EnglishCanónigo | Blog del Departamento de Inglés del IES ...

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|[pic] [pic] [pic] |

|The United Kingdom The United States of America Ireland |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

| |

|[pic] [pic] [pic] |

|Canada Australia New Zealand |

NAME: ……………………………………………………………………

NUMBER: ……… GROUP: 3º …





|bakery | |electronics shop | |

|bowling alley | |hairdresser’s | |

|chemist’s | |library | |

|department store | |post office | |


|canoe | |scooter | |

|ferry | |train | |

|helicopter | |tram | |

|jeep | |underground | |

|motorbike | |van | |

|motorboat | |yacht | |


|armchair | |kitchen | |

|bathroom | |lamp | |

|bedroom | |living room | |

|blanket | |mirror | |

|clock | |oven | |

|cupboard | |pillow | |

|curtain | |shelf | |

|desk | |sink | |

|dining room | |toilet | |

|dishwasher | |washing machine | |

|fridge | | | |


|cloudy | |rainy | |

|cold | |snowy | |

|cool | |stormy | |

|hot | |sunny | |

|lightning | |windy | |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |


|Hello, … My name is … | |

|Pleased to meet you, … | |

|Welcome to … | |

|Let me introduce you to … | |

|I’d like you to meet … | |

|Hi, I’m … | |

|Nice to meet you. | |

|Come and meet my friends. | |

|This is … He/She is from … | |


|Can you repeat that, please? | |

|Yes, of course. Listen carefully. | |

|Where are the new vocabulary words? | |

|They’re on page … | |

|How do you spell …? | |

|I can’t find my … | |

|You can use mine. | |

|When is the project due? | |

|How much time have we got? | |

|You’ve got … minutes. | |

|Can I borrow a …, please? | |

|Sure, here you are. | |


1 Write the correct word under each picture:

alarm clock • backpack • drums • grandfather • helicopter • notebook

paints • torch • vacuum cleaner • wallet • yacht • laptop computer

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

…………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

…………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

…………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

2 Choose the correct answers:

a) I need … for my geography lessons.

a. a dictionary b. an atlas c. a calculator

b) My friends and I … at the bowling alley.

a. go on a ride b. get a haircut c. hang out

c) My uncle’s children are my … .

a. grandparents b. cousins c. nephews

d) We couldn’t find the stadium because we didn’t have a … .

a. camera b. backpack c. map

e) There wasn’t football practice today because the weather was … .

a. sunny b. cloudy c. stormy

f) Tom was … because his team lost the game.

a. disappointed b. thrilled c. exhausted

3 Put the words in the correct categories:

peaceful • champion • unpleasant • win • horrified • upset • weak • survive • lively • lose

|Positive [pic] |Negative [pic] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

4 Circle ten adjectives in the puzzle and write them next to their opposites:

|l |


a) Theresa was at the museum on a Tuesday. …… ……

b) The exhibits aren’t about the lives of the aristocracy. …… ……

c) The chairs and tables in the farmer’s house were elaborate. …… ……

d) There are old house items in the museum. …… ……

e) Kirkwood Street is in a modern city. …… ……

12 Match A to B to make sentences:


a) The museum’s exhibits are about … for cooking, cleaning and


b) Theresa’s favourite room from the past … from the 1900s.

c) There are examples of items … people’s lives in the past.

d) Kirkwood Street is a street … is in the morning.

e) The best time to visit the museum … was from the farmer’s house.




|baked beans | |nut | |

|beef | |olive oil | |

|biscuit | |orange juice | |

|carrot | |pepper | |

|crisps | |popcorn | |

|fizzy drink | |watermelon | |


|cooked | |raw | |

|fattening | |salty | |

|fried | |sour | |

|frozen | |spicy | |

|oily | |sweet | |


|How much is it? | |

|Would you like …? | |

|Can I help you? | |

|Is it …? | |

|Do you want anything else? | |

|What would you like? | |

|It’s £ … | |

|Yes, I’ll have some …, please | |

|Yes, it’s very … | |

|I’d like to order … | |

|Yes, please. | |

|No, that will be all. | |


|Could I see the menu, please? | |

|Are you ready to order? | |

|Could I have some …? | |

|No, thank you. | |

|Certainly. Here you are. | |

|Yes, I think so. | |

|Of course. | |


|A: ¿Qué quiere? |A: ………………………………………………… |

|B: Quiero pedir una hamburguesa. |B: ………………………………………………… |

|A: ¿Quiere algo para beber? |A: ………………………………………………… B: ………………………………………………… |

|B: Sí. Tomaré zumo de naranja, por |A: ………………………………………………… |

|favor |B: ………………………………………………… |

|A: ¿Quiere algo más? | |

|B: No, gracias. Eso será todo. | |

UNIT 1 Grammar Notes


|Affirmative Form: |Negative Form: |Interrogative Form: |

|I/we/you/they + Infinitive verb | |Q. A. S. I. |

|▪ Inf verb -s |I/we/you/they + DON’T + Inf v |Question auxiliary subject Infinitive |

|(general rule) | |Word of the verb |

|▪ Inf verb -es |*He/she/it + DOESN’T + Inf v |what |

|*He/she/it + (when the verb | |which |

|finishes in: -s, | |who |

|-sh, -ch, -x, -o, | |when + DO + I/we/you/they + Inf.v.? |

|or in cons +y) | |where + DOES + *he/she/it + Inf.v.? |

| | |how |

| | |why |

| | |whose |

|Short answers: | |

|Yes, I/we/you/they DO No, I/we/you/they DON’T | |

|Yes, *he/she/it DOES No, *he/she/it DOESN’T | |


|USE: |- Frequency adverbs: always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never. |

|- Habits, routines |- Expressions of frequency: every day / week / month / year, once / twice / three times / four |

|- Facts, permanent states |times a day / week / month / year, in the morning, at night, at weekends, … |

|- General truths | |


|Affirmative Form: |Negative Form: |Interrogative Form: |

|I am |I ‘m not |Am I |

|He/she/it is + verb -ING |He/she/it isn’t + verb -ING |(Q) Is he/she/it + verb -ING…? |

|We/you/they are |We/you/they aren’t |Are we/you/they |

|Spelling changes: when the verb finishes in |

|-e: v. -e +ING |

|-1 vowel + 1 cons.: v. -2xcons +ING |

|-ie: v –y +ING |

|USE: |ADVERBS: |Short answers: |

|- Actions at the same time of |- Now, at present, right now, at the moment |Yes, I am. |

|speaking |- this week / month / year… |Yes, he / she / it is. |

|- Temporary actions |- Tomorrow, next week / year / month / summer |Yes, we / you / they are. |

|- Future plans | | |

| | |No, I’m not. |

| | |No, he / she / it isn’t. |

| | |No, we / you / they aren’t |


1 Tick ([pic]) the sentences T (true) or F (false). Pay attention to the words in bold:


a) People often eat carrots in salad. …… ……

b) Water is a fizzy drink. …… ……

c) Vegetarians eat a lot of beef. …… ……

d) Crisps are a breakfast food. …… ……

e) Watermelon is a type of fruit. …… ……

f) You can buy chocolate with nuts. …… ……

g) People usually put olive oil in ice cream. …… ……

h) There are green and red peppers. …… ……

i) Biscuits are a snack food. …… ……

j) People often put popcorn in milk. …… ……

2. Match the adjectives to the correct pictures:

|… 1. sweet |[pic] |

|… 2. salty |[pic] |

|… 3. fried |[pic] |

|… 4. sour |[pic] |

|… 5. frozen |[pic] |

|… 6. cooked |[pic] |

|… 7. raw |[pic] |

3 Choose TWO suitable adjectives to complete the sentences:

a) Most cakes are sweet / fattening / raw.

b) I drink water with spicy / frozen / salty food.

c) Fried / Oily / Cooked food is not very healthy.


4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple:

a) Betty never …………………… (wash) the dishes.

b) …………………… you …………………… (buy) bread at this bakery?

c) We often …………………… (have) beef for dinner.

d) Chris …………………………… (not drink) tea.

e) People …………………… (watch) TV at night.

f) I …………………………… (not want) to eat fish now.

5 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Continuous:

a) we / put / dinner / on the table / now / .


b) at the moment / Dan / order / ice cream / .


c) she / eat / a healthy snack / ?


d) I / not drink / orange juice / now / .


e) the children / bake / biscuits / right now / ?


6 Choose the correct time expressions:

a) What is Janice eating never / at the moment / tomorrow?

b) Do you at the moment / often / every day clean your room?

c) Our grandparents today / right now / always give us gifts at Christmas.

d) The students are making sandwiches for the trip now / every day / often.

e) Steve doesn’t now / usually / tomorrow have breakfast before he goes to school.

7 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous:

a) Quiet! I ……………………………… (try) to concentrate.

b) Jane ……………………………… (study) the piano on Mondays.

c) We ……………………………… (not have) lunch now.

d) The teacher ……………………………… (not give) us homework on Fridays.

e) Where …………………… you …………………… (go) every day after school?

8 Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. Then answer the questions so they are true for you:

a) Where …………………… your best friend …………………… (live)?


b) What …………………… you …………………… (wear) at the moment?


c) When …………………… you …………………… (go) to bed at night?


d) What ……………… you and your friends usually ………………… (do) at weekends?


e) What book …………………… you …………………… (read) right now?


9 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous:

a) Maria / not have / lunch / with her father / today / .


b) my cousin / often / send / photos of his family / to me / .


c) he / not like / driving / in rainy weather / .


d) they / fly / to England / now / ?


e) she / cook / breakfast / every day / ?


f) Bill and Ben / always / walk / to football practice / together / .


10 Complete the sentences with the words below:

a • an • any • how many • how much • some

a) Is there …………………… apple in the bag?

b) ……………………………… days are there in a year?

c) Darren hasn’t got …………………… friends.

d) ……………………………… sugar is there in the tea?

e) Jon wants to buy …………………… mobile phone.

f) Peter is bringing …………………… fizzy drinks.

11 Choose the correct answers:

Ellen: Hi, Sue. What 1 are you eating / do you eat / you are eating?

Sue: A doughnut. It’s delicious!

Ellen: But it’s not very healthy. Doughnuts are fried and they have got 2 a lot of / some / much calories.

Sue: Well, I 3 don’t eat / am not eating / doesn’t eat them every day and there are 4 any / some / much vitamins in my doughnut.

Ellen: Vitamins! Are you sure?

Sue: Yes! I 5 eat / eats / am eating a strawberry doughnut. There are vitamins in fruit and strawberries are fruit.


12 The words below appear in the text in Exercise 13. Find the words and guess their meanings. Use a dictionary to check your guesses:

a) spaceship …………………… c) rocket ……………………

b) screen …………………… d) spacesuit ……………………

13 Read the text. Then complete the sentences below:


|Are you looking for a different type of restaurant? Then Mars 2112 is the place for you. Mars 2112 is a popular restaurant in |

|New York City. But it’s not an ordinary restaurant. People don’t come to Mars 2112 for the food. They come for an interesting |

|and fun experience. |

|The name Mars 2112 comes from the red planet – Mars. Going to the restaurant is like visiting a different world. You sit in a |

|“spaceship” – a room with some chairs in front of a screen. There are a lot of lights and the room begins to move. On the |

|screen, you see pictures of a rocket, stars and a planet. Five minutes later, you “land” on Mars – well, actually the dining |

|room. It’s a big room with rocky walls and red lights. Around 500 people can eat in it. Waiters in spacesuits bring your food, |

|and everything has got a Martian name like Full Moon Pizza, Martian Soup or Red Star Fried Chicken. There are video games and |

|music videos to entertain you, too. The restaurant is very popular and there is usually a long queue of people in front of it. |

|A meal at Mars 2112 is a lot of fun. |

a) People go to Mars 2112 for .

b) The dining room is similar to the planet Mars because .

c) The waiters wear .

d) At the restaurant, you can play .

e) Many people usually wait to .

14 Write questions with the words below. Then answer the questions according to the text in Exercise 13:

a) how much time / it / take / to “land” on Mars



b) what / you / see / in the “spaceship”



c) how many people / the restaurant / serve



d) what / people / eat / at the restaurant




15 Complete the chart below about an unusual restaurant that you have visited or heard about. Then write an e-mail to a friend describing it:

|Name of restaurant: |

|Address: |

|Type of restaurant: |

|Types of food: |

|Reason why you like it: |
























|bottle | |metal | |

|can | |paper | |

|cardboard | |plastic | |

|carton | |recycling bin | |

|cloth | |rubbish bin | |

|glass | |waste | |

|jar | |wood | |


|clean up | |plant | |

|collect | |pollute | |

|damage | |recycle | |

|destroy | |rescue | |

|pick up | |throw out | |


|Where were you? | |

|What did you do? | |

|Why did you do it? | |

|How many people were there? | |

|Where were the people from? | |

|What else did you do? | |


|British English |US English | |

|biscuits |cookies | |

|lift |elevator | |

|car park |parking lot | |

|trousers |pants | |

|flat |apartment | |

|underground |subway | |

|torch |flashlight | |

|rubber |eraser | |


|A: Brian, ¿dónde estuviste? |A: ………………………………………………… |

|B: Estuve en casa de Mark. |B: ………………………………………………… |

|A: ¿Qué hiciste allí? |A: ………………………………………………… |

|B: Hicimos una escultura con basura. |B: ………………………………………………… |

|A: ¿Por qué lo hicisteis? |………………………………………………… |

|B: Lo hicimos para un trabajo de |A: ………………………………………………… |

|clase, mamá |B: ………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………… |

UNIT 2 Grammar Notes


|Affirmative Form: |Interrogative Form: |

| |Q. A. S. I. |

|Suj + Inf. Regular V. –ed |Question auxiliary subject Infinitive |

|• Spelling changes: when the verb finishes in |Word of the verb |

|-e: v. -e + d | |

|-1 vowel + 1 cons.: v. -2xcons + ed |(Q) + DID + suj + Inf.v.? |

|- consonante+y: v. -i + ed | |

|Negative Form: |Short answers: |

| |Yes, I/he/she/it/we/you/they DID |

|Suj. + DIDN’T + Inf v |No, I/he/she/it/we/you/they DIDN’T |


|USE: |yesterday (ayer), the day before yesterday (anteayer), last night (anoche), |

|Finished actions in the |last week (la semana pasada), last month (el mes pasado), last year (el año pasado), last weekend (el fin de semana |

|past |pasado), …… ago (hace …), in …… (+ past date), |

| |when I was young (cuando era joven) |


|Affirmative Form: |Negative Form: |Interrogative Form: |

|I/he/she/it was |I/he/she/it wasn’t |Was I/he/she/it |

|+ verb -ING |+ verb -ING |(Q) + verb -ING? |

|We/you/they were |We/you/they weren’t |Were we/you/they |

|Spelling changes: when the verb finishes in |

|-e: v. -e +ING |

|-1 vowel + 1 cons.: v. -2xcons +ING |

|-ie: v –y +ING |

|USE: | |Short answers: |

|- Unfinished actions in the past |ADVERBS: |Yes, I / he / she / it was. |

|- Long simultaneous actions in the past |- at … (time) yesterday / last night / last |Yes, we / you / they were. |

|(WHILE / AS) |week / last month / last year | |

| |- oraciones temporales precedidas por while |No, I / he / she / it wasn’t. |

| |(mientras) |No, we / you / they weren’t. |


1 Find words in the puzzle and complete the sentences:


a) The fizzy drink is in an aluminium … … … .

b) Put the … … … … … … … … … in the paper recycling bin.

c) I’ve got water in my … … … … … … .

d) You put waste in a … … … … … … … … … … .

e) You can buy milk in a … … … … … … .

f) There’s some sauce in a glass … … … in the fridge.

2 Match the materials in A to the items in B:


|1. glass | [pic] [pic] [pic] |

|2. metal |[pic] [pic] [pic] |

|3. cloth | |

|4. paper | |

|5. wood | |

|6. plastic | |

3. Choose the correct answers:

a) Firefighters rescue / damage / pollute people from fires.

b) It’s important to recycle / plant / clean up newspapers and bottles.

c) We destroy / clean up / throw out our rubbish twice a week.

d) I want to plant / collect / rescue all the cans in this room.

e) On Clean Up Day, people damage / pick up / pollute rubbish.


4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple:

a) Pam …………………… (dance) with Ashton at the party.

b) I …………………… (study) for the test at the weekend.

c) Last night, we …………………… (have) beef for dinner.

d) Yesterday, Mum …………………… (buy) flowers and she …………………… (plant) them in the garden this morning.

e) Janis …………………… (put) the bottles in a carton and her dad …………………… (carry) them to the recycling bin.

5. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verb:

a) Jay …………………………………… (not stop) at the bakery before school.

b) ………… you ………………………… (get) peppers for the salad?

c) I …………………………………… ( prepare) breakfast an hour ago.

d) Andrea ………………………………… (not wash) the jars.

e) why …………… the students …………………………… (bring) wood to school?

f) what …………… your brother ……………………… (do) last Wednesday?

6. What were John and his family doing at 7.00 yesterday? Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Continuous:

a) John ……………………………………… (not watch) television.

He ……………………………………… (study) for an exam.

b) John’s dad ……………………………………… (carry) old bottles and his sisters ……………………………………… (hold) a big bag with cans. They ……………………………………… (walk) to the recycling bin.

c) John’s mum ……………………………………… (not take) the rubbish to the rubbish bin.

She ……………………………………… (put) a chicken in the oven.

d) John’s brother ……………………………………… (not ride) his bike.

He ……………………………………… (play) with the dog.

e) John’s grandparents ……………………………………… (not help) John.

They ……………………………………… (sit) in the garden and they ……………………………………… (read) the newspaper.

7. Write questions with the words below. Use the Past Continuous:

a) what / the boys / collect / at the beach


b) the girls / plant / flowers / in the forest


c) who / the people / talk to / outside the building


d) what / Dylan / do / last night / at 7 o’clock


8 Look at the pictures and answer the questions in Exercise 7:

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

a) ……………………………………………………………………………………

b) ……………………………………………………………………………………

c) ……………………………………………………………………………………

d) ……………………………………………………………………………………

9 Complete the sentences with the words below. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous and when or while:

a) It started to rain

(the children / swim / in the sea)

b) We stopped talking

(the teacher / come / into the room)

c) The students were cleaning up the park

(their parents / plant / flowers)

d) I was walking to school

(I / fall / in the snow)

10 Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous:

The Exxon Valdez was a large ship and it 1……………………………… (transport) oil to many countries. On 24th March 1989, while the ship 2……………………………… (travel) from Alaska to Los Angeles, it 3……………………………… (hit) Bligh Reef. This damaged the ship and a lot of the oil 4……………………………… (go) into the sea. Many birds 5……………………………… (hunt) for food in the sea when the accident 6……………………………… (happen). About 250,000 birds 7……………………………… (die) and the oil killed thousands of fish, whales and other sea animals, too. It 8……………………………… (take) more than $4 billion, three years and thousands of workers to clean up the area.


11 Read the text. What do the numbers below refer to?


|The Maldives are a group of beautiful tropical islands in the Indian Ocean. But the Maldives have got a dirty secret: Thilafushi, |

|the world’s biggest rubbish island. Ships bring more than 330 tonnes of rubbish to Thilafushi every day. |

|The Maldivians built Thilafushi in 1992. At the time, they were looking for a place to throw out their rubbish. Nearly 100,000 |

|people lived in Malé, the capital city, and they were producing a lot of rubbish every day. Malé is only two square kilometres, |

|and there wasn’t a good place for all of the rubbish. The government decided to build Thilafushi to solve the problem. |

|Today, more than 10,000 tourists come to the Maldives every week. Each tourist produces 3.5 kilos of rubbish, and Thilafushi is |

|growing by one square metre every day. The Maldivians are trying to find new places for their rubbish, and they now send some of |

|it to India. Indian ships bring vegetables to the Maldives and they return with empty cans, metals and cardboard for recycling. |

|It’s a rubbish crisis, but the tourists don’t know that. They continue to swim in the blue sea and enjoy the sun on the sandy |

|beaches. They have got no idea about the rubbish island only a short distance away. |

a) 330 …………………… c) 10,000 ……………………

b) 100,000 …………………… d) 3.5 ……………………

12 David is interviewing Tom, a volunteer in an environmental project. Tom has just returned from Thilafushi. Write David’s questions using the Past Simple or Past Continuous. Then write Tom’s answers based on the information in the text:

a) what / people / see / when / they / arrive / there



b) when / the Maldivians / build / Thilafushi



c) what / Indian ships / bring / to the Maldives



d) what / the ships / carry / when / they / return / to India



e) what / the tourists / do / while / they / visit / the Maldives




13 Write a letter to a friend describing an interesting place you’ve been to. Make sure you answer the following questions.

1. Where did you go?

2. Who did you go with?

3. What did you do there?

4. What did you like most about the place?


















|bus driver | |hairdresser | |

|cashier | |judge | |

|childminder | |lifeguard | |

|cleaner | |nurse | |

|company director | |pilot | |

|cook | |police officer | |

|engineer | |shop assistant | |

|film producer | |surgeon | |


|be hurt | |go diving | |

|break a record | |have an accident | |

|do an extreme sport | |have an exotic meal | |

|get lost | |win an award | |

|go abroad | |win an inusual race | |


|Have you ever …? | |

|What happened? | |

|When did it happen? | |

|Where did it happen? | |

|When did you do it? | |

|How did you feel? | |

|Where did you do it? | |

|Who was with you? | |


|Are you interested in …? | |

|What are you good at? | |

|Have you ever worked with …? | |

| |

| |


|A: Lucy, ¿te has roto la pierna alguna |A: ………………………………………………… |

|vez? |………………………………………………… |

|B: Sí. |B: ………………………………………………… |

|A: ¿Qué ocurrió? |A: ………………………………………………… |

|B: Bajaba esquiando por una |B: ………………………………………………… |

|montaña cuando me caí. |………………………………………………… |

|A: ¿Cuándo ocurrió? |A: ………………………………………………… |

|B: Ocurrió hace dos años. |B: ………………………………………………… |

UNIT 3 Grammar Notes



- Acciones pasadas sin especificar el momento exacto en que se produjeron (no lo conocemos o no nos interesa ).

She’s seen that film.

- Acciones pasadas que afectan al presente o tienen consecuencias en el momento actual.

I’ve been here for 10 minutes.

- Acciones que empezaron en el pasado y aún continúan.

I’ve known my best friend for all my life.

- Para dar información nueva o para contar un suceso reciente.

Ow! I’ve cut my finger. / The road is closed. There’s just been an accident.


|+ |I / we / you / they |+ HAVE | |Past Participle of the main verb: |

| | | |+ |- Inf. of Regular verb –ed |

| |He / she / it |+ HAS | |- 3rd column in the list of Irregular verbs |

|- |I / we / you / they |+ HAVEN’T | |Past Participle of the main verb: |

| | | |+ |- Inf. of Regular verb –ed |

| |He / she / it |+ HASN’T | |- 3rd column in the list of Irregular verbs |

|? |HAVE |+ |I / we / you / they | |Past Participle of the main verb: |

| | | | | |- Inf. of Regular verb –ed |

| |HAS |+ |He / she / it |+ |- 3rd column in the list of Irregular verbs |

|Short | √ |Yes, I / we / you / they + HAVE | X |No, I / we / you / they + HAVEN’T |

|answer | |Yes, he / she / it + HAS | |No, he / she / it + HASN’T |

ADVERBS: hay diferentes posiciones en la frase

▪ Delante del past participle:

Ever (alguna vez) (?) Have you ever been to France?

(en la vida) (+) This is the most boring film I’ve ever seen.

(nunca, jamás) (-) I haven’t ever worked so much.

Never (nunca) I’ve never been to France.

Just (acabar de hacer algo) She’s just had breakfast.

Already (ya) (+) We have already studied.

Al final de la frase:

Yet (ya) (?) Has he done his homework yet?

(todavía) (-) I haven’t done my homework yet.

For + periods of time (durante, desde hace) I’ve had my car for 5 years.

Since + point in time (desde) We’ve been married since 2008.

Today / This week / month / year / season / term (cuando estos periodos no han acabado en ese momento) He hasn’t worked very hard this term.

Recently (recientemente) Have you heard from George recently?

Lately (últimamente) I haven’t seen him lately.

So far (hasta ahora/el momento) We haven’t had any problems so far.

Several times (varias veces) They have worked for us several times.

▪ Al principio de una pregunta:

How long (cuánto tiempo hace) (?) How long have you lived here?


1 Complete the puzzle and find out what Angela wants to be.

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic] [pic]

| | | | | |

|prepare a meal | | |[pic] |[pic] |

|meet a pilot | |[pic] | | |

|ride on a bus | |[pic] | | |

|go to school |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

a) Harry and Kate haven’t prepared a meal.

b) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

c) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

d) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

e) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

f) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

6 Choose the correct answers:

a) Has the childminder fed the baby yet / already / ever?

b) We have ever / just / never swum in the sea because I hate salty water.

c) The cleaner has already / yet / ever washed all the windows.

d) Daniel Radcliffe has been an actor for / since / already he was five years old.

e) My hairdresser has ever / just / yet opened a new salon.

f) Have you ever / yet / since eaten spicy ice cream?

7 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Perfect:

a) I / never / eat / raw / fish / .


b) we / not see / this film / for many years / .


c) Jill / be / a pilot / for three years / ?


d) the cook / not leave / the kitchen / yet / .


e) the judge / already / make / a decision / .


f) they / throw out / the rubbish / yet / ?


8. Choose the correct answers:

a) Dr Griffin was / has been a surgeon since 1997.

b) I went / have gone to the hairdresser’s last week.

c) The bus driver didn’t take / hasn’t taken the children to school in the morning.

d) Did you see / Have you seen Cowboys and Aliens yet?

e) We didn’t have / haven’t had crisps for two months.

9. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple affirmative, negative or interrogative:

a) I …………………………… (see) Tony for a month.

b) ………………… you ever ………………… (be) to a hairdresser?

c) I was at the shopping centre yesterday, but I …………………………… (not buy) anything.

d) We ………………… already ………………… (hear) this story.

e) What ………………… he ………………… (say) to you last night?

10. Complete the interview with a film producer. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple:

Q: When 1…………………… you …………………… (become) a film producer?

A: I 2……………………………… (get) my first job in 1996. I 3……………………………… (be) a film producer for more than 15 years.

Q: Why 4…………………… you …………………… (decide) to become a film producer?

A: Well, I 5……………………………… (always love) films. I’m good with money and schedules. So one day, I 6……………………………… (decide) to try producing.

Q: How many films 7…………………… you …………………… (produce)?

A: I 8……………………………… (just complete) my eighth film.

Q: 9…………………… you …………………… (meet) a lot of famous film stars?

A: Yes, I 10……………………………… . I 11……………………………… (work) with some very famous people.


11 The words below appear in the text in Exercise 12. Find the words and guess their meanings. Use a dictionary to check your guesses:

a) clown …………………… c) balloon ……………………

b) make-up …………………… d) shout ……………………

12 Read the text. Then imagine you are interviewing Jill. Write questions with the words. Use the Past Simple, Present Simple or Present Perfect Simple. Then write Jill’s answers to the questions:


|Jill Blackstead is a professional party clown. She uses the name “Tiddlywink” and people pay her money to perform at children’s|

|parties. Jill has been a party clown for more than ten years. Her career began when she was still at school. She wanted to make|

|some money to buy CDs and clothes, so she began organising children’s parties. Her parties became very popular and soon she was|

|doing more than eight parties a month. Today, Jill works as a party clown almost every day. She has a good salary and really |

|enjoys her work. |

|Jill wears the usual clown costume – a red nose, a big hat and funny shoes. She doesn’t wear face make-up because this often |

|frightens young children. Over the years, she has improved her programme. Her parties include face painting, magic, silly games|

|and balloon animals. |

|Jill has won an award for being the best party clown in New York. So what is her secret? Jill believes that a party clown must |

|make children feel happy. While she is painting faces or making balloons, she always talks to the children and asks them |

|questions. She has also noticed that every year there are two or three words that children think are funny. When things are not|

|going well at the party, she just shouts one of these words and the children immediately start laughing. |

a) Interviewer: how long / you / be / a party clown

Interviewer: …………………………………………………………………………………………?

Jill: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

b) Interviewer: when / your career / begin

Interviewer: …………………………………………………………………………………………?

Jill: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

c) Interviewer: you / enjoy / your work

Interviewer: …………………………………………………………………………………………?

Jill: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

d) Interviewer: what / costume / you / wear

Interviewer: …………………………………………………………………………………………?

Jill: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

e) Interviewer: you / ever / win / any / awards

Interviewer: …………………………………………………………………………………………?

Jill: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

f) Interviewer: how / you / make / children / laugh

Interviewer: …………………………………………………………………………………………?

Jill: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

13 Tick ([pic])the sentences T (true) or F (false) according to the text in Exercise 12. Copy the sentences that helped you decide.


a) Jill became a party clown because she wanted to be popular. …… ……


b) Jill gets a lot of money for her work. …… ……


c) Jill paints her face white. …… ……


d) Jill sometimes shouts at the parties. …… ……



14 Imagine you are a clown at a children’s birthday party. Write an e-mail to a friend describing a successful or unsuccessful birthday party.























|blouse | |make-up | |

|bracelet | |mini skirt | |

|cap | |necklace | |

|earrings | |piercings | |

|flip-flops | |platform shoes | |

|high heels | |ring | |

|hood | |sleeves | |

|lipstick | |sunglasses | |


|casual | |formal | |

|fashionable | |old-fashioned | |

|in | |out | |

|modern | |outdated | |

|trendy | |practical/sensible | |


|What are you wearing for …? | |

|What should I wear for …? | |

|Can I wear my …? | |

|Do you think I should wear my …? | |

|Should I wear …? | |

|That’s a great idea. It’s really … | |

|I don’t think so. It’s too … | |

|Not really. They are not … enough | |


|Can I help you? | |

|Have you got any …? | |

|What colour do you want? | |

|What size are you? / I’m a size … | |

|How about this one? | |

|Can I try it on? | |

|That’s quite nice. | |

|The changing rooms are over there. | |

|How much is it / are they? | |

UNIT 4 Grammar Notes




| |más … que |(+ IN / OF) |

| | |el/la/los/las más … de … |


|General rule tall |Adj. + -er taller |The adj. + -est the tallest |

|Exceptions: | | |

|• 1-syllable adjectives ending in | | |

|-e |Adj. + -r nicer |The adj. + -st the nicest |

|nice |Adj. + 2xcons + -er bigger |The adj. + 2xcons + -est the biggest |

|- a vowel and a consonant big | | |

|• 1 or 2-syllable adjectives ending in |Adj. (-y) + -ier drier |The adj. (-y) + -iest the driest |

|consonant + -y dry |happier |the happiest |

|happy | | |

| LONG ADJECTIVES |more + adj. |The most + adj. |

|• 2 or more syllable adjectives expensive |more expensive |the most expensive |


|Good |Better |The worst |

|Bad |Worse |The farthest / furthest |

|Far |Farther / further | |

| |

|= |(NOT) AS + adjective + AS (tan … como) |

| |John is as tall as Tim. |

| |Tim isn’t as tall as John |

TOO + adjective (demasiado)

(NOT) adjective + ENOUGH (lo bastante / suficientemente)


1 Complete the words. Then match them to the correct pictures:

|h … … h h … … l … |[pic] … [pic] ... [pic] ... |

|… … r … i … g |[pic] … [pic] … [pic][pic] ... |

|… l … t f … … m … … o … s |[pic] … [pic]... [pic] ... |

|… r … … e … e t | |

|… l … p - f … o … s | |

|n … … k … … c … | |

|b … o … s … | |

|h … … d | |

|l i … … t … c … | |

2 Complete the sentences with the words below:

cap • make-up • mini skirt • ring • sleeve • sunglasses • piercings

a) A ……………………………… is a part of a shirt or sweater.

b) You wear a ……………………………… on a finger.

c) A ……………………………… is always short.

d) You protect your eyes with ……………………………… .

e) Amy has got three ……………………………… – two in her ears and one in her nose.

f) You wear a ……………………………… on your head.

g) ……………………………… can make your eyes beautiful.

3 Choose the word with a similar meaning to the word in bold:

a) fashionable: practical • outdated • trendy

b) old-fashioned: ”out” • formal • sensible

c) sensible: practical • formal • ”in”

d) trendy: ”out” • ”in” • casual

e) modern: old-fashioned • outdated • fashionable


4 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets:

a) My sweater is ……………………………… (warm) my jacket.

b) The new fashion designer is ……………………………… (creative) the old one.

c) The long earrings are ……………………………… (silly) the short ones.

d) The bikini is ……………………………… (small) the swimsuit.

e) Kevin’s sunglasses are ……………………………… (unusual) Barbara’s.

f) On cold days, long sleeves are ……………………………… (good) short sleeves.

5 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets:

a) Those high heels are ……………………………… (nice) shoes in the shop.

b) Jacques designed ……………………………… (amazing) dresses in the fashion show.

c) Are platform shoes ……………………………… (bad) type of shoes for your feet?

d) I didn’t wear my coat because it was ……………………………… (hot) day of the year.

e) The blonde model is ……………………………… (attractive) model in the advert.

f) Green is ……………………………… (ugly) colour for lipstick.

6 Choose the correct answers:

a) My bag is heavier than / the heaviest your bag.

b) The trainers are more expensive than / the most expensive the flip-flops.

c) Fashion Now is more boring than / the most boring programme on TV.

d) Abby’s dress is shorter than / the shortest a mini skirt.

e) Mum thinks piercings are more disgusting than / the most disgusting fashion in the world.

f) Look at that silly hat. It’s funnier than / the funniest hat in the shop.

7 Write sentences with the words below and (not) as … as:

a) blouses / warm / sweaters …………………………………………

b) a sports cap / casual / trainers …………………………………………

c) shorts / long / trousers …………………………………………

d) trainers / noisy / high heels …………………………………………

e) plastic earrings / expensive / gold earrings …………………………………………

8 Look at the picture and tick ([pic]) the sentences T (true) or F (false):

[pic] [pic]


a) The ring is cheaper than the earrings. …… ……

b) The earrings are the biggest item. …… ……

c) The ring is as wide as the bracelet. …… ……

d) The earrings aren’t as elaborate as the bracelet. …… ……

e) The ring is the most expensive item. …… ……

9 Read the sentences. Then choose the next logical sentence:

a) The homework is too difficult.

a. I’ve already finished it.

b. I don’t understand it.

b) My shoes aren’t big enough.

a. I need new shoes.

b. I need smaller shoes.

c) The food is too hot.

a. Let’s eat!

b. Wait a minute or two.

d) My trousers aren’t long enough.

a. I’m standing on them.

b. You can see my socks.

10 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets. Use too … or (not) … enough:

a) John isn’t going out tonight. He’s ……………………………… (tired).

b) Phil can’t be a basketball player because he’s ……………………………… (tall).

c) I like these jeans but they’re ……………………………… (expensive) for me.

d) It’s ……………………………… (hot) to wear flip-flops today. Your feet will be cold.

e) This outfit is ……………………………… (casual) to wear for the wedding.

11 Choose the correct answers:

In the 1960s , Mary Quant was a popular fashion designer in London, but her clothes were 1 too cheap / not cheap enough / cheaper than for many teenagers. Then in 1964, clothing designer Barbara Hulanicki opened the shop Biba. Biba’s clothes were 2 as trendy as / the trendiest / trendy enough Mary Quant’s clothes, but they were 3 not as expensive as / the most expensive / too expensive Mary Quant’s fashion.

Biba became one of 4 the biggest / bigger than / big enough tourist attractions in London. It was 5 the most popular / more popular than / less popular than Harrods. Then in 1970, Biba became a department store, but for Barbara the business was 6 too big / big enough / the biggest. In 1975, she closed the department store.


12 Read the text. Then answer the questions:


|Have you ever been to a wedding? The bride’s dress is one of the most important parts of the event, and most women spend a long time|

|choosing the right one. But what is the right dress? Wedding dresses, like other types of clothing, reflect the fashion of the time.|

|In Ancient Rome, people believed white was the favourite colour of the god of marriage, so women wore white wedding dresses. But in |

|the medieval period, colourful material was more expensive than plain material. Rich women wore colourful wedding dresses with a lot|

|of cloth to show their status. Ordinary people wore practical dresses from plain cloth. After their wedding, they wore their wedding|

|dress at church and for celebrations. |

|The long white wedding dress of today became fashionable after Queen Victoria got married in 1840. Many brides saw her wedding |

|photograph and decided to wear similar dresses. People began using machines to make cloth in the 19th century, so cloth wasn’t as |

|expensive as before and more people had the money to pay for long dresses. During World War II, people needed cloth to make |

|uniforms, so brides wore short dresses. But when the war was over, long dresses were “in” again. Since then, the style and length of|

|wedding dresses has changed as different fashions have become trendy or outdated. So what do you think wedding dresses will look |

|like a hundred years from now? |

a) Why did some medieval women wear colourful dresses?


b) What did other medieval women do with their dresses after their wedding?


c) What type of wedding dress did Queen Victoria wear?


d) What happened as a result of Queen Victoria’s wedding dress?


e) How did machines change fashion?


f) Why was cloth important during World War II?


13 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. Then tick ([pic]) the sentences T (true) or F (false) according to the text. Copy the sentences that helped you decide:


a) In Ancient Rome, white wedding dresses were

……………………………… (popular) colourful wedding dresses.

………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… ……

b) Plain cloth was ……………………………… (expensive) colourful

cloth in the medieval period.

………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… ……

c) Cloth was ……………………………… (cheap) in the 19th century

than it was in the 18th century.

………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… ……

d) Long wedding dresses were ……………………………… (fashionable)

short wedding dresses during World War II.

………………………………………………………………………………………………… …… ……


14 Write a letter to a friend about a wedding or other celebration that you have been to. Include a description of some of the people’s clothes:






















|art gallery | |power station | |

|basketball court | |residencial neighbourhood | |

|bus stop | |skyscraper | |

|concert hall | |square | |

|farm | |tennis court | |

|office | |theatre | |

|playground | |train station | |


|do our best | |make a discovery | |

|do research | |make an effort | |

|do some good | |make friends | |

|get a degree | |make money | |

|go to university | |start a business | |

|make a difference | |


|I think I’ll study … | |

|I believe I’ll live in … | |

|In ten years’ time I’ll … | |

|In the future, I’ll probably … | |

|One day, I’ll … | |

|I don’t think I’ll … | |

|If I make an effort, I’ll … | |

|My dream is to … | |


|Excuse me. | |

|Where’s the nearest …? | |

|How do I get to …? | |

|I’m sorry. I don’t know. | |

|Do you know the way to …? | |

|No problem. | |


|A: Lauren, ¿qué crees que harás | |

|cuando acabes el colegio? |A: ………………………………………………… |

|B: Creo que estudiaré Ciencias |………………………………………………… |

|en la universidad. |B: ………………………………………………… |

|A: Dawn, ¿cuáles son tus planes |………………………………………………… |

|para el futuro? |A: ………………………………………………… |

|C: En el futuro probablemente |………………………………………………… |

|abriré un restaurante. |C: ………………………………………………… |

|A: ¿Y qué hay de ti, Bob? ¿Cuál |………………………………………………… |

|es tu sueño? |A: ………………………………………………… |

|D: Mi sueño es ser jugador de |………………………………………………… |

|fútbol profesional. |D: ………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………… |

UNIT 5 Grammar Notes



|FORMA |+ | am | am |Suj. + will + Inf. v. |

| | |Suj. + is + verb-ING |Suj. + is + going to + Inf. v. |(`ll) |

| | |are |are | |

| |- | ‘m not | ‘ m not |Suj. + won’t + Inf. v. |

| | |Suj. + isn’t + verb-ING |Suj. + isn’t + going to + Inf. v. | |

| | |aren’t |aren’t | |

| |? | Am |Am |Will + suj. + Inf. v. …? |

| | |Is + suj. + verb-ING …? |Is + suj. + going to + Inf. v. … ? | |

| | |Are |Are | |

| |√ |Yes, suj. + am / is / are |Yes, suj. + am / is / are |Yes, suj. + will |

| |X |No, suj. + ‘m not / isn’t / aren’t |No, suj. + ‘m not / isn’t / aren’t |No, suj. + won’t |

|USO | Planes personales ya organizados (ej. |Intenciones, planes o decisiones: ya has |Predicciones futuras (weather |

| |quedar con amigos, ir al médico o a la |decidido hacer algo pero puede que aún no lo |forecasts, horoscopes, …), con |

| |peluquería) –anotados en las agendas |hayas organizado |expresiones como |

| | |Predicciones inmediatas cuando es muy evidente|I think / believe / expect / wonder, |

| | |que algo va a suceder |I’m sure, perhaps y probably, y |

| | | |decisiones repentinas |

|ejemplos |What are you doing at the weekend? |I’m going to buy a new pair of shoes tomorrow.|Tomorrow it will be sunny in |

| |I’m not going out tonight. |Are you going to invite John to the party? |Alicante. |

| | |Look at the clouds! It’s going to rain. |I think Diana will pass the exam. |

| | | |We’ll probably go out this evening. |

|ADVERBIOS DE TIEMPO: (pueden ir al principio o al final de la frase) |

| |

|TOMORROW (mañana), NEXT MONTH (el mes próximo), NEXT WEEK (la semana que viene), NEXT YEAR (el año que viene), IN ... (+ a future date), LATER|

|(más tarde), SOON (pronto), IN AN HOUR (dentro de una hora), IN THE FUTURE |


|TYPE |Conditional clause |Main clause |

| |(condition) |(result) |

| |IF + Present Simple |Future Simple |

|1st Conditional: | |(WILL / WON’T + Inf.) |

| | | |

|POSSIBLE situations and their | | |

|consequences | | |

Examples: If it rains, I won’t go out. I won’t go out if it rains.

She’ll have a present if she passes all her exams.


1 Where can you find these things? Complete the words:

|[pic] |… r … g … … l … r … |[pic] |… r … i … … t … t i … n |

|[pic] |… a … … |[pic] |… q u … … … |

|[pic] |o … f … c … |[pic] |t … n … … s c … … r … |

|[pic] |r … s … d e … t i a … |[pic] |p … a … … r … … n … |

| |n … … g h b … u r … o o … | | |

2 Match the places in A to the things people do there in B:


a) power station watch plays

b) theatre wait for transport

c) basketball court provide electricity

d) concert hall play ball games

e) bus stop work in offices

f) skyscraper listen to music

3 Complete the sentences with a suitable collocation. Use the words below:

a business • a degree • a difference • effort • a discovery

best • friends • money • research • to university

a) People use the Internet to do …………………… .

b) Try and do your …………………… in the exam.

c) She joined a club because she wanted to make …………………… .

d) Chris needs to make …………………… because he wants to buy a car.

e) It’s important to go …………………… and get …………………… .

f) One day, someone will make …………………… and there will be a cure for AIDS.

g) Dana wants to make …………………… in people’s lives so she is going to be a teacher.

h) She wants to start …………………… and sell her cakes to restaurants.

i) If you don’t make an …………………… , you won’t succeed.


4 Write the words in the correct order to make predictions for the year 2500. Use the Simple Future (will or won’t):

a) to school / students / not go

b) be / planet / hot / too / the / for people

c) in space / there / residential neighbourhoods / be

d) in their ears / communicate / people / with telephones

e) doctors / solutions / medical problems / discover / to

5 Look at the diaries of Lisa and Tom. Then write sentences about their plans. Use the words below and the affirmative or negative form of the Future of Intention (be going to):


11.00 – meet Tom at tennis court

2.00 – hairdresser’s appointment

7.00 – dinner with friends at new

Chinese restaurant


8.00 – be at bus stop early –

important meeting at office

11.00 – meet Lisa at tennis court

5.00 – shopping with Debby

a) Lisa and Tom / play tennis


b) Lisa / stay home / in the afternoon


c) Tom / drive / to the office


d) Lisa / have dinner / at home


e) Tom and Debby / go shopping / before dinner


6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional:

a) I …………………… (go) to Disneyland if I visit California.

b) If they …………………… (build) a shopping centre, people will shop there.

c) Adam will be successful if he …………………… (start) a business.

d) If Janet …………………… (not have) breakfast, she’ll be hungry.

e) If Anita …………………… (be) late, we’ll meet her inside the concert hall.

f) We …………………… (not wear) high heels if the party isn’t formal.

7 Write questions with the words below. Use the First Conditional. Then answer the questions:

a) what / you / do / if / it / rain / tomorrow

b) if / you / not go / to university / your parents / be / disappointed

c) how / you / feel / if / I / forget / your birthday

d) if / it / be / hot / tomorrow / what / you / wear

8 Clark and Lana are planning a park for a class project. Complete their conversation with the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional:

Clark: Let’s build our park on Maple Street.

Lana: But if we put our park on Maple Street, people 1…………………… (not come). It’s too close to the power plant.

Clark: How about near the town square? 2…………………… parents …………………… (bring) their children if the park is near the town square?

Lana: They’ll bring their children if we 3…………………… (have) a playground.

Clark: That’s a great idea. And let’s plant a lot of trees so there will be shade.

Lana: Trees take a long time to grow. If you plant trees now, you 4…………………… (not have) a shady place for years.

Clark: Well, if you 5…………………… (not plant) them now, you won’t ever have a shady place.

Lana: I guess you’re right. Have you got a computer? It 6…………………… (be) easier if we work on a computer.

Clark: I’ll ask Mum. If she 7…………………… (not need) her computer right now, she’ll let us use it.

Lana: Great!


9 Read the text. Then choose the correct answers.


|In the 1940s, it became fashionable for families in the United States to buy homes in residential neighbourhoods outside the |

|cities. These areas, called suburbs, were quiet and peaceful. Life in the suburbs was especially popular for people with young|

|children. They preferred homes with gardens and friendly, safe neighbourhoods. |

|But recently, things have begun to change. More and more people are choosing to live in cities. They like the convenience of |

|city life – for example, being close to work and not spending hours on trains or buses every day. In addition, they enjoy |

|being near concert halls, cinemas and restaurants. |

|Because suburbs haven’t got as many people as cities, there isn’t much variety of places to go and things to do. It can be |

|boring, especially for teenagers. This worries some parents and they have decided to make a change. If they move to a city, |

|their teens will have more to do. |

|What will happen if a lot of people want to move to cities? First of all, cities will become more crowded. Also, if city homes|

|are in great demand, they will become more expensive. Will rich people move to cities and poor people to suburbs? How will |

|these changes affect us in the future? At the moment, there are more questions than answers. |

a) Suburbs are / aren’t residential neighbourhoods outside cities.

b) People in cities spend / don’t spend too much time on trains and buses.

c) People with teenage children prefer / don’t prefer quiet neighbourhoods.

d) If teens have got a lot of things to do, their parents will / won’t worry.

e) Most of the poor people from cities have / haven’t moved to the suburbs.

10 Answer the questions:

a) What are three advantages of living in the suburbs?

b) What are three advantages of living in a city?

c) Why do parents of teenagers sometimes move to a city?

d) What are two possible results of a lot of people moving to cities?


11 Complete the chart about a city and a suburb you have lived in or have visited.

| |City |Suburb |

|Name: | | |

|Advantages: | | |

|Disadvantages: | | |

12 Your friend is moving to the city from the suburbs. Write an e-mail to him / her. Tell him / her about some of the differences between life in the city and life in the suburbs and what he / she can expect. Use the text in Exercise 9 and the chart in Exercise 11 to help you.






















|alarm clock | |keypad | |

|calendar | |mobile phone charger | |

|caller ID | |ringtones | |

|digital camera | |touch screen | |

|display | |video calling | |

|headset | |voicemail | |


|call back | |repeat | |

|get back to | |reply | |

|hang up | |take a call | |

|hold on | |turn off | |

|interrupt | |turn on | |

|leave a message | |receive a message | |


|You shouldn’t take a call when crossing the street. | |

|You shouldn’t reply when you get a message. | |

|You mustn’t use your phone when driving. | |

|You must turn off your phone when you are on an aeroplane. | |

|You can leave your phone on when you are on the bus. | |

|You have to use your mobile phone when there is an emergency. | |


|:-( | |B4 | |

|2 | |H8 | |

|B | |W8 | |

|R | |H-BDAY | |

|Y | |2MORO | |


|A: Paul, ¿debería llevar mi | |

|teléfono móvil al viaje? |A: ………………………………………………… |

|B: Puedes llevártelo, pero debes |………………………………………………… |

|apagarlo cuando estemos en |B: ………………………………………………… |

|el avión. |………………………………………………… |

|A: ¿Puedo dejar mi teléfono |………………………………………………… |

|encendido en el aeropuerto? |A: ………………………………………………… |

|B: Puedes usar tu teléfono en el |………………………………………………… |

|aeropuerto. |B: ………………………………………………… |

|A: ¿Debería llamar a mis padres |………………………………………………… |

|desde el aeropuerto? |A: ………………………………………………… |

|B: Tienes que llamar a tus |………………………………………………… |

|padres antes de que el avión |B: ………………………………………………… |

|salga. |………………………………………………… |

| |………………………………………………… |

UNIT 6 Grammar Notes


|Request (petición) |CAN |Can you lend me your pencil, please? |

|Permission |CAN/CAN’T (informal) |Can I go out, Mum? No, you can’t |

|(PODER) |COULD/COULDN’T (polite) |Could I go to the toilet, please? |

|Ability/capacity |CAN/ CAN’T (present ability) |I can swim, but I can’t play the piano. |

|(SABER, PODER) |COULD/COULDN’T (past ability) |When I was 3, I could speak but I couldn’t read. |

|Obligation |MUST |You must study harder. |

|(DEBER, TENER QUE) |HAS/HAVE TO* |He has to keep his room tidy. |

| |HAD TO* |I had to go to the bank yesterday. |

|Absence of obligation |DON’T/DOESN’T HAVE TO* |I’m not working tomorrow, so I don’t have to get |

|(NO TENER POR QUÉ, |DIDN’T HAVE TO* |up early. |

|NO SER NECESARIO) |WON’T HAVE TO* |We didn’t have to wait very long, as the bus soon |

| | |came. |

| | |I passed all my exams, so I won’t have to do them |

| | |again. |

|Prohibition |MUSTN’T |You mustn’t smoke. |


|Advice (consejo) |SHOULD/SHOULDN’T |You should eat more vegetables and fruit to lose |

|(DEBERÍA / NO DEBERÍA) | |weight. |

| | |You shouldn’t go out tonight when you are ill. |

MUST suelen usarlo personas con autoridad (teachers, parents, doctors, …)

HAVE TO usado por todo el mundo, se conjuga como un verbo normal con

auxiliares (do, does, did, will,…)


1 Find six words in the puzzle. Then use them to complete the sentences:

| |You can leave me a message on my …………………………… |

| |Which song have you chosen for your ………………………? |

| |My mum’s calling. Here’s her name on the ………………………… |

| |You can talk with a …………………………… when you can’t hold your phone. |

| |Use the …………………………… to write your text messages |

| |Can you have lunch with me tomorrow? Check your ……………………… . |

|r |i |

2 Choose the correct answers:

a) I get up in the morning when my … rings.

a. alarm clock b. calendar c. voicemail

b) We took photos at the concert with our … .

a. ringtones b. video calling c. digital cameras

c) You can see the names of your callers with … .

a. caller ID b. voicemail c. video calling

d) You must have a … for your mobile phone.

a. touch screen b. calendar c. mobile phone charger

e) With … , you can see your callers and they can see you.

a. a ringtone b. video calling c. caller ID

f) My new mobile phone has got … , not a keypad.

a. an alarm clock b. a touch screen c. a headset

3 Choose the correct answers:

a) I haven’t got time to take a call / hang up now.

b) Harry’s driving at the moment. He’ll call back / interrupt in an hour.

c) Don’t forget to turn on / turn off your phone at the cinema.

d) Did you leave a message / receive a message yesterday from the dentist?

e) I want to call back / reply to David’s text message, but I don’t know what to say.

f) Marcia, can you hold on / repeat for a minute? Mum, Marcia’s on the phone.

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs and phrases below:

interrupt • hang up • leave a message • turn on • get back to • repeat

a) Mrs Johnson is busy right now. Would you like to …………………… for her?

b) I didn’t hear you. Please …………………… that.

c) I know you’re angry, but please don’t …………………… the telephone.

d) I have to think about your suggestion, but I will …………………… you soon.

e) Is Mr Porter busy? Please don’t …………………… him.

f) How do you …………………… the digital camera on this mobile phone?


5 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use can, can’t, could or couldn’t:

bake • go • play • speak • swim

a) My mum is a good cook. She ……………………………… delicious biscuits.

b) I ……………………………… to the party yesterday because I was ill.

c) My father knows French and Spanish. He ……………………………… two languages.

d) My sister is frightened of the sea because she ……………………………… .

e) My brother is very musical. He ……………………………… the piano when he was three years old.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of must, should or have to. There may be more than one possible answer:

a) You …………………… pay. The tickets are free.

b) That ring is nice. You …………………… buy it.

c) Hurry! We …………………… go now!

d) You …………………… talk on your mobile phone in the shower.

e) You …………………… say anything about the party. It’s a surprise.

7 Read the mini-dialogues and choose the best replies:

1. Son: It’s cold and cloudy outside.

Mum: a. You can’t wear flip-flops.

b. You should wear warm clothes.

2. Jack: I need to buy a mobile phone charger today.

Gena: a. I can go with you after school.

b. You must buy an expensive one.

3. Cory: Why didn’t you answer Mr Jones’ question?

Greg: a. I mustn’t listen.

b. I couldn’t hear him.

4. Abe: Why are you going to the library?

Alec: a. We have to study for an exam.

b. We shouldn’t talk loudly.

5. Tim: We’re having dinner at a restaurant this evening.

Ann: a. Great! I don’t have to wash the dishes after dinner.

b. We could wash the dishes after dinner.

8 Choose the correct answers:

a) Last year, Oliver can / can’t / couldn’t play the piano.

b) Rob’s mobile phone hasn’t got voicemail. You could / can’t / can leave a message.

c) Angela doesn’t understand her homework. You shouldn’t / should / couldn’t help her.

d) You must / couldn’t / shouldn’t use a mobile phone in a swimming pool.

e) You can’t / mustn’t / should feed dogs chocolate. It makes them ill.

9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of must or have to. There may be more than one possible answer:

a) Lisa has lost her mobile phone. She …………………… buy a new one.

b) You …………………… use your mobile phone. We’re on an aeroplane.

c) I …………………… walk the dog. It’s my sister’s job.

d) We …………………… get up before 7.00 or we’ll be late for school.

e) George …………………… walk to school because he’s just bought a scooter.

10 Look at the signs and choose the correct answers:

|[pic] |1. You can / must / should park here. |

|[pic] |2. You have to / should / could stop. |

|[pic] |3. You should / can’t / couldn’t cross here. |

|[pic] |4. You can / have to / mustn’t use a mobile phone here. |

|[pic] |5. You don’t have to / mustn’t / can’t take an umbrella today. |

11 Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could, should, must or have to. There may be more than one possible answer:

a) You …………………… play football in the living room. Mum doesn’t allow it!

b) Bonnie …………………… ride a bicycle a year ago, but now she rides all the time.

c) Don’t spend all your money in the shops. You …………………… pay for the taxi home.

d) I haven’t got video calling so I …………………… see you.

e) It’s Mum and Dad’s anniversary. We …………………… make breakfast for them.

f) The students at Buttonwood School …………………… wear uniforms. They wear their favourite clothes at school.


12 The words below appear in the text in Exercise 13. Find the words and guess their meanings. Use a dictionary to check your guesses.

a) thief ……………………

b) steal ……………………

c) lock ……………………

d) block ……………………

e) security code ……………………

13 Read the text. Then complete the sentences with suitable modals according to the text.


|You’ve got a new mobile phone. It’s got a touch screen, a big display and a great digital camera. You can do amazing |

|things with it. But can you protect it from mobile phone thieves? Here are some tips to help you. |

|Tip 1: Most thieves steal phones so they can make expensive phone calls on them – and you have to pay for these calls. |

|If you lock your phone with a security code, many thieves won’t want to steal it. |

|Tip 2: Use an ultraviolet pen to write your address and home phone number on your phone. You should write them on the |

|phone and on the battery. You can’t see ultraviolet writing under a normal light, so a phone thief won’t know it’s |

|there. But it will help you identify the phone. If someone wants to return the phone to you, it will help him or her, |

|too. |

|Tip 3: Press *#06# on your keypad and a special code will appear on your phone’s display. If someone steals your |

|mobile, give the code to the phone company. The company can use the code to block the phone permanently. Then the thief|

|can’t use it with your SIM card or with any other SIM card. |

|Tip 4: Download a program like GadgetTrak. This program can find your phone. It can even take a photo of the thief! |

a) You …………………… put a security code on your mobile phone.

b) You …………………… write your name on your mobile phone, but you …………………… use a normal pen.

c) A phone company …………………… know your special code to block your mobile phone.

d) Thieves …………………… use your mobile phone when it is blocked.

e) You …………………… download GadgetTrak before you can use it.

14 Write questions with the words below and can. Then answer the questions according to the text in Exercise 13:

a) thieves / use / mobile phones with security codes / easily



b) you / read / ultraviolet writing / under every light



c) what / mobile phone companies / do / to help you



d) what two things / GadgetTrak / do




15 What other problems do people have with mobile phones? Write tips for solving these problems.




















|bank | |continent | |

|bridge | |field | |

|capital city | |landmark | |

|cave | |north | |

|channel | |south | |

|cliff | |east | |

|coast | |west | |


|construct | |improve | |

|create | |operate | |

|design | |plan | |

|develop | |prepare | |

|discover | |produce | |


|What is it called? | |

|What is it? | |

|What can it do? | |

|What is it made from? | |

|What colours are available? | |

|Who was it invented by? | |

|Where is it produced? | |

|How much does it cost? | |


|keywords | |website | |

|search | |browse | |


|A: Chris, ¿qué es eso? | |

|B: Es una lavadora para gatos y |A: ………………………………………………… |

|perros. |B: ………………………………………………… |

|A: ¿Qué puede hacer? |………………………………………………… |

|B: Puede lavar y secar gatos y |A: ………………………………………………… |

|perrros. |B: ………………………………………………… |

|A: ¿Cuánto cuesta? |A: ………………………………………………… |

|B: Cuesta 25.000 £. |B: ………………………………………………… |

UNIT 7 Grammar Notes


ACTIVE SENTENCE Active Subject + Active verb + DO *

PASSIVE SENTENCE Passive Subject + Passive verb + BY Agent

BE+ Past



|PRESENT SIMPLE | |AM / IS / ARE + past participle |

|… es hecho… |My mum cleans my room |My room is cleaned by my mum |

|PAST SIMPLE | |WAS / WERE + past participle |

|… fue hecho … |My mum cleaned my room |My room was cleaned by my mum |

En inglés se utiliza mucho más la pasiva que en castellano, para destacar la acción y no el sujeto que la realiza, y cuando el sujeto de la acción es muy obvio, desconocido o no se quiere nombrar.

También hay una peculiaridad en inglés que no se utiliza en castellano: si hay dos complementos (Direct Object o Indirect Object) el pronombre personal (IO) se convierte en el sujeto de la oración pasiva:

Paul told me all his plans. I was told all his plans.



1 Complete the puzzle according to the clues below:

| |1 |

2 Choose the correct answers:

a) Who discovered / invented / produced America?

b) If you study more, your English will improve / create / operate.

c) It’s a good idea to design / plan / prepare a holiday before you travel.

d) A lot of coffee is constructed / produced / planned in Brazil.

e) Who is going to prepare / develop / invent dinner tonight?

3 Complete the sentences with the words below.

construct • created • designed • operated • developed

a) Mickey Mouse was …………………… by Walt Disney in 1928.

b) I M Pei is an architect. He …………………… the Louvre Pyramid in Paris.

c) There were about 270 people at the first Academy Awards Ceremony (“The Oscars”), but it …………………… into the biggest event in Hollywood.

d) The Burj Khalifa was built from 2004 to 2010. It took six years to …………………… the skyscraper.

e) The London Eye is …………………… seven days a week.


4 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple Passive, affirmative or negative:

a) English / speak / in Australia ………………………………………………………………

b) trees / use / to make glass ………………………………………………………………

c) landmarks / visited / by tourists ………………………………………………………………

d) a car / make / of cloth ………………………………………………………………

5 A friend from another city wants to hear about your school. Write his / her questions with the words below. Use the Present Simple Passive. Then answer the questions:

a) the school / situate / in the city centre



b) mobile phones / permit / in the school



c) homework / give / every day



d) school uniforms / wear



e) students / allow / to eat in lessons



f) students / expect / to stand / when the teacher comes in



6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple Passive:

a) The light bulb ……………………………… (invent) by Thomas Edison.

b) The Twilight books ……………………………… (write) by Stephenie Meyer.

c) Penicillin ……………………………… (discover) by Sir Alexander Fleming.

d) The first Levi jeans ……………………………… (make) by Levi Strauss.

e) The Mona Lisa ……………………………… (paint) by Leonardo da Vinci.

7 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive:

a) Many aeroplanes ……………………………… (fly) every day. The first

aeroplane ……………………………… (invent) in 1903.

b) Work on the Tower of Pisa ……………………………… (begin) in 1173. The Tower ……………………………… (visit) by many tourists every year.

c) Jeans ……………………………… (wear) all over the world. They ……………………………… (create) by Levi Strauss in 1873.

d) Tea ……………………………… (discover) in China in 2737 BC. It

……………………………… (drink) in many countries around the world.

8 How much do you know about the USA? Complete the questions with the Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive:

a) Which president ……………………………………………… (elect) in 2008?

b) When ……… Independence Day ……………………………… (celebrate)?

c) What ………………………………………… (take) from France to New York in 1886?

d) What food ……………………………………… (consider) traditional American food?

9 Use the information below to write answers for the questions in Exercise 8. Use the Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive:

the Statue of Liberty • 4th July • apple pie • Barack Obama

a) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

b) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

c) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

d) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

10 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive:


No one can really say when the game of football began. Some people believe football 1……………………………… (play) more than 3,000 years ago in Japan and in Rome.

In England, in the 14th century, people 2……………………………… (not allow) to play football and football players 3……………………………… (put) in jail. However, people

didn’t stop playing the game and it eventually became very popular. Later, football 4……………………………… (export) to many different countries and today, it 5……………………………… (enjoy) by millions of people around the world.


11 The words below appear in the text in Exercise 2. Find the words and guess their meanings. Use a dictionary to check your guesses:

a) tube ……………………

b) wrapped ……………………

c) pull apart ……………………

d) package ……………………

12 Read the text. Then answer the questions:


|On Christmas Day, families around Britain eat Christmas lunch together. While they are eating, people wear paper hats. Where do |

|the hats come from? Christmas crackers! |

|A Christmas cracker is a British tradition. It’s a paper tube inside colourful paper. Two people hold the ends of the cracker and |

|pull it. When the cracker is pulled apart, it makes a loud crack sound. Inside the cracker there’s a paper hat, a small present |

|and a joke on a piece of paper. The same jokes have appeared in Christmas crackers for years, so most people know them. |

|Christmas crackers were invented in the 1850s by Tom Smith. Tom Smith sold sweets and chocolates. They were wrapped in paper and |

|one day he decided to put a short message in the packages. Many of his sweets were bought by men to give to women, so the messages|

|were usually love poems. |

|After some time, Smith changed his packages so they made a loud sound. The sweet became a small present and in the 1900s, paper |

|hats were added by Smith’s sons. Later, the love poems were replaced by jokes, and people began calling the crackers Christmas |

|crackers because many people bought them at Christmas. Today, most homes in Britain have got a box of Christmas crackers. |

a) What is the connection between Christmas crackers and paper hats?


b) What are Christmas crackers wrapped in?


c) How have Christmas crackers changed since they were first invented? List three differences.


13 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive or Past Passive. Then tick ([pic]) the sentences T (true) or F (false) according to the text in Exercise 12:


a) Paper hats …………………… (wear) on Christmas Day. …… ……

b) Christmas crackers …………………… (invent) in 1900. …… ……

c) In the 1850s, love poems …………………… (put) inside the crackers. …… ……

d) Most of Smith’s sweets …………………… (buy) by women. …… ……

e) Many Christmas crackers …………………… (sell) in Britain. …… ……


14 Write to a pen pal about a tradition in your town. Complete the chart to help you.

|Where / When / Why did the tradition begin? | |

|How has it changed over the years? | |

|Who keeps the tradition today? | |
























































































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