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|15.10.2009 |



László Surján - Section III (Commission)

Vladimír Maňka - Other Sections

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|Amendments adopted by the |

|Committee on Budgets |

15 02 02 05 Erasmus Mundus

|Draft amendment 0881 | |=== BUDG/4631=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|15 02 02 05 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|90 250 000 |76 000 000 |93 153 000 |78 000 000 |93 153 000 |78 000 000 |4 626 000 |15 000 000 |97 779 000 |93 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The level of payments has to be adapted to better implement EU policies.

The increase in commitments is based on the findings of the Budget Forecast Alert report by the Commission. The commitment implementation rates registered as at September 2009 have reached at least 80% and will reach 100% by the end of the year. This shows a reasonable trend of absorption capacity. Therefore, higher levels of commitment appropriations could be foreseen in this area in the coming year to finance the Programmes concerned.BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the Rapporteur.


15 02 03 Cooperation with non-member countries on education and vocational training

|Draft amendment 0376 | |=== CULT/5876=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|15 02 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|8 042 000 |6 200 000 |8 000 000 |5 200 000 |5 000 000 |3 340 000 |3 000 000 |1 860 000 |8 000 000 |5 200 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After list beginning with :

On the basis of the cooperation agreements between the European ..........of policy dialogue; complementary measures and prompt dissemination of results.

– ..........

and ending with :

the development of policy dialogue; complementary measures and prompt dissemination of results.

Add following text:

Assistance is to be increased for European students for studying in the United States and Canada, in particular at universities.


Restore PDB. An increase in scholarships is needed so that young Europeans can study at universities in the United States and Canada. The fact of young Europeans gaining better knowledge of the United States and Canada will also help to strengthen transatlantic relations, which must be based on mutual understanding and closer ties between the sides' civil societies, as is highlighted in paragraph 15 of the European Parliament resolution of 26 March 2009 on transatlantic relations (A6-0114/2009).


15 02 11 02 European Institute of Innovation and Technology — Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC)

|Draft amendment 0593 | |=== EPP//7582=== |

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|15 05 11 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|6 000 000 |6 000 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |3 000 000 |3 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

The objective of the preparatory action in the field of ..........basis of priorities set in the White Paper on Sport.

Amend text as follows:

This objective should be also pursued in 2010 with the proposed preparatory action which will contribute to identifying future policy actions in the area of sport and testing the establishment and functioning of suitable networks and good practices which can serve as a basis for a future EU programme. This preparatory action may include actions stimulating joint transfrontier sport competitions, more particularly in neighbouring regions and Member States (by merging two or three former national or regional competitions). This should ultimately provide an EU added value through the identification and dissemination of best practices and innovative approaches and through the development of comparative research. In view of the specific organisational characteristics of the sport sector, the Programme would address categories of stakeholders who are not addressed by existing EU programmes, and in particular sport organisations. It should create a critical mass by grouping together sport-related organisations and projects around specific themes.


In order to fund the projects and actions under this preparatory action the amount available needs to be increased. The introduction of sport among the EU competences, provided that the Lisbon Treaty is ratified, justifies the preservation of the EU's financial support of those sport-related issues with social relevance like the fight against doping, discrimination and violence in sporting events, and the support of disabled sports. Joint sport competitions contribute to the development of the European dimension of sport, of European citizenship and regional development.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by CULT.


15 06 05 Visits to the Commission

|Draft amendment 0381 | |=== CULT/5855=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|15 06 05 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|2 050 000 |1 690 000 |2 390 000 |2 100 000 |2 090 000 |1 800 000 |300 000 |300 000 |2 390 000 |2 100 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Europeans should have better knowledge of the European Union. Young Europeans need to visit and get to know the Commission and other Community institutions, with a view to a better insight into how they operate and to a proper appreciation of what their objectives are.


15 06 06 Special annual events

|Draft amendment 0991 | |=== BUDG/4734=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|15 06 06 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|1 500 000 |800 000 |p.m. |450 000 |p.m. |450 000 |9 800 000 |9 800 000 |9 800 000 |10 250 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to cover completion costs of measures supported as special annual events.

Add following text:

EUR 1 800 000 is intended for various cross-border measures organised by the Government of the Autonomous Community of Galicia (Spain) as part of the 'Xacobeo 2010' programme.

Add following text:

EUR 2 000 000 Euro is to be allocated for organising the 10th biannual European Youth Olympic Winter Festival (EYOWF), which is to be held from 12 to 19 February 2011 in Liberec in the Czech Republic. The Liberec will host what is an event of European importance and welcome Europe's best 1 300 young sportsmen and sportswomen from more than 45 countries, making it the largest youth sport event in the history of the Czech Republic.

Add following text:

The European Union places great emphasis on the role sport plays in education, culture, social inclusion and public health for European citizens (and has also supported European Youth Olympic Festivals in the past). In addition, the Treaty of Lisbon will provide Europe with a legal basis to support Member States with regard to the social, educational and cultural aspects of sport. EYOWF Liberec 2011 is an excellent opportunity to highlight the role of volunteers and non-profit sports organisations in educating and bringing up European youth. Support from the EU budget will clearly demonstrate the role of the EU in this field and make it more visible.

Add following text:

EUR 6 000 000 is to be allocated to cofinance the organisation of the European Special Olympics Summer Games in Warsaw, Poland (18-24 September 2010) and to undertake the essential preparations for the World Special Olympics Summer Games in Athens, Greece (20 June – 4 July 2011). This funding will also allow participating athletes from all 27 Member States to trainand prepare for and attend the games in both Poland and Greece. A further allocation should be made in the financial year 2011.

Add following text:

The European Special Olympics Summer Games in Poland will enable over 1800 people with intellectual disabilities to compete in 11 Olympic-type sports. The athletes will be supported by more than 600 coaches, 3 000 volunteers and 2 000 family members. In addition to the games, the Special Olympics organisation will conduct a public awareness campaign on intellectual disability, organise a summit for disabled and non-disabled people to become better informed and share their experiences, and organise a European university symposium which will bring together leading academics to discuss issues surrounding intellectual disability.

Add following text:

The World Special Olympics Summer Games in Greece will bring together over 7 500 people with intellectual disabilities from more than 180 countries. These athletes will be supported by 2 500 coaches, 3 000 officials, 25 000 volunteers and over 30 000 family members. Athletes will compete to the best of their abilities in 22 Olympic-type sports. In addition to the games, the Special Olympics organisation will host a global policy summit to discuss the challenges and opportunities for better social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. A family forum will also take place, enabling athletes' family members to learn and share experiences about raising a person with an intellectual disability.


As part of the 'Xacobeo 2010' programme, the 1st in the EU with 27 MSs, the Government of Galicia will carry out a set of measures to celebrate the event, including cross-border measures demonstrating the role of the Way of St. James, the first European Cultural Route designated by the Council of Europe in 1987, in creating a common European culture. The measures will boost cooperation and dialogue between various countries' cultural and social actors. The funding will help to pay for some of the measures

EYOWF Liberec 2011 has a clear European dimension and encourages the implementation of EU priorities such as education, culture, social inclusion, public health, youth and mobility.

The total budget of the EYOWF 2011 amounts to 6,61 Million EUR (58 Million EUR has been already invested in infrastructure). The EU support would finance the sports programme and operations and the accompanying cultural programme.

The games will promote volunteerism across borders, break down stereotypes about disability, enable public health provision, include disabled people in social activities. The EP supported the Special Olympics Games (Declaration at 05.05.09) to which the PDB 2010 has referred to as well.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by EPP, CULT and Jiří Havel.


15 06 11 Preparatory action — European Year of Volunteering 2011

|Draft amendment 0888 | |=== BUDG/4679=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|15 06 11 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |2 000 000 |1 200 000 |2 000 000 |1 200 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |3 000 000 |2 200 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The amount proposed for 2010 preparatory action is not sufficient in achieving the objectives for this year. The European Year on Education through Sport 2004 was allocated €12,3 million yet a report from the Commission shows that public awareness remained very low. To ensure that 2011 is communicated to the 100 million volunteers at national, regional & local levels greater funding for preparatory action in 2010 is required. It is a real opportunity to engage with citizens already mobilised.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by ALDE.


15 06 66 Europe for Citizens

|Draft amendment 0889 | |=== BUDG/4680=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|15 06 66 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|30 460 000 |25 000 000 |30 480 000 |21 000 000 |30 480 000 |18 000 000 |0 |5 100 000 |30 480 000 |23 100 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The Europe for Citizens Programme is a key tool to increase the feeling of ownership of European citizens. Support to citizen's projects and town-twinning activities give increased visibility to the European Union and show the added value of EU action.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by CULT.


15 06 67 (New)

|Draft amendment 0192 | |=== AFCO/6514=== |


Add: 15 06 67 — European Civil Society House

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|15 06 67 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |0 |0 |p.m. |p.m. |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Civil Society House


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to fund a scoping study and the first steps in setting up a facility for a European Civil Society House.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p.1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).


The idea is to fund a scoping study amongst civil society organisations within the EU as to the most productive services and support measures that a European Civil Society House could provide for organisations which currently have little contact with and access to the European Institutions; also as to what services would be most useful for EU citizens to access through such a facility. A p.m. would constitute a first step in setting up such a facility based on the study findings.


16 01 04 01 Communication actions — Expenditure on administrative management

|Draft amendment 0890 | |=== BUDG/3667=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|16 01 04 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|2 900 000 |2 900 000 |3 200 000 |3 200 000 |2 900 000 |2 900 000 |-20 000 |-20 000 |2 880 000 |2 880 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |320 000 |320 000 |320 000 |320 000 |


Restore PDB

This reserve could be released once the Commission has presented to the EP its plans on how to implement the outcomes of the IGI.

The Commission has proposed a considerable increase (10.1%) to expenditures on administrative management compared to the 2009 budget. The Council cut it below the 2009 level. To better align the increase of administrative expenditure with the growth of operational expenditure, it seems useful to amend selected administrative management lines based on relevant criteria, such as the nature of the financed activities and the implementation record.


16 02 02 Multimedia actions

|Draft amendment 0385 | |=== CULT/5879=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|16 02 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|29 900 000 |25 000 000 |30 750 000 |25 000 000 |22 150 000 |20 000 000 |0 |0 |22 150 000 |20 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |8 600 000 |5 000 000 |8 600 000 |5 000 000 |


After paragraph

Irrespective of the beneficiary, no administrative expenditure against this Article is authorised.

Add following text:

The Commission, when implementing this budget line, should take duly into account the outcomes of the meetings of the Interinstitutional Group on Information (IGI).


The last European elections showed a very low rate of participation. The EU's inter-institutional cooperation in the area of communication policy needs to be improved to make the EU and its institutions and policies better known to citizens. This can be done by taking into account the outcomes of the meetings of the Interinstitutional Group on Information (IGI) when implementing this budget line. The difference between the PDB and the DB is put in a reserve pending the presentation by the Commission to the Budgetary Authority on how it intends to use this financial appropriation.


16 02 03 Information for the media

|Draft amendment 0386 | |=== CULT/5873=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|16 02 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|6 000 000 |5 000 000 |4 760 000 |4 000 000 |4 760 000 |4 000 000 |1 240 000 |2 000 000 |6 000 000 |6 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After list beginning with :

This appropriation is intended to cover the European Union’s communication-related ..........support for journalists organised by the Representations or central services,

– ..........

and ending with :

seminars and support for journalists organised by the Representations or central services,

Add following text:

The Commission, when implementing this budget line, should take duly into account the outcomes of the meetings of the Interinstitutional Group on Information (IGI).


The EU's interinstitutional cooperation in the area of communication policy needs to be improved in order to make the EU and its institutions and policies better known to citizens. This can be done by taking into account the outcomes of the meetings of the Interinstitutional Group on Information (IGI) when implementing this budget line.

In view of the importance to diffuse the information on European institutions to the public in an apporopriate way, amounts - as proposed by the Commission - should not be reduced.


16 02 05 (New)

|Draft amendment 0891 | |=== BUDG/4715=== |


Add: 16 02 05 — Pilot project for European research grants for cross-border investigative journalism

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|16 02 05 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project for European research grants for cross-border investigative journalism


Add following text:

This pilot project for European research grants for journalists is intended to facilitate and develop serious cross-border journalistic research at EU level. Calls for tenders will be organised with a view to selecting common investigation projects involving journalists from at least two Member States, with a cross-border or European dimension resulting from a national, regional or local perspective. The results of the journalistic investigation selected will be published in at least all of the Member States involved.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).


Though more and more journalists are aware of the growing challenge of the European dimension of journalism and are willing to develop cross-border cooperation, the financial means and the necessary European framework to encourage this new generation of journalism is missing.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by CULT.


16 03 01 Information outlets

|Draft amendment 0892 | |=== BUDG/4681=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|16 03 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|14 300 000 |15 000 000 |12 400 000 |11 500 000 |12 400 000 |11 500 000 |-1 240 000 |-1 150 000 |11 160 000 |10 350 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |1 240 000 |1 150 000 |1 240 000 |1 150 000 |


This reserve could be released once the Commission has presented to the European Parliament its plans on how to implement the outcomes of the Interinstitutional Group of Information (IGI).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the rapporteur.


16 03 02 Communication of the Representations

|Draft amendment 0893 | |=== BUDG/4682=== |


Split as follows: 16 03 02 01 , 16 03 02 02

|16 03 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|10 200 000 |10 000 000 |8 360 000 |8 000 000 |8 260 000 |8 000 000 |-8 260 000 |-8 000 000 | | |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The European Public Spaces (EPS) are run jointly by the Commission and the Parliament. Therefore it makes sense to separate their budget from the budget of the Commission's representations. By creating a line within the same article greater transparency should be achieved without complicating the execution of the budget.

An additional amount is put in the reserve and will be released once there is a clear commitment on the side of the Commission to improve interinstitutional cooperation as regards the EPS

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by CULT.


|Draft amendment 0893 | |=== BUDG/4682=== |


Add: — Communication of the Representations

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|16 03 02 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |7 200 000 |6 840 000 |7 200 000 |6 840 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |


Communication of the Representations


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to cover the European Union’s expenditure on decentralised communication. The aim of local communication activities is in particular to provide target groups with the tools to gain a better understanding of burning topical issues.

Add following text:

These activities are implemented mainly via the Representations in the Member States through:

– seminars and conferences,

– organisation of or participation in European events, exhibitions and public-relations activities, organisation of individual visits, etc.,

– direct communication measures targeted at the general public (e.g. citizens’ advice services),

– direct communication measures targeted at opinion multipliers, in particular stepped-up measures involving the regional daily press, which is a major information outlet for a large number of European citizens,

– the opening and management of other information centres and spaces for the general public in the representations

Add following text:

The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 5 000.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Tasks resulting from the Commission’s prerogatives at institutional level, as provided for in Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).

Reference acts:

Add following text:

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions of 3 October 2007: Communicating Europe in Partnership (COM(2007) 568 final).

Add following text:

Political Declaration of 22 October 2008 «Communicating Europe in Partnership» (OJ C 13, 20.1.2009, p. 3).


The European Public Spaces (EPS) are run jointly by the Commission and the Parliament. Therefore it makes sense to separate their budget from the budget of the Commission's representations. By creating a line within the same article greater transparency should be achieved without complicating the execution of the budget.

An additional amount is put in the reserve and will be released once there is a clear commitment on the side of the Commission to improve interinstitutional cooperation as regards the EPS

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by CULT.


|Draft amendment 0893 | |=== BUDG/4682=== |


Add: — European Public Spaces

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|16 03 02 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |1 160 000 |1 160 000 |1 160 000 |1 160 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |280 000 |280 000 |280 000 |280 000 |


European Public Spaces


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to cover specifically the opening and management of «European Public Spaces» (EPS) in the Europe Houses that are formally hosting the EPS. The Commission will manage the logistical arrangements for the EPS for the benefit of both institutions (Parliament and Commission), including operational costs including the organisation of contracted services. The EPS must be run jointly by the two institutions on the basis of an assessment report on the management and the functioning of the EPS, as well as of a working programme for the year to come. Both these documents, which will be drafted jointly by the two institutions and constitute the fundamental elements for allocation of funds for the following year, are to be presented to the budgetary authorities in time to be taken into account in the budgetary procedure.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Tasks resulting from the Commission’s prerogatives at institutional level, as provided for in Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).

Reference acts:

Add following text:

Political Declaration of 22 October 2008 «Communicating Europe in Partnership» (OJ C 13, 20.1.2009, p. 3).


The European Public Spaces (EPS) are run jointly by the Commission and the Parliament. Therefore it makes sense to separate their budget from the budget of the Commission's representations. By creating a line within the same article greater transparency should be achieved without complicating the execution of the budget.

An additional amount is put in the reserve and will be released once there is a clear commitment on the side of the Commission to improve interinstitutional cooperation as regards the EPS

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by CULT.


16 03 04 Communicating Europe in Partnership

|Draft amendment 0894 | |=== BUDG/4683=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|16 03 04 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|12 830 000 |12 830 000 |13 130 000 |12 000 000 |12 830 000 |11 700 000 |-1 013 000 |-900 000 |11 817 000 |10 800 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |1 313 000 |1 200 000 |1 313 000 |1 200 000 |


After paragraph

The appropriation is intended primarily to cover the provision of ..........options and involving them in a debate on this subject.

Amend text as follows:

It covers in particular activities such as:

– Debate Europe, the new step of the «Plan-D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate», including the organisation of European Citizens' Consultations 2010,

– communication operations linked to other specific annual or multi-annual communication priorities,

– ad hoc communication operations on a national or international scale that fit in with the communication priorities,

– communication operations organised in partnership with the European Parliament and/or the Member States in order to create synergies between the means of each partner and to coordinate their information and communication activities on the European Union. One of the privileged tools to address this approach is the management partnership.


Restore the PDB.

Public consultations involving citizens and EU policy-makers as demonstrated in the European Citizens’ Consultations (in the framework of PlanD and Debate Europe) have proven to be feasible, media attractive, to connect citizens to the European institutions and to deliver high quality insights into what citizens expect from their European Union. At least two consultations will be organised in 2010 on specific topics proposed by the European Commission to receive feedback from citizens.

This reserve could be released once the Commission has presented to the EP its plans on how to implement the outcomes of the Interinstitutional Group on Information (IGI).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by CULT and VERT.


16 04 01 Public opinion analysis

|Draft amendment 0895 | |=== BUDG/4684=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|16 04 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|5 800 000 |5 800 000 |5 900 000 |5 100 000 |5 800 000 |5 000 000 |320 000 |400 000 |6 120 000 |5 400 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |680 000 |600 000 |680 000 |600 000 |


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to cover the analysis of trends ..........or qualitative surveys), together with quality control of these surveys.

Add following text:

The Commission, when implementing this budget line, should take duly into account the outcomes of the meetings of the Interinstitutional Group on Information (IGI).


The EU's interinstiutional cooperation in the area of communication policy needs to be improved in order to make the EU and its institutions and policies better known to citizens. This can be done by taking into account the outcomes of the meetings of the Interinstitutional Group on Information (IGI) when implementing this budget line.

This line should be funded better to secure a more focused approach to the information policy.

This reserve could be released once the Commission has presented to the European Parliament its plans on how to implement the outcomes of the Interinstitutional Group of Information (IGI).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by CULT.


16 04 02 Online information and communication tools

|Draft amendment 0896 | |=== BUDG/4685=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|16 04 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|11 620 000 |10 620 000 |11 850 000 |11 500 000 |11 650 000 |10 700 000 |-985 000 |-350 000 |10 665 000 |10 350 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |1 185 000 |1 150 000 |1 185 000 |1 150 000 |


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to fund the restructuring of the ..........sources of information, especially for the Europe Direct telephone number.

Add following text:

The Commission, when implementing this budget line, should take duly into account the outcomes of the meetings of the Interinstitutional Group on Information (IGI).


The EU's interinstitutional cooperation in the area of communication policy needs to be improved in order to make the EU and its institutions and policies better known to citizens. This can be done by taking into account the outcomes of the meetings of the Interinstitutional Group on Information (IGI) when implementing this budget line.

This reserve could be released once the Commission has presented to the European Parliament its plans on how to implement the outcomes of the Interinstitutional Group of Information (IGI).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by CULT.


17 01 04 30 Executive Agency for Health and Consumers — Subsidy for programmes under Heading 3b

|Draft amendment 0015 | |=== IMCO/6714=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|17 01 04 30 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|5 620 000 |5 620 000 |6 000 000 |6 000 000 |5 620 000 |5 620 000 |380 000 |380 000 |6 000 000 |6 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


This budget line is intended to cover the subsidy for expenditure on the Agency’s staff and administration. In order to ensure a proper functioning of the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers the PDB figures should be restored.


17 02 02 Community action in the field of consumer policy

|Draft amendment 0016 | |=== IMCO/6715=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|17 02 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|19 800 000 |16 800 000 |19 290 000 |19 000 000 |19 290 000 |17 000 000 |0 |2 000 000 |19 290 000 |19 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The consumer programme consolidates and expands Community activities on developing the knowledge and evidence base of consumer markets, enforcement cooperation, market surveillance and product safety, consumer education and capacity building for consumer organisations. Due to the importance of consumer policy for the citizens and for the visibility of the European Union the PDB figures should be restored.


17 02 03 Preparatory action — Monitoring measures in the field of consumer policy

|Draft amendment 0897 | |=== BUDG/4686=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|17 02 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|2 000 000 |2 000 000 |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Monitoring consumer markets through the consolidation of a scoreboard and related market studies based on the collection of data on consumer behaviour and the functioning of those markets is of outstanding importance for the development of a realistic consumer policy. Therefore, a preparatory action entitled 'Monitoring measures in the field of consumer policy' should be financed by this budget line. It would allow for the continuation of existing surveys and studies and the financing of further market studies, thus improving the quality of the Consumer Markets Scoreboard.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by IMCO.


17 02 04 (New)

|Draft amendment 0898 | |=== BUDG/4687=== |


Add: 17 02 04 — Pilot project: Transparency and stability in the financial markets

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|17 02 04 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project: Transparency and stability in the financial markets


Add following text:

The purpose of the pilot project is to:

– give governments and the public a better understanding of financial derivatives.

Add following text:

The project includes:

– training on financial derivatives based on the market value of other items such as shares, indices, currencies and interest rates;

– the provision of relevant information to the public about government decisions in the area of public finances.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as last amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).


It is clear from the EP Resolution (P6_TA(2008)0539) and the Commission communication COM(2009)332 that a transparent financial market is a key means of protection and prevention. The circulation of non-transparent financial derivatives was one of the causes of the recession. Conscious decisions must be made to strengthen the market and reduce the negative impact of the use of such products. This means giving those responsible for public funds the means to gain a better understanding of such products, and giving the public the means to monitor their use.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by Francesca Balzani and Gianni Pittella.


17 03 03 01 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

|Draft amendment 0222 | |=== ENVI/5909=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|17 03 03 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|27 982 000 |29 500 000 |33 360 000 |33 360 000 |30 183 000 |30 183 000 |3 177 000 |3 177 000 |33 360 000 |33 360 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore PDB and PDB establishment plan.


17 03 03 02 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control — Subsidy under Title 3

|Draft amendment 0223 | |=== ENVI/5924=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|17 03 03 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|20 118 000 |21 200 000 |22 895 000 |10 000 000 |22 895 000 |10 000 000 | | |22 895 000 |10 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Before paragraph

It is also intended to cover the maintenance of the ..........outbreaks of communicable diseases or other illnesses of unknown origin.

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation is intended to cover operational expenditure relating to the following target areas:

– improving surveillance of communicable diseases in the Member States,

– strengthening the scientific support provided by the Member States and the Commission,

– enhancing the preparedness of the Union against emerging threats from communicable diseases, especially hepatitis B, including threats related to intentional release of biological agents, and diseases of unknown origin, and coordinating the response,

– strengthening the relevant capacity in the Member States through training,

– communicating information and building partnerships.


Hepatitis B is the most common cause of liver cancer worldwide and as such is the most common carcinogen after tobacco. In Europe, between 24,000 and 36,000 deaths are attributable to hepatitis B every year. If left untreated, chronic hepatitis B evolves into cirrhosis in 30% of patients and nearly half of these will die from liver failure or liver cancer. For patients who develop end-stage cirrhosis, the only possible treatment is liver transplantation. Due to lack of organs the prevention of Hepatitis B is of utmost importance.


17 03 06 Community action in the field of health

|Draft amendment 0899 | |=== BUDG/4688=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|17 03 06 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|47 000 000 |15 000 000 |45 700 000 |24 000 000 |45 700 000 |18 000 000 |0 |15 000 000 |45 700 000 |33 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

The overall objective is to contribute to EU prosperity by ..........as well as to enhance solidarity between national health systems.

Amend text as follows:

Actions will include initiatives to increase healthy life years and promote healthy ageing; explore health’s impact on productivity and labour participation; support the reduction of inequalities between Member States and investment in health, thus contributing to the Lisbon agenda, and to productivity and growth. Actions will also enhance solidarity between health systems, including cooperation on shared challenges, thus facilitating the development of a Community framework for safe, high-quality and efficient health services. Actions should also include initiatives to evaluate, by independent organisations, the quality of service provided by emergency medical services from the moment an alert is launched by citizens (e.g. through emergency call numbers) until the victim is transferred to hospital care; the aim is to help improve emergency medical services on the basis of comparable data and the identification of best practices to be exchanged between EU Member States.


Although many data now exist at EU level to evaluate the burden and the causes of injuries little is known about the quality of these emergency medical services provided across the EU. Few countries have legislation about maximal response and intervention times, and even less do conduct evaluations of the emergency services Conducting such an evaluation at EU level will unveil best practices and excellence centres that could help improve the safety of the some 150 million EU citizens who cross the internal EU borders every year for leisure or business.

The level of payments has to be adapted to better implement EU policies.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the rapporteur and VERT.


17 03 18 (New)

|Draft amendment 0900 | |=== BUDG/4665=== |


Add: 17 03 18 — Pilot project: A European refund system for aluminium beverage cans

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|17 03 18 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project: A European refund system for aluminium beverage cans


Add following text:

The purpose of this pilot project will be to investigate how to harmonise the refund system for cans at EU level or, at least, develop further cooperation between Member States in order to ensure can recycling.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).


This pilot project aims at addressing the current problem of the lack of common European rules as regards the refund for cans at border trade level. As a consequence of this deficiency, imported cans cannot be recycled and are simply thrown away.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by BUDG.


17 04 02 01 Other measures in the veterinary, animal welfare and public health field — New measures

|Draft amendment 0901 | |=== BUDG/4666=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|17 04 02 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|18 100 000 |13 000 000 |18 500 000 |13 000 000 |17 500 000 |10 000 000 |1 000 000 |3 000 000 |18 500 000 |13 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.

The appropriation for this line should be substantially increased, as globalisation of markets has increased the likelihood that animal diseases will spread. In addition, more funds should be allocated to compliance with the provisions on animal transport, particularly regarding the protection of animals intended for slaughter.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by AGRI.


17 04 03 03 Preparatory action — Control posts (resting points) in relation to transport of animals

|Draft amendment 0550 | |=== ALDE/7863=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|17 04 03 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|4 000 000 |4 000 000 |p.m. |2 000 000 |p.m. |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |0 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


This project needs more funding to develop best practices for long distance animal transport. Only by taking into account the knowledge provided by research on animal behavior during transportation, will it be possible to secure animal welfare.


18 01 04 12 Measures for combating violence (Daphne) — Expenditure on administrative management

|Draft amendment 0902 | |=== BUDG/3666=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 01 04 12 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|150 000 |150 000 |350 000 |350 000 |250 000 |250 000 |100 000 |100 000 |350 000 |350 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.

The Commission has proposed a considerable increase (10.1%) to expenditures on administrative management compared to the 2009 budget. The Council cut it below the 2009 level. To better align the increase of administrative expenditure with the growth of operational expenditure, it seems useful to amend selected administrative management lines, based on relevant criteria, such as the nature of the financed activities and the implementation record.


18 02 03 01 European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

|Draft amendment 0903 | |=== BUDG/3529=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 02 03 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|23 000 000 |23 000 000 |23 633 000 |19 000 000 |23 633 000 |19 000 000 |0 |2 000 000 |23 633 000 |21 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The level of payments has to be adapted to better implement EU policies.


18 02 03 02 European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders — Subsidy under Title 3

|Draft amendment 0336 | |=== LIBE/5643=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 02 03 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|55 000 000 |55 000 000 |54 367 000 |33 000 000 |54 367 000 |33 000 000 |5 000 000 |5 000 000 |59 367 000 |38 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the ..........6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Amend text as follows:

Any revenue from the contribution from Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein[1] entered in Item 6 3 1 3 of the statement of revenue may give rise to the provision of additional appropriations in accordance with Article 18(1)(d) of the Financial Regulation.

After paragraph

The European Community subsidy for 2010 amounts to a total ..........amount of EUR 78 000 000 entered in the budget.

Amend text as follows:

The appropriations foreseen in the operational budget would enable the Agency to sustain the commitment to permanent missions, notably at the southern borders of the Union (Hera, Nautilus and Poseidon), as from 2010 and to assist Member States with implementing the operational aspects of external border management, including return of third-country nationals illegally present in the Member States in accordance with common standards guaranteeing that they are returned with dignity and full respect for their human rights.2010.


Art. 2, par. f and Art. 9, par. 1 of the COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 2007/2004 establishing a European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union, underlines the importance of supporting Members in organising joint return operations. This capacity should be strengthened.


18 02 04 01 Schengen information system (SIS II)

|Draft amendment 0337 | |=== LIBE/5610=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 02 04 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|39 280 000 |23 000 000 |35 000 000 |19 500 000 |34 000 000 |18 500 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |35 000 000 |19 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


18 02 06 External Borders Fund

|Draft amendment 0904 | |=== BUDG/4667=== |


Amend remarks, reference acts and figures as follows:

|18 02 06 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|185 500 000 |116 000 000 |207 500 000 |144 000 000 |207 500 000 |141 000 000 |0 |30 000 000 |207 500 000 |171 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After list beginning with :

This appropriation will provide support for Member States measures in ..........Member States and cooperation between Member States in this regard.

– ..........

and ending with :

improvement of the management of activities organised by the consular ..........Member States and cooperation between Member States in this regard.

Amend text as follows:

In particular, this appropriation is intended to support the following actions in the Member States:

– border crossing infrastructures and related buildings, such as border stations, helicopter landing places or lanes or booths for the queuing of vehicles and persons at border crossing points,

– infrastructure, buildings and systems required for surveillance between border crossing points and for protection against illegal crossing of the external border,

– operating equipment,

– means of transport for the surveillance of external borders, such as vehicles, vessels, helicopters, and light aircraft, specially equipped with electronic equipment for the surveillance of the border and the detection of persons in means of transport,

– equipment for real time exchange of information between relevant authorities,

– ICT systems,

– programmes for the detachment and exchange between Member States of staff such as border guards, immigration officers and consular officers,

– training and education of staff in relevant authorities, including language training,

– investments in the development, testing and instalment of state of the art technology,

– studies and pilot projects implementing recommendations, operational standards and best practices resulting from operational cooperation between Member States in the field of border control,

– studies and pilot projects designed to stimulate innovation, facilitate exchanges of experience and good practice and improve the quality of the management of activities organised by the consular and other services of the Member States in third countries as regards the flow of third country nationals in the territory of the Member States and cooperation between Member States in this regard,regard.

– create a common Schengen visa Internet site in order to improve the visibility and uniform image of the common visa policy.

After paragraph

Moreover, each year the Commission will draw up a list ..........points identified in risk analyses carried out by the Agency.

Amend text as follows:

Any revenue from the contributions of Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein[2], entered in Item 6 3 1 3 of the statement of revenue, may give rise to the provision of additional appropriations in accordance with Article 18(1)(d) of the Financial Regulation.

Reference acts:

After paragraph

Commission Decision 2008/456/EC of 5 March 2008 laying down rules ..........on projects co-financed by the Fund (OJ L 167, 27.6.2008, p. 1).

Add following text:

Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 2 April 2009 with a view to the adoption of Regulation (EC) No.../2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community Code on Visas (to be published in the OJ)


The level of payments has to be adopted to better implement EU policies.

Following the adoption in first reading of Regulation (EC) No.../2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community Code on Visas, on 2 April 2009, adopted by Council on 25 June 2009, a common Schengen visa internet site is to be established to improve the visibility and a uniform image of the common visa policy. Such a site will serve as a means to provide the general public with all relevant information in relation to the application for a visa.

It therefore follows that the PDB must be restored.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the Rapporteur and LIBE Committee.


18 02 09 European Return Fund

|Draft amendment 0905 | |=== BUDG/4668=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 02 09 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|66 500 000 |38 000 000 |82 500 000 |50 000 000 |82 500 000 |48 000 000 |5 000 000 |20 000 000 |87 500 000 |68 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

Former Article 18 03 10

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation will provide support for Member States measures to improve the management of return in all its dimensions through the use of the concept of integrated management, taking account of Community legislation in this field, in the following areas:

– the introduction and improvement of the organisation and implementation of integrated return management by Member States,

– the enhancement of the co-operation between Member States in the framework of integrated return management and its implementation,

– the promotion of an effective and uniform application of common standards on return according to the policy development in the field, with priority for voluntary return schemes,field.

– the organisation of information campaigns in countries of origin and of transit for prospective displaced persons, refugees and asylum applicants.


Migrants who travel by unseaworthy means put their own lives at risk. Often violations of these people’s fundamental rights are reported. Effectiveness in migratory flows requires also preventive measures particularly by enhancing information in the origin and transit countries in relation to the conditions and prerequisites for the reception of refugees, displaced persons and asylum applicants as well as the consequences of their refusal.

Voluntary return schemes should also be given priority as a means of return.

The level of payments has to be adapted to better implement EU policies.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the Rapporteur and LIBE Committee.


18 02 10 Preparatory action — Migration management — Solidarity in action

|Draft amendment 0906 | |=== BUDG/4669=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 02 10 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |1 000 000 |p.m. |1 000 000 |p.m. |1 000 000 |0 |1 000 000 |p.m. |2 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The cost of controlling borders, particularly those around the Mediterranean basin, is borne by just a few states. There has been a huge increase in the number of immigrants and asylum seekers landing on our shores in recent years. Reception centres in border countries are now overcrowded, meaning that immigrants are often forced to live in harsh conditions inconsistent with fundamental human rights. The current funding allocation must be increased considerably in order to ensure genuine solidarity among EU states when it comes to controlling and managing immigration.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by G. Färm and others (S-D).


18 03 03 European Refugee Fund

|Draft amendment 0907 | |=== BUDG/4670=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 03 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|97 500 000 |68 400 000 |82 250 000 |56 000 000 |82 250 000 |55 000 000 |10 000 000 |20 000 000 |92 250 000 |75 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to finance, as regards structural measures, ..........which meet the conditions governing eligibility for Community financial aid.

Amend text as follows:

It is intended to support Member States’ efforts to integrate refugees and other persons granted supplementary support, and to permit displaced persons a life for which they themselves are responsible, through measures taken chiefly in the following areas:

– facilitating access to employment, including vocational training,

– acquisition of knowledge of the language, society, culture and institutions of the host country,

– facilitating access to housing and to the medical and social infrastructure of the host country,

– support for persons in particular need of protection, such as unaccompanied minors and torture and rape victims,

– integration into local structures and activities,

– improvement in public awareness and understanding of refugees’ situation,

– analysis of the situation of refugees in the European Union,

– defining and disseminating a common health protocol to be implemented in temporary reception centres and in the European health facilities operating in areas with a high rate of irregular immigration, to protect the health of migrants and the host communities,

– training on gender issues and child protection for officials, healthcare workers and police officers at reception centres,

– separate accommodation for single women and girls.

After paragraph

A solidarity mechanism will be established to facilitate the voluntary ..........framework, issue guidelines, encourage participation and facilitate management and coordination.

Add following text:

The mechanism should be established in line with the European Council Conclusions of 18/19 June 2009. The Conclusions note that, in view of the present humanitarian emergency, concrete measures need to be quickly put in place and implemented. The European Council called for the coordination of voluntary measures for internal reallocation of beneficiaries of international protection present in the Member States exposed to specific and disproportionate pressures and highly vulnerable persons and welcomed the intention of the Commission to take initiatives in this respect starting with a pilot project.


The European Council Conclusions of 18/19 June 2009 envisage the setting up of a mechanism for internal resettlement among Member States of persons enjoying international protection and welcomed the initiative for a pilot project for internal reallocation of beneficiaries of international protection. Moreover the growing requests addressed to European Refugee Fund need to be accompanied by an increase in funding.

The level of payments has to be adapted to better implement EU policies.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the Rapporteur, LIBE Committee and Andrea Cozzolino.


18 03 04 Emergency measures in the event of mass influxes of refugees

|Draft amendment 0341 | |=== LIBE/5614=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 03 04 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|9 800 000 |5 000 000 |9 800 000 |7 840 000 |9 800 000 |6 840 000 |0 |1 000 000 |9 800 000 |7 840 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


18 03 05 European Migration Network

|Draft amendment 0342 | |=== LIBE/5615=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 03 05 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|8 800 000 |4 500 000 |7 500 000 |6 750 000 |7 500 000 |5 750 000 |0 |1 000 000 |7 500 000 |6 750 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


18 03 09 European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals

|Draft amendment 0343 | |=== LIBE/5680=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 03 09 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|97 500 000 |59 000 000 |105 500 000 |70 000 000 |105 500 000 |66 000 000 |5 000 000 |4 000 000 |110 500 000 |70 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Before paragraph

At the Commission’s initiative, it is also intended to cover ..........as a whole (Community actions) concerning immigration and integration policy.

Amend text as follows:

In view of the general objective of supporting the efforts of Member States to enable third country nationals to fulfil the conditions of residence and to facilitate their integration into European societies, in accordance with the Common Basic Principles for immigrant integration policy in the European Union as adopted by the Council in November 2004 and with Parliament's resolution of 6 July 2006 on strategies and means for the integration of immigrants in the European Union,2004, this appropriation will support measures in the following areas:

– facilitating the development and implementation of admission procedures relevant to and supportive of the integration process of third country nationals,

– developing and implementing the integration process for newly arrived third country nationals in Member States,

– increasing the capacity of Member States to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate policies and measures for the integration of third country nationals,

– exchanging information, best practice and cooperation in and between Member States in developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating policies and measures for the integration of third country nationals that will help, inter alia, to reduce the employment gap between immigrants and others, improve immigrant participation and performance in education, advance the education and employment prospects of immigrant women, language and introductory programmes, health, housing and urban living and enhancing civic participation by immigrants. nationals.


Strong need of intervention to facilitate the integration of third country nationals.


18 03 11 Eurodac

|Draft amendment 0344 | |=== LIBE/5617=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 03 11 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|2 000 000 |1 400 000 |2 000 000 |1 900 000 |2 000 000 |1 600 000 |0 |300 000 |2 000 000 |1 900 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


18 04 01 Completion of measures for combating violence against children, adolescents and women

|Draft amendment 0345 | |=== LIBE/5618=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 04 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |1 000 000 |p.m. |2 300 000 |p.m. |2 000 000 |0 |300 000 |p.m. |2 300 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


18 04 05 03 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

|Draft amendment 0346 | |=== LIBE/5619=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 04 05 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|11 653 000 |11 653 000 |13 830 000 |13 830 000 |12 421 000 |12 421 000 |1 409 000 |1 409 000 |13 830 000 |13 830 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


18 04 06 Fundamental rights and citizenship

|Draft amendment 0347 | |=== LIBE/5620=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 04 06 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|14 200 000 |9 000 000 |13 800 000 |12 990 000 |13 800 000 |10 490 000 |0 |2 500 000 |13 800 000 |12 990 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


18 04 07 Fight against violence (Daphne)

|Draft amendment 0025 | |=== FEMM/6009=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 05 02 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |19 735 150 |19 735 150 |19 735 150 |19 735 150 |-986 757 |-986 757 |18 748 393 |18 748 393 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |986 757 |986 757 |986 757 |986 757 |


After paragraph

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the ..........6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Add following text:

Part of the appropriation has been placed in the reserve, pending presentation by the Commission of draft common guidelines for the implementation of point 47, on the financing of new agencies and European Schools, of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 on budgetary discipline and sound financial management.


The Commission should present before 2nd reading guidelines for the implementation of Point 47 of the IIA as requested at the trialogue meeting that took place on 1 September 2009 for the financing of Europol


18 05 08 Prevention, preparedness and consequence management of terrorism

|Draft amendment 0909 | |=== BUDG/4672=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 05 08 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|19 470 000 |12 000 000 |20 420 000 |14 600 000 |20 420 000 |12 600 000 |0 |3 000 000 |20 420 000 |15 600 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After list beginning with :

Regarding the consequence management in case of terrorist attacks, this ..........within overall crisis management, rapid alert and civil protection mechanisms.

– ..........

and ending with :

to ensure real-time input of specific expertise on terrorism matters within overall crisis management, rapid alert and civil protection mechanisms.

Amend text as follows:

In particular, this appropriation is intended to cover the following actions:

– actions on operational cooperation and coordination (strengthening networking, mutual confidence and understanding, development of contingency plans, exchange and dissemination of information, experience and best practice),

– analytical, monitoring, evaluation, audit and inspection activities,

– development and transfer of technology and methodology, particularly regarding information sharing and interoperability,

– training, exchange of staff and experts, and

– awareness and dissemination activities, andactivities.

– provision of financial support for projects to help victims of terrorism and/or their families recover from their ordeal by availing themselves of social or psychological support offered by organisations and/or networks, and for projects to mobilise public opinion against all forms of terrorism. Part of the appropriation will be used primarily to improve the legal assistance and advice provided to victims and their families.


Action in support of victims of terrorism and their rights should be included among the Union's political priorities. The European Union must acknowledge their courage and their terrible suffering.

Now that the preparatory action in support of victims has ended, the provision of appropriate assistance to victims of terrorist acts needs to be continued by including relevant measures in the action taken by the Union in connection with terrorism prevention, preparedness and consequence management.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by A. Díaz de Mera García Consuegra and others.


18 05 09 Prevention of and fight against crime

|Draft amendment 0351 | |=== LIBE/5624=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 05 09 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|72 100 000 |47 000 000 |85 880 000 |55 529 000 |85 130 000 |52 529 000 |750 000 |3 000 000 |85 880 000 |55 529 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


18 06 06 Criminal justice

|Draft amendment 0352 | |=== LIBE/5625=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 06 06 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|30 900 000 |22 000 000 |26 000 000 |15 800 000 |26 000 000 |14 800 000 |0 |1 000 000 |26 000 000 |15 800 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


18 06 09 (New)

|Draft amendment 0910 | |=== BUDG/4673=== |


Add: 18 06 09 — Pilot project — Impact assessment of legislative measures in contract law

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|18 06 09 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |1 000 000 |500 000 |1 000 000 |500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project — Impact assessment of legislative measures in contract law


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to fund the following measures:

– conducting a legal and economic impact assessment of legislative measures in contract law,

– examining and developing the Common Frame of Reference (CFR) on the basis of the Draft Common Frame of Reference as well as other academic works in the field of European contract law.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).


In February 2009, the academic research groups presented the final version of the Outline Edition of the academic Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR), for use by the European institutions as a foundation for creating a European contract law. At this stage it will be important for the DCFR to be available in as many official languages as possible in order to facilitate thorough debate by politicians, legal experts and other interested parties concerning the future of European contract law on the basis of the DCFR.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by JURI Committee.


18 07 01 01 European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

|Draft amendment 0353 | |=== LIBE/5626=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 07 01 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|9 992 904 |9 992 904 |10 803 028 |10 803 028 |10 603 028 |10 603 028 |200 000 |200 000 |10 803 028 |10 803 028 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


18 07 03 Drugs prevention and information

|Draft amendment 0354 | |=== LIBE/5627=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 07 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|3 000 000 |2 870 000 |3 000 000 |3 000 000 |3 000 000 |2 870 000 |0 |130 000 |3 000 000 |3 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


18 08 01 Prince — Area of freedom, security and justice

|Draft amendment 0911 | |=== BUDG/4674=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 08 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|5 000 000 |4 500 000 |5 200 000 |4 400 000 |5 200 000 |4 400 000 |-520 000 |-440 000 |4 680 000 |3 960 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |520 000 |440 000 |520 000 |440 000 |


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to cover the funding of an ..........interinstitutional server giving online access to the EU law-making process.

Amend text as follows:

It covers information to citizens about their rights of access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents specifically relating to the interinstitutional law-making process. This measure is designed to inform citizens about the principles and conditions governing access to EU documents and at the same time to give them a single tool to facilitate their access to documents relating to an interinstitutional legislative procedure and to national implementing measures. In this context, this appropriation is also intended to cover the development of the TRANS-JAI project (system hosting and system environment support, development and preparation complete with maintenance). This project is to be transferred in 2010 to the Publications Office of the European Union and incorporated into the EUR-Lex system. That system is to be rationalised to provide more transparent public access to EU legislation in accordance with the spirit and letter of the Treaties, including the Treaty of Lisbon.


This amendment is being tabled in support of the amendments adopted in plenary in connection with the report by Michael Cashman regarding access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (proposal for a regulation repealing Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001) and concerning full respect for and facilitation of the public's right of access to documents and information concerning any given legislative procedure.

This reserve could be released once the Commission has presented to the European Parliament its plans on how to implement the outcomes of the Interinstitutional Group of Information (IGI).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the Rapporteur and LIBE Committee


18 08 05 Evaluation and impact assessment

|Draft amendment 0356 | |=== LIBE/5628=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|18 08 05 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|900 000 |900 000 |900 000 |800 000 |800 000 |700 000 |100 000 |100 000 |900 000 |800 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


19 01 04 01 Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) — Expenditure on administrative management

|Draft amendment 0912 | |=== BUDG/3669=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 01 04 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|47 454 960 |47 454 960 |59 858 500 |59 858 500 |51 858 500 |51 858 500 |4 000 000 |4 000 000 |55 858 500 |55 858 500 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The Commission has proposed a considerable increase (10.1%) to expenditures on administrative management compared to the 2009 budget. The Council cut it below the 2009 level. To better align the increase of administrative expenditure with the growth of operational expenditure, it seems useful to amend selected administrative management lines, based on relevant criteria, such as the nature of the financed activities and the implementation record.


19 01 04 02 European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) — Expenditure on administrative management

|Draft amendment 0913 | |=== BUDG/3670=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 01 04 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|41 795 000 |41 795 000 |43 633 000 |43 633 000 |41 833 000 |41 833 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |42 833 000 |42 833 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The Commission has proposed a considerable increase (10.1%) to expenditures on administrative management compared to the 2009 budget. The Council cut it below the 2009 level. To better align the increase of administrative expenditure with the growth of operational expenditure, it seems useful to amend selected administrative management lines, based on relevant criteria, such as the nature of the financed activities and the implementation record.


19 01 04 04 Common foreign and security policy (CFSP) — Expenditure on administrative management

|Draft amendment 0914 | |=== BUDG/3537=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 01 04 04 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|150 000 |150 000 |650 000 |650 000 |650 000 |650 000 |-150 000 |-150 000 |500 000 |500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |50 000 000 |50 000 000 |50 000 000 |50 000 000 |


During various inter-institutional dialogues and procedures, it became apparent that transparency and information could be significantly improved on the exact distinction between administrative expenditure and operational lines under CFSP budget Chapter. The reserve will be released and, if necessary, reallocated, after provisions of clear information on the implementation of CFSP budget, and particularly on its exact nature (administrative and operational expenditure).


19 01 04 30 Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency — Subsidy for External Relations programmes

|Draft amendment 0393 | |=== CULT/5819=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 01 04 30 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|1 231 000 |1 231 000 |4 320 000 |4 320 000 |1 660 000 |1 660 000 |2 660 000 |2 660 000 |4 320 000 |4 320 000 |

|Reserves |2 563 000 |2 563 000 | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.

The cuts foreseen by the Council would seriously hamper the implementation of Erasmus Mundus and Tempus activities which are managed by the Executive Agency.


19 02 01 Cooperation with third countries in the areas of migration and asylum

|Draft amendment 0915 | |=== BUDG/4691=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|19 02 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|51 309 000 |35 000 000 |52 959 000 |50 000 000 |52 959 000 |50 000 000 |0 |0 |52 959 000 |50 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

This Community cooperation programme will finance appropriate actions which will ..........other Community instruments in the field of cooperation and development.

Add following text:

This thematic programme must fully take into account new forced migrations due to climate change.

After paragraph

Possible income, coming from financial contributions from Member States and ..........of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.


This thematic programme must fully take into account new forced migrations due to climate change, estimated to 50 million climate refugees in the year 2010 according to UNEP reports.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by DEVE.


19 03 01 Monitoring and implementation of peace and security processes

|Draft amendment 0916 | |=== BUDG/4692=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 03 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|5 000 000 |4 600 000 |38 000 000 |26 000 000 |38 000 000 |26 000 000 |-6 750 000 |-6 750 000 |31 250 000 |19 250 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The European Parliament has repeatedly asked for a special envoy for Tibet. Such envoy could play a role in the facilitation of the dialogue between the People's Republic of China and Tibet.

During various inter-institutional dialogues and procedures, it became apparent that transparency and information could be significantly improved on the exact distinction between administrative expenditure and operational lines under CFSP budget Chapter. A corresponding amount of 50 million has been put into reserve under line 19 01 04 04. The reserve will be released and, if necessary, reallocated, after provisions of clear information on the implementation of CFSP budget, and particularly on its exact nature (administrative and operational expenditure).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the rapporteur and AFET.


19 03 02 Non-proliferation and disarmament

|Draft amendment 0916 | |=== BUDG/4692=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 03 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|15 000 000 |10 190 000 |15 000 000 |12 000 000 |15 000 000 |12 000 000 |-2 650 000 |-2 650 000 |12 350 000 |9 350 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The European Parliament has repeatedly asked for a special envoy for Tibet. Such envoy could play a role in the facilitation of the dialogue between the People's Republic of China and Tibet.

During various inter-institutional dialogues and procedures, it became apparent that transparency and information could be significantly improved on the exact distinction between administrative expenditure and operational lines under CFSP budget Chapter. A corresponding amount of 50 million has been put into reserve under line 19 01 04 04. The reserve will be released and, if necessary, reallocated, after provisions of clear information on the implementation of CFSP budget, and particularly on its exact nature (administrative and operational expenditure).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the rapporteur and AFET.


19 03 03 Conflict resolution and other stabilisation measures

|Draft amendment 0916 | |=== BUDG/4692=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 03 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|136 250 000 |139 820 000 |137 000 000 |110 300 000 |137 000 000 |110 300 000 |-24 400 000 |-24 400 000 |112 600 000 |85 900 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The European Parliament has repeatedly asked for a special envoy for Tibet. Such envoy could play a role in the facilitation of the dialogue between the People's Republic of China and Tibet.

During various inter-institutional dialogues and procedures, it became apparent that transparency and information could be significantly improved on the exact distinction between administrative expenditure and operational lines under CFSP budget Chapter. A corresponding amount of 50 million has been put into reserve under line 19 01 04 04. The reserve will be released and, if necessary, reallocated, after provisions of clear information on the implementation of CFSP budget, and particularly on its exact nature (administrative and operational expenditure).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the rapporteur and AFET.


19 03 04 Emergency measures

|Draft amendment 0916 | |=== BUDG/4692=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 03 04 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|5 000 000 |4 000 000 |5 000 000 |4 000 000 |5 000 000 |4 000 000 |-900 000 |-900 000 |4 100 000 |3 100 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The European Parliament has repeatedly asked for a special envoy for Tibet. Such envoy could play a role in the facilitation of the dialogue between the People's Republic of China and Tibet.

During various inter-institutional dialogues and procedures, it became apparent that transparency and information could be significantly improved on the exact distinction between administrative expenditure and operational lines under CFSP budget Chapter. A corresponding amount of 50 million has been put into reserve under line 19 01 04 04. The reserve will be released and, if necessary, reallocated, after provisions of clear information on the implementation of CFSP budget, and particularly on its exact nature (administrative and operational expenditure).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the rapporteur and AFET.


19 03 05 Preparatory and follow-up measures

|Draft amendment 0916 | |=== BUDG/4692=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 03 05 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|3 245 000 |2 450 000 |4 850 000 |3 500 000 |4 850 000 |3 500 000 |-850 000 |-850 000 |4 000 000 |2 650 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The European Parliament has repeatedly asked for a special envoy for Tibet. Such envoy could play a role in the facilitation of the dialogue between the People's Republic of China and Tibet.

During various inter-institutional dialogues and procedures, it became apparent that transparency and information could be significantly improved on the exact distinction between administrative expenditure and operational lines under CFSP budget Chapter. A corresponding amount of 50 million has been put into reserve under line 19 01 04 04. The reserve will be released and, if necessary, reallocated, after provisions of clear information on the implementation of CFSP budget, and particularly on its exact nature (administrative and operational expenditure).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the rapporteur and AFET.


19 03 06 European Union Special Representatives

|Draft amendment 0916 | |=== BUDG/4692=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|19 03 06 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|19 105 000 |17 170 000 |19 948 000 |17 350 000 |19 948 000 |17 350 000 |-3 550 000 |-3 550 000 |16 398 000 |13 800 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to cover all the expenditure connected ..........accordance with Article 18(5) of the Treaty on European Union.

Add following text:

This appropriation is also intended to finance a special envoy for Tibet.


The European Parliament has repeatedly asked for a special envoy for Tibet. Such envoy could play a role in the facilitation of the dialogue between the People's Republic of China and Tibet.

During various inter-institutional dialogues and procedures, it became apparent that transparency and information could be significantly improved on the exact distinction between administrative expenditure and operational lines under CFSP budget Chapter. A corresponding amount of 50 million has been put into reserve under line 19 01 04 04. The reserve will be released and, if necessary, reallocated, after provisions of clear information on the implementation of CFSP budget, and particularly on its exact nature (administrative and operational expenditure).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the rapporteur and AFET.


19 03 07 Police missions

|Draft amendment 0916 | |=== BUDG/4692=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 03 07 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|59 150 000 |55 770 000 |61 093 000 |51 850 000 |61 093 000 |51 850 000 |-10 900 000 |-10 900 000 |50 193 000 |40 950 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The European Parliament has repeatedly asked for a special envoy for Tibet. Such envoy could play a role in the facilitation of the dialogue between the People's Republic of China and Tibet.

During various inter-institutional dialogues and procedures, it became apparent that transparency and information could be significantly improved on the exact distinction between administrative expenditure and operational lines under CFSP budget Chapter. A corresponding amount of 50 million has been put into reserve under line 19 01 04 04. The reserve will be released and, if necessary, reallocated, after provisions of clear information on the implementation of CFSP budget, and particularly on its exact nature (administrative and operational expenditure).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the rapporteur and AFET.


19 04 01 European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)

|Draft amendment 0237 | |=== AFET/5074=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|19 04 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|116 286 000 |77 879 000 |112 773 000 |92 000 000 |112 773 000 |62 700 000 |3 727 000 |27 300 000 |116 500 000 |90 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

The general objective will be to contribute to the development ..........policies and guidelines and in close cooperation with civil society.

Amend text as follows:

Key areas of activity will include:

– enhancing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in countries and regions where they are most at risk, as well as promoting the rule of law,

– strengthening the role of civil society in promoting human rights and democratic reform, while ensuring the protection of human rights defenders and defenders of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, in supporting the peaceful conciliation of group interests and in consolidating political participation and representation,

– supporting actions on human rights and democracy issues in areas covered by EU Guidelines, including on human rights dialogues, on human rights defenders, on the death penalty, on torture, and on childhoodchildren and armed conflicts,conflict,

– strengthening the international framework for the protection of human rights, the rule of law and the promotion of democracy, in particular international criminal justice mechanisms and core legal instruments, with part of this support being provided to give legal advice and clear up murders of human rights defenders and defenders of freedom of speech.instruments.

After paragraph

Possible income, coming from financial contributions from Member States and ..........of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.

Add following text:

This appropriation is also intended to finance support for NGOs and human rights defenders working in North Caucasus.


The protection of the rule of Law, democracy, human rights and of freedom of speech are the cornerstone of the EU's external action. So it is compulsory to assure financial capacity of its institutions in their support.

In view of the continued difficult situation of human rights defenders in the North Caucasus, as shown by the recent killing of Estemirova in Chechnya, it is necessary to pay special attention to their situation.

The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights remains a top priority for the European Parliament and should be allocated appropriate financial means.


19 04 03 Electoral observation

|Draft amendment 0238 | |=== AFET/5052=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 04 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|32 068 000 |29 000 000 |32 914 000 |28 000 000 |32 914 000 |28 000 000 |4 810 200 |2 000 000 |37 724 200 |30 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Regional and national elections will take place in numerous States during 2010, including several Latin-American countries and Iraq. It is fundamental to guarantee the transparence and reliability of these procedures for the defense of democracy and the rule of Law. Electoral Observation Missions are an important EU instrument in its support to achieving of these goals and, therefore, they must be adequately financed. The increase being proposed is fully commensurate with the needs of these missions and with the support granted in previous years.


19 06 07 Pilot project — Support for surveillance and protection measures for Community vessels sailing through areas where piracy is a threat

|Draft amendment 0117 | |=== PECH/6768=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 06 07 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|1 000 000 |1 000 000 |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Attacks by pirates in international waters on Community vessels have intensified and, in particular, fishing vessels operating in the Indian Ocean are outside the Community mission's area of operations and thus less protected. This appropriation should therefore be provided so that the Union can take other measures to protect Community fishing vessels crossing sea areas with a high risk of attack.


19 06 08 (New)

|Draft amendment 0917 | |=== BUDG/4693=== |


Add: 19 06 08 — Emergency response to the financial and economic crisis in developing countries

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|19 06 08 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |3 000 000 |2 000 000 |3 000 000 |2 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Emergency response to the financial and economic crisis in developing countries


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to cover emergency and short-term actions to mitigate the impact of the global financial and economic crisis on the most vulnerable and least resilient of the countries covered by Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation.

Add following text:

Activities covered by this appropriation can include measures to mitigate the social consequences of the crisis, including social safety nets, employment-creating initiatives and actions ensuring adequate social service provision.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Preparatory action within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).


Some of the most serious effects of financial and economic crisis are felt in developing countries, many of which do not have the resources to respond to the problem. For the most vulnerable ACP countries, the Commission has proposed an "ad hoc vulnerability FLEX mechanism" financed with EUR 500 million from the EDF, but there is no provision for developing countries covered by DCI. This pilot project is intended to fill this gap.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by DEVE.


19 06 09 (New)

|Draft amendment 0918 | |=== BUDG/4724=== |


Add: 19 06 09 — Pilot project: Programme for NGO-led peacebuilding activities

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|19 06 09 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project: Programme for NGO-led peacebuilding activities


Add following text:

This appropriation, which is complementary to the capacity building activities as provided for by the Peacebuilding Partnership under the Instrument for Stability, is intended to finance a programme of NGO-led peacebuilding activities in order to support the EU’s commitments to prevent conflict and build peace outside its borders.

Add following text:

Activities to be financed under this pilot project will include: research on and analysis of specific conflicts; support for peace processes, mediation and dialogue; support to disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) processes and broader post-conflict economic development; support to local actor participation in peace settlements; civil society involvement in security sector reform (SSR), justice sector reform and transitional justice processes; promotion of conflict-sensitive development practices; international and national-level advocacy work to encourage peacebuilding and the prevention of violent conflict; the development and management of early warning systems; the promotion of the role of women in peacebuilding; unarmed civilian peacekeeping; and the deployment of professionals to sustain local actors by reducing and preventing violence, and by supporting dialogue, sustainable peace and a conflict-resilient society.

Add following text:

The pilot project could also serve as a test case for Community support for NGO-led peacebuilding activities and could thus lead to the eventual establishment of a permanent mechanism for short-, medium- and long-term financing in this area.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1525/2007 (OJ L 343, 27.12.2007, p. 9).


Civil society has a crucial role to play in supporting the EU to implement its policy on conflict prevention and transformation, yet only limited funds are available for NGO-led peacebuilding activities under the existing external financing instruments. Only the Instrument for Stability supports short-term (maximum 18-month) peace work by NSA and capacity building with a small amount of funds compared to the far larger amounts potentially available under other instruments – and compared to the scale of global need for activities to prevent violent conflict and build peace.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by VERT.


19 08 01 01 European Neighbourhood and Partnership financial cooperation with Mediterranean countries

|Draft amendment 0919 | |=== BUDG/4694=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|19 08 01 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|787 708 000 |699 153 000 |790 604 627 |700 000 000 |790 604 627 |700 000 000 |0 |5 000 000 |790 604 627 |705 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

To the appropriations entered in this item must be added ..........section, which forms an integral part of the general budget.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is intended to be used, with due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, for operations carried out by senior volunteer experts from the European Union who come under ESSN (European Senior Services Network), including technical assistance, advisory services and training in selected public or private enterprises.

Add following text:

This appropriation is also intended to cover the following expenditure:

– studying the effects of climate change on the quality of water in the Mediterranean;

– studying pollution along the Mediterranean coastline;

– examining the state of the underwater energy infrastructure (gas pipelines, oil pipelines, electricity cables, etc.);

– promoting the networking of public and private research centres engaged in monitoring the water of the Mediterranean and the condition of the coastline with a view to exchanging data, sharing research findings, and developing joint proposals for intervention and protection policies.


The ENP is one of the top priorities in EU's foreign relations and appropriate financial assistance should be provided to the countries concerned.

The European Union should use the experience, skills and knowledge of senior volunteer experts pooled in the European Senior Services Network (ESSN).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by AFET and Göran Färm and others (S-D).


19 08 01 02 European Neighbourhood and Partnership financial assistance to Palestine, the peace process and UNRWA

|Draft amendment 0920 | |=== BUDG/4695=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 08 01 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|300 000 000 |280 000 000 |175 000 000 |175 000 000 |175 000 000 |175 000 000 |120 000 000 |85 000 000 |295 000 000 |260 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


EU's involvement in the search for lasting peace in the Middle East remains one of the top priorities. The funding level proposed is not realistic and, if not increased, will lead to the continuous need for budgetary transfers throughout 2010, contrary to the principles of sound budgeting.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by AFET.


19 08 01 03 European Neighbourhood and Partnership financial cooperation with Eastern Europe

|Draft amendment 0921 | |=== BUDG/4696=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|19 08 01 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|408 447 000 |248 820 000 |463 103 000 |266 000 000 |463 103 000 |266 000 000 |3 000 000 |13 000 000 |466 103 000 |279 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

To the appropriations entered in this item must be added ..........section, which forms an integral part of the general budget.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is intended to be used, with due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, for operations carried out by senior volunteer experts from the European Union who come under ESSN (European Senior Services Network), including technical assistance, advisory services and training in selected public or private enterprises.

Add following text:

This appropriation is also intended to finance confidence building measures in Georgia, including Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as local confidence-building and local economic rehabilitation projects in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Add following text:

This appropriation is also intended to fund research on human health and the sustainable development of Ukraine and Belarus, especially as regards improving health conditions in the regions affected by the Chernobyl disaster.


The European Union should use experience, skills and knowledge of senior volunteer experts pooled in European Senior Services Network.

Parliament's resolution of 15.11.2007 on strengthening the European Neighbourhood Policy asks for confidence building and economic rehabilitation projects in Nagorno Karabak´h to be included to help resolve conflict.

The ENP is one of the top priorities in EU's foreign relations and appropriate financial assistance should be provided to the countries concerned. Eastern Partnership should not be funded at the expense of ongoing activities.

Support addressing health and ecological problems related to Chernobyl consequences is decreasing, whereas problems remain huge. An initiative is underway to create a coordinating and analytical Centre " Ecology and Health" in Ukraine, which is to serve as a resource of information, expertise and advocacy on health and ecology issues for Ukrainian and Belarussian communities and governments, as well as for other national and international parties involved. Research activities from this centre should be supported in accordance with the relevant rules of the Financial regulation.

This increase above PDB reflects the priorities expressed by EP in its resolutions on the “Guidelines for 2010 budget” (P6_TA-PROV(2009)0095 of 10 March) and “Mandate report” (29 June 2009).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by AFET, VERT and EPP.


19 08 01 05 Minorities in Russia — Developing culture, media and civil society

|Draft amendment 0243 | |=== AFET/5033=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 08 01 05 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|2 500 000 |2 500 000 |p.m. |2 100 000 |p.m. |2 100 000 |2 000 000 |0 |2 000 000 |2 100 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The support to the minorities is one of the priorities of the Parliament and the Commission should continue to adequately fund it.


19 08 02 Cross-border cooperation (CBC) — European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)

|Draft amendment 0244 | |=== AFET/5050=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Before list beginning with :

This appropriation is intended to fund a number of cross-border ..........development of civil society, inter alia, to promote social inclusion.

– ..........

and ending with :

fostering the development of civil society, inter alia, to promote social inclusion.

Amend text as follows:

Cross-border cooperation on the EU’s external borders is a key priority both in the European Neighbourhood Policy and in the EU’s Strategic Partnership with Russia, as well as within the Black Sea Synergy.Russia. The adoption of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) has considerably enhanced the scope for cross-border cooperation, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Under the new approach, CBC programmes established on the EU’s external border will draw on funds from both the external and internal headings of the EC budget and be implemented according to a single set of rules, the one established under the ENPI Regulation. The global amounts of the contributions from the two headings are provided in the two budget Items presented under this article.


Cross-border cooperation should be fostered through regional cooperation within the Black Sea Synergy as well and aim at promoting regional projects among civil societies and local democracies. The European Parliament always stressed the importance of developing cross-border cooperation in the Black Sea area, in particular in the Report on a Black Sea Regional Policy Approach from January 2008.


19 08 02 01 Cross-border cooperation (CBC) contribution from Heading 4

|Draft amendment 0245 | |=== AFET/5055=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 08 02 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|68 000 000 |80 000 000 |78 327 000 |78 000 000 |78 327 000 |64 300 000 |0 |13 700 000 |78 327 000 |78 000 000 |

|Reserves |12 000 000 | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


19 08 02 03 EU Baltic Sea Strategy

|Draft amendment 0551 | |=== ALDE/7852=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 08 02 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |0 |0 | | |

|Reserves | | | | | | |20 000 000 |20 000 000 |20 000 000 |20 000 000 |


The Baltic Sea Strategy and Action Plan require funding in order to be implemented as soon as they are agreed on. The amendment is for actions that cannot be financed from other lines. It is intended mainly for coordination and information, as well as pilot projects in any of the four pillars of the Action Plan, with emphasis on reducing nutrient inputs and maintaining a natural biodiversity, promoting research, innovation, and maritime safety and security. The money is put in reserve pending the report by the Commission on how it intends to use these appropriations.



19 08 02 04 (New)

|Draft amendment 0922 | |=== BUDG/4697=== |


Add: 19 08 02 04 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|19 08 02 04 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |0 |0 |p.m. |p.m. |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project: EU Baltic Sea Strategy


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to fund a pilot project on the Baltic Sea Strategy.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).


The Baltic Sea faces four key challenges: Firstly, to enable a sustainable environment, secondly to enhance the region’s prosperity, thirdly, to increase accessibility and attractiveness and fourthly, to ensure safety and security in the region. There are 8 Member States and Russia at the Baltic Sea with 8000 km of coast and 100.000 mio. inhabitants.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by Salvador Garriga Polledo and others (EPP).


19 09 01 Cooperation with developing countries in Latin America

|Draft amendment 0923 | |=== BUDG/4698=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|19 09 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|353 681 000 |329 810 000 |355 268 000 |305 484 268 |355 268 000 |305 484 268 |1 000 000 |24 325 732 |356 268 000 |329 810 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

To the appropriations entered in this item must be added ..........section, which forms an integral part of the general budget.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is intended to be used, with due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, for operations carried out by senior volunteer experts from the European Union who come under the ESSN (European Senior Services Network), including technical assistance, advisory services and training in selected public or private sector enterprises.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.

Add following text:

With the exception of humanitarian aid, and implementation aid by NGOs or by the United Nations' agencies or by impartial operators, assistance to governments should not be provided if the governments are responsible for clear worsening of the situation in the field of democracy, the rule of law and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms.

Add following text:

Co-operation with Cuba will be subject to periodic evaluations of the developments observed in the areas of freedom and human rights. The European Parliament underlines the need for a permanent and deepening political dialogue on all issues, such as civil and political rights, and on structural and social reforms.


In a region with greater social inequalities than anywhere else in the world, strongly affected by the current crisis, unremitting and increased effort is required in order to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. This priority was underlined in both Prague's joint statement EU- Rio Group and in the Lima Declaration. Populations of those countries must not suffer on account of bad governance.The increase being proposed in this amendment is fully in line with the efforts and commitment of the countries in the region towards meeting those goals, and the EU cooperation is essential if they do so.

The engagement of the European Union with Cuba should continue and be subject to the same level of vigilant political conditionality as with other countries in the world and EU assistance should seek to improve the living conditions of ordinary Cuban citizens.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by Louis Michel, Ingeborg Gräßle, AFET, DEVE and ALDE.


19 10 01 Cooperation with developing countries in Asia

|Draft amendment 0924 | |=== BUDG/4699=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


After paragraph

The Commission will monitor compliance with the conditions for the ..........keep the budgetary authority informed about its findings and conclusions.

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation is also intended to support the Afghanistan national drug control strategy, including halting the production of opium in Afghanistan, and the disruption and destruction of the opium networks and illegal export routes to Europeancountries.

After paragraph

Possible income, coming from financial contributions from Member States and ..........of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.

After paragraph

To the appropriations entered in this article must be added ..........section, which forms an integral part of the general budget.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is intended to be used, with due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, for operations carried out by senior volunteer experts from the European Union who come under ESSN (European Senior Services Network), including technical assistance, advisory services and training in selected public or private enterprises.


The European Union should use the experience, skills and knowledge of senior volunteer experts pooled in the European Senior Services Network (ESSN). In the past, support for European projects drawing on the many years of personal and professional experience which senior experts have behind them has proved worthwhile, and it should continue. The voluntary contribution thus made provides vital added value for EU external action at minimal cost.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by DEVE and AFET.


19 10 01 01 Cooperation with developing countries in Asia

|Draft amendment 0925 | |=== BUDG/4700=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|19 10 01 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|517 156 000 |464 690 000 |523 450 000 |483 097 103 |523 450 000 |483 097 103 |0 |0 |523 450 000 |483 097 103 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

Possible income, coming from financial contributions from Member States and ..........of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is intended to be used, with due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, for operations carried out by senior volunteer experts from the European Union who come under ESSN (European Senior Services Network), including technical assistance, advisory services and training in selected public or private enterprises.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.


The European Union should use the experience, skills and knowledge of senior volunteer experts pooled in the European Senior Services Network (ESSN). In the past, support for European projects drawing on the many years of personal and professional experience which senior experts have behind them has proved worthwhile, and it should continue. The voluntary contribution thus made provides vital added value for EU external action at minimal cost.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by DEVE and AFET.


19 10 01 06 (New)

|Draft amendment 0926 | |=== BUDG/4701=== |


Add: 19 10 01 06 — Preparatory action: EU-Asia - Integration of policy and practice

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|19 10 01 06 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Preparatory action: EU-Asia - Integration of policy and practice


Add following text:

The preparatory action is intended to provide an integrative approach to the development and practice of policy for EU-Asia. This holistic approach developed by the European Institute for Asian Studies relates to activities covered by several legal bases but which are compartmentalised across many budget lines.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Preparatory action within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1525/2007 (OJ L 343, 27.12.2007, p. 9).


Current global socio-economic developments reveal importance of Asia in solving problems before EU, Asia and wider world. Benefits from flows of finance, goods and services are now strained by accumulated imbalances. Affecting employment, these imbalances also have major cultural, environmental and security dimensions. The existing budget lines encourage a silo approach to policy making leading to suboptimal strategies and formulations. Cost effective, strategic programme of the EIAS integrates EU-Asia policy threads offering the results to all stakeholders.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by INTA.


19 10 02 Cooperation with developing countries in Central Asia

|Draft amendment 0927 | |=== BUDG/4702=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|19 10 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|104 714 000 |69 667 000 |124 478 000 |70 000 000 |124 478 000 |70 000 000 | | |124 478 000 |70 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

These amounts arise from the contributions according to Article 6 ..........of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.

After paragraph

To the appropriations entered in this article must be added ..........section, which forms an integral part of the general budget.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is intended to be used, with due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, for operations carried out by senior volunteer experts from the European Union who come under ESSN (European Senior Services Network), including technical assistance, advisory services and training in selected public or private enterprises.


The European Union should use the experience, skills and knowledge of senior volunteer experts pooled in the European Senior Services Network (ESSN). In the past, support for European projects drawing on the many years of personal and professional experience which senior experts have behind them has proved worthwhile, and it should continue. The voluntary contribution thus made provides vital added value for EU external action at minimal cost.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by AFET and DEVE.


19 10 03 Cooperation with Iraq, Iran and Yemen

|Draft amendment 0928 | |=== BUDG/4703=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|19 10 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|49 630 400 |60 000 000 |46 970 000 |60 000 000 |46 970 000 |60 000 000 | | |46 970 000 |60 000 000 |

|Reserves |12 407 600 | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

Possible income, coming from financial contributions from Member States and ..........of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is intended to be used, with due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, for operations carried out by senior volunteer experts from the European Union who come under ESSN (European Senior Services Network), including technical assistance, advisory services and training in selected public or private enterprises.


The European Union should use the experience, skills and knowledge of senior volunteer experts pooled in the European Senior Services Network (ESSN). In the past, support for European projects drawing on the many years of personal and professional experience which senior experts have behind them has proved worthwhile, and it should continue. The voluntary contribution thus made provides vital added value for EU external action at minimal cost.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by DEVE and AFET.


19 10 04 Cooperation activities other than Official Development Assistance (Asia, Central Asia, Iraq, Iran and Yemen)

|Draft amendment 0254 | |=== AFET/5043=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 10 04 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |0 |0 |p.m. |p.m. |

|Reserves | | |23 000 000 |4 500 000 |15 000 000 |4 500 000 |8 000 000 |0 |23 000 000 |4 500 000 |


Restore the PDB.


19 11 01 Evaluation of results of Community aid, follow-up and audit measures

|Draft amendment 0293 | |=== DEVE/5404=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 11 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|14 000 000 |14 000 000 |14 000 000 |14 000 000 |12 200 000 |12 200 000 |1 800 000 |1 800 000 |14 000 000 |14 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.

It is essential to carry out effective evaluations of development actions in order to ensure best practices are followed in subsequent programming cycles. Evaluations are traditionally an area of particular interest for the European Parliament.


19 11 02 Information programmes for non-member countries

|Draft amendment 0294 | |=== DEVE/5405=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 11 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|14 350 000 |7 306 000 |12 500 000 |14 000 000 |11 400 000 |10 000 000 |1 100 000 |4 000 000 |12 500 000 |14 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.

Information actions, including the EUVP programme, are an essential part of the EU's policy towards non-member countries. Appropriations need to be restored to ensure these actions continue at an effective level.


19 11 03 The European Union in the world

|Draft amendment 0255 | |=== AFET/5017=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|19 11 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|5 000 000 |4 500 000 |5 000 000 |4 400 000 |3 100 000 |2 400 000 |1 900 000 |2 000 000 |5 000 000 |4 400 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


21 02 01 Food security

|Draft amendment 0300 | |=== DEVE/5522=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|21 02 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|233 185 000 |195 000 000 |238 766 452 |190 000 000 |238 766 452 |190 000 000 |0 |0 |238 766 452 |190 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

Any income from financial contributions from Member States and other ..........of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.




21 02 04 Pilot project — Finance for agricultural production

|Draft amendment 0929 | |=== BUDG/4704=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|21 02 04 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|2 000 000 |2 000 000 |p.m. |1 500 000 |p.m. |1 500 000 |1 000 000 |-500 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

This pilot project is intended to facilitate access to smallholder ..........to recognised international standards of transparency, accountability and financial probity.

Add following text:

Taking into account the worldwide economic crisis, microfinance is needed more than ever before. The European Union should take responsibility and attach importance to facilitating microfinance in developing countries.


In the current economic crisis, it is very important to ensure an appropriate financing which can have a direct impact on the lives of people in developing countries.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by DEVE.


21 03 01 Non-State actors in development

|Draft amendment 0302 | |=== DEVE/5512=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|21 03 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|184 987 000 |150 000 000 |182 663 951 |160 000 000 |182 663 951 |160 000 000 | | |182 663 951 |160 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

Any income from financial contributions from Member States and other ..........of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.




21 03 02 Local authorities in development

|Draft amendment 0303 | |=== DEVE/5513=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|21 03 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|32 000 000 |10 000 000 |35 600 000 |10 000 000 |35 600 000 |10 000 000 |0 |0 |35 600 000 |10 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

Any income from financial contributions from Member States and other ..........of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.




21 04 01 Environment and sustainable management of natural resources, including energy

|Draft amendment 0930 | |=== BUDG/4705=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|21 04 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|140 409 150 |137 369 050 |150 345 000 |127 800 000 |150 345 000 |127 800 000 |0 |0 |150 345 000 |127 800 000 |

|Reserves |21 689 850 | | | | | |50 000 000 |20 000 000 |50 000 000 |20 000 000 |


After paragraph

Any income from financial contributions from Member States and other ..........of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.

Add following text:

Part of the appropriation has been entered in the reserve. The reserve may be released when the actions and the amount are confirmed by the outcome of the Copenhagen Climate Conference in December 2009.


Before putting the appropriation proposed by the Commission in the Amending Letter 1/2010 on the line, the outcome of the Copenhagen Climate Conference in December 2009 should be clear. Therefore, the appropriation proposed in the Amending Letter 1/2010 and proposed by the Development Committee of the European Parliament should be only put into reserve.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by DEVE and EPP.


21 04 05 Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund (GEEREF)

|Draft amendment 0931 | |=== BUDG/4706=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|21 04 05 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |2 200 000 |p.m. |1 500 000 |p.m. |1 500 000 |0 |700 000 |p.m. |2 200 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

In the context of climate change, the European Union needs ..........helping to lay down joint energy policy strategies and actions.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.

Add following text:

In the context of climate change, the European Union needs to take the lead as regards measures to reduce the effects and causes of climate change. The exchange of good practices between the Member States in the area of energy efficiency will enable the European Union to act in a coordinated fashion, thus helping to lay down joint energy policy strategies and actions. The European Union should consider promoting energy efficiency as an instrument to combat the consequences of climate change and also stimulate the use of renewable energy resources in developing countries so as to make them less energy-dependent.


The European Union should take the lead in anticipating on the consequences of climate change for developing countries. By means of stimulating renewable energy resources, like solar energy, developing countries may develop their economies in a sustainable way to fight climate change and to stimulate energy independence. BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by DEVE.


21 04 06 Preparatory action — Water management in developing countries

|Draft amendment 0308 | |=== DEVE/5521=== |


Amend legal basis and figures as follows:

|21 04 06 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|3 000 000 |3 000 000 |p.m. |3 300 000 |p.m. |3 300 000 |3 000 000 |1 000 000 |3 000 000 |4 300 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |

Legal basis:

Amend text as follows:

Preparatory actionPilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).p. 1)


Water management in development countries which was introduced in 2007 as pilot project should be continued as approved last year, as preparatory measures. Access to water is one aspect of the Millennium Development Goals, and a precondition for achieving other such as combating hunger, health and education. The impact of climate change on available water resources is becoming increasingly clear, the scarcity of water is giving rise to struggles to control resources and conflicts and is having impact in food supplies and prices.


21 05 01 01 Health

|Draft amendment 0932 | |=== BUDG/4707=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|21 05 01 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|30 600 000 |12 000 000 |37 885 491 |14 500 000 |37 885 491 |14 500 000 |8 000 000 |8 000 000 |45 885 491 |22 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

Financial support is provided to actions in four priority areas: ..........prevention, treatment and care, with prevention as a key priority.

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation will be made available for measures carried out by the Commission. It may not be made available to the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM). Part of the appropriation will be provided for technical aid in recipient countries. This allocation will complement the financing role of the GFATM by ensuring that a coordinated and effective technical support mechanism is in place, resulting in effective implementation of Global Fund appropriations.


Budget allocated to health under Investing in People is considerably lower than in the past (e.g. 2003-2006). Strengthening the overall health programmes is a must to reach the goals set. Commission support for strengthening the health work force development and for tackling the critical shortage of health workers deserves a follow-up in 2010.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by DEVE.


21 05 01 03 Other aspects of human and social development

|Draft amendment 0311 | |=== DEVE/5534=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|21 05 01 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|28 000 000 |10 000 000 |32 226 000 |20 000 000 |32 226 000 |20 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |33 226 000 |21 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

Financial support is provided for actions in three priority areas: ..........(2) employment and social cohesion; and (3) youth and children.

Add following text:

This appropriation is also intended to support civil society projects for Tibetans in China and in exile.


This appropriation is also intended to support civil society projects for Tibetans in China and in exile.


21 05 01 06 Preparatory action — Pharmaceutical-related transfer of technology in favour of developing countries

|Draft amendment 0933 | |=== BUDG/4708=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|21 05 01 06 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|5 000 000 |3 000 000 |p.m. |2 073 000 |p.m. |2 073 000 |3 300 000 |927 000 |3 300 000 |3 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After list beginning with :

This is the third year of the preparatory action launched ..........the obligations established by Article 66(2) of the TRIPS Agreement.

– ..........

and ending with :

provide concrete financial support for pharmaceutical-related transfer of technology and ..........the obligations established by Article 66(2) of the TRIPS Agreement.

Add following text:

The initial results of the study, which should be released by the end of 2009, should be used to start financing, in 2010, specific projects to improve access to technology, develop capacity building and increase local production capacity (including in the area of traditional medicine).


2010 will be the third year of implementation of this PA, meant to create an action program following adoption by EP of a resolution on 12.07.07 on the TRIPS Agreement and access to medicines. After launching a study in 2008 about transfer of technology, the EC should start capacity-building programs in 2009. As the first results of the study will be released by the end of 2009, year 2010 should be dedicated to launching concrete projects on transfer of technology for developing countries.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by ALDE.


21 05 01 07 Preparatory action — Research and development on poverty-related, tropical and neglected diseases

|Draft amendment 0989 | |=== BUDG/4731=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|21 05 01 07 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|5 000 000 |3 000 000 |p.m. |2 500 000 |p.m. |2 500 000 |3 000 000 |0 |3 000 000 |2 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

This is the third year of the preparatory action launched ..........locally adapted solutions to the lack of access to medicines.

Add following text:

The initial results of the study should be released by the end of 2009. The continuation of the study in 2010 should ensure that the emphasis remains on the active participation and pivotal roles of developing country scientists, decision makers and institutions in this process.

Add following text:

2010 should be dedicated to financing specific actions, such as support to research networks and research institutes in developing countries. In all these projects, the consultation of developing countries' stakeholders (regional, national and local experts, scientists and institutions) and their leading role should be ensured.


2010 will be the third year of implementation of this PA, meant to create an action program following adoption by EP of a resolution on 12.07.07 on the TRIPS Agreement and access to medicines. After launching a study in 2008 in collaboration with the WHO to identify the needs in research and development on poverty-related, tropical and neglected diseases, the EC should start supporting research networks in 2009. 2010 should see the consolidation and expansion of this program to new initiatives.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by INTA.


21 05 01 08 (New)

|Draft amendment 0934 | |=== BUDG/4709=== |


Add: 21 05 01 08 — Pilot project - Enhanced health care for victims of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|21 05 01 08 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |2 500 000 |2 500 000 |2 500 000 |2 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project - Enhanced health care for victims of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to train Congolese physicians in both general gynaecological surgery and in critical procedures such as repairing fistulas and pelvic reconstruction.

Add following text:

It should support a surgical exchange and training programme open to staff in various hospitals in DRC, with a special focus on the eastern part of the country.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).


Sexual violence in DRC is no longer simply a weapon of war but symptomatic of a wider phenomenon. This pilot project is directed at the immediate medical needs of rape victims.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by ALDE.


21 05 02 Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM)

|Draft amendment 0313 | |=== DEVE/5517=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|21 05 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|50 000 000 |50 000 000 |50 000 000 |50 000 000 |50 000 000 |50 000 000 |0 |0 |50 000 000 |50 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to provide financial support for actions ..........the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM).

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.




21 06 02 Relations with South Africa

|Draft amendment 0314 | |=== DEVE/5518=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|21 06 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|137 680 000 |95 000 000 |131 352 259 |110 000 000 |131 352 259 |110 000 000 | | |131 352 259 |110 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

Any income from financial contributions from Member States and other ..........of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.




21 06 03 Adjustment support for sugar protocol countries

|Draft amendment 0315 | |=== DEVE/5519=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|21 06 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|163 559 000 |80 000 000 |175 756 786 |80 000 000 |175 756 786 |80 000 000 |0 |0 |175 756 786 |80 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

Any income from financial contributions from Member States and other ..........of the contributions for the corresponding programme for each Chapter.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.




21 06 05 Assistance to ACP banana producers

|Draft amendment 0316 | |=== DEVE/5520=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|21 06 05 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |40 000 000 |p.m. |40 000 000 |p.m. |40 000 000 | | |p.m. |40 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

Also charged to this Article from 1 January 1999 is ..........changes in the common organisation of the market in bananas.

Add following text:

Appropriations under this Article are subject to evaluations as established in Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation. These evaluations shall include aspects of input activities and chain of results (output, outcome, impact). The findings of the evaluations shall be used in the formulation of subsequent measures financed with these appropriations.




21 06 07 (New)

|Draft amendment 0935 | |=== BUDG/3540=== |


Add: 21 06 07 — Bananas — accompanying measures

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|21 06 07 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |0 |0 |p.m. |p.m. |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Bananas — accompanying measures


Adoption of Amending Letter n°1


21 08 01 Evaluation of the results of Community aid and follow-up and audit measures

|Draft amendment 0317 | |=== DEVE/5411=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|21 08 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|9 577 000 |9 577 000 |9 577 000 |9 577 000 |9 577 000 |8 277 000 |0 |1 300 000 |9 577 000 |9 577 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.

It is essential to carry out effective evaluations of development actions in order to ensure best practices are followed in subsequent programming cycles. Evaluations are traditionally an area of particular interest for the European Parliament.


21 08 02 Coordination and promotion of awareness on development issues

|Draft amendment 0318 | |=== DEVE/5412=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|21 08 02 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|8 100 000 |8 645 000 |9 796 000 |10 000 000 |9 796 000 |9 100 000 |0 |900 000 |9 796 000 |10 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.

Development awareness actions are an essential part of the EU's development policy. Particularly, these credits cover the annual "European Development Days" in which the European Parliament is an active and supportive participant. Appropriations need to be restored to ensure these actions continue at an effective level.


22 01 02 11 Other management expenditure of «Enlargement» Directorate-General

|Draft amendment 0611 | |=== EPP//7758=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|22 02 07 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|2 000 000 |87 368 000 |p.m. |73 353 000 |p.m. |73 353 000 |3 000 000 |3 000 000 |3 000 000 |76 353 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

As regards the tasks of the above committee, it is ..........and, to that end, the EU’s financial assistance is essential.

Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to further financially support and accelerate the work of the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus (CMP), in addition to the EUR 3.5 million granted from the EU budget to the CMP in 2008 and 2009 (EUR 1.5 million and EUR 2 million respectively) and in line with the relevant European Parliament report of June 2008 on missing persons in Cyprus and the European Parliament resolution of March 2007 on the same matter.

Add following text:

As regards the tasks of the above committee, it is useful to note that the CMP project on the exhumation, identification and return of remains of missing persons has been running since August 2006 and, to date, 539 sets of remains have been exhumed, 349 of which have been analysed at the CMP anthropological laboratory in an attempt to make presumptive identifications. The first positive identifications were made at the end of June 2007 and, to date, 172 sets of remains of individuals exhumed as part of the CMP project have been identified through this process and returned to their families. There are still 1500 missing persons (Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots and others) and, given that these persons have been considered missing for 35-45 years, there is an urgent need to speed up the work of the CMP, as the number of living relatives of the missing persons and the number of persons who could testify about secret mass graves, etc., is gradually decreasing.


No matter how remarkable the work of CMP is, it is a common conclusion that its works are moving in a very slow pace. The latter is detrimental to the relatives of the missing who are still alive, as they are getting very old as the time goes by. Continuation of the EU´s political and financial assistance is a prerequisite for the continuation and speeding up of the works of the CMP, as more expenses are needed for further human resources and the necessary technical equipment.


22 02 09 (New)

|Draft amendment 0938 | |=== BUDG/4711=== |


Add: 22 02 09 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|22 02 09 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |2 250 000 |2 250 000 |2 250 000 |2 250 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Preparatory action for preserving and restoring cultural heritage in conflict areas 


Add following text:

The appropriationwill be used for supporting preservation and restoration projects for valuable cultural and religious objects (churches, mosques, libraries, museums, monuments, etc.) damaged or destroyed by war or other political conflicts. Appropriations may be used to support public organisations as well as NGOs conducting projects in this field. In this context, however, it is important to recognise the key role that NGOs often play in these preservation and restoration projects.

Add following text:

Particular attention should be given to projects that support the confidence-building process by involving different ethnic and religious groups in joint projects and that support local education and development of restoration knowledge and skills of high cultural quality. 

Add following text:

Best restoration practice must serve as a guideline when selecting objects, and, in the selection and evaluation of proposals and contractors, restoration experts must be allowed to participate.

Add following text:

Experiences from the 2008-2009 pilot project should now serve to develop a wider approach for preserving and restoring cultural heritage in conflict areas both in the Western Balkans, through the IPA programme, and in other areas.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Preparatory action within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1525/2007 (OJ L 343, 27.12.2007, p. 9).


This project has been going on for two years as a pilot project and the development has been successful. The Commission should therefore develop this further, including proposing a permanent legal base. This should be done more generally than in the pilot project  and include also other conflict areas than the Balkans (Palestine, Afghanistan etc) where this kind of projects are numerous. For the Western Balkans it could be done by including restoring cultural heritage as a specific aim in the IPA programme but a more general and specific programme might be needed for the rest of the world.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by Göran Färm.


22 04 01 Prince — Information and communication strategy

|Draft amendment 0939 | |=== BUDG/4712=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|22 04 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|5 000 000 |5 258 000 |5 000 000 |4 088 000 |5 000 000 |4 088 000 |-500 000 |-408 800 |4 500 000 |3 679 200 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |500 000 |408 800 |500 000 |408 800 |


After paragraph

The appropriations will finance information and communication actions on priority ..........well as conferences and seminars; and evaluating the information programme.

Add following text:

The Commission, when implementing this budget line, should take duly into account the outcomes of the meetings of the Interinstitutional Group on Information (IGI).


The EU's interinstitutional cooperation in the area of communication policy needs to be improved in order to make the EU and its institutions and policies better known to citizens. This can be done by taking into account the outcomes of the meetings of the Interinstitutional Group on Information (IGI) when implementing this budget line.

This reserve could be released once the Commission has presented to the European Parliament its plans on how to implement the outcomes of the Interinstitutional Group of Information (IGI).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the rapporteur and CULT.


24 02 01 Operational programmes in the fight against fraud

|Draft amendment 0940 | |=== BUDG/3534=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|24 02 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|14 000 000 |10 500 000 |14 100 000 |11 000 000 |14 100 000 |7 200 000 |0 |5 500 000 |14 100 000 |12 700 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The level of payments has to be adapted to better implement EU policies.


25 01 09 (New)

|Draft amendment 0941 | |=== BUDG/4718=== |


Add: 25 01 09 — Pilot Project on an interinstitutional system identifying long-term trends facing the EU

Amend classification: CE

Amend type: NDA

|25 01 09 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot Project on an interinstitutional system identifying long-term trends facing the EU


Add following text:

This pilot project is to set up an interinstitutional system identifying long-term trends on major policy issues facing the EU. This should provide common analyses of probable outcomes on major issues to be available for policy-makers; this is to be co-ordinated between the European Parliament (involving policy departments), the Commission and the Council, using the already well established European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) as a core for the system. This system should be rapidly established to be in full operation by 2012.


– Drawing attention to the fact that the European Parliament has already prepared a long term analysis document for the period 2009-2019, given to the incoming President of the EP

– Drawing attention to the fact that the incoming President of the European Commission has set a long-term 2020 target in his document "Political Guidelines for the Next Commission"

– Building on the Millan Mon report (paragraph 25); Drawing attention to the National Intelligence Council (NIC) report entitled "Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World", and its long-term analysis given to incoming US Presidents

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the ECR group.


26 01 02 11 Other management expenditure

|Draft amendment 0942 | |=== BUDG/4719=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|26 01 02 11 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|20 123 781 |20 123 781 |18 676 317 |18 676 317 |18 676 317 |18 676 317 |-5 602 895 |-5 602 895 |13 073 422 |13 073 422 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |5 602 895 |5 602 895 |5 602 895 |5 602 895 |


Add following text:

EUR 3 735 263 of the reserve may be released if the Commission:

– provides clear, concise and intelligible lists of the topics of all studies carried out by external providers and the individual firms or names of these providers in the period 2004-2008;

– provides the same list for any other external advice requested, identifying the firms orindividual advisers and the specific issue for which advice was sought.

Add following text:

EUR 1 867 632 of the reserve may be released as soon as the Commission has submitted its position on the revision of the legal basis for the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and thus makes it possible for negotiations between Parliament and the Council to continue on the basis of the results already attained.


The information provided so far does not provide Parliament with a sufficient overlook over the activities of third parties in this field.

The revision of OLAF's legal basis has been pending for a long time. Parliament delivered its opinion on the subject at first reading as long ago as November 2008. The Czech Presidency of the Council had to cancel the planned consultations because the Commission did not submit the requisite working document.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the EPP group.


26 01 03 Expenditure related to equipment, furniture and services of «Commission’s administration» policy area

|Draft amendment 0617 | |=== EPP//7752=== |

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|26 01 22 04 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|4 644 000 |4 644 000 |7 300 000 |7 300 000 |4 800 000 |4 800 000 |100 000 |100 000 |4 900 000 |4 900 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |2 400 000 |2 400 000 |2 400 000 |2 400 000 |


After paragraph

The amount of assigned revenue pursuant to Article 18(1)(e) to (j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 441 000.

Add following text:

The reserve can be released if the Commission's CORDIS database is overhauled by June 2010 to make it user-friendly, in the same way as has been done for agricultural databases. In its existing form, the CORDIS database necessitates training in order to be able to identify recipients of funding.

Add following text:

The creation of a specific appropriation for reimbursing public transport season tickets is a modest but crucial measure to confirm the EU institutions' commitment to reducing their CO2 emissions in line with their EMAS policy and the agreed climate change objectives.


Restore the PDB. This amendment proposes to restore the cuts applied by Council.

Improving Internet presentation will promote transparency and closeness to the citizen.

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the EPP, S&D and VERT groups.


26 01 51 01 Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools (Brussels)

|Draft amendment 0488 | |=== VERT/7341=== |


Amend remarks as follows:

|26 01 51 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|8 385 291 |8 385 291 |8 554 000 |8 554 000 |8 554 000 |8 554 000 | | |8 554 000 |8 554 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to contribute to the financing of the Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools (Brussels).

Add following text:

European Schools must comply with the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities.


The European schools have to fulfil the principles of antidiscrimination and equal opportunities as laid down in article 13 of the Treaty of the euroepan Union, existing directives to implement this article and the UN conventions on the rights of persons with disabilities. Therefore the European schools will have to change their practices and internal rules, which creates barriers for access for children with handicaps.


26 03 03 (New)

|Draft amendment 0718 | |=== S-D//7083=== |


Add: 26 03 03 — Erasmus public administration programme

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|26 03 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | |2 000 000 |1 000 000 |2 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Erasmus public administration programme


Add following text:

This preparatory action is intended to ensure continued implementation of the measures funded under the Erasmus public administration programme pilot project and to explore how those measures might be taken further.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Preparatory action within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).


The great success of the Erasmus public administration programme pilot project calls for its continuation in the form of a preparatory action. In its resolution of 10 March 2009 on the guidelines for the 2010 budget procedure, Parliament highlighted the need for the Union to invest further in Erasmus policies and stated that «a substantial increase of the global financial envelope allocated to all Erasmus lines is needed».


31 01 07 01 Translation expenditure

|Draft amendment 0763 | |=== BUDG/4722=== |


Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|31 01 07 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|13 500 000 |13 500 000 |13 500 000 |13 500 000 |13 500 000 |13 500 000 |1 225 000 |1 225 000 |14 725 000 |14 725 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | |775 000 |775 000 |775 000 |775 000 |


After paragraph

The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) ..........(j) of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 1 500 000.

Add following text:

This appropriation is also intended to cover expenditure related to the services of specialists and computational linguists for translating the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR), as well as other academic works in the field of European contract law.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is also intended to finance additional translations of EU documents which are of relevance for implementation of EU law in national legislation or are of political importance (e.g. progress reports), as called for by some national parliaments.


This amendment is an Institution-wide cross-cutting in the field of translation services. The rapporteur stresses that, during certain times, there is free translation capacity that could be more efficiently used, which is also confirmed by the Court of Auditors.

A reserve of 5% (calculated on the final amounts approved for these lines, taking into account any other amendments) is introduced. It can be released when the Institutions present a new, improved Code of Conduct, currently purely voluntary, for cooperation that demonstrates tangible efficiency gains and further sharing of free capacities, thus reducing overall costs and dependance on external translations, and, also, ensures that unnecessary ("parallel") translation work is avoided and that texts/part of texts already translated must be provided to all translators in order to ensure consistency.

The DCFR is one of the most important future legislative proposals and this appropriation is also intended to cover expenditure related to the services of specialists and computational linguists for translating the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR).

BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the rapporteur, the EPP group and the JURI committee.


40 02 42 Emergency aid reserve

|Draft amendment 0321 | |=== DEVE/5400=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|40 02 42 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|244 000 000 |244 000 000 |248 882 000 |248 882 000 |248 882 000 |p.m. |0 |248 882 000 |248 882 000 |248 882 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.

If required to respond to an unforseen humanitarian disaster, the Emergency Aid Reserve must be mobilised quickly. The payments must be available on the line to avoid delays.


A4 01 01 Expenditure related to staff in active employment

|Draft amendment 0946 | |=== BUDG/3185=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|A4 01 01 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|8 505 000 |8 505 000 |9 914 000 |9 914 000 |9 475 000 |9 475 000 |439 000 |439 000 |9 914 000 |9 914 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


A4 01 03 Buildings and related expenditure

|Draft amendment 0947 | |=== BUDG/3186=== |


Amend figures as follows:

|A4 01 03 |Budget 2009 |PDB 2010 |DB 2010 |AMENDMENT |DB+AMENDMENT |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|4 705 000 |4 705 000 |6 383 000 |6 383 000 |6 263 000 |6 263 000 |120 000 |120 000 |6 383 000 |6 383 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.


PARTC-3-11-02-01 European Medicines Agency

|Draft amendment 0209 | |=== ENVI/5905=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Amend text as follows:

|Function group and grade |Posts |

| |2010 |2009 |

| |Authorised under the Community budget |Actually filled as at 31.12.2008 |Authorised under the Community budget |

| | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary |

|AD 16 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AD 15 | |34 | |1 | |3 |

|AD 14 | |45 | |4 | |4 |

|AD 13 | |6 | |5 | |6 |

|AD 12 | |3637 | |27 | |36 |

|AD 11 | |3436 | |29 | |34 |

|AD 10 | |32 | |14 | |34 |

|AD 9 | |35 | |34 | |35 |

|AD 8 | |4043 | |26 | |40 |

|AD 7 | |38 | |11 | |38 |

|AD 6 | |3439 | |62 | |34 |

|AD 5 | |1934 | |30 | |17 |

|AD total | |282310 | |243 | |282 |

|AST 11 | |12 | |1 | | |

|AST 10 | |4 | |1 | |6 |

|AST 9 | |58 | |2 | |5 |

|AST 8 | |1213 | |3 | |12 |

|AST 7 | |1518 | |13 | |15 |

|AST 6 | |35 | |16 | |38 |

|AST 5 | |35 | |15 | |39 |

|AST 4 | |46 | |28 | |46 |

|AST 3 | |3536 | |50 | |30 |

|AST 2 | |40 | |16 | |25 |

|AST 1 | |20 | |80 | |32 |

|AST total | |248257 | |225 | |248 |

|Grand total | |530567 | |468 | |530 |

|Total staff |530567 |468 |530 |


Restore the preliminary draft budget Establishment Plan.


PARTC-3-11-02-02 European Chemicals Agency

|Draft amendment 0210 | |=== ENVI/5906=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Amend text as follows:

|Function group and grade |Posts |

| |2010 |2009 |

| |Authorised under the Community budget |Actually filled as at 31.12.2008 |Authorised under the Community budget |

| |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |

|AD 16 | | | | | | |

|AD 15 | |1 | |1 | |1 |

|AD 14 | |1 | |2 | |1 |

|AD 13 | |69 | |9 | |6 |

|AD 12 | |1316 | |10 | |13 |

|AD 11 | |1922 | |12 | |19 |

|AD 10 | |2125 | |12 | |21 |

|AD 9 | |2234 | |13 | |22 |

|AD 8 | |2732 | |17 | |27 |

|AD 7 | |3146 | |22 | |31 |

|AD 6 | |4043 | |16 | |40 |

|AD 5 | |2959 | |13 | |29 |

|AD total | |210288 | |127 | |210 |

|AST 11 | | | | | | |

|AST 10 | | | |1 | |1 |

|AST 9 | |1 | |2 | | |

|AST 8 | |67 | |8 | |6 |

|AST 7 | |810 | |5 | |8 |

|AST 6 | |17 | |9 | |17 |

|AST 5 | |1720 | |13 | |17 |

|AST 4 | |2527 | |25 | |25 |

|AST 3 | |2028 | |20 | |20 |

|AST 2 | |1014 | | | |10 |

|AST 1 | |1014 | | | |10 |

|AST total | |114138 | |83 | |114 |

|Grand total | |324426 | |210 | |324 |

|Total staff |324426 |210 |324 |


Restore the preliminary draft budget Establishment Plan.


PARTC-3-11-04 01 European Institute for Gender Equality

|Draft amendment 0805 | |=== BUDG/4050=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Amend text as follows:

|Function group and grade |Posts |

| |2010 |2009 |

| |Authorised under the Community budget |Actually filled as at 31.12.2008 |Authorised under the Community budget |

| |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary[3] |

|AD 16 | | | | | | |

|AD 15 | | | | | | |

|AD 14 | | | | | | |

|AD 13 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AD 12 | | | | | | |

|AD 11 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AD 10 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AD 9 | | | | | | |

|AD 8 | |2 | | | |2 |

|AD 7 | |2 | | | |2 |

|AD 6 | |1 | | | | |

|AD 5 | |58 | | | |5 |

|AD total | |1216 | | | |12 |

|AST 11 | | | | | | |

|AST 10 | | | | | | |

|AST 9 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AST 8 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AST 7 | | | | | | |

|AST 6 | |2 | | | |2 |

|AST 5 | |23 | | | |2 |

|AST 4 | |2 | | | |2 |

|AST 3 | | | | | | |

|AST 2 | | | | | | |

|AST 1 | | | | | | |

|AST total | |89 | | | |8 |

|Grand total | |2025 | | | |20 |

|Total staff |2025 | |20 |


Restore the PDB.


PARTC-3-11-06-01 European Aviation Safety Agency

|Draft amendment 0078 | |=== TRAN/6470=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Amend text as follows:

|Function group and grade |Posts |

| |2010 |2009 |

| |Authorised under the Community budget |Actually filled as at 31.12.2008 |Authorised under the Community budget |

| |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |

|AD 16 | | | | | | |

|AD 15 | |2 | |3 | |5 |

|AD 14 | |26 | |2 | |2 |

|AD 13 | |1012 | |5 | |10 |

|AD 12 | |2526 | |21 | |25 |

|AD 11 | |3750 | |17 | |37 |

|AD 10 | |4555 | |10 | |45 |

|AD 9 | |75 | |94 | |89 |

|AD 8 | |80104 | |42 | |71 |

|AD 7 | |58 | |49 | |59 |

|AD 6 | |55 | |46 | |44 |

|AD 5 | |4 | |17 | |6 |

|AD total | |393447 | |306 | |393 |

|AST 11 | | | | | | |

|AST 10 | | | | | | |

|AST 9 | | | | | | |

|AST 8 | | | | | | |

|AST 7 | |23 | | | |2 |

|AST 6 | |48 | | | |4 |

|AST 5 | |1924 | |4 | |18 |

|AST 4 | |30 | |10 | |30 |

|AST 3 | |29 | |29 | |31 |

|AST 2 | |18 | |47 | |24 |

|AST 1 | |11 | |7 | |4 |

|AST total | |113123 | |97 | |113 |

|Grand total | |506570 | |403 | |506 |

|Total staff |506570 |403 |506 |


Restore the PDB.


PARTC-3-11-06-02 European Maritime Safety Agency

|Draft amendment 0079 | |=== TRAN/6471=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Amend text as follows:

|Function group and grade |Posts |

| |2010 |2009 |

| |Authorised under the Community budget |Actually filled as at 31.12.2008 |Authorised under the Community budget |

| |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |

|AD 16 | | | | | | |

|AD 15 | |1 | |1 | |1 |

|AD 14 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AD 13 |1 |3 | | |1 |3 |

|AD 12 |2 |8 | |5 |2 |8 |

|AD 11 |1 |10 |2 |3 |1 |10 |

|AD 10 |1 |17 | |4 |1 |17 |

|AD 9 | |20 | |17 | |20 |

|AD 8 | |18 |1 |17 | |18 |

|AD 7 | |2123 | |21 | |21 |

|AD 6 | |1518 | |20 | |15 |

|AD 5 | |910 | |5 | |9 |

|AD total |5 |123129 |3 |93 |5 |123 |

|AST 11 | | | | | | |

|AST 10 | | | | | | |

|AST 9 | |1 | |1 | |1 |

|AST 8 |1 |1 | | |1 |1 |

|AST 7 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AST 6 | |3 | | | |3 |

|AST 5 | |8 | |3 | |8 |

|AST 4 | |1315 |1 |10 | |13 |

|AST 3 | |17 | |21 | |17 |

|AST 2 | |13 | |7 | |13 |

|AST 1 | |6 | |10 | |6 |

|AST total |1 |6365 |1 |52 |1 |63 |

|Grand total |6 |186194 |4 |145 |6 |186 |

|Total staff |192200 |149 |192 |


Restore the PDB.


PARTC-3-11-06-03 European Railway Agency

|Draft amendment 0080 | |=== TRAN/6472=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Amend text as follows:

|Function group and grade |Posts |

| |2010 |2009 |

| |Authorised under the Community budget |Actually filled as at 31.12.2008 |Authorised under the Community budget |

| |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |

|AD 16 | | | | | | |

|AD 15 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AD 14 | | | |1 | | |

|AD 13 | | | | | | |

|AD 12 | | | | | | |

|AD 11 | |1 | | | | |

|AD 10 | |711 | |2 | |7 |

|AD 9 | |2527 | |19 | |25 |

|AD 8 | |20 | |27 | |25 |

|AD 7 | |36 | | | |3 |

|AD 6 | |22 | |8 | |13 |

|AD 5 | |10 | |17 | |14 |

|AD total | |8898 | |74 | |88 |

|AST 11 | | | | | | |

|AST 10 | | | | | | |

|AST 9 | | | | | | |

|AST 8 | |12 | | | |1 |

|AST 7 | |2 | |2 | |3 |

|AST 6 | |1 | | | | |

|AST 5 | |56 | |2 | |5 |

|AST 4 | |5 | |7 | |5 |

|AST 3 | |68 | |3 | |5 |

|AST 2 | |9 | |4 | |7 |

|AST 1 | |8 | |14 | |10 |

|AST total | |3641 | |32 | |36 |

|Grand total | |124139 | |106 | |124 |

|Total staff |124139 |106 |124 |


Restore the PDB.


PARTC-3-11-06-04 European GNSS Supervisory Authority

|Draft amendment 0081 | |=== TRAN/6473=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Amend text as follows:

|Function group and grade |Posts |

| |2010 |2009 |

| |Authorised under the Community budget |Actually filled as at 31.12.2008 |Authorised under the Community budget |

| |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |

|AD 16 | | | | | |  |

|AD 15 | | | | | |  |

|AD 14 | |1 | |1 | |1 |

|AD 13 | | | | | | |

|AD 12 | | | |2 | | |

|AD 11 | |2 | |2 | |2 |

|AD 10 | |13 | |3 | |1 |

|AD 9 | |12 | |3 | |1 |

|AD 8 | |45 | |9 | |4 |

|AD 7 | |7 | |14 | |7 |

|AD 6 | |23 | |6 | |2 |

|AD 5 | | | |3 | | |

|AD total | |1823 | |43 | |18 |

|AST 11 | | | | | |  |

|AST 10 | | | | | |  |

|AST 9 | | | | | |  |

|AST 8 | | | | | |  |

|AST 7 | | | | | |  |

|AST 6 | | | | | |  |

|AST 5 | | | | | |  |

|AST 4 | |2 | |2 | |2 |

|AST 3 | |1 | |2 | |1 |

|AST 2 | |2 | |1 | |  |

|AST 1 | | | |1 | |2 |

|AST total | |5 | |6 | |5 |

|Grand total | |2328 | |49 | |23 |

|Total staff |2328 |49 |23 |


Restore the PDB.


PARTC-3-11-17-01 European Centre For Disease Prevention and Control

|Draft amendment 0211 | |=== ENVI/5907=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Amend text as follows:

|Function group and grade |Posts |

| |2010 |2009 |

| |Authorised under the Community budget |Actually filled as at 31.12.2008 |Authorised under the Community budget |

| | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary |

|AD 16 | | | | | | |

|AD 15 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AD 14 | |2 | |1 | |2 |

|AD 13 | | | |1 | | |

|AD 12 | |36 | | | |3 |

|AD 11 | |4 | |4 | |5 |

|AD 10 | |1213 | |4 | |12 |

|AD 9 | |916 | | | |9 |

|AD 8 | |3334 | |20 | |33 |

|AD 7 | |56 | | | |5 |

|AD 6 | |1724 | | | |14 |

|AD 5 | |30 | |33 | |32 |

|AD total | |116136 | |63 | |116 |

|AST 11 | | | | | | |

|AST 10 | | | | | | |

|AST 9 | | | | | | |

|AST 8 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AST 7 | |24 | | | |2 |

|AST 6 | |6 | |7 | |8 |

|AST 5 | |816 | | | |7 |

|AST 4 | |19 | |24 | |22 |

|AST 3 | | | | | | |

|AST 2 | |5 | | | |2 |

|AST 1 | |13 | |7 | |12 |

|AST total | |5464 | |38 | |54 |

|Grand total | |170200 | |101 | |170 |

|Total staff |170200 |101 |170 |


Restore the preliminary draft budget Establishment Plan.


PARTC-3-11-18-03 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

|Draft amendment 0322 | |=== LIBE/5629=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Amend text as follows:

|Function group and grade |Posts |

| |2010 |2009 |

| |Authorised under the Community budget |Actually filled as at 31.12.2008 |Authorised under the Community budget |

| |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |

|AD 16 | | | | | |  |

|AD 15 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AD 14 | | | |1 | |  |

|AD 13 | |3 | | | |3 |

|AD 12 | |811 | |2 | |8 |

|AD 11 | | | |3 | |  |

|AD 10 | |1012 | |1 | |10 |

|AD 9 | |911 | |1 | |9 |

|AD 8 | | 1 | | | |  |

|AD 7 | |5 | |1 | |5 |

|AD 6 | | | |5 | |  |

|AD 5 | | | | | |  |

|AD total | |3644 | |14 | |36 |

|AST 11 | | | | | |  |

|AST 10 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AST 9 | | | | | |  |

|AST 8 | |3 | | | |3 |

|AST 7 | |9 | |6 | |9 |

|AST 6 | |14 | |3 | |1 |

|AST 5 | |1 | |3 | |1 |

|AST 4 | |9 | |5 | |9 |

|AST 3 | | | |2 | |  |

|AST 2 | |1 | |1 | |1 |

|AST 1 | | | |1 | |  |

|AST total | |2528 | |21 | |25 |

|Grand total | |6172 | |35 | |61 |

|Total staff |6172 |35 |61 |


This amendment restores the organigramme of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights as foreseen in the PDB.


PARTC-3-11-18-04 European Police Office — Europol

|Draft amendment 0323 | |=== LIBE/5630=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Amend text as follows:

|Function group and grade |Posts |

| |2010 |2009 |

| |Authorised under the Community budget |Actually filled as at 31.12.2008 |Authorised under the Community budget |

| |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |

|AD 16 | | | | | | |

|AD 15 | | | | | | |

|AD 14 | |1 | | | | |

|AD 13 | |3 | | | | |

|AD 12 | |3 | | | | |

|AD 11 | |23 | | | | |

|AD 10 | | | | | | |

|AD 9 | |70 | | | | |

|AD 8 | |7480 | | | | |

|AD 7 | |123 | | | | |

|AD 6 | |4452 | | | | |

|AD 5 | |36 | | | | |

|AD total | |377391 | | | | |

|AST 11 | | | | | | |

|AST 10 | | | | | | |

|AST 9 | | | | | | |

|AST 8 | | | | | | |

|AST 7 | |4 | | | | |

|AST 6 | |13 | | | | |

|AST 5 | |3 | | | | |

|AST 4 | |3940 | | | | |

|AST 3 | | 2 | | | | |

|AST 2 | | | | | | |

|AST 1 | | | | | | |

|AST total | |5962 | | | | |

|Grand total | |436453 | | | | |

|Total staff |436453 | | |


This amendment restores the organigramme of the European Police Office as foreseen in the PDB.


PARTC-3-11-18-07 European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

|Draft amendment 0324 | |=== LIBE/5631=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Amend text as follows:

|Function group and grade |Posts |

| |2010 |2009 |

| |Authorised under the Community budget |Actually filled as at 31.12.2008 |Authorised under the Community budget |

| |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |

|AD 16 | | | | | | |

|AD 15 | |1 | |1 | |1 |

|AD 14 |1 | | | |1 | |

|AD 13 |1 |2 | |1 |1 |2 |

|AD 12 |1 |6 |1 |4 |1 |6 |

|AD 11 |3 |8 |4 |6 |3 |8 |

|AD 10 |2 |13 | |3 |2 |13 |

|AD 9 | |7 | |7 | |7 |

|AD 8 |2 |46 |1 |3 | |4 |

|AD 7 | |2 | |2 |2 |2 |

|AD 6 | | |1 |8 | | |

|AD 5 | | |4 |1 | | |

|AD total |10 |4345 |11 |36 |10 |43 |

|AST 11 |1 | |1 | |1 | |

|AST 10 | |1 | | | |1 |

|AST 9 | |3 | |1 | |3 |

|AST 8 |2 |3 | |2 |2 |3 |

|AST 7 |1 |6 |1 |1 |1 |6 |

|AST 6 |1 |4 |2 |2 |1 |4 |

|AST 5 | |3 |1 |1 | |3 |

|AST 4 |2 |1 |1 |7 |2 |1 |

|AST 3 | |1 |2 |8 | |1 |

|AST 2 | | | |1 | | |

|AST 1 | | | | | | |

|AST total |7 |22 |8 |23 |7 |22 |

|Grand total |17 |6567 |19 |59 |17 |65 |

|Total staff |8284 |78 |82 |


This amendment restores the organigramme of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction as foreseen in the PDB.


PARTC-3-2 Publications Office

|Draft amendment 0325 | |=== LIBE/5641=== |


Amend remarks as follows:


Amend text as follows:

|Function group and grade | Publications Office |

| |2010 |2009 |

| | Permanent posts | Temporary posts | Permanent posts | Temporary posts |

|AD 16 |1 | |1 | |

|AD 15 |3 | |3 | |

|AD 14 |8 | |8 | |

|AD 13 |1 | |1 | |

|AD 12 |12 | |12 | |

|AD 11 |13 | |13 | |

|AD 10 |8 | |8 | |

|AD 9 |45 | |4 | |

|AD 8 |19 | |19 | |

|AD 7 |4 | | | |

|AD 6 |3 | |3 | |

|AD 5 |2329 | |20 | |

|AD total |95106 | |92 | |

|AST 11 |7 | |4 | |

|AST 10 |40 | |43 | |

|AST 9 |10 | |4 | |

|AST 8 |46 | |45 | |

|AST 7 |63 | |70 | |

|AST 6 |83 | |86 | |

|AST 5 |72 | |72 | |

|AST 4 |59 | |56 | |

|AST 3 |145152 | |148 | |

|AST 2 |32 | |32 | |

|AST 1 |2 | |2 | |

|AST total |559566 | |562 | |

|Grand total |654672 |654 |

|Total staff |654672 |654 |


In view of the future tasks entrusted to the Publications Office additional staff must be foreseen in the establishment plan (see also amendment on line 26 01 09 01).


[1]Protocol in the process of ratification.

[2]Protocol in the process of ratification.

[3] As approved in the initial budget for 2008.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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