Tarantella 4





Unit 1. At the Rodeo


• To listen, read and understand a story in English.

• To listen and extract specific information.

• To define sound, silence, beat and timbre.

• To explore and experiment with the voice and body as musical instruments.

• To follow the beat in singing and listening activities.

• To define the duration of different sounds.

• To identify and name the musical signs.

• To interpret conventional and unconventional graphics.

• To define the concept dynamics correctly.

• To put into practise voice training techniques: breathing, vocalization and articulation.

• To review and follow instructions for playing the recorder correctly.

• To express the qualities of sound with the voice.

• To follow a musicgram to dance a traditional Romanian dance.

• To show a respectful and tolerant attitude towards other people’s participation in classroom activities.



• Sound and silence.

• Sounds in the environment.

• Sound: sensorial perception.

• Timbre.

• Beat.

• Duration: Musical signs and rests.

• The qualities of sound: duration, intensity, timbre, height.

Interpretation and Creation

• The voice and its resources.

• The body as a musical instrument.

• Voice training. Preparation and respiration.

• Timbre.

• The body’s expressive and movement possibilities.

• The beat.

• Duration: Musical signs and rests.

• Conventional and unconventional graphics.

• Minim, crotchet, quaver and their rest signs.

• Rhythmical recitation.

• The recorder: si, la y sol.

• Gestural expression of duration and timbre.

• Height and musical notes.

• Body control: movement, rest and respiration.

Basic Competences

Linguistic Competences

To use the language acquired in reading and singing activities as a means to improving communicative skills and expressing feelings

Mathematical Competences

To use mathematical elements and reasoning to define the concept of musical notes, beat and rhythm.

Knowledge and Interaction with the Physical World

To appreciate the importance of the visual and sound qualities of one’s own environment and relate movement to sound.

Learning How to Learn Competences

To explore and experiment with the the different sensorial aspects of sound.

Social and Citizenship Competences

To show a respectful and tolerant attitude towards other people’s creative and interpretive skills.

Evaluation Criteria

• Listens, reads and extracts specific information from a story in English.

• Defines sound, silence, beat and timbre correctly.

• Explores and experiments with the voice and body as musical instruments.

• Follows the beat in singing and listening activities.

• Defines the duration of different sounds.

• Identifies and names the musical signs.

• Interprets conventional and unconventional graphics.

• Defines the concept dynamics correctly.

• Uses voice training techniques for breathing, vocalization and articulation correctly.

• Follows instructions and plays the recorder correctly.

• Expresss the qualities of sound with the voice.

• Follows a musicgram and dances a traditional Romanian dance.

• Shows a respectful and tolerant attitude towards other people’s participation in classroom activities.

Unit 2. The Nutcracker Suite


• To listen, read and understand a story in English.

• To listen and extract specific information from a story.

• To define the concepts of measure, accent and bar lines correctly.

• To sing a song in ternary rhythm creatively.

• To follow the beat in musical interpretations.

• To identify and describe how we play different percussion instruments depending on what they are made of: Wood, metal, skin.

• To build on one’s own interpretative skills on the recorder

• To interpret rhythms, duration and intensity from conventional and unconventional graphics.

• To sing a Christmas carol with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.

• To play a Christmas carol on the recorder.

• To follow a musicgram and play school percussion instruments.

• To sing and accompany a Christmas carol with percussion instruments.

• To follow a musicgram to dance a traditional Canarian dance.

• To review and define the concepts presented in Units 1 & 2 correctly.

• To understand and follow instructions to make an instrument.

• To enjoy making one’s own learning materials.



• The measure, the beat and bar lines.

• The accent.

• The double bar line.

• Repetition dots.

• Classification of percussion instruments: wood, metal, skin.

• Ostinato rhythms.

Interpretation and Creation

• Binary, ternary, quarternary rhythms.

• The accent in different types of rhythms.

• Repetition dots and their interpretation.

• Songs.

• Ostinato accompaniment.

• The recorder: C and D sharp.

• Singing as a means of musical expression.

• Singing with musical accompaniment.

• Dancing as a means of expressing feeling, emotions and imagination.

• Making a zambomba.

Basic Competences

Linguistic Competences

To understand and communicate correctly in the English language.

To understand and enjoy reading stories in English.

Knowledge and Interaction with the Physical World

To appreciate the importance of the visual, sound and aesthetic qualities of the environment.

Cultural and Artistic Competences

To appreciate the importance of artistic manifestations from one’s own country and from other nationalities.

To follow instructions and enjoy making one’s own learning materials.

Autonomous learning competences

To use the recreational aspect of music to consolidate vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.

Evaluation Criteria

• Listens, reads and extracts specific information from a story in English.

• Defines the concepts of measure, accent and bar lines correctly.

• Sings a song in ternary rhythm creatively.

• Follows the beat in musical interpretations.

• Identifies and describes how we play different percussion instruments depending on what they are made of: Wood, metal, skin.

• Progresses with his/her own interpretative skills on the recorder

• Interprets rhythms, duration and intensity from conventional and unconventional graphics.

• Sings a Christmas carol with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.

• Plays a Christmas carol on the recorder.

• Follows a musicgram and plays school percussion instruments.

• Sings and accompanies a Christmas carol with percussion instruments.

• Follows a musicgram and dances a traditional Canarian dance.

• Explains the concepts presented in Units 1 & 2 correctly.

• Understands and follows instructions to make an instrument.

• Enjoys making his/her own learning materials.

Unit 3. The Brave Little Tailor


• To listen, read and extract specific information from a story.

• To observe and identify the sounds that different professionals make as they work.

• To learn to play the semiquavers correctly.

• To interpret binary and ternary rhythms with semiquavers.

• To define the duration of sounds with semiquavers.

• To sing and play percussion instruments.

• To explore and experiment the sound possibilities of percussion instruments.

• To define the ascending and descending scales.

• To define the concept round and differentiate the verses from the chorus in a song.

• To learn to play the notes F and E on the recorder.

• To classify instruments by the way they produce their sounds: wind, string, percussion.

• To interpret a song as a canon.

• To read and interpret conventional and unconventional graphics.

• To sing songs with and without musical accompaniment.

• To follow a musicgram to dance an English dance.

• To appreciate the importance of taking good care of the instruments and classroom materials.



• The semiqauvers

• The accent.

• Binary and ternary rhythms.

• The canon.

• Listening with musical accompaniment or movement.

• The musical scale: ascending and descending scales.

• The round.

• Musical instruments and their classification.

Interpretation and Creation

• Semiquavers.

• Instruments with bars and mallets.

• The accent and the binary and ternary rhythms.

• The canon.

• Musical accompaniment for a song.

• Singing as a group: canon.

• Interpreting a musical scale.

• Singing as a group: rondo.

• The recorder: fa and mi.

• Corporal expression and music.

• Dancing as musical expression.

Basic Competences

Linguistic Competences

To use the language acquired in reading and singing activities as a means to improving and building on communicative skills.

To develop and use voice training techniques to improve vocalization and pronunciation.

To understand and interpret different texts and songs in the English language.

Mathematical Competences

To use mathematical elements and reasoning to define the concept of musical notes, beat and rhythm.

Social and Citizenship Competences

To use games, dances and classroom activities as a means to promoting good relationships, integration and respect.

To show a respectful and tolerant attitude towards other people’s ideas, opinions and participation in classroom activities.

Information and Digital Competences

To extract specific information from a written or oral text by observing the information depicted in the illustrations or listening to a CD recording.

Cultural and Artistic Competencies

To value the importance of cultural and artistic manifestations from other nationalities.

Evaluation Criteria

• Listens, reads and extracts specific information from a story.

• Identifies the sounds that different professionals make as they work.

• Plays the semiquavers correctly.

• Interprets binary and ternary rhythms with semiquavers.

• Defines the duration of sounds with semiquavers.

• Sings and plays percussion instruments correctly.

• Explores and experiments the sound possibilities of percussion instruments.

• Defines the ascending and descending scales.

• Defines the concept round and differentiates the verses from the chorus in a song.

• Plays the notes F and E on the recorder.

• Classifies instruments by the way they produce their sounds: wind, string, percussion.

• Interprets a song as a canon.

• Reads and plays conventional and unconventional graphics.

• Sings songs with and without musical accompaniment.

• Follows a musicgram to dance an English dance.

• Takes good care of the instruments and classroom materials.

Unit 4. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice


• To listen, read and extract specific information from a story.

• To define quavers and semiquavers.

• To identify different human voices in a song.

• To follow the beat and rhythm in musical interpretations.

• To interpret rhythms with semiquavers.

• To define the duration of sounds with musical signs: quavers and semiquavers

• To listen and play a musical accompaniment.

• To play the notes C and D on the recorder.

• To interpret conventional and unconventional graphics.

• To sing a Hungarian song in canon.

• To learn to interpret the quaver rest.

• To identify the timbre of some instruments in an orchestra and the way we play them.

• To identify and name some traditional instruments.

• To accompany a traditional English song with instruments with bars and mallets.

• To dance and act out the scenes for an Irish dance.

• To explain the concepts presented in Units 3 & 4 correctly.

• To follow instructions to make a French horn.



• Quavers and semiquavers.

• The human voice: masculine, feminine, trebles and children’s voices.

• The quaver rest.

• Identifying the instruments in an orchestra.

• The recorder: re and do.

• Musical forms: canon.

• The Language of Music: beamed notes.

• Traditional instruments.

Interpretation and Creation

• Making a French Horn.

• Interpreting musical scores with quavers and semiquavers.

• Voice training and rhythm.

• The body as a percussion instrument.

• Singing with musical accompaniment.

• Playing the notes re and do on the recorder.

• Singing a song as a canon.

• Dancing as musical expression.

Basic Competences

Linguistic Competences

To build on and use the language acquired in reading and singing activities as a means to improving communicative skills.

Mathematical Competences

Ability to use mathematical reasoning to understand the position of the notes and the equivalents between the musical signs and their rests.

Social and citizenship competences

To respect the physical and intellectual differences amongst classmates and help those with less capacity than themselves.

To acknowledge and use the appropriate social norms when participating in group activities.

Cultural and Artistic Competences

To appreciate the importance of music as a cultural patrimony and as an important source for learning and enjoyment.

Autonomy and personal initiative

To take responsibility for his/her own work, to evaluate his/her own progress in the music and language learning process, identify mistakes and correct them.

Learning How to Learn Competences

To identify one’s own possibilities and shortcomings in music and communicating in the English language and develop autonomous strategies to improve them.

Evaluation Criteria

• Listens, reads and extracts specific information from a story.

• Defines quavers and semiquavers.

• Identifies different human voices in a song.

• Follows the beat and rhythm in musical interpretations.

• Interprets rhythms with semiquavers.

• Defines the duration of sounds with musical signs: quavers and semiquavers

• Listens and plays a musical accompaniment.

• Plays the notes C and D on the recorder correctly.

• Interprets conventional and unconventional graphics.

• Sings a Hungarian song in canon.

• Interprets the quaver rest correctly.

• Identifies the timbre of some instruments in an orchestra and the way we play them.

• Identifies and names some traditional instruments.

• Accompanies a traditional English song with instruments with bars and mallets.

• Dances and acts out the scenes for an Irish dance creatively.

• Explains the concepts presented in Units 3 & 4 correctly.

• Follows instructions and enjoys making his/her own learning materials.

Unit 5. Peter and the Wolf


• To listen, read and extract specific information from a story.

• To define the dot and explain how we use it.

• To differentiate woodwind and brass instruments.

• To identify the characteristics of different wind instruments.

• To identify some string instruments and how we play them.

• To sing an Irish song in ternary rhythm.

• To listen and identify the onomatopoeias in a song.

• To define the tie and how we use it.

• To follow a musicgram and dance a traditional dance from Castile.

• To appreciate the general knowledge acquired in the music and language learning process.

• To show a respectful and tolerant attitude towards other people’s ideas and opinions regardless of race or gender.

• To use the recreational aspect of music and language learning to consolidate vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.

• To take good care of the instruments and classroom learning materials.



• The sensorial and descriptive aspects of music.

• Tied and dotted notes.

• Acoustic discrimination: woodwind and brass instruments; string instruments that we strike, shake or rub.

Interpretation and Creation

• Interpretation of the dot and the tie.

• Singing and playing a four part canon.

• Interpretation of rhythms and melodies with classroom instruments.

• Voice training techniques: articulation, breathing and intonation.

• Singing with musical accompaniment.

• Repetoire of music from around the world.

• Dancing as a form musical expression.

• Spanish dances.

Basic Competences

Linguistic Competences

To build on and use the language acquired in reading and singing activities as a means to improving communicative skills in oral and writing activities.

Information and Digital Competences

To extract specific information from a written or oral text by observing the information depicted in the illustrations, on the interactive CD or listening to a CD recording.

Social and Citizenship Competences

To take good care of the classroom musical instruments, other learning materials and personal belongings.

Cultural and Artistic Competences

To appreciate the importance of the great diversity of artistic manifestations from one’s own country and from other nationalities.

Learning how to Learn Competences

To use songs and stories as a means to improving his/her pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.

Evaluation Criteria

• Listens, reads and extracts specific information from a story.

• Defines the dot and explains how we use it.

• Differentiates woodwind and brass instruments.

• Identifies the characteristics of different wind instruments.

• Identifies some string instruments and how we play them.

• Sings an Irish song in ternary rhythm.

• Listens and identifies the onomatopoeias in a song.

• Defines the tie and how we use it.

• Follows a musicgram and dances a traditional dance from Castile.

• Is aware of the general knowledge acquired in the music and language learning process.

• Shows a respectful and tolerant attitude towards other people’s ideas and opinions regardless of race or gender.

• Uses the recreational aspect of music and language learning to consolidate vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.

• Takes good care of the instruments and classroom learning materials.

Unit 6. The Planets


• To listen, read and extract specific information from a story.

• To identify and define the concept of syncopation.

• To experiment the sensorial and descriptive aspects of listening to music.

• To identify the timbre and sound qualities of the piano.

• To sing and accompany a two part canon with gestures and movements.

• To define the concept tempo and identify the correct terminology.

• To interpret conventional and unconventional graphics.

• To accompany a song with percussion instruments.

• To experiment with the rhythmical possibilities of percussion instruments.

• To play a simple French song on the recorder.

• To define the pause and how we use it.

• To recognise the importance of a soundtrack for a film.

• To distinguish different instruments in a listening activity.

• To follow a musicgram to dance an English dance.

• To review and explain the concepts presented in Units 5 & 6 correctly.

• To follow instructions to make a violin.



• Syncopation.

• The sensorial and descriptive aspects of music.

• Tempo.

• The piano as a string instrument.

• The pause.

• Musical forms: ostinato.

• Acoustic discrimination: listening to identify instruments.

• Music in the film industry:a soundtrack for a film.

• The meaning of D.C. and al Fine.

Interpretation and Creation

• Musical scores with syncopation and the pause.

• Rhythmical recitation.

• Vocal expression: melodic ostinato with gestures.

• Interpretation of music in different tempos

• Conventional and unconventional graphics.

• Playing rhythms and melodies on classroom instruments.

• Singing with musical accompaniment.

• Percussion instruments as an accompniment for singing and melodies.

• Dancing as a form of musical expression.

• Corporal expression for diferent musical aspects.

Basic Competences

Linguistic Competences

To understand and communicate correctly in the English language.

To understand and enjoy reading stories in English.

Mathematical competences

To use mathematical elements and reasoning to interpret music and the position of the notes on the stave.

Knowledge and Interaction with the Physical World

To discover music as a means to interpreting the sounds in one’s own or distant environment.

Cultural and Artistic Competences

To appreciate the importance of learning music as an important source of knowledge and personal enrichment.

Autonomy and Personal Initiative

To develop a responsible attitude and perseverance in one’s own work as a means to achieving self-esteem and self critism.

Evaluation Criteria

• Listens, reads and extracts specific information from a story.

• Identifies and defines the concept of syncopation.

• Experiments and enjoys the sensorial and descriptive aspects of listening to music.

• Identifies the timbre and sound qualities of the piano.

• Sings and accompanies a two part canon with gestures and movements.

• Defines the concept tempo and identifies the correct terminology.

• Interprets conventional and unconventioanl graphics.

• Accompanies a song with percussion instruments.

• Experiments with the rhythmical possibilities of percussion instruments.

• Plays a simple French song on the recorder correctly.

• Defines the pause and how we use it.

• Recognises the importance of a soundtrack for a film.

• Distinguishes different instruments in a listening activity.

• Follows a musicgram to dance an English dance.

• Reviews and explains the concepts presented in Units 5 & 6 correctly.

• Follow instructions and enjoys making his/her own learning materials.


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