Helpful Hints for Writing the Sarcasm Section

Helpful Hints for Writing the Sarcasm Section

The best way to start writing is to go through and find a bunch of places in Hamlet (Acts 1-2) where Hamlet uses sarcasm. Then, you are going to come to a conclusion about how Hamlet's use of sarcasm develops:

o His character: Think about his relationships and his personality. What do we know about him because of his use of sarcasm? Another way to think about it: what personality characteristics do sarcastic people (not just Hamlet, think about the people you know) usually have? Do these personality traits fit Hamlet? Hamlet’s tendency to use sarcasm gives us hints about his personality. Once you’ve identified those personality traits/characteristics, use that as your claim.

o The play: How does his use of sarcasm operate in the play? How does it contribute to plot development and relationships between characters?  

Whatever conclusion you come to on those two fronts is what you are going to say in your topic sentence. Make a statement about how it develops Hamlet's character and how his use of sarcasm develops the play. Then you can go back to your list of examples that you already found and use them for the statement-proof-commentary format. What you say for the commentary is going to be you explaining and connecting the quote to whatever claim you made in your topic sentence about what characteristics you’ve identified about Hamlet. Remember, always tie it back to your claim.

To conclude your paragraph, all you write is a sentence that talks about sarcasm in the broader sense and mentions your next essay topic (sanity/insanity) so that you have your transition.

Does all that make sense? If you have questions, just let me know.

Don’t forget: for Wednesday bring one hard copy of your sarcasm section to class. You DO NOT need to submit to .

Sample Organizational Outline:

I. Claim about Hamlet’s characterization (personality traits we can infer because he is sarcastic) and Hamlet’s sarcasm’s effect on the play

a. Quote that shows Hamlet being sarcastic

i. Explanation of how this shows the character traits you identified and effect on the play

b. Quote that shows Hamlet being sarcastic

i. Explanation of how this shows the character traits you identified and Hamlet’s sarcasm’s effect on the play

c. Transition to sanity/insanity section.


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