Onondaga County, New York

Known Local Jail Oversight Entities in U.S. DRAFT - Last Updated 3/8/16

| Location |Name of Entity |Contact |Powers |

|1. Albuquerque, |Civilian Police Oversight Agency |Robin Hammer |Investigations into allegations of Violence & Staff Misconduct |

|NM | |505-924-3370 |at Metropolitan Detention Center (1 of 40 largest US jails) |

|2. Allegheny |Allegheny County Jail Oversight Board| |? |

|County (Pittsburgh), | | |Formerly called the “County Prison Board” established 1980 |

|PA | | | |

|3. Austin, |Police Monitor |Margo Frasier |? Unclear if oversees jail plus APD? Jail is run by |

|TX | | |Travis County Sheriff. |

|4. Denver, |Independent Monitor |Nicholas Mitchell |Oversees Police & Sheriff’s Dept (including their jail |

|CO | | |functions) |

| | | |

| | | |dependent-monitor.html |

|5. Los Angeles, |Los Angeles County Office of |Max Huntsman |Oversees patrol and jail functions of Lost Angeles County |

|CA |Inspector General | |Sheriff’s Dept. |

| |Court-Appointed Monitor |Richard Drooyan |Court-Appointed Monitor for Co. Jail Reform |

|6. Nassau County, |Board of Visitors | |6 of 7 Members Appointed Only from Town in Which Facility |

|NY | | |Located but as of 12/2015 Entity Does Not Yet Seem to be |

| | | |Functional. |

|7. New York City, |NY City Board of Correction |Martha King, ED |html/boc/html/home/home.shtml |

|NY | | | |

|8. Onondaga |Onondaga County Justice Center |Barrie Gewanter |Receive complaints including confidential calls from inmates. |

|County (Syracuse), |Oversight Committee |315- 435-3565/67 |Investigate serious complaints & incidents. Make |

|NY | | |recomen-dations re: policy, procedure & training |

|9. Orange County, |Orange Co. Office of Independent |Stephen Connolly |Orange County Seems to be a Collection of Suburban Towns – ie. |

|CA |Review | |No Big City |

|10. San Diego |San Diego Co. Citizens Law |Patrick Hunter |Oversees patrol & jail functions of San Diego Co. Sheriff’s |

|County, CA |Enforcement Review Board | |Dept. clerb |

|11. Santa Clara |Jail Observer Program |Kate Jones |Receive confidential calls from inmates, Only Facilitate |

|County, CA | |408-792-2304 |Communication, Explain policies, Alert Custody or Medical Admin|

| | | |to complaints, patterns, trends |


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