Contact seminar Dys-Learn



Antwerp-Brussels 27-31/5/09


Wednesday 27 th of May ARRIVAL ANTWERP, Congress centre Elzenveld

14.00 Optional for early arrivers: Guided Tour historical centre Antwerp

18.00 Registration and information (documents, working groups)

19.00 Welcome session: get to know the participants- expectations

20.00 Welcome dinner

Thursday 28 th of May Congress centre Antwerp INTRODUCTION

09.30 Presentation of the DYS-LEARN partners

10.30 Dys-learning adults: Awareness: an introduction by Dr. Eleni Rossides, New Hope Cyprus.

11.00 Dys-learning adults: Screening & assessment by Dr Olga Zelinkova,

Czech Dyslexia Association

11.25 Coffee break

11.40 Dys-learning adults: Intervention & support by Dr. Eva Wigfors, Lund University (SW)

12.05 Dys-learning adults: Problem solving in Lifelong Learning and at the work floor. Good practice. The case of Bjorn by Rune J. Kvarme, The Learning Network, Oslo (NO).

12.30 Lunch

14.00 Dys-learning in Europe: European state of the art on dyslexia.

Survey of 9 European countries: policy, good practice, urgent needs.

BE (W. Aerts), CY (E. Rossides), CZ (L. Krejcova), FI (E. Siirala), IT (A. Gagliano), NL (H. van de Velde), NO (M. Gronmer), SW (E. Wigforss), TRK (G. Gûr)

15.30 Question time for participants.

16.00 Coffee break

16.30 A European policy on dyslexia? Preparation to the study visit at the European Parliament: follow up

- Overview of the European Discrimination Act, & Written declaration on dyslexia by W. Aerts (?)

- Presentation of the DYS-LEARNING Declaration by Eeva Siirala, FINDER (FI)

17.30 End working sessions

19.30 Dinner

Friday 29 th of May Study Visit Brussels

08.30 Departure coach to Brussels

09.30 Check in European Parliament (Passport –identity card)

10.00 Meeting MP’s and/or collaborators at the European Parliament:

A. Contribution of the DYS-LEARN Partnership: 60’

• Dyslexia a learning disorder also for adults! Eleni Rossides Cy

• Dyslexia on the workfloor: a challenge! by Hans van de Velde NL

• Dyslexia: Lifelong needs by Lenka Krejcova CZ

• The Costs and benefits: the Norwegian model by .Elenor Holter NO

• The DYS-LEARN manifest for a better Eu- policy for adults with learning difficulties: a challenge for adult education in the information society by Eeva Siirala FI

B. Reply by the representants of the European Parliament: 40’

C. Debate with Dys-learn partners and participants at the seminar: 30’

12.30 Lunch

14.00 Study visit European Parliament

16.00 Free time at the historical centre for shopping and/or tourism

20.30 Return to Antwerp

Saturday 30 th of May Seminar Congress Centre Antwerp

09.30 European projects: Learning Partnerships and Multilateral projects: the aims, the advantages, the methods and approach from application to dissemination. Mobility actions: in service training, job shadowing, volunteer’s exchanges

Lecture by Ms. Renilde Reynders, Flemish National Agency, Epos

11.15 Coffee Break

11.30 Speaker’s corner: short presentation by Dys-Learn partners and participants (Eva Wigfors, Rune J. Kvarme, Olga Zelinkova, W. Aerts) of

▪ some mobility actions about Dys-Learning

▪ some Learning Partnerships on Dys-learning

▪ some Multilateral projects Dys-learning

12.15 Formation of working groups for future partnerships (chairs & report)

12.30 Lunch

14.00 Application session: simulation of the composition of partnerships and the filling in of an application form for LP’s and multilateral European projects.

16.15 Coffee break

16.30 Presentation of the results of the group work and feedback by Ms. Renilde Reynders on the results and the process.

17.30 Individual evaluation of the seminar. (Form)

20.00 Fare well dinner

Sunday 31 th of May Departure Antwerp

10.00 Optional: Guided Tour historical centre Antwerp

12.00 Departure hotel congress centre Elzenveld.


Dates: 27-31 May 2009

Venue: Cultural Conference Center Elzenveld,

Lange Gasthuisstraat 45, B - 2000 Antwerp, tel + 32 (0)3 202 77 71, fax + 32 (0)3 202 77 75, url:

The conference center is a former hospice and monastery founded in the early 13th century. In 1797 the religious institution was dissolved and its patrimony withdrawn.

At the end of the 20th century the mediaeval wards were restored and re-equipped to house a new socio-cultural and scientific centre.

The participants of the seminar will be hosted in the guest rooms (suppl. for single room).

Travel arrangements:

The cultural center is located in the historical centre of Antwerp, near the central station, where international and intercity trains stop. Transport from/to the aerport: by train NMBS (change trains in Brussels), or bus Lijn 820/821. There is a tram stop at the Center: see :

Road map Elzenveld:

For more information on the city of Antwerp: visit url:

For more information on the city of Brussels: visit url:

Language: The working language of the seminar is English. There will be no translation during the lectures.

Conference documents: At the conference participants will receive material on the issue, presentations and the profiles of the participating organisations. Participants are also requested to bring information on organisation (to be displayed at the meeting room). The participants will receive also cultural information and maps on the city of Antwerp and Brussels.

Preparations for the seminar:

After the selection by their National Agency the participants will have access to an e-learning platform with information and a forum for communication a month before the seminar.

At the platform project idea’s for different learning partnerships and multilateral projects will be proposed by partners of the actual DYS-LEARN project but all participants could contribute in their own project idea’s.

On the 30th of May the participants will only discuss on partnerships and multilateral projects presented at the platform before the 15th of May 2009.

Participants have to be informed about needs, possibilities and plans for future participation of their organisation at one or more of this projects.

Participants have to fill in the profile form. All participants will receive a file with all profiles.

Costs: Participation is covered by your National Agency. The Agency will provide funding for this seminar. This grant will include all organisation costs, conference documents, accommodation, subsistence and travel costs.

Subsistence costs: 550€ , supplement for single room 80€. Course fee: 200€. Total cost: 750€.

Registration: In order to participate candidates must their National Agency to apply for a preparatory visit grant. When approved the participant’s profile form must be sent back by mail to Willy Aerts, Nieuwe Media School, e-mail address:


The rooms are available for the participants from Wednesday the 27 th of May 09 at 12 hrs, until Sunday the 31 th of May at noon.

On Wednesday at 14 hrs there is an optional cultural activity (guided tour), all participants are expected at least at 18 hrs for the registration at the conference room.

On Sunday morning participants could leave after breakfast from 8 hrs or participate at an optional cultural activity at 10 hrs and leave Antwerp at 12 hrs.

Travel time Antwerp to Brussels airport about one hour by train.

Information: Additional information can be obtained at:

the DYS-LEARN coordinator, Nieuwe Media School, Willy Aerts

Tel. +32 14 31 54, e-mail:



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