Writing a Character Sketch

Writing a Character Sketch

A character sketch is a paragraph that describes a person’s character or personality. It identifies different personality traits or characteristics that a person possesses, and gives examples or proof of the person showing each particular trait. A character sketch can describe a real person, a person in literature, or an imagined person. Remember: a good character sketch provides support detail for each identified trait.

A character trait can be expressed as an adjective (clever, discreet, idealistic, practical) or as a noun (cleverness, discretion, idealism, practicality). In many cases, both the adjective (word used to describe a noun or pronoun) and the noun (word that names a person, place, thing, or idea) are used to describe the person. For example:

“Steve is a very dedicated basketball player. He shows his dedication by shooting twenty extra free throws after every practice.”

A quality character sketch must include the following:

❑ A strong and simple topic sentence

❑ Several character traits with a description providing proof for each one

❑ Transition or signal words to organize thoughts

❑ A summarizing concluding sentence

Using a Topic Sentence in Your Character Sketch

A topic sentence is the first sentence of the paragraph that tells the reader what the paragraph is about. To practice developing topic sentences, pretend you are writing character sketches about three different people that you are close to. For example you might pick your mother, grandpa, and best friend and develop the following topic sentences. Remember, the paragraph that follows your topic sentence should expand on that first sentence by providing evidence.

Mother: My mom is the most sincere person I know.

Grandpa: My grandpa has worked hard his entire life.

Best friend: My best friend Jo always has a way of brightening my day.

Practice developing three of your own topic sentences:

____________ : __________________________________________________________

____________ : __________________________________________________________

____________ : __________________________________________________________

Using Character Traits in Your Character Sketch

In the space below, please list as many character traits as you can think of:

(Remember, character/personality traits are not physical traits).

It is very important to provide proof for your character traits within your character sketch. This means that for each trait or characteristic you choose to include in your character sketch, you need to provide at least one example that serves as proof of the character trait. For example, if you were to say, “Jo is extremely creative,” the proof might consist of the following sentences, “Jo’s creativity is evident in everything she does. She writes feature articles for the Winnipeg Sun, she painted her house so that every room was a different bright colour with matching accessories in each room, and she makes really beautiful jewelry.”

Pretend that you know “Jo” and develop sentences that provide evidence for the each following descriptions of her character traits:

Jo has always been very independent: ___________________________________________


Jo is totally adventurous: ____________________________________________________


I’ve always admired Jo’s fun-loving nature: _______________________________________


Using Transition Words in Your Character Sketch

Using transition words in a character sketch will help the description “flow.” Transition words or phrases help bring ideas together. Transition words are often known as “connectors/connectives” because they are used to link ideas, sentences, and paragraphs. They will make your writing easier to follow and will therefore help to make a more cohesive piece of writing. Some examples of transitions words/phrases include: and, firstly, secondly, finally, next, also, therefore, for example, on the other hand, yet, to summarize, etc.

Can you think of any other transition words?

To practice using transition words, insert the best alternative from the list provided for each sentence:

1. It was announced that nurses’ working hours would be increased by 25%. ______________, fewer trainee nurses are expected to join the profession.

In contrast As a result Thirdly

2. Jamie is the kindest person I know. He volunteers ten hours a week at an animal shelter. _____________, he often spends Christmas Day serving dinner to the homeless.

On the contrary With reference to Similarly

3. Audrey is a really hard-worker but she struggles in her math course. _________________, when it comes to Drama class, she always gets the lead roles.

However And Secondly

4. Essays must be handed in by the deadline, _________________ they will not be marked.

Obviously Otherwise As a result

5. In order to try to reduce bullying in schools, presentations about the effects of bullying are being made in elementary schools and ________________, schools are distributing information packets to parents.

for instance in the same way however

Example Character Sketch

Please read the following example character sketch and complete the following:

- Underline the topic sentence

- Underline all character/personality traits you can find

- Circle any transition words you can find

My friend Liz is a true best friend. She always supports me in everything I want to do. When I wanted to try out for Rainbow Stage, she said she thought it would be a great experience whether I made it or not. She really made me feel confident about my audition and consequently, I got one of the supporting roles. Similarly, she always comes to watch every one of my performances in the school plays. I always get pumped for the show when I see her in the audience. Liz is not only a great supporter. She is also very trusting. She trusts me to give her my honest opinion and to say what I feel. When she was upset with her sister one time, she asked what I thought about it and I said she should wait and then she would find out the real reason why her sister was mad at her, and it ended up happening that way. She knew she could trust me. Also, Liz is totally fun-loving. She can really be a barrel of fun when she is in the mood. I really like when she does silly things. One night, we rented three movies and watched all three while we ate popcorn, cheese and crackers, and a whole box of chocolates. After the movie we talked and talked for hours. Consequently, we were up until about 3 in the morning. I feel so lucky to have Liz as my closest friend. She moved to Montreal this summer and as a result, I’ve felt quite sad throughout the past two months. However, I know that we will stay in touch and visit each other when we can. After all, she has done so much for me that the least I can do is hop on a plane and visit her!


Write a character sketch about yourself FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF SOMEONE WHO KNOWS YOU. (this means – pretending that you are your friend and writing about YOU in his/her “voice”). Your character sketch should be in the form of one paragraph and should include the following:

- a topic sentence that tells the reader something significant about you

- descriptions of at least 3 character traits (with supporting evidence/examples)

- transition words to help connect your ideas

- a concluding sentence that makes a final statement about what kind of person you are

Your character sketch should be at least half a page (hand-written). Please write legibly. If your writing tends to look “chicken scratch”-like, then please type assignments whenever possible.

DUE DATE: _______________________


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