World Geography

Mr. Bolanos

Now that we have gotten to Latin America, it is time for you and your group to do some of the foot work, and teach your fellow students about a country in Latin America. Starting Monday you will be assigned a group and a country. You will conduct research on that country on pre-selected topics. You will create a Google documents account so that you and your group can collaborate and complete a PowerPoint presentation to present to the rest of the class. You will use the time in the computer lab on Monday (11/9) and Friday (11/13) to complete as much as you can. Whatever you have left you will have to finish on your own time, either at home or at the library. Below is a list of the required information, you can add more but remember you only have a maximum of 10 minutes to present this to your class.

1) Country physical geography

a. Include mountains, rivers, lakes, etc.

b. Include climate and weather issues

c. Include water features

d. Include natural hazards

e. Regional areas (i.e. Patagonia in Argentina, Yucatan in Mexico)

2) Country history

a. Indigenous populations

b. Colonization

c. When and how they became an actual country?

d. Significant historical dates or events

e. Significant historical figures

3) Country cultural traits

a. What makes them different from other countries in Latin America

i. Food

ii. Music

iii. Traditions

iv. Language

b. Days of celebration

i. Independence day

ii. Religious holidays

4) Human Geography

a. Population demographics

b. Development statistics (literacy rate, per capita GDP, birth rates, etc)

5) Current Issues: Domestic and International (if applicable)

6) Research on a non profit organization that does work in your country. This can be a human rights organization, animal rights, and environmentalist group.

a. What do they do?

b. What are they advocating

c. How can someone get involved to support them?

d. Have they been successful?

7) Anything else you want to share, fun stuff (such as music, a video, etc.).

You will include visuals and information on each slide. You should make the information concise and straightforward. Your presentations will last a maximum of 10 minutes during class. The rubric on how you will be graded is on the back. You need to take this seriously and maximize your time in the computer lab. The more time you spend working in the lab, the less you will have to work at home on your time!

Latin America Group Presentation Rubric

Group Members:____________________________________________________


|Category |20-16 points |15-11 |10-6 |5-0 |Total Points Earned |

|Required Information |All requirements are met |All requirements are met. |More than one requirement |Severe lack of information| |

| |and exceeded. On time and |Ready to present. |was not completely met. |and missing requirements. | |

| |ready to present. File | |Not ready to present. |Incomplete ad not ready to| |

| |formatted properly. | | |present | |

|Content - Accuracy |All content throughout the|Most of the content is |The content is generally |Content is typically | |

| |presentation is accurate. |accurate but there is one |accurate, but several |confusing or contains | |

| |There are no factual |piece of information that |pieces of information are |mostly factual errors. | |

| |errors. |might be inaccurate. |clearly flawed or | | |

| | | |inaccurate. | | |

|Originality |Presentation shows |Presentation shows some |Presentation shows an |Presentation is a rehash |  |

| |considerable originality |originality and |attempt at originality and|of other people's ideas | |

| |and inventiveness. The |inventiveness. The content|inventiveness on 1-2 |and/or graphics and shows | |

| |content and ideas are |and ideas are presented in|slides. |very little attempt at | |

| |presented in a unique and |an interesting way. | |original thought. | |

| |interesting way. | | | | |

|Oral Presentation |Interesting, |Relatively interesting, |Delivery not smooth, but |Delivery not smooth and |  |

| |well-rehearsed with smooth|rehearsed with a fairly |able to hold audience |audience attention lost. | |

| |delivery that holds |smooth delivery that |attention most of the |Too short, or far too long| |

| |audience attention. Stayed|usually holds audience |time. Poor time |with time. | |

| |within time frame |attention. |management. | | |

|Use of Graphics |All graphics are |A few graphics are not |All graphics are |Several graphics are |  |

| |attractive (size and |attractive but all support|attractive but a few do |unattractive AND detract | |

| |colors) and support the |the theme/content of the |not seem to support the |from the content of the | |

| |theme/content of the |presentation. |theme/content of the |presentation. | |

| |presentation. | |presentation. | | |


Total Points


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