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| | Date of Application: |

|Please mark [pic] where applicable |  -- |

|* Delete whichever is not applicable | |

| |

|Accepted Bills–i (AB-i) Drawn to Finance: Purchase From Resident Purchase From Non Resident |

| | |

|1. Applicant / Customer (Full Name & Address): |2. Seller (Full Name & Address): |

|      |      |

|      |      |

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|3. Customer Ref. No.:       | |

| | |

|4. Financing Amount Required: RM       |5. Original Bill/Invoice Amount (Currency & Figures): |

| |      |

| | |

|6. Related Import/Export/Local Sale or Purchase Ref. No.: |7. Financing Tenor Required (In Days): |

|      |      |

|8. Description of Goods (we have acted as your purchasing agent): |

|[pic] |

| |

|9. Draft / Shipping Documents enclosed as follows: |

|Drawn under *Letter of Credit-i No. / Collection Bill-i No: [pic] |

|*Purchase Order / Sales Contract / Invoice No. / etc: [pic] |

|10. Disbursement Instructions: |

|Please credit our Account No.: [pic] with you or |

| |

| |

|Please remit net proceeds or RM [pic] to [pic] |

|For credit of Account No.: [pic] |

|In the name of [pic] |

| |

|11. Bank Charges: |

|AmBank Islamic Berhad Charges paid by us. Please debit our Account No.: [pic] with you. |

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|12. Additional Instructions: [pic] |

| |

|In consideration of us, the abovenamed Applicant / Customer acting as your agent, having purchased on your behalf the goods as per attached invoice(s) |

|and related shipping documents, the brief description as indicated above, please effect payment to the seller in accordance with the disbursement |

|instruction contained herein being the cost of the said goods. |

| |

|In the event that we have paid the cost of the goods to the seller on your behalf, please reimburse us accordingly as per our disbursement instruction |

|stated above. We enclose herewith proof of payment, which we have made to the seller. |

| |

|We hereby certify that: - |

| |

|the trade transactions are between two related companies which are separate legal entities and the transactions were undertaken at arm's length and |

|there is genuine transfer of the goods. “Related Corporation” shall have the meaning as specified in Section 7 of the Companies Act 2016; |

|the goods purchased are not intended to be part of our fixed assets; and |

|that we have not obtained and shall not obtain financing by any other means for the relative or the same trade transactions, including leasing, hire |

|purchase and factoring, and |

|the trade transactions are not between two business entities which are sole proprietorships, where the proprietors are the same person, or between two |

|“business” entities which are partnerships in which the majority of partners are the same persons, and |

| |

|We hereby undertake to safe keep the original supporting documents that have been returned to us after your checking and to produce them for sighting by|

|AmBank Islamic Berhad or Bank Negara Malaysia or auditors as and when required. |

| |

|We hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agree to fully abide by the terms and conditions for Financing Under Accepted Bills-i Import / Purchase and |

|terms appearing in AmBank Islamic Berhad’s “Master Islamic Trade Terms and Conditions” and/or other relevant agreements which have been and will be |

|advised to us by you and currently in force with AmBank Islamic Berhad. This Financing under Accepted Bills-i Import / Purchase is subject to the |

|prevailing “Guidelines on Accepted Bills-i” and any amendment(s) thereto issued by Bank Negara Malaysia, which we have fully complied with. We hereby |

|declare that we are aware of, and in full compliance with the Strategic Trade Act of 2010 and all the regulations and requirements connected thereto. |

| |

|We shall comply with the Foreign Exchange Notices (“FEA Notices”) issued by BNM relating to dealings in currency, financing & guarantee, investment in |

|foreign currency asset, payments, security & financial instrument, and export of goods at all times. |

| |

|We hereby confirm that the above information is true and correct and further confirm that we have chosen the language in this form as the language of |

|this form. This chosen language shall prevail in the event of differences in meaning over the version of this form in any other language. |

| |

| |

|REMINDER: You are hereby reminded to read and understand the terms and conditions contained in this document before signing/affixing the company’s seal |

|below. In the event there are any terms and conditions in this document that you do not understand, you are hereby advised to discuss further with the |

|Bank’s authorised staff, representative or agent before signing/affixing the company’s seal below. |

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|____________________________________________________________ |

|Authorised Signatory(ies) with Company’s Authorised Rubber Stamp |

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|Please mark [pic] where applicable | |

|* Delete whichever is not applicable |Date:   -- |

| |

|1. Customer (Full Name & Address): |

|      |

|      |

|      |

|      |

| |

|2. Customer Ref. No.:       |

| | |

|3. Cost of Goods/Principal Amount (Currency & Figures): |4. Bank’s Selling Price / AB-i Face Value (Currency & Figures): |


| | |

|5. Bank’s Profit Rate: AS PER ADVICE |6. Bank’s Profit (Currency & Figures): |


| |

|7. Accepted Bills-i Draft Number:       |

| | |

|8. Tenor: AS PER ADVICE |9. Maturity Date: AS PER ADVICE |

| |

|10. Settlement Instructions: |

|On maturity of the Accepted Bills-i, you are authorised to debit our Account No.: [pic] maintained with you. |

| |

|We, the above named Customer hereby offer to purchase from you the goods described in the Application Form under Accepted Bills-i Import / Purchase dated      |

|at the Bank’s Selling Price (which Bank’s Selling Price shall be notified by the Bank to our authorized contact person being [pic] via e-mail [pic] or |

|telephone at [pic]) which shall be payable on a deferred payment term as indicated above. |

|We shall pay you the full amount of the Bank’s Selling Price in accordance with the settlement instruction as indicated above. |

| |

|We hereby certify and undertake that: - |

| |

|the supporting documents presented by us to you are related to trade transactions where there are tangible goods and there is a genuine transfer of the title |

|of the goods concerned; and |

|we have not obtained and shall not obtain financing by any other means for the relative or the same trade transactions, including leasing, hire purchase and |

|factoring. |

| |

|We hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agree to fully abide by the terms and conditions for Financing Under Accepted Bills-i Import / Purchase and terms |

|appearing in AmBank Islamic Berhad Master Islamic Trade Terms and Conditions and/or other relevant Agreements which have been and will be advised to us by you |

|and currently in force with AmBank Islamic Berhad. This Financing Under Accepted Bills-i Import / Purchase is subject to the prevailing “Guidelines on Accepted|

|Bills-i (AB-i)” and any amendment(s) thereto issued by Bank Negara Malaysia, which we have fully complied with. We hereby declare that we are aware of, and in |

|full compliance with the Strategic Trade Act of 2010 and all the regulations and requirements connected thereto. The Advice for this Accepted Bills-i as per |

|Accepted Bills-i No stated below shall form part of this Contract Note. |

| | |

|ACCEPTANCE |We confirm that we have chosen the language in this form as the language of |

| |this form. This chosen language shall prevail in the event of differences in |

|The Bank hereby Accepts or Reject, the offer in accordance with the terms |meaning over the version of this form in any other language. |

|above. | |

| |REMINDER: You are hereby reminded to read and understand the terms and |

|Accepted Bills-i No. : |conditions contained in this document before signing/affixing the company’s |

| |seal below. In the event there are any terms and conditions in this document |

|Authorised By : __________________ |that you do not understand, you are hereby advised to discuss further with the|

|(name and signature) |Bank’s authorised staff, representative or agent before signing/affixing the |

|Remarks (if any) : |company’s seal below. |

| | |

| |__________________________________________________________ |

| |Authorised Signatory(ies) with Company’s Authorised Rubber Stamp |


AmBank Islamic Berhad (199401009897 (295576-U))



AmBank Islamic Berhad (199401009897 (295576-U))



AmBank Islamic Berhad (199401009897 (295576-U))






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