELD TECHNICIANRATES(Per Function)1/2 DayInterval1 DayIntervalLab Tests: Compression tests of: Masonry units Mortar or grout cubes$_______________$$______________$ASPHALTInspection of in-place asphalt for compaction and/or thicknessLab Tests: Asphalt content & aggregate gradation$_______________$$______________$FIREPROOFINGThickness inspection (field)Lab Tests: Adhesion or density tests$______________$$ ______________$STRUCTURAL STEELQualified inspector for inspection of field welded connections or in-state fab. shop inspectionSpecial Tests: Ultrasonic, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, radiography or Skidmore Wilhelm$________________$$______________$ENGINEER P.E. for general services if necessary or for Special Inspection Services: $_______________$_______________Authorized Signature: ________________________ Date:_____________Name: ________________________________Phone:________________________Title: ___________________________Email: _________________________Company:_____________________________________________________________Address:__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________Proposal Form – Page 2 of 2 ................

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