C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E - American University in Cairo


(updated 6 April 2017)

Mona Abaza

Professor of Sociology (tenure)

The American University of Cairo

Cairo, Egypt.

(CV does not include conferences)

email: moabaza@aucegypt.edu

Born 8. May 1959. Egypt

Areas of Interest: Islamic networks: the Middle East and Southeast Asia, the Hadrami community in Southeast Asia, Malaysian and Indonesian Islam(s), consumer culture, shopping malls and youth in Egypt, sociology of knowledge, gender issues, discourses on enlightenment in the Middle East, sociology of art, urban and rural sociology, Cairo´s urban reshaping after the revolution. Graffiti, urban art and public spaces. Visual anthropology. Photo reportages on Egypt since 2011.


The American University in Cairo (Political Science)

B.A. Honours, Political Science, 1982.

University of Durham, UK.(Sociology)

M.A. Sociology, 1986. Thesis: Women between Economic Liberalization and Social Deprivation: A Case Study in Rural Egypt.

University of Bielefeld, Germany (Development Sociology)

Ph.D. Sociology (Magna Cum Laude), May 1990. Thesis: Cultural Exchange and Muslim Education: Indonesian Students in Cairo.


2016-- Professor Sociology, The American University in Cairo

2014 Spring (January-July) Research Fellow, Morphomata Institute, Köln.

2013 Spring Semester, for the second time Chair of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Egyptology, psychology, The American University in Cairo.

2011 Eight thousand US Dollars Grant from the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University to complete a photography book on the history of a cotton plantation in Egypt.

2009-2011 Visiting Guest Professor for two years, Centre for Theology, Lund University, Sweden

2009 Appointed full Professor of Sociology at the American University in Cairo.

2007-2009 Chair of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Egyptology, Psychology

The American University in Cairo

September 2006-June 2007 Fellow at The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences. NIAS, Wassenaar, Holland.

18 October-14 November 2005 awarded one month stay by The Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Study and Conference Centre, Bellagio, Italy. To work on the MS “Collage of Consumption, between Slums and Shopping Malls in Cairo”

2003-2004 Awarded to work in a research group financed by the Social Science Research Council in New York and the public sphere and public spaces in the Middle East. Funded to work on the Shopping Malls of Beirut, Lebanon.

Tenure 2004

Summer Grant from AUC (2003) to undertake research on Cairo’s Shopping Malls.

January 2001 Professor for one month at the IISM, and the EHESS, Paris, invited from Professor Lucette Valensi. Gave a series of seminars on the Arabs in Southeast Asia and the state of Social sciences in Egypt.

Research Fellow September 2001-September 2002 IIAS, The International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, to work in the Program of the Dissemination of Religious Knowledge. Section on Religious Education. Undertaking field research among the Hadrami community in Singapore and Jakarta in 2001-2002.

Spring 2000, Mini grant from The American University in Cairo to work on Shopping malls in Cairo.

2000-2001. Grant from the Ford Foundation to work in a team a project under the direction of Dr. Dina al-Khawaga (CEDEJ) Cairo, titled Savoir et Pouvoir. Assigned to work on the research centre Marqaz al-Hadara al-Islami in Cairo.

2001 Associate professor at AUC.

August 2000, Ritzen Fellow, to consult the KITLV collection in Leiden, Holland.

1998. Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, The American University in Cairo. Cairo.

1996/1997, Fellow for a year at the Center of Advanced Studies in Berlin (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin). Berlin.

1994 - 1996 awarded a "Habilatationsstipendium" (research grant) from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Germany. Affiliated to the Free university of Berlin. Field work in Malaysia/ Indonesia in 1995.

1993, awarded a six months research fellowship at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, with the support of DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst / German Academic Exchange Service). Feb.-July 1994.

1990-1992, Research Fellow, two years appointment, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. Title of the research projects: Islamic Fundamentalism between Southeast Asia and the Middle East; `Ilm (knowledge) and Islamization of Knowledge in Southeast Asia; Indigenous Knowledge in Social Science in Malaysia and Indonesia.

1988-1989, Researcher, two years appointment, Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, financed by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

1987, Researcher, Volkswagen Foundation (March-August),

Faculty of Sociology University of Bielefeld, Germany.

(Before 1987, casual precis-writer, translation, various conferences.)


1977 (July), Baccalaureat (Arabic) and French exam (French literature), Sacré-Coeur.

1977 (Oct.), American University in Cairo.

1982 (13. 6.), B.A. Honours, Political Science.

1982 (Oct.), Graduate studies, American University, Cairo, Courses : Contemporary Political Theory, Problems of Developmental Diplomacy, Advanced Methodology, New International Division of Labour, Migration, Agrarian Transformation.

October 1983 (Oct.), University of Durham, U.K. Post-graduate Studies, courses on Orientalism, Industrial Sociology, Preparation of Theoretical Papers on Feminism and

Peasantry, Preparation of Empirical Research in Egypt.

1986 (July), Awarded the degree of Master of Arts, Sociology, University of Durham, U.K. Title of the Thesis: Women between Economic Liberalization and Social Deprivation: A Case Study in Rural Egypt.

1987, Undertaken courses in German Language. Preparation of the Project Proposal on: Indonesian Students at al-Azhar University, Cairo.

1990 (May) Awarded Doctoral degree, Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld. Title of the thesis: Cultural Exchange Muslim Education: Indonesian Students in Cairo.


Fluent in writing and speaking: Arabic (mother tongue), French (French School education), family francophone, English (American and English university education), German (Post graduate language training and University education).

Italian, good speaking,



Forthcoming. Edited volume with Samia Mehrez “ Arts and the Uprisings in Egypt”, AUC Press 2016.

THE COTTON PLANTATION REMEMBERED: AN EGYPTIAN FAMILY STORY, The American University in Cairo Press / 2013. Pp. 289. (Photography book)





Appeared in Bahasa Indonesia: Pendidikan Islam dan Pergeseran orientasi Studi kasus alumni al-Azhar, Pustaka Lembaga Pendidikan penelitan dan penegarangan Ekonomi dan Sosi, LP3 ES, Jakarta,1999. Translated by Azyumardi Azra.

THE CHANGING IMAGE OF WOMEN IN RURAL EGYPT. Cairo Papers in Social Science, The American University in Cairo. Vol. 10/ Fall 1987. pp. 119.

CHANGING IMAGES OF THREE GENERATIONS OF AZHARITES IN INDONESIA. Social Issues In Southeast Asia, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Singapore. 1993. p. 45.





1. “Feminist Debates and "Traditional Feminism" Working Paper No. 93. Forschungsschwerpunkt Entwicklungssoziologie. Universität Bielefeld, 1987. pp. 26.


2. "La Paysanne Egyptienne et le "feminisme traditionnel", in: Peuples Mediterraneens, 41-42. oct. 1987-mars 1988. pp. 135-151. (Published in Arabic in Cairo, 1998) pp. 135-153.

3. "Hadramaut and the Southeast Asian world. The kinship System, Social Stratification and Migration: A review of Literature". Working Paper No. 103,Forschungsschwerpunkt Entwicklungssoziologie. Universität Bielefeld 1988, pp. 22.

4. "Women and Vendettas", in: Peuples Mediterraneens, 44-45 juil-dec-1988. pp. 109-115.

5. (co-author: Georg Stauth)

"Occidental Reason, Orientalism, Islamic Fundamentalism: A Critique", in: International Sociology. Vol. 3 Dec. 1988. No. 4, pp. 343-364.


6. Reprinted (1990) in: Globalization, Knowledge and Society. Ed. by Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King, Sage Publications.


7. "The Discourse over Islamic Fundamentalism in the Middle East and Southeast Asia: A Critical Perspective", in: Sojourn, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 6 number 2, August 1991, pp. 203-239.

8. “Some Research Notes on Living Conditions and Perceptions among Indonesian Students in Cairo”, in: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 22, 2, September 1991, pp. 347-360.


9. “Islamic Educational Networks Between Singapore and the Middle East”, in: Internationales Asien Forum, Vol 23, no. 3-4, 1992, pp. 289-298.

10. “Globalization of Social Sciences and "The Islamization Debate" Working Paper, No. 148. Forschungsschwerpunkt Entwicklungssoziologie. Universität Bielefeld, pp. 31.


11. “Some Reflections on the Question of Islam and Social Sciences in the Contemporary Muslim World”, in: Social Compass. Vol. 40, no. 2, 1993, June. pp. 301-321.

12. “Feminist Debates and "Traditional Feminism", in: The Journal of Social Studies, Dhaka, No. 62, pp. 51-77.

13. “A Profile of an Indonesian Azharite Living in Cairo”. Working Paper No. 195, Forschungsschwerpunkt Entwicklungssoziologie. Universität Bielefeld, pp. 13.


14. “Perceptions of Middle Eastern Islam in Southeast Asia and Islamic Revivalism”. Der Orient, Maerz 1994, pp. 107-124.

15. “A Preliminary Note on the Impact of External Islamic Trends in Malaysia”. Internationales Asien Forum, Vol. 25, 1994, No. 1-2, p. 149-165.

17. “Islam in South-east Asia: Varying Impact and images of the Middle East”. in: Islam, Muslims and the Modern State.Case-Studies of Muslims in Thirteen Countries, ed. Hussin Mutalib and Taj ul-Islam Hashimi. The Macmillan Press, 1994. pp.139-151.


16. Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, Oxford University Press, New York, ed. John Esposito. Entry: Madrasah. 1995, vol. 3, pp.13-16.

18. “A Profile of an Indonesian Azhari Living in Cairo”, in: Archipel, Paris. 1996.pp, 31-44.

19. “An Arab origin Mosque in Singapore, History, Functions and Networks.” Working paper no. 3, Deakin University. 35 pp.

20. “Civil Society and Islam in Egypt: The Case of Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd Case in Egypt”. The Journal of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Australia. Vol. 2, No. 2, 1995, pp. 29-42.


21. “Die Islamisierung des Wissens und der Wissenschaft in Malaysia”, in: Asien, (April 1996), 59, pp. 51-70.

22. “Die Schwestern wollen einen modernen Islam in Malaysia”, in: Der Ueberblick, Zeitschrift fuer Oekomenische Begegnung und internationale Zusammenarbeit, Dezember 1996, 32, Jahrgang. pp.40-42.

23. “An Arab Origin Mosque in Singapore”, Archipel, Paris, 1997, pp. 61-84. The article has been published in German language.


24. “Images on Gender and Islam. The Middle East and Malaysia, Affinities, Borrowings and Exchanges”, Orient, Hamburg, 1998.

25„Progressive Islam“ The Middle East and Southeast Asia, in Islam Challenge or Motor of Modernity“, Yearbook of Sociology of Islam, edited by Georg Stauth, Lit Verlag, 1998. Pp.129-152.

26. “Southeast Asia and the Middle East: al-Manar and Islamic Modernity” in: From The Mediterranean To the China Sea. Edited by Claude Guillot, Denys Lombard and Roderich Ptak, Harrassowitz Verlag. Wiesbaden 1998. Pp.93-113.

27. “Debates on Islam and Knowledge in Two different Contexts: Egypt and Malaysia”, Journal of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Australia. Vol. 4, no.1, 1998, pp. 4-17.


28. “Südostasien und der Nahe Osten”. in: Südostasien-Handbuch, Herausgebers. F. Ptak and B Dahm, Beck Verlag. 1999, pp. 357-364.

29. “Intellectuals and Power in Malaysia: S. N. al-Attas or The Beacon on the Crest of a Hill”, Archipel, Paris (Hommage à Denys Lombard), 1999. No. 59, pp. 189-217.

30. “Vorstellungen über Geschlecht und Islam-der Mittlere Osten und Malaysia. Übereinstimmungen, Entlehnungen und Wechselbeziehungen”, in: Der Neue Islam der Frauen, ed. Ruth Klein, Sigrid Nökel, Karin Werner, Bielefeld, Transkript, 1999, pp. 277-296.

31. “Three Portraits of Intellectuals, Scholars and Religious Teachers of Arab Origin; Their Impact in the World of Southeast Asia”. The Yearbook of Sociology of Islam, Vol. 2. LitVerlag.

32. “A Note on Henry Corbin and S.H. Nasr, Affinities and Differences”, The Muslim World. Vol. 90, numbers 1, 2. Spring 2000, pp.91-107.

33. “Re-thinking Debates on Islamization in Egypt“, edited by Enid Hill, Discourses in Contemporary Egypt, Cairo Papers, The American University in Cairo. Vol. 22, Number 4, 1999. Pp.85-118.

34) “Perceptions of `Urfi Marriage in the Egyptian Press”, ISIM Newsletter, 7/ 01, March 2001, pp.20-21.

35. Rethinking the Two Worlds of Islam: The Middle East and Southeast Asia in: Yearbook of Sociology of Islam, Lit Verlag, Vol. 2,1999.

36. “A Commentary on al-Manar al-gadid and Tanwir in Egypt”, Orient, Hamburg, 2001.

37. "The Islamization of Knowledge Debate between Particularisn and Globalization: Malaysia and Egypt". book edited by Cynthia Nelson and Shahnaz Rouse. Transkript Verlag, Bielefeld. 2001.

38. “Shopping Malls, Consumer Culture and the Reshaping of Public Space in Egypt”. Theory, Culture and Society, Sage, UK. August 2001.vol.18, no. 5 pp. 97-122.

39. “Japan as Imagined by the Arabs” IIAS Newsletter, 27, Leiden, March, 2002, p. 19.

40. “South East Asia in the Eyes of the Egyptians” IIAS Newsletter, 28, August Leiden 2002, pp. 19-20.

41. “East is East: Where does the East Begin for Egyptian Liberal Intellectuals”, IIAS Newsletter, 29, 2003, p. 20

42. “Research Notes and Comments: Indonesian Azharites Fifteen Years Later”, Singapore, Sojourn, 2003, Vol. 18, No 2003, pp. 139-53.

43. Entry Encyclopaedia of Muslim Women, Edited by Suad Joseph: Sources and Methods for the Study of Gender in the light of the Post-Orientalism Debate. (appeared, I have no copy of it )

44. “Markets of Faith Jakartan Da`wa and Islamic Gentrification”, Archipel, Vol. 27, 2004, EHESS, Paris.

45. “Today’s Consumption in Egypt”, ISIM Newsletter, Spring 2005, pp. 38-39.

46. The Fifth Ortelius Lecture, Antwerp, 9 May 2007 (Key note Speaker), “The Dialectics of Enlightenment, Barbarism and Islam”, NIAS Publication, Wassenaar, The Netherlands, 2007.

47. “More on the Shifting Worlds of Islam. The Middle East and Southeast Asia: A Troubled Relationship ?” The Muslim World, 97 (3), 419-436.

(An Arabic version appeared in a website: The Cairo Institute for Human Rights, CIHRS; )

48. “Shifting Landscapes of fashion in Contemporary Egypt”. In: Fashion Theory. Vol 11, 2-3. (April 2007) pp 281-297.

49. “Egyptianizing the American Dream: Nasr City’s Shopping Malls, Public Order, and the Privatized Military” in: Cairo Cosmopolitan. Ed. Diane Singerman and Paul Ammar. The American University Press in Cairo 2006.

50. Mohammad Asad Shahab: Indonesian Arabic Writing” Edited Volume By Eric Tagliacozzo. Southeast Asia and the Middle East : Islam, Movement and the Longue Durée, National University of Singapore, 2009. 

51.” 'Adat /Custom in the Middle East and Southeast Asia" in:

Words in Motion, Towards A Global Lexicon; Edited by Carol Gluck and Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Duke University Press, Durban and London, 2009, pp. 67-82.

52. "Speculations on the Future of Wist al-Balad (Down Town)"

 in: The Long Short Cut, PhotoCairo4,

An International Visual Arts Project in Downtown Cairo

17 December 2008-14 Jan. 2009.

Organized by the Contemporary Image Collective

53. (Appeared in Arabic): “Protest Movements without Politics: A New Turn in The Public Culture in Egypt in: The State of Exception and Resistance in The Arab World. Volume Edited by Sari Hanafi, Marquaz Dirassat al-Wahda al-‘arabiyya, Beirut, April 2010.

54. “Social Sciences in Egypt Swinging Pendulum: Commodification and (or) the Criminalization of a Field?” Editor Michael Burawoy in: Facing an Unequal World: Challenges For a Global Sociology,  Conference Proceedings of the 2009 Conference of the Council of National Associations of International Sociological Associations (ISA), Taipei, 2009.

55. “The Trafficking with Tanwir (Enlightenment)”, acts of the Conference convened by Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College Titled: Transnational Migrations of Identity: Jews, Muslims and the Modernity Debate. Published in Comparative Studies on South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Vol. 30, No.1, 2010.

56. “The State, Egyptian Intellectuals, Intolerance and Religious Discourse”, in: State and Secularism, Perspectives from Asia, editors; Michael Heng Siam-Heng and Ten Chin Liew, National University in Singapore, World Scientific, 2010, pp.235-261, chapter 14

57. "The Expanding and Controversial Role of al-Azhar in Southeast Asia pp. 45-59 in: Kindheit und Jugend in Muslimischen lebenswelten, ed. Christine Hunner-Kreisel and Sabine Andresen. VS Verlag  fur Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 2010

58. “Asia Imagined by the Arabs”, in: Islamic Studies and Islamic Education in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Editors: Kamaruzzaman Bustamam-Ahmad and Patrick Jory, Yayasan Ilmuwan, Kuala Lumpur, 2011, Pp. 1-29.

59. “ Downtown Cairo Imagined: Nostalgia and/Or Dubaization? ” Urban Studies, May 2011.

60. “ Cyberspace and the Changing Face of Protest and Public Culture in Egypt” In: Democratic Transition in the Middle East, Unmaking Power. Edited by Larbi Sadiki, Heiko Wimmen, Layla Al Zubaidi, Routledge 2013, pp. 87-107.

61. “The Motahajiba in Cairo, Inter-Arab Islamic Chic, Adaptations, Hybridity and Globalization” In: Fusion Fashion, Culture beyond Orientalism. ed. Gertrud Lehnert / Gabriele Mentges, Peter Lang, Frankfurt Main, 2013.

62. “En Attendant Godot, A Waiting Nation”

VIDC's website, see

63 “Walls, Segregating Downtown Cairo and the Mohammed Mahmud Street Graffiti”, Theory, Culture and Society, 9 October 2012

64. “Cairo Dairy: Space-Wars, Public Visibility and The Transformation of Public Space in Post-Revolutionary Egypt In Public Space”, in: Public Space, Media Space, edited Chris Berry, Janet Harbord, Rachel Moore, Palgrave MacMillan, 2013, p-88-109.

65. “Post January Revolution Cairo: Urban Wars and the Reshaping of Public Space”, Theory, Culture and Society, published online 30 September 2014 DOI: 10.1177/0263276414549264

66. “Graffiti and the Reshaping of Public Space in Cairo: Tensions between Political Struggles and Commercialization” in: Grafficity, in Visual Practices and Contestations in Urban Space, edited by Eva Youkhana and Larissa Förster, Morphomata, Volume 28, Wilhelm Fink, 2015.

67. “The Field of Graffiti and Street Art in Post-January 2011 Egypt” Routledge Handbook of Graffiti and Street Art. Edited by Jeffrey Ross, Routledge, London and New York, 2016.

68 Short article “Memory and Erasure” in Tyranny Issue 03, Spring 2016,

LA+ University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture.

69 “Repetitive Repertoires: How Writing about Cairene Graffiti has turned into a serial Monotony” in: Graffiti and Street Art, Reading Writing and Representing the City. edited by Konstantinos Avramidis and Myrto Tsilimpounidi, Routledge, 2017

70 Violence Dramaturgical Repertoires and Neo-Liberal Imaginaries” Theory, Culture and Society, 2016, Vol. 33(7–8) 111–135 ! The Author(s) 2016 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0263276416670729

71 “ Cairo, Personal Reflections on Enduring Daily Life”, Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies • 16 (2016), pp. 234-252.

72 “Cairo: Restoration and the Limits of Street Politics”, Space and Culture 1–21, 2017, journals.home/sac

Book Reviews

1. The Literature of Modern Arabia. An Anthology. Ed. Salma Khadra Jayusi. Kegan Paul International. 1988. in: Theory, Culture and Society, vol. 6, number 4, November 1989. pp.713-715.

2. The Impact of Pesantren Education and Community Development in Indonesia. Ed. by Manfred Oepen and Wolfgang Karcher. Jakarta: Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung/ Indonesian Society for Pesantren and Community Development (P3M)/Technical University Berlin 1988, in: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 22, 1 (1991).

3. Wazir Jahan Karim, Women and Culture Between Malay Adat and Islam, Westview Press, Boulder. San Francisco. Oxford, 1992. in: JMBRAS,(Malaysia), Vol XVII, part 2, 1994.

4. Shari`a Law and The Modern Nation-State A Malaysian Symposium, Editor Norani Othman, Sisters in Islam SIS Forum (Malaysia) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, Published with the support of the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung (Germany). in: Sojourn. Singapore, 1995

6. Claudine Salmon (ed.), Récits de voyages asiatiques. Genres, mentalités, conception de l'espace. Paris, Presses de l'Ecole francaise d'Extrème-Orient, 1966, 468p., 18,5x 27,5 cm broche (Etudes thématiques, no 5). Bibliographies; notes; cartes; photos n.& b., index. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1977.

Jacques Hivernel, Balat , étude éthnologique d’une communauté rurale, Institut Francais D’Archeologie Orientale, Le Caire, 1996. in : BRISMES; U.K.

Nadia Abu-Zahra The Pure and the Powerful, Studies in Contemporary Muslim Society, London, Garnet Publishing, 1997, pp.308 + maps and Index. Al-Ahram Weekly. Cairo


Together with Georg Stauth from French to German an article of Mohammed Arkoun, “ Der Euro-Mediterrane Raum als Schicksalsgemeinschaft“ in Zeitschrift für Kultur Austausch, 46, Jahrgang 3/ 96.

From French to English, Mohammed Arkoun. “Social Sciences as Challenge to Islam: Introductory Reflections,“ in The Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam, 1/ 1998.


Ägypten Verstehen, Sympathie Magazin (Travel Book), two short articles: Netzwerk Familie, p.47, Taxifahrer mit Examen, p. 31 Gotteswinter, München, 1989.

Islamic Fundamentalism. The Straits Times, (Singapore daily), January 31, 1991.

Islam Verstehen, Sympathie Magazin (Travel Book), one article: Islam in Indonesien. Gotteswinter, München, 1992 p.48.

Four articles on Indonesia for al-Ahram Weekly. Cairo: English edition.

Interview with Abdurahman Wahid, the leader of Nahdatul Ulama in Indonesia.8-14 January 1998.

Interview with Amin Rais, the leader of the Muhammadiyyah movement in Indonesia.

On the pesantrens in Indonesia. 8-14 January 1998.

On the Hawl in Indonesia. 8-14 January 1998.

Al-Ahram Weekly, Advertising History, Mona Abaza. Al-Ahram Weekly, 1-7 July 2004,

Al-Ahram Weekly, Brave New Mall, Mona Abaza 16-22 September, 2004, issue 708.

Several articles in the Egyptian opposition newspaper al-Masry al-Youm in 2008 in Arabic language.


“Who is afraid of Disneyfication? A response to Sonja Hegasy”, Open Democracy Website 23 - 10 - 2003

“On Egypt Public Space and Media” in: Theory, Culture and Society, Website“22 March , 2011

Regular contribution with articles al-Ahram online

Academic tourists sight-seeing the Arab Spring, Monday 26 Sep 2011

The Banality of Evil, Thinking Hannah Arendt in Cairo, 15 October 2011

On Cairo´s Urban Space Wars 17 September 2011

Art, Subcultures and the Reinvention of Public Spaces 25 July 2011

Great Walls of Cairo: The Politics of Segregation 5/2/2012

Jadaliyya Website (photo Reportages)

An Emerging Memorial Space? In Praise of Mohammed Mahmud Street, in Jadaliyya, 10 March 2012

The Buraqs of Tahrir (27 May 2012)

The Revolution´s Barometer (12 June 2012)

The Dramaturgy of a Street Corner (25 January 2013)

Intimidation and Resistance: Imagining Gender in Cairene Graffiti

Jadaliyya June 30 2013-10-19

Also appeared in Al-Ahram online

Three Travelling Plaques Become Four (July 10, 2014)

Is Cairene Graffiti Loosing Momemtum Jadaliyya, 25 January 2015

The War of the Walls: The Ongoing Struggle for Cairo’s City Center" Global Dialogue (March 11, 2012)

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Interview with Mona Abaza on Graffiti and the Egyptian Revolution

Slide Show Mona Abaza

The Violence of Egypt´s Counter-Revolution, in Global Dialogue, Vol 3, 3 May 2013.

Mourning, Narratives and Interactions with the Martyrs through Cairo’s Graffiti, E-International

Satire, Laughter and Mourning in Cairo´s Graffiti, Orient Institut Studies

Egypt; Scattered Thoughts on a Counter-revolutionary Moment, Open Democracy, 19 March 2015,

* Started recently a series of interviews in OPEN DEMOCRACY on the dilemmas and contradictions researchers encounter in undertaking research in the Middle East. The idea of interviewing social scientists on the processes of the production of knowledge has been inspired from Michael Burawoy’s concept of  ‘public sociology’, which he initiated and was followed by other sociologists who carried out further interviews with social scientists in ‘Global Dialogue’.

These interviews will attempt to focus on questions of methodology, equally, on the obstacles encountered by researchers when undertaking fieldwork in enduring political upheavals. The series will also attempt to highlight the multiple and varied trajectories and voices which a younger generation of social scientists in the Middle East have been confronting. Three interviews have been published. The intention is to make a compilation of some thirty interviews that will be turned into a book.

1. Surviving sociology in Egypt and elsewhere

BENJAMIN GEER and MONA ABAZA 24 February 2017

2. Ethnography in a time of upheaval – Egypt before and after the ‘Arab spring’


3. Sitting on top of Egyptian Civilisation


Keynote Speaker:

The Fifth Ortelius Lecture, Antwerp, 9 May 2007, “The Dialectics of Enlightenment, Barbarism and Islam”, NIAS Publication, Wassenaar, The Netherlands, 2007

University of Glasgow Tuesday 3 September 2013 “ Reinventing Public Spaces in Post January Revolution Cairo”

International Sociological Association, Plenary Session 1-4 August 2012 Visual Art and the Revolution: Gender Struggles in Cairo's Murals and Graffiti

Invited by MUIS in partnership with ISEAS and Professor S. Farid Alatas to be among the invited guest speakers 2006.

Institute of Catalan Studies, Barcelona, CUITATS Mediterranies l´espai I el teritori 22-25 November 2016, “The Global War on terror, military urbanism and neoliberal dystopias.

The Arab Spring and Europe”

Committees and Advisory Membership

Member of numerous committees on Job searches for the departments of sociology and Anthropology and philosophy at AUC.

Committee member at the Senate of the American University in Cairo (AUC).

The Sasakawa Scholarship for Students and the Core Curriculum seminar committee. (AUC)

I served as committee member for tenure cases of colleagues ( the evaluation of research) Dr. Amy Homes, Sociology. Dr. Hani Henri in psychology and for Dr. Mohammed Tabishat (evaluation of teaching).

Served M.A. Thesis supervision of numerous students at the American university in Cairo.

Advisory member of the Program on the Middle East and North America, Social Science Research Council, New York. until 2006.

Reviewer to several publishing houses and academics journals such as Theory, Culture and Society, Current Sociology, Sojourn, Urban Studies, Space and Polity.

External Research Reviewer, one amongst 6 Evaluators of ISIM, The Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World. Leiden, The Netherlands. 2007.

Member of the Middle East research board (Director Leif Stenberg), Lund University until 2009-2011.

External Research Reviewer one among 6 evaluators for the Orient Institute of Berlin, in 2012 Director of the Institute Professor Ulriche Freitag


Co-supervision of a PhD Thesis of Mrs Sabine Bauer from the Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna. Main Supervisor professor A. Gingrich Title “On youth culture in Egypt after 2011”.

Co-supervision of PhD thesis of my former student Mrs Menna Al-Sheiby at the EHESS, Paris. Title: Consumer Culture and Life styles of the Gated Community Kattameya Heights Main supervisor Franck Mermier.

Organising conferences:

Workshop organised by the international Institute for Asian Studies ( Leiden/Amsterdam) and the Institute for Gender and Women Studies (AUC, Cairo)

Religious Networks Between the Middle East and Southeast Asia

Cairo, 24-26 October 2003


Mona Abaza (The American University in Cairo) and Nico Kaptein (International Institute for Asian Studies in Leiden). Under the auspices of the Gender and Women’s Studies, AUC.


Randa Kaldas (coordinator IGWS, AUC)

Josine Stremmelaar (IIAS coordinator)

Teaching Experience

Free University of Berlin: in German

Islam, Modernity and Orientalism (1996).

Centre for Advanced Studies, Berlin. Post graduate Summer School: Islam and Modernity. 1997

Free University of Berlin:

Gender, work and Religion, a Comparative Perspective between the MiddleEast and Southeast Asia.(1997)

Islam and Modernity in Southeast Asia (1997)

Liberal intellectual thought in Egypt at the beginning of the century (1998)

The American University in Cairo 1998-2016

Introduction to Sociology (201)

Development Studies Seminar (460)

The Core Seminar, English Literature.

Doing Research in the Social Sciences 204

Sociological Methods 500 Graduate level.

Contemporary sociological theories (310).

Urban Societies in Transition.

Arab Society (210)

Religion, Ideology and Social Movements (Graduate level).

Consumer Culture, undergraduate level.

Classical Sociological theory (309).

Rural Sociology,

The urban experience

Graduate Courses:

Cities Structures and Dynamics,

Sociological theory

Cairo Collages (400)

Consumer Culture in Egypt (510). Graduate level.

Lund University.

Religion and Consumer Culture, Centre for Religious Studies, six weeks course, May-June 2010,

Photo Exhibitions:

Photo Exhibition, 25 October 2010, sponsored by the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University Sweden: A Tale of Two Worlds, Cotton, Hamlets and Mansions in the Nile Delta.

Masharabiyya Gallery, Cairo. 23 of March/10 April, 2014 Solo Photo Exhibition. Majesty and Decline; In the Beginning there was Cotton.

Gefilmte Gespräche (A filmed Talk) By Catherine David, shown in the Haus Der Kuturen Der Welt, Berlin, as part of an installation December 2007- January 2008. Published as Di/vision


Film by Rudolf Thome: The Art of Narrating the Egyptian Revolution, posted in Jadaliyya 18 April 2012.

The paintings on the walls of Mohamed Mahmud Street have generated a great deal of attention in the past months. In an interview with Mona Abaza, artist Alaa Awad takes us through the journey of creating the impressive murals he painted on the walls of Mohammed Mahmud and the area surrounding the former Greek Campus of the American University in Cairo (AUC). Awad’s art narrates the Egyptian revolution through reviving the centuries old Pharaonic tradition of murals. The video was filmed by Rudolf Thome.

The art of narrating the Egyptian Revolution


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