Biology PAP Lesson Plan

Biology PREP Lesson Plan

|10/21 |6A(R): SWBAT Identify components of DNA and | |Homework: Review Notes and complete mutation |

| |describe how information for specifying a trait|Opening: Protein Synthesis |activity |

| |of an organism is carried in the DNA. |New Material: Mutations | |

| | |Guided Practice: Mutation Activity Practice | |

| |6B(S): SWBAT recognize that components that |Assessment and Closing: Exit Ticket | |

| |make up the genetic code are common to all | | |

| |organisms. | | |

| | | | |

| |6C (S) Explain the purpose and process of | | |

| |transcription and translation using DNA and RNA| | |

| |models. | | |

| |6D (S) Recognize that gene expression is a | | |

| |regulated process. | | |

| | | | |

| |6E (R) Identify and illustrate changes in DNA | | |

| |and evaluate the significance of these changes.| | |

|10/22 |6A(R): SWBAT Identify components of DNA and |Opening: Mutaions |Homework: |

| |describe how information for specifying a trait|New Material: None |Review Notes for Unit 4 Exam |

| |of an organism is carried in the DNA. |Guided Practice: Exam Review | |

| | |Assessment and Closing: Exit Ticket | |

| |6B(S): SWBAT recognize that components that | | |

| |make up the genetic code are common to all | | |

| |organisms. | | |

| | | | |

| |6C (S) Explain the purpose and process of | | |

| |transcription and translation using DNA and RNA| | |

| |models. | | |

| |6D (S) Recognize that gene expression is a | | |

| |regulated process. | | |

| | | | |

| |6E (R) Identify and illustrate changes in DNA | | |

| |and evaluate the significance of these changes.| | |

|10/23-10/24|6A(R): SWBAT Identify components of DNA and |Opening: Test Review |Homework: |

| |describe how information for specifying a trait|New Material: None | |

| |of an organism is carried in the DNA. |Guided Practice: Unit 4 Exam | |

| | | | |

| |6B(S): SWBAT recognize that components that | | |

| |make up the genetic code are common to all | | |

| |organisms. | | |

| | | | |

| |6C (S) Explain the purpose and process of | | |

| |transcription and translation using DNA and RNA| | |

| |models. | | |

| |6D (S) Recognize that gene expression is a | | |

| |regulated process. | | |

| | | | |

| |6E (R) Identify and illustrate changes in DNA | | |

| |and evaluate the significance of these changes.| | |

|10/25 | 6D (S) Recognize that gene expression is a |Opening: What is regulation? |Homework: Review Notes |

| |regulated process. |New Material: None | |

| | |Guided Practice: Gene Expression |District Benchmark Friday 11/8 |

| | |Assessment and Closing: lac operon Exit Ticket | |

| | | | |

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• Plans are subject to change to support the needs of the classroom.


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