
IntroductionBefore any religious tradition, there were the sun, moons, stars- the cosmos. This is why many stories about personified figures in religious traditions share life event patterns that can be metaphorically associated with the natural patterns of the cosmos. In the Western world, the most relatable example of this is Jesus Christ. The Christ is not unique to Christianity. Many spiritual teachers found in religious texts have shared the same journey: Horus and Osiris [Egypt], Krishna [India], Hu/Hesus [Druid], Mithras [Persia], Tammuz [Sumeria], and many others. The intention is that a modern-day practitioner can merge with this unique, universal spiritual force once they have reached an advanced stage on their spiritual path. Eventually on this path the practitioner then reaches what has been called salvation, enlightenment, self-realization, eternal life, awakening, etc. I do not make these associations in an attempt to debunk any individual's faith but to highlight its commonality and kinship with other religious traditions of the world. This unity is also depicted at Yogaville by the Light Of Truth Universal Shrine [LOTUS]. This shrine is a tribute to interfaith cooperation as there is an enshrined dedication to each of the world's religious traditions. Each bears quotes and scripture highlighting the use of "light" as a common, positive connotation. The shrines include artifacts and special gifts that were given to Yogaville's founder, Swami Satchidananda, by religious leaders worldwide.Veneration of the Sun is illustrated throughout human history with thousands of sites worldwide dedicated to it and its processes (the solstices and equinoxes) such as Stonehenge, the Great Pyramids, Easter Island, The Temple of Karnack, Angkor Wat, Newgrange, and Chichen Itza to name a few. We as a species have always been fascinated by and led by the sun, moon, stars, and cosmos. Through these retreats, our goal is to relearn the knowledge of the past and realize our human purpose. When we align our modern day tools with ancient wisdom, we can fulfill that purpose. Metaphorically speaking, the sun's cycle represents the soul's growth in consciousness and illumination of the soul. We must continually inspect aspects of our own darkness and light and discover how our unique "milky ocean" can best serve ourselves, our family, our community, and our world. Below is a brief list of characteristics we will study.CHARACTERISTICS OF DARKNESSlust, anger, hatred, pride, greed, envy, jealousy, intolerance, fearCHARACTERISTICS OF LIGHTempathy, kindness, strength, self-knowledge, will, wisdom, appreciation, gratitudeA Timeless StoryThere is an ancient piece of artwork at Angkor Wat (a temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world) named "The Churning of the Milky Ocean" which is associated with the Spring Equinox. It depicts demons and angels in a tug of war using a serpent and contains a turtle in the ocean. The Hindu god Vishnu is in the center on a mountain and Indra in the sky. There are 91 demons on the left and 88 devas to the right and in this tug of war the mountain is the point of rotation that churns the ocean. The devas are joined by Vishnu, Indra, and [the turtle] Kurma (an incarnation of Vishnu) balancing the demon to angel ratio. The churning represents the struggle of the darkness and light and continues to illustrate that those who "fight for good" may appear weak but they are helped by spirit and those helped by spirit triumph. This triumph is illustrated by Indra ascending to the sky as the King of Heaven, symbolic of our own personal resurrections and enlightenment through acquisition of spiritual virtue. Further interpretation suggests the forces of evil in creation and in ourselves would always dominate if not for the role of spiritual help.I think that this timeless piece of artwork wonderfully depicts what the state of our global community continuously needs- spiritual help. Through this artistic interpretation of spiritual life and the Self, it can be inferred that, generally, our life's purpose is to continuously reconcile and balance the natural forces of goodness and darkness within ourselves. As householders it then becomes our duty to live our lives, achieve through our work, and teach our children (future householders) how to reconcile these accounts as well. If every one of us practiced what is necessary to achieve their very best Self, we can influence our families and communities to be at their best, and thus the world. Sources:"Autumnal Reflection"Autumnal EquinoxPhysical OccurancesSpiritual Connections- aka Cornucopia, Feast of Avilon, Thanksgiving [Western], Festival of Dionysus, Mabon, Night of the Hunter, Witch's Thanksgiving, Harvest Home, Harvest Tide, Alban Elfed, Second Harvest Festival, Wine Harvest- day and night are in equal length; Equinox means "equal night"- the sun crosses the equator- we prepare for shorter days (less sunlight)- final harvests of food; leaves falling- time of rest and restoring- trees begin to pull energy inward for the coming hibernation of winter, decreasing the chlorophyll in the leaves revealing the tree's true, vibrant color- remembering and honoring ancestors- ?forgiveness, charity, simplicity, contentment, truthfulness, self-restraint, fasting, detachment, humility and continence- appreciation for the sun; appreciation for others by giving time, talents, resources generously- gratitude for the spiritual harvest celebrating the fruits of our labor from seeds planted long ago; spiritual abundance- marks an essential stage of inner preparation necessary in the process of enlightenment in the spiritual work that is often overlooked and misunderstood: journeying inside to "fight" the ego and subconscious patterns of characteristics of darkness within (consider them an offering of sacrifice in order to transmute them into higher, divine purpose)- letting go and releasing burdens; acknowledging impermanence - Pilgrimage is an ancient spiritual practice that recognizes that venturing out in the world widens our horizons, even if that journey is only a few miles; can be represented by a walking meditationCosmic Connections- ?the sun enters the astrological sign of Libra at the autumn equinox, which is the sign of the scales and of balance-the turning point from Virgo to Libra, symbolized by the scales, for balanceSources:"Winter Candlelight"Winter SolsticePhysical OccurrencesSpiritual Connections- aka Yule, Alban Arthan, Wassail, Rebirth of the Sun [Divine Child of Light]- the sun is farthest from the equator ;Solstice roughly means "the sun standing still", a culminating/turning point- sun "stands still" at the southernmost point of the equator- the birth of the sun, the "true light of the world"- the shortest day of the year- yule logs burned signifying fertility, continuation of life, heat, and light of the sun; mistletoe signifies goodwill- extend well wishes and exchange gifts of luck and goodwill- "festivals of merry making"- sharing food is particularly meaningful during the solstice as it represents faith in the return of the sun and the harvest- to emerge with the light and knowledge gained in Autumnal darkness - spiritual rebirth; "born again"; creation- victory of light over darkness- renewal of hope- cultivate an attitude of receptiveness, appreciation, charity, kindnessCosmic Connections- moves from Sagitarrius (fire sign) Capricorn (earth sign) which represents materialism and egoSources:"Spring Renewal"Spring EquinoxPhysical OccurrencesSpiritual Connections- aka Vernal Equinox, Ostara- day and night are in equal length; Equinox means "equal night"- preparing for longer days (more sunlight)- the beginning of the alchemical processes of seasonal changes- reduction in the Earth's magnetic field- balancing the masculine, and feminine so they can eventually be blended to create new life- time of creative expression?- a great time to create a new order within your life- a time of fertility, regeneration, rebirth- cleansing our physical space and clutter- connect with humanity's past- spiritual resurrection- marks an essential stage of inner preparation necessary in the process of enlightenment in the spiritual work that is often overlooked and misunderstood: journeying inside to "fight" the ego and subconscious patterns of characteristics of darkness within (consider them an offering of sacrifice in order to transmute them into higher, divine purpose)- burn off the old (habits, thought patterns) in order to give room for new expression- set an intention for change and "pull the weeds" of behaviors and relationships you would like to leave behind; create a new sense of identity- renewed energy can be invoked and used to accelerate growth and change; assert personal will over personality-?a powerful time for healing energies; balance polarities- cleanse and renew energy centers, chakrasCosmic Connections- astrological New Year- the sun leaves the water sign of Pisces and enters the fire sign of Aries- Aries is the fire sign of new beginningsSources: "Summer Celebration"Summer SolsticePhysical OccurancesSpiritual Connections- aka Litha- the longest day of the year- sun "stands still" at the northernmost point of the equator- bonfires burned signifying fertility, passion, creativity, rebirth/renewal, action, clarity, continuation of life, heat, and light of the sun- crops in full growth; sharing food is particularly meaningful during the solstice as it represents faith in the return of the sun and the harvest- rituals emphasize masculine issues or energies, solar influence- fire drives out the evil- God at full power- generate [spiritual] abundance- cultivate an attitude of receptiveness, appreciation, and cleanliness- raise energy; emerge with the light and knowledge gained after Spring Cleansing; final climax of enlightenment; ascension- celebrate the light of consciousness within ourselves and othersCosmic Connections- falls under Cancer (water) which is associated with nurturing, mothering, and deep emotional connection as well as family - also represents sentimentality and territorial natureSources: ................

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