TENDER DOSSIERTender for procurement of Rental Vehicle for Kabul cityPublication reference: TD 21/011/KBL-AF Issued by: Children in Crisis Author: Abdullah AfzaliPublication Date: 1st April 2021TABLE OF CONTENT TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS PAGEREF _Toc58741676 \h 31PURPOSE OF THE TENDER DOSSIER PAGEREF _Toc58741677 \h 32INVITATION TO TENDER TIMETABLE PAGEREF _Toc58741678 \h 33INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS PAGEREF _Toc58741679 \h 33.2.1Currency PAGEREF _Toc58741683 \h 43.2.2Tender validity PAGEREF _Toc58741684 \h 43.2.3Tender Presentation PAGEREF _Toc58741685 \h 43.2.4Compliance PAGEREF _Toc58741686 \h 53.2.5Technical Offer PAGEREF _Toc58741687 \h 53.2.6Price proposal PAGEREF _Toc58741688 \h 54CONDITIONS OF TENDERING PAGEREF _Toc58741689 \h 54.1Questions / Request for clarification PAGEREF _Toc58741690 \h 54.2Clarification meeting / site visit PAGEREF _Toc58741691 \h 54.3Alteration or withdrawal of tenders PAGEREF _Toc58741692 \h 54.4Costs of preparing tenders PAGEREF _Toc58741693 \h 54.5Late Proposal PAGEREF _Toc58741694 \h 64.6Eligibility PAGEREF _Toc58741695 \h 64.7Compliance PAGEREF _Toc58741696 \h 64.8Right to reject all tenders PAGEREF _Toc58741697 \h 64.9Power to accept part of a tender PAGEREF _Toc58741698 \h 64.10Confidentiality PAGEREF _Toc58741699 \h 64.11Tender Process PAGEREF _Toc58741700 \h 64.12Notification award and contract signature PAGEREF _Toc58741701 \h 74.13Ownership of tenders PAGEREF _Toc58741702 \h 74.14Type of contract PAGEREF _Toc58741703 \h 74.15Cancellation of the tender procedure PAGEREF _Toc58741704 \h 7APPENDIXES PAGEREF _Toc58741705 \h 8Appendix A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGEREF _Toc58741706 \h 9Appendix B: TENDERER?S DECLARATION PAGEREF _Toc58741707 \h 10Appendix C: CODE OF CONDUCT AND CHILD PROTECTION POLICY PAGEREF _Toc58741708 \h 11Appendix D: PRICE PROPOSAL PAGEREF _Toc58741709 \h 12Appendix E: CONTRACT TEMPLATE PAGEREF _Toc58741710 \h 13INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERSPURPOSE OF THE TENDER DOSSIERThe purpose of this Tender is to obtain competitive offers for procurement rental vehicles in Kabul. A detailed description of the assignment and services required by Children in Crisis is contained in the technical specifications (see APPENDIX A – Technical specifications). INVITATION TO TENDER TIMETABLEDATETIME(City)Deadline for request for any clarifications from Children in Crisis5th April 20211 pm Kabul TimeLast date on which clarifications are issued by CiC6th April 20212 pm Kabul TimeDeadline for submission of tenders (receiving date, not sending date)7th April 20211 pm Kabul Time Deadline for the submission of vehicles as requested (in the event CIC does not receive the Vehicle from the bidder on time or is not satisfied with the quality of samples, CIC may move forward with other bidders)Contacted suppliers must be able to provide samples within 2 days after being contacted by CiC2 daysNotification of award to the successful tenderer11th April 20214 pm Kabul TimeINSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERSIn submitting a tender, the tenderer accepts in full and without restriction the special and general conditions governing this contract as the sole basis of this tendering procedure, whatever their own conditions of sale may be. Tenderers are expected to examine carefully and comply with all instructions, forms, provisions, and specifications contained in this tender dossier. Failure to submit a tender containing all the required information and documentation within the deadline specified will lead to the rejection of the tender. The participation procedure will be carried out in two successive stages; both are to be submitted togetherTechnical ProposalFinancial ProposalResponses should be sent in a single envelope which will contain the following:APPENDIX A- Technical specificationAPPENDIX B - Tenderer’s Declaration APPENDIX C – Code of Conduct and Child protection policyAPPENDIX D- Price proposalThe envelope to be marked as follows:“Tender proposal “Supplier name” to CiC tender: TD 21/011/KBL-AFGDo not open before 7th April 2021Tenderers do not have the option of submitting their tender electronically.Language: All documents shall be submitted in the English language. The supplier application and tender proposal shall be submitted together before the deadline for reception of applications on the 7th April 2021, 1 PM – Kabul Time to: Mr. Jalil Ahmad Fazl, Procurement and Logistics officerMobile:0798909591Address: Children in Crisis. Street 3, Qala-i- Fatullah, hareer dental clinic laneIt is the responsibility of the Tenderer to ensure that their offer is complete and meets CiC?s requirements. Failure to satisfy all aspects of the tender dossier may lead to the offer being rejected without further reason being given. It is therefore essential to ensure that you read this document carefully and answer in full all questions asked.Selection criteria for administrative compliance:This part concerns the information given in the supplier questionnaire; each tenderer SHOULD INCLUDE ALL THE DOCUMENTS BELOW:This Tender Dossier (including all annexes duly filled) signed or stamped on each page by the approved authority in the companyAttaching a copy of contracts and list of customers in the last 18 months proving prior experience in the supply of the same (preferable) or similar product or service to a national NGO and/or INGO is a must.Proof of business license from the ministry of commerce in Afghanistan. One satisfactory reference of customers for whom the same type of services was provided; CiC reserves the right to contact these references, without notifying the Tenderer.ALL ABOVEMENTIONED DOCUMENTS (INCLUDING APPENDICES) NEED TO BE DULY FILLED AND SIGNED (BY AUTHORIZED PERSON) AND STAMPED FAILING WHICH THE BIDDER MAY GET DISQUALIFIED OR GET LOWER SCORES DURING EVALUATION. Currency All prices shall be expressed in AFN currency including VAT.Tender validityTenders shall remain valid for a period of 3 calendar months after the deadline for receipt of tenders.Tender PresentationTenderers must submit a tender for all of the goods and services (this includes materials plus transportation to mentioned provinces and districts with safe delivery) Delivery points are specified in Appendix A. Prices and lead times, presented in the tender, should be firm and valid for the whole duration of the agreement from the date of its signature by both Parties. The tenderer shall be ready to provide the vehicles at the soonest time. Otherwise, the company will be disqualified after 5 days.The price proposal should be submitted according to the template in APPENDIX D – Price Proposal. ComplianceYour basic offer shall be strictly in accordance with the technical specifications specified in the APPENDIX A -Technical specifications. Award of the contract is based on the criteria listed at paragraph 4.12 Tender Process Technical OfferA technical tender offer describing the way in which the tenderer intends to carry out the tasks as described in the contract. Respecting all the obligations imposed by the specifications, bearing in mind the principles and values of CiC. The tender should include:A technical bid consisting of a detailed description of all listed items in RFQ. Stock holdings (if listed materials are owned currently by the supplier and kept in the stock or they will purchase from other suppliers)Price proposalA clear breakdown of costs related to items and services as requested in RFQ, and A detailed price list for all the services linked to the technical requirement (e.g. equipment service)This list forms an integral part of the contract resulting from this invitation to tender and will serve as a control instrument for our finance team during invoice verification. Any component not found in this list can be neither invoiced nor paid, therefore, it should be comprehensive. By providing this pricelist, tenderers agree to abide by it and its accompanying conditions in carrying out the contract. Additional services that the service provider would be willing to provide CiC at no cost.CONDITIONS OF TENDERINGQuestions / Request for clarification Any requests for clarification may be submitted by email to abdullah.afzali@street- until the 5th April 2021 (1 PM -Kabul Time) A clarification meeting/site visitA clarification meeting can be held based on the request of suppliers (at least 3 days before the deadline for submission of tenders) to answer any questions on the tender dossier which have been forwarded in writing or raised during the meeting. Minutes will be taken during the meeting and these will be communicated, together with any clarifications in response to written requests which are not addressed during the meeting, in writing to all the tenderers. No further clarification will be provided after this. All the costs of attending this meeting will be borne by the tenderers.Visits by individual prospective tenderers, other than this meeting, cannot be permitted during the tender period.Alteration or withdrawal of tendersTenderers may alter or withdraw their tenders by written notification prior to the deadline for submission of tenders referred to in Article 2. No tender may be altered after this deadline. Withdrawals must be unconditional and will end all participation in the tender procedure.Costs of preparing tendersAll costs incurred by the tenderer in preparing and submitting the tender are not reimbursable. All such costs will be borne by the tenderer.Late ProposalTenders must be received before 7th April 2021 at 1pm, Kabul time. Tenders received after the closing date will not be considered, unless in CiC’s sole opinion there are exceptional circumstances which have caused the delay. EligibilityParticipation in tendering is open on equal terms to any natural and legal persons or company which is officially registered with the government of pliance CIC reserves the right to reject all bids not submitted in the format specified and any bids where any of the required forms are not completed.Right to reject all tendersCiC is under no obligation to accept any tender.Power to accept part of a tenderCiC reserves the right, unless the tenderer expressly stipulates to the contrary in the tender, to award batches separately or in any combination. ConfidentialityTenderers must treat the invitation to tender and all associated documentation supplied by CiC as confidential.Tender ProcessCiC reserves the right to negotiate, accept or reject any or all proposals and quotations at its sole discretion and to pursue or act further on any responses it considers advantageous. The contract will be awarded to the administratively and technically compliant tender that is the most economically advantageous, taking into account the quality of the services offered and the price of the tender. Tenders will be evaluated on the criteria listed below:CRITERIASAward criteriaScore up toMax. Score% of overallCapability/competence of tenderer to perform the work/service requiredExperience in the field concerned as listed in RFQ 101818%Experience delivering similar services to other international NGOs 8Quality / Understanding of requirementsMeeting technical specifications (quality, methodology, etc..) OR Level of understanding of work/service required103030%Ability to meet delivery dates OR Reliability of plan proposed16Level of understanding of tender documents4Prices for goods/work/servicesClarity of the cost breakdown105252%Price proposal of Goods/Services in accordance with the request (best value for money)42TOTAL MAXIMUM GENERAL SCORING100100%In the interests of transparency and equal treatment and without being able to modify their tenders, tenderers may be required, at the sole written request of the evaluation committee, to provide clarifications within 48 hours. These requests can only be for clarification purposes, not for the correction of major details.Any attempt by a tenderer to influence the evaluation committee in the process of examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders, to obtain information on how the procedure is progressing or to influence CiC in its decision concerning the award of the contract will result in the immediate rejection of his/her tender. Notification award and contract signatureThe successful tenderer will be informed in writing that their tender has been chosen (notification of award). CiC will agree with the selected tenderer on the final contract version and will send the signed documents in two original copies to the successful tenderer. The unsuccessful tenderer will not receive any notice regarding the rejection of bid.Within 3 business days following the reception, the successful tenderer will sign, date and send back the contract. The selected tenderer will have to communicate the number and exact references of the bank account where the payments will be executed. If the successful tenderer fails to sign and send back the contract within 3 working days, CiC can consider (after notification) the award as null and void. Ownership of tendersCiC retains ownership of all tenders received under this tender process. Consequently, tenderers have no right to have their tenders returned to them.CiC guarantees that tender offers shall remain confidential. Type of contractThe contract that will be concluded between the successful tenderer and CiC is done according to CiC’s standard contract. A contract draft is included in Appendix E – Contract Template.By submitting an offer to this Invitation to Tender, the tenderer accepts CiC?s contract terms. If any remark or reserve were to be raised by the tenderer, they should be clearly written down in a free format document included in the tender. Such documents should include the tenderer’s proposal to replace the discussed sections of the contract.If the tenderer submits an offer with no clear feedback on Appendix E – Contract Template, then CiC will consider the submitted contract draft has been accepted in full by the tenderer.Cancellation of the tender procedure In the event of a tender procedure's cancellation, tenderers will be notified by CiC.Cancellation may occur where:The tender procedure has been unsuccessful, namely where no qualitatively or financially worthwhile tender has been received, or where there has been no response at all.The economic or technical parameters of the project have been fundamentally altered.Exceptional circumstances or force majeure render normal performance of the project impossible.All technically compliant tenders exceed the financial resources available to CiC.There have been irregularities in the procedure, in particular where these have prevented fair competition.If the donor of the project has not approved the budget for this project that has been considered for this procurement. Under no circumstances will CiC be liable for damages, whatever their nature (in particular damages for loss of profits) or relation with the cancellation of a tender, even if CiC has been warned of the possibility of damages. Tenderers are requested not to contact CiC during the tender assessment period, unless through the formal questioning mechanism outlined above or if they are an existing CiC’s supplier, and then only in pursuit of existing CIC business.APPENDICESAppendix A : Technical SpecificationsAppendix B: Tenderer?s declarationAppendix C: Code of Conduct and Child protection policyAppendix D: Price proposalAppendix E: Contract templateAppendix A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (DELIVERY PONT: Kabul)NoItemDescription & Use1Rental Mercedes/Astana or similar (10-seater mini-van)Pick and drop of the project team from the first gate of prison center to KFPDC and away back- 6 days a week (supplier has the responsibility to provide driver and vehicle cost including fuel and oil too)2Rental Toyota Corolla or similar (5-seater)Office full day, pick and drop are inclusive- 6 days a week (supplier has the responsibility to provide driver and vehicle cost including fuel and oil too) Scope of Work This section provides an indicative scope of work for the firm. It shall, however, be the responsibility of the firm to carry out all the tasks for smooth dispatch services of the CICDuring the period of operation for CiC, the vehicle shall carry CiC authorized passengers only. The vehicle service should be dedicated to CIC passengers during the contract period. The vehicle shall be clean, inside and out, free from any unpleasant order, and provides such service during Covid-19 spreadThe vehicle shall be fully cleaned and disinfected regularly with disinfection materials during the service for CiC.The vehicle shall be Road-worthy and in good condition.The vehicle shall be equipped with necessary safety items, including a fire extinguisher, first aid kid, seat-belt restraints, spare tire, mechanical jack, and basic hand toolsThe vehicle shall be equipped with a properly functioning air conditionerThe vehicle shall be compliant with applicable insurance, safety, or other motor vehicle requirements The vehicle shall be registered for operation during the period of his Contract with registration documentation in the vehicle and registration/number plates affixed to the vehicle as required by Afghanistan traffic lawService providers shall be fully responsible for the operation of the vehicle and ensure that the driver operates the vehicle under applicable law.Service providers shall be fully responsible for refueling the rented vehicle.Service providers shall be fully responsible for any maintenance, servicing, and repair needs of the vehicle during the term of this contract, and all costs related thereto and shall ensure that the vehicle operates properly during the term of this Contract. Except in the case of emergencies, service providers shall ensure that service and repair do not take place during the hours that CIC requires the vehicle, or at any other time that will interfere with CIC’s purposes for the use of the vehicle. provider shall promptly have such work done, at its costs and expense, failing which CiC reserves the right to terminate the contract for cause.The service provider is responsible for any items left in the vehicle by CiC passengers. such items shall be returned to CiC promptly upon discovery.If a service provider has to change drivers, they should keep inform CiC and send us all relevant supporting documents of new drivers.If the rental vehicle was not ready (present any day during the contractual period) due to any reason (maintenance, engine broken etc.) a replacement vehicle must be provided to CiC by the supplier at the same date and time to fulfill the job.If during any incident or accident any damage happened to the car, or any injury or death to driver CiC is not responsible.Vehicles should not display images of political or religious icons that can be deemed inappropriate or inflammatory.Routes and collection points must be approved by CIC passenger and no deviation permitted without CIC approvalDriver Qualifications CV of the driver shall be attached with tender documentsThe Driver shall be: Properly trained in the operation and maintenance of the vehicle; Sufficiently experienced as a DriverDriver licensed for operating a motor vehicle.Familiar with local routes and destinationsAbility to reply in an appropriate manner and polite with passengers. Non-alcohol or drug is prohibited during drivingAppendix B: TENDERER?S DECLARATIONWe the Undersigned accept in full and without restriction the conditions governing this tender as the sole basis of this competition, whatever its own conditions of sale may be, which we hereby waive.We have examined carefully, understood and comply with all conditions, instructions, forms, provisions and specifications contained in this tender dossier including the contract template with its annexes and the CIC’s Supplier Code of Conduct. We are aware that failure to submit a tender containing all the information and documentation expressly required, within the deadline specified, may lead to the rejection of the tender at CIC’s discretion.We hold no reservation in regard to the tender dossier; and are aware that any reservation may result in the rejection of the tender by CIC.We are not aware of any corruption practice in relation to this competition. Should such a situation arise, we shall immediately inform CIC in writing.We declare that we are affected by no potential conflict of interest, and that we and our staff have no particular link with other Tenderers or parties involved in this competition. Should such a situation arise during performance of the contract, we shall immediately inform CIC in pany name and address:Company’s Representative name:Title of Representative in the Company:Representative’s signature and stamp:City, date:Appendix C: CODE OF CONDUCT AND CHILD PROTECTION POLICYCHILD PROTECTION POLICYLatest revision: July 2019TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION A: INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUNDStreet Child’s Vision and Mission Statements3Street Child’s Policy4Definitions5What is a Child Protection Policy?7Why do we need a Child Protection Policy?7SECTION B: STREET CHILD’S CHILD PROTECTION POLICY8Personnel Recruitment8Education and Training9Management Structure10Behaviour Protocols10Communications about Children11Reporting and Reaction Protocol12Ramifications of Misconduct13SECTION C: APPENDICES15Statement of Commitment (1A)15Statement of commitment (1B)16VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTSSTREET CHILD’s Vision is a world where the rights of every child are realised, in particular, the right to education. Our mission is to support the world’s most marginalised children to realise those rights. The safety and welfare of the mostvulnerable populations we serve is of paramount importance to Street Child’s reliefand development work.Street Child believes that all children have the right to be free from abuse and exploitation and therefore operates a firm zero-tolerance policy in relation to any form of abuse as defined in this policy.Street Child is committed to the UN Child Rights Convention (UN CRC) and believes that empowering children to defend themselves against all forms of abuse is the best form of child protection in accordance with the UN CRC:“Protection… from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s), or any other person who has the care of the child.” Article 19STREET CHILD’S POLICY STATEMENT219646571945500All children have a right to protection from intentional and unintentional harm regardless of the form of discrimination. In this policy, protection applies to the duties of Street Child towards children in its care. Street Child works to create a safe environment for vulnerable children1 benefiting from our interventions.This policy should be read in conjunction with Street Child’s Safeguarding Policy, which fully lays out Street Child’s policies and procedures in relation to prevention of abuse, survivor support and investigation and engagement with local populations.However it is recognised that children are a particularly vulnerable group with differentiated needs, and for this reason, a separate policy is required that clearly outlines Street Child’s position on child protection issues as it affects our operations. It applies to all personnel, affiliates and visitors in all Street Child’s operational areas.Children and young people need protection and safeguarding for many reasons. They may need protection from the effects of poverty, disadvantage, exclusion and violence. But in addition to these economic, social, and political problems affecting large numbers of children, individual children may also be at risk from specific forms of abuse by adults or other children.In this policy, Street Child is concerned with all incidents of maltreatment against children who come in contact with Street Child’s personnel or affiliates, as per ‘Definitions’ below. It is essential that all staff, volunteers, beneficiaries, visiting partners, and the general public are aware of its central messages and any duties or responsibilities required of them by this policy.It is the responsibility of Street Child to refer all investigated and proven forms of abuse to the appropriate authorities within the given locality, where it is safe to do so. Street Child and its management team commit to upholding a professional approach toward child protection issues and demonstrating awareness of matters of abuse.This policy will be reviewed once a year or wherever appropriate, specifically following any Serious Incident (as defined in the Safeguarding Policy, p4)1143000102870001DEFINITIONSAffiliatesThis includes the staff, board members, volunteers, interns, consultants, pro bono experts and private contractors of organisations who have entered into partnership, sub-grant or sub-recipient agreements with Street Child.ChildFor the purposes of this policy, a “child” is defined as anyone under the age of 18, inline with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.Child abuseAccording to the World Health Organisation, “Child abuse” or “maltreatment” constitutes ‘all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.’2NSPCC similarly specify “cruelty to children” or “child abuse” as ‘behaviour that causes significant harm to a child. It also includes when someone knowingly fails to prevent serious harm to a child. All forms of cruelty are damaging – it can be harder to recover from the emotional impact than from the physical effects.’ 3Street Child’s safeguarding policy defines abuse within the followingcategories:Discriminatory abuse - including discrimination against children on grounds of race, gender and gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, religion, and other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment;Financial or material abuse - including theft, fraud, exploitation,coercion in relation to a child’s property, possessions or benefits;Exploitation: The act of deliberately maltreating, manipulating or abusing power and control over a child. It is usually for personal gain of the abuser but not always. Exploitation includes forced or compulsory labour, child labour, human trafficking, and domestic and sexual violence and abuse;Neglect: Persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, for example by failing to provide adequate food, clothing and/or shelter; failing to prevent harm; failing to ensure adequate supervision; or failing to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment.Physical abuse – including hurting or injuring a child through assault, hitting, slapping, pushing, burning, misuse of medication, restraint or1143000218440002 The WHO definition of Child Abuse as defined by the Report of the Consultation on Child Abuse Prevention WHO – 1999.3 Definition taken from Are you worried about the safety of a child?, NSPCC, 2002, available to download from physical sanctions, poisoning, drowing, smothering or female genital mutilation (FGM)Psychological abuse - including emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation or unreasonable and unjustified withdrawal of services or supportive networks from a child;Sexual exploitation and abuse - is defined as the actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, including inappropriate touching, by force or under unequal or coercive conditions. This may include cyber-sexual activity.Sexual activity with children (persons under the age of 18) is prohibited regardless of the age of majority or age of consent locally. Mistaken belief regarding the age of a child is not a defence.A child who is being abused may experience more than one type of abuseChild protectionThis is a broad term to describe philosophies, policies, standards, guidelines and procedures to protect children from both intentional and unintentional harm. In the current context, it applies particularly to the duty of organisations - and individuals associated with those organisations - towards children in their care.Direct contact with childrenBeing in the physical presence of a child or children in the context of the organisation’s work, whether contact is occasional or regular, short or long term. This could involve project / site visits. [N.B. this list of examples is not exhaustive].Indirect contact with childrenTo have access to information on individual children (in the context of the organisation’s work) such as children’s names, locations (addresses of individuals or projects), photographs and case studies. [N.B. this list of examples is not exhaustive].PersonnelFor the purpose of this policy and in the specific context of Street Child, personnel includes staff, board members, volunteers, interns, consultants, pro bono experts working for Street Child UK and its affiliated entities – CIC Afghanistan, Street Child Nigeria, Street Child Nepal, Street Child Uganda and Street Child Sri Lanka.Spontaneous or unexpected contact with childrenTo be in the physical presence of a child or children in the context of the organisation’swork, without prior arrangement with the Project Manager or Board of Trustees.Vulnerable childrenThis can refer to all children in family homes, street children, reintegrated and reunified children, and all trainees in the vocational/skills training centres, including those in residential centres or institutional centres, detention centres, children with health issues, displaced and refugee childrenWHAT IS A CHILD PROTECTION POLICY?A Child Protection Policy provides a framework of principles, standards and guidelines on which to base individual and organizational practice in relation to areas such as:Creating a ‘child safe’ and ‘child friendly’ organisation (in relation to environmentalsafety as well as protection against physical, psychological and sexual abuse)Prevention of abuseGuidelines for appropriate and inappropriate behaviour/attitudePersonnel recruitment and trainingRecognizing, reporting and reacting to allegations of abuseGuidelines for communications regarding childrenThis policy is not solely directed towards sexual abuse, but rather encompasses all aspects of child protection including, but not limited to: disciplinary measures, health and safety measures, physical harm, working with information about children, proper recruitment and managerial procedures, and the ramifications of misconduct.WHY DO WE NEED A CHILD PROTECTION POLICY?‘Any international NGO should have a child protection policy if its direct or indirectbeneficiaries include individuals under the age of 18’4Street-connected children are especially vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, and ill treatment at the hands of carers, other project workers, and those with access to their personal information. In the case of children who have run away from home, many have already experienced ruptured relationships of trust or abuse of an adult-child relationship in the form of physical, psychological or sexual anizations working with vulnerable children have been, are and will continue to be vulnerable to harboring abuse until the issues are brought into the anizations without protection policies, guidelines and systems are more vulnerable to false or malicious accusations of abuse.Without proper policies, guidelines and procedures in place, allegations of abuse, whether founded or unfounded, can destroy an organization’s reputation. This will have serious implications for fundraising (thus undermining an organization’s entire portfolio of work, even beyond the scope of the particular project concerned) as well as damaging the reputation of the children’s NGO sector as a whole.1143000201295004 Setting the Standard; A common approach to Child Protection for International NGOs. Standard 1 (Policy)SECTION B: STREET CHILD’S CHILD PROTECTION POLICYPersonnel RecruitmentThe thorough and standardised processes outlined below applies to the recruitment of all Street Child employees, formal advisers, trustees, interns and volunteers whether unpaid or paid, full-time or part-time, temporary or long-term, having direct or indirect contact with children:At least two employment references (excluding family members and personal relations who have known the applicant for less than two years) with names, addresses and telephone numbers shall be taken up for each candidate before and employment offer is made. One of these should be a former employer and (if possible), one who can comment on the applicant’s work with children, if applicable.All personnel coming into direct or indirect contact with children must submit to a criminal records check such as CRB or DBS check in the United Kingdom, orthenationalequivalentintheircountryofusualresidence for-overseas-applicantsAll potential personnel and affiliaties shall read, accept and sign Street Child’sSafeguarding and Child Protection Policy.Each job description shall be accompanied by a candidate specification. The job description shall include specific statements of responsibility towards safeguarding and child protection.All job interviewing processes shall be standardised and based on the job descriptions. However, where employees are likely to be in direct or indirect contact with children, specific question/s and/or written tests on safeguarding and child protection issues shall be included as standard;Advertisements for vacancies shall clearly state that a child protection policy, including screening procedures is in place, and that staff are expected to adhere to this.Education and TrainingThere shall be an induction process for all Street Child representatives on child protection and safeguarding issues in order that they understand Street Child’s guidelines on contact with children, on safeguarding of vulnerable populations, and to exercise appropriately at all times duties of care and responsibility towards children and vulnerable populationsStreet Child shall provide opportunities for its existing staff, volunteers, and trustees to receive training of child protection and shall be free to question and learn about child protection issues, and budget accordingly. There should be a refresher training on child protection on at least an annual basisChild-friendly versions of Street Child’s child protection policy and procedures will be made available to all Street Child beneficiaries.Employees, trustees, officers and volunteers who have access to information about children such as personal contact information including their addresses, specific cases or incidents, photographs or any other details of a child’s personal life must be trained to fully understand what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable sharing of information regarding children.Emotional or counselling support will be available whenever child protection issues are being discussed.An annual review of training, policy and policy implementation will be carried out by the global Child Protection lead, the Lead Safeguarding Focal Point and national child protection leads - ensuring an up-to-date awareness of child protection issues within the organisation.Management StructureThe Management of Street Child, specifically the Safeguarding Complaints Committee and the Senior Management Team of Street Child, will endeavour at all times to encourage and give confidence to those working within the Organization to raise confidential issues of concern that may violate the Child Protection Policy. The Whistleblowing Policy sets out how concerns may be raised, including with anonymity.The Lead Safeguarding Focal Point will be responsible for the implementation of the Child Protection Policy, together with the global Child Protection lead and Country Safeguarding Focal Points, and will also ensure that all members of the Organization understand their responsibilities in relation to child protection.All staff working directly with children or with direct access to information on children will be supervised, monitored and supported in their dealings with children by their managers and peers.Employees are required to bring to the attention of Street Child any practices or actions of exploitation and abuse by Street Child personnel and affiliates. Failure to report incidents may result in disciplinary proceduresQuarterly risk review at country and HQ level will incorporate a review of child protection procedures, and all those supervising staff that are in direct contact with children should be attentive to any child protection issues emerging from discussions.The disclosure of personal information about children, including legal cases, shall be limited to the safeguarding leads, Decision Makers and the Safeguarding Complaint Committee, and other personnel on a strict need to know basis.Scope will be given at meetings and all other formal organizational gatherings to discuss any child protection issues that staff/volunteers and trustees may wish to bring up.Behaviour ProtocolsIn order to protect all children from varying forms of abuse, there will be a Code of Conduct intended to guide Street Child trustees, staff, volunteers, and visiting partners in their dealings with children with whom they may have direct contact during the course of their work for the Organization.The Code shall specifically and only relate to the actions and behaviour of Street Child personnel, all trustees, volunteers, visiting partners and consultants who may have direct contact with children during the course of their work for Street ChildThe Code of Conduct shall be designed to promote good practice amongst Street Child personnel and affiliates and to prevent child abuse.The Code will be made easily accessible to all Street Child staff, volunteers, trustees, visiting partners, and contracted consultants who may have direct and indirect contact with children during the course of their work for the organization.The Code of Conduct will be made available in all situations where the organisation is responsible for bringing children into contact with adults. Any staff, volunteer, trustee or associate of SC will be asked to sign and agree to comply with the CoC prior to any contact with munications about ChildrenEvery child has a right to be accurately represented through words and images. It is therefore Street Child’s responsibility to make sure that each child is portrayed without manipulation of his/her true identity and dignity. All children will be presented as human beings with their identity and dignity preserved.To the greatest extent possible, Street Child will acquire informed consent/ the permission of the child, child’s guardian, and/or Organisation responsible for the child in order to use his/her image for publicity, fundraising, awareness raising, or other purpose that should be made clear to the consent-giver.Street Child will ensure that where possible, accounts of certain experiences are narrated by the person concerned (except where he/she decides that someone does it for him/her).All texts and images included in any print, broadcast or electronic materials such as brochures, publications, reports, videos or websites depicts an accurate and balanced depiction of children and their circumstances. Sufficient information will be provided where possible as to their social, cultural and economic environment.In images, children will be appropriately clothed and not depicted in any poses that could be interpreted as sexually provocative.People or other organizations that receive photos (or other visual materials) from Street Child will be provided with advice and guidance on how they are to be used. In addition photos and all other visual materials will be accompanied by a statement from Street Child stating that they are to be usedsolely and specifically for the purpose of genuine publicity on behalf of, and as agreed with Street ChildFurther, the statement will clarify that failure to adhere to the agreed use of the material will result in the immediate termination of the recipient’s permission to use the subject material(s) and require immediate return of all materials (including any copies made). The person or organisation requesting the material will sign this statement.Street Child shall avoid in particular: language and images that could possibly degrade, victimise or shame children, making generalisations which do not accurately reflect the nature of the situation, discrimination of any kind, and taking pictures out of context (pictures will be accompanied by an explanatory caption where possible).Personal and physical information about the child that could be used to identify the location of the child within a country or a particular location that may cause them to be put at risk will not be used on any form of communication about the child.To the greatest extent possible, Street Child will always ask permission from the child or children themselves before taking photographs, except under exceptional circumstances where this might not be possible or desirable (fore.g. if the child is too young to do so). Such circumstances will be judged basedon the child/children’s best interest.For groups of children (3+), a caregiver, teacher, community leader or other adult in authority may provide consentWhere children are indeed victims, the presentation of the child’s dignity will be preserved at all times. In these circumstances, ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures may be useful to depict a balance between victimisation and empowerment.When case studies are used in any official publications, the child’s first name shall be changed and surnames omitted to protect his/her identity (except if he/she desires otherwise) and a footnote added to highlight.Reaction ProtocolAll witnessed, suspected or alleged abuse as outlined in the Child Protection Policy will be immediately reported to the Country Safeguarding Focal Point, who will record and act on these in a confidential manner in accordance with the standardised processes developed by Street Child and the best interest of the child. Street Child will take appropriate action to protect the child/children in question from further harm during and following an incident or allegation.Any breach of the Child Protection Policy operating standards and procedures should be reported to the Country Safeguarding Focal Point, who will take responsibility for escalating the issue to the Lead Safeguarding Focal Point and/or country or senior management team to respond / adapt as necessary.All employees, trustees, officers, volunteers, beneficiaries, partners and consultants are expected to act immediately and report suspicions, however uncertain, within the same working day to a appropriate member of partner staff (ideally Safeguarding Focal Point) or Street Child staff AND the Country Safeguarding Focal PointWhen a child expresses concern about a specific person’s actions or behaviourto any member of staff or any volunteer, the following shall be done.left187325Reassure him/her that reporting the behaviour was the right actionListen carefully and calmly and ask questions (where necessary) to clarify the allegations so that you will be able to later report the incident correctlyDo not repeat the same questions to the child during the conversation so that the child does not get the impression that they did not give the correct information the first time and are not fully believedDo not promise secrecy to the child. Inform the child that you may have to report the incident or inappropriate behaviour as it is in the best interest of the childTake proper steps to ensure the physical safety and psychological well being of the child. This may include referring them for medical treatment or to a counsellorAlways make a clear distinction between what the child actually said and what you may have inferred. Accuracy is paramount in this stage of the procedureNever permit personal doubt to prevent you from reporting the behaviour/allegation to the proper officerAlways let the child know what you are going to do next and that you will let them know what happens00Reassure him/her that reporting the behaviour was the right actionListen carefully and calmly and ask questions (where necessary) to clarify the allegations so that you will be able to later report the incident correctlyDo not repeat the same questions to the child during the conversation so that the child does not get the impression that they did not give the correct information the first time and are not fully believedDo not promise secrecy to the child. Inform the child that you may have to report the incident or inappropriate behaviour as it is in the best interest of the childTake proper steps to ensure the physical safety and psychological well being of the child. This may include referring them for medical treatment or to a counsellorAlways make a clear distinction between what the child actually said and what you may have inferred. Accuracy is paramount in this stage of the procedureNever permit personal doubt to prevent you from reporting the behaviour/allegation to the proper officerAlways let the child know what you are going to do next and that you will let them know what happensReporting ProcedureRefer to Safeguarding Policy for full details, but in summary:Any personnel or The Country Safeguarding Focal Point will file an Incident Report (Annex A) to the Lead Safeguarding Focal Point, who will inform the CEO;The Lead Safeguarding Focal Point and/or Country Safeguarding Focal Points will undertake investigation, with advice from external parties and the Safeguarding Complaints Committee where necessary;The Lead Safeguarding Focal Point will then file a report of the investigation, including recommendations, to the CEO;Where immediate dismissal of SCUK personnel and/or legal action are required, the issue will be referred to the CEO and the Safeguarding Committee for a decision on a course of actionFinal decisions will be communicated to the Country Safeguarding Focal Point and other designated contacts, for communication as appropriate to the child and the familyThe designated contact (partner or Street Child staff member and/or the Lead Country Focal Point) shall hold relevant contact details for child protection services, police, medical help etc.All designated contacts have a particular responsibility in maintaining the confidentiality of records and cases of allegations or suspicions. This information shall only be made available to the relevant parties.The guiding principle is that the best interest of the child and the desire to secure the best outcomes for the child shall always govern decisions regarding what actions should be taken in response to concerns and the level of confidentiality to be maintained in specific reported cases.All employees, trustees, officers, volunteers, beneficiaries and visiting partners shall receive additional support, guidance and supervision during or following an incident or allegation.Ramifications of MisconductIf an allegation of a violation of the policies, guidelines, principles or practice of child protection is made concerning a named individual from a verifiable source against any employee, trustee, officer, volunteer or visiting partner, they may be suspended from all activity/association with Street Child pending the outcome of an independent investigation. Staff will continue to receive full pay during this time.Depending on the nature, circumstance and location of the case, Street Child shall also consider involving authorities such as the police to ensure the protection of children and criminal prosecution where this is appropriate.The decision to suspend is not subject to challenge. When investigating and determining the concerns or complaints, the process will always be fair and any adverse determination will be open to challenge through an appeals process.If it comes to light that anyone associated with Street Child commits acts in relation to children – whether within or outside the context of Street Child work – which are criminal, grossly infringe children’s rights, or contravene the principles and standards contained in this document, Street Child will take immediate disciplinary action and any other action which may be appropriate to the circumstances.CHILD PROTECTION MAINSTREAMINGStreet Child acknowledges that whilst instances of exploitation and abuse by its personnel and affiliates against children are extremely grave, the most common child protection risks are within beneficiary populations living in high riskenvironments such as IDP camps, slum communities, and on the streets. Particularly vulnerable populations include girls and children with disabilities.As such, Street Child commits to work towards the elimination of abuse and exploitation of children in all the communities where it works, as part of its wider commitment to accountability to affected populations, as set out in Street Child’s Accountability to Affected Population Policy.In addition children and/or young people engaged and their parents, guardians or carers should be informed of the safeguarding risks, organisational policies and procedures; and their safeguarding responsibilities so that they know what behaviors to expect and how to report any concerns.“Street Child will actively seek the views of affected populations to improve policy and practice in programming, ensuring that feedback and complaints mechanisms are streamlined, appropriate and robust enough to deal with (communicate, receive, process, respond to and learn from) complaints about breaches in policy and stakeholder dissatisfaction”The appointed Safeguarding Focal Point will be responsible for implementation of these policies at a country levelChild Protection MainstreamingStreet Child will ensure that safeguarding concerns are considered and addressed in every project - even those that are not explicitly child protection-focusedSpecifically, Street Child will use all available opportunities to incorporate awareness and prevention of harm to children and SEA into its programmes, including but not limited to staff training and advocacy activities with affected populations and key stakeholders such as teachers, police, community elders, local and national government representatives and young people and children themselves.Child Friendly Feedback MechanismsStreet Child will ensure there are feedback mechanisms in place that allow reports of exploitation and abuse to be made, including child-friendly mechanisms and those that facilitate anonymous reporting.Child friendly complaints and feedback mechanisms are consistently available, visible and understood at key project sites. A local safeguarding focal point may be appointed, ideally female, conversant in the local language (s).Specifically, Street Child will:Display child-friendly messages on abuse and how to reportDisplay a phone number to call (local safeguarding focal point)Create an anonymous feedback mechanism – e.g. complaints boxAPPENDIX 1STATEMENT OF COMMITMENTTo Street Child’s Child Protection Policy“I, [name], have read and understood the standards and guidelines outlined in this Child Protection Policy. I agree with the principles contained therein and accept the importance of implementing child protection policies and practice while working with or representing Street ChildIn accordance with Street Child’s Child Protection Policy, I hereby declare that I will not use any information on children which I may have obtained during my visit to Street Child — be it audio-visual materials or case stories given to me directly or indirectly---for public presentations without the prior consent of Street Child114300022923500(Print name)114300019812000(Job title / role)117856019812000(Signature)121348519812000(Date)Please return to:HR Officer Street Child……………………………APPENDIX 1 (B) STATEMENT OF COMMITMENTto STREET CHILD’s Child Protection PolicyVERSION B:Individuals on project visits (e.g. donors, journalists, researchers)“I, , have read and understood the standards and guidelines outlined in this Child Protection Policy. I agree with the principles contained therein and accept the importance of implementing child protection policies and practice while associated with STREET CHILDIn accordance with Street Child’s Child Protection Policy, I hereby declare that I will not use any information on children which I may have obtained during my visit to Street Child—be it audio-visual materials or case stories given to me directly or indirectly---for public presentations without prior consent of Street Child114300022860000(Print name)114300020002500*(Job title / role)117856019812000(Signature)121348519812000(Date)Please return to:HR Officer STREET CHILD……………………………………..APPENDIX 2 CODE OF CONDUCTThis code of conduct constitutes a set of standards for appropriate behaviour for guiding people who work for Street Child or may be affiliated to it, whether on a part time or permanent basis. It also gives guidance to avoid situations that increase chances of risk misbehaviour when in the company of children.The code is applicable to anyone acting as a representative of the organisation, whose work requires him/her to be in contact with children or may bring children into contact with other adults.Minimise risk situations:Try to avoid placing yourself in a compromising or vulnerable position when meeting with children (e.g. being alone with a child in any circumstances which might potentially be questioned by others)Try to be accompanied by a second adult when visiting or meeting childrenAlways try to meet with a child in a central, public location whenever possibleImmediately note, and report to the designated Child Protection Officer the circumstances of any situation which occurs which may be subject to misinterpretation. Keep in mind that actions, no matter how well intended, are always subject to misinterpretation by a third party.Adults are advised not to be alone with a single child, including in the following situations: in a car (no matter how short the journey); overnight (no matter where the accommodation); in your home or the home of a child. Do not show favouritism or spend excessive amounts of time with one child.Sexual behaviour:UnacceptableDo not engage in or allow sexually provocative games with children to take place; games which may involve kissing, hugging, fondling, rubbing, or touching a child in an inappropriate or culturally insensitive way;Do not sleep on the same bed with a child/children except otherwise as may be advised by the immediate senior officer, in the best interest of the child.Do not do things of a personal nature that a child could do for him/herself, including dressing, bathing, and grooming.Do not develop a sexual relationship with a child.Do not expose a child to potential sexual abuses (e.g. using children to run errands in personal relationships)Physical behaviour:AcceptableWait for appropriate physical contact, such as holding hands, to be initiated by the child.UnacceptableDo not use any form of corporal punishment as a way of maintaining or restoring discipline.Psychosocial behaviour:AcceptableBe aware of the power balance between an adult and child, and avoid taking any advantage this may provide.UnacceptableDo not use language that will mentally or emotionally harm any child; suggest inappropriate behaviour or relations or any kindDo not act in any way that intends to embarrass, shame, humiliate, or degrade a child, not even when punishment is necessary;Do not encourage inappropriate attention-seeking behaviour, such as tantrums, by a child;Do not show discrimination of race, culture, age, gender, disability, religion, sexuality, or political persuasion.Peer abuse:AcceptableBe aware of the potential for peer abuse; develop special measures / supervision to protect younger and especially vulnerable children; avoid placing children in high-risk peer situations (e.g. unsupervised mixing of older and younger children).UnacceptableDo not allow children to engage in sexually provocative or violent games with each other.Physical environment:AcceptableDevelop clear rules to address specific physical safety issues relative to the local physical environment of a project (e.g. for projects based near water, heavy road traffic, climbing trees, playing with firewood or sharp objects etc).Provide an enabling environment for children’s personal, physical, social,emotional, moral and intellectual development.Oral and visual communication with and about childrenAcceptableRespect the dignity of each child in any oral, written or visual communication about the children and their situation, and adhere to the specific guidelines on communication outlined in the Child Protection Policy.Emphasise the intrinsic value of every child in any written, oral or visual communication; and our belief in the child’s ability to take his/her future into his/her own hands.Get informed consent from the child, parent or person with primary responsibility over the child before taking photographs or statement from a childUnacceptableDo not speak to or about a child in a way which disregards the dignity of the childDo not use inappropriate nicknames and descriptions to refer to a child’sbehaviour or circumstances;Do not use negative visual images to convey the child’s situation withoutjuxtaposing your description with other, more positive images.2903854185880Incident Report FormDate:Name of person filing report:Type of report:Bullying, harassment or abuseChild protectionCorruption, fraud or briberyGross misconduct (see staff P&P for definition)Security incident or near-missSexual harassment, abuse or exploitationOther - specify:When was the incident (date, time): Where exactly was the incident: Who was involved:What happened:121158017526000What action was taken:121158017526000What action still needs to be taken:121158017526000Copy of report to:Comment on action taken [TO BE FILLED OUT BY MANAGER ONLY]121158017526000Appendix D: PRICE PROPOSALcenter145415Children in CrisisQuotation Form00Children in CrisisQuotation Form left8255Procurement of Rental Vehicle for Kabul city00Procurement of Rental Vehicle for Kabul city649605017145Form No: ___________________00Form No: ___________________ NoItemDescription & UseNoUnitUnit price (AFG)TaxTotal AFG1Rental Mercedes/Astana or similarPick and drop of project team from first gate of prison centre to KFPDC and away back- 6 days a week (supplier has the responsibility to provide driver and vehicle cost including fuel and oil too)1Vehicle for 12 months2Rental Toyota corollaOffice full day, pick and drop are inclusive- 6 days a week (supplier has the responsibility to provide driver and vehicle cost including fuel and oil too)1Vehicle for 12 monthsSub-total (without tax)Withholding taxGrand Total including taxDelivery of service (in days):Supplier signature and stamp:Appendix E: CONTRACT TEMPLATE[PROJECT]Contract Agreement Children in Crisis and [SUPPLIER NAME] This agreement is in reference to the [ITEMS] to be procured for [PROJECT] from [SUPPLIER NAME] by Children in Crisis and is regarded as binding by both parties. This project involves [ACTIVITIES FOR WHICH PROCUREMENT IS UNDERTAKEN] from [DATE] to [DATE]. Children in Crisis and [SUPPLIER NAME] will work in accordance with the following –THE ENGAGEMENT Children in Crisis has engaged [SUPPLIER NAME] to supply [ITEMS] as per Item One of the schedule and [SUPPLIER NAME] has agreed to supply the [ITEMS] to Children in Crisis. [SUPPLIER NAME] assures Children in Crisis that [SUPPLIER NAME] has the appropriate level of skill, knowledge, experience and expertise in providing [ITEMS] and will provide the contract items to a reasonable standard consistent with relevant codes of practise & legislation. The parties acknowledge that the engagement of [SUPPLIER NAME] is unexclusive and nothing in this Agreement in any way prevents Children in Crisis from appointing any other supplier, person or entity to provide any goods similar to [ITEMS}. PRICES & PAYMENT Children in Crisis agrees to pay [SUPPLIER NAME] a sum of [AMOUNT] AFG for the [ITEMS] as set out in Appendix D, price proposal. The sum is inclusive of VAT and is the full amount which Children in Crisis must pay for the [ITEMS]. SUPPLIER NAME] shall supply [ITEMS] within the agreed budget specified by Children in Crisis; requests for additional payments will be rejected immediately. [SUPPLIER NAME] shall issue a Tax Invoice and shall add and separately identify on each Tax Invoice all VAT. [SUPPLIER NAME] shall submit all required bills and documents as required to Children in Crisis. Children in Crisis will pay the total amount in four instalments, where each instalment will comprise 25 percent of the total amount to be paid upon receipt and verification of [ITEMS] by Children in Crisis and the implementing partner organization Children in Crisis will make payments into the nominated account of [SUPPLIER NAME] In the event that Children in Crisis fails to make payment when payment becomes due, [SUPPLIER NAME] may, without being in breach of this Agreement, suspend supply of the contract items until all outstanding payments have been made. If Children in Crisis fails to make such payment within seven days of any payment request, then [SUPPLIER NAME] may terminate this Agreement by giving notice in writing to Children in Crisis to that effect. QUALITY OF CONTRACT GOODS Children in Crisis will provide specifications and required quantities of [ITEMS] to [SUPPLIER NAME] [SUPPLIER NAME] will adhere to specifications and instructions provided by Children in Crisis. The [ITEMS] must be of reasonable quality, confirm with their description and be reasonably manufactured consistent with the intended purposes. The [ITEMS] must comply with all relevant safety standards, codes of practice and applicable legislation. An authorized representative of Children in Crisis will inspect and verify [ITEMS] upon receipt and reserves the right to reject the [ITEMS] in whole or in part and return them to [SUPPLIER NAME] at their own risk and expense to [SUPPLIER NAME] In the event that [SUPPLIER NAME] is unable to supply [ITEMS] at the desired quality, quantity or time, Children in Crisis will take action as per its procurement policies. ORDERING, DELIVERY AND PACKAGING Children in Crisis will order all items in the standard Purchase Order Form.[SUPPLIER NAME] will ensure delivery of [ITEMS] is accompanied by a delivery note stating quantity and date of delivery, to be submitted to Children in Crisis at time of payment Unless otherwise agreed in writing, [SUPPLIER NAME] will ensure delivery of [ITEMS] to Children in Crisis by [DATE], as set out in Item Four of the schedule.[SUPPLIER NAME] will ensure delivery of [ITEMS] at nominated warehouses or distribution points. [SUPPLIER NAME] will ensure delivery of [ITEMS] properly packed, secured to ensure receipt in good condition. [SUPPLIER NAME] will bear transportation and packaging costs to the nominated warehouse or distribution points.BREACH OF AGREEMENTIf [SUPPLIER NAME] breaches any of its contractual obligations under this Agreement and fails to remedy that breach promptly and in any event within seven days of being requested in writing by Children in Crisis to remedy the breach, then Children in Crisis may by written notice to [SUPPLIER NAME] terminate this Agreement. Upon termination of the Agreement, Children in Crisis is only obliged to pay [SUPPLIER NAME] for the contract items actually supplied to Children in Crisis. WARRANTY[SUPPLIER NAME] warrants that all [ITEMS] will be manufactured in accordance with the structural design, relevant codes of practice & legislation and will be capable of being used by Children in Crisis for their intended purpose. If, for whatever reason, the contract items do not reasonably conform with this requirement, [SUPPLIER NAME] will on request and at no cost to Children in Crisis make good the contract items so that Children in Crisis can use the contract items for their intended purpose. This warranty does not apply if Children in Crisis uses contract items for purposes other than those for which they were intended. Warranties applicable to the contract items are set out in Item Five of the schedule. PREVENTION OF FRAUD AND CORRUPTION Children in Crisis and [SUPPLIER NAME] are committed to preventing any kind of corruption and bribery, and to ensuring full accountability and transparency to minimise risk of corruption. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES This Agreement shall in all respects be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Government of Afghanistan. In the event of any disputes that may arise, the concerned party will notify the other of their position, and of possible solutions. Any disputes will be solved by both parties in accordance with the rules above, and both parties will strive to arrive at a mutual agreement amenable to both. In the event that a resolution cannot be reached by mutual agreement, both parties will submit the dispute to mediation by a third party arbitrator acceptable to both parties. In the event that a resolution cannot be reached by such means, the dispute shall be referred to the court of the Government of Afghanistan.AMENDMENTS This Agreement and its annexes contain the whole agreement between Children in Crisis and [SUPPLIER NAME] and supersedes any prior agreements. Any additions or changes to this agreement and its annexes must be issued in writing and approved by both authorised signatories of the contracting parties. This agreement shall enter into force once it has been signed by both authorised signatories of the contracting parties and is valid until [DATE]. Signed [NAME] [DESIGNATION] [SUPPLIER NAME] [NAME][DESIGNATION]Children in Crisis ................

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