The Canadian Animal Tracing and Tracking System

The Canadian Animal Tracing and Tracking System (CATTS) Ideal System Model

1. Introduction 2

2. System Scope and Objectives 3

3. Information Requirements 4

3.1 Information Elements 6

4. Business Processes 7

4.1 Premises Identification Management 9

4.2 Animal Identification Management 9

4.3 Animal Location Reporting 9

4.4 System Access Management 9

5. Information and Communications Technologies 9

6. Critical Success Factors 10

Appendix A: Process workflows 12

1. Introduction

The Canadian Livestock Identification Agency (CLIA), the national livestock tracking and tracing agency, is proposing to develop a Canadian Animal Tracking and Tracing System (CATTS) to provide the information needed to enable appropriate emergency response measures in the event of an outbreak of disease. CLIA is sponsoring the development of an automated system and data standards that meet the needs of the commercial livestock food production industry and the responsibilities of government to the public.

This document presents a conceptual ideal model of the proposed CATT system. It includes descriptions of the required information elements, the major business processes and the information and communications technology infrastructure needed to operationalise the system.

Developing a conceptual model of the “ideal” national livestock tracking system serves several purposes:

• Support the government /industry consultation and consensus building process for a national system. The report was developed with the assistance and cooperation of representatives from both Agri-Traçabilité Quebec (ATQ) and the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA).

• Discovery of requirements that a national, multi-species system must fulfill.

• Improved understanding of the interactions and needs of the stakeholders involved in using a national, multi-species system.

• Clarification of the issues involved in the design, development, deployment and operation of the system that will inform feasibility, cost/benefit analysis and implementation strategies.

The report attempts to convey an overall view of the basic information, processes and technology that are envisioned for CATTS based on the current regulatory environment and industry practices.

The report does not address governance or organization, business model or funding issues related to the CATT system development. Once CLIA has established the business rules and identified any regulatory changes to the program, system performance criteria can be established and the requirements outlined in this document updated. System implementation strategies will be developed following approval of the proposed system design and completion of the evaluation of existing candidate systems.

2. System Scope and Objectives

CATTS is designed to track livestock raised for food production from the birth or acquisition of an animal to the slaughterhouse. Ultimately, it is anticipated that CATTS will interface with other systems currently being considered by the commercial food industry in order to provide a national tracking and tracing capability from “farm to fork.”

The objective of the Canadian Animal Tracking and Tracing System (CATTS) Project is to design and implement a national system that would provide the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) with the information needed to identify and investigate the source of a diseased animal as soon as possible following the report of an incident.

Specifically, CATTS will provide support for:

1. National emergency response. In the event of a contagious disease outbreak, the CFIA has the need to be able to locate the source of the problem and dispatch an investigator to the site in the shortest possible time.

2. Protection of Animal Health. CFIA epidemiologists require the capability to identify trends in the health of the Canadian herds in order to advise on susceptibility to disease and recommend preventative measures.

Although the CATT System will have the potential to provide a number of value-added benefits to individual producers and other sectors of the industry, the system requirements specified in this report are designed to meet the needs of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

Ideally the system will

• Use a single, national, multi-species numbering system to uniquely identify individual animals.

• Use a national numbering system to uniquely identify the geographic location of individual animals throughout the life cycle of the animal.

• Employ numbering systems and data standards that are compatible with those of major trading partners and that meet the obligations for reporting to international animal health organizations.

• Be able to accept and process multiple different data formats from multiple sources.

• Be able to capture and report information in real, or near-real time.

• Be secure from intrusion, and will protect the privacy of commercially sensitive information while providing appropriate levels of access to the information for system participants.

• Be accessible in both official languages.

• Perform statistical analysis and reporting.

• Enable links to other systems for the purpose of sharing data and leveraging spatial analysis data.

3. Information Requirements

The system will ensure the integrity and quality of the tracking data by recording animal exit and entry movements for each premise and by establishing. Information on the current location of an animal will be available immediately.

Four primary data elements are required to be able to identify the location of a specific animal or groups of animals at any point in time. These include:

• Information about the specific location (premises ID),

• Information about the animal (animal ID),

• Information about the movement of the animal (time and date of an animal exiting and entering specific premises).

• Personal identification numbers (PIN) will be assigned to authorize system users to ensure the security and protection of the data provided.

CATTS will link these data elements to provide the tracking and tracing capability, and will implement data verification, validation and audit procedures to ensure the quality and integrity of the data reported.

Premises location will be identified by standard designations, such as street address, postal code, etc. as well as geographical coordinates. The system will be able to link or access the associated data graphically. Sufficient premise contact information will be maintained to facilitate communication between CFIA officials and premise representatives in the event that an investigation is required. Tracking data will identify all animals present on a premise at a specific point in time.

Animal Identification will be achieved through the use of animal ID numbers (individual and group/lot ID) based on the ISO 11784 Standard that assigns a 15-digit code unique to each animal. The system will accommodate alternate and additional numbering systems, such as breeder registration numbers to further enhance the ability to identify a specific animal and to help meet the needs of the various industry groups. Animal information records will contain information on the premise of origin and significant biological events (e.g. birth and death dates (month/year)) and record each movement.

Animals will be identified by the attachment of an electronic device (RFID Tags or DNA coded Microchips) containing the unique animal ID. Animal movement between premises (exit/entry data and timestamp) will be recorded and transmitted to CATTS by means of device readers.

Personal identification numbers will be assigned for use by individuals to gain access to the system. The PIN will enable implementation of appropriate levels of access to query, add or update information in the system, and provide a record of who made what changes to records. PIN numbers are associated with premises and will be assigned to both organizations and individuals.

3.1 Information Elements

Figure 1 is a conceptual representation of the ‘entities’ and their relationships to each other in the CATT system. A more detailed text description of the diagram follows. Appendix A contains the “system view” of the information entities.


Figure 1: Block diagram showing proposed entities

PREMISE is defined as “a land location based on provincial land titles records where species defined under the Health of Animals Regulations are housed, kept, assembled or disposed of. Where premises are contiguous, i.e. not separated by another private land title, they may be defined as a single premises if owned by the same person.” [1]“contiguous land location based on provincial land titles records where livestock and poultry as defined under the Health of Animals Regulations are housed, kept, assembled or disposed of. {Applies to Bovine, porcine, caprine, equine, ovine; note that the definition of poultry introduces notion of captivity}

A premise is [also defined as ] a contiguous land location based on provincial land titles records where species defined under the Health of Animals Regulations are housed, kept, assembled or disposed of. {This option would also include cervids}.”

In order to trace animal movements, all premises must be identified as any place where an animal is housed, temporarily or permanently. A premise can be a producer (for example, farms, hobby farms) or a non-producer (auction market, veterinarian, abattoir etc.). Premises may be fixed (land registered) or mobile (transport vehicles).

To accommodate the tracking of animals in motion, the CONTAINER entity is introduced. A CONTAINER is similar to the PREMISE in that it houses animals. Containers are used only to transport animals and are not bound by any land titles. Examples of containers are train containers, railway carriage, horse trailer, truck etc. The vehicle registration number will be used to uniquely identify containers.

The ANIMAL entity contains information specific to an animal (for example species, gender, etc.). The ISO 11784 standard numbering system will be used to identify animals. These numbers are unique, and will be retired with the death of the animal.

Animals that form a single group (for example, pigs and chicks) will be recorded in the LOTS entity. To facilitate investigation of contagion through co-mingling, animals that exit a LOT for any reason will need to be identified as an individual animal and a separate record created for them. Similarly if an individual animal joins a LOT, it will be removed from the ANIMAL entity and be classified as a member of a group in the LOT entity. The animals contained in the LOT entity and in the ANIMAL entity are mutually exclusive.

All animals have biological data that is tracked in the BIO-DATA entity. This records information that is related to relevant biological events in the animal’s life.

Every animal and group (LOT) of animal will be identified by means of attaching (or embedding) an identification device. Preferred devices are electronic to facilitate speed and accuracy in recording and reporting animal related activity. The IDENTIFICATION entity will be used to manage the allocation and distribution of identification devices.

4. Business Processes

CATTS will support the following processes:

1. Control and allocation of standard numbering systems for animals, premises and system access.

2. Registering of Premises, animals and vehicles.

3. Device number allocation and association, through the system, of the ID device number with the individual animal or group/lots information records.

4. Record information relevant biological events and to animal movement between premises throughout the animal’s life and death.

5. Provide information in response to query and produce required reports.

6. Enable the review and analysis of geographically bounded zones by providing global position information for fixed premises.

Figure 2 provides a conceptual overview of the CATTS processes and information flows.


Figure2: CATTS process and information flow diagram.

1. Each of the major business processes can be broken down into a number of sub-processes or activities that the system must also perform:

4.1 Premises Identification Management

• Application and registration of premises or site

• Control and allocation of unique premises identification number

• Produce Premises ID cards

• Create and update premises information

4.2 Animal Identification Management

• Application and issue of animal identification numbers

• Control and allocation of unique animal identification numbers

• Manage ID Device manufacturer, distributor information.

4.3 Animal Location Reporting

• Record animal movement data

• Verify and validate transmitted data (data transformation, scrubbing and error reporting)

• Establish technical standards for animal ID Devices and readers

4.4 System Access Management

• Control and manage authorizations and accounts

• Enforce system access privileges

• Control and allocate personal identification numbers (Pins) for system participants

Appendix A contains more detailed description of the workflow for each of these processes.

5. Information and Communications Technologies

The following is a list of the key information and communications technology system components required by CATTS:

Identification Devices are typically electronic ear tags or embedded microchips bearing the unique animal ID.

RFID Scanners and Readers are fixed or handheld devices that will capture the Unique premise ID, individual animal ID and the date and time of the reading. The device will transmit the file of information collected to another device such as a personal computer.

Personal Computer with a wire line or wireless connection to the Internet will transmit the file to the CLIA system. A PIN number will be required by the individual sending data to CATTS for authorization.

Data Management File Server will store the transmitted files, and be used to run auditing, error checking and reporting routines and verify the integrity of the data transmitted. Once error checking is completed, the data will be uploaded to the Animal and Premise repository.

Database Server: is the computer used to store the Animal and Premise information records.

Web Server: is the computer used to provide secure web access to authorized individuals to query and update data in the system.

Pre-production and Testing Environment is a replica of the operational computing system that is used to test changes to the system before they are released to the user community.

Disaster Recovery Environment is a replica of the operational computing system that remains available for use in the event of any unexpected system failure.

System Security is achieved by a combination of software, hardware and business procedure. Security elements include, account authorizations, encryption routines, firewalls, database backup, secure operating premises, etc.

Data Transmission is accomplished through direct line to the CATTS server, or via the Internet. Both low and high-speed options will be supported.

6. Critical Success Factors

A number of non-technology factors were identified that will influence the successful development, deployment and operation of the CATTS system.


The system must be designed to accommodate a variety of different business rules resulting from varying regulatory practices at the federal and provincial levels across the country. At this point in time only Quebec legislation mandates participation and compliance to the level required for full tracking of animal movement.

Stakeholders are numerous, and interests are highly varied. Ongoing contact and coordination of all participants and stakeholders, through communications, training, incentive programs, enforcement activity, and system service and support will be required to make effective use of the system.

Given that the system is conceived to be operated by industry interests, but designed to serve the needs for government to fulfill national and international responsibilities, it is imperative that the respective roles of the participants are clearly defined. The system must be able to secure and protect commercially sensitive information in order to gain the confidence of the system participants. The system must also be fully auditable to meet the needs for performance standards for tracking.

The system must minimize the burden of information provision on the producer, and other industry sectors (auction markets, slaughterhouses, device manufacturers and distributors)

Business Model

The business model for CATTS has not yet been determined. As a non-profit agency, CCIA operates its Cattle Tracking System on a cost recovery basis. ATQ however is co-funded by provincial government and industry in Quebec. A cost/benefit analysis for system development and operation will need to be developed once the business model is determined by CLIA.

Electronic Data Collection

Effective response in a crisis requires that accurate information be made available as soon as possible. Accuracy and speed require the use of electronic devices for data collection, storage and reporting. Manual and paper-based methods are subject to high error rates and slow processing. Every effort must be made to ensure data is captured and processed electronically.

Potential CATTS users differ significantly in their use and level of comfort with information technology. As the system relies on its users to provide information, it is essential that the system interfaces be simple and easy to use, and that the information providers have access to reliable tools (such as ID Devices and Readers) and opportunities for transmitting data.

Appendix A: Process Workflows

Premise Identification Management

Figure A-1 shows how Premises register, (apply and receive) their unique premise ID.

The Premise ID Allocator within CATTS ensures that the number allocated is unique and is delivered to the client in the shortest possible time.

The CLIA Premises Identification Working Group has proposed unique number comprised of 9 alpha-numeric characters; with the right most character being a check digit and the first two letters identify the province or territory using the Postal code identifier abbreviation. Example: ON123456x

This numbering system is compatible with existing premises ID geo-referenced systems such as CCIA, ATQ, Can-Trace and the USDA. Transport vehicles will be uniquely identified by their vehicle registration numbers.


Figure A-1: Workflow showing Premise ID allocation

Animal Identification Management

Producers will acquire identification devices containing authorized identification numbers. The system will allocate a series of numbers to the ID device manufacturer of choice. Manufacturers (or distributors) will report the allocation of identification numbers to premises. CATTS would also handle replacement of lost or damaged tags. Figure 4 shows how tags are allocated.


Figure A-2: Workflow showing tag allocation to the Premises

Animal Location Reporting

ID Device readers used on premises will be identified in the Premise record. The producing premise attaches the identification device and registers the animal according to the rules established by CLIA. Relevant animal information is entered into the system at this time. CATTS associates the ID Device number with the identified Animal. Animal movement is tracked and reported for each exit and entrance to a premise at prescribed frequencies throughout the animal’s life. Figure 5 shows how an Animal is registered into the system and how it is tracked thereafter.

Successful response to a disease outbreak requires knowledge of animal mingling. Information about animal mingling can be derived from the animal repository through queries.


Figure A-3: Animal tracking management in CATTS


[1] CLIA Premises ID Working Group, Draft Report. July 2004.


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