Spinal Cord Injury in Florida: A Needs and Resources ...

Strategic Issue 1: Enhance Program Infrastructure and Capacity.

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|Strategy |Action Steps/Activities |Responsible Parties |Resources Needed |Time Horizon |

| |Executive Summary of sustainability plan|Susan Redmon, Claudia Tamayo |Information, progress reports, and |Immediate |

|Completed sustainability plan for |Progress Report- Mid Year | |summaries |Immediate: March 5, 2013 |

|health-related disability initiatives |Progress Report- End Year | | |Short: September 30, 2013 |

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| | List of existing standing committees. |DCPG Members |Gather list of committees | Immediate- 3 months |

|People with disabilities are represented on|Identify if representation from PWD is | |Survey of committees to identify PWD |Long: ongoing |

|standing committees that can support and |needed. | |participation. | |

|advance stated program goals and objectives|Encouraging PWD to participate in | | | |

| |committees | | | |

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|Strategy: The overarching method/ approach that will address the priority issue. There will be one strategy for each priority issue. |

|Action Step/ Activity: The critical steps or activities needed to achieve the identified strategy. |

|Resources Needed: Financial, organizational, individual, etc that will be needed to complete the desired strategy. |

|Responsible Parties: Agencies, organizations, individuals, etc that will be responsible for or participate as a key contributor to the completion the desired strategy. |

|Time Horizon: Immediate (0-6 Months); Short Term (6 Months – 1 Year); Medium Term (1-2 Years); Long Term (>2 Years) |

Strategic Issue 2: Improve State Level Surveillance and Monitoring Activities

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|Strategy |Action Steps/Activities |Responsible Parties |Resources Needed |Time Horizon |

|Strategy: |

|Action Step/ Activity: |

|Resources Needed: |

|Responsible Parties: |

|Time Horizon: |

Strategic Issue 3: Increase Awareness of Health-Related Disability Policy Initiatives.

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|Strategy |Action Steps/Activities |Responsible Parties |Resources Needed |Time Horizon |

|Strategy: |

|Action Step/ Activity: |

|Resources Needed: |

|Responsible Parties: |

|Time Horizon: Immediate (0-6 Months); Short Term (6 Months – 1 Year); Medium Term (1-2 Years); Long Term (>2 Years) |

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Strategic Issue 4: Increase Health Promotion Opportunities for People with Disabilities to Maximize Health.

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|Strategy |Action Steps/Activities |Responsible Parties |Resources Needed |Time Horizon |

| |Collaborate with the: |UF-AHEC |Materials for hearing impaired/visually |LT |

|Increase by 2% the number of people with |Centers for Independent Living (CILs) – |FSU – AHEC |impaired (ASL interpreter, captions) |LT |

|disabilities that participate in |smoking cessation |Cancer Collaboratives |Information about access to | |

|mainstream public health programs during |The 6 Cancer Regional Collaboratives – |Kim Gokhale (?) |classes/classes available in certain | |

|the project period. |cancer screening |Health and facilities staff making |areas. Find ways to increase motivation | |

| |Getting involved in exercise classes for |accommodations | | |

| |persons with disabilities |Support groups for persons with disabilities| | |

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| | |Health care settings | | |

|Strategy: |

|Action Step/ Activity: |

|Resources Needed: |

|Responsible Parties: |

|Time Horizon: |

Strategic Issue 5: Improve Access to Health Care for People with Disabilities

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|Strategy |Action Steps/Activities |Responsible Parties |Resources Needed |Time Horizon |

|Increase by 2% the number of facilities |1. Our “One at a Time” campaign to |1. Group members talk to their personal |2. Fact-sheets; UF conducting surveys, |1. long term |

|providing preventive health care screening |encourage facilities to purchase |physician, ask |that include questions on accessibility, |2. Next few months |

|to people with disabilities during the |accessible weight scales and tables. |2. FQHCs, UF--Chronic Disease Self Management|with chronic disease self-management | |

|project period. |2. Work with FQHC’s to help them |Program/DOH |programs | |

| |identify barriers to serving patients | | | |

| |with disabilities, barriers patients | | | |

| |face and systems barriers. | | | |

|Strategy: |

|Action Step/ Activity: |

|Resources Needed: |

|Responsible Parties: |

|Time Horizon: |

Strategic Issue 6: Improve Emergency Preparedness among People with Disabilities

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|Strategy |Action Steps/Activities |Responsible Parties |Resources Needed |Time Horizon |

|Promote state participation of people with |Work with CIL’s that partner with local |DOH Preparedness and Response (Valerie |Identify CILs that are currently engaging | |

|disabilities in emergency planning exercise|emergency management to provide |Beynon), CIL’s, Susan Redmon and UF |in this type of work & List of individuals| |

|planning. |workshops and training for PWD in |Mary Barnes, Jean Sherman (IDD), DOH |and organizations who currently conduct | |

| |emergency planning |Preparedness and Response (Valerie Beynon), |training for PWD | |

| | |CIL’s, Susan Redmon and UF |Funding opportunities | |

| |Recommendation to Purple Ribbon Task | | | |

| |Force for State Plan for addressing | | | |

| |Alzheimer’s/ dementia and other | | | |

| |disabilities. Research funding | | | |

| |opportunities to implement. Input for | | | |

| |surveys | | | |

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|Increase the number of people with |Bureau of Preparedness and Response |Bureau of Preparedness and Response (Valerie |Baseline data on how many PWD currently | |

|disabilities who have an emergency plan |partnering with CIL’s, Lighthouse for |Beynon), Susan Redmon, UF, Bryan Vaughan, |have emergency plans or kits ( UF PWD | |

|and/or kit |the Blind, Deaf and Hard of Hearing |Community partners/providers |survey) | |

| |organizations to promote preparedness | | | |

| |among PWD, (The Preparedness Project) | | | |

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| |Global plan for assisting PWD to create | | | |

| |personal plans for variety of disasters.| | | |

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|Increase the number of care providers of |Bureau of Preparedness and Response |Bureau of Preparedness and Response (Valerie |Baseline data on how many care providers | |

|people with disabilities who have tools to |partnering with CIL’s, Lighthouse for |Beynon), Susan Redmon, UF |of PWD currently have emergency plans or | |

|create an emergency preparedness plan. |the Blind, Deaf and Hard of Hearing | |kits ( UF PWD survey) | |

| |organizations to promote preparedness | | | |

| |among PWD, (The Preparedness Project) | | | |

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| |?? | | | |

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| Access and/or provide technical assistance|Research the Best Practice Tool Kit for |Susan Redmon |Find out what happened to the existing | |

|in the assessment of public emergency |Accessibility for the Red Cross | |kits from Spring/Summer 2012 | |

|shelters to assure people with disabilities|regionally. | | | |

|have physical access to and within the | | | | |

|facility and shelters have plans for |?? | | | |

|continuity of care for people with | | | | |

|disabilities in accordance with the ADA | | | | |

|Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local| | | | |

|Governments | | | | |

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|Strategy: |

|Action Step/ Activity: |

|Resources Needed: |

|Responsible Parties: |

|Time Horizon: |

Strategic Issue 7: Effectively Monitor and Evaluate Program Activities

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|Strategy |Action Steps/Activities |Responsible Parties |Resources Needed |Time Horizon |

|Strategy: |

|Action Step/ Activity: |

|Resources Needed: |

|Responsible Parties: |

|Time Horizon: |


Disability and Health: Strategic Plan


Strategy and Action Plan Workshop Summary

Disability and Health: Strategic Plan


Disability and Health: Strategic Plan

Disability and Health: Strategic Plan

Strategy and Action Plan Workshop Summary



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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