Market Research Questionnaire fot Readers

Market Research Questionnaire for Readers

Please fill in the questionnaire on the basis of your actual condition, and send it back to us by email :

Thank you for your cooperation!

China International Book Trading Corporation (.cn)


·How many books would you like to buy approximately each year?

□1-10 □11-20 □21-30 □more than 30

·Which kinds of books do you prefer?

□Natural Science □Literature □Art □History □Culture □Economy □Law □Politics □Others

·Where do you usually buy books, journals and periodicals?

□Book Store □Internet Book Store □Mailed by Publishers □Convenient Chain Stores □Others

·Through which approach do you know about China?

□ Broadcast & TV □Journals & Periodicals □Books □Internet □Exhibition □Others

·Have you ever bought or subscribed books, journals or periodicals from China?

□Yes □No

·If your answer is yes, where did you get them?

□Chinese Book Store in your country □General Book Store □Internet Book Store □Mail from China □Convenient Chain Stores □Purchase from China directly by yourself or your friends □Others

·If you’d like to buy Chinese books, journals and periodicals, how much could you afford on consumption each year?


·Do you want our catalogues of Chinese books, journals and periodicals?

□Yes □No

·If your answer is yes, please write down your email address.

My E-MAIL address is

I want catalogues of □Books □Magazines □Newspaper

I want catalogues about □Traditional Chinese Medicine □Literature & Arts □History & Culture □Chinese Learning □Natural Science □Others

Thank you for your Kind cooperation again.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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