• UFC vs. Pride; WWE vs. Raw

• X-files vs. MillenniuM (2 shows, 1 creator)

• X-files vs. Supernatural (2 shows, 1 genre)

• X-files (tv) vs X-files (movies)

• original vs. sequel (or remake)

• Batman (comic) vs. Batman (movies)

o Superman, Spider-Man, Hulk, Ghost Rider, Iron Man, Thor, Capt. America,…

• Superhero vs. Superhero

• CD vs. Live; CD vs. CD; Pop Icon vs. Pop Icon

• 2 Bands, Singers, Actors; 2 cities/countries


• Computers (laptop vs. laptop, not laptop vs. desktop); software; hardware; spyware; virus

• Internet Service Providers

• Cell Phones, plans, companies

• mp3 players, e-Readers

• Downloading services; Audio editing programs

• Computer programs, software, hardware, spyware, virus protection

• Video games, consoles, versions

• Business machines

• Cars, Trucks, SUVs, Cycles, Quads, Hybrids


• High school vs. collegiate level (same sport)

• Equipment by brands

• Division I vs. III; sport by country

• specific team under Coach X vs. under Coach Y

• 2 types of offense, defense, zone, blitzes, moves

• 2 players, same position (MVP)

• 2 teams, same sport (playoffs)

• 1 franchise, 2 yrs, 2 dynasties

• Pre-steroids vs. post-steroids


• Catholic/Christian-based education vs. non-CC

• OT vs. NT; 2 bibles, 2 religions

• Prophet vs. prophet; Apostle vs. apostle

• Sanctioned book vs. apocrypha (or 2 editions)

• DaVinci Code vs. “reality”

• Majors you’ve changed

• Schools you attended

THEN & NOW: *Be specific of the times*

• You (research physical, mental, social conditions, theories, diseases,…)

• Perspectives on a specific place

• Raising a family; Relationships; Education

• Pre- vs. Post-9/11; Post-financial collapse

• Women’s rights, freedoms, roles, responsibilities, opportunities,…

• Governments

• Civil Rights, gay rights, women’s rights, patients’ rights, …

• Politics/Politicians; campaign vs. elected

• Post-Obama; Rep. vs. or = Dem.

• Race or gender relations, class

• Entertainment (movies, TV, books/literature, music, music videos, video games,…)

• Violence in society (by sport, by women; in movies, videos; as “entertainment”)

• Horror movies


• Book vs. movie; Books in a series

• Play vs. play (poem, short story) (within genre) (within or without canon)

• 2 Characters; themes, settings,…

• Interpretations of literature; literary theories

• Styles, genres, movements,…


• Instructors to take for a specific class (research!)

• Restaurants; Fast-Food Places

• Places to work; Places to rent/see movies

• Online vs. Traditional Classes

• Love vs. lust

• Dorm/apart. vs. home

• Extra-curricular activities; ROTC programs

• 2 types of examinations

• Curriculum-specific:

o Articles of Confed. vs. Constitution

o Anatomical systems

o CPRs; Twins; Bi-Polar I, II, III

o Capitalism vs. Communism/socialism

o Russia: USSR vs. now (Iraq, Afghan.)

o Pre- vs. post-revolutions (Egypt)

o Contacts, glasses, LASIK

o Manic vs. Depressive stages

o Gandhi, MLK, Mother T, Pope JP


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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