Ofício Nº 26-AAI

VERS?O DE 20_09_2019Instru??es: Essa vers?o de arquivo está protegida contra altera??es de layout de páginas, bem como da maioria dos campos que já est?o traduzidos. N?o altere o layout dos campos desprotegidos.Obede?a, sempre que pertinente e possível, as orienta??es visíveis nos bal?es de comentário, vistos à margem direita do documento. Envie para revis?o uma vers?o editável da tradu??o (em .doc, docx; n?o envie PDF) + o texto fonte em formato digital em PDF ou JPG (se houver necessidade, escaneie o documento; n?o envie fotografia feita com celular ou c?mera digital).No momento da verifica??o, o tradutor eliminará campos desnecessários à vers?o final, incluindo essas instru??es, os bal?es de comentários e a marca d’água.[UFPB CREST]FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF PARA?BADEAN OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIESTHE RECORDS OFFICEThis is to certify that student NOME do/a ALUNo/a is currently duly enrolled in this university in the Undergraduate Program of NOME DO CURSO – SIGLA DO CENTRO/Jo?o Pessoa – Morning and Afternoon / Evening classes), under UFPB student registration number N?MERO DE MATR?CULA, and has completed PORCENTAGEM% of the total curriculum (QUANTIDADE DE HORAS CUMPRIDAS hours out of QUANTIDADE TOTAL DE HORAS required for graduation).Jo?o Pessoa, dataVerification code:C?DIGO DE VERIFICA??O [Case Sensitive]To verify the authenticity of this document, refer to and enter the student’s UFPB registration number [student ID no.], issue date and the verification code above.[FOOTER:] CNPJ: 24.098.477/0001-10, Cidade Universitária – Jo?o Pessoa – PB – CEP: 58.051-900, (083)32177137 – E-mail: codesc@prg.ufpb.brTranslator’s notes: The hard copy of the source text has been stapled to this translation to produce one single set of documents;The source text was checked for authenticity by using the online verification system as indicated therein (and above) at the time of translation;Fields in square brackets [ ] (and boldface) have been added by the translator for the sake of clarity or to represent graphics;The source text bears one stamp with the translator’s signature like the one placed on the translated pages; such stamp/signature do not make the source text any more official than it is without them;The source text pages will have “Note: this is a source text for a translation and has been attached to it.” printed above the page header and/or below the footer.Translated at the International Office, Federal University of Paraíba, Jo?o Pessoa, Brazil, on data, according to the original (source text) in Portuguese language, to the best of my knowledge. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and stamp. ................

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