1. The Binet IV, based on the original Stanford-Binet is based primarily on

a. separate abilities

b. general ability factor

c. verbal ability

d. eye-hand coordination

2. In providing feedback to the client regarding assessment results the counselor should:

a. dismiss low scores as unimportant

b. describe the results in functional terms

c. include a summary that stresses the negative features

d. discourage client from becoming overly involved in test interpretation

3. The CAS was designed to mirror what theory?

a. Maslow’s hierarchy

b. Trait-Factor



4. What is the test of ability to coordinate eyes and hand quickly using the key letters as used by the federal government in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles and the Classification of Jobs (Sink and Field)?

a. K

b. F

c. M

d. E

5. The civil rights of persons with disabilities were built on which of the following pieces of legislation?

a. Civil Rights Act of 1990

b. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

c. Rehabilitation Act of 1973

d. Civil Rights Act of 1974

6. Which standard score for normative test interpretation has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10?

a. a percentile

b. a z score

c. a T score

d. the Weschler IQ scale

7. What work sample uses a built-in computer to collect data across aptitude. achievement, and interest areas as the client responds to items in those areas?

a. Talent Assessment Program

b. System for Assessment and Group Evaluation



8. What is probably the most widely used psychological measure for the detection of gross neurological impairment?

a. Braden-Morgan

b. Draw-A-Person

c. Bender-Gestalt

d. Thematic Apperception Test

9. The Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence 2 measures:

a. problem solving skills

b. personal and social skills

c. daily living skills

d. communication skills

10. This type of validity is concerned with whether a measure actually reflects or represents the characteristics it was designed to measure:

a. construct

b. content

c. criterion-related

d. face

11. What instrument allows students to describe what features of their educational experiences they most prefer and least prefer?

a. Learning Disabled Diagnostic Inventory

b. Thurstone Temperament Schedule

c. Learning Styles Inventory (LSI)

d. Learning Individual Experiences (LIE)

12. This resource which provides information about psychological tests was created as a remedy for the natural inclination of test authors and publishers to present their tests in an overly optimistic fashion:

a. Directory of Unpublished Experimental Mental Measures

b. Mental Measurements Yearbooks

c. The Comprehensive Guide to Test Manuals

d. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment

13. Which of the following is not a test administration modification for a client with a disability?

a. presenting written materials in larger type or Braille

b. allowing an examinee to write out responses rather than requiring an oral response

c. briefly coaching the examinee on the test items before administering the test

d. conducting the assessment in the home rather than work setting

14. An example of a test of typical performance would be:

a. an intelligence test

b. self-report instrument

c. achievement test

d. aptitude test

15. Operant conditioning theory of learning chief’s proponent and developer was:

a. Bandura

b. Piaget

c. Vygotsky

d. Skinner

16. When one administers a test, divides it according to odd versus even numbered items, and scores each portion separately for the purpose of examining reliability he/she is using the -------------------- procedure.

a. alternate form

b. split-half

c. test-retest

d. compatible form

17. An instrument should possess -------------------- before it can be expected to have external utility.

a. validity

b. reliability

c. error of measurement

d. true scores

18. Face validity concerns the extent to which the instrument

a. appears to or “looks like” it measures what it intends to measure

b. measures the hypothetical trait it intends to measures

c. appears to measure the whole domain of behaviors that constitute a trait

d. measures the external behavior in relationship to the measured trait

19. Group versus individually administered tests are:

a. more economical

b. more valid

c. more reliable

d. more secure

20. One of the earlier theories of learning was proposed by this person and is generally labeled the ‘connectionism’ theory of learning which stipulates that learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and responses. Which theorist developed this?

a. Thorndike

b. Tolman

c. Estes

d. Wickelgren

21. The MMPI-2 calls for ---------------------- interpretation.

a. domain-referenced

b. norm-referenced

c. criterion-referenced

d. individual-referenced

22. This early investigator designed a series of tests consisting of sensory, motor, and reaction-time tasks in an attempt to assess intelligence:

a. Binet

b. Galton

c. Darwin

d. Simon

23. The --------------------- true score represents a person’s amount of the attribute being measured by the instrument.

a. error of measurement

b. true score

c. observed score

d. reliability

24. The representation of a person’s amount of the attribute, as reflected by a given instrument, is the person’s …………………. .

a. error of measurement

b. true score

c. reliability coefficient

d. standard deviation

25. In multicultural issues in assessment according to Bolton, what instrument has proven robust across cultures, methods, and populations using norms developed for each culture and language group. although some authors recommend caution be used with this instrument in assessing psychopathology because anxiety is not necessarily a source of psychopathology in non-U.S. countries (e.g., Mexico) where depression is common?

a. Tennessee Self Concept Scale

b. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2

c. Myers Briggs Type Indicator

d. State Trait Anxiety Inventory

26. An examinee who attempts to appear disturbed by endorsing a number of items symptomatic of difficulties on a self-report inventory such as the MMPI-2 is exhibiting which response factor or “style”?

a. faking

b. social desirability

c. acquiescence

d. positioning

27. An investigator administers the MMPI-2 and another psychological test to 100 patients who have just been admitted to a substance abuse hospital. Immediately, following the administration of the tests, the patients are seen by a staff psychiatrist and assigned a psychiatric diagnosis. The investigator scores the tests and correlates patient scores with the just assigned diagnosis. The investigator is most likely conducting a study related to --------------------- validity.

a. construct

b. predictive

c. content

d. concurrent

28. The ----------------------- is the standard deviation of the distribution of errors of measurement.

a. true score

b. observed score

c. standard error of measurement

d. reliability coefficient

29. Which of the following are referred to as internal consistency coefficients?

a. Kuder-Richardson 20

b. KR 21

c. Coefficient of Determination

d. Coefficient Alpha

30. In providing feedback to the client regarding assessment results, the counselor should:

a. Include a summary that stresses the negative features

b. describe the results in function terms

c. dismiss low scores as unimportant

d. discourage clients from becoming overly involved in test interpretation

31. What Act passed by Congress prohibits discrimination against job applicants with disabilities by those receiving federal grants?

a. Americans with Disabilities Act

b. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

c. Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1992

d. Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504

32. In multicultural issues in assessment “etic” refers to:

a. culture specific standard

b. modified standard

c. Anglo standard

d. universal standard

33. Rehabilitation assessment is predicated on applying research knowledge in practice. Between 1980 and 1993, according to Bolton [Gordon & Petterson], less than what percent of the articles in the four major rehabilitation journals had a primary focus on cultural diversity?

a. 4%

b. 6%

c. 10%

d. 12%

34. Equivalent tests:

a. are designed to measure different characteristics

b. have equal means and standard deviations

c. have unequal standard errors of measurement

d. are designed to be cost effective

35. The Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test is primarily based on this theory of intelligence:

a. Horn-Cattell

b. PASS Theory

c. multiple intelligences

d. Terman

36. This correlation coefficient, which presumes the existence of two continuous variables, is the most frequently used index of association:

a. point bi-serial

b. phi

c. dichotomized

d. Pearson product-moment

37. A stanine score:

a. ranges from 1 – 19

b. is a normalized score

c. is analogous to a raw score

d. has a middle ground of 10.

38. It is almost impossible, and certainly an extremely rare occurrence, for an examinee to achieve an erroneously high score on an ability test by

a. faking bad

b. timed testing

c. faking good

d. powered testing

39. In areas such as rehabilitation counseling and educational placement, it is especially vital to understand the:

a. reliability coefficient

b. standard error of measurement

c. true score

d. observed score

40. Which one of the following is the most widely used personality inventory in assessment practice?


b. Keirsey Temperament Scale

c. MMPI-2

d. Tennessee Self-Concept Scale

41. What percent of persons are represented between plus and minus one standard deviation of the mean? Approximately -

a. 84 percent

b. 34 percent

c. 50 percent

d. 68 percent

42. Which of the following is not a test administration modification for a client with a disability?

a. presenting written materials in larger type or Braille

b. allowing an examinee to write out responses rather than requiring an oral response

c. briefly coach the examinee on the test items before administering the test

d. conducting the assessment in the home rather than work setting

43. When one administers a test, divides it according to odd versus even numbered items, and scores each portion separately for the purpose of examining reliability he/she is using the ------------------------ procedure.

a. alternate form

b. split-half

c. test-retest

d. substitute series

44. In assessment of career development and maturity in persons with disabilities, Bolton considers this career maturity scale as the psychometrically strongest.

a. Career Decision Scale

b. Career Decision Making System

c. Edwards Personal Preference Inventory

d. Self-Directed Search

45. In terms of professional ethics rehabilitation professionals should:

a. note that different tests take basically the same level of competence to administer, score, and interpret

b. recognize the limits of their competence and perform only those functions for which they are trained

c. recognize that the outdated version of a test may be more a appropriate selection than the revised edition

d. if available always use the computerized assessment program to make test interpretations

46. Which discipline has an established multicultural counseling research history as well as an explicit emphasis on cultural competence training as noted in the chapter on multicultural issues in assessment?

a. clinical psychology

b. cross-cultural psychology

c. counseling psychology

d. educational psychology

47. Which formula is used to obtain a single index that reflects consistency of measurement for the test as a whole, regardless of variabilities that might result from using on split or another?

a. Spearman-Brown

b. Coefficient Alpha

c. Kuder-Richardson

d. Standard Error of Measurement

48. Which one of the following scales allows persons in a testing group to be ordered only based on rank for a measured attribute?

a. ratio

b. nominal

c. interval

d. ordinal

49. Which one of the items below is the approach to test interpretation that locates the examinee in comparison to a large representative sample of persons?

a. norm-referenced score interpretation

b. domain-referenced score interpretation

c. derived-referenced score interpretation

d. criterion-referenced score interpretation

50. The most common used method of drawing inferences from test data is:

a. presence of pathognomonic signs

b. functioning of two sides of the body

c. pattern of performance

d. level of performance

51. Schmidt and Hunter (1981) estimated that if aptitude tests were uniformly used in selection, it would save ------------------ per year in national workforce productivity.

a. 60 billion

b. 75 billion

c. 80 billion

d. 95 billion

52. When the PIQ is at least 20 points lower than the VIQ on the WAIS-3, this suggests:

a. frontal lobe is impaired

b. possible right hemisphere impairment

c. possible left hemisphere impairment

d. temporal lobe is impaired

53. Higher reliability coefficients are generally obtained when one develops a test using a ---------------- sample of subjects.

a. homogenous

b. heterogenous

c. random

d. intact

54. Who first recognized that “individual differences far from being random events represented reliable patterns of behavior that could be measured?”

a. Weschler

b. Hathaway

c. Galton

d. Binet

55. What battery uses ‘syndrome analysis” as the heart of the theory behind the battery?

a. Weschler series

b. Halstead-Reitan Battery

c. General Aptitude Test Battery

d. Luria-Nebraska Battery

56. An investigator administers the MMPI-2 and another psychological test to 100 patients who have just been admitted to a substance abuse hospital. Immediately, following the administration of the tests, the patients are seen by a staff psychiatrist and assigned a psychiatric diagnosis. The investigator scores the tests and correlates patient scores with current diagnosis. The investigator is most likely conducting a study related to ---------------- validity.

a. construct

b. predictive

c. concurrent

d. content

57. The investigator in the above question replicates the above study in ten state psychiatric facilities with 200 patients in an attempt to determine if similar relationships exist between the tests and the subjects’ psychiatric diagnosis. This is most likely and example of ---------------------- validation.

a. cross

b. content

c. standard error

d. homogeneity

58. This type of interpretation should be done cautiously during the reporting of evaluation data because of such realities as motivation, the client’s own adjustment to disability, and environmental factors influencing the client.

a. evaluative

b. predictive

c. genetic

d. descriptive

59. What is one of the main purposes of disseminating a report?

a. provide vocational profile

b. list a job for the client

c. reiterate referral information

d. answer referral questions

60. What is a common problem appearing in a report?

a. varying sentence length

b. detailing observations

c. failing to use referral information

d. relating writing to reader’s experience

61. Self-ratings and interest scores contain considerable ------------------------

a. reliability measures

b. common variance

c. test bias

d. norming issues

62. Characteristics that are considered to be both in the individual’s brain and nervous system that make for higher or lower degrees of success in learning appropriately are termed:

a. aptitude

b. achievement

c. psychological

d. cognition

63. Which one of the following is an excellent resource in obtaining independent, critical reviews of psychological (paper/pencil) tests?

a. Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Journal (Bulletin)

b. Journal of Psycho-Educational Assessment

c. Handbook of Assessment and Evaluation in Rehabilitation

d. Buros’ Mental Measurements Yearbooks

64. This definition is what type of validity: when both the predictor and the criterion scores are obtained at the same time?

a. construct

b. concurrent

c. predictive

d. differential

65. One of the emphases in reporting evaluation results should be on the attitudes and readiness of clients to use the particular kind of information being given in the session. This is most closely related to which of the following general principles of interpretation?

a. rehab worker should communicate evaluation information at level of client’s understanding

b. client should not be confronted with unsuspected, negative information

c. client should participate as much as possible in the interpretation session

d. test information is not as important as the professional’s and client’s perceptions

66. The Cognitive Assessment System is based on this theory of intelligence.

a. Horn-Cattell

b. cerebral specialization

c. PASS theory

d. multiple intelligences

67. In reviewing the entire evaluation process, what is a most important aspect of the process?

a. interview

b. interpretation

c. administering a test

d. scoring a test

68. Who is considered the “founder of the intelligence test?”

a. Karl Pearson

b. Alfred Binet

c. David Weschler

d. Francis Galton

69. The most widely administered multiple aptitude battery is:


b. DAT



70. A particular weakness of the OASIS-2 is that:

a. more evidence of validity is needed

b. it lacks inclusion of a verbal factor

c. the norm group contains 11th graders

d. the test is outdated

71. A computer-based, vocational assessment system intended for adolescents and adults reading t the 4th grade level or above is the:

a. DAT

b. OASIS-2


d. CPP

72. The basic reason for administering the MMPI-2 is to determine

a. alcoholism

b. brain injury

c. psychopathology

d. wellness

73. The usual manner in which interpret the MMPI-2 is to use a

a. one point code

b. two point code

c. three point code

d. four point code

74. This early investigator designed a series of tests consisting of sensory, motor, and reaction-time tasks in an attempt to assess intelligence.

a. Binet

b. Galton

c. Darwin

d. Simon

75. -------------------------- intelligence refers to acquired skill, knowledge, and judgments which have been systematically taught or learned by acculturation.

a. simultaneous

b. fluid

c. successive

d. crystallized

76. In this aspect of interpretation, various reasons are explored as to why or how the client is functioning in a certain. Which one of the following types of interpretation is this?

a. evaluative

b. predictive

c. genetic

d. descriptive

77. What type of test is defined as the formal process of quantifying influences that explain a person’s behavior?

a. aptitude

b. achievement

c. personality

d. interest

78. This psychologist proposed to measure higher order skills that could logically associated with some form of mental capacity such as achievement.

a. Binet

b. Galton

c. Terman

d. Simon

79. ---------------------- assessment is the formal process of quantifying influences such as traits, interpersonal processes, and attitudes that explain a person’s behavior in a specific way.

a. characteristic

b. personality

c. aptitude

d. global

80. This structured personality instrument was developed by Cattell who was interested in identifying a small set of “source traits” to explain variations in a larger set of “surface” characteristics observable in behavior and recorded in language:

a. NEO Personality Inventory

b. 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire

c. California Psychological Inventory

d. Jackson personality Inventory

81. Most psychologists who use the Halstead-Reitan Battery supplement it was an additional test, namely:

a. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

b. House-Tree-Person

c. Weschler Memory Scale

d. Slosson Intelligence Test

82. This psychologist was the first to propose the need to assess both verbal and non-verbal ability.

a. Binet

b. Weschler

c. Terman

d. Simon

83. The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale measures how many clinical traits?

a. 2

b. 4

c. 6

d. 8

84. The Kiersey Temperament Sorter is based on what instrument?

a. MMPI-2

b. TSCS-2

c. 16 PF


85. The MMPI-2 has how many clinical scales?

a. 6

b. 8

c. 10

d. 12

86. This psychologist standardized and normed the Binet test on U.S. subjects.

a. Terman

b. Otis

c. Weschler

d. Wissler

87. Which instrument gives a personality type indicator as a result of the test?

a. MMPI-2

b. 16 PF

c. TSCS-2


88. A series of forced-choice items in which clients are required to respond defines:

a. projective measure

b. objective measure

c. experimental measure

d. functioning measure

89. Some consumers may try to “fake bad.” In doing so, they:

a. attempt to convince themselves that they are in extremely bad condition

b. attempt to bully the counselor

c. try to refrain from paying a large sum of money to the government

d. make themselves look bad to ensure that their distress is noticed

90. This group intelligence test was used with troop[s who exhibited language deficiencies due to their recent immigrant status or illiteracy.

a. Army Alpha

b. Stanford-Binet

c. Army Beta

d. Galton Verbal Battery

91. The greater the amount of --------------------- the more standardized the interview will be.

a. preparation

b. assessment

c. structure

d. time

92. The Halstead Impairment Index is composed of the following:

a. category test, strength of grip, finger oscillation test, tactual performance test, seashore rhythm test

b. seashore rhythm test, aphasia screening test, sensory perceptual examination, finger oscillation test, tactual performance test

c. category test, tactual performance test, speech sounds perception test, finger oscillation test, seashore rhythm test

d. finger oscillation test, seashore rhythm test, aphasia screening battery, tactual performance test, category test

93. What is a general cutoff T score on the MMPI-2 above which would suggest psychopathology?

a. 50

b. 70

c. 60

d. 40

94. ------------------------- intelligence traditionally involves relatively culture-fair novel tasks and taps problem solving skills and the ability to learn.

a. simultaneous

b. fluid

c. successive

d. crystallized

95. The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is based on

a. Freud

b. Jung

c. Parsons

d. Holland

96. What is a good instrument to measure organicity initially?

a. Rorshach

b. Bender-Gestalt

c. MMPI-2

d. WRAT-3

97. What is the ‘heart’ of the Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological test?

a. neuro syndrome

b. syndome analysis

c. job analysis

d. functional assessment

98. Specific measures covering only one or a limited range of disorders are known as:

a. ipsative measures

b. omnibus measures

c. symptom measures

d. logic measures

99. What is the most commonly used assessment tool in human service settings?

a. intelligence test

b. aptitude assessment

c. initial interview

d. interest inventory

100. The ---------------------- was the first systematic attempt to measure verbal and nonverbal intelligence in the same individual with a single instrument.

a. Stanford-Binet

b. Wechsler-Bellvue

c. Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test

d. Cognitive Assessment System


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