BLACKHEATH NSW 2785 Phone: 47878253 Fax: 47878320 Email:

Blackheath Public School Stage 3 Choir Festival of Choral Music, `Bennelong' Concert, Sydney Opera House

Final Note

The `Bennelong' concert final rehearsal and performance will be on Sunday, September 23rd. The choir will travel to the rehearsal by train, leaving Blackheath station at 8:25am. Recorder players are to meet Mrs Lanyon on Blackheath train station platform at 8.10am. We will have lunch in the Botanical Gardens before commencing the rehearsal in the Concert Hall of the Sydney Opera House at 12:30pm. The rehearsal will conclude at 4:00pm.

The school can no longer purchase group paper tickets for Sydney trains. We are asking parents to organise an Opal card for their child for this excursion. The cost of the train trip will be $4.25. Opal cards can be topped up at the petrol station across the road from the train station.

Dress for the rehearsal and concert will be concert t-shirt (I will give these out closer to the day), black pants or knee length skirt and black stockings and black shoes. All students are to wear their school jumper/jackets. Please include a raincoat if rain is forecast. Students will need to bring a hairbrush and toothbrush (optional) so that they can look neat and tidy for the performance.

For security reasons school backpacks will not be permitted in the Concert Hall. Students must bring morning tea and lunch, including two drinks and their recorders in disposable plastic bags.

This year, parents will need to meet their child either at the conclusion of the rehearsal, at 4:00pm, or at 5:00pm outside the `Playhouse' located on the `Western Boardwalk' (see attached map). Students staying with me until 5:00pm will spend time in the Botanical Gardens. Parents will be responsible for organising dinner for their child. Please indicate on the attached permission form if your child will be collected by another parent.

The evening performance will commence at 7:00pm. Students will meet me outside the `Playhouse' at 6.30pm ready to perform. At the conclusion of the concert, around 9.30pm, parents are to collect their child again from outside the `Playhouse'. Parents will be responsible for transporting their child home from the Opera House.

It would be a good idea to have my mobile number handy so that you can contact me, if you need to, on the day: Jenny Lanyon 0429 800717 Please complete the following note and return it to school by Friday September 14th. Thank you, Jenny Lanyon

Blackheath Public School Stage 3 Choir, Festival of Choral Music `Bennelong' Concert, Sunday September 23rd, 2018

Please tick:

At the conclusion of the rehearsal I will collect my child from outside the `Playhouse' at 4:00pm At the conclusion of the rehearsal my child will spend time with Mrs Lanyon at the Botanical Gardens until 5:00pm, when they will be collected by me from outside the `Playhouse'. I will not be collecting my child at the conclusion of the rehearsal. Instead, my child will be collected at ______ pm by_________________________, parent of ________________________.

I am able to help supervise the recorder group on the train to the rehearsal. I have completed a working with children check and have given the documentation to the school's office.

I am aware that I am responsible for organising my child's Opal card and know that it will need to have at least $4.25 on it. My child has the following medical conditions/allergies and needs the following medication:

Child's name: Parent's contact number on the day of the excursion: Parent's signature:


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